Printable Calming Spell

Calm Down

Sit comfortably and use your dominant hand to send out negative energies and your other hand to bring in positive energy.

“Bide the Wiccan law of three,

If you don’t then Cursed you’ll be,

Spirits of my Ancestors come,

Give me your protection. Some,

Interfere in my life,

And keep me free from Stress and


So Mote It Be”

A Cleanse Ritual

Items Needed:

  • 3 Aloe leaf
  • 12 Lime Fruit
  • 1 bottle of maple syrup
  • 3 Gallons of Distilled Water
  • 4 cups of Sea Salt
  • 2 Gallons of Whole Milk
  • 1 Quart of Goats Milk
  • 2/3’s bottle of Florida Water
  • 4 White Candle’s

For three days prior to this cleanse you are to fast from solid foods.

Your diet should consist of only Distilled Water infused with maple syrup and lime.
For 1 gallon of distilled water you can mix 1/3 cup of maple syrup and ½ cup of freshly squeezed lime juice. In this mixture put ½ cup of strained aloe juice.
Drink one gallon of this mixture per day.
Save one Aloe Vera leaf.

Day 1:

1. Pour 4 cups of your salt onto a large, preferably white, plate.
2. Clean your 4 candles with Florida water
3. Place the 4 white Candles all around the plate and light them.
4. In the salt use the middle finger of your right hand and write the word “Purity”.
5. Leave these candles lit through the 3 day duration.

[phpzon keywords=”Florida Water” num=”3″ country=”US” searchindex=”All” trackingid=”saduluhouse-20″ templatename=”columns” columns=”3″]

On the third day

1. Take a bath to cleanse yourself of any physical dirt.
2. Blend half an Aloe Leaf in a blender and strain the aloe liquid through a strainer or piece of cotton cloth.
3. Take the other half and cut off one side of it’s green skin exposing it’s inner gel.
4. Cut your Lime into Halves.
5. Squeeze the 6 Limes and leave the juice in a container. Save the lime halves.
6. Pour your Goats Milk into a large Bowl and put it near your purity intention plate of salt surrounded in light.
7. Fill a warm bath.
8. Bring your Candles, Aloe Juice, Florida Water, Lime Juice, Lime halves, and plate of Salt with you into the Bathroom.
9. Get into the bath.
10. Dip your Lime Halves into the plate making sure they have salt on them.
11. Use these halves to cleanse yourself from your crown to the sole’s of your feet.
12. While doing this you’re silent.
13. Just imagine harmful energy running and scattering from your body, presence, and home with every stroke.
14. Once through your 12 lime halves place them in the bathtub with you.
15. Now pour the lime juice into the tub along with you.
16. Using your hand, rub the remainder of the salt all over your body. Cleaning yourself thoroughly…every crevice.

[phpzon keywords=”sea salt” num=”3″ country=”US” searchindex=”HealthPersonalCare” trackingid=”saduluhouse-20″ sort=”none” minprice=”$15″ maxprice=”$30″ templatename=”columns” columns=”3″]
17. Now pour the two gallons of milk over your body whilst in the tub after cleansing yourself with the salt.
18. Combine your two thirds of Florida Water with your Goats milk.
19. Pour this over your body from head to toe.
20. Once done with that, take your container of aloe juice and coat your body with it using the half of Aloe as an applicator.
21. Do not rinse this off.
22. Now take a portion of this bath into a large bowl.
23. Step out of the bath
24. Cover your head in a light cloth.
25. Do no dry off but, allow yourself to air dry.
26. Surround the bowl of leftover bath with the 4 candles.
27. When the candles all extinguish, take whatever is left of the bath and throw it outside towards the West.

You’re recharged and spiritual clean!

From Sadulu House

How to Cleanse Objects Using the Elements

The following should be used to cleanse any object for Magickal use and jewelry you buy or get as a gift. Be it a Ritual tool, amulet for protection or other need, any object to be charmed/enchanted for a specific reason. It can also be used on any jewelry or any other gift your receive.

