Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Wednesday


Wednesday Correspondences

Dedicated to the Teutonic god Woden or Odin, an aspect of the “All-Father” god of knowledge wisdom enlightenment and combat, the parallel of Hermes.

Element : Air

Planet: Mercury

Zodiac Sign : Virgo / Gemini

Angel : Raphael

Metal : Mercury

Incense / Perfumes : Jasmine, Lavender, Sweet Pea

Oil: Benzoin, Clary Sage, Eucalytus, Lavender

Color : Red, Orange, Light Blue

Stones : Bloodstone,Garnet, Aventurine, Hematite, Moss Agate and Sodalite

Plants/Herbs : Almond, Anise, Cherry, Clover, Dandelion, Dill, Fern, Hazel, Hyssop, Lavender, Lemongrass, Lilac, Mace, Peppermint, Rosemary, Vervain

Magick to Work: the conscious mind, study, travel, divination, consulting oracles, wisdom, communication ,cleverness, contracts, creativity, information, intellect, memory, perception, science, wisdom, writing

Wednesday Source:

Ruled by the inconstant moon, Monday is a powerful but unreliable day for spellwork. It is the day of introspection, illusion, and fantasy, the day when the astral plane is said to lie closest to the Earth plane. Monday is the perfect day to do scrying, trance work, or dream journeying. Spells of love and fertility may be performed on Monday, especially if the moon phase is a right. Because the Moon rules the tides, Monday is the best day for Water magick of all kinds. Create traveler’s amulets. Anoint and cleanse magickal tools. Commune with Fae and spirits. Reflect and renew the spirit.

Spell for Thursday – Breaking Spells


Breaking Spells – Candle Pentagram

You’ll need to set this spell out on a table or altar space that won’t be disturbed for the duration of the spell. Your supplies are:

  • Salt (fine, not coarse)
  • 5 white candles
  • Rosemary (oil or herbs)

On your table, sprinkle a fine line of salt to draw a pentacle. It doesn’t have to be perfect but try to get it somewhat symmetrical. At each point of the star, add a few drops of rosemary oil or a sprinkle of dry rosemary (yes, right on the table top). Then set 1 white candle at each point.

Light each candle, starting with the one at the top. After each one, say the words:

By the dark and the light
Your spell ends tonight

Let the candles burn for one hour, then snuff them out. Do the same thing the next time, except let them burn all the way out.

Leave the candle stubs in place for another 5 days, so the entire spell is in place for a week. After that, any negative magick against you will be gone.

If curse breaking spells aren’t exactly what you are looking for, there are banishing spells or binding spells that might be more suitable for your situation.

Divination Journal

Tarot Card


The Devil – Major Arcana

The Devil Tarot card depicts Satyr God as a half human–half goat creature, dancing to the sound of the trumpet that he holds in his left hand. In many myths, the goat is considered as an animal that is not clean and full of lewdness. However, the goat also symbolizes a person who is unfairly accused, or a person/a creature feels better comparing himself to the incompetent. Therefore, he is the one we blame for the difficulties in our lives. Shadow images and cave without doors indicate that he resides in the most distant realm of consciousness, and only the crisis can penetrate these walls.

There are two beads in his right hand, each worn around the neck of one of the two naked. These people consisted of a man and a woman, wearing little horns which are the same as Satyr. The necklaces around their necks are very wide and their hands are not tied. They can take the initiative to lose themselves but they choose not to let that happen. This symbolizes that the dependence on the Devil is ultimately a voluntary issue where consciousness can be liberated

The number 15 has the sum of the units equal to 6, the number corresponding to the Lovers card, and here the Lovers are bound, depending on the material and sexual of nature. The zodiac of the Devil Tarot card is the Capricorn.

Menu of Contents

Detailed meaning of the keywords of the Devil Tarot card

Upright meaning of the Devil Tarot card: dependence, temptation, sexuality, materialism

Meaning of the Devil reversed: to separate, break free, power recovery

Animal Spirit Guide and Helper

Source: UniGuide


Wolf symbolism and meaning includes loyalty, family and friendship, teamwork, protection, wildness, freedom, instincts, playfulness, and other noble traits. Historically, wolves lived throughout the world, so they are subjects in the mythology and folklore of many cultures. In addition, the wolf spirit animal is a sacred figure to many people who feel a kinship with these special animals. In this post, you’ll learn about wolf symbols and meaning, wolf mythology, the wolf power animal, and more.



Kenaz reversed represents a lack of needed knowledge and possible isolation. Information you may need is being withheld from you, or you may not be open to receiving it. Although others may seem distant, if you seek their friendship you may be pleasantly surprised.

Witches’ Rune

The Sun


Always a good omen, the Sun Rune means something of value is coming your way. You can look forward to taking a bold step, embarking in a new direction.

Some may be carried out of their daily grind by unexpected and fortunate events. Other will be made aware of added responsibility and will have to deal with it.

Expect public promotions and public affairs. Look to be amazed, dazzled or even shocked by scandals. An older person, or person of authority could have the answers you are now seeking.

Accept your position as a mover and shaker of the world. For you, the time is right to head for the spotlight.




A is for Ailim, or Ailm, the Elm tree. Interestingly, this group also includes the Pine or Fir trees. These giants of the forest are symbols of perspective and height, rising above those that surround us. The Elm has a clear vision of that which surrounds it, as well as that which is approaching.

In Britain and Scotland, Elm trees grew very tall and straight, making them popular for use as a Maypole during Beltane celebrations. In addition to this, they were popular as property markers–you knew you had reached someone else’s land boundary when you crossed a line of Elm trees. Elm is flexible and bendy, so it doesn’t make a very good building material, but it does withstand water very well, so it eventually became popular for use in making flatboats and wheels. In Wales, early bowmen used the Elm in construction of longbows.

Ailim Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: When this symbol appears, it means it’s time to start looking at the big picture; see the trees, but also acknowledge the forest. Be aware that your perception includes long-term goals and ideas, and prepare for what may be coming along the path.

Magical Aspects: Mark your progress well as you grow and develop spiritually. As you attain new levels of wisdom, look at the future and see where this new knowledge will take you. Also recognize that there will be others following in your footsteps, so make yourself available to guide them and give them a hand when they need it.

