The Witches Correspondences for Thursday c. 2014

The Witches Correspondences for Thursday

Magickal Intentions: Luck, Happiness, Health, Legal Matters, Male Fertility, Treasure and Wealth, Honor, Riches, Clothing Desires, Leadership, Public Activity, Power and Success Incense: Cinnamon, Must, Nutmeg and Sage
Planet: Jupiter
Sign: Sagittarius and Pisces
Angel: Sachiel
Colors: Purple, Royal Blue and Indigot
Herbs/Plants: Cinnamon, Beech, Buttercup, Coltsfoot, Oak
Stones: Sugilite, Amethyst, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli and Sapphire
Oil: (Jupiter) Clove, Lemon Balm, Oakmoss, Star Anise

Jupiter presides over Thursday. The vibrations of this day attune well to all matters involving material gain. Use them for working rituals that entail general success, accomplishment, honors and awards, or legal issues. These energies are also helpful in matters of luck, gambling, and prosperity.

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Moon Signs

Just as the sun does, the moon travels through the constellations of stars that we call the zodiac; or astrological signs. Whereas the sun take a year to travel through them all, spending approximately thirty days in  each sign, the moon usually spends two and a half days in a sign, thus  passing through the whole zodiac in approximately one lunar month. Does the moon actually travel through these signs? No, of course not. It appears to do so from our vantage point on Earth, however.

Each sign has a different personality that affects the lunar (or solar) energy when the luminary is passing through it. For example, if your spell is to help you meet new people, then you might choose to cast it when the moon is in the sign of Libra, the sign associated with social issues.  The lunar energy you use to power your spell will be enhanced with Libran energy. Here’s a list of correspondences for the signs of the Zodiac. The correspondences are applicable to the moon, and of course to the sun as well:

  • Aries   energy is good for new beginnings and action

  • Taurus   energy is good for manifestation

  • Gemini   energy is excellent for communication and intellectual pursuits

  • Cancer   energy is associated with family and the home

  • Leo   energy is good for success

  • Virgo   energy is organized and practical

  • Libra   energy is terrific for social issues

  • Scorpio   energy is passionate and just

  • Sagittarius   energy is associated with study

  • Capricorn   energy is stable and good for business issues

  • Aquarius   energy is excellent for issues involving groups of people

  • Pisces energy is associated with mysticism and spiritual evolution

Seasons of the Witch – Legends and Lore, Ancient Holidays And Some Not So Ancient!

Seasons of the Witch – Legends and Lore, Ancient Holidays And Some Not So Ancient!

Today Is …

On this date (approximately), the Sun enters the astrological sign of Virgo. Persons born under the sign of the Virgin are said to be analytical, organized, meticulous, and often prone to being perfectionists. Virgo is an earth sign and is ruled by the planet Mercury.

Festival of Nemesis. Dress in white today. Participate in an activity centered on social justice. Communicate clearly.

Egypt/Kemet: Feast of the birth of Osiris; the partner and great love of Isis, father of Horus; guide of all husbands, fathers, and judges.

Greece: Feast day of Agios (Saint) Dionysios. The processions for this patron saint of the Ionian island of Zante are very colourful. The town holds a procession, strewing the roads with myrtle branches for the saint to pass over.

Rome: Opening of Mundus Cereris; the womb or labyrinthine passage to the underworld, the domain of Ceres, the great Mother of vegetation. Also, Feast day of Mania. Today was the first day of the Roman festival for the manes, deified ancestral spirits. According to some, the European St Bartholomew’s Day festivities grew out of this ancient festival. See Pip Wilson’s almanac for Bartlemas information.

Papua-New Guinea: Waratambar, the day of thanksgiving to God and Nature for the goodness of the harvest. In New Ireland villages, people celebrate with song and dance in costumes representing comic characters. It is a big day for gatherings of family and friends.

Swaziland, Umhlanga week at the royal city of Lobamba, Swaziland. Young girls gather reeds for several days and on the sixth bring them to the queen or queen mother of this African monarchy. Before the queen, they dance the umhlanga, a slow processional dance. The girls throw reeds in the air as a coming-of-age rite. On day seven, the girls rebuild the screens around the royal kraal with reeds.

England: Chimney sweeps’ feast. Begun in the early 19th century by a man named Jem White, in Smithfield. Only the young child apprentices to the master-sweeps were invited, and Jem White himself was head waiter.

Resource – See Festivals & Holidays:

GrannyMoon’s Morning Feast Archives Remember the ancient ways and keep them sacred! )0( Live each Season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each. ~Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862)

  • • • •.

Courtesy of GrannyMoonsMorningFeast


Astral Color Correspondences for Astrology, Spells & Magick

Astral Color Correspondences for Astrology, Spells & Magick


Color correspondences are just one more valuable ingredient in any astrological reading of a horoscope or interpretation of zodiac influences, but they are equally important when combining astrology with a magic spell or ritual. The appropriate colors for a particular astrological sign, zodiac sigil, or horoscope chart when combined with a spell or incantation can be included to symbolize the intent or purpose of the spell being cast. The traditional associations for particular colors as listed below are intended to provide the historical, traditional correspondences of color as employed over the last few centuries.

