Spell For Tuesday- Devil’s Pod Hex and Curse Breaker


Devil’s Pod Hex and Curse Breaker

Ever feel like you were hexed or cursed? Clear the negativity with this hex breaker that uses Devil’s Pods and dried herbs. When you are finished, place the pod facing away from you to ward off and keep nasty vibes at bay.


One Devil’s Pod

Dried Basil

Dried Bay Leaf

Mustard Seed

Black or White Candle

Ritual Oil or Essential Oil

Tweezers and Funnel (optional)


1. Open the hole the in the top of the pod. Tweezers work well, but you can use a chopstick or skewer as well.

Looking for Devil’s Pods? You can find them here.

2. Crush the bay leaf and add the bay leaf, mustard seed, and basil into the pod.

*Tip: If you have a straw or small funnel it is helpful.

3. Dress the candle with ritual oil or an essential oil that is good for banishing such as frankincense or peppermint. For this spell, I used our custom and potent Fire Witch Oil.

4. Light the candle and hold it over the hole of the pod. Let the wax drip down until the hole of the pod is sealed and then extinguish the candle.

5. Recite the incantation and focus on breaking and blocking any hexes and bad energy that have been sent your way. Set the pod facing away from you to ward off bad vibes, hexes, and negativity.

“No more shall this evil last,

Any hex I break that has been cast.”

Hexing the Enemies of Women and Peace

Some women shirk from fighting back. Too many years have passed since the heroic age of the seventies, when everything new started. We used to have self-defense classes, repair our own cars classes, women’s studies about who we are as women and what have women done in Herstory that we are not aware of. Gathering our treasures and our tears.

Still we live in male centered societies. Males often rule by violence and rape, and the everlasting wars. Not by law. Too many rapists have gone free, too many murderers as well. White-collar thieves live long and hardly ever fall into the hands of justice.

But something has happened here in the San Francisco Bay Area that tripped the “that’s enough!” wires for me as a witch. A lesbian was viciously gang raped by four men. Then they kidnapped her, and continued their assault for another 45 minutes. She was brutally beaten to within an inch of her life for being a woman, for being a lesbian. Then, they stole her car and left her naked in the chilled winter winds and pounding rains, daring her to survive.

She did.

I have not hexed anybody since the Trailside Killer (still in jail) in the 80’s, but something turned inside me when the crime came this close to my life. I’m much older now at 68 and somewhat incapacitated with artificial hips. I gathered enough courage to call to arms all those women who considered holding a hexing circle in defense of our lives a worthwhile effort.

13 women answered the call. It was a magical number. I went ahead.

As always we document all hexes, so there could be NO doubt we are not calling on the devil.

I contemplated the situation and carefully chose the Lady of Guadalupe as our Queen of all Americas to be the center. I asked a friend to get me some large banners of the Lady. She sent us two large banners, glorious in her appearance, the Lady in her full queenly glory. Thank you, Karen!

Next I gathered the all-important occult supplies. Yes you can cast successful spells without anything, just praying but when you are up against a rape culture, violence of this hate crime magnitude, it’s good to have some mandrake root with you, and other secret baneful herbs to burn in your cauldron.

I represented the lives of the rapists with red thread, and over the smoking cauldron, praying to the Queen, I cut their luck into many small pieces. The only man who came to our hex, Lez, helped to put them all into the burning cauldron of change. This was important. Men must stop rape. Men must come over to the women’s side and fight for us.

Rarely ever happens.

To the Queen who we invoked as grandmother (her old name used to be Tonatzin) , we asked her to help us and to bring these men, and ALL rapists down with Unluck. We cut their luck into tiny little pieces, their luck now gone.

Next I hexed them so nobody would hide them. Hexed them that their own family would give them up. Hexed them that they would turn on each other. Hexed them that the youngest one would talk.

Video of parts of this hexing ritual are on my DU website: http://wicca.zbudapest.com and on my blog: http://blog.zbudapest.com

Then we went home. I lie down on my couch and let the new year arrive. Thought it would be a little while that this spins out its necessary wheels.

By Wednesday, the news was on the front pages of the SF Chronicle. Three of the men were arrested. The younger one’s family gave him up! And then he talked as the hex had requested. They arrested two more and by Thursday the fourth criminal turned himself in. Blessed be Tonantzin!

Sisters of the Susan B. Anthony Coven Number One participated with us globally in this incredible fast Justice. In Orange County in Southern California, and elsewhere, the women gathered to support this hex. All could see the success of their labors. Enough is enough!