I Ching


Angel Number

Witchcraft Symbol


Fire Element

The symbol for Fire as one of the four classical elements in alchemy is a triangle. Fire is used in rituals when a Wicca practitioner is drawing attention to masculine energy or transformation. It is strong energy that initiates, purifies, destroys, and begins something new.

Represents: fire, masculine energy, purifying energy.

Used in rituals for: purifying, new action.

Divination Journal

Tarot Cards


Knight of Cups – Minor Arcana Court Card

Menu of Contents

I. Knight of Cups Rider Waite image description

Detailed meaning of the keywords of the Knight of Cups

III. Knight of Cups Upright Card Keywords

Words and Keywords


IV. Knight of Cups Reversed Keywords

Words and Keywords

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper



Goat meanings and symbolism include sure-footedness, desire, creative energy, revelry, tranquility, aspiration, and faith. The goat (along with the dog) was the first domesticated animal. Thus, people from a wide range of cultures are familiar with goats. In addition, wild goats, such as the mountain goat, the ibex, the markhor, and the tahr (a relative of the goat), live in the mountainous regions North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. So, the goat is a figure in the mythologies and folklore of many cultures. In addition, the goat spirit animal is an important power animal for people who feel a special kinship with goats or who have an astrological connection to them.

In this post, you’ll learn about goat meanings, symbolism, and mythology (including mountain goats.) Plus, you’ll learn about the goat spirit animal and more.




Sound: “u”, “o”, “y”, “w”
Stands for: Drizzle (or Slurry)
Casting meaning: This rune represents how some things can develop from nothingness. Like the fertile soil that can be created from volcanic ash which in turn with a slight amount of water and sunlight can spawn growth.

Witches’ Rune


The most positive stone of all, the Harvest Rune indicates the spirit of protection and good fortune.

This is a time when doorways open and obstacles are lifted. Expect an increase in all areas of your life.

Look for an opening which sets you on the right path, as well as all manner of fortunate events.

Now is the time when many of your cherished dreams will finally be realized.

The Harvest Rune promises gains and fulfillment

Look for guidance from the wise and learned.




This symbol, used for the sound St, is Straith (sometimes seen as Straif), the Blackthorn tree. A symbol of authority and control, the Blackthorn is connected to strength and triumph over adversity. Blackthorn is a tree (although some might argue it’s more of a really big shrub) of winter, and its berries only ripen after the first frost. White flowers appear in the spring, and the bark is black and thorny.

On a medicinal level, Blackthorn berries–sloe berries–are brewed to make a tonic (this is what Sloe Gin is made from). The tonic can be used as a laxative and/or diuretic, as well as a skin astringent. In folklore, the Blackthorn has a fairly unpleasant reputation. An English legend refers to a devastating winter as a “Blackthorn Winter.” It also represents the darker side of magic and witchcraft. Because it’s a plant that becomes hardy when all around it is dying, it is associated with the Dark Mother, the Crone aspect of the Goddess, particularly the Cailleach in some parts of Scotland and Ireland. There is also a strong connection to the Morrighan, because of Blackthorn’s association with the blood and death of warriors. In fact, in early Celtic culture, the Blackthorn was popular for its use in the cudgel shillelagh.

Straith Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: Expect the unexpected, especially when it comes to change. Your plans may be altered, or even destroyed, so plan to deal with it. The appearance of Straith often indicates the influence of external forces.

Magical Aspects: You’re at the beginning of a new journey, and there will be some surprises–possibly unpleasant ones–along the way. Overcoming these obstacles will give you strength. Realize that you–and your life–are changing.

I Ching




If your life path number is 7, your life will be predominantly influenced by your mind. Whether it’s intellectual pursuits, philosophical discourses, or a deep spiritual/meditative life through your 7th chakra, you are made for it. You would make a great professor, philosopher or a guru. Because you are too much in the head, you may find yourself alien to matters of the heart. It isn’t easy – you just don’t get the clues, or don’t know how to give them out. You avoid emotions, and if your partner feels them naturally, you may blame them for being hysterical, when in fact they are being just natural. If the digits of a date add up to number 7, know that it’s a wonderful time to cook up ideas, to write a paper, to post on social media, or meditate.

Angel Number

Witchcraft Symbol


Ritual Circle

This symbol is a perfect circle, sometimes with a pentagram inside. It represents the circle required to begin or complete any ritual.

Represents: transformation and completion, cycles.

Used in rituals for: protection, completing something.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Monday


Monday is named after the moon. The Latin term for Monday is Dies Lunae (“moon’s day”); in the Old English language, this day was Monandaeg; in Greek, it was Hermera Selenes. All of these different names and languages translate to the same thing: the “day of the moon.”

Working with the different phases of the moon is an important skill that takes a bit of time for Witches to learn. So why not cut to the chase and experiment with the day of the week that is dedicated to the moon in all of its magickal energies and aspects?

Magickally, Monday encourages the lunar energies of inspiration, illusion, prophetic dreams, emotions, psychic abilities, travel, women’s mysteries, and fertility.


Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week by Ellen Dugan

Monday Source:

Monday is the second day of the week, named from the Latin Lunae Dies, day of the moon, reflecting the Roman feast days dedicated to the moon and moon goddess, Luna.  The goddess Selene is her Greek counterpart.
Latin: Lunae Dies, day of the Moon
French: lundi
Italian: lunedi
Spanish: lunes [from Luna, “Moon”]
Anglo-Saxon: monandaeg, “the moon’s day”
German: Montag
Dutch: maandag

Rules: Peace, sleep, prophetic dreams, psychic awareness, spirituality, compassion, love, home, gardening, purification, healing and fertility.
Colors: Silver and White
Planet: Moon
Metal:  Silver
Stones: Aquamarine, Beryl, Chalcedony, Crystal (quartz), Moonstone, Mother-of-pearl, Pearl, Sapphire, Selenite
Herbs: Calamus, Camphor, Coconut, Gardenia, Grape, Jasmine, Lemon, Lemon Balm, Lotus, Myrrh, Poppy seed, Sandalwood, Willow
Zodiac: Cancer

