Beltane – Spring is Here! Time to Get Your Gardens Ready

Welcome to springtime in the southern hemisphere. As the warmer weather comes a witches thoughts turns to sowing a garden. A garden can mean a different thing to each of us. For me it is getting my physical seeds ready for my veggie garden, to check to see if my herbs survived the winter or if I need to start new ones. Spiritually it means starting new seeds/paths for me to be able to grow to be closer to Mother Earth, the Universal energies, my students, and my teachers. To be able in the fall to reap full benefits of all that I have learned and put them into practice whether it is in my own personal life or helping my students with something. This year I need to plant new seeds and seedlings for all my flower gardens because early heavy rains in this part of the country washed away two inches of top soil in all my flower beds.

What does planting a garden mean to you? Do you plant flowers, vegetables, herbs, goals or a little of all of these or any combination? Remember whatever you plant will come to fruition with the right amount of love, watering (spiritually this can be communicating with each other in the pagan community or even be emailing me to say hi), sunshine (remember to thank the Sun God) and nurturing from within yourself (positive thoughts and affirmations) and from others in our community.

I would really LOVE to SEE COMMENTS on this post, please. Share with us your seeds and lets us help you grow them to their fullest potential!

Copyright 2017 Lady Beltane

Spell for Today – 5 Simple Ostara Rituals


Some of the Witchcraft / Magickal Correspondences for Monday

Monday Source: Ancient Pathway

Magickal Intentions:
Psychic Sensitivity, Women’s Mysteries, Tides, Waters, Emotional Issues, Agriculture, Animals, Female Fertility, Messages, Theft, Reconcilliations, Voyages, Dreams and Merchandise
African Violet
Night Flowers
Willow Root
Orris Root
White Rose
White Iris
Quartz Crystal

Monday Source: The Flying Hedge Witch

This day of the week is dedicated to the moon, in which it gets its name. This is a great day to work with moon energy, especially if it is a full moon. Divination and prophetic dreaming are best performed today. It is also a good time to work magic focusing on mothers, nurturing, fertility, woman issues, and growth.
Color: Silver, white, light blue
Planet: Moon
Deities: Thoth, Selene, Diana, Artemis, Luna
Crystals: Pearl, opal, moonstone
Herbs: Wintergreen, catnip, comfrey, sage, chamomile, mint
Associations: Illusion, glamour, sleep, dreams, fertility, insight, peace, beauty, women’s mysteries

One Way of How to Use Sun Phases for Spells

While almost every witch follows Moon phases for doing spells, rituals, and other magickal works. I also use the Sun phases, especially because my patron God is Ra.

Every day there is a waxing, full, waning and new phases for the Sun besides the seasonal changes. From midnight to noon is the waxing phases, the full phase is from 11:55 AM to 12:05 PM, the waning follows until sunset than at 11:55 PM to 12:05 AM is the new Sun phases. For the seasons spring is the waning, summer the new fall the waxing and winter the full. You can also go by Sabbat dates Beltane-Waning, Summer Solstice – Full, Samhain – Waning, Winter Solstice – New.

This idea and the phases may seem a bit strange to people but when the Moon is in the wrong phases for something I cannot wait to do I use the daily and if possible seasonal Sun phases. This gives me more options of what I need to do.

Some New Moon Rituals, Intentions, Spiritual Meaning, and Correspondences

New Moon Spiritual Meaning And Intentions


The New Moon is the start of a new lunar cycle and appears as a very thin and delicate crescent in the sky.

A common question about the New Moon is, how do I make New Moon water or set intentions when the New Moon isn’t visible?

Sometimes the New Moon is below the horizon or such a faint sliver that it’s hard to see. However, it’s still there! The New Moon still affects the tides, and its energy will always be prevalent even if you can’t see it.

The New Moon’s spiritual meaning symbolizes a very peaceful and tranquil moment in the lunar cycle. It’s a time of new beginnings and renewal.