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18): Sky Blue

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20): Lavender

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19): Red

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20): Green

Gemini (May 21-Jun 21): Pink

Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 22): Silver

Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22): Gold

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22): Navy

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22): Green

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21): Red

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21): Navy

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19): Brown

Your Horoscopes for Sunday, March 2nd

Maintaining our confidence is challenging now as we ride conflicting cosmic waves. We may already be experiencing delays on this first full day of Mars retrograde. Karmic Saturn turns retrograde today, further impeding our progress. Luckily, we receive an energetic kick from the Moon’s entry into impulsive Aries at 10:39 am EST. But a dynamic square between the cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars, stirs up relationship issues that try our patience.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You receive a boost of power from Mars today, making you think you’re fast enough to pass everyone else on the highway. However, it turns out that your car might not have enough horsepower to win the race. Your current plans could be built on an unrealistic assessment of the situation, so don’t assume that everything will automatically go your way. Ease up on the accelerator; you’ll arrive at your destination sooner if you don’t push so hard. This is not a competition; just find a sustainable pace to reach your goal.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

You’re tempted to take action today so you won’t have to defend yourself later — especially if you feel that someone is attacking your values. It’s easy to get worked up over this unsettling situation, but your integrity may not really be at stake. Achieving your relationship goals could require additional time, but the delays won’t be significant if you stay flexible. Alter your path but not your destination, even if a partner’s resistance is an obstacle. Adjusting your schedule is a small price to pay for progress.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

You may feel as if you’re working harder today, but not necessarily getting anything done. Although your high adrenaline has you twitching with excitement, your smartest strategy is to let circumstances dictate the speed at which you work. Instead of allowing anger to get the best of you, take the edge off your feelings by engaging in strenuous physical activity. But don’t forget to pay careful attention to your feelings; your self-awareness can save you from emotionally exhausting yourself for no reason.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Although you’re craving a meaningful connection with someone special, you still might be tempted to pull back into your shell to protect your heart. Unfortunately, buried emotional pain can turn into resentment, which is even more difficult to resolve later on. But now it’s time to figure out what needs to be said and find ways to say it. Your future well-being depends on your willingness to bring your feelings out into the open once and for all.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

You’re up for nearly anything today, especially if you can convince a group of people to join in your adventure. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to get anyone to fall in line with your plans. However, your confidence flies in the face of logic now, inspiring everyone you encounter. Instead of attempting to restrain your friends and family members, encourage them to wander through their dreams in search of spiritual meaning. However, don’t assume that others will reveal the ultimate truth to you. You must discover that for yourself.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Although your uncertainty makes it difficult to fulfill your commitments today, you still want to hold up your end of the deal. But your dreams can be overwhelming now and it’s really not a good idea to shut them off so quickly. It won’t be easy to integrate your most creative fantasies into your routine, but it’s worth the try. Put your facts in order and hone your skills. You need to perform at the peak of your abilities to make the most of these auspicious times.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Developing your plans for the months ahead should be your top priority now that Mars is retrograde in your diplomatic sign. But you must take someone else’s schedule into consideration while the reflective Moon is visiting your 7th House of Partnerships. Thankfully, there’s no need to rush your agenda; it’s more sensible to work at whatever pace feels comfortable to everyone involved. Lead by example and demonstrate your willingness to compromise.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Your dreams may conjure up memories of the past and your emotions are so intense now that it’s challenging to express them without instigating a bit of drama. Fortunately, you’re capable of painting a beautiful picture from a less-than-pretty experience. Alternatively, you could misguide your creativity with negativity based on low self-esteem. No matter what, be careful about confusing your fears with what’s truly happening in your environment. For the sake of peace, channel your passion into your art.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Your natural persuasive abilities are augmented now by your idealistic vision of what’s possible. But this isn’t about focusing on the details since you’re more concerned with theory rather than practice. Nevertheless, make certain that what you are saying is true or you might mislead yourself as well as everyone else. Don’t let tensions build to a breaking point. A logical plan, along with a willingness to listen to the opinions of others, is your best assurance to get what you want.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You need to pick one idea and stick with it, as difficult as this sounds now. But don’t take yourself too seriously since you can accomplish more if you have fun while you’re doing your chores. Cut yourself a bit of slack; everything might take a bit longer to finish than you thought. You will be happier today once you accept that you’re not always in control. Letting go of your expectations allows closer bonds to develop between you and those you love. Sometimes, taking a break is just what the doctor ordered.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You may feel exhausted from having to keep up appearances, but today you’re drawn into situations that are lighthearted and joyful. Taking time for the kids or jumping into a creative project might be enough to stir up the energy. However this cosmic chemistry plays out, don’t resist having fun while you can, even if it makes other parts of your life more complicated for a while. A bit of added complexity is a small price to pay for returning to your chores with a positive perspective and plenty of passion.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Pulling in your energy and being a little less aggressive about getting your way over the next couple of months might sound like odd advice for you sensitive Fish; however, it’s just what you need to do. Paradoxically, you may accomplish more than usual during this time of retreat. Try to spend more time today listening to your own inner voice and tuning out the external noise. Even if this strategy makes you a bit stir crazy, remember that this is your chance to recharge your vitality and reconnect with your spiritual core.

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Let’s Get A Jump On The Week Ahead – Weekly Astrology: March 2-8, 2014

Weekly Astrology: March 2-8, 2014

Turn your frown upside down this week!

Maria DeSimone Maria DeSimone on the topics of venus, mars, astrology

The week may not begin on a happy note, especially when it comes to romantic and partnership matters. Is there any hope at all?

