Spell For Wednesday – Protect One from Spirits or Demons


Spell to Protect One from Spirits or Demons

Cast a circle of salt on the ground and step into it.

“I call upon the knights of
the past, all knights of the
ancient law.
Please hear me dead
knights of the English
Hear me all knights who
were lost in battle, who’s
blades did good.

Hear me all knights of old,
hear me all knights of lost
souls. I invoke thee this
I summon thee to my aid.
Your body is gone now but a
spirit you be.
Hear me dead knights I
invoke thee. By your
blade of the spirit I invoke
you. By all your might I invoke
you. By your spirit I invoke
you. I summon thee and enlist
each of thee.

I invoke all you dead
knights that were lost.
Hear my pleas and fight at
my side. Protect me from
spirits harm. Fight my
battles I say to thee. Hear
me spirits of lost knights,
come to my aid, come to my
side. Protect me from spirits
harm. Protect me from
spirits light. I invoke you. I
invoke you. I invoke you.
Let my army be done.
Let it be
Let it be…

—Douglas Hensley, A Book Of Magic Spells And Hexes

Spell For Saturday – Empath Protection Spell


Empath Protection Spell

Protect yourself from psychic attacks and negative energies with this simple spell. Use it to keep harmful spirits or those with bad intentions away from your home or use it for added protection while doing dreamwork or astral projection.


  • Dried basil, rosemary, and mint

  • Cauldron or fire-safe dish

  • Matches or Lighter

  • Piece of paper and something to write with

  • Mortar and pestle


1. On a piece of paper, write down the energies you need protection from

2. Use a mortar and pestle to grind together the herbs in a clockwise direction while focusing your intention on protection

3. Place the herbs and paper in a cauldron and burn

4. Use the ashes to draw a protective symbol (such as the Algiz rune) in the space that needs protecting. For example, you could draw it on a tree outside your home or on a candle you are using for spirit work. Recite the incantation.

“Let those with darkness of spirit or heart

Approach no more and now depart”

Adding Magic to Your Daily Routine Spell 2 of 6

The Bubble of Love and Protection Spell 

You can turn this one into a full ritual, or you can just speak the words. For example, this is a good spell to start your witchy life. Asking for love and protection is never a bad thing.

So if you want to go the whole way and cast a circle, then do that. However, as implied, the spell itself creates a bubble of protection, so it isn’t really necessary.

This spell relies on visualization and the certain knowledge that it is working.

If you wish to cast a circle, do it right at the beginning. Sit down quietly and start to imagine a pinpoint of light above your home. Visualize the point of light expanding so that a curtain of light slowly falls over the building you’re in, encircling it like a half-sphere. If you have vehicles outside, include those too. Then keep going. The light goes into the solid ground all around until it forms a perfect bubble. It shimmers and wavers, but you know it is absolutely impenetrable by negative energy of any kind.

Spell for Saturday – Protection Spell for Your Loved Ones


Spell for Today – To Protect a Sleeping Mind

As I was looking for a spell to share with you today this spell called to me. So even though I had posted it last month I have learned to listen to my intuition – my Spirit Gang talking to me – and follow through on it because when I don’t bad things usually happen.


To Protect a Sleeping Mind

You will need the following items for this spell:


Sleep is the time of dreams and visits. The following incantation repeated aloud at one’s bedtime will aid in the discouraging of unwanted visitors in the dreaming mind.

Before retiring for the night, repeat the following incantation aloud:

”Spirits of the night, I beseech thee,

Find favor with mine call and plea,

Draw close and circle round

Mine mind I clear and lend to sleep.

That sleep will use to rest the weary world

Let not the world and those unfavorable things within it

Visit upon mine mind unheralded

Uninvited visitors be sent away

Turned back

Turned back to the dark depths

Turned back to the sender whose name is never spoken

That thus he may gain strength

Gain strength and threaten those unable

Unable or unknowing

Unknowing or innocent

Innocents in the world

Sleeping as I sleep

Spirits of the night, I beseech thee,

Find favor with mine call and plea

Find favor and protect mine mind

Find favor and protect the innocents”.

This is best repeated nightly so as to protect ones mind and allow peaceful sleep and promote quiet dreams.

Spell for Today – Full Moon Amulet Protection – Printable

Spell for Tuesday – Powerful Egg Shell Protection


Powerful Egg Shell Protection Spell

(SIDE NOTE from Lady Carla Beltane: To clean eggshells of that film that stays after you use the egg for whatever run the eggshell under as hot of water that is comfortable for you while gently moving a finger around the inside the shell. Then place the eggshells open side up into an empty egg carton to dry thoroughly. After they are thoroughly dry, I place them on my pastry sheet and use a rolling pin to crush them.)

Waste not want not applies to more than just meals! We believe that all ingredients and, what some would call trash, contain powerful symbolic magic.

And today, we’re going to harness the symbolism of the strong, powerful egg shell in our newest protection spell.

This spell leverages the potent symbolism of the egg, representing life, potential, and protection. As always, while spell ingredients provide energy to propel our manifestation, the power lies within your intention, the faith you have in the process, and the energy you infuse into it.

