Spell For Thursday – How to Cleanse an Object for Magical or Ritual Use


How to Cleanse an Object for Magical or Ritual Use

Simply put, cleansing an object entails cleaning it. The distinction is that you’re not just cleaning it physically. What you’re aiming to do is cleanse it energetically.

The act of cleansing is the removal of all past energy from an item. Even with brand-new ritual items, unwanted energy can emanate from a variety of sources. Almost any product involves the energy of multiple people who handle it along the way, from its construction to its final sale.

If you buy something used, it already has a lot of energy from the person who owned it before you.

Why Cleanse an object before Ritual use?

Objects do store energy. And you don’t want to use a magical tool that has negative energies or energies you don’t know about because it will affect your work.

Because of this, you should cleanse all of your magical and ritual items. This includes your athame, robe, and any other tools you plan to use in rituals or keep on your altar.

Even the candles you use and the item you use to engrave sigils onto your candles should be cleansed.

How to Cleanse an Object

There are various ways to cleanse a magical object, depending on what you have on hand and the material of the item itself.

Cleansing is a rather easy process. Start by cleaning the objects normally and taking care of them as you normally would. For example, any stones should be cleaned with water and proper cleaners. Cast iron may be cleaned using salt and oil or any other way you want. Candles and other tools can be dusted off and cleaned. Cleaning and sanitizing drinking and eating vessels is essential. Then continue to clean it energetically.

Common Methods to Cleanse an Object

  • Smudging is an old ritual used by shamanic peoples all over the world. To cleanse an object, simply pass it through the smoke. It’s best to use a purifying scent like sage, sandalwood, lavender, or rosemary, but use what seems best for you.
  • You can also use your breath to cleanse and purify your tool by grounding and centering yourself first and then focusing your breath on the object.
  • Use the weather.  You may leave your tools outside, ideally on a windy day, and let the breeze take care of the work for you.
  • You can pass things over a candle flame, but be careful and make sure the object won’t get damaged. You’ll need some visualization abilities for this one since you’ll need to imagine the flame growing and surrounding the object to purify it.
  • Another natural cleanser is sunlight. Put your ritual items in bright sunlight for at least an hour to burn off any bad energy. This will leave them clean and ready to be charged with your energy for the best results.
  • Moonlight works similarly and is preferred for any objects that may be faded or otherwise affected by the sun’s light and heat. This is especially important when it comes to some gems and plants that you might want to use in spells.
  • You can wash the object in running water, like from a faucet or a stream, and say a simple prayer over it while imagining all the bad energy leaving the object and white light filling it. You may alternatively submerge the object in water that has been added a pinch of salt or a few drops of a purifying essential oil. If the object is very fragile, simply sprinkle it with a few drops of salt water.
  • If the object is resilient, you can bury it for at least a day in dirt or salt. Any negative energy will be absorbed by the soil or salt. Sea salt has been used for a long time to clean up dense energies, especially in crystals and candles. Simply bury the object for at least a day in a basin of salt, then remove and rinse – make sure to get rid of the salt. You can change this method by mixing sea salt with water and soaking or sprinkling your objects. But, depending on what they are made of, not everything lasts well in a salt bath, so you should do some research first.
  • Visualization is the simplest method. Take the object in your hands, and visualize a clean, pure white light coming through your hands and into the object. This will flush out any bad energy and fill the object with pure, clean energy.
  • Sound is another effective approach to releasing and breaking up stagnant energy; try ringing a bell or some chimes over your more delicate ritual items and ingredients to cleanse them for magical usage.

Use your discretion and be realistic when it comes to cleansing. Metal should not be soaked in seawater overnight because it will rust. Similarly, you should avoid placing paper near a fire.

Spell For Saturday – Calm Down


Spell For Thursday – Animal Altar Cleansing


Smokeless Way to Smudging with White Sage and Sweet Grass

Smokeless Way to Smudging with White Sage and Sweet Grass

This available only through a subscription to WOTC’s Lady Carla Beltane Grimoire on Patreon.