The purpose for this is to rid the object of anyone else’s energy who may have handled at some point in
time. Thus it will only have your personal and Universal energies attached to it, making the object totally

This should also be done if anyone besides you picks up and/or touches the object. It should also be done to a black stone weekly if it has been empowered to collect negative energies to ensure it is always at its peak of power to collect negativity before it gets overloaded and leaks onto and/or into you and.or someone else.

What you will need:

The object to be cleansed

Small bowl of water

Regular table salt without Iodine if possible


White candle

Small white cloth

How to cleanse any object:

Fill in the blanks with the proper element or object depending on where the blank is in the sentence.

If you are cleansing a stone, crystal, gem, semi-precious gem the wording it change to say for each element, “______ I ask you to remove all energies but mine and the _______.”

Add the salt to the water. place the object in the salt water with your power hand (the hand you write with). Then say three times, ” Earth and Water I ask you to remove all energy but my own from this ______”. Take it out of the salt water with your power hand. WARNING: Some gems and crystals should not be left sitting in any type of water. For those things sparingly sprinkle them with the salt water (Earth/Water Element) on all sides.

Place the object on the white cloth. With your power hand pick up the feather. Wave it over the stone saying three times, “Air I ask you to remove all energy but my own from this _______”. Turn the object over and repeat until all outside surface has been done.

Light the white candle then pick the object up in your power hand. Move the object over the top of the flame (being careful not to burn yourself) saying three times, “Fire I ask you to remove all outside energies from this ________”. Turn the stone over and repeat until all outside surface has been done.. Place the object back on the white cloth and blow out the candle.

The white cloth represents Spirit. While an object is laying on the cloth cover it with part of the cloth. Say over it three times, “Spirit I ask you to remove all energies but my own from this ______.”

Copyright 2011 Lady Beltane Sage

A Gorgeous Ritual for Tonight’s Magic

  1. Light any of the following scents/incenses: Clove, Eucalyptus, Lilac, Musk seed, Nutmeg, Sage, Sandalwood. These herbs and oils help activate the psychic nature of tonight’s Moon in Pisces.
  2. Invoke the open-minded energy of the Fish with this chant:
    “Like the stars above, I’m in a constant and fluid movement.
    I explore and develop my spirituality like a smart and diligent student”.
  3. Take a relaxing bath and put on some comfortable clothes. Light a white candle on your altar.
  4. Find a piece of thread in any color.
    Hold the thread in your hands and think of what feelings, things, or people are holding you back. The Waning moon is the perfect time to free yourself from unwanted influences and burdens. Focus on the things you want to release.
  5. If you have any of the following crystals, Tuesday is the perfect day to charge them with the assertive influence and drive of Mars. Place a BloodstoneCarnelian, Coral, Ruby, Garnet, or Pink Tourmaline on your altar next to your candle.
  6. When you are ready, cut the cord and say:

    “Thank you for allowing me to release this negative influence. I let go of all harm and choose to walk a different path. That is my Will. So mote it be”.

More Spells for Tonight’s Waning Gibbous Moon

Some of the best spells to try tonight are:

Ritual for Seeing Where You and Loved Ones Will be After COVID-19 is D0ne

I got the idea for this ritual from Gregg Braden on his show “Missing Links,, Season 1 Episode 7.” He tells a story of a Native American asking him to go with him to “pray for rain”, they live in northern New Mexico where there has not been any rain in quite some time. When they reach his friend’s Medicine Wheel his friend steps inside of it for a few minutes and then comes out asking if Mr. Braden is ready to go to lunch. Mt. Braden is a little confused and asks his friend “David”, “I thought we were coming here to pray for rain.” To which “David” replies, “I was taught to see things are they would be when the rain fell. I could feel the mud squish between my toes coming out of my pleubo, to smell the cleaner air, to see things turning green and the crops in the fields growing. If we pray for something that is happening right now we get nothing but if we can see and ask for what it will be like after it rains than the rains will come.”