Divination Journal


Today’s Tarot card reading comes from The Green Witch Tarot Deck and The Green Witch Tarot Companion by Ann Moura. With the art done by Kiri Ostergaard Leonard. Copyright 2015 Pages 65 and 66

The Oak King – Major Arcana

The Oak King hangs upside down by his heel, which is wedged between branches of an oak tree. He is comfortable, casual, and relaxed as he contemplates his vital role within the infinite passage of time, tracing on the ground below him the perpetual cosmic lemniscate within the circle of the year. His position reflects the infinity symbol as he anticipates the familiar cycle of change, when the Oak King transitions into the unborn infant within the womb of Mother Earth, surrendering his reign to himself as the Holly King, the Sage who will rule until the Oak King is reborn at Yule. The lemniscate shows that the God’s endless cycle of life and authority is a harmonious interaction of light and shadow, demonstrating that life itself moves through the seasons of its own, an he is the guide.

This card offers the opportunity to meditate or focus inward and determine what needs to be released to make room for what needs to be brought in, and what needs to be retained. This can be an external or internal housecleaning, deciding what is unnecessary in one’s life, what is worthy of being kept, and what is new and beneficial. Here is a time when the conscious and subconscious may communicate, discovering what is desired and what is no longer necessary in one’s life.

The matter of change is in the tenuous phase of transition, requiring thought and the willingness to let go of the outmoded in order to reach achievement in some area of life. This is the stage of determining what foundation will be laid for the future and what new venture or outlook should begin. When this card appears in a reading, one is advised to take the time to consider the various options, pull together resources, and bring everything into balance before proceeding. Just as spell materials are set on a pentacle during magic work for grounding and manifestation in the physical world, so too should one prepare for what materialize.

Meaning: Paused activity, transition, meditation, weighing options, inner peace, patience, deciding what changes to make, self-sacrifices for gains.

Prompt Words: Introspection, inner peace.

Today’s Animal Spirt Guide card comes from Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer Copyright 2008 Pages 36 to38

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper


“Use both your intuition and your intellect to solve the problem or get answers to your questions”

When your intuition and intellect are in harmonious accord with each other, there’s no problem that you can’t resolve. The combination emerges as creative intelligence, an elegant blend of your capacity for reasoning coupled with a deep trust in your gut feelings. In the flow of thought and action that results in resolving your question or problem this way, you may surprise yourself as to how simple and effective the answer really is.

Your intuition is actually a constellation of physical cues that response the subtle body language, voice intonations, and energetic quality of the people or situations around you, often felt in your gut but not confined to that area. It’s your instinct communicating—an aspect of your animal nature that’s cued in to your survival and growth. You can best access this instinctual wisdom by breathing slowly and steadily and focusing your attention on the physical sensations you notice.

In addition to your intuitive feelings, get more information on which to base your choices by doing some research. Consult books, the Internet, other types of oracles, and/or discuss the issue with a friend. Or you may simply need time to contemplate it. Often when you walk away from the problem or question after intensely researching it, an unexpected insight surfaces that helps you discern the best choice among the possibilities. When there’s congruity between mind and intuition, coupled with a healthy dose of patience, you tap into the deeper wisdom of Source.

Associations: Problem Solving; Agility; Insight; Wisdom; Intuition; Dexterity; Tool Making; Harmony; Intelligence; Cooperation; Laughter; Commuinication; Affection; Playfulness




Sound: “r”
Stands for: Wheel, Cartwheel (or Riding)
Color: Blue (Black)
Casting meaning: This rune allows us to focus our energy so that we may obtain our goals. However to do so effectively we must be “in the right place at the right time.”

Witches’ Rune


The Star

This rune indicates the realization of a dream that has been extremely meaningful to you.

When picking this stone you can expect the crystallization of long-term dreams or plans and the presence of higher power.

Drawing this rune promises several fortunate developments in your life, possibly shattering your preconceived notions of what your life should be.

Now is a time when you will be dissatisfied with the ordinary.




I is Iodhadh, or Idad, the Yew tree. Much like the Death card in the Tarot, the Yew is known as a marker of death and endings. This evergreen tree has leaves that are attached in a spiral pattern to the twigs. Because of its unusual growth pattern, in which new growth forms inside the old, the Yew is strongly tied to rebirth and new life following death.

The Yew has no medicinal value at all, and in fact, it’s mostly toxic. Livestock have been known to die from eating the poisonous leaves. Berries can be used, but should be treated with caution. On a practical level, the wood of the Yew tree is very hard and resistant to water damage, so it was popular in the making of longbows in England.

In A Modern Herbal, Maud Grieve says of the Yew,

“No tree is more associated with the history and legends of Great Britain than the Yew. Before Christianity was introduced it was a sacred tree favoured by the Druids, who built their temples near these trees–a custom followed by the early Christians. The association of the tree with places of worship still prevails.”

Iodhadh Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: Although it may not represent spiritual death, if Iodhadh appears, it’s a sign that major transitions are coming. Be aware of them, and realize that although not all of them are bad, they will probably be pretty significant. Now’s a good time to get rid of things which are of no use to you, in order to make room for new beginnings.

Magical Aspects: Changes are on the way, so quit clinging to beliefs and ideas that no longer serve you well. Shed the old, and welcome the new. Accept change for what it is–an asset–and stop seeing it as an obstacle. Don’t fear new things, embrace them.

I Ching


Hexagram Fourteen/14

Ta Yu / Great Treasures

The Fire of clarity illuminates the Heavens to those below:
The Superior Person possesses great inner treasures — compassion, economy, and modesty.
These treasures allow the benevolent will of Heaven to flow through him outward to curb evil and to further good.

Supreme success.


You have become an instrument of Heaven’s will, offering a balance in the world around you.
It is not swashbuckling prowess or uncanny talent that qualifies you for this office, but your simplest gifts — your modesty, your compassion, your economy.
Because you can see clearly who most needs a miracle, Heaven’s bounty is being put at your disposal.