The New Moon is a reset and a chance to start again, giving you a clean slate. This is why the New Moon is associated with manifestation work and intention setting.

Table of Contents

New Moon Spiritual Meaning And Intentions

New Moon Correspondences

New Moon Spiritual Meaning and Intentions

New Moon Journal Prompts For Spiritual Meaning

New Moon Rituals and How To Celebrate

Spell For – Athena’s Spell-Writing Charm


Athena’s Spell-Writing Charm

Light a purple candle for Athena and a white candle for peace. Now sit before the candles and concentrate on what variety of spell you’d like to write. Close your eyes for a few moments to center yourself. Now repeat the following spell three times:

Computer and printer, ink pens and paper
Send me inspiration sooner than later
Athena blesses me under a Wednesday-night sky
I can create my own spells, now let my magick fly
Using a bit of Wednesday’s witchery
As I do will it, so mote it be!

Close this up by writing your own spell or charm. If you’d like to add a little herbal magick to this spell, add some lavender for transformation. It will help to transform your ideas into reality. Check your spice rack, and make use of some dill for good luck. Most of all, just have fun. Don’t be afraid to try writing your own spells.

Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week
Ellen Dugan

Special Edition of Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondences, Rituals and Other Things for Samhain

Symbolism: death and regeneration, transformation, end of old projects, new beginnings, return, change, rest, success, plenty, knowledge

Symbols: skulls, bats, cats, leaves, nuts, seeds, barren trees and branches, pumpkins, cauldron, pentacle, crystal ball, besom or broom, witch’s hat, moon, crows/ravens, ghosts, goblins, banshees, candy/caramel apples, chocolate, Jack-o-Lanterns, costumes, Trick-or-Treats, Death, acorns, bones, gourds, scarecrowsColors: black, orange, red, silver, gold, brown, purple, yellow

Food and Drink: apples, cider, pork, hazelnuts, pomegranates, pumpkins, potatoes, squash, cranberries, turnips, beets, mugwort tea, ale, mulled wine, pies/cakes for the dead

Herbs: apple leaf, almonds, bay leaf, nettle, hemlock, cloves, cinnamon, mandrake root, marigold, mums, mugwort, pine, rosemarysagewormwood, tarragon, rue, garlic, ginger, hazelnut, allspice

Deities: Hekate, The Crone, Cerridwen, Bast, Persephone, Horned Hunter, Cernunnos, Osiris, Hades, Anubis, Loki, Arawn, Dis, and any other death/underworld god or goddess

Crystals and Gemstones: black obsidian, jasper, onyx, bloodstone, smoky quartz, carnelian,

Animals: cats, especially black cats, bats, spiders, rats, wolves, snakes, ravens and crows, owls, stags, jackals, scorpions

Magic: This is the time to honor the dead. Set up an altar, serve them cakes, and let them know they are not forgotten. If you wish to communicate with deceased friends and family, this is the best time of year. The veil thins the night of Samhain, making communication easy. Do NOT, however, entice spirits, disrespect them, or perform any other magic that is anything less than respectful. I repeat, don’t do it. Samhain is also a great time to practice divination in the form of runes, scrying, tarot, tea readings, etc. Reflect over the previous year and perform blessing spells to ring in the new year. Astral projection, lucid dreaming, and hedge riding are also much easier to perform on this night but remember to be safe. Banishing magic, especially those for bad habits, are especially strong on this night.

Please note this is not a complete list but a brief overview of symbols, colors, herbs, deities, and the like. If I have missed something that you feel should make the list, please feel free to contact me via the comments or through email.

Click her for more ideas from Zenned Out for Samhain Rituals and Correspondences

The ancient Celtic celebration of Samhain (pronounced sow-in), celebrated on October 31st and November 1st, marks the end of our seasonal cycle on the Wheel of the Year. This is why it’s often referred to as the witch’s New Year. Seasonally speaking, Samhain is the third and final harvest of the season or the last rally to store and prepare for the coming Winter season.