Of course! But you’ll have to wait until Wednesday, when love planet Venus moves into friendly Aquarius.

Sunday, March 2: Venus in Capricorn square Mars Retrograde in Libra and Saturn Retrograde

On Sunday, Venus in sober Capricorn will be at odds with Mars Retrograde in Libra. This incompatible combination between the cosmic lovers might leave you feeling as if you’ll never find the middle ground between you and your sweetie that you hope for. In business relationships expect a gridlock alert!

On the same day, Saturn will turn retrograde, where he’ll remain until July 20. Over these months it’ll be a good idea to retrace your steps around career moves and goals. This will especially apply to partnerships and other collaborations until May 19.

Monday, March 3: Sun in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn

On Monday, there is a light of hope in the sky. The Sun in Pisces will be at a friendly angle to Pluto, allowing you to transform an inspired project in a way that allows its light to shine through.

Wednesday, March 5: Venus in Aquarius

Matters of the heart and friendship get a jolt on Wednesday, when love planet Venus moves into Aquarius, where she’ll remain until April 5. Now, the way to your heart is through camaraderie. Friends first will be a must, but it’s also possible that you’ll be more attracted to those who reveal their humanitarian side more easily. You might work on a group endeavor that has the capacity to benefit the masses, and as you do so you just might meet someone who makes your heart swoon.

Because Aquarius is ruled by tech-savvy Uranus, Internet dating will be a popular way to meet someone special. You might also notice a greater amount of flirty remarks on your Twitter feed!

Thursday, March 6: Jupiter Direct

Then, Jupiter turns direct on Thursday, and you’ll feel like luck is once again on your side. Ah, that’s exactly where it should be!

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Daily Cosmic Calendar for Sunday, March 2nd

The Moon is void in Pisces from 3:05AM (during a supportive, 60-degree sextile from the lunar orb to Venus in Capricorn) to 7:41AM when the Moon enters fiery, assertive Aries. Plus, the Moon is illuminating Juno themes (style, design, beauty and fashion) as these two celestial bodies unite at 6:59AM (during the void time-span).  Usually, the Moon starting a new round of visits through the 12 signs of the zodiac will emphasize a spring-like approach to life, enhancing one’s buoyant, energetic and spontaneous nature. However, following yesterday’s one-two punch of Mars and Vesta being stationary and turning into reverse (therefore temporarily stronger in their influence on humans), we now hear Saturn’s response and it is yet another station — this time at 24 degrees of Scorpio (8:20AM) — and a cycle that will continue until July 20. Thus, you need to add Saturn archetypes — such as structure, form, logic, common sense, pragmatism, conservation, persistence, hard work, responsibility, executive authority, but also doubt, pessimism, chills, colds, chronic disabilities, falls and fears — to the archetypes of Mars and Vesta that are now floating around in abundance in the psychic atmosphere of humanity. Slowing your pace around the horn is wise.  Adding to today’s potential celestial mischief-making is Venus in Capricorn square to Mars in Libra (12:05PM). Projecting anger on to friends and loved ones is a no-no. Romance may suffer a bit of short-circuiting while this 90-degree aspect is present. It doesn’t help that the Moon parallels radical-change agent, eccentric Uranus (2:42PM) while the Sun forms a caustic, 135-degree tie with Mars still virtually stationary (8:39PM). Emulate Houdini and try to escape from any self-created cages and traps of your own making. Gear up for another soul-searching, wild ride on Monday. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

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Your Charm for Thursday, February 27th is Cancer the Crab

Your Charm for Today

Cancer the Crab

Today’s Meaning:

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is emotional, loving, intuitive, imaginative, shrewd, cautious, protective and sympathetic. This could be an elder you look up too.

General Description:

Fourth sign of the Zodiac, June 22nd to July 23rd. Ruled by the Moon; correct metal, Silver. Those born under Cancer’s influence were supposed to be keen observers, imaginative, strong willed, reliant, tenacious, imressionable, brilliant, reserved, exacting, and sometimes over anxious. The Cancer stones are the emerald, agate, and chalcedony. The emerald was most highly esteemed in ancient times, was believed to possess great healing powers, and to be benficial to the eyes. Emerald talismans were worn to invode eloquence, courage, protection from sickness, and by seamen to guard them from perils at sea. Emeralds were supposed to turn pale at the approach of danger.

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Just for Fun – “Pick Up Lines By The Signs”

Pick Up Lines By The Signs

Aries I’m on fire. Can I run through your sprinkler?

Taurus I just had to come talk with you. Sweetness is my weakness.

Gemini Do you have any overdue library books? ‘Cause you’ve got the word “fine” written all over.

Cancer Can I borrow a quarter? I want to call my mom and tell her I just met the person I’m going to marry.

Leo Is it hot in here, or is it just me?

Virgo Baby, you must be a broom, ’cause you just swept me off my feet.

Libra If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I’d be walking through my garden forever.

Scorpio Your place or mine?

Sagittarius Hi, I’m writing a term paper on the finer things in life. Can I interview you?

Capricorn Have you always been this cute, or did you have to work at it?

Aquarius You’re hot. You must be the reason for global warming.

Pisces Are you as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside?

