Hints for Success Spellcasting



Success in spellcrafting, as with any art, comes from practice and patience.
Medieval monks didn’t learn to brew world-renowned beverages overnight, nor did
da Vinci create a masterpiece without making some mistakes. So, be patient with
yourself in honing your magical arts and follow these suggestions to help get
over the rough spots:

Bring as many of your senses into the magical procedure as possible to clarify
and delineate its purpose(s).

Always visualize your intentions in detail while you work.

Repeat spells whenever you feel the need. Each reiteration provides supportive
energy for manifestation.

Phrase the verbal component to be geared toward your specific intentions.

If you are uncomfortable with vocalizing spells, you can mentally recite them
just as effectively. Remember, thoughts are words uttered inwardly.

Eliminate, substitute, or augment any prop/focal you desire.

Be certain to maintain the congruity of meaning.

Use the timing as a guideline, not as an edict. Any time is the right time for

Make notes of your successes and failures. These memos will prove immensely
helpful in the future.

It is not necessary to use all the props and focals listed in devising your
spell. In fact, trying to do so would probably make the spell unmanageable
(unless you have three hands). Choose only those items that intimately sym-
bolize your goals, and that you feel are necessary to the spell’s construction.

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Elemental Energies in Magick – Spirit

Some of the Elemental Energies in Magick for Spirit

The element of Spirit is the 5th unseen element. It is the combination of all the energies of the four elements and it is very hard to work with    because there is nothing to focus on. In fact the only real way to connect to this 5th element is to look inside yourself and connect with that part of you    that is unique and different from other people. The part of you that is noble, confident, honorable and strong. This is the part of you that is Spirit.    Unfortunately for most people, connecting to this part of themselves is made a lot more difficult than it has to be because of fear and insecurity. What if    they don’t have enough of these good qualities to ever connect to something that no one can see, touch, smell or hear? The answer lies in your own    personal mythology. Take for instance any story you have ever heard that moved you and inspired you. It can be a fairy tale you heard when you were a child    or a story you heard yesterday. You don’t have to believe the story was true to use the energy it raises inside of you. You need only focus on the way    it makes you feel and then translate it to other situations in your everyday life. In fact these stories represent psychological archetypes that we all    share which is why story-telling is common in our culture. We all have a craving for Spirit. Our mythology is the code of the unconscious mind, and it    paves the way to connecting to Spirit. So when you want to invoke the element of Spirit, summon the feelings of triumph or joy that stem from your personal    mythologies. The energy exists on its own for you to use and direct even after you have forgotten about the story. Once you have summoned the energy,    directing it is another matter. Spirit energy is often represented by the color white or ultra-violet (invisible) light. You should imagine whatever color    helps you define the Spirit energy you feel. This can be white, clear, ultra-violet, etc. It’s really up to you because this is your personal energy    source. Like all the other elements, Spirit energy is a part of nature, however, this is the point where YOU become another aspect of nature just as Fire,    Water, Air and Earth are parts of nature. Spirit represents the superconscious mental processes (as opposed to the conscious mental processes of Air and    the unconscious mental processes of Water). For this reason magick in all forms will be successful when performed under the supervision and assistance of    Spirit, ruled by the spirit of the center of the Four Winds, Metatron.

Astrology of Today – November 24, 2015





Astrology of Today – November 24, 2015


We may need to face the consequences of letting something go, or wastefulness in some area of life, with Mercury in alignment with Saturn and forming a square with Neptune. Saturn and Neptune are approaching a square, and we’re likely to be feeling some of this energy now. There can be a search for meaning with this influence, as we may need to adjust our goals or refocus. This cannot be done all at once, so it’s important to take the pressure off and simplify so as not to feel overwhelmed.

  • The Moon is in Taurus all day (until Wednesday, November 25th, at 12:15 PM).
  • The Moon is void from 8:25 PM forward (until 12:15 PM tomorrow).
  • The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
  • A First Quarter Moon occurred on the 19th, and a Full Moon will occur tomorrow.

Energy + Spells = Change

strega d'autunno

Energy + Spells = Change


When our own energy is concentrated and channeled, it can move the broader energy currents. The images and objects used in spells are the channels, the vessels through which our power is poured and by which it is shaped. When energy is directed into the images we visualize, it gradually manifests physical form and takes shape in the material world.

-Starhawk, The Spiral Dance


WOTC Extra (b) – The Basic Steps in Spellcraft


The Basic Steps in Spellcraft


As in crafting rituals, creating and casting a spell follow a certain sequence of events. While every spell is different, the basic steps are:

  1. Establish your need or desire. Doing a spell for the sake of doing a spell is a waste of time and energy. Why trouble the web and the pattern of energy around you if you don’t have to?
  2. Compose your spell. It is essential to determine a clear and precisely defined goal. Take the time to think about your desired outcome. Think, too, about the energies you wish to incorporate or call upon to help you achieve that goal.
  3. Shift consciousness. Your mind must be in the correct mode for working spells. A mind overrun by everyday thoughts isn’t very efficient at gathering energies, weaving them into a tight and well-focused spell, and then releasing them toward a goal. Shifting your consciousness allows you to attain a different state of mind ideal for ritual or spell-craft. You need to be able to filter out the surface noise and distractions to concentrate and focus on what you’re doing. (This state is often referred to as alpha.)
  4. Raise energy and release it toward your goal. Spells are powered by the energies possessed by the correspondences you incorporate in your spell and by your own personal energy as well.
  5. Manifestation. Ideally, the final step is the achievement of your goal.



Solitary Wicca For Life: Complete Guide to Mastering the Craft on Your Own

Arin Murphy-Hiscock

WOTC Extra (a) – How Spells Work


How Spells Work


Everything in the world emits an energy vibration of some kind, with different things having different signatures. Sometimes a signature is referred to as possessing a different level of vibration. A higher level is usually considered more spiritual and closer to the gods; a lower vibration indicates something more material. These energies reach out to touch one another, forming what amounts to a giant spider web of energy that crisscrosses around the world. It also connects the physical and nonphysical worlds. (Neo-Pagan literature refers to this as “the web.”)

As everything is connected in this fashion, it is possible to have an effect on things simply by twitching the web in one place and allowing the resulting vibration to flow along the web until it reaches your goal. The web is also how we can send energy to someone or something far away from us—the strands of energy that connect all organic and living things serve as wires through which we can send our energy.


Solitary Wicca For Life: Complete Guide to Mastering the Craft on Your Own

Arin Murphy-Hiscock


Pre-October 2015 Energy Report

Pre-October 2015 Energy Report

The October 2015 Energy Report will be published on October 1, 2015. This month I’m doing something different to celebrate the end of September and usher in a new month, which also arrives with a new energy overlay.  Over the next 3 days you will find energy exercises here, designed to assist you in grounding, re-centering, and re-purposing your energies, to clear any residue that was brought up during September and release it so you can make the most of October’s expanded potential.

Exercise 1:  The Energy Grounding & Centering Exercise

This is a grounding exercise I first introduced in 2005 and it is very effective in grounding and balancing energy. With it you bring energy into your body from the earth and the crystalline matrix, combining them to form a protective shield of balanced and grounded light energy. You can use this Energy Grounding  Exercise any time you feel you need to re-ground, re-center, when you are feeling afraid, anxious, or need a little bit of extra energy support.


The Importance of Pre-Ritual Preparations

The Importance of Pre-Ritual Preparations

Author: Colleen Criswell

Most, if not all of us, who perform rituals and spell work, lead busy and eventful lives. During the day we go to work or school, we run errands, do housework, take care of our families, take care of our pets, deal with our responsibilities that we have in life. We all have stresses, worries, anxieties, regrets, angers, disappointments, frustrations, sorrows that we face. We have our excitements, joys, pleasures, passions, involvements, hopes, dreams, and wishes. All of these different emotions and energies that surround us in our day-to-day lives.

At the same time, we are all on our own personal spiritual paths. We have taken upon ourselves to open our minds and gain more knowledge of our chosen religion and belief and faith system. In our practices with rituals and spell casting, we have a knowledge and understanding of the energies we are raising and sending out, however life does go on and with it are the natural ups and downs that we face with our responsibilities as functioning human beings living in the world today.

How is it that we can deal with a balance of these energies? How do we manage working with positive energies and focusing on our ritual energies when we have had a stressful or bad or even a wonderful and exciting day?

How is it we can separate and have a nice balance of our personal energy with our magickal energy we are working with?

Remember, none of these things have to be done at all. But by even just doing one thing suggested here, you may find that your spell and ritual work is more potent because of the little extra boost that these suggestions can add to your experience.

At the school we hold rituals online for every Sabbat and every Esbat. We also hold other rituals that your fellow students create for class projects. These rituals are usually done in the evening, and where time zone issues can be a factor, there are things that can be done to help ease your self from “Muggle” life to “Magickal” life.

As always, you know when each ritual the school is holding will be, normally, a month in advance. This means you have plenty of time to get the materials you need for the ritual. By immediately gathering things that you need for a ritual ahead of time, you are taking away a lot of the stress and anxiety of being unprepared for the ritual. It also gives you time to charge any new tools you may need or find suitable substitutions for items that are on the list that you do not have.

Waiting to the last minute will have you scrambling around to find what you need. You may find you do not have an important element for the ritual or a suitable substitution. You may be working with tools that have an energy that may not be compatible with the work you are doing. This may hinder the desired result.