Angel Number


Divination Journal

Tarot Card

Source: Tarot for the Green Witch by Ann Moura Copyright 2003. Pages 86 and 87

Ace of Swords – Decision; activity

Baby Fire dragons are hatching out of a nest among the lower fire vents on the slope of a volcano. A Celtic sword visible behind the nest stands upright and has craved dragons twining around the hilt. In the background the volcano is glowing and blowing smoke. The clouds are dark with reflections of fire on them. Fire symbolizes physical, mental, and spiritual strength and action. This strength can manifest either as destructive power or regeneration, depending upon the intent and self-discipline of the individual. The sword also has much the same meaning: strength and defense, the power to liberate or wound. Potential for self-destruction is represent by the active volcano in the background. Our lives are often disrupted by cataclysmic events, which sometimes seem to destroy our lives and turn them upside down. If we can learn to harness the fire of these events, we can walk safely through the flames and come out stronger tham we were.

Divinatory Meaning: You are in the process of making decisions that will effect your life for some time. A new period or cycle of much activity is imminent. Beware of activity without thought.

Today’s Health and Wealth Tarot card reading comes from The Green Witch Tarot Deck and The Green Witch Tarot Companion by Ann Moura. With the art done by Kiri Ostergaard Leonard. Copyright 2015

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper



Dragonfly meaning and symbolism includes opportunity, transformation, spontaneity, ancient wisdom, and other mystical qualities. These beautiful winged insects have fascinated people for thousands of years. In fact, the dragonfly spirit animal is a powerful totem that appears in the spiritual beliefs of many cultures.

One of the first winged insects, dragonflies have inhabited the Earth for over 300 million years. By comparison, evidence of the first humans dates back to just 2.8 million years. As ancient artifacts attest, dragonfly meanings intrigued our distant ancestors, just as they intrigue us today. In this post, you’ll learn about commonly shared dragonfly symbols and meanings, dragonfly mythology, the dragonfly spirit animal, and more.




Sound: “s”
Stands for: Sun
Color: Yellow
Casting meaning: With the help of this rune we tend to be able to see things more clearly. Like the sun sheds light on dark times, with Sowulo we too can find the light during dark times.

Witches’ Rune



This rune means to cut away, to put an end to something, to sever or separate, possible something you have depended on vanishes from your life. You can now move to the next level and begin anew

When the Scythe Rune turns up in a reading this indicates certain changes must occur and time must pass before a coming to terms with something that is hard to accept.

You may experience a passing through of difficulties before reaching a new level.

Walls and blocks may see insurmountable at the current time. But the Scythe implies you have the strength and fortitude to overcome all difficulties that you now encounter.




Ng, or nGeatal, is the Reed that grows straight and tall at the riverside. Long ago, it was considered the perfect wood for arrows because it was so perfectly formed. Symbolic of music and flutes, the Reed indicates direct action, and finding purpose in your journey. It is connected with health and healing, and with gatherings of family and friends.

nGeatal Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: When this symbol appears, it’s time to take on a leadership role. Often, it indicates a need to rebuild that which was destroyed. Use your skills and ability to put things in order, and guide situations onto the right track. Think before you act, and be proactive rather than reactive.

Magical Aspects: Although you may encounter some bumpy spots in the road, ultimately your spiritual journey will be a fruitful and productive one. Understand that the lessons you learn on your way are equally as important–maybe even more so–as the destination itself.

I Ching


Hexagram Fourteen/14

Name: Ta Yu.

Keyphrase: Abundance.

Formed By The Trigrams: Fire over Heaven.

General: Those who understand the responsibility that comes with wealth are the ones best fitted to maintain it.

Love: Enjoy the current harmonious period but do not allow yourself to become complacent.

Business: Opportunities for business success will be there if you look for them. Do not allow yourself to become greedy though.

Personal: Take the time to enjoy mental clarity but make sure to watch for any feelings of pride or arrogance and eliminate them if necessary.

Overview: Ta Yu relates to a time of abundance when all is going well. Although an auspicious time it carries a warning not to allow yourself to become arrogant or greedy. All obstacles in all aspects of life will have disappeared and life should be enjoyed. Do not make the mistake of becoming complacent and believing this period will last forever. It won’t. Nothing does. Examine the harmonious circumstances that gave rise to your current success and do your best to preserve them. This way you will be able to maintain success as long as possible. Generosity and humility are essentials to this process



Eleven – Master Number

See “The Master numbers.” Highly intuitive, even psychic, this Master number is a channel between the sub-conscious and the conscious mind. Highly charged. Can be neurotic.

Angel Number



The meaning of “14” is “support for angels”

Angel number “14” indicates that the angel is helping you to make your positive thoughts a reality. Are you always thinking of positive thinking? Seeing your hard work, an angel is helping me.

If you have trouble switching from negative thinking, ask the angel to think positively. It makes it easier to switch feelings.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Wednesday


Wednesday Correspondences

Dedicated to the Teutonic god Woden or Odin, an aspect of the “All-Father” god of knowledge wisdom enlightenment and combat, the parallel of Hermes.

Element : Air

Planet: Mercury

Zodiac Sign : Virgo / Gemini

Angel : Raphael

Metal : Mercury

Incense / Perfumes : Jasmine, Lavender, Sweet Pea

Oil: Benzoin, Clary Sage, Eucalytus, Lavender

Color : Red, Orange, Light Blue

Stones : Bloodstone,Garnet, Aventurine, Hematite, Moss Agate and Sodalite

Plants/Herbs : Almond, Anise, Cherry, Clover, Dandelion, Dill, Fern, Hazel, Hyssop, Lavender, Lemongrass, Lilac, Mace, Peppermint, Rosemary, Vervain

Magick to Work: the conscious mind, study, travel, divination, consulting oracles, wisdom, communication ,cleverness, contracts, creativity, information, intellect, memory, perception, science, wisdom, writing

Wednesday Source:

Wednesday aligns with the planet Mercury. This day is associated with intellectual pursuits, travel, communication, and memory.