On the same day the arrests began here, a serial rapist was caught in Columbus, Ohio … No luck for rapists! Justicia rules! So now I have allowed myself a little victory toe-dance. Yeahh!

What I hoped would result from this experience is a nation wide hex on ALL rapists and similar gender initiated violence. This would take place annually, on the dark moon at the end of every year.

But the real change can only come from a change of consciousness. A mind change that would see women differently. Not as meat, not as holes, or whores, but as sisters and mothers and citizens with rights.

Male gods’ religion didn’t help at all. Thousands of years and the societies are still not civilized. The male gods remain the Lords. They have holy books full of violence and trashing of women. Switching back to Goddess culture and appreciation of life is what would help see women in the loving light.

After all we are the doors of life. We birthed everybody.

Where is the gratitude? Why the rage against us?

I hope that women ‘grow a pair’ and learn not to be fear driven, to stand up for themselves and each other. Learn SISTERHOOD again! (SIDE NOTE: Lady Rhiannon says women just have chestnuts. So, they are bigger than men’s lets flex them ladies)

Maybe it’s time that the ‘Take Back the Night Marches’ that I started back in the 70’s, becomes an annual hexing ritual done by sisters and brothers alike. A hex on all enemies of women and peace. Maybe that will make the difference! It has to begin somewhere!

Spell – to Undo Other Curses or Spells Placed on You c. 2015

Spell to Undo Other Curses or Spells Placed on You

A lemon curse magic spell is cast for the purpose of un-doing another curse or hex that has been cast upon your or someone you love. This magic lemon curse spell is cast after knowing a curse has been placed on you. Try this free black magic lemon curse magic spell to void another s hex or evil magic spell cast upon you.

Items needed:
1 lemon
1 black candle
9 nails
Cursing Oil
Picture of person (to be cursed)
Black bowl

Light the candle.
Cut a slit into the lemon.
Place the picture of the person inside the slit.
Take one if the nails and feel your anger rise. Visualize your anger.
Pierce the nail into the lemon.
Do the same for the remaining nails.
With each nail your anger should rise for this person getting blacker and
When you reach the last nail, place the lemon in the bowl.
Pour cursing oil onto the lemon filling the bowl until the lemon is half
covered (with oil.)
Let the lemon rot in this bowl on your altar.
As the lemon rots, so too will the life and luck of the person!!

Remember, curses are only used when you have been wronged and cannot come up
with a fix!! Do not curse people for the fun of it or the rule of three will
haunt you.

An Invaluable Herbal Grimoire Reference Guide

By Graphia, The Wordsmith Witch

No matter what your spiritual path looks like, every Witch can benefit from possessing a thorough, comprehensive Herbal Grimoire. Many practitioners include such contents as a guide for the magical correspondences of different herbs, a list of various herbal substitutions for spellcrafting, and last, but not least – a reference section that lists commonly found baneful herbs and their toxicity levels.

Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels.com

This herb correspondence chart is the culmination of years of research. We hope this reference guide will help you to understand the magical properties of herbs, roots, flowers, barks and resins. It is our goal to provide others with accurate sources of information to enrich their lives and their Craft. What are some ways you can implement the information in the following guide into your own practice?  Click on the link below to view the chart.

Herbal Grimoire

The Witches Magick for Wednesday – Revenge Curse Jar Spell and How to Protect Yourself From Backlash

Magical Mud-Slinging: How to Protect Yourself from Backlash

A question that I get asked very often (by which I mean about once a week) is some variation of “How do I protect myself from the backlash of casting baneful magic / perform cursing without consequences?”
Well, the truth is that there is no way of performing baneful magic without incurring consequences. As I’ve so often said, “You can’t sling mud without getting your hands dirty.” But just like with mud, there are things you can do to mitigate the mess.

Step 1: “Wear Gloves.”
Protect yourself with a personal ward before you begin. Try to limit the number of tools you use to put the curse together. Cast a protective circle, if you feel the need. Prepare materials to refresh your household wards, if you have them, because they’ll need boosting after you’re done.

Step 2: “Wash Your Hands.”
Once you’ve finished whatever it is you set out to do, cleanse EVERYTHING. Yourself, your tools, your home…everything, top to bottom. Take a shower with a bit of Simple Jinx Remover to keep the magical “sludge” from sticking to you. Refresh your household wards. If you don’t have them, a simple sprinkling of salt across doorways and windowsills will do the trick.