This sacred celebration reaches much farther than harvests and is also a time when the veil between the physical and spirit world is at its thinnest. The Celtic people believed that spirits walked among them during this time, so Samhain is accepted as an ideal time to communicate and connect with the spirit realm. Here’s a fun drawing I created with ritual suggestions for Samhain. Keep scrolling to learn more about each one.

See the source image

From Samhain Correspondences By Jennifer Wright

Free Pagan Magazine

Other Names:
celtic ~ Summer’s End, pronounced “sow” (rhymes with now) “en” (Ireland), sow-een (Wales) – “mh” in the middle is a “w” sound – Greater Sabbat(High Holiday) – Fire Festival Oct 31-Nov 1(North Hemisphere) – Apr 30-May 1 – The Great Sabbat, Samhiunn, Samana, Samhuin, Sam-fuin, Samonios, Halloween, Hallomas, All Hallows Eve, All Saints/All Souls Day(Catholic), Day of the Dead (Mexican), Witches New Year, Trinoux Samonia, Celtic/ Druid New Year, Shadowfest (Strega), Martinmas or Old Hallowmas (Scotttish/Celtic) Lá Samhna (Modern Irish), Festival of the Dead, Feile Moingfinne (Snow Goddess), Hallowtide (Scottish Gaelis Dictionary), Feast of All Souls, Nos Galen-gae-of Night of the Winter Calends (Welsh), La Houney or Hollantide Day, Sauin or Souney ( Manx), oidhche na h-aimiléise-the night of mischief or confusion(Ireland), Oidhche Shamna (Scotland)

End of summer, honoring of the dead,scrying, divination, last harvest, meat harvest

Copal, sandalwood, mastic resin, benzoin, sweetgrass, wormwood, mugwort, sage, myrrh or patchouli

Besom, cauldron, tarot, obsidian ball, pendulum, runes, oghams, Ouija boards, black cauldron or bowl filled with black ink or water, or magick mirror

Black obsidian, jasper, carnelian, onyx, smoky quartz, jet, bloodstone

Black, orange, red

Symbols & Decorations:
Apples, autumn flowers, acorns, bat, black cat, bones, corn stalks, colored leaves, crows, death/dying, divination and the tools associated with it, ghosts, gourds, Indian corn, jack-o-lantern, nuts , oak leaves, pomegranates, pumpkins, scarecrows, scythes, waning moon

Apples, apple dishes, cider, meat (traditionally this is the meat harvest) especially pork, mulled cider with spices, nuts-representing resurrection and rebirth, nuts, pomegranates, potatoes, pumpkins, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, roasted pumpkin seeds, roasted pumpkin seeds, squash.

The Crone, Hecate(Greek), Cerridwen(Welsh-Scottish), Arianrhod(Welsh), Caillech (Irish-Scottish), Baba Yaga (Russian), Al-Ilat(persian), Bast (Egyptian), Persephone (Greek), Hel(Norse), Kali(Hindu), all Death & Otherworld Goddesses

Horned Hunter(European), Cernnunos(Greco-Celtic), Osiris(Egyptian), Hades (Greek), Gwynn ap Nudd (British), Anubis(Egyptian), Coyote Brother (Native American), Loki (Norse), Dis (Roman), Arawn (Welsh), acrificial/Dying/Aging
Gods, Death and Otherworld Gods

Herbs and Flowers:
Almond, apple leaf , autumn joy sedum, bay leaf, calendula, Cinnamon, Cloves cosmos, garlic, ginger , hazelnut, hemlock cones, mandrake root, marigold, mums, mugwort (to aid in divination), mullein seeds, nettle, passionflower, pine needles, pumpkin seeds, rosemary (for remembrance of our ancestors), rue, sage, sunflower petals and seeds, tarragon, wild ginseng, wormwood

Stag, cat, bat, owl, jackal, elephant, ram, scorpion, heron, crow, robin

Mythical Beings:
Pooka, goblin,medusa, beansidhe, harpies

Magick, plenty; knowledge, the night, death & rebirth, success, protection; rest, new beginning; ancestors; lifting of the veil, mundane laws in abeyance, return, change

