Spell for Today – A Spell To See Spirits c. 2014

A Spell to See Spirits

To see spirits, old European grimoires recommend mixing together aloe, pepper,
musk, vervain and saffron, and burning this in a cemetery.
We can adapt this for other locations (like those in which the spirit lived) by
adding a bit of sweetgrass or tobacco to a specially prepared incense.
Create the incense on the anniversary of the death of the individual you wish to
This is then burned at 11 am, in the safety of a majick circle that also holds
symbolic items to connect you to the entity.
An incantation to encourage the spirit’s presence is:

“Guardians of the Spirit realm,
hear and guide my plea.
When the witching hour rings true,
bring my relationship, name of person to me.
Other souls who hear my call,
are not welcome in this place.
Only the one known as name of person may enter sacred space.”

Repeat the request three times, twenty minutes apart, then wait quietly for
indications of a presence.
Signs include the scent of flowers, or favored cologne, a cool wind, movement of
curtains, and candles going out or twitching erratically.
Once you feel sure the spirit is with you, do not make it tarry overly long.
Take care of your business, say farewell, and thank the guardians for their
assistance before closing the circle.

A Word of Caution:
Spiritual entities should not be banished or called for amusement.
It is best to contact a knowledgeable, experienced psychic for advice or
assistance before undertaking any spells of this type.
It is used for communication, and understanding the purpose of spirits.
The best times are in-between times, such as noon, midnight, dusk and dawn.
Halloween. Seasons of late fall and winter.
When the Moon is in Libra. Eclipses. Wednesday.

Author unknown

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An Invaluable Herbal Grimoire Reference Guide

By Graphia, The Wordsmith Witch

No matter what your spiritual path looks like, every Witch can benefit from possessing a thorough, comprehensive Herbal Grimoire. Many practitioners include such contents as a guide for the magical correspondences of different herbs, a list of various herbal substitutions for spellcrafting, and last, but not least – a reference section that lists commonly found baneful herbs and their toxicity levels.

Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels.com

This herb correspondence chart is the culmination of years of research. We hope this reference guide will help you to understand the magical properties of herbs, roots, flowers, barks and resins. It is our goal to provide others with accurate sources of information to enrich their lives and their Craft. What are some ways you can implement the information in the following guide into your own practice?  Click on the link below to view the chart.

Herbal Grimoire

Calling Your Ancestors

I am blessed to work with to Archangel Suriel (a.k.a. Sariel), who helps people and other
living things that are stuck on this plain, for whatever reason, to accept their death and get
ready to cross to the Spirit Plane. I also work with Archangel Zlar, who crosses the Spirits from this plain to the
next The Spirit Plain is known by the name The Summerlands to many Witches and Wiccans.

In simpler terms, I am a medium an ability I was honored enough to be born with.I have to keep permanent protection shields up all the time so I can eat, sleep and live life without constantly hearing the voices of Spirits wanting to pass a message on to someone. While I am very grateful for the honor of the Archangels using me for this task; if I leave myself open all the time it can become unbearable to live with.

Many people are born with or are given this “gift” but do not know they have it or choose to ignore it. If someone ignores it just like any other talent not used it will wither and become dormant. If you may think you have this gift it can come to you in many ways. Some of which are: hearing voices, seeing someone/something out of the corner of your eye and when you turn your head no one is there, having consistent dreams of people who have crossed over (died) are the most common signs of this ability. One thing to always remember is if you have this ability that it is the Archangels mentioned above using you to help with their work and it is an honor to have this gift and yes, it can feel like a curse at times also..

This is spell can be used anytime you would like an Ancestor to visit or just on Samhain. I have written it two
different ways, one to invite them anytime you would like them near, and the other for on
Samhain (Pronounced Sow-en. Falls on October 31st when the veil between ours and the
Spirit plain is at its thinnest.).

Many covens set aside a portion of time during their Samhain celebration for members to call their ancestors into the circle to feast and celebrate with them. How this part of the Samhain celebration and ritual is done varies from coven to coven based on how the leader chooses to do it.

I found that I preferred even when I was with a coven that I liked talking and visiting with my ancestors alone. No special reason just personal preference.