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Your Daily Horoscopes for Thursday, February 27th

We are reminded that we’re each part of a larger community now that the Moon is visiting humanistic Aquarius. We want the clarity of logic to rule our lives today, but we can’t fully detach from our feelings with the Sun in compassionate Pisces. Still, nothing is gained if we over-personalize our emotional responses to the circumstances we face. Cultivating a more global approach to solving our problems is the best strategy for the time being.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Your friends and associates show up in unexpected ways today, making life easier for you. With their assistance, you’re able to solve nearly any problem, even those that have plagued you for a while. In turn, you can lend your positive spirit to helping others or organizing social activities. Host an event or jump into a group discussion where you can interact with interesting people who are sharing intriguing ideas. For now, it really might take a village to fulfill all of your needs.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

There’s no reason to be too concerned if you’re not fully appreciated at work today. In fact, it may not be the best time to ask for the recognition you deserve. Reflect carefully on the ramifications of your actions before stating your needs. You could be overly sensitive now, so it won’t take much to stir self-doubt about your career aspirations. Nevertheless, it won’t help your cause if you take things too personally. Keep a positive attitude; today’s optimism leads to tomorrow’s success.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

Your inventive mind can take you nearly anywhere today; it’s up to you to decide your destination. Although others may lift your spirits with their good ideas, don’t spend time with people who are overly serious now. A lighthearted engagement is more consistent with your present frame of mind, so find someone who is witty enough to keep up with the intellectual games that you love so much. Just remember you can play until your heart’s content, but at some point you’re going to have to get down to business.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

A bit of relationship drama is likely today because your emotions may be somewhat erratic. It’s challenging to get a handle on the situation because you might not feel like you’re standing on solid ground. The rules are in flux now, making this a poor time to hold onto the status quo. Be courageous and open your heart to new ways of connecting with others. Take a deep breath and prepare for positive change.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Visitors may come and go unexpectedly, filling your day with surprises. There seems to be fewer limitations on how you communicate with others today, allowing for possible breakthroughs in relationships. If you believe the time is right, take a risk and say what’s on your mind. Thankfully, you can create new rules for sharing your life with someone you trust; all it takes is a little imagination now and the confidence to move forward. Let your heart lead the way.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

You’re inspired today by an ingenious approach to a work project, a hobby or even a task at home. All you have to do is release the old and tired way of doing things to make room for new and improved ideas. Entertaining all possibilities prevents you from becoming bogged down in an unnecessary dispute. Remember, getting the job done now is more important than determining who’s right.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

It’s playtime today, whether you do something fun with kids or get in touch with your own inner child. Silly games, creative endeavors and romantic pursuits are all appropriate now as long as you allow yourself to bask in the pleasure of being alive. If you are under too much pressure, take a break to breathe deeply. Even a short walk will do you good. Anything that creates movement and gets oxygen into your lungs also brings fresh hope into your heart.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

An apparently unresolvable emotional issue may slow you down today. Surprisingly, you can see progress once you realize that you really do have more choices than you thought. You might not be thrilled with the current options, but any decision you make now is better than none at all. Ultimately, it’s crucial to keep moving forward. Even if you’re still unsure about your new direction, change for the sake of change will do you good.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Feed your current taste for unconventional activities now by stepping off the beaten track and exploring the territory outside your familiar haunts. Even if you’re hesitant at first, once you get going you won’t want to look back. Sweep away old cobwebs that have settled into your life by steering clear of worn-out patterns and people who don’t have your best interests at heart. Out with the old and in with the new.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Although you usually don’t mind it when other people lean on you, it may be particularly annoying today. Others trust you because they assume you’re not going to follow a crazy notion on a whim. Nevertheless, it doesn’t seem fair that everyone else is free to be weird and off the wall while you are expected to be the stabilizing influence who holds down the fort. However, you might just surprise someone now by acting out of character in order to restore a bit of balance to the relationship dynamics. You deserve to have some fun, but don’t rebel just to prove a point.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You’re probably feeling quite moody now that the emotional Moon is visiting your sign. You’re itching for change and it may be difficult to restrain yourself with logic today. If you try to stay in the same old groove, something or someone is likely to come along to shake up your world. Ultimately, it’s more exciting to pick your own adventure instead, so don’t wait; break new ground now while you still have the chance. You can’t go wrong if you follow your heart.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

You may be able to see exactly what you want but it’s as if you’re standing outside a closed store, longing for what’s on the other side of the window. There are so many enticing goodies and it’s frustrating that you can’t put your hands on them right away. But instead of getting hooked by the impossibility of the situation now, simply observe the images for future reference. Today you’re planting seeds that will grow when you water them with positive actions later on.

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Daily Cosmic Calendar for February 27th

Stop, look and listen! Back in our calendar on February 3, the information was provided that the largest asteroid — Ceres — would be making a station at 2 degrees of Scorpio and turning retrograde today. That time becomes official at 12:09AM and all Ceres themes — agriculture and gardening, Mother Nature, parent-child and mother-daughter relationships, food, diet and nutrition, productivity and scarcity of natural resources — are accentuated around the exact time and for most of today. [Ceres will remain in reverse until June 1 when it will turn around and go direct at 19 degrees of Libra.] Adding to today’s potency of this important asteroid is its supportive, 60-degree link to Pallas in Virgo (11:21AM). Problem-solving and strategic thinking go hand-in-hand.  One day before Mercury makes its shift to go from retrograde to forward motion, the Moon unites with the Messenger of the Gods planet in Aquarius (12:02PM) — offering a few early benefits concerning communications, correspondence, literary and educational interests. The fine arts, film classics, inspired musical compositions and sacred dance are high on the agenda as the Moon parallels fantasy-prone Neptune (3:08PM).  This day ends on a cautionary note as the Sun parallels Mars (11:21PM) — giving you ample warning of the switcheroo by the red planet on Saturday March 1 when Mars in Libra stops and turns retrograde until May 19. Watch out for overnight discord and volatility that can wreak havoc on the home front. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