Metal: Mercury
Colors: Orange, Yellow, Periwinkle
Gems and Stones: Aventurine, Moss Agate
Botanicals: Fern, Dill, Sweet Pea, Periwinkle, Eucalyptus, Aspen, Lily, Lavender
Spellwork: Communication, Divination, Luck, Travel, Knowledge, Memory

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondences for Tuesday


Tuesday (Tiw’s-day)

Planet: Mars

Colors: Red and Autumn Shades

Crystals: Bloodstone, Ruby, Garnet, Flint, Rhodonite, Iron and Steel

Aroma: Basil, Ginger, Black Pepper, Mars Oil, Dragon’s blood and patchouli

Herb: Basil

The day of Mars. This day could only ever symbolize the sheer power of the god of war! The ideal spells to be cast on this day are that of force, power war and protection.

Dedicated to the powers of the planet Mars, personified as Ares, Tiwaz, Tiw, and Tyr.

Magical aspects: controlled power, energy, and endurance, passion, sex, courage, aggression, and protection.

This is the proper day of the week to perform spells and rituals involving courage, physical strength, revenge, military honors, surgery, the breaking of negative spells, dynamic energy, matrimony, war, enemies, prison, hunting, politics, contests, protection, victory, and athletics.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Sunday


Sunday Source: Lee Ann Donaldson January 4, 2015 on Elements Of Magick (Blog has changed it name to Everyday Magick)

Associated with our most powerful planetary influence, the Sun, which rules over things such as individuality, creativity, vitality, will power, and optimism, Sunday is the perfect day to celebrate who you are as an individual, and ideal time for self-expression, creative projects, music, dancing, and perhaps spending time with loved ones. Today, I recommend taking advantage of its power, energy, wealth of spirit. If weather permits, this is an ideal day for being outdoors, picnics, games, and being out in the Sun. Whether it’s with others or just you…today you should get in touch with your inner child. Carpe diem! Do what inspires you most! It will always lead you where you need to go.

Solar Deities: Aine, Irish goddess of love, summer, wealth and sovereignty, Jesus, the SUN of God, Horus, god of the sky whose right eye was considered to be the sun and his left the moon, Ra, god of the sun, Apollo, Olympian god of light, the sun, prophecy, healing, plague, archery, music and poetry, Baldr, god associated with light, beauty, love and happiness,
Freyr, god of fertility, sexuality, peace and sunlight, and the list goes on….

Anointing Oil: One drop of Orange, Clary Sage, and Ylang Ylang in a carrier as or just use three drops of Clary Sage. Ginger and Grapefruit oil are nice.

Herbal Tea: Tansy: Considered a herb of immortality, it will help you comprehend the eternal nature of the life force. Chamomile: Steeped with orange rind and a pinch each of cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove – perfect to honor the life-giving powers of the sun. Orange and Mango tea is lovely as well.

Herbs & Plants: Sun flowers and flowers in general on Sunday.

Incense: Anything floral, fruity, spicy and warm….citrus, Cinnamon, Ginger, Orange Blossom

Colors: Golds, coppers, oranges, yellows, and neon pinks, blues and greens!

Crystals: Goldstone, Carnelian, Amber and Tiger’s eye.

Metal: Gold

Tarot cards: The Sun, Three of Cups, Strength, and The Ace of Wands.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondences for Wednesday


Home & Hearth Magick for Wednesday

On Wednesday cast for communication matters and to improve good luck

Planetary Influence: Mercury

Household Symbols: Phones, television, computers, letters, silver coins

Colors: Orange or purple

Kitchen Spices: Dill and celery seed

–Cottage Witchery, Natural Magick for Hearth & Home
Ellen Dugan


This day of the week gets its name from Woden’s Day, an Old English name. It is a direct translation of the Latin term mercurri dies, “day of Mercury.” When they translated the day, they changed to god Mercury to a local god, Woden, so people would understand. This is a great day to work on communications, thought, wisdom, self-expression, and the arts. Also a good day for divination.
Color: Purple, orange
Planet: Mercury
Deities: Odin, Woden, Hermes, Mercury, Athena, Lugh
Crystals: Adventuine, agate
Herbs: Aspen, lilies, lavender, fern
Associations: Business, communication, debt, the arts, transportation, fortune, chance, creativity

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Monday



Day: Monday ( Moon-day)

Planet: Moon

Colors: Silver and White and Grey

Crystals: Moonstone, Pearl, Aquamarine, Silver, Selenite

Aroma: Jasmine, Lemon, Sandalwood, Moon Oil, African violet, Honeysuckle, Myrtle, Willow, and Wormwood

Herb: Moonwort

The sacred day of the Moon, personified by such goddesses as Selene, Luna, Diana, and Artemis. The Moon is ruler of flow affecting the changeable aspects of people. If a full moon falls on a Monday, its powers are at their most potent.

Magical aspects: peace, sleep, healing, compassion, friendships, psychic awareness, purification, and fertility

Monday is ruled by the moon – an ancient symbol of mystery and peace. Monday is a special day for mothers as the cycle of the moon has long been associated with the female menstrual cycle. Those wishing to conceive a baby would be wise to try on a Monday as the magic of motherhood is strong and pregnancy is in the air.

This is the proper day of the week to perform spells and rituals involving agriculture, animals, female fertility, messages, reconciliation’s, theft, voyages, dreams, emotions, clairvoyance, home, family, medicine, cooking, personality, merchandising, psychic work, Faerie magic, and Goddess rituals.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Wednesday



Magickal Intentions: Communication, Divination, Writing, Knowledge, Business Transactions, Debt, Fear, Loss, Travel, Money Matters

Color: black, light blue, brown, gray, green, magenta, orange, peach, purple, red, silver, turquoise, violet, white, yellow; orange is the primary color

Number: 3, 5

Metal: mercury

Charm: distaff, rod, runes, staff, iridescent garments

Stone: moss agate, amethyst, bloodstone, emerald, hematite, lapis lazuli, lodestone, pearl, ruby, sapphire, sodalite, all blue stones

Animal: bear, dog, fox, magpie, swan, weasel

Plant: almond, bayberry, chamomile, cherry, cinnamon, cinquefoil, clove, coltsfoot, ginger, hazel, hazelnut, jasmine, lavender, millet, oak, peppermint, periwinkle, rosemary, sage, St. John’s wort, sweet pea, tamarind, lemon verbena, violet