What you need:

1 Birthday or short Candle for each Ancestor

A container with sand in it (I use an old metal pie plate)

Hot pad (to set container on to protect surface of what you set pie plate on)

Spell for any time use:

I invite _____ (fill in name of person you wish to contact) to come visit when I light this
candle one.

To visit and return to whence you came when your candle is done.

So mote it be.

Spell for Samhain:

I invite the Spirits I call upon to come to me one by one. (Light 1 candle each time you say
a name and place it in the sand)

Visit and return from whence you came when your candle is done.

So mote it be

After doing the spell spend some time just sitting quietly and thinking of the people you have summoned. They may just want to spend some time with you also and/or have a message for you or someone in your life. Ancestors are not just blood relatives that have crossed over they include anyone in your life that has had some type of impact on it. One of my favorite people to spend time with is an oil painting teacher I had when I was twelve years old. She was a very patient and sweet woman who help me through painting deal with my father’s crossing.

Copyright 2013 Lady Beltane

Magic Spell for Conjuring the Spirits of the Night

Magic Spell for Conjuring the Spirits of the Night


A powerful magic spell incantation that is cast to call forth the night spirits and lingering haunts.

Near to the midnight, find a dark and lonesome place for the most solitude. The room should have a window which can be opened, if not fully, at least partially.

Open the window.

One should prepare by sitting cross-legged on the floor, facing the north.

Clear your mind of all thoughts.

At the stroke of midnight, repeat the following invocation:

Spirits of the night, I beseech thee,
Find favor with mine call and summons,
On the seven winds I beg thee travel,
And greet me in mine presence,
For a speaking of things that need bespoke,
From this moment hence,
Thy powers do I wish invoke,
For things that need be done.

Once this invocation has been spoken, close your eyes, clear your mind and welcome the spirits as they enter. There is no way that one may know how many may come, but remember that they should be greeted, one and each, as they enter. They may appear as apparitions, or one may only feel their presence.

When they have finished their arrivals, you may communicate with them using only the voice of your mind.

The Witches Magick for April 21st – Summoning A Spirit to Help You

Witchy Comments & Graphics

Summoning A Spirit to Help You

Items You Will Need:

Night time
White candle (Optional)

The Spell

Right before you go to bed light the candle and cup your hand around the flame. In your other hand have the wand (If you don’t have a candle do the samething but there will be no flame) Close you eyes and while chanting this slowly raise your hands upwards (Chant 3-10 times):

Spirt I summon you to my dream and my life,
show me my path and my outcome
I welcome you in hopes for help,
I cry out to you.
Tell me my future and help me through it.
sprit of good I summon you to follow and lead me
night and day be by me, and show me the way
So mote it be!

After that blow out the candle and go to bed it may not work right awat but do this everynight until she/he comes.

Spells of Magic.com
Author: PerfectDeath

Sudden Need Summoning


This summoning is short and to the point. Usually used to protect the caster or another in a
sudden crisis. Here are several incantations for just such moments:

“By Dragon wing and Dragon claw,
My (his/her) Defense is without flaw.
Shrouded by Dragon might
Remove me (him/her) from their (his/her) sight.
Fly before me (him/her)
Dragon bright, And blind my (his/her) foe with
Thy light
Full of rage and terrible ire,
Burn them (him/her) with
Thy Dragon Fire!
Dark and terrible be
Thy wrath, Dragon, protect me (him/her)
on my (his/her) path!

Make the Sign of the Guardian (either in the air or on your brow) In the Air; Pull thumb and pinkie fingers into the palm and with middle, index and ring fingers draw three lines at once. Then bending the ring and middle into the palm, draw one line down the right side of the other three. On a surface simply draw it as you would in the air.

Sign Of The Guardian

Once the task is completed say:
Guardian Dragon thanks be to you, my friend both steadfast and true!”

If there is confusion on how to make the Sign of the Guardian, you can use the Dragon’s Eye of Protection (image below). It is just as effective and easier to make. It is called the Dragon’s Eye of Protection Talisman Symbol.

Dragon Eye Talisman of Protection

Honor Your Household Spirits

Witchy Comments & Graphics


When presenting your house spirits with offerings of incense,
candles or what not you can say this little chant:
“Wraith of the house, Take heart and live,
To every chamber This light I give,
To every corner This breath I send
Approve and favor my willing hand.”