So, you have all the items you need. So what, you come home from work, get dinner, put the kids to bed, walk the dog, set up and do the ritual, right? Sure you could do that. But what about the stress that you had from the workday? The fact you burnt the chicken? You son just dumped baby powder all over the rug? You have a test or a presentation to give tomorrow? You are out of toothpaste?

All of these things effect you, effect your emotions, your energy, and in essence your ability to concentrate on your ritual and the magick you are working on. No, it won’t make these things go away, but if you do some pre-ritual preparation it can help you adjust from those stresses and allow them to be put aside for the time being.

This way we can focus on what it is that we are doing.

There are a number of different ways you can make this transition, the thing is you have to take the time to do it, make the known effort and possibly make adjustments to your schedule. I do understand that due to time limitations and schedules and things that need to be done in every day life may cause obstacles for you.

You might feel that you are unable to do these things. The rituals run at 8pm EST, but you live in California, so that makes the ritual start at 5pm PST. You get home at 4:45. You have to fix something to eat for the family or check the kids’ homework first or a million other things.

List out what it is that you normally do when you get home. Is it possible to make any adjustments to these things? A typical ritual runs one hour. So, if you get home at 4:30, your ritual begins at 5:00, it is easy to estimate that it will conclude at 6:00 or around there.

Can you adjust your schedule so that you check the homework a little bit later? Is it possible that someone else will be willing to make dinner for the family that night or is it possible to create the meal the day before so it just needs a few minutes to heat up? Is it possible to get off work a little early that day? We are talking about something that we do once or twice a month.

Is it a lot to ask for one hour from your families to pursue this?

Many people share computer space with other members of the family, so you may not be able to use your computer desk as a permanent personal and sacred space. If this is the case, since you know when the ritual is going to be, gather your tools the night before the ritual to make sure you have every thing you need.

If you can have them set up the night the before and you know they will be undisturbed, by all means get your space ready and set up. This makes it one less thing you need to worry about. If you cannot have it set up the night before, then bring your tools into the room where you will be having it.

It is good to keep them in a container so that people know that this is for something specific and not to move or mess with it. Keep it in the area where you will be having the ritual. Now, as you know when we have the online rituals I ask that you join the room no later than fifteen minutes before the actual ritual begins. Just because you are logged into the chat room does not mean you have to be sitting at your computer.

So when you get home, set up your space, log into the chat room. I usually open the chat room an hour before the ritual is to take place. You now have your tools set up.

Ready to start the ritual? No, not yet.

One aspect of pre ritual preparation that we hear of a lot, but many do not incorporate is the pre-ritual bath. Now many people might say, especially if they are the ones getting home at 4:30 and only have 30 minutes or less before the ritual, I am not going to spend the time to draw a bath!

Then there are people who do not have bathtubs or simply do not like to take baths. One thing that you can do is a ritual shower. Another argument is “But I took a bath or shower this morning, do I really need to take another one?”

Now why is it that ritual baths and rituals showers are important before a ritual? What purpose do these activities accomplish? What all is involved in a ritual bath or shower?

When we hear these words, the images that usually pop into mind are, for a bath a long relaxing lounge in bubbles with maybe some candles maybe some music playing. A shower is usually considered something quick, cleansing your body fast and efficient. A ritual bath and ritual shower are not about physically cleaning yourself.

The purpose of a ritual bath or shower is to remove negative energy from you and to put you in the proper mindset before a ritual. Now this can also be done simply by using sage incense to smudge yourself, however where this is a fast and simple quick fix, it may not be enough.

The element of water is in tune with our emotions. It can be an amplifier for your emotions and it can be soothing to them as well. After a long day where maybe you had a rough day at the office, maybe you got a nasty call from a bill collector, you daughter’s teacher called you and she is failing math, your sister’s water just broke and is off to have her first child, you have a hot date tomorrow night. All of these things are running in your mind. With all of this built up energy, how might it affect your magickal work?

Taking a bath or a shower is relaxing. Allowing the water to carry some of that excess energy away from your system. When you add other elements to it, you can purify and cleanse your energies to prepare you to do what magickal work that you have planned.

For a bath, I would recommend adding salt to the water. You can use something as simple as table salt or use sea salt. However, for this type of thing I would not suggest bath salts that are commercially made or bath beads or bubbles. To purify, just water and salt is all you need. If you feel that your energy needs a positive or protective boost I would add a 1/4 to a 1/2 a cup of apple cider vinegar. This helps cleanse and balance the aura. You would put these elements into the bath as you are running the water to help disperse the energies.

Next, think of the type of ritual you will be doing. What sort of energies are you going to be working with? Check your correspondence charts for proper oils, stones, incense, even music that might help aid in the energies you are planning on raising.

For instance, if we are doing a ritual to help increase your psychic abilities, I know that lavender and amethyst both help aid in this. I also know that the color purple promotes strengthening your psychic abilities. So, for my bath I would light some purple candles, light some lavender incense, put some amethyst stones into the bath water, and then once my bath is completely ready I would drop in a few drops of lavender essential oil. I would then soak for no less than ten minutes. Allowing myself to relax. Breathing in the scents, absorbing the energies, meditating on opening my Third Eye Chakra.

This can also be done for a shower. If you can close the drain, do so. Gathering the water in the bottom as you shower. Again place the salt, vinegar, oil, stones that you are going to use to aide you in the energy that you need to bring in. Also, get a washcloth, and create a bundle. In the bundle put the salt and some of the essential oil that you are planning on using, and then using the base of the bundle you have created scrub yourself. Focusing on the energies you are removing and on the energies you are bringing in.

Now we have finished with our bath or shower and have dried off. Next what is it we should be wearing? Depending on your personal tradition, you might choose to practice skyclad. However, there are times when skyclad may not be appropriate.

Having ritual wear is not mandatory, however it is a way you can prepare yourself for what it is you are going to do. Our clothes that we wear from day to day also attract energies. Also, remember, colors have specific energies as well.

When you are doing magickal work it is good to make sure that all the energies you are working with are in sync. Taking the time to wear something special for your ritual work also puts you in a more relaxed and proper state of mind. Removing the “Muggle” clothing, as it were, into your ritual robes is a ritual all unto itself.

I have created not only my ritual robes, but I also have specific jewelry that I wear only for ritual work. I also have created slippers for my ritual work. Many of us may like to go around barefoot, but there are times when we may need the protection. Deciding on ritual wear doesn’t have to be extravagant. If you can afford a bulky medieval costume and feel comfortable with it, then by all means wear it, or if you find a simple cotton nightdress that you like, then by all means use that.

One thing I will mention about ritual wear, proper care and storage is important. Our ritual wear is part of our magickal tools. Just as your athame or wand or incense, it is to be respected and cared for. Also, just as you would with any ritual tool, you should charge it with energy and consecrate it. We will discuss more on ritual wear in another discussion.

When putting on your ritual wear, don’t just throw it on, take your time and focus on each item you are putting on, and what it represents to you. Feel your own transformation from the busy executive or housewife into a practitioner of magick.

Now you are ready to sit down and perform your ritual.

Now, before I end, please note, that these are not the only ways of preparing yourself before a ritual. When you understand the different correspondences, the different vibrations that certain colors, scents, stones, foods and music give off, you can incorporate it all in your entire day.

Wear colors that promote the energy that you are going to be raising during the day, even if it is just one item in the color. Wear a scent that will draw the energies to you. Wear or carry gems or stones.

If you do daily devotions, focus on the deities that will help you create that energy. Also, your whole day can reflect the energy you are going to be raising that evening. If you can find ways that are appropriate, do it, try it.

One of my favorite things, as I am a Kitchen Witch is to eat foods that might be known to assist with the energy I am planning on working with. I usually plan a menu for a special dinner around it, but also I do start in the morning with breakfast and through out the day I try to think of what the energy is I am going to work with and what things I can eat that will add to it.

This is why I make you create so many charts here at the school. When you understand your correspondence charts; know the colors, numbers, symbols, herbs, foods, drinks, teas, deities, times of the day, when you have this information, why not use it to your advantage?

Now let me give you an example of a day of preparation for me that I would do. Keep in mind I am a stay at home mom, so I do know that what I do may not work with your own personal schedule, I am just giving you an idea to help you come up with your own plan.

Lets go back to the example I gave before, on a ritual for increasing your psychic abilities. Things I might do to prepare during the day would be:

I know that purple is a color that I associate with psychic awareness. So, I would wear my purple shirt or add a purple scarf to my clothes, or even wear purple underwear.

I know that the Third Eye Chakra is used when working with your psychic abilities. So during the day I would do meditations and exercises that I know help open and balance the Third Eye Chakra.

I know that the number 7 is associated with psychic energy, so maybe during the day I would do things in 7’s or possibly I would have a snack of 7 slices of apple.

Speaking of foods, I know that dandelion leaves, grapes, olives, lavender, beans, cheese, eggs, tea, anise, cloves, marigold, onion, peppermint, yarrow, cinnamon, poppy, saffron, thyme, celery, rosemary, chamomile, corn, lettuce, among other things can help promote psychic abilities. So I can choose recipes and plan my meals using some of these items.

I know amethyst is a gem associated with divination and psychic abilities. So I would wear jewelry that has this stone in it.