Incense: cassia, cedar, cinnamon, clove, frankincense, jasmine, lavender, mastic, mint, rosemary, sage, sandalwood, storax, dried and powdered citrus peel, and all incense made from aromatic bark, wood, and seeds

Goddess: Carmenta, Hecate (Queen of Crossroads), Hel, Ishtar, Ma’at, the Morrigan, Nike

God: Anubis, Bragi, Elath-Iahu. Enki, Garuda, Hermes, Maximon (Black Magician), Mercury, Nebo (Wise God of Wednesday), Odin, Shango, Ullr, Vishnu, Wayland, Woden

Evocation: Agrat Bat Mahalat, Michael, Miel, Raphael, Seraphiel, Tiriel

Divination Journal


White Magic Tarot

Card 1


Your social life may be taking over if you’ve drawn the Hermit in this first position. It’s great to be busy, but you’re redefining the term to extremes with all you’ve got going on! This card urges you to spend a little more time alone, contemplating where you’ve been in your life and where you’re headed next. Like the lantern on the card, you’re in for some serious illumination if you’re willing to fly solo for a while. Your friends will understand.


The Chariot placed in this position asks that you consider a more assertive approach in the situation at hand. In order to build momentum in your life, get two tall orange candles, and place them on an altar (a mantle, table, or shelf works). As you light the candles, picture yourself moving through any blocks that may be present in this situation. See yourself achieving all your goals and dreams with ease. Repeat this ritual as necessary until you find success with all your endeavors.

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper


Witch’s Rune


The Sun

Growth, new beginnings, fertility, prosperity, solar magic, god

When this witches rune pops up in a reading, I typically smile. The sun means different things to different people; however, the fact that it sustains the planet also means it sustains our lives and brings an abundance of good things. Also linked to our solar plexus, vitality, health and self confidence.




Angel Number

Divination Journal

Tarot Card

Today’s Tarot card reading comes from The Green Witch Tarot Deck and The Green Witch Tarot Companion by Ann Moura. With the art done by Kiri Ostergaard Leonard.


Knight of Chalices – Minor Arcana Court Card

This is a card of proposals and invitations, of socializing, networking, and making new contacts. There may be artistic or romantic proposal, or simply the enjoyment of good times, perhaps with an invitation received to attend a propitious occasion. The invitation may allow for social advancement or provide a desired opportunity to make necessary contacts for emotional fulfillment and satisfaction in life. If representatives of a person, this card is someone who has something beneficial to offer. One’s enthusiasm may prompt openings and opportunities, especially through casual mingling among people who prove helpful. Relaxation and good times are indicated, as well as holiday fun with others, and opportunities. Artistic expression is given direction and finesse. There is also a possible opportunism with this card: someone being capricious with one’s emotions, vacillating and leading one on. Flattery or deception could come into play. or a person could be misleading one either for his or her own gain or simply because of an inability to be emotionally consistent or make a sincere commitment. Other cards in the spread will clarify the intention.

Marigolds, flowers of well being, affection, and relationship, make a wreath. A stork, a symbol of beginnings, devotion, and opportunities, stand by the tree.

Meaning: Artistic direction, romantic or social proposal, invitation, fun, relaxation, opportunity, advancement, emotional sensitivity, developing style, love, breakthrough.

Prompt Words: Proposals, socializing

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

Today’s Animal Spirt Guide card comes from Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer Copyright 2008


“Practice shapeshifting by altering your physical appearance and mannerisms”

To become adept at shapeshifting, it’s necessary to remain flexible and resilient, and be willing to practice different identities by altering your way of dressing, your hairstyle, your demeanor, and your mannerisms. Particularly focus on your body language and voice qualities. Experiment by first making small changes in any of these aspects and watch what happens. You can also become skilled in modifying your aura (the energy field around you.) by intentionally contracting and expanding it. When you practice these things, sometimes even your friends won’t recognize you. You can even get so good at camouflage that you become invisible to others.

Everyone has numerous personas though which they operate, and you’re no different. It’s a matter of being conscious of those personas and modifying them through the art of shapeshifting. Just like actors do, study other people and notice their mannerisms, clothing styles, and how they walk and carry themselves.. Observe animals and their behaviors, and try to mimic them. Developing this ability can help you more readily adapt to the various situations you encounter, thus enabling you to deal with them more effectively. Let yourself be an actor in your everyday life, and have fun with it. Just remember who you are at the core.

Associations: Disguise; Secretiveness; Camouflage; Solitude; Evolvement; Flexibility; Regeneration; Protection; Intelligence; Sacrifice; Efficiency


From The Rune Site


Sound: “i”, “ee” as in “east”
Stands for: Ice
Color: Brown (Black)
Casting meaning: Like an icicle formed at the start of winter, with this rune we can only wait until the warmth of the sun allows us to be free from a constricting form. Isa represents a halt in activity until a change is made.

Witches’ Rune  



The Waves Rune stands for intuition and artistic imagination as well as cloudy perception. In this way, this run stands for self-sacrifice or self-sabotage.

When this rune turns up in a reading, it indicates that the answer is still not clear. Often, the matter of your concern will soon dissipate or phase out with no resolution or closure.

On the positive side, the Waves Rune represents a wellspring of creativity where you are nourished by the power of your own imagination.

Sometimes this rune means that the matter you have asked about depends upon your timing. So what you can imagine can become a reality, as long as you are willing to clarify and follow through.




H is for Huath, or Uatha, and is symbolic of the Hawthorn tree. This prickly-thorned tree is associated with cleansing, protection and defense. Tie a thorn with a red ribbon and use it as a protective amulet in your home, or place a bundle of thorns under a baby’s crib to keep bad energy away. Because the Hawthorn typically blooms around Beltane, it is also strongly connected with fertility, masculine energy, and fire.

In folklore, the Hawthorn is associated with the land of the Fae. Thomas the Rhymer met the Faerie Queen under a Hawthorn tree and ended up in the Faerie realm for seven years. Despite its connection with female and goddess-centered pre-Christian belief, it’s considered unlucky to bring Hawthorn into your home. This may stem from the fact that some species of Hawthorn give off a particularly unpleasant –almost corpse-like–scent after they’ve been cut. No one wants their home to smell like death.