Step 3: “Pay the Price.”
It’s important to know that there is a cost to everything. “All Magic Has A Price.” With baneful spells, the effect is more severe because of the intent of the magic involved. It can range from just having a couple of bad days to a full-on backlash where the curse you threw boomerangs around and bites you square in the ass. Whatever you do, no matter how well you prepare, there will be a cost to cursing. You need to realize and accept this, and if it’s not something you’re prepared to deal with, I’d suggest finding another way to get things done.

–Bree NicGarran

Revenge Curse Jar Spell

Intent: To bring bad luck into the life of one who has wronged you.
Timing: Waning moon

Clay poppet
Toothpicks, pins, or nails
Yarn or thread
Lemon juice
Glass jar
1 fresh egg
Black candle stub

Go to a patch of earth at a crossroads that is not likely to be disturbed. Carve the target’s name into the poppet and say aloud:

Poppet, I name you [Name]. Your limbs are their limbs, your flesh is their flesh. As you suffer, so shall they suffer.

Stick toothpicks/pins/nails into the poppet. Accompany each one with a particular malady you would like the target to suffer. Bind the poppet’s limbs, eyes, and mouth to prevent escape and drop it into the jar. Add more pins or nails if desired.

Add lemon juice while saying,

As the juice destroys the flesh, so let your fortunes sour
Let the sweet be gone from your life forth from this very hour

Add the egg, while saying,

As the egg disintegrates, your luck begins to rot
Relief you will seek from my curse, but find it you will not


Light the black candle and drip the wax into the jar, while saying,

This candle flame doth represent my hurt, my rage, my ire
May all your fortune vanish, as kindling in a fire
(If desired, light a piece of paper with a list of wrongs. Add the ashes to the jar.)
May hardship come to find you with the waning of the moon
[Name], my curse upon you from now till crack of doom

Alternatively (if you just want to teach someone a lesson):

For all that you have angered me, my rage may yet relent
[Name], my curse upon you until you do repent

Drop the candle stub into the jar and shake well. Bury the jar and walk away without looking back. Once at home, bathe thoroughly with the intention of washing away any residual energy still clinging to you. Wash your clothes and tools as well.

–Bree NicGarran

Justice Spell









1 Short Black Candle

Sharp Thing to Crave Person’s Name onto the Candle

Lighter or Matches

Candle Holder (TRIVIA: A candle holders proper name is CANDLE STICK)


I ask the Universe, the Great Spirit, The Great Mother, and The Great Father that the person who has caused me (fill in blank examples – physical, mental, or emotional hurt or pain, purposely caused you to lose money or a job, etc) gets the equivalent in this lifetime.

I do not want them to suffer any more than I am or any less than I am.

I do not ask for anything that will completely harm the person causing them to lose everything they own, their family or friends. But let their true nature be seen by their family, friends, business associates, and stranger they meet in any setting.

I ask that they become more considerate of other people, animals, Mother Earth, and anything else they come in contact with in anyway.

THESE ARE MY WORDS! THIS MY WILL! SO MOTE IT BE! A’Ho (A’ho comes from the Kiowa word aho (“thank you”). It spread in usage by the Native American Church ceremonies, and from use at Pow Wows. It’s use these days it is used for “I agree”, “Amen”, or “Yes.” But for every nation except the Kiowa it is a loan word. For the definition of other Native American Tribes and Nations  For more information on the phase A’Ho please click here.)

Copyright 2020 Lady Beltane




The Witches Magick for Wednesday, January 9 – To Break a Hex

Das Reich der Wölfe
The Witches Magick for Wednesday, January 9 – To Break a Hex

Protection spells are mainly used for getting rid of evil and unwanted presences and psychic attacks. Protection spells can also be used for removing or cleansing any existing hexes, house blessings, protecting your loved ones, ridding yourself of nightmares and so on. Protection spells can empower you by helping you build a field of energy that will keep destructive forces clear of you and/or your property and possessions.

To Break a Hex

Items that you will need in order to perform this spell:
A sprig of rosemary
A piece of yellow paper
A red pen
A red clothe
Paprika or red pepper
A piece of red cotton string

Time: Midnight on a Saturday night

Ritual: While you are performing this spell -carry a piece of rosemary with you at all times. Write the name of the person that is sending you the negativity on the piece of yellow paper. If you are not sure of the person’s name that is sending this negativity to you, simply write, “Enemy Mine”. Using the red pen, draw a figure of a doll shape around the name and then cut out the shape with your scissors.

Lay the paper doll face down on the red cloth and sprinkle the paper doll with the paprika or red pepper. Tie a string around the middle of your doll, then wrap up the doll tightly with the red clothe and hold in your hands and repeat these words:

“Enemy Mine your power is gone.
The hex is broken the spell undone.
The eye has been turned away.
Enemy mine you’ve gone away.
so shall it be
from this day this spell is cast
-the spell will last until your apology sets
you free by me.
This is my will so mote it be!”