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The Witches Correspondence for Thursday, February 27th

Witchy Comments & Graphics
The Witches Correspondence for Thursday, February 27th

Magickal Intentions: Luck, Happiness, Health, Legal Matters, Male Fertility, Treasure and Wealth, Honor, Riches, Clothing Desires, Leadership, Public Activity, Power and Success Incense: Cinnamon, Must, Nutmeg and Sage
Planet: Jupiter
Sign: Sagittarius and Pisces
Angel: Sachiel
Colors: Purple, Royal Blue and Indigot
Herbs/Plants: Cinnamon, Beech, Buttercup, Coltsfoot, Oak
Stones: Sugilite, Amethyst, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli and Sapphire
Oil: (Jupiter) Clove, Lemon Balm, Oakmoss, Star Anise

Jupiter presides over Thursday. The vibrations of this day attune well to all matters involving material gain. Use them for working rituals that entail general success, accomplishment, honors and awards, or legal issues. These energies are also helpful in matters of luck, gambling, and prosperity.

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Your Horoscopes for Friday, February 21

We may be lured into an intense situation today, even if we attempt to avoid the stress of an emotional drama. However, the passionate Scorpio Moon makes it nearly impossible to ignore our feelings for long. Nevertheless, the Moon’s anxious alignments with communicator Mercury and karmic Saturn are unforgiving now; we can’t get away with breaking the rules. Ultimately, we must recognize that following our desires isn’t always a wise thing to do.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You want to charge ahead today as if you know exactly where you’re going and the quickest way to get there. Unfortunately, you might not have a clue. Your enthusiasm can be quite convincing, even to yourself. But in your excitement you could easily miss a crucial piece of the puzzle that’s right in front of your nose. Slow down and you will have a better chance of getting it right the first time around.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

Participating in a public disagreement is not your idea of a good time and you will do nearly anything to avoid verbal confrontation. However, someone could push you too far today. It’s even more difficult to sidestep conflict now because you might not see it coming. Nevertheless, if you feel backed into a corner, stand up for yourself; don’t let anyone prevent you from trying to reach your goals.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

You might think you have all the answers today, but putting yourself up on a pedestal won’t garner the support you seek. No one likes it when you get carried away with your superiority, so don’t bother showing off your intellectual finesse. It’s a smarter idea to simply listen to what others are telling you now. It won’t hurt to hear the truth, especially if you can apply what you learn to improve your overall game.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

A relationship issue can become a burden today if a slight difference of opinion heats up into an emotionally charged encounter. One of you may respond with a detached logical argument, which in turn, makes the other person even angrier. No one emerges as a winner if the discussion turns competitive or condescending. Instead of fighting to establish who’s right, take a deep breath and assume that both of you have something important to offer. Your willingness to compromise cultivates common ground.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Normally, you have no problem telling others when they have overstepped their boundaries. Although someone may be overly assertive today, it might take you so long to realize what’s happening that it’s too late to stop it. Understanding your role in letting something go too far is only the first step to improving the situation. Calmly addressing the matter now can put things back in a place that’s acceptable to you. Be kind yet firm while reclaiming your territory.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

It may feel as if the possibility of reaching a goal is slipping away and it’s hard to know which way to turn next. But it’s not just one particular situation that has you confused. Rather, the dissonance between your intellect and emotions seems to permeate everything these days. There’s nowhere in your outer world that offers you the peaceful sanctuary you seek. For now, find solace in your dreams. Things will make more sense tomorrow.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

You have a creative strategy for spending your money wisely now, but someone you love might disagree with your plans. Or, perhaps you are internally conflicted because logic tells you one thing while your intuition says something else. But it’s not about choosing one modality over the other. Instead, it’s about honoring both your head and your heart. Thankfully, there’s no need to decide today.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

You are ready to voice your opinions today and defend your beliefs. But putting your thoughts into words might be more challenging than you imagine. Ideally, you should be able to just live out your truth rather than having to talk about it. But others want you to share your experiences now, even if you prefer to keep them private. You don’t have to reveal everything all at once. Start slowly and speak from your heart.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Indulging yourself might sound like a good idea today because you are eager for fun and there’s no time like the present moment. However, achieving satisfaction isn’t as simple as it sounds. Circumstances shift throughout the day and befuddle your desire to make your escape. You will be happier once you let go of control and temporarily give up your party plans. Fulfill your obligations before following your bliss.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You could be struggling with two opposing sides of your nature today. On one hand, your long-term goals seem more important than ever and you may get lost in pursuit of them. On the other hand, there’s so much happening in your everyday world that it’s hard to think of anything in the future. Nevertheless, don’t minimize the significance of your dreams. Juggling the here and now with the then and there isn’t always easy, but it’s your most sensible strategy for now.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You have a much better chance of getting what you want now if you don’t share everything that’s on your mind with everyone you meet. Being too expressive of your feelings may frighten away someone special because you can come on stronger than you intend. Underplaying your hand is a wise move today. Things should go your way as long as you exhibit some self-restraint.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Discerning what’s real is tricky because your fantasies are so vivid now that they seep through the filter separating night from day. In fact, you could be so entangled in your own dreams that you accidentally lead yourself down the wrong path. There’s nothing wrong with sinking into the magic of the subconscious world. But remember, you’ll need to make up for lost time and take care of unfinished business when you wake up next week.

