Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for the New Moon, Spells, for Today, and More information




Table of Contents

New Moon Spiritual Meaning And Intentions

New Moon Correspondences

New Moon Journal Prompts For Spiritual Meaning

New Moon Rituals and How To Celebrate

Spell For Thursday – Decision Spell


Decision Spell

You will need the following items for this spell:


Bowl of water (salt water, rather)

A voice

One candle (white)

Casting Directions for ‘Decision Spell’

Put the bowl of water down and set the candle behind it, so it goes candle, bowl, you. Then put your hands on your knees with your palms facing the sky. Meditate for a moment, let yourself timw to collect your attention. Once you feel ready, light the candle and say:

With this fire,
Fulfill my desire.

Now consider your problem which you cannot decide what to do. Put the rod in the water and stir clockwise whilst stating:

I’m stuck and need your information,
Send it once or maybe twice.
Yet maybe thrice will show Ive tried.
Please help me (God of your choice), allow me to pick!

Once saying this, lay the stick on the water and watch for the water to stop moving. Wherever the stick points to, is where you must travel to discover your answer. Once you have determined, remember to mention:

Diola lle. (Thank you)

NOTE: You need to go in that direction until you decide. This may take you up to a moment, half an hour or maybe even a couple of hours. This spell is best performed in the morning and finest results will occur if you are completely focus. Additionally, it will happen faster if you worship or follow the god of your choice but this isn’t necessary for the spell to work. If you would like to burn some incense to assist you concentrate you may but again this is not compulsory.

Spell For Friday – Printable


Spell for Friday

The Universe Opens

This is an inspiration spell to open up the opportunities that the Universe can provide and to help you see so many new options in front of you.

  • Several feet of white or silver cord
  • 5 pieces of amethyst
  • 5 pieces of fluorine
  • 1 piece of clear quartz
  • A bell
  • Lavender incense

This is a spell for a Monday, to associate with the spiritual nature of the moon. Light the incense before you begin.

Lay out the cord in a circle, overlapping a few times if your cord is long enough. Inside, set the stones around the inside edge, alternating between amethyst and fluorine.

Sit with your hands open, palms up, and ask the Universe to open up and inspire you. Ring the bell one time. Place the last piece of quartz to your forehead and ask again. Set the stone in the center of the circle. Ring the bell.

Do hold your hands, palms down, over your crystal circle. Visualize the vibrations coming up from the stones and radiating up your arms. After several minutes, ring the bell a final time and put out the incense. Leave the stones in place and you’ll start to find new ideas and motivation within a few days.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence and a Spell for Monday


Monday from

This day of the week is dedicated to the moon, in which it gets its name. This is a great day to work with moon energy, especially if it is a full moon. Divination and prophetic dreaming are best performed today. It is also a good time to work magic focusing on mothers, nurturing, fertility, woman issues, and growth.
Color: Silver, white, light blue
Planet: Moon
Deities: Thoth, Selene, Diana, Artemis, Luna
Crystals: Pearl, opal, moonstone
Herbs: Wintergreen, catnip, comfrey, sage, chamomile, mint
Associations: Illusion, glamour, sleep, dreams, fertility, insight, peace, beauty, women’s mysteries

Monday from

Planet – Moon

Spells/Magic – home, pets, family, dreams, feminine issues, psychic development, astral travel, divination, peace, healing, caring, fertility.

Magical aspects: peace, sleep , healing, compassion, friendships, psychic awareness, purification, and fertility.

Oils – jasmine , sandalwood, lemon, coconut,peppermint,

Trees and plants and herbs – aloe,gardenia,grape,jasmine, lemon,mallow,moonflower,poppy,pumpkin,sandalwood,pine,willow tree,

Magical stones : moonstone , pearl, clear quartz

Colours – white, silver, grey, pearl, lavender, ivory

Metal – Silver

Energy Type – Female

Dieties: personified by such goddesses as Selene, Luna, Diana, and Artimis. The Moon is ruler of flow affecting the changeable aspects of people. If a full moon falls on a Monday, its powers are at their most potent.

Monday is the best time to deal with such matters as: Psychic Pursuits, Psychology, Dreams, Astral Travel, Imagination, Women’s Mysteries, Reincarnation, Short Trips, Women, Children, Public, Domestic Concerns, Emotions, Fluids, Magick, Spirituality, Nursing, Full moon magic, Purity, Protection, Truth, Meditation, Peace, Sincerity, Justice, Warding off Doubts and Fears, Anything to do with Water and Bodies of Water, Antiques, Trip Planning, Household Activities, Initiation, Astrology, New-Age Pursuits, Archetypes, Totem Animals, Shape-shifting and Religious Experiences.

Sunshine Power Candle Dressing

Kate Freuler Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2023 Page 49

This candle dressing harnesses the power of the Sun and is best used on a yellow or orange candle. This recipe can include spells for success, inspiration, and growth of all kinds. It can also be put on a candle and burned in a place that simply needs a boost of joy.

For anointing, you’ll need

1 drop sunflower oil

1 drop cedar oil

Dry ingredients include

1 teaspoon dried crushed sunflower petals

1 teaspoon hot chili powder

1 teaspoon dried marigold or calendula petals

Combine dry ingredients in a bowl or on a plate. Use an orange or yellow marker to draw a picture of the Sun on a piece of paper. If you like, you can add words of affirmation to the drawing that align with your goals. Place the paper outdoors or in a window where it will be in direct sunlight for an hour or more. Put the bowl of plant mixture in the center of the Sun drawing and let the warm rays empower them with solar energy.