Tier 2 “Buy a Witch a Cup of Tea” has a seven-day trial period.  You will have access to a new spell every week going live every Wednesday or Thursday that will never appear on WOTC website. For $5.00 USD per month

Tier 3 “Friend of WOTC” you will have access to the spell posted every week plus either a Esbat (Full or New Moon) or a Sabbat for the northern and southern hemisphere once a month. The rituals will post a minimum of a week before the Esbat or Sabbat Date. For $10.00 USD per month

Tier 4 “The Reigning Supreme” (This name was used as a nod to American Horror Stories – Coven season) Combines the 3 tiers above so you will get the spell of the week, the ritual of the month and the current issue of Life in The Craft magazine. For $17.00 per month

A word of caution about the spells and rituals that will be posted on Patreon as a witch you should have a working knowledge on how to do spell work and rituals safely.

Any questions please write to Lady Carla Beltane at ladybeltane@witchesofthecraft.com.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence and a Spell for Wednesday


Wednesday from thewitchandwand.com

Wednesday aligns with the planet Mercury. This day is associated with intellectual pursuits, travel, communication, and memory.

Metal: Mercury

Colors: Orange, Yellow, Periwinkle

Gems and Stones: Aventurine, Moss Agate

Botanicals: Fern, Dill, Sweet Pea, Periwinkle, Eucalyptus, Aspen, Lily, Lavender

Spellwork: Communication, Divination, Luck, Travel, Knowledge, Memory

Relax Witch! Bath Salt Recipe

Make these beautiful bath salts filled with love and peace to enjoy in self-love baths🛀 or for thoughtful gifts for others. This wonderful, easy-to-follow recipe uses the loving and calming powers of lavender, calendula and red rose but can easily be adapted for other intentions using different herbs.

Why this Spell Works

Salt is commonly used in cleansing and purifying magic. It is also fantastic in baths as it helps to ease pains, reduce inflammation and soften skin.

The herbs chosen for this blend each have their own magical properties which, combined with your intentions, will bring feelings of love, tranquility, healing, protection and harmony.


3 cups dead sea salt

1½ cups epsom salt

½ cup baking soda

Dried roses

Dried lavender

Dried calendula

Lavender essential oil

Clear quartz

White candle

Cleansing incense e.g. palo santosage

Large mixing bowl

Sealable jar


Light your candle and incense and cleanse all items with smoke.

Mix the salts with baking soda in a large bowl until well combined.

Stir clockwise as you chant:
“Stir and stir from left to right
Bless this recipe with love and light
So mote it be.”

Add a few handfuls of each of the herbs sprinkling and stirring clockwise all the time. Focus on your intentions as you work.

Gradually add your essential oil a few drops at a time, stirring continuously so it doesn’t clump (approximately 9-10 drops or until you are happy with the scent).

Take some time to meditate with your candle over the salts, focusing energies for love, protection, cleansing and calm.

Place clear quartz in your jar to amplify your intentions and pour the salts on top. They are now ready to use!

Spell – One Way to Dispose of Used Spell Components

“Give a witch a spell and the witch can do the spell. Teach a witch The Craft and the witch can do magick!”

How to Dispose of Used Spell Components (Step-by-Step) on magickalspot.com Written by: Morningbird & MS Team

Often, after we’ve finished a spell, we find ourselves with candle ends and ashes, incense sticks and bits of herbs and maybe even some gross liquids.

The question of what to do with the stuff arises. How you dispose of used spell components will depend on the spell and the items themselves.  Some components are safe to release into nature and some are not.

Plan Ahead for Disposal

During the planning phase of your spellwork, think about the ultimate destiny of your spell components. If your spell is meant to be buried or thrown into water, make sure that you are using safe, biodegradable materials. Choose candles made from tallow, soy, or beeswax versus paraffin or gel which are petroleum products. Choose natural fibers for any fabric you are using in the spell for poppets or mojo bags or whatever.

This way, when you dispose of these items, they will eventually decompose into the Earth and cause no harm. Sometimes, putting items in the regular garbage is the best option, but there are some spells that benefit from more specialized consideration.

Often a spell will tell you what to do with the components when you are done. If it doesn’t, or if you are writing your own spell, then you can use these guidelines:

For Drawing Spells

If you are casting a spell meant to draw something toward you, your home, or your place of business, bury your spell components nearby, in the yard. They will continue to draw energy as the items biodegrade into the Earth. If you’re trying to draw energy toward someone else, it should be their yard.