We are living in very uncertain times for all parts of our lives except the spiritual one. This is a time when we need to step up and use our spirituality and magickal abilities to help ourselves and others.  The intention for the ritual in this Esbat gathering is to ask for healing mind, body, and spirit for everyone including yourselves anywhere upon Mother Earth and for Mother Earth Herself. Please try to keep your mind focused not on what is happening now but how we see things at the end of this COVID-19 virus. Yes, some things are hard to picture on a grand scale so keep it simple and see how you, your loved, and friends came through this virus strong and healthy. See you and/or your loved ones, and/or friends back to work. See all of you gathered together having a party of some kind to celebrate – remember in this age of being able to connect with people anywhere in the whole you could even do a Skype conference call party (Skype allows 50 people to be connected to each other at the same time).

So, for a little while at least set your worries and stress aside and join us in this Esbat celebration of how each of our personal lives will be at the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. The song I picked May The Circle Be Open is to remind us we may not be in a circle together all the time but there are ties that still bind us together so we are never truly all alone. We are going to do a healing drumming circle than at the end we will meditate for 2 minutes. Then anyone that wants to will have a chance to share their fears or stresses or where they see themselves and family at the end of the pandemic. There will possibly be a time limit set for each person sharing time depending on how many people join us in this gathering.

What You Need:

1 large white candle (that you can burn for 1 hour every day for 1 week. If you feel you want to keep lighting the candle after the first week then that is what you should do just make sure your candle is large enough for the duration you want to keep lighting it.)

Correct size holder for your candle

Your favorite Essential Oil for dressing the candle after engraving it

A device you can listen to the song (watch the video if you want to)

Something sharp to engrave you candle (a knife, your Atheme, a toothpick or a pin of some kind)

Fireproof Container to put the burning paper in

Lighter or Matches


I call to Archangel Raphael to reside in the Watchtower of the East to help protect those in this circle and when we leave it from any type of negativity.

I call to Archangel Michael to reside in the Watchtower of the South to help protect those in this circle and when we leave it from any type of negativity.

I call to Archangel Gabriel to reside in the Watchtower of the West to help protect those in this circle and when we leave it from any type of negativity.

I call to Archangel Uriel to reside in the Watchtower of the North to help protect those in this circle and when we leave it from any type of negativity.

I invoke Goddess Sirona (1 of the healing Goddess of the Celts) and God the Dagda (Celtic God of fertility, agriculture, life, and death.) to walk this circle with me three times three. To take us to a place that is not a place and an out of time as we know it. I bid you reside in our circle to help give strength and power to our work here.

Please click on this link to start the song setting your intention(s) of where you and those you care about will be feeling and doing after the COVID-19 pandemic has passed while listening to the song.

Healing Chant

Now take approximately 5 minutes to write your intention(s) down on the piece of paper – How and Where you see yourself and those you care about feeling and doing once the danger of the virus is gone.

Next, inscribe the names or initials of the people on the paper you are doing this ritual for. When you are done with that take a small drop as needed of your favorite essential oil start at the bottom of the candle in one motion smear the oil to the top of the candle. Turn the candle clockwise and again apply the essential oil, repeat these steps until you come to where you put your first line of essential oil overlap the first and last applications.

Now light your candle. Burn the paper with the candle while visualizing how everyone included on the candle lives will be at the end of the COVID-19 pandemic in whatever country or state you all live in. Repeat this spell/prayer three times while the paper is burning: (If you feel a word or some words need to be changed to fit how you would say this spell or prayer you can do that as this is your plea and thanksgiving to your deity)

Sirona we ask for the health for those we have written here is strong and unaffected by COVID_19. Sirona we thank you that none we asked you to watch over became sick

the Dagda we ask that you keep us working from home or where we are employed or go to school. the Dagda we thank you for taking us through this time with being employed and/or in school that none of us lost anything we needed for home and hearth.