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Eyes of the Wolf Spell

Eyes of the Wolf Spell

(Wolf Moon)
As the first full moon after the winter solstice or Yule, the Wolf Moon is one of the most important of the high moons. A  full moon occurs when the sun and the moon are aligned on opposite sides of the earth. This alignment of the two celestial bodies has a strong effect on the  earth. This alignment of the two celestial bodies has a strong effect on the earth, producing a time when energy is high. This is why full moon rituals can  be incredibly powerful times for doing magick.
When looking through the eyes of the wolf, the idea is to perceive the true nature of people, events and experiences.  Expand your perception and awareness using the instincts of the wolf. The wolf is part of a pack that use their knowledge and wits to survive a time when the  earth is cold and barren.
This is also when new patterns are conceived, setting the stage for what is to come. This is also the ideal time for  foretelling the future, clairvoyance, and divination practices.
At midnight, begin by drawing a circle of light. This is done by standing at your altar and pounding the stick end of  your wand on the altar nine times. Pick up you athame and point it toward the north point of your circle. Starting and ending in the north, draw a magickal  circle of light clockwise around the circle. Next, call in the elements of earth, air, fire and water.
Standing in the middle of the circle, call in the powers of the wolf:
“On this full moon night at this hour
I call now upon the ancient animal powers
To guide me in the ways of the wolf
Where instinct and wit prevail
Through darkness, wind, rain and hail
I am the wolf, the wolf is me
So be it! Blessed be!
As you enjoy your evening, imagine seeing through the eyes of the wolf. Imagine dreaming with the eyes of the wolf. In  the morning pull up the circle and thank the elements. Also than the wolf for its guidance and power.
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The Witches Spell for Nov. 8th: Spell to Protect Children from Bullies


Spell to Protect Children from Bullies

If your child is being bullied at school, you should make plans to get your child out of that school immediately. Don’t wait for teachers or administrators to take responsibility. Chances are they won’t. Meanwhile, your child is suffering and maybe in terrible danger.

Until you sort out your practical plan of action, protect your child with this spell:

Make or purchase a poppet. These are featureless rag dolls usually made of muslin. They can sometimes be found at hobby or craft stores.

Fill it with any combination of the following protective herbs:



Rose Petals






Add a few of your child’s hairs or nail clippings.

Place the poppet on your altar and arrange 9 pink candles in a circle around it. In between each candle place a clear quartz crystal.

Light each candle and say, “Goddess (God, protective angels or other powerful spirit), protect my child with light and love.”

Imagine a pink cloud enveloping the poppet and radiating a protective glow.

When the candles have burned down. Wrap the poppet in a pink cloth and place it in a drawer where it will be safe.

The Witches Magick for October 29th – Conjuring Spirits Spell


To Conjure Spirits

Waxing Moon or Full Moon: Waning or New Moon

Two tall purple candles

Two tall green candles

A purple Amethyst Green Jade or Agate – in center of altar

Sandalwood & Lavender Incense or Sandalwood & Willow Bark Incense

Spirit Candle

Cast a triple circle. Conjuring of Spirits is always done in hours of darkness, not necessary to be midnight, but preferred. After you have performed your primary ritual, cast the incense into your burner, Place the Spirit Candle into the center of the altar and say:

“Spirit of good will, I bid thee enter
The Outer Circle.
The Second Circle.
The Inner Circle.
I am protected by this Pentacle upon my breast.
Which bears the name of (your Spirit Guide)
I bid thee, Spirit, Reveal thy Earthly name!

(turn slowly deosil as you speak)

Repeat this conjuration three times.

Perform a nine card Tarot Divination for the Spirit’s name, unless the Spirit replies in some other manner.


Have you a message for me?

Perform A Tarot Divination or use the Witches’ Bowl to ask questions.

Spirit, is it true that….?

Deal gently with the friendly Spirits and they will lead you to the Greater Mysteries.

During your questioning, observe the Spirit Candle. If it wavers or rises and falls, or flickers unevenly, use the Tarot to see if the Spirit has a message.

You may ask 3 questions, after that you must ask:

May I seek further guidance?

Ask only 3 more questions.