As you cast this spell, focus on the symbolism of the egg as a container of life and potential, as well as its shell as a protective barrier.

Egg Shell Protection Spell

Prep Time1minute 
Spell Time10minutes 
Total Time11minutes 


White Candles



Permanent Marker optional

Whole Pasteurized Egg Shell


  • Cleanse: Begin by creating a safe and sacred space. If desired, cleanse the space with smoke from sage or your favorite cleansing herbs. Light the white candles and place them on your altar or sacred space.
  • Consecrate: If you wish, you can use the marker to draw symbols on the egg that are meaningful to you and represent protection. These could be runes, sigils, or other symbols associated with protection in your personal practice.
  • Visualize: Hold the egg in your hands. Close your eyes and visualize yourself or what you want to be protected is living inside of the eggshell. Imagine that the eggshell is keeping you safe from negative energies or influences that may be affecting you.
  • Protect: Pour salt into the bowl, and place the egg int the center. As you do this, recite the following incantation (or one of your own creation):

    “Shell of life, pure and round, Ward off harm, guard my ground. By the power of earth and sea, As I will it, so mote it be.”

  • Manifest: Leave the egg within the salt circle on your altar or sacred space for as long as you feel is necessary. Some people might choose to leave it overnight, while others might choose to leave it for several days.
  • Close: End the ritual by closing your sacred space in your chosen manner. You might choose to do this by extinguishing your candles, thanking any spirits or deities you invoked, or simply stating your intention to close the space.
  • Clean Up: Once you feel the spell is complete, take the egg outside and return it to the earth. You can do this by burying it in the ground or breaking it and scattering it in a garden or forest. As you do so, thank the egg and release any negative energies it has absorbed.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence and a Spell for Thursday


Thursday from whitewitchgrimoire.com

Planet: Jupiter
Colors: Blue and Metallic

Ahhh Jupiter, you giant dick. While he is the go-to for power, money and good fortune, he’s about the long game. Fast money? Nope. He will give you more of what you have, so if you’re broke, you may be even more impoverished if you use any of his influence. Be careful with them herbs. Looking for justice? Thursday. Signing contracts or making big money moves? Thursday. Abundance looks different to everyone, but this is the day of plenty….sometimes that is just plenty of what you already have man. I’m serious here. My money spells done in the past before I got my shit together created lasting wounds. Expansion is painful when it comes from a space of lack. I said “I need money! I am broke” and he said “Hold my beer you desperate witch” and then I cried. Great money day if you are attracting what you are, but not what you want. I speak from my own experience and yours may differ, but if your money spells have backfired, look at the day and associations. If you see anything, take note. Everyone is different but I am not even ashamed to say that it took me years to figure this one out for my own magic. Good day for court and child support I must say.

Classic Witch Bottle

This type of charm is an old one, and is a classic spell to protect your home. It was originally intended as a way to protect against witchcraft, but its a common form of protection magick today.

You will need a number of things, though you can adapt or modify the exact contents:

A jar with a tight lid

Pieces of broken glass

Nails or pins (rusty is best)

A pinch or two of dried rosemary and/or rue


(SIDE NOTE: You can add your blood to this type of bottle for more personal protection for your home. If you live in an apartment and can’t bury the jar outside put it as close to your front door as you can. I have also added hot candle wax from my personal spell/ritual candle by pouring it over the top of everything to make it even stronger.)

The exact amount of any items will depend a lot on how big a jar you use. Fill the jar with broken glass, rusty nails or other sharp bits of metal. Pieces of broken plates would work ok too. Fill the rest of the jar with vinegar, lemon juice or sour wine. If you want to be really authentic, add a little urine in their too.

Seal the jar tightly, and bury it outside your front door. A witch bottle will protect your house for years.

Spell – War Water Recipe and Two Protection Spells



War Water Recipe


A jar


Iron nails (if possible try to find cut iron nails)

On a Tuesday (the day of Mars) put the iron nails in the jar and fill the jar with water. Leave the nails inside the jar for at least 15 days in a cool place (preferably your refrigerator as you will prevent bacteria to be cultivated in the water). For the first 7 days leave the jar unopened and then open periodically as air will speed up the oxidation process of the nails. The secret for this recipe is oxidation.

Strain the water from the jar and use as needed. You can keep adding water to the original jar with the iron nails indefinitely and you will have an infinite supply of Water of Mars. In addition, you can summon the God Mars to bless your water with his powers.

At this time, other ingredients may be added to the mix. These ingredients might include additional iron, graveyard dirt, thorns, urine, rotting oak leaves, and/or spanish moss.

Spanish Moss is a flowering plant that grows on trees in the South. It has become a common additive in War Water. It rots well in water giving the concoction a putrid or *swampy*smell and also a nice black color, which some prefer.

Protection Against Specific Spells Using War Water

To protect your home or apartment against the type of spell that is cast by placing something in the doorway or on the steps of a house, add two ounces of War Water to a mop bucket of water. Say a cleansing chant over the water to remove all negative influences from your doorway, yours steps and whatever else you intend to mop. Then mop the surfaces, wringing out the mop into another bucket. When you have finished, pour the mop water and the wringings into a street or a roadway.