I see those on my candle as still being healthy, employed, and now able to go on with our daily lives. As we mourn with those far and wide who lost someone to this pandemic.

So Mote It Be (OR However you end your spell or prayer

Written by Lady Beltane

December 24Birthday Horoscope

People Born On December 24: Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn
DECEMBER 24 birthday horoscope predicts that you are a Capricorn who likes to work. You could be a workaholic. While other people are sleeping, you’re grinding. You’re driven by the idea of having a lifestyle of the rich but not necessarily of the famous. You believe that hard work is the only way you will become famous.

The December 24 birthday personality are determined individuals who will probably achieve many things in their lifetime. You bring this same quality to your relationships as well. Additionally, you are dedicated to your friends.

As a December 24 birthday characteristic, you can be mysterious, but you are idealistic as well. This could be the changeable dimension that sets you apart from the rest of the Capricorn zodiac sign.

Your spiritual presence draws people to you. Once people get to know you, they realize you are funny. Your sense of humor is outrageous, and so, you can be a joy to have at a party. The future of person who born on 24 December will be filled with fun.

The December 24 horoscope predicts that you are truly a talented Capricorn. You have so many ideas you have trouble finishing what you start. It’s all about priorities and setting goals and guidelines. But more importantly, you need to be disciplined to see each phase through. Assign one of your friends as a partner to make sure you are on top of your game plan. There lays at the end of the rainbow your potential to be anything you want to be!

This Capricorn birthday person is practical but yet, hopeful. Often, you are misunderstood. When it comes to love, you are hopeless. First off, you are secretive about your feelings, and secondly, you don’t know exactly what love is. If you think about it, it’s the sex you think about and not necessarily the person. Oh sure, they are attractive but what will you do when you can’t enjoy each other sexually? There’s more to a relationship than sex and sex is not love.

The December 24th zodiac also shows that your professional life has been perhaps one of many careers. Naturally, you are a whiz at making business decisions as a manager or the lead administrator. You are still sharp as a tack so, a career in education is not farfetched. You could go further into politics, journalism or broadcasting. There are so many rewarding occupations that you could excel at. This could be perplexing to almost anyone.

As the December 24 astrology predicts, you are a hard worker. So you will likely get what’s coming to you. And when you do, you’ll know what to do with the rewards. This disciplined Capricorn will save his or her money just in case of an emergency or a well-deserved vacation. On the other hand, you’ve been known to take a risk when investing your cash. Most of the time, you come out smelling like a rose.

As the December 24 zodiac sign is Capricorn, you could be the product of your past. As a child, you more than likely felt as though your parents were unfair. Maybe you did not get the emotional support that you thought you should, and as an adult, it has an impact on how you feel today about parenting. It would make sense that you’d give your offspring the things that you didn’t have but truth be told, you give them too much.

For a long time now, you have been dressing the part of a successful individual. Along with looking good on the outside, it comes from the inside. You love the idea of eating and being healthy, so no one has to pry you away from the couch to go to the gym. If you forget to eat, you are okay with that. You sometimes don’t like to eat, or you have a slow appetite.

The Capricorn born on December 24 zodiac birthday is capable of great things. You’re determined to reach your desired goals and will make personal sacrifices to do so. As a friend, you are loyal and dedicated. This is also true in your intimate relationships. However, in love, the December 24 birthday personality may confuse feelings of love and the aftermath of a steamy sexual relationship. This business person is concerned with reaching the next level of success and will normally accomplish what they set out to do.

See: Famous Celebrities Born On December 24

This Day That Year – December 24 In History

1953 – Head on collision between two express trains kills 103 people.
1982 – Small town school defeats top ranking Virginia in basketball 77-72.
1997 – Channukah candle lit for the first time in the Vatican City.
2013 – Last day to sign up for Obama care without significant penalty.

December 24  Makar Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
December 24 Chinese Zodiac friendly

December 24 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Saturn that symbolizes your fears, responsibilities, limitations, control, and sternness.