Bid the Spirit depart, saying:

(Name), Good Spirit,
Thou hast diligently answered my questions and I do thank thee. I
hereby give thee license to depart. Depart, thrice – blessed Spirit, and be
thou willing to return when next I conjure thee. By the sound of this bell

(Use your Witches’ Bell),

I bid thee leave. Depart, Depart. Depart!

*Witches’ Bowl

Three casting stones, a bowl or tray 13″ or more in diameter, marked for divination.

A Spell to Get Rid of Negative Energy or Spirit

A Spell to Get Rid of Negative Energy or Spirit

Items You need:

Sage, the herb (basil can be use as an substitute)

When To Cast:

During the Waning Moon

To cleanse a room, simply pass the smoke of the burning sage over the walls, into the corners, in the closets, and in any nooks and crannies where shadows–and energy–gather. Pass the smoke along the frames of the doors and windows. Let it eddy across the floor. This simple process is vital whenever something tragic, negative or emotionally wrenching has happened. It’s also beneficial if someone in your home is physically ill or feeling out of sorts. You don’t have to say anything or engage in any ritual. Simply hold the intent in your mind that you are cleaning the area of negative energy.

A sage wand is ideal for smudging. It doesn’t have to be relit, it’s easy to carry, and when you’re finished, you simply stub out the burning end so that it can be reused.

Spell to Rid Yourself of a Nuisance Spirit

Spell to Rid Yourself of a Nuisance Spirit

Say “What is dark be filled with light, remove this spirit from my sight.”
Before starting place your hand before you, and start the flow of power out of your hand and then say the words, letting the envisioned blue-white light from your power hand fill the room or house or any other place that you might be.

Spirit Summoning Spell

Spirit Summoning Spell

You might ask why summon a spirit. If it has been haunting you or just making you feel uncomfortable. You can find out exactly what it wants by summoning it.

Ingredients:   Mint Sprigs

Another technique used to enhance your positive results during a spirit summoning session, is to leave twigs or pieces of fresh mint as an offering during your attempted contacts.   If you are attempting the contact inside a magical circle, the mint should be placed on your altar, in an offering plate.

WOTC Spell of the Day for Jan. 30th: Spell for Increasing Spiritual Medium Abilities

Spell for Increasing Spiritual Medium Abilities

A Departed -Loved One May Be Trying to Relay a Message To YOU!

When the moon is waxing or full, cast rune stones for indication of what lies ahead for you. Cast the stones only once. Holding the stone in your hand, consult a reliable source for the meaning of the rune if it is unknown to you. Then return the stones to their bag and place them on the altar.

Now go to your special place in nature, and on a still night, sit below a tree that you have chosen specially for magickal purposes. Sit where you can see the moon through the tree’s branches.

Ask for the assistance and protection of your Benevolent Spirit Guardians and Guides during this and every divination.

In a ceramic bowl, mix wood sorrel and wild thyme together. Burn this mixture as an offering to the strong and blessed spirits and elementals watching over you. Thank them for their light and protection as you call upon their Insight.

Stare into the smoke from the incense – cup your hand round it if it dissipates into the air too quickly – and say:

I call upon Wisdom; I call upon Light I call to my loved ones and ancestors long past Speak to me here by word or by sign Connect us clearly; let me hear your wisdom at last.

So Mote it Be.

On another night when the moon is waxing or full, ask at least one other to join you in contacting the spirits of departed loved ones. In a ceramic bowl, grind some dried chicory root and cinquefoil and mix in a few cloves. Burn this as an incense offering to the world of spirits when asking them to come to you to answer your questions. Hold hands to consolidate your energies and ask that the spirits come forth with wisdom and guidance. Use a Ouija board with care, asking for protection from all negatives energies first. Use only if you have a man and a woman present- as it should be used with both male and female energies.

Before going to bed that night, mix together the following herbs: mugwort, cinnamon, mandrake, thyme and anise seeds. Put these into a purple or blue flannel mojo bag with the sacred rune stone SIGHEL. Sew the bag shut and keep it under your pillow at night to draw in prophetic dreams from a spirit guardian or a departed loved one who may be trying to give you a message.