Spell for Today –

Intuition Spell – Receive Clearer Messages from the Spirits

Our intuition is the Universe’s way to communicate with us. Once we have cast a spell, the Universe will respond by sending us the people and circumstances we have asked for. So it is important that we listen to our gut feelings, always, but particularly in the days and weeks after casting a spell. If we follow our intuition, the Spirits will lead the way. So how do we know what is intuition and what is merely our imagination? That is what this intuition spell is about. We will create a talisman which we can keep with us to receive clearer guidance. (Note: For lots more tips and tricks regarding intuition and spiritual communication, check out  “The Essence of Magick – A Wiccan’s Guide to Successful Witchcraft“.)

What you need for the intuition spell:

1small pouch (purple is preferred)

1 crystal quartz

1 amethyst crystal

5 purple candles

Sandalwood incense

1 small piece of paper and a pen

Let’s begin…

Start by placing the five candles around you in a circle. As you light the candles, invoke the Spirits and ask for protection and connection during the casting of this intuition spell. Sit in the middle of your circle. Light the incense. Breathe deeply and relax into a meditation, with your palms open to receive the Universe’s energies. You are going into your Higher Self to receive a symbol that represents your higher wisdom. Set this intention as you visualise your mind climbing from your Third Eye out through your crown and higher up, to a place about 1 metre (3 feet) above your head. This is your 10th chakra, where you Higher Self resides. Go into this place, feel your mind merging with this chakra. Breathe, relax, let it flow. When you are ready, say out loud or in your mind: “For clearer sight, for clearer mind A symbol of myself I’ll find” Repeat this a few times, then slowly move your mind back down into your Third Eye. Once there, you will see a symbol. It can be absolutely anything.

As soon as you see it, draw it on your piece of paper. This symbol, as I say, represents your higher wisdom and your Higher Self.

Place the piece of paper, together with the quartz and the amethyst, in your pouch, as you say the following words: “Universe, Spirits, Angels and Guides Receive my eternal gratitude for all that is I ask for clearer guidance, as I will listen with a sharper ear May this talisman heighten my intuition To receive your messages more clearly So mote it be”

Close your circle by blowing out the candles.

Thank the Spirits for their presence.

Keep the talisman with you, and keep it under your pillow at night. If ever you are confused about certain messages or a specific situation, meditate with your talisman. The best way to receive clear messages is to silence our minds. Stop trying anything; simply sit with your talisman and open your heart and soul to the never-ending guidance of the Universe, and the answers will come to you. As an alternative to this spell, you can use a Vision and Intuition Spell Kit or a Spirit Ritual Bath Kit, both of which come complete with all ingredients and full instructions to cast spells to enhance your intuition and psychic abilities.

Read more: From


Spell for Today – Apollo’s Devotional Chant for Inspiration

From – You can watch a video that goes with this spell

Light an orange candle during this devotional.

Incense for Apollo:

Frankincense, Vanilla, Cedar.

Offerings to Apollo:

Bay leaves, Olive oil, Wine, Sunflowers, Sunflower seeds.

In Greek mythology, Apollo is one of the most important and multifaceted Olympian gods.

The ideal of the young beardless, Apollo has been variously recognized as the god of truth and prophecy; archery; medicine and healing; music, poetry, healing, and more. In later times, Apollo became partially equated with Helios, the Sun god. But Apollo and Helios remained separated beings in literary and mythological texts. In Etruscan mythology he was known as Aplu.

Invoke Apollo’s power and bring inspiration, focus, concentration and creativity to your art, your new project or work. Use this chant as a morning ritual prayer, or combine it with a spell for good luck, healing, creativity and more.

Devotional text

Come blessed healer,

Bearing a golden lyre, generative, agrarian, Oracular one,

Wild, radiant divinity, lovely one, glorious son,

Cultivator of joy, whose arrows achieve their aim, mighty archer.

You who achieve from afar, prophet, holy one,

all-seeing eye bringing the light which shines on mortals,

Golden-haired, making clear oracular utterances,

Hear me with gracious soul as I pray on behalf of mankind.

Upon the blessed earth you look from above through the dark of night.

In the restful shadow of a night filled with stars,

You clearly see the root below and you arrange and support the boundary of all:

For the origin and completion are both in your care,

The cause of the blooming of all things,

with your resonant lyre you command the axis of the heavens,

Placing all in harmony, by which, indeed, you advance to the lowest pitch,

Elsewhere to the highest, at times playing in the Dorian mode,

Tempering all the poles you keep the tribes of living creatures distinct.

Let inspiration come to me.

Support my quest for creativity.

Make my imagination unlimited.

And my mind open to new ideas as I manifest my talents.

Let me surround myself with creative people.

So I can be in touch with my creative source.

Help me release any resistance to fully expressing my creativity.

Give me the time to think, to relax and focus.

Powerful spirit, express yourself in all possible ways.

Let inspiration flow so that I can easily express myself.

My creative work fills you with joy,

And anything can be my source of inspiration.

I promise to always look out for new experiences.

To recognize and overcome my limitations.

If you eliminate all mental blockages, remove barriers,

And any habits that oppress my inspiration.

Dear Apollo, come to me.

You have mingled harmony into the share of all mortal men,

Giving each an equal measure of winter and summer,

The highest three strings in the winter, the lowest in the summer,

The Dorian mode produces the lovely and blooming spring.

Thereupon the mortals celebrate and call you lord and

Pan, the two-horned God who sends the whistling winds,

Wherefore you form and bear the seal of the entire Cosmos.

Hear, happy one, the supplicating voices of the initiates and save them.