I know that the runic symbol Laguz; the planetary symbols of the Moon, Neptune and Pluto; symbols of the Dark moon, spirals in the Deosil direction, representations of the Moon, the ocean, the pentacle, the rainbow, the scales, spirals, the Waning Crescent Moon, and the wind also help with this purpose.

I can put these images on the candles I will be using for my ritual, when I put on my scent, maybe draw the pattern, visualize the symbols during meditation, carve them into the food, trace the pattern as you stir something, or how about a snack? Take a piece of bread, and using a squeezable bottle of grape jelly draw the pattern onto the bread?

I know that lavender is associated with this, so I would possibly burn lavender incense during the day, or put a little lavender EO on my wrist. Maybe pick some fresh lavender and bring it into the home.

Prepare my ritual space in advance.

Create a special meal for my family that uses the ingredients, numbers, and symbols that I know will help enhance my psychic abilities.

Take time during the day for reflection and meditate on Selene and Pan or other deities who are associated with divination and psychic abilities.

Research psychic abilities and new forms of divination.

Take a pre ritual bath with salt, lavender oil, amethyst crystals, lavender incense and purple candles.

Turn on some soothing New Age music

Dress myself in my ritual wear

Perform my ritual

When you put your mind set into what it is you are planning on raising, energy wise, you will find that not only does it add to your entire experience, it transforms the entire day into a magickal day. Our magick doesn’t have to be only on Sabbats or Esbats. Our magick doesn’t have to only be practiced at the main altar you have set up. Magick can be done all day, every day. These tips and ideas don’t have to be only done pre-ritual. You can incorporate these things into just about any part of your life. It is simply deciding to take the effort to do so.

So, to recap:

Have your items in advance. Make sure your tools are ready for your work before the ritual is to take place.

Try to give yourself time to prepare yourself for your ritual.

Take a pre-ritual bath or shower to help balance your energies and use tools to help increase the energies you are going to be working with.

Put on your ritual wear.

During your day, incorporate the elements or theme of the ritual into what you wear, what you eat, and what you do.

Even if you just take the time to do one little extra thing, you will very likely notice the difference in your magickal work. If you start doing this in your everyday life, you may find it a bit more magickal.

Get a Jump on Tomorrow, Your Horoscopes for Tuesday, September 1st






Get A Jump On Tomorrow….

Your Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday, September 1st



Aries Horoscope

It’s natural to feel a little more energetic and spontaneous today than you usually are, dear Aries, with the Moon in your sign and your ruler, Mars, just coming away from a conjunction to Venus. You are quick to pick up on what is expected of you today, and yet you are marching to your own inner “drummer”, managing to nevertheless take the lead and own it. Emotions are immediate and at the surface, but you seem to be setting the pace for the most part now, and it can feel good to be in control and on top of things.



You are absorbing energies around you in a more introverted manner than usual today, dear Taurus, and you stand to learn quite a bit from observation today with the Moon in Aries, the sign just behind yours. You will quite naturally come out of your shell again when the Moon enters Taurus tomorrow morning, but for now, sticking with quiet activities, if possible, is most helpful emotionally. Let your intuition work for you. This is not a time when you’re especially forthcoming or expressive with your feelings, as you can be a little guarded, but it’s also a time when you are processing recent experiences, and it can take a bit of time to get in touch with your innermost feelings.



Today brings a stronger desire to be around people, dear Gemini. Common philosophies, beliefs, or goals are apparent now, perhaps because you’re seeking them out. You’re also looking to gently push the usual boundaries and seeking out different experiences. Your more inventive, innovative, and perhaps rebellious side can emerge now. While this is sociable energy that’s with you today, the month ahead brings a stronger desire to reconnect with family, home life, or your inner world.



You may be feeling very much in charge today, dear Cancer, and even if you don’t, you’ll need to at least act like you feel that way! Responsibilities have a way of presenting themselves loud and clear today. The Moon is highlighting your career and reputation sector, and will continue to do so until tomorrow morning. If you feel things heating up in your career or your public life, you’re very much in tune. Do whatever you can to present yourself in the most professional and competent of manners now.



Good energy is with you for putting things into perspective and for feeling positive about the future, dear Leo. This is a strong day for identifying problems in your life and visualizing life as it would be after putting these things behind you. While there is definitely a time for concentrating on details, today you need to take a step back in order to see the bigger picture. Step out of your regular routine in order to refresh yourself emotionally. You are learning to trust your intuition and imagination when it comes to spiritual matters recently, and today this is emphasized.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

After a few days of wearing your emotions on your sleeve, dear Virgo, emotions are internalized today. You could find that you’re honing in on the more hidden elements of life, looking for motives and deeper meaning. If you’re feeling a little insecure or have unresolved issues to deal with, you could find that your mind turns to matters revolving around old hurts, inequalities, and unfair scenarios. Matters of ownership can be in stronger focus now. Don’t fight the urge to go inward, but remember that you can choose to make this a positive experience.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

With the Moon in your opposite sign all day, dear Libra, you may be looking to others for emotional stimulation or security today. Being emotionally sensitive to others can go both ways – you are caring more than usual about what they are feeling about you, but you’re also more adaptable and willing to compromise. Using this sensitivity in positive ways can be rewarding now. You may be turning to someone else for advice or simply company. Try to take a breather from heavy emotions or emotional excitement. Fortunately, the month ahead supports efforts to get away and rest more than most.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

Emotional satisfaction comes from making yourself useful today, dear Scorpio, which can come as a nice change after many days focusing on relationships and social matters. The monotony of the routine, however, is not what you’re seeking, so it may be a good idea to do new things or combine play and work to keep you engaged. Energy is variable, and you might discover that it’s more about motivation than physical matters. If you’re lacking confidence in what you’re doing or where you’re headed, then you may steer off course a little. Fortunately, the month ahead is likely to be especially strong for inspiration and new ideas.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

The playful energies of the day are pronounced, dear Sagittarius, and possibly come as a nice relief. With others, you manage to be conciliatory and dynamic at once, and this is a difficult and wonderful balance to achieve. You are generous with your time and energy today, and you’re coming across as magnetic and expressive. Love relationships and/or friendships are not especially clear right now, but perhaps they don’t need to be at the moment. Enjoy yourself by going with the flow now.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

The month ahead should be an energizing one for you, dear Capricorn. Powerful energy is brought to your solar ninth house, and this brings out your curious and adventurous side. Today, however, you’re more content to stick with familiar things, people, and methods. Avoid the temptation to jump into something new when there are very valuable projects in progress that you can restore or tweak. Early day intensity and dramatics tend to settle as the day moves forward, after which you’ll find yourself intuiting your way through whatever you do.



You are especially alert today, dear Aquarius, as well as insatiably curious about what’s going on around you. You are likely to be in the mood for idle chit chat, making connections, and sharing small yet important stories from your day with others. While it may not be the best day for concentration, you can be productive if you put your mind to it, and if you vary up your routine. Focus is on sharing and interacting more than anything, so working on a communications project can be especially successful right now.



You are in a more practical frame of mind today, dear Pisces, but you are also quite innovative, able to bring new energy to the material world. Emotions are settling today. Although they’re still exciting, emotions are steady enough to allow you to relax and enjoy the moment. Earthy, grounding, and comforting activities are most helpful now, and happen to be what you’re most drawn to at the moment. You may be craving physical comforts, and can be a little more possessive or self-centered today, which can be a good thing in moderation from time to time.

Your Daily Horoscopes for Monday, August 31st






Your Daily Horoscopes for Monday, August 31st



Aries Horoscope

Emotional impulsiveness can sometimes work in your favor, dear Aries, but only if you’re acting from a place of understanding and heart, not from insecurity. Relationships or projects can be in strong focus today, but past mistakes or challenges may figure strongly in your mind. There could be a disappointment or a misjudgment now which needs correcting. Fortunately, September’s energies are strong for making edits. Energy levels are up and down today. You’re getting a reminder that taking care of mental health is not something to ignore, and that you should aim to respect your natural body energy rhythms instead of challenging them. Love and creativity are emphasized today, particularly on the job. You might decide to turn a hobby into something a little more practical, or a fantasy into something concrete and meaningful. This is a potentially strong day for personal attraction as well.



There may be a small disappointment in your social life today, dear Taurus, possibly due to overblown expectations. You may be questioning a situation that is ambiguous, particularly related to romantic and platonic friendships. It’s not a time for coming to a solid conclusion or a point of closure, so it’s better to wait things out. Even though there is increasing energy for creative and romantic matters in your life these days, you could be tired, overworked, or feeling temporarily lacking in inspiration, making it difficult to tap into your creativity just for the moment. This simply means it’s time to take a small break until you regain your composure. Even so, you are certainly magnetic and attractive right now, drawing attention to you. You are especially aware of, and awake to, creative and romantic impulses.



There can be sensitivity when it comes to reputation or career matters today, dear Gemini, or you could be confused about where you stand. Hold off on very important decision making and large purchases if possible. The need to make adjustments and changes in work-life balance can be obvious now, but should be made when you’re more confident. You are searching for more meaning and a stronger direction in life, and paying a little more attention to intuition to guide you as definite answers don’t seem easy to come by these days. While there can be some tendency to get caught up in rumors, there is good, creative energy for communicating, connecting, and sharing or learning. Your heart is ruling your head today, and there can be some level of drama as a result, but it can also take you to creative, interesting places. Emotional excitement is likely today. You are expressing yourself creatively and attractively. Some of you can receive a warm message from an admirer.