Death & transformation, Wiccan new year,wisdom of the Crone, end of summer, honoring, thinning of the veil between worlds, death of the year, time outside of time, night of the Wild Hunt, begin new projects, end old projects

Sex magick, release of bad habits, banishing, fairy magick, divination of any kind, candle magick, astral projection, past life work, dark moon mysteries, mirror spells (reflection), casting protection , inner work, propitiation, clearing obstacles, uncrossing, inspiration, workings of transition or culmination, manifesting transformation,creative visualization, contacting those who have departed this plane

Honoring the dead, especially departed ancestors, knowing we will not be forgotten; clear knowledge of our path; guidance, protection, celebrating reincarnation

Foreseeing future, honoring/consulting ancestors, releasing the old, power, understanding death and rebirth, entering the underworld, divination, dance of the dead, fire calling, past life recall

Ancestor altar, costumes, divination, carving jack-o-lanterns, spirit plate, the Feast of the Dead, feasting, paying debts, fairs, drying winter herbs, masks, bonfires, apple games, tricks, washing clothes




From Plentiful Earth – How to pronounce Samhain

Popularized by Wicca, Samhain is a celebration that occurs around the same time as Halloween, All Hallow’s Eve, and Day of the Dead — on or around October 31. This wonderful day is often celebrated as a time to commune with our ancestors and the passing spirits, as the veil between the worlds has become its thinnest. The festival of Samhain is easily most Witches’ favorite Sabbat of the year, a fact we can all agree on. However, it’s easy to strike up a war of the Witches when it comes to saying the word out loud!

We know first hand, as American Witches in the United States, how embarrassing it can be to read the ancient Gaelic word as “Sam-hayne” on paper when we’re learning and then try to say it in front of seasoned coven-mates! We’re here to save you some red cheeks and give you the confidence to talk about your favorite holiday out loud! The good news? There are 3 ways to pronounce this ancient Celtic, each from a different region of its birthplace!

3 Correct Samhain Pronunciations

How to pronounce Samhain – Video

How to pronounce Samhain in Irish Gaelic

  • Sow-in

How to pronounce Samhain in Welsh

  • Sow-een

How to pronounce Samhain in Scottish Gaelic

  • Sav-en

Now, pick your favorite way and say it with pride, Witch!

 Remember what is not harvested by Samhain needs to be left in the fields, tress, bushes, ectara for the wild animals to forge over the cold months.

Wish you all a safe, blessed, and happy Samhain.

WOTC’s Lady Carla Beltane’s Grimoire is NOW LIVE on Patreon

Link for WOTC’s Lady Carla Beltane’s Grimoire on Patreon

Looking for more advanced spells and rituals than are posted on WOTC? Well look no further you can get all of this and somedays more by choosing one of four different tiers on Patreon.

Tier 1 “Luxury Witch” Only for those who subscribed to Life in The Craft magazine before August 7, 2023

Tier 2 “Buy a Witch a Cup of Tea” has a seven-day trial period.  You will have access to a new spell every week going live every Wednesday or Thursday that will never appear on WOTC website. For $5.00 USD per month

Tier 3 “Friend of WOTC” you will have access either a Esbat (Full or New Moon) or a Sabbat for the northern and southern hemisphere once a month. These will be live before the Esbat or Sabbat Date. For $5.00 USD per month (This Tier will start on or about August 20th with an Esbat ritual for August’s Blue Super Moon on August 30th for the northern hemisphere and on August 31st for the southern hemisphere.)

Tier 4 “The Reigning Supreme” (This name was used as a nod to American Horror Stories – Coven season) you will have access either a Esbat (Full or New Moon) or a Sabbat for the northern and southern hemisphere once a month. These will be live before the Esbat or Sabbat Date. For $8.00 USD per month

A word of caution about the spells and rituals that will be posted on Patreon as a witch you should have a working knowledge on how to do spell work and rituals safely. Plus, how to cast a sacred circle properly for your safety and others even if they are not in the sacred circle.