December 24 Birthday Symbols

The Goat Is The Symbol For The Capricorn Sun Sign

December 24 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Lovers. This card symbolizes the importance of personal beliefs and values when it comes to successful relationships. The Minor Arcana cards are Two of Disks and Queen of Pentacles 

December 24 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Virgo: This can be a genuinely loving match who are in tune with each other.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Gemini: This love relationship will be terrible.

See Also:

December 24 Lucky Numbers

Number 9 – This number signifies a person with humanitarian and congenial feelings.
Number 6 – This number signifies a nurturing, caring and selfless person.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For December 24 Birthday

Pink: This color stands for softness, kindness, peace, and love.
Lavender: This is a mystical color that symbolizes spirituality, sensitivity, compassion, and royalty.

Lucky Days For December 24 Birthday

Saturday – This is the day of Saturn that symbolizes a day of assessment, hard work, and patience.
Friday – This is the day of Venus that symbolizes a day of indulgence, pleasures, romance, and enjoyment.

December 24 Birthstone Garnet

Your lucky gemstone is Garnet which is known to increase sexuality, love, romance, and passion.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On December 24

A winter jacket for the man and a leather tote bag for the woman. The December 24 birthday horoscope predicts that you like handy gifts.

To read anyone’s birthday horoscope

Witches Herbal Cleansing Spell


Witches Herbal Cleansing Spell


To make an herbal cleansing bottle, pour a layer of sand in a large clear bottle. Add layers of dried herbs, one at a time: first rosemary; then lemon peel, sage, cedar, black peppercorns, lavender, dill, bay leaf, and rowan. When the bottle is full, focus cleansing protective energy into the herbs and sand, and see a golden light radiating from the bottle.

Visualize the herbs driving away negative influences. Cork and seal the bottle with white wax. Using a permanent marker, draw the Algiz rune on one side of the bottle, and on the other side draw a pentagram.

Set the bottle near your front or back door, and every six months, uncap, pour herbs out into the woods or your compost heap, and thoroughly wash and dry the bottle before filling it with a new round of herbs.

Room Candle Cleanse Spell

Room Candle Cleanse Spell

You need:
White candle and holder

Place the candle in the middle of the room. Sprinkle the salt in a circle deosil around the candle. Light and say:

Creature of wax Creature of fire
Listen to me Hear my desire
Cleanse this room By the power of three
And blast away all negativity
With harm to none So shall it be


Leave to burn for at least 1 hour.


Witchy Comments & Graphics


You need: White candle and holder Salt

Place the candle in the middle of the room. Sprinkle the salt in a circle
deosil around the candle. Light and say: 

Creature of wax Creature of fire 
Listen to me Hear my desire 
Cleanse this room By the power of three 
And blast away all negativity 
With harm to none So shall it be 

Leave to burn for at least 1 hour. 

Spell to Cleanse Magickal Space

Witchy Comments & Graphics


Incense, air of high refine, purify this space of mine. 
purged and purified be this place that I have chosen as magickal space. 
Herbs of Mother Earth give blessings here to me, this rite, this sacred sphere. 
Protect and cleanse this sacred place Hallow it now as my magickal space.

Walk around the space you’re cleansing with the lit incense chanting this,
hands up to the moon/sun/sky moving clockwise in a circle. 

Do this at least 3 times or until you feel all energy is positive. 

House Cleansing Spell


If you can identify the actual spirit, locate the center point of the house, and standing there take a cup of red wine. After each of the following statements take a sip of wine, and drain the cup after the last direction.

Facing east:
Lady of love and power and all blessings, breathe love into this house, fill air with good.
Through you, in you, I bless this house.

Facing south:
Lady of love and living and all blessings, warm this house with comfort, make whole its hearth.
Through you, in you, I bless this house.

Facing west:
Lady of tide and time and every blessing, let every hour flow sweetly in this house.
Through you, in you, I bless this house.