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Moon Sign Compatibility

Moon Sign Compatibility

When it comes to finding love, look to the Moon

Tarotcom Staff Tarotcom Staff on the topics of moon, love, astrology

When it comes to love, your Moon sign can help you meet your perfect match! After all, the Moon represents your true  emotional  side and the way you react to others in your relationships.

Your Moon sign is determined by the presence of the  Moon  in a particular zodiac sign at the time of your birth.

Astrology’s four elements (Earth, Fire, Water, Air) greatly help to determine your  Moon sign  compatibility, as the qualities within each element help  define the  person you are today and what you may be looking for in a  partner.

Moon in Aries

For you, it’s  all about “cut to the chase.” Quick-thinking and  straight-to-the-point,  you exude confidence while taking an active  stance in almost any  situation — Aries is a pure Fire sign  through-and-through! According  to Moon Astrology, you are your closest  match! Yes, a fellow Aries  would suit you well, as the two of you could  find romance while  playfully competing with one another. Bold and  strong-minded Fire sign  Leo also makes a match, while more sensitive  Moon signs Cancer or  Scorpio, do not.

Moon in Taurus

Taurus is known  for its stubborn nature, making it difficult to cut  through your  strong-will … especially in romance. But beyond that,  there’s a lover  of luxury and comfort (love goddess Venus rules over  you, after all).  If you can find another Taurus who shares in your  indulgences, that  would be great (and fun, too!) — but you could also  butt heads where  it really counts. Those with precise Virgo and  Capricorn Moons would be  a match — but a Libra Moon would find it most  difficult to carry on  its diplomacy through your more bullish  tendencies.

Moon in Gemini

Chatty Gemini  Moons are always moving from place to place, love interest  to love  interest! Your ruling planet — communicative Mercury — would  find  much fulfillment in Air signs Aquarius or Libra, feeding into your   desire to talk up a storm about high-minded topics at almost any given   moment. The more serious Capricorn or Scorpio Moon signs may pose a  challenge, and while dating a Pisces could be nice, both your flirty and   flighty similarities may equal just a fling.

Moon in Cancer

The Moon rules  over Cancer, making you one of (if not the most)  emotionally-charged  signs. Tapping into your feelings and the feelings  of those around you  is second nature, and so dating a fellow Cancer  Moon would create a  lifetime of a very nurturing, caring partnership.  Dreamy Pisces and  more inward Scorpio also makes a match, while brazen  Leo – even with  its brazen approach to self-expression — may prove too  much to  emotionally bear.

Moon in Leo

Your Fire sign is  also ruled by the Sun — the perfect recipe for one  self-assured Moon  sign! You want to be a leader, you want to make the  most out of any  given opportunity and you want your partner to take note  and appreciate  your strengths. An action-oriented Aries and optimistic  Sagittarius  make ideal partners who have enough confidence themselves to  keep up  with you, while stubborn Taurus or protective Scorpio do not  make the  best match.

Moon in Virgo

With  communication planet Mercury ruling over your Moon sign, you are   constantly critiquing and analyzing almost every situation and   conversation, and you love perfection — this desire for clean and   clear-cut may carry over in your relationships especially. A fellow Virgo or down-to-business Capricorn make good matches for you, while you may struggle with an Aquarius or Sagittarius Moon’s more light-hearted  and free-flowing approach to life and love.

Moon in Libra

Fair and balanced is your biggest relationship rule, as you are always  the diplomatic  lover, ruled by love goddess Venus. Aquarius and Gemini  Moons would  appreciate your harmonious requirements, still keeping with  your airy  and creative mentality. Aries, on the other hand, would not be   compatible with you, as the strong survival instincts of the Aries Moon   may find either of your running away in the face difficult times.

Moon in Scorpio

Deep and private  by nature, the Scorpio Moon is a motivated Moon with a  knack for sussing out information and details taking place under the  surface.  Your partner should think twice before pulling one over on you!  An  intimate Taurus or intelligent Virgo Moon would make a good match, appreciating and reciprocating your drive and desire, while an  independent Aquarius Moon may not appreciate your often suspicious ways.

Moon in Sagittarius

You love to  find joy, pleasure and enthusiasm in all of your endeavors,  and you  truly put your faith into matters of the heart. An open-minded  Gemini  or Aquarius Moon would suit your optimistic outlook in  relationships,  but an overly sensitive Cancer or stubborn Taurus Moon  could simply  bring you down.

Moon in Capricorn

Always  climbing, always reaching and always striving for the best … as  strict  Saturn rules over your Capricorn Moon, a more serious Taurus or  Virgo  Moon could understand and entertain your need to master your  endeavors.  At the same time, you may also appreciate a Cancer Moon’s  more  nurturing take on a disciplined home life. However, a Libra Moon  may pressure you to too much to come down from your mountain and meet in  the middle.