Burying your items on the East or South side will utilize the sun’s energy to help grow something. The East is better for things like communication, bringing in new customers, etc. The South is best for things like love and creativity. If your spell is focused on creating a solid foundation or security, I would choose the North.

If your spell is about deepening existing relationships, I might choose West.  You may decide to bury your spell components on the side of the house closest to where the target sleeps.  If there is no outdoor dirt to bury it in, a large potted plant may serve the purpose.

If burying is not an option, tucking your bundle of spell components in the crotch of a tree or hanging it from a branch might be a good option for you. When doing this, I like to make the item look decorative, to reduce the creep-out factor, but if you are cursing someone, the creepier the better.

If you have no yard, you may wish to bundle up your spell components and put them inside a wall or in the back corner of a closet that touches an outside wall or put it under the bed or inside the box spring of the target. In this case, you want to make sure that none of your spell components are easily biodegradable so the package doesn’t start to stink and attract vermin. Use dried herbs rather than fresh and no liquids.

For Sending and Banishing Spells

If your spell is designed to send energy out into the world, you can burn your items (again, choose items that are safe to burn) or send them out into the world by tossing them into moving water, like a river or a storm drain (please make sure they are safe for the local wildlife).

This also works for banishing spells. As does flushing the items down the toilet (assuming they won’t back up your system) or down a drain or putting then in the regular garbage so the garbage truck carry them away and bury them in the landfill.

For binding spells, I like to tuck the bundle under a large rock or paving stone.

For Cleansing Spells

Many cleansing spells involve absorbing negative energy into an item that you then discard. Traditionally, this is done by leaving the item at a crossroads or burying it at the base of a tree. In the case of an egg cleansing, for example, the egg may be smashed at the base of a tree to neutralize the energy or in a crossroads to send it far away.

In the case of cleansing washes, the water used can be sent down the drain while visualizing the negative energy washing away. You can also flush it down the toilet. Make sure any bits of herbs have been strained out and never send oils down the drain.

Depending on your septic situation, you may need to make special considerations with salt and products that may disturb its natural digestive cycles. Floor washes may be sent down the drain or tossed out the door with conviction.

Spell Waste

Waste, like ashes and old herbs should be returned to the Earth. The compost will do this for you just fine. Candle ends made of natural materials will eventually break down if you bury them, but there is no reason not to throw them in the regular garbage and it’s probably safer for wildlife. Paper, glass and most metals can be added to the recycling bin.

Reusing Spell Items

Some non-disposable items can be re-used with a good cleansing. Use your judgment on this. Sometimes it feels too weird to reuse something. If it feels uncomfortable, don’t do it. The advice for candles is generally not to reuse them or to make sure you use them for a similar purpose because of the sheer amount of magical energy they absorb and retain.

Things like jars, crystals, fabric items, and tools can be carefully cleaned in the appropriate mundane manner, and then cleansed using smoke, salt, or whatever means is most appropriate to the item.

Spell for Today – A Spell to Release the Past

From wiccanspells.info

A Spell to Release the Past

Also known as the cord-cutting ritual, this spell helps release emotional, mental and spiritual ties that rob you of growth, peace and happiness. By using the power of your calm, clear mind and amplifying it, this spell helps end any unwanted relationships and ties in your life, leaving no harm behind if performed correctly. It doesn’t have to be directed towards another person – you can also release any part of your own energy that is ridden with doubt and darkness, such as harmful habits or negative beliefs.

The most important part of this sacred ritual is staying true to yourself. While you perform it, allow yourself to feel any feelings that come up in your heart, and allow the resulting energy to become the foundation of your work. If you wish, you can also call for help from any friendly spirits or deceased relatives (preferably those you worked with before). To perform this releasing spell, acquire the following items: Three candles: one red (representing your passion for life), one white (representing the purity of your intentions), and one blue (representing wisdom and calmness) A bundle of fresh basil A deep glass bowl filled with rain water (if you don’t have access to rain water, filtered water is a suitable alternative) This is how to perform the spell to cut cords and release your past: This ritual is best performed outdoors – however, if not possible, find a well-lit, quiet space. Light the candles – first, the white one , focusing on the divine pure light; then, the blue one, appreciating the wisdom of the universe; and finally, the red one, finding the passion within. Place basil in the bowl, and wash your face with the basil water. Clear your mind, focus and say the following: Cutting cords, releasing ties For my past, it’s just goodbyes Blow the candles and take as much time as you need to meditate and reflect on the ritual. P.S. You can also check out this releasing spell kit, which comes with full ingredients and instructions to cast a spell to let go of the things you no longer want in your life.