There can be some confusion, disappointment, or simply a temporary questioning of motivation experienced today, dear Cancer, and for you, it is likely to revolve around communications, transportation, projects, and learning. Be a little more vigilant if working with facts and figures, and watch that you don’t communicate in a way that can be misinterpreted. Dream and create, but be cautious when it comes to more practical matters, including driving and operating machinery. If someone is trying to get a commitment or definite answer out of you, and you don’t totally feel right about it, try to politely defer it to a more confident time. Even so, it’s a strong day for creative visions. Venus and Mars joining forces in your solar second house can stimulate good ideas, just be sure to fill in the technical details at a later date. Watch for impulsive purchases.



There may be some confusion surrounding financial or intimate matters today as your ruler, the Sun, opposes Neptune, dear Leo. This yearly event can illuminate the need for more attention to your spiritual and emotional needs. There is a stronger focus on the material and physical world these days, and today, experiences may illuminate some level of spiritual discontent. Some of you could be dealing with a situation in which you need to draw boundaries with others who are draining you of time or energy. On practical levels, avoid making larger purchases as well as lending and borrowing, just for now, until you are seeing things more clearly. Some of you could be questioning someone’s intentions or whether you’re being shown the respect you deserve. This is not the time to push for problem solving, nor for making important decisions in the material world. Even so, Venus and Mars joining forces in your sign today point to animal magnetism and extra sparkle.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

You may be feeling especially sensitive to people’s reactions and comments today, dear Virgo. The Sun in your sign lifts your spirits in general these days, but an opposition to Neptune today, a yearly event, can point to a small disappointment or seeming setback. Someone or something may burst your bubble, or you could be feeling discontent or misunderstood now. You could find that you’re swinging from overly positive to overly negative assessments of yourself and of a close someone, and can’t seem to find the in-between, which is of course where the truth lies. Avoid the trap of hoping that someone else will make you happy – work on making yourself happy. Everything seems to happen at once today, and this can be quite wonderful if you are prepared and organized, or frustrating and offputting if you are not. You have a big need to connect to something spiritual or mystical in order to find more meaning in your life. Blending this with your recent focus on physical concerns will be ideal. Try not to project fantasies onto people and situations, as you may make more of them than they deserve, good or bad. An unusual attraction or discovery on the level of feelings can occur, possibly even from a dream, or a private longing is emphasized now.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

While the day holds creative promise, dear Libra, there can be some lack of clarity to deal with now, particularly related to what is expected of you and what you expect from others. Work and service are in strong focus, but it can be difficult dealing with routine matters if you’re not feeling motivated or directed. There is a lot going on behind the scenes and you may not always feel on top of your game as a result of this general distraction. While energy levels are less than ideal, personal attraction and emotional stimulation are strong now. Your intuition is highly stimulated and increased compassion can motivate you to help someone out or to provide a service. While attractions are strong today, some level of confusion is likely, and it can be difficult to accurately “read” people in your life at the moment. Similarly, while you might envision an exciting project today, it can be difficult knowing how to get it off the ground.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

You can bring strong people skills and unique creativity to the table today, dear Scorpio, particularly on a professional level. Your reputation can get a boost. Nevertheless, some confusion can surround your relations, attractions, and desires right now. Where you stand with friends or lovers may be a point of confusion, or you could be questioning your own feelings about someone. For some of you, this could be about a project, as you might be temporarily uninspired or questioning its viability. You could be see-sawing between fantasy and reality. It’s possible that someone isn’t being honest with you, but it’s also possible that you are deceiving yourself through wishful thinking. Romance or affectionate feelings can actually be draining today if you don’t know where you stand, but you are also likely to be especially amorous now with Venus and Mars coming to an alignment.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

While it’s a strong day for creativity and personal appeal, dear Sagittarius, you may not be feeling on solid ground today with a Sun-Neptune opposition in challenging aspect to your sign. If you resolve to simply go with the flow and accept that you may not need to know everything at this point in time, you’ll be far better off. Even so, listen to any signal that you have been ignoring your more spiritual needs. Confusing energies tend to surround family and career matters. While generally speaking this period is good for career and ambition, today you might be feeling a little insecure or concerned about family and personal matters. There can be vague concerns on the home front, or some temporary less-than-confident feelings experienced now. The day is better used for creative and imaginative undertakings. Adventure and play are in focus with Venus and Mars approaching an alignment in your adventure sector. Share your enthusiasm with others. Your powers of attraction are strong, but you might also be attracting hangers-on or confusing situations.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

Neptune opposing the Sun today can temporarily throw a veil over our perceptions, dear Capricorn. You may have felt that you were sailing along relatively smoothly, and now you could be questioning what to believe, and what to believe in. Distractions may not be more plentiful, but you could be more sensitive than usual to them now, and as a result, it can be a challenge to concentrate. Misinformation may be circulating, and there is a tendency for looping conversations that don’t really get you to where you want to go mentally. Be careful not to make a commitment or speak too soon or officially on a matter until the fog clears and until you are certain of the facts. Another influence with you today can also pull up unusual feelings and desires, and some of you could have a sudden urge to act upon hidden or previously buried desires and feelings. The temptation to keep important information from someone (an error of omission) can be strong. Similarly, try not to put too much faith in what you’re told for the time being, as there can be missing, and vital, information. Nevertheless, there is mysterious and sensual energy surrounding you, and meeting up with a past friend is possible now.



With Venus and Mars approaching an alignment today, dear Aquarius, there is spontaneous, creative, and desirous energy around you today. However, the Sun is opposing Neptune, challenging our perceptions, and this requires some caution when it comes to investing energy, time, or resources into iffy situations. Occurring across your resources sector, it’s important to avoid important financial transactions, lending, and possibly even borrowing. Boundaries could be crossed now, and it may be difficult to establish them clearly. Keep in mind that you are bound to bring out strong feelings and reactions in others whether you want to or not. There could be some form of letdown involved with a close relationship, but consider that this may bring you closer to a better understanding of someone, as true friendship is about accepting the real person, not only the image of a person or relationship. For some, a financial or ownership matter can be up in the air just for now. Try not to press for answers and resolve to pay more attention to your spiritual needs while protecting your material ones.



With the Sun and Neptune in opposition today, dear Pisces, it’s unlikely you are seeing people clearly and situations realistically. It’s equally as possible that others are not seeing you correctly, and it’s important not to encourage this. Ultimately, it works against you. There might also be confusion about where you stand with someone or how deep a commitment may be. You might also feel a little resentful if someone seems to be taking the lead or pushing something that you’re not ready for. If there is a letdown today, remind yourself that it’s better to attach yourself to dreams that lift your spirits than those that let you down. Venus and Mars are moving towards an alignment in your work and health sector, however, and this brings spontaneous, creative energy to your life in small ways.
You might be quite effective at combining work and play now. While desires are strong and seem quite urgent at times today, how to fulfill them is the tricky part right now!

Your Weekly Karma Forecast: August 30 – September 5, 2015

Your Weekly Karma Forecast: August 30 – September 5, 2015

a message from Kelly M. Beard

To view more of Kelly’s insight, please visit her website, KarmicTools.com


The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction.

*NOTE*There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.

Weekly Forecast: August 30 – September 5, 2015

8/31 ~ Sun (ego) ~oppose~ Neptune (dissolution):

This can be a very confusing energy. You will be very sensitive to others and their needs and how they relate to your own. You may want to withdraw or not voice your opinion just to avoid conflict, feeling like it wouldn’t solve anything anyway. However, do not give in to the temptation of being “slick” either, that will only bring more challenges your way. You may want to give in to another person’s demands when you have a valid reason not to. Avoid playing the victim. Be honest and up-front with anyone demanding a confrontation at this time, that you would rather gather your thoughts and discuss things later (by then this energy will have passed) when you can articulate your side of things better. Be aware of deception – both on your part and/or the part of others (trying to deceive you). Your discernment is not its strongest under this influence so it is best to be still and quiet until the energy passes. Take this time to do some spiritual, inner work.

9/1 ~ Venus (love & beauty) ~conjunct~ Mars (passion): (2 of 3: 2.22.2015 & 11.2.2015)

This is our primary feminine (Venus) and masculine (Mars) energies merging in a potent way, arousing a need to cultivate powerful relationship (whether physical/sexual or relating/socializing with others). There is a strong need for approval (on one level) and affection (on another level) from others and if you are not interacting with human beings on some level, this energy can also activate your artist nature (Venus). This a perfect time to create something (project or relationship) that is seeded by a deep, authentic love.

9/5 ~ Sun (core-identity) ~trine~ Pluto (transformation):

This energy makes you want to get things done, by any means necessary and you may tend to come on a little strong – but it’s all good. The work you want to do, is work that needs to be done and in doing it and facing things head-on, you will gain insights about yourself you can apply in the future. This intense and powerful energy is transformative in nature and will provoke you to think deeply about your life; what you need, desire and deserve. You may find that some aspects of your life need to be reformed or released – go for it – this energy makes reform and release easier than usual. It’s a good time to make an impression or an impact on others, but be sure to keep it on the Highest level possible. Any actions or statements used to manipulate others for selfish gain WILL backfire on you in a big way. This is a positive, uplifting, transformative energy – use it as such to clear the debris and create the life you were born to live.