Moon in Aquarius

You are  calm, cool and collected — and you know how to handle  situations both  independently and by working together for a common  cause. A more  spontaneous and courageous Leo Moon could serve you well  by boosting  your strengths and supporting your individuality, while a  stubborn  Taurus or impatient Aries may not make the best match as you  continue  on your own personal search for revolution.

Moon in Pisces

Since you’re a  big dreamer and gentle by nature, the Pisces Moon will  not fare well  with another Moon sign as submissive and docile as you —  that rules  out a Sagittarius or Libra Moon. However, an intense Scorpio  or  efficient Virgo could be just the sign to snap you out of your dreams   and visions and bring you back to reality.

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Your Weekend Love Horoscope for Feb. 21 – 23

Weekend Love Horoscope

February 21-23: Love Inspires

Maria DeSimone   Maria DeSimone on the topics of love, horoscopes, astrology

On Friday the Moon will be in sultry Scorpio, allowing your mysterious side to express itself beautifully to your mate — or to your first date! The Moon will be at a perfect angle to love planet Venus which will only support a delicious sex appeal factor. On Saturday however, the Moon makes her way into bouncy Sagittarius and your emotions will be fueled by faith more than mystique. You might crave an exotic experience on Saturday or Sunday, and it’ll be a great weekend to try out that restaurant with your mate that offers unusual cuisine from another culture. You might also think about what next adventure you can take together but don’t book any travel plans just yet — remember that Mercury is retrograde until February 28.

Still, on Sunday it’ll be clear that you’re romantically inspired thanks to the combination of a Sagittarius Moon and the Sun embracing Neptune in Pisces. Spend the day with your lover under the covers sleeping late, indulging in breakfast in bed or your other favorite between the sheets activity! Fantasy rules the day so be sure to share your greatest ones with your sweetheart.

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Happy Birthday, Pisces! February 19 – March 19

Happy Birthday, Pisces!

Splish splash birthday bash! Celebrating the zodiac’s dreamy Fishes

Maria DeSimone  Maria DeSimone on the topics of pisces, birthdays, astrology

Are you ready to dream your most fantastic dream yet, Pisces? It’s your birthday and if there’s any sign who stores pixie dust in his or her soul … it’s you. When it’s your special day there is, indeed, a certain kind of magic in the air and you know how to tap into it like no one else. That’s because you’re a sign famous for being connected to everything that we cannot see, taste, touch, feel or smell, but know to be true in our hearts. It’s called faith, and you’ve got it in spades.

A whimsical birthday

Imagination is also one of your strengths. You’re probably quite talented in some type of creative pursuit and you’re also one of the most intuitive signs of the zodiac. In fact, you’re known as the psychic sponge. This is because you have a high degree of empathy — a capacity to literally feel someone else’s pain and suffering. You also have a deep yearning to help others heal from this pain. Your compassion runs deep. But don’t forget to take time for yourself on your special day. A few hours in solitude to meditate on your intentions for the year ahead will do wonders for your sense of well-being.

You can be so charitable that at times, you forget to draw healthy boundaries. Occasionally this can lead to others taking advantage of your kindness, mistaking it for weakness. But once you get a handle on this boundary situation, you’re typically the model for the rest of us when it comes to unconditional love. If a loved one forgets your birthday, you’re more likely than others to extend instant forgiveness. After all, this person has so much on their plate … you understand.

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Daily Cosmic Calendar for Friday, February 21

Mysteries, secrets, the odd and unusual are all seemingly up for grabs on this strange day in February. From the straightforward and easy-to-understand department, primary partnerships gain an early advantage — courtesy of Juno forming an inspirational, 72-degree rapport with Pluto (9:14AM) followed by a supportive, 60-degree sextile between the Moon in Scorpio and Venus in Capricorn (10:05AM). It is shortly thereafter that feathers begin being ruffled as the Moon parallels Saturn (11:08AM) and Venus (2:09PM) while the monthly Moon-Saturn conjunction happens just two minutes later (2:11PM). The lunar orb making a double-contact with Saturn indicates the need to slow down in business and professional matters.  Further caution is recommended because the Moon-Saturn union at 2:11PM begins a 12-hour void lunar twilight zone that lasts until 2:13AM on Saturday when the Moon enters fiery Sagittarius. Of course — as mentioned in this calendar over many decades — it is much better to be finishing old projects during a void-of-course Moon cycle than launching new ventures.  In addition, the Sun parallels Neptune (3:34PM) — a prelude to their zodiacal rendezvous coming up on Sunday. A Sun-Neptune parallel can be just as powerful as a conjunction — placing an emphasis on working imaginatively in the realms of film, photography, the graphic arts, music and dance. It is wise to be in synch with your spiritual studies. The shadow side of this celestial encounter can mean a temporary rise in confusion and chaos — especially on emotional levels. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

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The Witches Correspondence for Friday, February 21st

The Witches Correspondence for Friday, February 21st


Magickal Intentions: Love, Romance, Marriage, Sexual Matters, Physical Beauty, Friendship and Partnerships, Strangers and Heart
Incense: Strawberry, Sandalwood, Rose, Saffron and Vanilla
Planet: Venus
Sign: Libra and Taurus
Angel: Ariel
Colors: Green, Pink, Aqua
Herbs/Plants: Pink Rose, Ivy, Birch, Heather, Clematis, Sage, Violet and Water Lilly Stones: Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Pink Tourmaline, Peridot, Emerald and Jade
Oil: (Venus) Cardamom, Palmrosa, Rose, Yarrow

Friday belongs to Venus, and its energies are warm, sensuous, and fulfilling. Efforts that involve any type of pleasure, comfort, and luxury, as well as the arts, music, or aroma (incense and perfume) works well on this day. As Venus lends its sensuous influences to the energies of this day, use it for any magical work that deals with matters of the heart.