Printable Cleanse Ritual

Items Needed:

3 Aloe leaf

12 Lime Fruit

1 bottle of maple syrup

3 Gallons of Distilled Water

4 cups of Sea Salt

2 Gallons of Whole Milk

1 Quart of Goats Milk

2/3’s bottle of Florida Water

4 White Candle’s

For three days prior to this cleanse you are to fast from solid foods.
Your diet should consist of only Distilled Water infused with maple syrup and lime.
For 1 gallon of distilled water you can mix 1/3 cup of maple syrup and ½ cup of freshly squeezed lime juice. In this mixture put ½ cup of strained aloe juice.
Drink one gallon of this mixture per day.
Save one Aloe Vera leaf.

Day 1:
1. Pour 4 cups of your salt onto a large, preferably white, plate.
2. Clean your 4 candles with Florida water
3. Place the 4 white Candles all around the plate and light them.
4. In the salt use the middle finger of your right hand and write the word “Purity”.
5. Leave these candles lit through the 3 day duration.

[phpzon keywords=”Florida Water” num=”3″ country=”US” searchindex=”All” trackingid=”saduluhouse-20″ templatename=”columns” columns=”3″]

On the third day
1. Take a bath to cleanse yourself of any physical dirt.
2. Blend half an Aloe Leaf in a blender and strain the aloe liquid through a strainer or piece of cotton cloth.
3. Take the other half and cut off one side of it’s green skin exposing it’s inner gel.
4. Cut your Lime into Halves.
5. Squeeze the 6 Limes and leave the juice in a container. Save the lime halves.
6. Pour your Goats Milk into a large Bowl and put it near your purity intention plate of salt surrounded in light.
7. Fill a warm bath.
8. Bring your Candles, Aloe Juice, Florida Water, Lime Juice, Lime halves, and plate of Salt with you into the Bathroom.
9. Get into the bath.
10. Dip your Lime Halves into the plate making sure they have salt on them.
11. Use these halves to cleanse yourself from your crown to the sole’s of your feet.
12. While doing this you’re silent.
13. Just imagine harmful energy running and scattering from your body, presence, and home with every stroke.
14. Once through your 12 lime halves place them in the bathtub with you.
15. Now pour the lime juice into the tub along with you.
16. Using your hand, rub the remainder of the salt all over your body. Cleaning yourself thoroughly…every crevice.

[phpzon keywords=”sea salt” num=”3″ country=”US” searchindex=”HealthPersonalCare” trackingid=”saduluhouse-20″ sort=”none” minprice=”$15″ maxprice=”$30″ templatename=”columns” columns=”3″]
17. Now pour the two gallons of milk over your body whilst in the tub after cleansing yourself with the salt.
18. Combine your two thirds of Florida Water with your Goats milk.
19. Pour this over your body from head to toe.
20. Once done with that, take your container of aloe juice and coat your body with it using the half of Aloe as an applicator.
21. Do not rinse this off.
22. Now take a portion of this bath into a large bowl.
23. Step out of the bath
24. Cover your head in a light cloth.
25. Do no dry off but, allow yourself to air dry.
26. Surround the bowl of leftover bath with the 4 candles.
27. When the candles all extinguish, take whatever is left of the bath and throw it outside towards the West.

You’re recharged and spiritual clean!