In Glastonbury, England, there’s a famous Hawthorn tree known as the Holy Thorn. The tree that stands there today is supposed to be a descendant of one that stood on Glastonbury Tor two thousand years ago, when Joseph of Arimathea brought the Grail to England from the Holy Land. When Joseph thrust his staff into the ground, it turned into a Hawthorn tree.

Birch Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: If you’re hoping to conceive a child, the appearance of Huath could be fortuitous. In addition to fertility, consider this a sign of protection, healthfulness and self-defense.

Magical Aspects: Understand that no matter how thorny a problem may be, you can use your spiritual strength to protect and guide you. You may also find that you can provide strength to those who depend on you.





The Love Child of Zeus and Hera.

The number 3 is like a gifted teenager who is still under the protection of its parents – a bit spoiled, clearly scattered, and perpetually in need of guidance. However, the 3 excels in the creative field.

An individual with 3s in key points of their numerology chart will have a passionate need to express feelings, ideas, and vision. Coupled with an extroverted personality, they are likely to seek a career in art, especially the verbal arts.

Another unique quality of the 3 is the tendency to be “lucky,” or rather, to be in the right place at the right time. This may be connected to their innate sense of rhythm – the 3 seems to be in tune with the cyclical nature of their surroundings.

Their social skills are also excellent.

Charm, wit and a sense of humor help a 3 along their path, and a compelling charisma make them particularly attractive.

Followers are willing to forgive less favorable traits exhibited by 3s, such as their lack of focus and direction, a tendency to procrastinate, an inability to finish projects, and an unwillingness to take responsibility.

There is also a superficial side to the 3 that can be harder to look past – a narcissistic streak, the need to be the center of attention. It’s easy for the optimistic 3 to enjoy day-to-day life as long as all is well, but when challenging issues arise, internal fortitude is often lacking.

Without little focus on deeper aspects, the 3 can succumb to difficulties unless friends and family provide support.

For the 3 to become a balanced, happy person they must learn discipline. Fortunate 3s who exhibit talent early in life (such as gifted dancers and music prodigies) are often placed in environments with just the sort of discipline a 3 needs to protect those talents.

Relationships can be a bit of a challenge for the 3, at least those requiring long-term commitment and loyalty. With plenty of acquaintances (probably more than is healthy), when true depth and intimacy enter the picture, the 3 may turn tail and run.

The 3 can have a jealous streak too, causing conflicts when those it has rejected move on in search of more meaningful bonds.

Jealousy stems from the 3 recognizing it has been skimming the surface of life since birth. As a result, they feel insecure, thinking others know things that have escaped them.

But, once a 3 finds the motivation to delve deeply into the realities of life (something that may only happen when confronted), its happy facade has the potential to be replaced by the serenity true wisdom brings. Such a “transformed” 3 is a thing to behold.

No one is represented by just one number but is a mixture of several if not all the numbers in their chart. Those who are blessed with a heavy dose of 3s in their numerology chart tend to have an easier time being happy, optimistic, and playful.

However, this kind of “joie de vivre” can leave those same people unprepared for the more demanding experiences that life inevitably brings.

While the western mindset focuses on happy moments as the ideal, unhappy experiences are often the ones that bring greater depth and quality to our life.

For the number 3, happiness might be easy to achieve, but is almost always a consequence of something materialistic or fleeting (a new car, a new relationship, a sunny day). A higher happiness, one that is not the consequence of a particular event but the result of a deep appreciation toward life itself, is worth a million times more.

The biggest challenge for the 3 is to recognize the real beauty of life is not found in possessions or frivolity, but in the deepest aspects of being human.

When the 3 defies the odds to achieve this state of being, the fact that it has had to travel far to reach such a height makes this number uniquely qualified to help others reach the same goal.

Angel Number

A Thought for Today

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Monday



Day: Monday ( Moon-day)

Planet: Moon

Colors: Silver and White and Grey

Crystals: Moonstone, Pearl, Aquamarine, Silver, Selenite

Aroma: Jasmine, Lemon, Sandalwood, Moon Oil, African violet, Honeysuckle, Myrtle, Willow, and Wormwood

Herb: Moonwart

The sacred day of the Moon, personified by such goddesses as Selene, Luna, Diana, and Artemis. The Moon is ruler of flow affecting the changeable aspects of people. If a full moon falls on a Monday, its powers are at their most potent.

Magical aspects: peace, sleep, healing, compassion, friendships, psychic awareness, purification, and fertility

Monday is ruled by the moon – an ancient symbol of mystery and peace. Monday is a special day for mothers as the cycle of the moon has long been associated with the female menstrual cycle. Those wishing to conceive a baby would be wise to try on a Monday as the magic of motherhood is strong and pregnancy is in the air.

This is the proper day of the week to perform spells and rituals involving agriculture, animals, female fertility, messages, reconciliation’s, theft, voyages, dreams, emotions, clairvoyance, home, family, medicine, cooking, personality, merchandising, psychic work, Faerie magic, and Goddess rituals

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Saturday


Saturday is a day filled with opportunities to clean up and clear out. So if you are wondering why Hecate is assigned to this day, take another look at what she symbolizes and the magick that is associated with her. That should answer the question.

Hecate was the oldest form of the Greek Triple Goddess, as she presided over heaven, the underworld, and earth. Crossroads where three roads met were especially sacred to Hecate, earning her the title of Hekate of the Three Ways. It’s interesting to note that even after the worship of other goddesses waned, ancient people still worshiped Hecate as the Queen of the Underworld and the Guardian of the Three-Way Crossroad. It was also believed that if you left her an offering of food there, she would grant you her favors. As Hecate Trivia, her triple images were often displayed at these crossroads, where she was petitioned on the full moon for positive magick and on the dark of the moon for cursing and dark magick.