Article located on Spiritlibrary.com

Your Daily Horoscopes for Monday, August 24th






Your Daily Horoscopes for Monday, August 24th



Aries Horoscope

Today’s energies favor pleasant conversations and cooperation, dear Aries. There can be a rather sudden awareness that you need some time to yourself, and while you’re especially motivated to get things done, don’t ignore your need for down time. We are approaching a Mercury station, which can bring some challenges when it comes to being understood, but later today, the general intent is positive and cooperative, so it’s important to pay more attention to gestures than specific words chosen to express ourselves. There can be a pleasant feeling of devotion to a person, fantasy, or the idea of love today, and this can inspire creative works or ideas.



While the first half of the day can be somewhat temperamental, dear Taurus, there is generally good energy for warm, affectionate conversations and overtures. Surprising news may be part of it. There is particularly nice energy for combining friends and family or home life in pleasing ways, and for having an especially positive faith in the people you care about and domestic matters in general. You are more idealistic than usual, and happily, most people around you are unlikely to burst your bubble. Happiness is natural and easy, as it’s coming from within.



Life can be hectic in many ways today, dear Gemini, and you can find some obstacles to your personal plans, but fortunately your mood is surprisingly peaceful at heart now so that you are far more tolerant of problems. A warm communication might occur now that boosts your spirits and makes you feel understood or cared for. Your sensitivities are heightened now, and you can be especially creative in your work or projects. Artistic achievement is favored. Mercury is approaching a direct station in your sign, so that it’s important to take more time to digest events and ideas in the coming few days.



Tensions in the first half of the day are very likely to be resolved, and quite satisfyingly at that, in the second half, dear Cancer. This morning, you may be wrestling with restlessness and unsure of where to direct your energy. Don’t allow restlessness to rule you or to choose your mood for you. As the day advances, you can find very creative ways to satisfy a desire for safety and comfort, as well as the need to feel more adventurous and experience different things. There is good energy for making, spending, or sorting out money, taking care of valuables, as well as for a feeling of abundance.


If you’ve been ignoring your needs for deep connections, intimacy, or time to yourself recently, you’ll feel the imbalance today, dear Leo. As much as you enjoy and benefit from friendly interactions, emotionally you’re craving a little more. As the day progresses, you’re likely to come to peace with someone, and also with yourself, as your emotions smooth out. In fact, you are able to find creative ways to express your feelings and to connect with others. There may be compliments or other shows of appreciation coming your way. You might attract an admirer.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

If you’ve been too busy to really spend time with a significant other or friend recently, dear Virgo, today you’ll feel the lack and you are likely to be quite anxious to make things right. It’s not easy to find that balance, however, as you can be pulled in different directions. It may be difficult to understand a partner or a job requirement, as messages you are receiving are unclear and conflicting right now. As the day advances, though, life remains busy but you’re more likely to let go of the tendency to overthink. There is very good energy for finding creative ways to satisfy your various needs and spend time with others. You can be especially gracious, and a partner or special person can be especially comforting and accepting.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

Today and the next few days can be somewhat challenging if you’re looking for clear facts or conversations, dear Libra, with Mercury approaching a direct station. However, today is wonderful for imagination, and if you pay closer attention to the intentions of the messages you’re receiving, you’ll find people are really quite cooperative. Avoid premature decisions, but enjoy the opportunities of the day, as you’re likely to get quite close to a friend or associate. While the morning can present a conundrum involving responsibilities, as the day progresses, you can find wonderful ways to satisfy your need to set things straight and tend to work, as well as your desire to socialize and network.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

There can be some tension that results from a conflict between your will and your emotions with a Last Quarter Moon occurring just before noon today, dear Scorpio. Today and in the next few days, try to give in to the idea that you won’t get the whole picture now, and let go. Matters will reveal themselves to you soon, and you don’t have to push anything. This can be a real load off your back! As the day advances, the pace is likely quite busy, but more pleasantly so. There is very creative energy that ties your sector of romance and entertainment with your sector of career and responsibility. You may feel freer to express yourself through your work, or your more playful side to others.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

If emotions are being released in spurts, or if you are not expressing yourself confidently, then your outbursts may be confusing to others, dear Sagittarius. Although we’re often encouraged to express our feelings, it’s sometimes kinder to ourselves and others if we sort out some of the less evolved ones on our own before releasing them. The Last Quarter Moon this morning can stimulate a strong need for comfort and groundedness, but others are also drawing you out, so you’ll have to find a balance. As the day advances, though, there is better energy for finding comfortable solutions, particularly as you may be able to satisfy the desire for familiarity as well as adventure in creative ways. A nice message or conversation can take place that puts you right at ease.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

Responsibilities to others or to your work can seem to clash with a sudden and strong need to explore your own interests or have an overdue conversation, dear Capricorn. While you can have a bit of a struggle trying to juggle too many activities, you’re also likely to find creative ways to tend to a variety of needs by combining them or adjusting your expectations of each. There can be a very lovely, accepting, and healing conversation or discovery of a more intimate or personal nature today. Diplomacy can help an important sale or advance today.



Relationships may be a little puzzling in the first half of the day, dear Aquarius. Your feelings may not be see-sawing, but your fears or worries may very well be. Money matters may also be an issue or cause for some concern. Even so, there is powerful energy for finding creative ways to satisfy a variety of seemingly conflicting needs. You can find ways to take risks or to enjoy yourself that don’t leave you feeling spent or overly indulgent. There is also beautiful energy for coming to an understanding with a partner or significant person. This can be due to a sense of shared values or respect for differing ones. There is more acceptance in the energy of the day that becomes you. This is a strong time generally for personal appeal and solutions to relating problems that are much more than just cosmetic.



People are especially amenable today, dear Pisces, and health or work can be pleasing. You are able to relax sufficiently to let your guard down. You are seeing more beauty in family, work, or simply circumstances around you, and life through this “lens” is more entertaining. You are imaginative by nature, but today this is enhanced, and can be in full force when it comes to finding different ways to enjoy your daily life. It’s a wonderful time to beautify your surroundings. It’s also a strong day for personal appeal.

Your Weekly Karma Forecast for August 16 thru 22

Weekly Forecast: August 16 – 22, 2015

For more of Kelly’s insight, please visit her website, www.KarmicTools.com


The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction.

*NOTE* There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.

Weekly Forecast: August 16 – 22, 2015

8/19 ~ Venus (relationships) ~trine~ Uranus (unique):

This energy is likely to bring a little excitement into your life, one way or another. This is a good time to do something different; shake up your routine. Seek out diversions; try something new! Relationships will have an unusual energy to them; an established relationship may sparkle with some extra “spice” or a new relationship begun under this energy will be stimulating, unusual and probably short-lived. Use this energy to soak up some good energy from those who live on the fringes!

8/21 ~ Sun (core identity) ~square~ Saturn (responsibility):

With this energy, it is best to understand that you will have two distinct pulls within – duty versus self-gratification. It’s not nearly as bad as it feels, however, it does bring up something we all struggle with to some degree or another – SELF & OTHERS. How much do you owe your Self and how much are you obligated to others? Balance and reciprocity come to mind as guides. One of the challenges of this influence is the tendency to make assumptions without checking whether they are true. Never assume! Some people may feel restricted, as if life is too demanding and there’s never any time just for you. Others may find their lives falling apart because they have avoided responsibility for so long and now there’s no more “wiggle room”. Try to convert your impatience with seeming restriction to self-discipline – make a commitment to your Self and follow through. Physically and psychologically, your energies are low at this time. You may feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, but you don’t expect help because you haven’t asked for it. Remember, that is your choice. You may be reinforcing the very circumstances that make you feel lonely and isolated. What you must do is break out of the vicious cycle and take a good look around you, at your life and the people you allow in it. The events related to this transit tend to magnify the chinks in your ego structure. The purpose of discouragement is to reveal the weaknesses in your conception of your Self and to show where you must work to gain greater confidence in your Self.

Your Weekly Karmic Forecast: August 9 – 15, 2015

Weekly Forecast: August 9 – 15, 2015


a message from Kelly M. Beard

To read more of Kelly’s insight, please visit her website, www.KarmicTools.com


The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction.

*NOTE* There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.

Weekly Forecast: August 9 – 15, 2015

8/12 ~ Mercury (lower mind) ~oppose~ Neptune (Higher mind):

This energy requires us to balance the Higher and lower mind. Some sensitive souls will feel bombarded by energies from all sides and it may feel like information-overload and very stressful. The best use of this transit is meditation – not making important decisions or commitments for a week or so. Communication with others is challenged, another reason to only communicate with your Higher Self – or at least check in often this week! Don’t believe everything you read or hear. Allow information to flow at a comfortable pace and wait a week for the energy to shift before making any decisions based on the information gathered. Some will access the necessary clarity for furthering their vision – others vision will be blurred and just out of reach.

8/13 ~ Sun (core identity) ~trine~ Uranus (individuality):

This energy is wonderful for a little self-examination. Look at your habits, home situation, work or anything else that is important to you and look at how you’ve gotten to where you are. What kind of choices led here? This is a good time to look around and see how you can conserve or release that which is no longer useful. It’s a good energy for organizing and clearing the decks, so to speak, of things that have piled up but still need to be dealt with or released. You’ll may be feeling very practical this week.