Facing north:
Lady of strength and riches and all blessings, make this house strong and filled with earthly good.
Through you, in you, I bless this house.

Walk around the house saying the following in each room (including attic and cupboards):

Be comforted. All is well. Now you are blessed. You have life to nurture and nurture you.
Be calm. Be easy. Be comforted. You are blessed.

If you can identify the spirit, say the following in the room most affected:

It is time to leave here. All is well. There is nothing here for you. You must be gone.
Go now, go, complete your passing. Go, and with our blessing and farewell.

Often commanding any evil spirits to leave at once, in the name of your deity three times works well.

After this you could get a smudge stick of sage, or sage incense, and perform a house blessing carrying it deosil around the property and from room to room, paying special attention to doorways,crevices and windows, and also any places that `feel` cold.

As you do this with words from a house blessing, scatter salt and water which has been consecrated and blessed. Have windows and doors open as you bless the house.Salt scattered along windowsills and doorways will prevent any entity re-entering the property.

The Witches Magick for Wednesday, February 8 – Cleansing the aura by means of incense

52947_letter_w_lgCleansing the aura by means of incense

This is an easy and effective way of cleansing the aura, and it is used mainly after administering a treatment, after a quarrel, argument, or a long, busy day, and when there you feel that non-positive energies have adhered to your aura. The cleansing is done with the help of a partner, who holds the stick of incense. After you do this cleansing with the help of a partner often, you may be able to do it by yourself. For the cleansing, you can use any stick of natural and high-quality incense. (There are incense sticks that are scented with low-quality artificial perfumes that are used for purifying the air in toilets, walk-in closets, and so on – it is not advisable to use them.) The types of incense that are most highly recommended are sage, which is very strong and effective for purification, frankincense, and jasmine. However, any stick of high-quality, pleasant-smelling incense will do.

Stand erect, feet slightly apart, and close your eyes. Make sure to take deep, slow, and comfortable abdominal breaths. Your partner holds the lit and smoking stick of incense and begins to walk around your body. There are many different ways of moving the incense around, but it should go in a right-to-left direction – clockwise. It is possible to start at the top, and move the incense stick clockwise around the head, at a distance of 20 to 60 centimeters from the body, and gradually descend, in a kind of spiral, to the feet, and then ascend again.

Another way is to start on the right side of the body and descend very slowly to the feet, and then go up the left side of the body, go down the right side again, and go up the left side once more. In this technique, intuition and emotion are very important, and if your partner feels that another slightly different method of moving the incense stick around is appropriate, it is worth trying. This technique is simple, quick, and extremely effective. After the cleansing, you frequently experience a feeling of relief and purification, a feeling of a burden being lifted off your shoulders, greater vitality, and a feeling of significant tranquillity.

Avoid Manipulation
Magic Manipulation should be avoided for two reasons. First, manipulating people with magic interferes with their free will. If the desired action isn’t something she would do without being under the influence of magic, making her do it through the use of magic is akin to rape. Second, there is an element of “do unto others as you would have done to you” in magic. If you wouldn’t want someone to use a certain spell on you, don’t use it on another person.

It might be tempting to use magic to halt a friend’s self-destructive activities, but unfortunately, it’s not a good idea. Even though you see it as beneficial to him, it’s still manipulation. And it’s possible that he’s in the middle of an important life lesson. Interfering might halt the lesson, which means he’ll have to lear some other way later, and the second lesson could be worse.

Unintended manipulation should also be avoided. For example, if you are trying to buy a house, you could visualize yourself finding the house of your dreams, but you shouldn’t visualize the owner of a specific house putting a “For Sale” sign on the front lawn. The best way to avoid unintended manipulation is to say “I do this for the good of all” at the end of every spell. That way, if you made an error in your spell, the effect of it will be mitigated.