Any questions please write to Lady Carla Beltane at

Pagan Holidays Lughnasadh Lammas | Everything You Need To Know

The Lughnasadh and Lammas Pagan holidays celebrates the Wheel of the Year and the arrival of the late summer season!

The days are sticky hot and you spend your time finding ways to cool down. Gardens and farmlands are ripe with veggies in shades of dark green and yellow. This is the beginning of the first harvest and primarily involves grain and corn. Although the sun is strong and hot, you’ll notice the days are beginning to shorten.

This season is lush and abundant, but Nature is already beginning to sense the coming of colder Winter days. So begins the days of preparation: gathering seeds to plant next Spring, harvesting herbs, canning jams and jellies, and baking bread to store for those cold days ahead.

It’s important to also understand that there is so much more to Lughnasadh and not just the literal interpretation of harvesting because you may not be farming your own fields.

This is a time for gratitude, personal growth, and renewal. The energy and intentions of Lughnasadh are still prevalent in the day to day lives of those who live a nature spirituality based life.

Many Pagans, Witches, and those interested in Nature Spirituality celebrate the seasonal cycles. Sometimes referred to as the Wheel of the Year, and consisting of eight celebrations. Four of these festivals (Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain) are rooted in Celtic history and origins. The other four (Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox, and Winter Solstice) represent the sun’s location. I created a complete guide to each season, including history, traditions, symbols, correspondences, ritual ideas, and how you can celebrate.

Table of Contents

Click here to read the rest of the article about Lammas from

Flashback 2022 – Lughnasadh/Lammas

(I know to be a real flashback the post should be from a previous year, but I want to make sure when I look up posts from Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook that I do not repeat something I have already posted.

This is not a charm that vegetarians or vegans will necessarily approve of, but it is a way to honor the animals that Mother Earth feeds.)

Lughnasadh Bone Charm

Lughnasadh falls opposite of Imbolc on the Wheel of the Year. While Imbolc is widely considered a sabbat of the divine feminine, many consider Lughnasadh a celebration of the divine masculine. Being the first of three harvest festivals, we can mark the occasion with plentiful gratitude for not only the flora and fauna that feeds us physically on a daily basis, but also gratitude for the fact that the harvest allows us to survive and thrive, thereby increasing our positive spiritual influence in the world.

Simply acquire any bones to which your intuition leads. Yes, humanely and sustainably sourced chicken or cow bones are okay! Ensure that the bones are dry, and use a permanent marker to draw symbols and words related to the harvest, satisfaction, and sustenance onto them. Consider tying stalks of wheat or any grain to the bones once you are finished decorating. Hang these in your home (especially inside or outside the front door) to encourage a plentiful life and to honor the earth now and forever.

Raven Digitals Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2022 Page 107

Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence Digest for Monday


From Ancient Pathway

Magickal Intentions:
Psychic Sensitivity, Women’s Mysteries, Tides, Waters, Emotional Issues, Agriculture, Animals, Female Fertility, Messages, Theft, Reconcilliations, Voyages, Dreams and Merchandise
African Violet
Night Flowers
Willow Root
Orris Root
White Rose
White Iris
Quartz Crystal


Motivational Magick

You can ask the Greek Goddess Aphrodite for help in this spell as She rules over self-acceptance and physical beauty. I think She’s the perfect Deity to help you with your spell to lose weight.

  • 4 cinnamon sticks
  • A length of blue ribbon
  • Piece of dried apple
  • Vanilla oil (or pure extract)

Lay out your supplies and hold your hands over everything. Ask Aphrodite for Her help with these words:

I ask you Aphrodite to bless this ritual

To bring me beauty, strength and love of myself

Help me shed my extra pounds

To be slim as well as healthy and true.

Bundle everything together and wrap ribbon around the charm, leaving enough to let it hang from. Dab a little vanilla oil on it and you’re done.