8/15 ~ Venus (relationships) ~conjunct~ Sun (individual): (1 of 2: 8.15.2015 & 6.16.2016)

This activates your innate creativity and gets your wheels turning about what you want to bring to life in the world, what you want to invest in and be a part of. When Sun contacts Venus, the creativity is centered around you, however, here as Venus contacts the Sun, it’s all about the creation! Use this Solar infusion to brighten & illuminate yourSelf, your surroundings or your creative projects. This expands your magnetic field and opportunities result. There is a burst of new energy wanting to be expressed through you, and it’s based on your new values & priorities. It is the beginning of a new creative cycle. Love too is a creative force, so if your relationships are more center-stage than your creative projects, then this too lends new potency to what you create with others (personal or professional). Invite or allow support and guidance from men and the Divine Masculine within and around you.

8/15 ~ Mercury (inner-voice) ~trine~ Pluto (deep connection):

This energy provokes deep delving WITHIN. You will be most inclined toward learning the meaning “behind the meaning”. You will want to explore your inner Self and try to understand it better. It is best to be alone for such research. Take a day or a weekend and grab your most powerful books and music and get somewhere beautiful if you can, if not your bedroom will do just as well – and dig deep! You are finally ready for the deeper truth, and you will be transformed by what you learn. If you must communicate with others, plan on that being deep as well. Nothing superficial today. The only warning with this energy is not to become obsessive about one particular idea – and certainly don’t try to force your particular opinion on others. If you feel the deep need to focus on one particular thing, that is fine but try to keep some perspective or write down all your revelations so you can reflect on them at a later time when you are more objective.


8/12 ~ Mercury (lower mind) ~oppose~ Neptune (Higher mind):

This energy requires us to balance the Higher and lower mind. Some sensitive souls will feel bombarded by energies from all sides and it may feel like information-overload and very stressful. The best use of this transit is meditation – not making important decisions or commitments for a week or so. Communication with others is challenged, another reason to only communicate with your Higher Self – or at least check in often this week! Don’t believe everything you read or hear. Allow information to flow at a comfortable pace and wait a week for the energy to shift before making any decisions based on the information gathered. Some will access the necessary clarity for furthering their vision – others vision will be blurred and just out of reach.

8/13 ~ Sun (core identity) ~trine~ Uranus (individuality):

This energy is wonderful for a little self-examination. Look at your habits, home situation, work or anything else that is important to you and look at how you’ve gotten to where you are. What kind of choices led here? This is a good time to look around and see how you can conserve or release that which is no longer useful. It’s a good energy for organizing and clearing the decks, so to speak, of things that have piled up but still need to be dealt with or released. You’ll may be feeling very practical this week.

8/15 ~ Venus (relationships) ~conjunct~ Sun (individual): (1 of 2: 8.15.2015 & 6.16.2016)

This activates your innate creativity and gets your wheels turning about what you want to bring to life in the world, what you want to invest in and be a part of. When Sun contacts Venus, the creativity is centered around you, however, here as Venus contacts the Sun, it’s all about the creation! Use this Solar infusion to brighten & illuminate yourSelf, your surroundings or your creative projects. This expands your magnetic field and opportunities result. There is a burst of new energy wanting to be expressed through you, and it’s based on your new values & priorities. It is the beginning of a new creative cycle. Love too is a creative force, so if your relationships are more center-stage than your creative projects, then this too lends new potency to what you create with others (personal or professional). Invite or allow support and guidance from men and the Divine Masculine within and around you.

8/15 ~ Mercury (inner-voice) ~trine~ Pluto (deep connection):

This energy provokes deep delving WITHIN. You will be most inclined toward learning the meaning “behind the meaning”. You will want to explore your inner Self and try to understand it better. It is best to be alone for such research. Take a day or a weekend and grab your most powerful books and music and get somewhere beautiful if you can, if not your bedroom will do just as well – and dig deep! You are finally ready for the deeper truth, and you will be transformed by what you learn. If you must communicate with others, plan on that being deep as well. Nothing superficial today. The only warning with this energy is not to become obsessive about one particular idea – and certainly don’t try to force your particular opinion on others. If you feel the deep need to focus on one particular thing, that is fine but try to keep some perspective or write down all your revelations so you can reflect on them at a later time when you are more objective.

Weekly Forecast: August 9 – 15, 2015

8/12 ~ Mercury (lower mind) ~oppose~ Neptune (Higher mind):

This energy requires us to balance the Higher and lower mind. Some sensitive souls will feel bombarded by energies from all sides and it may feel like information-overload and very stressful. The best use of this transit is meditation – not making important decisions or commitments for a week or so. Communication with others is challenged, another reason to only communicate with your Higher Self – or at least check in often this week! Don’t believe everything you read or hear. Allow information to flow at a comfortable pace and wait a week for the energy to shift before making any decisions based on the information gathered. Some will access the necessary clarity for furthering their vision – others vision will be blurred and just out of reach.

8/13 ~ Sun (core identity) ~trine~ Uranus (individuality):

This energy is wonderful for a little self-examination. Look at your habits, home situation, work or anything else that is important to you and look at how you’ve gotten to where you are. What kind of choices led here? This is a good time to look around and see how you can conserve or release that which is no longer useful. It’s a good energy for organizing and clearing the decks, so to speak, of things that have piled up but still need to be dealt with or released. You’ll may be feeling very practical this week.

8/15 ~ Venus (relationships) ~conjunct~ Sun (individual): (1 of 2: 8.15.2015 & 6.16.2016)

This activates your innate creativity and gets your wheels turning about what you want to bring to life in the world, what you want to invest in and be a part of. When Sun contacts Venus, the creativity is centered around you, however, here as Venus contacts the Sun, it’s all about the creation! Use this Solar infusion to brighten & illuminate yourSelf, your surroundings or your creative projects. This expands your magnetic field and opportunities result. There is a burst of new energy wanting to be expressed through you, and it’s based on your new values & priorities. It is the beginning of a new creative cycle. Love too is a creative force, so if your relationships are more center-stage than your creative projects, then this too lends new potency to what you create with others (personal or professional). Invite or allow support and guidance from men and the Divine Masculine within and around you.

8/15 ~ Mercury (inner-voice) ~trine~ Pluto (deep connection):

This energy provokes deep delving WITHIN. You will be most inclined toward learning the meaning “behind the meaning”. You will want to explore your inner Self and try to understand it better. It is best to be alone for such research. Take a day or a weekend and grab your most powerful books and music and get somewhere beautiful if you can, if not your bedroom will do just as well – and dig deep! You are finally ready for the deeper truth, and you will be transformed by what you learn. If you must communicate with others, plan on that being deep as well. Nothing superficial today. The only warning with this energy is not to become obsessive about one particular idea – and certainly don’t try to force your particular opinion on others. If you feel the deep need to focus on one particular thing, that is fine but try to keep some perspective or write down all your revelations so you can reflect on them at a later time when you are more objective.

Healing Arts and Pagan Studies – Dragon Day Spell

Wiccan Magic

Dragon Day Spell


Today is the day to use dragon energy. Dragon energy is straightforward, so be careful for what you ask. You will receive it in the most direct way. Be very specific. Dragon logic is not human logic. Dragon moves from A to B, and simply removes anything in its way. For example: an acquaintance asked Dragon, without going into specifics, to change her living situation. As a result, a few days later there was a fire in her apartment building, and she was left without a place to live. That’s a change, but it was not the one she wanted! Dragon energy is great for removing blocks, but only use it when you are determined to make a change.

Using Dragon energy when you fear change will backfire on you. Pick something in your life that you wish to unblock. Find an image of a dragon that you feel connected to. Decorate your altar using bright colors and shiny, sparkly accessories. Cast a circle. Invite Dragon energy to join you in the ritual. Discuss the situation thoroughly with Dragon; consider the options, and request Dragon’s help in a way that will harm none. Ground and close the circle. You should feel energized at the end of the ritual. Dragon energy usually works quickly and in unexpected ways, so be aware of everything around you—as rapid change is on its way.

By: Cerridwen Iris Shea )0( From: GrannyMoon’s Morning Feast Archives Coventry of Healing Arts and Pagan Studies Enroll Now!


Your Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday, August 5th





Your Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday, August 5th



Aries Horoscope

The energies of the first half of the day are less than warm with a Venus-Saturn square, dear Aries, which tends to stimulate any insecurities you may have on an interpersonal or financial level. You could have a strong urge to splurge, but worries about your financial bottom line can leave you struggling with the desire. However, you can be especially productive, particularly later today, around the home and with work. The key to success right now is to focus on the things that need doing. If you can manage to set your own pace today, you can move mountains. It’s an excellent time for applying yourself to a meaningful project or endeavor and really making a dent. It’s also a good time for working on domestic projects that have long-term benefits. You can see the value of small but significant efforts and are patient enough to realize that good things truly do take time. Moderation is key now.



Again today, there is tricky and rather critical energy with you when it comes to relationships, dear Taurus, although as the day advances, the load lightens. For some of you, strides you’re making with a family relationship could be the cause of frustration for someone else who may be vying for your attention, as an example. You could be feeling pulled in different directions and it might seem that nobody wins. Confidence does build as the day advances, however. You can apply yourself to your work, projects, or interests later today, and feel that you’re making headway. Working with someone one on one can be of mutual benefit.