Perform this spell for 7 consecutive nights, beginning on a Saturday at midnight, on the next Sunday night, unwrap the paper doll and tear it into nine pieces then burn the pieces. Scatter the ashes FAR away from your home and throw the red cloth into the garbage. You will see an improvement in your mental awareness and no more feelings of negativity within a week.

The Modern Day Spellbook: A Collection of Spells for the Modern Day Witch
R. Marten

Spell for Breaking a Love Curse

Spell for Breaking a Love Curse

If you think you have been cursed, and that is why you are unlucky in love, you need to make a supplication to Aphrodite, asking her to intervene. This supplication should be done on a Thursday evening at dusk.

Light 1 purple candle and 1 pink one. Burn 7 pine needles in a bowl or brazier. Offer the goddess three red roses, 1 for each stage of a woman’s life (Maiden, Mother and Crone). Then ask her to bless you in love and to break any curse that may exist. Pour your heart out to her. Ask forgiveness for any and every thing you have ever done to hurt another who loved you. Offer to make amends by doing something in Aphrodite’s name. 

Make a commitment to showering your future partners with love and romance. Vow never to be unfaithful, etc. Be respectful when addressing Aphrodite and be honest. Do not make empty promises or break the ones you make. If you say you will do something, do it. If you do not, you may not like the result.

There is no spell for this one, no incantation. You simply speak from the heart and if you are sincere, she will answer. Aphrodite can be a generous, loving goddess, guiding us towards bliss. Or she can be a vengeful harridan. 

Be warned, if the reason you are “unlucky” is because you have been unfaithful, abusive, cruel, or otherwise wasteful of Love’s gifts, you will face her wrath unless you agree to immediately change your ways, and then do so. 

Witches Magick for Sunday, May 21 – Spell to Reverse Negativity or a Hex Plus Hex Breaking Ointment

Witches Magick for Sunday, May 21

Spell to Reverse Negativity or a Hex Plus Hex Breaking Ointment


Try this spell to reverse any negativity or hexes being sent your way.


Visualize all blocks in your life-path being removed. Anoint a purple candle with Rosemary oil. On a piece of white paper write the following in black ink:

All blocks are now removed.

Fold the paper three times. Light the candle and burn the paper in a bowl, ashtray, or any fireproof dish. Invoke the power of fire and its elemental spirits by repeating three times:

Firedrakes and salamanders,
aid me in my quest,
protect me from all evil forms,
turn back the negativity being sent.

After the third repetition say:

So mote it be.

Hex Breaking Ointment

3 parts Galangal
2 parts Vetivert
1 part thistle
2 parts dried ginger root

Steep herbs in shortening, strain, cool and anoint body at night.


The Witches Magick for Monday, August 8th – A Simple But Effective Candle Curse

Summer Fantasy Dream's...blue love
A Simple But Effective Candle Curse

You will need:
Two candles
A needle

Take a candle, preferably black or red. With a needle, write the name of the person you’re cursing. Take that same needle and burn the tip of it in the flame of another candle.

Once the tip is black, imagine the person you are cursing and stab the candle with their name in it. How many times you stab the candle is up to you. I usually choose 23, since it’s a number sacred to Eris.

When your candle is sufficiently stabbed, light it and focus on your curse’s intention. For instance, if someone has stolen from you, your intention could be that they would experience an equal theft.

Let the candle fully melt. You don’t want to reuse this one.


Harnessing Fire Magic (A Witch’s Guide to Elemental Magic)
Viivi James

The Witches Magick for January 16th – Powerful Hex to Bring the Darkness


Powerful Hex to Bring the Darkness

It seems several of our friends here are having problems with their neighbors. Give this a whirl and see what happens!

Do not use this spell unless you want to really cause someone complete havoc. Once cast there is no reversing this spell. If someone has really done you wrong this is the spell to use.

When you begin this spell thinking of all the problems and Pain this person has caused you. Be angry when you cast this spell. Visualize chaos attacking this person from all sides.


A 9” piece of black yarn.

Tie 3 separate knots equally apart as you chant the following words :

“With this knot I seal this hex
you will not sleep, you will
not eat,
you will not rest
dark knots of anger, dark
knots of hate
This black cord with knots
brings you your fate
As I tie this second knot this
makes two
As complete black darkness
falls over you
Slander, chaos, evil too
I send the darkness straight
onto you
With this third knot, yes I bind
Complete horror and chaos
into your mind
Hex of anger, hex of hate
I will not wait.
I have spoken it and
so it shall be.
I have spoken it and
so mote it be!”