For more free spells click here https://www.saduluhouse.com/

Spell for Today – Warning Spell – Printable

Spell for Today – Reversal Spell – Printable

Spell – A- Day – Rune Meditation for Clearing Energy Flow c. 2011


Spell – A- Day – Rune Meditation for Clearing Energy Flow
Incense of the day: Peony
We have all felt the frustration of spells that flop. While it’s possible that a failed spell is just an indication that the universe has another agenda for you, it’s also very possible that there is a hidden obstacle in the energy flow. Issues with confidence and empowerment are among the greatest saboteurs that block energy. The runes of Ken (k), Haegl (h), and Gyfu (g) will be used in a guided imagery to open and uncover disruptions and to balance the chakra energy flow. Visualize Ken over the root chakra. Focus on opening the energies flowing from your root to your crown. Reveal any blockages by positioning Haegl over your root chakra. Visualize this rune uncovering disruptions as its energy flows to your crown. Return Haegl’s flow from the crown to the root, uncovering any “manifestation” blockages. Visualize Gyfu flowing from your root to your crown to balance your chakra energy. Focus on and journal any feelings or perceptions that you encountered. Reprogram any obstacles that were uncovered.
By: Karen Follett

, Llewellyn and GrannyMoon’s Morning Feast

Bath Salts with Essential Oils

Bath Salts with Essential Oils

Makes approximately 500g of Bath Salts

What you need:
* 480g of Sea Salts [Fine or coarse, or a mixture of the two]
* 20g Bicarbonate of Soda [not baking soda, it’s different]
* 4ml of your chosen essential oil [See further down for a rough guide]
* A tablespoon of dried flowers/petals/herbs to match the oil scent
* A couple of drops of food colouring [just enough to tint the salts lightly]
* An airtight glass jar

– Mix the salts and Bicarbonate of Soda in a large bowl until well blended.
– Add the colouring [just a tiny bit] and mix in until all the salts are evenly coloured to a pastel shade.
– Drip the essential oil evenly over the surface of the salts and mix thoroughly. You may find that the colour will deepen.
– Leave the salts in the bowl overnight so that the fragrance can be absorbed.
– The next day, once the salts have dried, stir again until they are free-flowing, then add your herbs/petals.
– Spoon into a large airtight jar. For a creative twist, fill the jar with alternating layers of salts and petals.

That’s it! Easy peasy.
Some good combinations:

Patchouli essential oil and dried Patchouli leaves – Money-drawing & Energising.
Carnation Essential oil and dried Carnation petals – Love, health and magickal energy.
Peppermint Essential oil and dried or fresh mint leaves – Purification & stimulation.
Geranium Essential oil and dried Rose petals/buds – Happiness & protection.
Lavender Essential oil and dried Lavender flowers – Calming & peaceful.
Neroli Essential oil – Joy & aphrodisiac.
Sandalwood Essential oil – Meditation & spirituality.
Ylang Ylang Essential oil – Love & aphrodisiac.
Lime & Ginger Essential oils – Stimulating & energising.

An Invaluable Herbal Grimoire Reference Guide

By Graphia, The Wordsmith Witch

No matter what your spiritual path looks like, every Witch can benefit from possessing a thorough, comprehensive Herbal Grimoire. Many practitioners include such contents as a guide for the magical correspondences of different herbs, a list of various herbal substitutions for spellcrafting, and last, but not least – a reference section that lists commonly found baneful herbs and their toxicity levels.

Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels.com

This herb correspondence chart is the culmination of years of research. We hope this reference guide will help you to understand the magical properties of herbs, roots, flowers, barks and resins. It is our goal to provide others with accurate sources of information to enrich their lives and their Craft. What are some ways you can implement the information in the following guide into your own practice?  Click on the link below to view the chart.

Herbal Grimoire

Smokeless Smudging Mist: An alternative to Sage Cleansing

This mist spray is a great smoke-free alternative to incense burning as in SagePalo Santo or other herb-based cleansing and purifying practices. Ideal for those with allergies, living in dormitories, or with over-sensitive smoke alarms!🚨

Why this Spell Works

The Essential oils listed here each have their own magical properties which, combined with your intention, will aid in cleansing and protecting from negative energies

Crystal-infused Moon-water is believed to raise the energy to a higher vibration which attributes to becoming more beneficial and healing.

Use this Smokeless Smudging Mist to Cleanse yourself, your home and your tools.