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The Witches Almanac for Friday, February 21st

The Witches Almanac for Friday, February 21st

Friday (Venus): Love, friendship, reconciliation and beauty

Feast of Lanterns (Chinese)

Waning Moon

The Waning Moon is a time for study, meditation, and little magickal work (except magick designed to banish harmful energies).

Moon Phase: Third Quarter

Moon Sign: Scorpio

Scorpio: Increases awareness of psychic power. Precipitates psychic crises and ends connections thoroughly. People tend to brood and become secretive.

Incense: Rose

Color: Rose

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Your Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday, February 19th

We try to keep negative feelings to ourselves today, but we may still express them anyhow. The diplomatic Libra Moon reminds us that some things are better left unsaid. Meanwhile, communicator Mercury squares restrictive Saturn, further frustrating our efforts to say what we want. But the Moon hooks up with fiery Mars, pushing us to fight for our needs. The emotional intensity deepens when the Moon slips into passionate Scorpio at 10:32 pm EST.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You are in your power zone, but you might unconsciously try to impose your will onto someone else. Remember that the Moon bumps into your key planet Mars today, sending your emotions into orbit. You’re running on overdrive now, yet those around you may not be as ready for action as you are. Avoid unnecessary arguments by taking the needs of others into consideration before going on the attack. Channel your energy in a positive direction.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

Someone might inadvertently stir up uncomfortable emotions today, perhaps reviving old feelings of unresolved anger. You’re typically a down-to-earth person with a common sense attitude toward life. But you could be mixing up memories from your childhood with current circumstances, making it more difficult now to fix the present situation. Examine your past and then use the lessons learned to positively impact your future.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

Others envy the ease with which clever thoughts roll off your tongue. You often can say what you want and be done with it. However, it might be more complicated now to separate your ideas and opinions from your identity. The problem is that if you are fully invested in your perspective, you may have to be more aggressive in your own defense. Just remember that everyone else has valid input to give as well. Keeping your mind open is more important than having the last word.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

It might be tempting to convey your annoyance today by not saying or doing anything at all. Unfortunately, once you choose this passive-aggressive tactic, you may retreat so far back into your shell that no one can establish communication with you. Fight against the tendency to withdraw if you are feeling hurt or resentful. Instead, nurse your wounds by gently expressing your feelings without creating a drama. Others can’t make things right if they don’t know what’s wrong.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

A new wave of restlessness sweeps through your life today, but you may not know how to put your feelings out on the table without upsetting an emotional applecart. Although you respect other people’s perspectives, you might secretly believe that yours is more important. Instead of jumping up on your soapbox to fight your cause, it’s healthier to find more productive ways to burn off your excess energy. Save your sermons for another day.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

There are serious issues stewing in your immediate environment now and it’s to your advantage to minimize the negative energy. You might grow irritated with a friend or family member — and your harsh criticism could make matters worse. Put your ego aside today and everyone will feel better all the way around. Choose your battles wisely; you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar if you try.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Your world is rocking, yet the chaos begins to settle down later in the day. Nevertheless, you might feel one last kick of adrenaline today, so make the most of this frenetic energy. Setting your ideas into motion is essential now. You are drawing power from deep reserves but you must be willing to do the work in order to reap the rewards.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Your personal motivation is very strong now, driving you to accomplish more than expected. Unfortunately, your unspoken need to excel can pose a danger, for you may inadvertently create conflict with others in your singular quest to achieve your current objectives. Keep in mind that your success doesn’t have to come at the expense of anyone else. Even if your ego is telling you otherwise, there is always room for multiple winners.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

You’re riding an energetic high even if today’s cosmic weather clouds your ability to clearly convey your feelings. You might believe you can accomplish whatever is necessary; your optimism is waving like a flag in the breeze. Unfortunately, you can’t shake a lingering suspicion that there’s something you’re forgetting now. Give yourself permission to keep turning over recent events, one by one, until you find what you are missing.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

One of your ongoing concerns these days is how you can propel yourself toward your goals without pushing others too hard. Unfortunately, if you’re overly bossy, even your allies tend to back away from you. You are riding an adrenaline rush now, but don’t try to put out this internal fire. Use your moral compass to keep yourself on track while searching for a constructive outlet for your abundant energy.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Your focus is shifting as you become more practical about your long-term goals and your career path. Partnerships at work can deepen, offering you the support you need to make a crucial decision. However, tensions may be stirred if there is discord lurking beneath the surface in a developing relationship. Nevertheless, it helps to get everyone’s feelings out in the open. Compromise isn’t the simplest path to follow, but it is the fastest route to peace and harmony at this time.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

It may not be so easy to just let go of a bad feeling since your emotions run very deep. Don’t look for the fast fix today. Sometimes the real magic in a relationship stems from those differences that make each person unique. Respecting each other’s belief systems sets the stage for building common ground instead of fighting over that which cannot be resolved. When all else fails, let love guide the way.

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