Douglas Hensley, A Book Of Magic Spells And Hexes

The Witches Magick for January 15th – Breaking a Curse


Breaking a Curse

To do this spell you will need:
1 brown bag
1 black string. You must knot it nine times
1 small square of black cloth about the size of your hand.
1 tablespoon of curry
1 tablespoon of dill
1 tablespoon powdered ginger
1 black candle
A piece of parchment paper and a black ink pen

Once you have collected these things write the full name of the person who you think has cursed you on the parchment paper. Place the paper in the center of the bag. Add the herbs one after another until you have covered the slip of paper.

Now light the candle and drip 10 drops of wax over the paper and herbs.

Concentrate on the person who has cursed you and whisper their name aloud three times as you tie the bag shut with the knotted string.

Now take the bag and bury it on the property of the person who cursed you. Leave the bag buried there until the moon waxes again.

When you dig up the bag burn it completely up.

—Douglas Hensley, A Book Of Magic Spells And Hexes



“Graveyard Dust” is one of three things: dirt taken from a cemetery,
mullein powder, or patchouli powder. Or, it can be a combination of them.
It is usually used in any combination with such things as asoefitida,
jezebel root, Lost and Away powder, Black Cat oil, Four Thieves Vinegar Oil,
Goofer Dust, (which is similar but not the same as Graveyard Dust),
Mummy Oil, Damnation Water Oil, Black Mus, and other powders and oils
representing hexing powders. Any and all are mixed with Graveyard Dust
together with something belonging to the enemy.

If some personal belonging cannot be secured, the person’s name is written on a
small piece of parchment paper. This and the mixture is put in a small bag and
buried or hidden near the enemy’s abode. Also, if the mixture is made only with powders,
it is sprinkled on the doorsteps. If the mixture includes oils,
it is smeared on the doorknobs. All of this is in addition to the hiding of the small bag.
Such action is said to result in making a person sluggish and sleepy and
eventually wasting away.



Used to influence others to grant favors, follow your directions,
and do your bidding without argument or resistance.

Anoint a black candle with the oil and as it’s lighted, repeat this affirmation:

“Damn the foe who has harmed me,
May evil return to it’s source ten fold.
Let the sufferings intended me
be visited upon the perpetrator.”

I don’t consider this so nasty as one is just returning what is given.



To cause a hex or bad luck to follow someone disliked, a piece of paper,
preferably black, is cut into the shape of a man or a woman.
Use Dove’s Blood Red ink to write the person’s name on the paper image.

Stick a new pin at the head and thread it in and out of the image
all the way down to the feet. This will cause the paper image
to fold up and become quite small.

Place the image and pin in a small box and take it to a cemetery.
Dig a small hole and place the box within. On top of the box place
some Devil’s Shoelace roots and sprinkle the roots and box with
Black Arts Oil. Then cover with dirt from the graveyard.
Leave the cemetery and never return to where the box was buried



Light three black candles, and as they burn,
speak this charm for thrice return:

Broken this spell, broken this curse,
By these candles, by this verse.
Reflected back, three times three,
Your hexes have no effect on me.
Curse return, by candles three,
Burn away and set me free.
Live and learn, crash and burn,
Three times three, this hex return.
With harm to none, this lesson be told;
Whatever is sent out, returns three-fold.

Allow the candles to burn themselves out.
Do this 5 nights in a row, during the Waxing Moon, at dusk –
as the sun dies and darkness descends.

Lady A’s Specialty of the Day – How To Remove A Curse/Hex from Yourself

How To Remove A Curse/Hex from Yourself

(personal request)


To begin light 1 pink candle, 1 green, and a black candle. Have plenty of privacy, be sure that nobody else can see you (close all curtains, doors, windows, etc.)

Now, get a bowl full of water and put 3 drops of green dye in it.Now that you’ve done that, slowly tip the bowl over each candle allowing them to be extinguished while at the same time chanting:

“Curse or Hex, I know not which,
Leave my presence and my life.
So I command it, so shall it be!”

You must do this very slowly and imagine the spell being lifted from your body and all the good luck and fortune that will soon come to you and the evil that will go to the person that placed the hex/curse upon you.


A Prayer to the Goddess To Remove Negativity and Curses

To the Goddess, I do pray
Grant me power, strength to flay
The one’s who has cursed me
with these words, I now hold thee at bay.
So Mote It Be.