Dark Glass Spray Bottle

1 Small Clear Quartz Crystal. (Used to infuse your moon-water/spring water ahead of time.)

Crystal-infused Moon-Water (Or Spring Water)

Essential Oils (and their relevant qualities)

25 Drops Sage – Healing, Protecting, Empowering, Cleansing and Removing Negativity

15 Drops Cedarwood – Cleansing, Healing, Purifying and Protecting. Guards against all Negative Influences and Dark Energy/Thoughts

10 Drops Lavender – Cleansing, Empowering, Prevents Negative Energy


Add all the oils to your glass bottle.

Fill the rest of the bottle up with your Crystal-infused water.

Shake to mix all ingredients together.

Shake well prior to each use. Store in a cool, dark place out of direct sunlight.

Cleansing Yourself

Have an intention. Set it clearly in your mind. Believe it.

Lightly spray the mist on you and around you. Avoid eyes.

Cleansing Your Home

Spritz the mist as you walk around the room slowly. Focus on cleansing and clearing all negative energy. Make sure you spray in corners, behind doors and closets. Please use caution around pets.

You may also find it helpful to speak an incantation, a thought or chant during cleansing (but this is not necessary for it to work). An example for this would be:…

Click here to read the rest of this article

Spell for Today

Thursdays are good days for travel and change. It’s the perfect day to re-arrange the furniture of your house and gain a new perspective on something. Even if you are not able to do any traveling on this day, you can still use Thursdays to do spells for travel. You can even do spells for positive change, and re-arrangement of your life. It’s a good idea to exercise on this day, as well. That way, your body can be in-shape by the time Friday comes


Positive Change Spells – Write Change Spells

Things you will need:
1 sheet of paper
1 pen or pencil
1 green candle
1 lighter or match
Light the green candle and think about how you want your life to change. When you are ready, draw a cross symbol on the sheet of paper with the pen or pencil. Label each corner of the cross with the first letter of the four directions on Earth. For example: “N” for North and “E” for East. Above the cross, write the word, “CHANGE.” Now, take your pen or pencil and place it in the center of the cross. Draw a swirl, counter-clockwise, three times. Then, take the pen back to the center of the cross and draw, clockwise, three times. Now, blow out the candle. After doing that fold the paper up and safely burn it or toss it in a body of water. After a few days, you should feel the changes you wanted to start happening.


Re-arrange Spells – Bouquet Re-arrange Spell

3 different kinds of flowers
1 vase
Get three different kinds of flowers and place them in a vase. Take a deep look at them and, then, step back for a few minutes. Walk back up to the flowers and re-arrange them. Then, say this chant three times:


“Flowers to move.
Life to re-arrange.
I need things to be different.
I need things to change.
What was over here,
Now, is over there.
What I need to spin around,
Soon, will have new flare.”


After about a week or so, you will notice a good deal of the re-arrangement you wanted.

A Witch’s Week of Spells and Activities
Helga C. Loueen

Esbat Soap

Esbat Soap

This take (the cleansing recipe a step further in that it is designed to prepare you for the working elements of ritual and Magick, when you will need the additional ability to focus and control.

Add the following to liquid shower gel:

tbsp rosemary leaves

1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

6 drops frankincense oil

6 drops sandalwood oil

4 drops jasmine oil

4 drops oil of orange

(you can literally scrape the oil from the outside of an orange using a blunt knife)

Spell for Today – Herbal Witches Cleansing Bottle


To make an herbal cleansing bottle, pour a layer of sand in a large clear bottle.

Add layers of dried herbs, one at a time: first rosemary; then lemon peel, sage, cedar, black peppercorns, lavender, dill, bay leaf, and rowan.

When the bottle is full, focus cleansing protective energy into the herbs and sand, and see a golden light radiating from the bottle. Visualize the herbs driving away negative influences.

Cork and seal the bottle with white wax (or another color of your choice).

Using a permanent marker, draw the Algiz rune on one side of the bottle, and on the other side draw a pentagram.

Set the bottle near your front or back door, and every six months, uncap, pour the herbs out into the woods or your compost heap, and thoroughly wash and dry the bottle before filling it with a new round of herbs.

From Everything Under The Moon

Spell for Today – Printable

Spell for Today – Printable

Full Moon Release Spell