Now put it somewhere that you’re likely to see it in the kitchen but not out in the open. In a cabinet or in the fridge, hanging by the ribbon (don’t just set it on the shelf). Remember your dedication to lose weight every time you see the charm. Every night before you go to bed, say a little prayer to Aphrodite for resolve the next day.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence and a Spell for Friday


Friday is the sixth day of the week, but used to be the seventh, the Sabbath of the Jewish lunar calendar.   The name, Friday,  is derived from the Nordic goddess, Frigg, Frigga, Freyja, Freya, or Frija (Germanic), considered to be the mother of all.  She is the Goddess of love and war, fertility and death.   She is the leader of the Valkyries and the Disir (Divine Grandmothers), and creator of Seidr magic.  Her symbols are the cat and the Brisingamen, which is the magic necklace of the rainbow bridge.  Freya’s Roman and Greek counterparts are Venus and Aphrodite, goddesses of love and beauty.

Latin: Dies Veneris, dedicated to Venus, the Roman Goddess of love
French: vendredi
Italian: venerdi
Spanish: viernes
Old High German: frigedag
German: Freitag
Dutch: vrijdag

Rules: Love, fidelity, reconciliation, interchanges, beauty, youth, joy, happiness, pleasure, luck, friendship, compassion, music, the arts.
Colors: Light Blue, Green, Pink, Copper Hues
Planet: Venus
Metal: Copper
Stones: Azurite, Calcite (blue, green & pink), Cat’s Eye, Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Coral, Emerald, Jade, Jasper (green), Kunzite, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Olivine, Peridot, Sodalite, Tourmaline (blue, green, pink & watermelon), Turquoise Malachite
Herbs: Apple Blossom, Cardamom, Crocus, Daisy, Geranium (rose), Heather, Hyacinth, Iris, Licorice, Lilac, Magnolia, Myrtle, Orchid, Orris, Plumeria, Rose, Spearmint, Stephanosis, Sweet Pea, Tansy, Thyme, Tonka, Tuberose, Vanilla, Violet, Willow, Ylang Ylang
Zodiac: Libra & Taurus

Breaking Bad Luck

You may need:

Small piece of ginger root

Fennel seed (if you cannot get fennel try dried sage)

Few cloves

Dried basil

Small bag or pouch

Optional – yellow crystal such as citrine

Put all the ingredients into the bag. If you have a small piece of any yellow crystal it is a good idea to add this too. Say:

“Herbs of the earth fill my life with light
Bring me good luck in a day and a night.
This spell is seeped in magick and mystery
Make my bad luck a thing of history
Bad luck will go deep into the ground
From now on good luck will follow me around”
So Mote It Be.”

Keep the bag with you for a day and a night and then bury it deep in the ground – somewhere that is not on your property. This will bury your bad luck.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence and a Spell for Monday


Monday from

This day of the week is dedicated to the moon, in which it gets its name. This is a great day to work with moon energy, especially if it is a full moon. Divination and prophetic dreaming are best performed today. It is also a good time to work magic focusing on mothers, nurturing, fertility, woman issues, and growth.
Color: Silver, white, light blue
Planet: Moon
Deities: Thoth, Selene, Diana, Artemis, Luna
Crystals: Pearl, opal, moonstone
Herbs: Wintergreen, catnip, comfrey, sage, chamomile, mint
Associations: Illusion, glamour, sleep, dreams, fertility, insight, peace, beauty, women’s mysteries

Monday from

Planet – Moon

Spells/Magic – home, pets, family, dreams, feminine issues, psychic development, astral travel, divination, peace, healing, caring, fertility.

Magical aspects: peace, sleep , healing, compassion, friendships, psychic awareness, purification, and fertility.