Get Permission

First It is generally unwise to do spells for the benefit of others, but sometimes it’s necessary. Whenever possible, get permission to do the spell first. For example, if your friend has cancer, ask if you can send him healing energy or do a healing spell. If he says no, don’t do it. He has his reasons. If he’s unconscious, you can send the energy or do the spell, but include a statement that allows his higher spirit to reject the energy or spell if he doesn’t need or want it.

Permission gets complicated when children are involved. If they’re your children and they’re under the age of twelve, then the choice is up to you. If they’re someone else’s children, then you should ask their parents for permission. Child abuse is the exception. In this case, you probably won’t be able to get permission from the child to act on her behalf. You also won’t be able to get permission from the abuser. Even without permission, you should cast a protection spell on the child, and then call the authorities.

Personal Benefit

Contrary to what you might have seen on TV, it is perfectly acceptable to use magic for personal gain. Magic for personal gain is usually called “low magic,” as opposed to “high magic,” which is a spell for something on a greater scale, like world peace. Both types of magic have places in your life.


Day-by-Day Wicca: A complete guide to Wicca from Beliefs and Rituals to Magic and Witchcraft (Astrolog Complete Guides)

Tabatha Jennings

New Beginnings

New Beginnings
Author: Unknown


A White Candle
2-4 Inch String
6 Inch Square of Green Fabric
A Key
Iris or Orris Root
Dried Chamomile Or Daisy
A White Ribbon


Write your name on the candle while saying:

“Fresh and clean, with flame so pure,
My old life is now obscure”

Visualise in vivid detail what you expect from your new life and see new opportunities unfolding.

Cut the string in half, letting the pieces fall to the ground. Place them on the cloth while saying:

“Remove your boundaries, Terminus.
Liberate me, Libertus”

Place the key on the cloth while saying:

“Carna, come unlock your doors,
A new beginning, I implore”

Place the Iris or Orris in the cloth and say:

“Iris (or Orris), help me cross the bridge.
Janus, give me what I wish”

Place the daisy or chamomile in the cloth and say:

“Freya, make all fresh and new.
Do now what I ask of you”

Gather the edges of the cloth together and tie them with the ribbon to form a pouch.

As you knot the ribbon say:

“A brand new life, I start today.
I seal my old life out – away.
I now embrace what come to me.
In growth and opportunity”

Let the candle burn down, then carry the pouch on your person or in your purse of pocket for as long as you feel you need it.

Purification Ritual for New Magical Tools

Purification Ritual for New Magical Tools
by Jame Kambos

Whenever you buy a new tool for magical workings it is important that the tool is purified. This is a simple purification ritual that I use to cleanse my new magical tools:

caldron or any heat-proof dish
dandelion leaf

Ignite the herbs and let them smolder awhile. As the smoke curls about you pass your tool through the smoke and say:

“Smoke rise,
Let me be wise.
This (name of tool) is cleansed.
I will use it only for good.”

The item is now ready to use!

Salt, Sage, and Sandalwood Spell


Salt, Sage, and Sandalwood Spell

Use this spell to clean any negative energy from your bedroom that has accumulated there, either from you, your mate, your lover{s}, or from people who have lived in your home before you.

Gather together a newspaper, three blue candles, sea salt, a sage smudge stick, and sandalwood incense.

At midnight, open and lay the newspaper out on your bedroom floor. Put the candles in holders, and set them on top of the newspaper. Surround each of the candles with a circle of sea salt. Light the candles, one at a time. With each candle you light, repeat three times:

One times two times three

All darkness and negativity

Be gone, now and forevermore!

Light the smudge from the candle flame, and smoke the room thoroughly. Allow the candle to safely burn down. Then take the newspaper, salt and candle remains and throw them in the garbage. As you do, repeat three times:

One times two times three

All darkness and negativity

Be gone, now and forevermore!

Light the sandalwood incense and fill your bedroom with the spicy scent. If you prefer, you can use a diffuser with sandalwood-scented oil, or you can put a drop of sandalwood oil on your light bulbs and let the heat of the bulb fill the room with the fragrance. Allow the candles to safely burn down.