The Witches Spell for Monday, January 28th: A Spell To See The Great Spirits/Deities

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A Spell To See The Great Spirits/Deities

To see spirits, old European grimoires recommend mixing together aloe, pepper, musk, vervain and saffron, and burning this in a cemetery. We can adapt this for other locations (like those in which the spirit lived) by adding a bit of sweetgrass or tobacco to a specially prepared incense. Create the incense on the anniversary of the death of the individual you wish to contact. This is the burned at 11 am, in the safety of a magick circle that also holds symbolic items to connect you to the entity.

An incantation to encourage the spirit’s presence is:

“Guardians of the Spirit realm,

hear and guide my plea.

When the witching hour rings true,

bring my relationship, name of person to me.

Other souls who hear my call,

are not welcome in this place.

Only the one known as name of person may enter sacred space.”

Repeat the request three times, twenty minutes apart, then wait quietly for indications of a presence. Signs include the scent of flowers, or favored cologne, a cool wind, movement of curtains, and candles going out or twitching erratically. Once you feel sure the spirit is with you, do not make it tarry overly long. Take care of your business, say farewell, and thank the guardians for their assistance before closing the circle.

A Word of Caution:

Spiritual entities should not be banished or called for amusement. It is best

to contact a knowledgeable, experienced psychic for advice or assistance

before undertaking any spells of this type. It is used for communication,

and understanding the purpose of spirits. The best times are in-between

times, such as noon, midnight, dusk and dawn. Halloween. Seasons of late fall

and winter. When the Moon is in Libra. Eclipses. Wednesday.

Spirit Guide Contact Spell

Spirit Guide Contact Spell


You will need:

Altar Candle
Black Candle
3 Purple Votive Candles
3 White Votive Candles
Crystal Ball or Scrying Dish
Incence: Anise, Cardomon or Coriander
Oil: Jasmine, Lemon, Rose, Sandalwood
Bathing Herbs: Cinnamon, Frankincense, Myrrh and Sandalwood

Mix together a sachet of the bathing herbs, or alternatively blend an oil – these should be added to the water you run for a ritual bath.

Once you are immersed in the water breathe deeply, visualise a ball of protective light around you. Meditate on the reasons for contact, visualise the steps you will take and what you wish to say to your spirit guide.

Cast a circle if that is your tradition.

Light the incense.
With the oil, dress the Altar Candle and the Black Candle while concentrating on the purpose of the ritual. Light your Altar candle and your Day candle and state your intent:

“I am here to make contact with my Spirit Guide, and to acknowledge him or her”

With your Athame, inscribe Violet Candle #1 with the word “Spirit”. Dress it with oil.
Light the Violet candle #1, direct your energies into it, and say:

“Here do I light the first Lamp of Spirit. May its light reach out across the barriers from
this world to the next. May it make contact with that World of Spirit into which we will eventually enter.”

Take your censer or incense wand and swing in around censing the whole area
around the altar, while rhythmically repeating the word “Merge” and building up
energy to focus.

Replace the censer and pick up Violet candle #2. Inscribe it with the word
“Spirit” and dress it with the oil. Put it back on the altar, light it, direct
your energy into it, and say:

“Here do I light the second Lamp of Spirit. May it’s light also reach out across the barriers from this world to the next. May it make contact with that World of Spirit and help spread the light, illuminating the passageway between our worlds.”

Again, take the censer or incense wand and cense the entire area around the
altar while chanting the word “Merge” Build up your energy to focus.

Take violet candle #3, inscribe with the word “Spirit”, dress with oil, charge
with your energy, light it and say:

“Here do I light the third Lamp of Spirit.
May its light also reach out across the barriers from this world to the next. May the light
from these three lamps blend and grow, dispelling all darkness and lighting the
way that my Spirit Guide may come to me and speak with me here today.”

Inscribe the 3 white candles with the word “Truth” and anoint each candle with
oil. Light the 3 white candles in order of 1, 2, 3, and say:

“Here do I build Truth. As these candles burn throughout this ritual, their power
generates nothing but truth in all that transpires between this world and the next.
Through these candles there is truth in all communications that come to me”.

Again, cense the entire altar area while chanting the word “Merge”.

Replace the censer and continue chanting. Sit comfortably while chanting, and
gaze into the crystal ball, or the scrying bowl. Continue chanting until
you feel it is right to let the chant taper off.