While this last bit of information sounds a little ominous, keep in mind that Hecate/Hekate was known by many titles and is a shapeshifter. Her appearance could and did change often. As a dark moon goddess, her faces are many. To some she may appear as a old crone, hunched over a smoking cauldron and draped in a midnight cape. To others she may appear as a dark beautiful, mysterious, and mature woman wearing a shimmering crown. To some she may be perceived as a maiden priestess. She was called the “most lovely one,” the Great Goddess of Nature, and the Queen of the World of Spirits. This dark goddess knows her way around the earth and the underworld. All the powers of nature, life, and death are at her command.

–Book of Witchery, Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week
Ellen Dugan

Saturday Source:

Ruled by Saturn. Psychic ability, meditation, and communication with spirits.


Day – Saturday

Planet – Saturn

Sign – Capricorn, Aquarius

Angel – Cassiel

Color – Black, Grey, Red, White

Planet – Myrrh, Moss, Hemlock, Wolfsbane, Coltsfoot, Nightshade, Fir

Stones – Jet, Smokey Quartz, Amethyst, Black Onyx, Snowflake Obsidian, Lava, Pumice

Intention – Binding, Protection, Neutralization, Karma, Death, Manifestation.

Element – All

More Qualities – Responsibility, Structure, Details, Banishing, Negativity, Reality, the laws of society, limits, obstacles, tests, hard work, endurance, real estate, dentists, bones, teeth, farm workers, sacrifice, separation, stalkers, murderers, criminals in general, civil servants, justice, math, plumbing, wills, debts, financing, joint money matters, discovery, transformation, death, relations with older people

A Thought for Today

Wishing you and yours a terrific Thursday!



Divination Journal

Tarot Card


Queen of Rainbows – A Court Card

The Explanation of Queen of Rainbows Osho Zen Tarot

The Queen of Rainbows Osho Zen looks like an imaginary tree that is at its peak of flowering and freshness. She is very erotic, lively, and full of surprises. She snapped her fingers to the music of love, the zodiac necklace was cleverly placed so that the Venus symbol would be at her heart. Her sleeves contain lots of seeds, and when the wind blows through, the seeds will be scattered to take root where they may. She didn’t care whether they land on the soil or on the rocks – she just scattered them everywhere while enjoying life and love. Flowers fall on her from above, in harmony with her own flowering, and the stream of emotions swirled mischievously beneath the flower on which she sits.

You can feel blessings from everywhere like being in a flower garden at the moment. Welcome the bees and invite the birds to drink your nectar. Spread your joy around for all to share.

The Energy of Queen of Rainbows Osho Zen Tarot Based on Osho’s Teachings

Zen wants you living, living in abundance, living in totality, living intensely – not at the minimum as Christianity wants you, but at the maximum, overflowing. Your life should reach to others. Your blissfulness, your benediction, your ecstasy should not be contained within you like a seed. It should open like a flower and spread its fragrance to all and sundry – not only to the friends but to the strangers too.  This is real compassion, this is real love: sharing your enlightenment, sharing your dance of the beyond.

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

From Spirit Animal



Raven Meaning and Messages

In general, Raven symbolism can often be difficult to discern. However, there are always subtle clues available to you. If Raven announces its presence in a loud and raucous way, he is acting as a messenger. In this case, you must speak up and express yourself. This spirit animal could also be letting you know that you are not listening to the information and guidance that is forthcoming from your guardians. In other words, make sure you listen carefully and if you must, speak up for yourself!

Also, the Raven totem is the keeper of synchronicity. He is a master of bending and folding time and space. Therefore, you are precisely at the right moment at the right time. When you see this corvid on the lamp posts and buildings watching you, know that all things are falling into place for you. Hence, make sure you pay close attention to the people you meet for the next few hours. The Raven symbolism may be there to help you on your journey, provide insight, knowledge, and guidance. There is also an element of reflection with Raven’s meaning. Consequently, this bird is reminding you that the people around you are reflecting at you the things you most have to learn about yourself.

Furthermore, like the Cow, whenever Raven’s meaning appears in your life, fantastic magic is imminent. The Raven symbolism also brings messages of transition, change, and healing because of its ability to cast light into the darkness. When this happens, make sure that you are well-grounded and have faith in your journey. This birds’ magic will guide you through…


Source: The Rune Site


Sound: “ss” as in “kiss”
Stands for: Disk of the sun
Magick/Healing use: Brings the healing power and warmth of the sun.

Witch’s Rune



Sudden changes and endings. Making a final decision. Completing something. Walking away from something or someone. Danger.

Druid Ogham



Change, shift, the sea, maps, realm of the subconscious, great undercurrents

Tree: Witch hazel (Hamamelis spp.)

Letter: X

Sea change” is a term for profound or holistic change. Change is the foundation of existence. The interplay of opposing forces creates and destroys ad infinitum. Mor bookends the concept of change introduced by the first Ogham, Beith. The intention that sowed an action reaped a habit, the habit reaped a character, and the character reaped a destiny. The new track in space has been laid and change is inevitable.

When you draw Mor, look for the changes in and around you. These are not necessarily good or…

I Ching


He a gram 21

Shih Ho / Biting Through

The merciless, searing judgement of Lightning fulfills the warning prophecies of distant Thunder.
Sage rulers preserved Justice by clearly defining the laws, and by delivering the penalties decreed.

Though unpleasant, it is best to let justice have its due.


A terrible reckoning is due.
A wrong will be righted — and even if it has been you who has been wronged, you will tremble at the terrible power of Justice untempered by Mercy.
Pray for your oppressor, that his punishment will fit his crime.



Number Three is a sociable, friendly, and outgoing vibration. Kind, positive, and optimistic, Three’s enjoy life and have a good sense of humor. Ruled by Jupiter.

Keywords: jovial, friendly, positive, adventurous, self-expressive. If expressed negatively: extravagant, scattered, superficial.

As lovers: Number Threes are fun, energetic, and willing to experiment. These lovers need space and contact with others in order to feel content. If they feel confined, they will be unhappy and restless. Allowed the freedom to socialize and scatter their energies, they are exciting and happy lovers.

Angel Number



Number zero relates to meditation and prayer. It’s time to develop your spiritual side as God speaks to you right now. Open your mind and look for clues.