Put decision making on a shelf today, dear Gemini, and instead focus on getting the work you need to do, done. Emotional matters could interfere with your mood at times, as you may not be feeling especially confident this morning. The tendency is to expect the worst. You might feel a little burdened when it comes to work or things to do. There can be negativity or emotional distance around you, so watch for this. If you don’t feel you deserve something, you’re not likely to get it. Confidence builds as the day advances, though, and you can get a lot done. Harness the energy available to you now into something truly worth pursuing. You have an exceptional sense of what is truly valuable to you, and also of your own capabilities.



Some awkward energy, particularly socially, continues into today, dear Cancer, but leaves us by midday. This is not the time to rock the boat or to go out on a limb. It’s the kind of energy that supports head down, nose to the grindstone, and sticking with what has worked for you in the past. Fortunately, this is temporary. Concerns about money can be part of this, and the most obvious solution is to curb spending. As well, you may be bothered if someone in your life is not truly showing that they value you. You are sensitive to these things today. Lacking confidence creatively and romantically is a temporary thing. The second half of the day brings easier energy to focus on your priorities and enjoy the process. It’s more natural to take on responsibilities and feel good about yourself as you do.



Relationships can be a little strained in the first half of the day, dear Leo, likely as people can be more defensive and self-protective than usual with a Venus-Saturn square. You could be feeling a stronger than normal desire for others’ appreciation, but it might seem you have less than your usual takers. The fact is, it may be better to pull into yourself just for the time being, cool off, and reconsider your needs. This process can be helpful in the long run and can get you into closer touch with your true needs and values. As the day advances, you are more likely to appreciate some level of solitude to have a go at your projects or work, or for some reflection.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

With a Venus-Saturn influencing us in the first half of the day, dear Virgo, there can be a lack of natural flow which makes it difficult to find satisfaction or to please others. Your desire to unwind can be challenged with a sudden need to tend to problem areas or other responsibilities. Put off making commitments instead of doing so with half your heart. As the day advances, you could find that pouring your energy into a special project can be consuming in a good way. You might enjoy working by yourself rather than with others for the time being, but teamwork can succeed as well. You might find that you get some small area of your life back on track, organized, or otherwise running smoothly, and this can be very satisfying.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

The Venus-Saturn square this morning can point to a need to get some emotional distance from a friend or a problem, dear Libra, in order to get into better touch with your feelings and what you may be missing or avoiding. It’s also a healthy reminder that you can be on your own and enjoy yourself, too. There can be feelings of being unappreciated or undervalued, and these need to be dealt with now. Avoid taking on more – think in terms of simplifying your life. Giving yourself space is important now, and later today, you might feel especially motivated to take care of business. Being productive can satisfy a need now.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

A Venus-Saturn square this morning can remind us of a need to take time to ourselves in order to better understand our needs, dear Scorpio. There can be some minor tension or emotional distancing in your close relationships and possibly even professionally now, but it’s best not to take it too personally. It’s a good idea to try to detach yourself rather than push, probe, or cling, which may attract more problems. As the day advances, you can feel far more comfortable with your responsibilities and with your work or doing something on your own. Energy levels even or smooth out. You could get fired up about an idea or belief, and this can motivate you to pursue a new interest or renew an old one.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

There can be some tension or simply a bit of reserve sensed in your interactions in the first half of the day, dear Sagittarius. There can be resistance to new ideas or to change, but it’s temporary and not to be taken too personally. If you’re feeling out of sync or acting a little unnaturally, second-guessing yourself, then consider you need a little break, time to yourself, or a project or interest to put your energy into. Remind yourself that you can be very comfortable doing things on your own once in a while. This can boost your self-confidence and make you a little more self-reliant. As the day advances, your energy levels improve, and you are less sensitive to potential distractions.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

A Venus-Saturn square in the first half of the day can pull out insecurities or lead you to feel a little undervalued, dear Capricorn. You may be desirous of more closeness or intimacy, but others are not quite catching on or are simply on a different vibe. Detaching yourself from others just for a short while can be a valuable exercise at times like these. This way you can focus on things that you enjoy or that contribute to a sense of satisfaction on your own, and perhaps take the time to consider what it is you feel is lacking in your life, or what is standing in the way of satisfaction. Later today, it becomes far easier to go your own way and enjoy yourself as you do. As this happens, you might find that others seem to join in or lend a hand. Energy levels increase as the day moves forward.



This is unlikely to be the most adventurous of days, dear Aquarius, but you may very well welcome and need this right now. You are likely to seek out the familiar rather than the untried just for now. However, you could be particularly sensitive to criticism or perceived criticism now. There could also be a disappointment with a work responsibility or a person in authority. There day’s energies tend to make it easier to be productive as the day advances, and you may thoroughly enjoy your hobbies, work, or projects and be very productive. Motivation comes from a clearer end goal or sense of meaning to what you’re doing.



Relating patterns are unlikely to be ideal in the first half of the day, dear Pisces, with Venus and Saturn forming a square. There can be defensiveness or misunderstandings to deal with, but if you resolve to invest yourself in your practical priorities and give relationships some healthy distance, you could feel much better for it. We can’t be full-on, all the time. Concentration improves as the day advances. It’s easier to tune out distractions as you feel more motivated to handle a matter or pursue a project or personal interest. You might also find that you’re able to draw on self-discipline. Creative projects that require a practical touch or detail work can especially benefit now. Laying down the law or boundaries can be helpful as well.

Get a Jump On Tomorrow, Your Horoscopes for Wednesday, Aug. 5th






Get a Jump on Tomorrow…..

Your Horoscopes for Wednesday, August 5th



Aries Horoscope

The energies of the first half of the day are less than warm with a Venus-Saturn square, dear Aries, which tends to stimulate any insecurities you may have on an interpersonal or financial level. You could have a strong urge to splurge, but worries about your financial bottom line can leave you struggling with the desire. However, you can be especially productive, particularly later today, around the home and with work. The key to success right now is to focus on the things that need doing. If you can manage to set your own pace today, you can move mountains. It’s an excellent time for applying yourself to a meaningful project or endeavor and really making a dent. It’s also a good time for working on domestic projects that have long-term benefits. You can see the value of small but significant efforts and are patient enough to realize that good things truly do take time. Moderation is key now.



Again today, there is tricky and rather critical energy with you when it comes to relationships, dear Taurus, although as the day advances, the load lightens. For some of you, strides you’re making with a family relationship could be the cause of frustration for someone else who may be vying for your attention, as an example. You could be feeling pulled in different directions and it might seem that nobody wins. Confidence does build as the day advances, however. You can apply yourself to your work, projects, or interests later today, and feel that you’re making headway. Working with someone one on one can be of mutual benefit.



Put decision making on a shelf today, dear Gemini, and instead focus on getting the work you need to do, done. Emotional matters could interfere with your mood at times, as you may not be feeling especially confident this morning. The tendency is to expect the worst. You might feel a little burdened when it comes to work or things to do. There can be negativity or emotional distance around you, so watch for this. If you don’t feel you deserve something, you’re not likely to get it. Confidence builds as the day advances, though, and you can get a lot done. Harness the energy available to you now into something truly worth pursuing. You have an exceptional sense of what is truly valuable to you, and also of your own capabilities.



Some awkward energy, particularly socially, continues into today, dear Cancer, but leaves us by midday. This is not the time to rock the boat or to go out on a limb. It’s the kind of energy that supports head down, nose to the grindstone, and sticking with what has worked for you in the past. Fortunately, this is temporary. Concerns about money can be part of this, and the most obvious solution is to curb spending. As well, you may be bothered if someone in your life is not truly showing that they value you. You are sensitive to these things today. Lacking confidence creatively and romantically is a temporary thing. The second half of the day brings easier energy to focus on your priorities and enjoy the process. It’s more natural to take on responsibilities and feel good about yourself as you do.