Continue to quietly look into the crystal ball or bowl, not trying to picture
anything. Keep your mind blank, so whatever comes will appear will come in its
own free will.

Gaze into the centre of the crystal, there is no need to try not to blink. Look
into the crystal and blink naturally. Try not to notice anything in your
peripheral vision, just the centre of the crystal.

Eventually a face or figure will appear. This may take a long time, or it may
appear almost immediately. If it doesn’t come at all within approximately 20
minutes, abandon this attempt, extinguish the candles in the order in which they were
lit, leave the altar set up, and try this ritual again in three days. You should
have results within a month at most.

When a figure does appear, ask if he/she is your Spirit Guide. You will hear an
answer. You may not hear it out loud, or even see the figures lips move, but you
will be aware of the answer. This is how most of your conversation will proceed. You
will ask your questions mentally (or out loud) and the answers will be clear
inside your mind.

Ask if you have more than one spirit guide. If yes, ask them to appear also.
You may ask anything you wish to know, but it is suggested to establish a
connection first where your Spirit Guide may appear to you at any time, or at
specific times, so that you can converse with other spirits through him/her.

When you have finished speaking with your Guide, thank him/her, then sit for a
moment with your eyes closed, meditating on all that you have learned.
Extinguish the candles in reverse order to clear the circle.

Energy Summoning Spell

Energy Summoning Spell


Items You Will Need:

  • A black pen
  • A piece of paper

The Spell:

Draw a pentagram on the paper, raise your power hand (hand you write with) above the paper and say the following incantation:

“Energy I summon thee,
black to white,
dark to light,
I call to thee,
precious energy.
this is my will,
So Mote It Be.”

After you have summoned the energy it is up to you how you use it.

Summoning Family Witches

Summoning Family Witches


Items You Will Need:

  • 5 white candles
  • salt

The Spell:

Draw Pentagram with salt.
Place the candles at the 5 points.
If there are more than one of you stand around the circle of the Pentagram holding hands.
Chant together.. “I call forth from space and time.
Matriarchs from the ____________ line: Mothers, Daughters, Fathers, Sons.
Our Family’s spirit without end, to Gather now in this place and help us! “

Summoning the Ancestors

Summoning the Ancestors

Items You Will Need:

  • A Staff (preferably one you have worked with before)
  • Incense burner (stick and cone incense will work here, I first made this ritual using those, but you must have a way to burn the offering)
  • Purification or protection Incense (I use Frankincense or Sandalwood)
  • a small offering (meat works well, though bread will work too, I’m not sure about offertory incense though because I have never tried to use it with this ritual)
  • 6 white Candles (any type will do, i just depends on how long you intend to hold the ritual, I usually use tea candles if I’m not going to take too long, though it can be hard to tell sometimes how long the ritual will last.

The Spell:

This ritual works best at night though can be performed at any time

Form the candles into a circle around the incense burner (or incense) and light the candles and start burning the incense (note: if using stick or cone incense, keep a ready supply within the ritual area and light it with the candles, there can be no new fire added or it can disrupt the ritual)

(optional, but recommended) Cast a circle

Hold up your staff and visualize a light at its end as you say in a firm tone

“Ancestors of Blood and Spirit, come to this light. Come to guide and aid me in this time and place, for I seek you wisdom and knowledge, please lend me your aid and grant me an audience oh wise ones”

You should start to feel their presence in short order, though you can never tell how many or which of your ancestors will come, some may not even be related to you by blood and some may only have spiritual ties (I have had a few animals and one Amakua [guardian spirit/deity] show up, this is why I recommend some experience with spirits

Hold the ritual for as long as you need

When closing the ritual don’t forget to burn the offering and be careful to thank all that came and bid that they fare well until next time (this can be anyway you like as long as it is personnel and done with the appropriate respect)

Extinguish the candles one by one and envision that the spirits are leaving with the candle smoke

Open the circle once the last spirit has left.

To Summon the Spirits

To Summon the Spirits

By using this spell, you can summon a spirit that can help you when you need it.

 Items That You Need:

a bell

The Spell:

Think of the person and chant the following:

Blood of my blood your sprits of love
Come from below and above
Entities loving who wish me well
Come to this Circe when I sound this bell

After that ring the bell 3 times. You can repeat this spell every one hour.