Oils – jasmine , sandalwood, lemon, coconut,peppermint,

Trees and plants and herbs – aloe,gardenia,grape,jasmine, lemon,mallow,moonflower,poppy,pumpkin,sandalwood,pine,willow tree,

Magical stones : moonstone , pearl, clear quartz

Colours – white, silver, grey, pearl, lavender, ivory

Metal – Silver

Energy Type – Female

Dieties: personified by such goddesses as Selene, Luna, Diana, and Artimis. The Moon is ruler of flow affecting the changeable aspects of people. If a full moon falls on a Monday, its powers are at their most potent.

Monday is the best time to deal with such matters as: Psychic Pursuits, Psychology, Dreams, Astral Travel, Imagination, Women’s Mysteries, Reincarnation, Short Trips, Women, Children, Public, Domestic Concerns, Emotions, Fluids, Magick, Spirituality, Nursing, Full moon magic, Purity, Protection, Truth, Meditation, Peace, Sincerity, Justice, Warding off Doubts and Fears, Anything to do with Water and Bodies of Water, Antiques, Trip Planning, Household Activities, Initiation, Astrology, New-Age Pursuits, Archetypes, Totem Animals, Shape-shifting and Religious Experiences.

Sunshine Power Candle Dressing

Kate Freuler Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2023 Page 49

This candle dressing harnesses the power of the Sun and is best used on a yellow or orange candle. This recipe can include spells for success, inspiration, and growth of all kinds. It can also be put on a candle and burned in a place that simply needs a boost of joy.

For anointing, you’ll need

1 drop sunflower oil

1 drop cedar oil

Dry ingredients include

1 teaspoon dried crushed sunflower petals

1 teaspoon hot chili powder

1 teaspoon dried marigold or calendula petals

Combine dry ingredients in a bowl or on a plate. Use an orange or yellow marker to draw a picture of the Sun on a piece of paper. If you like, you can add words of affirmation to the drawing that align with your goals. Place the paper outdoors or in a window where it will be in direct sunlight for an hour or more. Put the bowl of plant mixture in the center of the Sun drawing and let the warm rays empower them with solar energy.

Some of Corresponding Colors for Use in all Aspects of Witchcraft for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday



Deep Blue,




Royal Blue,

Rich Royal Colors










Light Blue




Dark Purple,






Dark Shades

Spell – Strength and Hope Candle Dressing


Strength and Hope Candle Dressing

Evergreens of all kinds are brought indoors for decorations during the winter months because they are symbols of hope and reminder that growth will prevail. Trees like pine, cedar and spruce stand strong and sturdy even in the harshest climates, displaying resilience and an amazing ability to survive in the face of adversity. This candle dressing can be incorporated into winter rituals or used on its own for spells for strength and endurance during difficult times. YOu might be able to find all the plant materials of this recipe in your own area.

You will need

For Anointing:

1 drop pine oil

1 drop peppermint oil

Than mix together

1 teaspoon dried pine needles

1 teaspoon dried cedar leaves

1 teaspoon dried crushed pinecone pieces

As you mix the dried plants, focus on the resilient toughness of a giant pine tree standing tall and strong despite all that works against it. Imagine yourself possessing the same majestic qualities. Anoint and dress a white, red or green candle.

By Kate Freuler Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2023 page 37


Spell – Protection Spells

Protection Spells


Protection spells are intended to prevent, protect, and repel danger. Many find this category confusing so lets be very clear. There is no magic spell that functions exactly like an around response from a personal security guard one might hire for service. Locking your door may prevent a human thief. However, certain danger can only be repelled by magical methods. These dangers include:

*Malicious spells, hexes, jinxes, magic “tricks” or negative enchantment cast deliberately against one person by another.

*The evil eye

*Assorted spiritual danger deriving from a vast variety of spiritual sources. These may be caused deliberately or inadvertently.

Although these dangers derive from magical and spiritual roots, they may manifest in very physical ways, as illness, accidents, and general disaster. However, because there derivation is at least partly magical, prevention and remedies must also be at least partly magical.

Tips for successfully casting Protection spells

* Number 5: The number of fingers on each hand is the number most associated with magical protection, as are the magic numbers Seven and Nine.