Relationships can be a little strained in the first half of the day, dear Leo, likely as people can be more defensive and self-protective than usual with a Venus-Saturn square. You could be feeling a stronger than normal desire for others’ appreciation, but it might seem you have less than your usual takers. The fact is, it may be better to pull into yourself just for the time being, cool off, and reconsider your needs. This process can be helpful in the long run and can get you into closer touch with your true needs and values. As the day advances, you are more likely to appreciate some level of solitude to have a go at your projects or work, or for some reflection.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

With a Venus-Saturn influencing us in the first half of the day, dear Virgo, there can be a lack of natural flow which makes it difficult to find satisfaction or to please others. Your desire to unwind can be challenged with a sudden need to tend to problem areas or other responsibilities. Put off making commitments instead of doing so with half your heart. As the day advances, you could find that pouring your energy into a special project can be consuming in a good way. You might enjoy working by yourself rather than with others for the time being, but teamwork can succeed as well. You might find that you get some small area of your life back on track, organized, or otherwise running smoothly, and this can be very satisfying.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

The Venus-Saturn square this morning can point to a need to get some emotional distance from a friend or a problem, dear Libra, in order to get into better touch with your feelings and what you may be missing or avoiding. It’s also a healthy reminder that you can be on your own and enjoy yourself, too. There can be feelings of being unappreciated or undervalued, and these need to be dealt with now. Avoid taking on more – think in terms of simplifying your life. Giving yourself space is important now, and later today, you might feel especially motivated to take care of business. Being productive can satisfy a need now.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

A Venus-Saturn square this morning can remind us of a need to take time to ourselves in order to better understand our needs, dear Scorpio. There can be some minor tension or emotional distancing in your close relationships and possibly even professionally now, but it’s best not to take it too personally. It’s a good idea to try to detach yourself rather than push, probe, or cling, which may attract more problems. As the day advances, you can feel far more comfortable with your responsibilities and with your work or doing something on your own. Energy levels even or smooth out. You could get fired up about an idea or belief, and this can motivate you to pursue a new interest or renew an old one.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

There can be some tension or simply a bit of reserve sensed in your interactions in the first half of the day, dear Sagittarius. There can be resistance to new ideas or to change, but it’s temporary and not to be taken too personally. If you’re feeling out of sync or acting a little unnaturally, second-guessing yourself, then consider you need a little break, time to yourself, or a project or interest to put your energy into. Remind yourself that you can be very comfortable doing things on your own once in a while. This can boost your self-confidence and make you a little more self-reliant. As the day advances, your energy levels improve, and you are less sensitive to potential distractions.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

A Venus-Saturn square in the first half of the day can pull out insecurities or lead you to feel a little undervalued, dear Capricorn. You may be desirous of more closeness or intimacy, but others are not quite catching on or are simply on a different vibe. Detaching yourself from others just for a short while can be a valuable exercise at times like these. This way you can focus on things that you enjoy or that contribute to a sense of satisfaction on your own, and perhaps take the time to consider what it is you feel is lacking in your life, or what is standing in the way of satisfaction. Later today, it becomes far easier to go your own way and enjoy yourself as you do. As this happens, you might find that others seem to join in or lend a hand. Energy levels increase as the day moves forward.



This is unlikely to be the most adventurous of days, dear Aquarius, but you may very well welcome and need this right now. You are likely to seek out the familiar rather than the untried just for now. However, you could be particularly sensitive to criticism or perceived criticism now. There could also be a disappointment with a work responsibility or a person in authority. There day’s energies tend to make it easier to be productive as the day advances, and you may thoroughly enjoy your hobbies, work, or projects and be very productive. Motivation comes from a clearer end goal or sense of meaning to what you’re doing.



Relating patterns are unlikely to be ideal in the first half of the day, dear Pisces, with Venus and Saturn forming a square. There can be defensiveness or misunderstandings to deal with, but if you resolve to invest yourself in your practical priorities and give relationships some healthy distance, you could feel much better for it. We can’t be full-on, all the time. Concentration improves as the day advances. It’s easier to tune out distractions as you feel more motivated to handle a matter or pursue a project or personal interest. You might also find that you’re able to draw on self-discipline. Creative projects that require a practical touch or detail work can especially benefit now. Laying down the law or boundaries can be helpful as well.


Your Weekly Karma Forecast: July 19 – 25, 2015

Weekly Forecast: July 19 – 25, 2015


a message from Kelly M. Beard

To view more of Kelly’s insight, please visit her website, www.KarmicTools.com


The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction.

*NOTE* There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.

Weekly Forecast: July 19 – 25, 2015

7/21 ~ Sun (your core drives) ~trine~ Saturn (discipline & order):

This energy is going to help you further organize your life, mainly your home, office or immediate environment. Others may see you as a hard worker, but really you are only doing what you feel must be done at this time. You may be really aware of the connection between who you are and what you do at this time. This energy is giving you an opportunity to see how things are working for you, on a practical level. Evaluate your daily routine and see what’s working and what’s not and move forward.

7/22 ~ Mercury (your voice) ~trine~ Saturn (reality):

This energy is good for deep thinking. You are sharp and your standards are high because you are in ‘strategy mode’. This is a more solitary energy though, so communications with others may be hampered a bit. You may feel like people don’t understand what you’re trying to convey or that you’re coming across more negatively than you intended. This is not a good energy for business negotiations. This energy makes you most critical of your Self, but it could trickle over onto others as well. Beware of a tendency toward pessimism and/or depression. Try to stay focused on all the blessings that you do have and all that you have accomplished instead of what’s still on the list of things to do (in life). This energy is not intended to make you feel bad about all the things left yet to do, but encourage you to begin the necessary steps for manifesting your dreams. This energy just makes you focus on the practical side of manifesting. Clear the debris, and begin to lay a new, clean, solid foundation beneath your goals. It sharpens your ability to see the necessary steps with an unusual acumen.

7/23 ~ Mercury (expression) ~conjunct~ Sun (core-Self):

This energy will compel you to express yourself on many levels. Communication will be a focus, just make sure it is reciprocated. You will have access to some powerful energy that can (and probably will) make quite an impression on others (if you need to). This is a good time to travel if possible too. However, if not physically, than mentally and certainly within your own area, you will take in more information per square inch than usual. Pay attention! You may even gain the much deserved recognition from others you have worked so hard for.

7/25 ~ Mars (action) ~square~ Uranus (freedom):

This is the “Rebel” energy – what’s your “cause”? If you are clear about your own authentic Truth & Purpose, then this energy is refreshing and uplifting. You acknowledge change is necessary (and inevitable) and you co-create with this energy to transform your current life. This is a rebirth energy too and being “reborn” is never easy. Worth it – but not easy. However, if you are NOT clear about who you are and what you’re capable of, this energy shines a light on that aspect of your life which you instinctively already know needs an overhaul but for whatever reason you are still holding on to the old habits/patterns. Unwilling or unable to embrace change at this time, you only increase the feeling of being restricted by external energies. Your life is a direct reflection of what’s going on inside you. How’s it lookin’? Check your ego, recommit to your Truth and remember that change is GOOD! And if you don’t go voluntarily (read: consciously), then you’ll get dragged to the new level, kicking and screaming and you’ll be so exhausted when you get there that you may miss the beauty in evolving to the next level. (This IS what you’ve been working toward, correct?) Remember, conscious, effective action creates FREEDOM.


Your Weekly Karma Forecast for June 28 through July 4

Weekly Forecast: June 28 – July 4, 2015

The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction.

*NOTE* There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.

Weekly Forecast: June 28 – July 4, 2015

6/29 ~ Venus (relationships) ~trine~ Uranus (unique):

This energy is likely to bring a little excitement into your life, one way or another. This is a good time to do something different; shake up your routine. Seek out diversions; try something new! Relationships will have an unusual energy to them; an established relationship may sparkle with some extra “spice” or a new relationship begun under this energy will be stimulating, unusual and probably short-lived. Use this energy to soak up some good energy from those who live on the fringes!

7/1 ~ Venus (values) ~conjunct~ Jupiter (truth):

This is an extremely powerful energy that makes you very mentally “present” to the fact that both your values and your truth are shifting. You can connect to material abundance. This is usually a pleasant shift because it is about expanding your sense of authentic beauty, as in nature, and the interrelatedness of all living things. There is an energy of enthusiasm around new or growing relationships which attracts more positive energy. This is the best time to create and “expect miracles”!

7/1 ~ Sun (authenticity) ~trine~ Neptune (intuition):

This energy triggers your idealistic side and provokes a desire to understand things on a deeper, more spiritual level. Try to use this energy to reflect on where you are and where you want to be, mentally, spiritually and physically. Take time to meditate and be still, quiet and alone. You may feel compelled to do things today that have no direct benefit for you; finding satisfaction in giving. Just be sure to ‘help those who help themselves’. Your intuition is heightened also, so pay attention to any ‘messages’ that come thru to you.

7/2 ~ Mercury (acumen) ~sextile~ Uranus (the Awakener):

This energy says, it’s time to go with the flow – “new and different” being the flow. It wants to shake it up a bit – in a good way. However, if you feel like new and different is more like chaos and disruption, then you need to reflect and see if you aren’t being too rigid. Unwillingness to go with the (new) flow will make this energy harder to handle. This is also a good time to try to resolve any old issues or challenges – they are not going away without resolution and conscious release. Perhaps you’ve been trying the same thing over and over and it’s time to try something NEW – now is the time new ideas will come to you. Pay attention! Try to be open and receptive to unusual things, events or ideas; allow spontaneity. You may think you are doing one thing and look up and being doing something completely different – be open to exploring the new path!

7/3 ~ Mercury (your voice) ~sextile~ Jupiter (expansion):

This energy can make you focus on the larger issues in your life. Your dreams are tapping you on the shoulder, demanding some attention. Mundane issues do not concern you, you want to figure out how to create the life you’ve been imagining. This energy also provokes within you the understanding that being generous naturally attracts generosity to you (and your cause). You’re focused on the big picture and overall patterns which have lead you to this point. Feeling clear, sharp, alert and optimistic, your realize that anything you can imagine, you can achieve.

Correspondences for the Waxing Moon

Mermaid Comments & Graphics

Correspondences for the Waxing Moon

Time: From New Moon to Full Moon (Approx. 14 days)

Goddess Aspect: Maiden

Associated Goddesses: Artemis, Branwen, Eriu, Nymph, and Epona

Magickal Attributes: INVOKING, Beginnings, New projects, ideas, inspiration, energy, vitality, and freedom.

Correspondences for the Pagan Practitioner
Jennifer Weiner