*Color: Red, black, and blue are the colours most associated with magical protection.

(Note Protection is different from Reversing)

Jane’s Pocketbook of Spell: Cleansing, Banishing, Protection and other various Remedies

Alicia (juju j.a.n.e.) Hill

Flashback 2004 Beltane

Beltane is he holiday that draws all witches outside to celebrate the returning power of the Sun and the fertility of the land.

Wear red robes for ritual and dress your altar with reds for passion. If you have identified a nearby rowan tree, you can make a wreath for your hair using rowan twigs. Decorate your house with freshly cut greens, herbs, and flowers. Arrange for music or drumming to lighten your steps of the dancers of the maypole or spiral dance. Lose yourself in the dance.

Fire is the honored element at this ritual, so have circle members jump a cauldron for purification and protection. Watr is another honored element: be certain to visit your local sacred spring or riverbank. Sprinkle perfume into the water for the undines. Again, leave a drop or two of milk and other food offerings for the nature spirits.

Wake before dawn on this day and watch the Sun rise over a river or beach. Gather a pitcherful where the Sun has gilded the water. When you return home, walk the bounds of your land, sprinkling water in your garden beds to ensure plenty of rainfall during the growing season.

By K. D. Spitzer in Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2004 Page 63


Flashback 2004 Samhain

Expect the unexpected if you celebrate Samhain – the Celtic New Year – on All Hallows Eve: the planets bring a lot of energetic talk and chaos, and the resultant noise will add exuberance to the ritual. Look for psychic dreams on astrological Samhain, November 6; your intuition will be in top form if you do readings at ritual. The power is the strongest it has been in several years.

This is the sabbat for wearing your witchy black. Clean the house, including the hearth, from top to bottom; the garden also needs to be prepared for the winter by this date. Lay new fires. Fest with your family and set places for your ancestors. Cleanse divination tools (cards, crystals, runes) and rededicate them to the Goddess. For the last harvest festival, put apples, nuts, acorns, and squashes on the altar, and add pictures of the family members you are missing.

Using fresh harvested hazel nuts, make a wreath with nine nuts (three times three) to protect your house from fire and lightening. Offer thanks to the river gods or the gods of the sea, and remember to honor the goddess Hecate.

By K. D. Spitzer in Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2004 Page 63

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondences for Monday

Day: Monday ( Moon-day)

Planet: Moon

Colors: Silver and White and Grey

Crystals: Moonstone, Pearl, Aquamarine, Silver, Selenite

Aroma: Jasmine, Lemon, Sandalwood, Moon Oil, African violet, Honeysuckle, Myrtle, Willow, and Wormwood

Herb: Moonwart

The sacred day of the Moon, personified by such goddesses as Selene, Luna, Diana, and Artemis. The Moon is ruler of flow affecting the changeable aspects of people. If a full moon falls on a Monday, its powers are at theirmmost potent. Magical aspects: peace, sleep, healing, compassion, friendships, psychic awareness, purification, and fertility

Monday is ruled by the moon – an ancient symbol of mystery and peace. Monday is a special day for mothers as the cycle of the moon has long been associated with the female menstrual cycle. Those wishing to conceive a baby would be wise to try on a Monday as the magic of motherhood is strong and pregnancy is in the air.

This is the proper day of the week to perform spells and rituals involving agriculture, animals, female fertility, messages, reconciliation’s, theft, voyages, dreams, emotions, clairvoyance, home, family, medicine, cooking, personality, merchandising, psychic work, Faerie magic, and Goddess rituals.

How to Cast Spells When You’re New and Unsure (One Witch’s Point of View)

A true Witch lives a life full of freedom to create, has a passionate sense for the mystical world and an endless love for Earth and Nature 🌏. Casting spells is an art that consists of exploring the paths of the Universe and aims to connect with the infinite source of all ancient wisdom.

How To Cast Spells The Real Way

From point of view

In this lesson, you will learn:


8 Steps to Casting a Magic Spell

In Summary

Extra Tips