Protection of Your Home Using War Water

This spell is especially suited to protecting a home from acts of violence whether the violence is psychic or physical. This spell may be done annually if desired. The best day to do this spell is around the 21st of June, the Summer Equinox. But if you can use it anytime especially in emergency.

Add two ounces of War Water to a mop bucket of water. Say a protection chant over the water. If you tradition involves praying to saints, you should pray in the name of St. John the Baptist. Lightly mop the house out, from top to bottom, front to back. Wring your mop into another bucket. Throw out the water and the wringings from the back door of the house if you have a back door. Rinse out the bucket and mop and pour the rinse water down the toilet. If you don’t have a back door, flush the water down the toilet and rinse out the bucket and mop and flush that water, too.

Spell – Protection Spells

Protection Spells


Protection spells are intended to prevent, protect, and repel danger. Many find this category confusing so lets be very clear. There is no magic spell that functions exactly like an around response from a personal security guard one might hire for service. Locking your door may prevent a human thief. However, certain danger can only be repelled by magical methods. These dangers include:

*Malicious spells, hexes, jinxes, magic “tricks” or negative enchantment cast deliberately against one person by another.

*The evil eye

*Assorted spiritual danger deriving from a vast variety of spiritual sources. These may be caused deliberately or inadvertently.

Although these dangers derive from magical and spiritual roots, they may manifest in very physical ways, as illness, accidents, and general disaster. However, because there derivation is at least partly magical, prevention and remedies must also be at least partly magical.

Tips for successfully casting Protection spells

* Number 5: The number of fingers on each hand is the number most associated with magical protection, as are the magic numbers Seven and Nine.

*Color: Red, black, and blue are the colours most associated with magical protection.

(Note Protection is different from Reversing)

Jane’s Pocketbook of Spell: Cleansing, Banishing, Protection and other various Remedies

Alicia (juju j.a.n.e.) Hill

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Protection


  • Zodiac sign/s – Cancer, Taurus
  • Switchword – Guard
  • Colors – Black, blue, brown, gold, green, purple, red, silver, violet, white, yellow
  • Numbers – 3, 4, 5, 8, 9
  • Tarot cards – Emperor, Four of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles
  • Herbs & flowers – Agrimony, amaranth, anemone, angelica, basil, blackberry/bramble, broom, carnation, chrysanthemum, clover, comfrey, daisy, dandelion, dill, fennel, fern, feverfew, foxglove, geranium (red), gorse, heather, honeysuckle, ivy, jasmine, lavender, lilac, lily, lily of the valley, marjoram, monkshood, pennyroyal, peony, periwinkle, primrose, raspberry, rue, snapdragon, solomon’s seal, spearmint, sweet woodruff, thistle, thyme, valerian, vervain, violet, yarrow
  • Spices/magical ingredients – Asafoetida, bittersweet, black cohosh, bloodroot, burdock, cinnamon, clove, coriander, cumin, ginseng, mandrake, mustard, orris root, pepper, sandalwood, wormwood
  • Angel – Michael
  • Minerals/Metals – Agate (banded, black, red), amber, amethyst, angelite, apache tears, aquamarine, aventurine, beryl, calcite (orange), carnelian, cat’s eye, chrysoprase, citrine, diamond, emerald, garnet, hematite, Herkimer diamond, jade, jasper (red), jet, kunzite, lepidolite, lodestone, malachite, obsidian (snowflake), onyx, peridot, petrified wood, pyrite, quartz (clear, yellow), rose quartz, ruby, sard, sardonyx, serpentine, spinel, staurolite, sunstone, tanzanite, tiger’s eye, topaz, tourmaline (black), turquoise, zircon, antimony, brass, copper, gold, iron, lead, silver, steel
  • Magical beings – Dragons, dryads, lares, mermaids, penates
  • Deities – Aine, Ariadne, Athena, Bast, Brigantia, Brigid, Cailleach Bheur, Cybele, Devi, Diana, Flora, Frigg, Hathor, Hera, Ishtar, Isis, Juno, Justitia, Kali, Kuan Yin, Kupala, Minerva, the Morrigan, Nut, Sarasvati, Sekhmet, Seshat, Venus, Agni, Angus, Anubis, Ares, the Dagda, Faunus, Freyr, Ganesh, Horus, Khnum, Loki, Lugh, Manannan, Mars, Neptune, Njord, Thor, Vishnu
  • Creatures – Badger, boar, caribou, dingo, dog, elephant, groundhog, hippopotamus, horse, jackal, lion, monkey, porcupine, tiger, toad, wolf, wolverine, condor, crow, duck, owl, peacock, quail, raven, swallow, woodpecker.

Spell – A Few Hoodoo Protection Spells


A Few Hoodoo Protection Spells

Silver Dime to Prevent Hoodoo


Silver Dime
Leather Throng
Drill a hole into the silver dime and string it with the leather throng. Wearing this amulet will protect you from others attempting to Hoodoo you.

Using Dill Weed for Protection


Dill Weed
It’s believed that placing Dill weed over the tops of doorways will prevent anyone from entering the home who harbors ill will against the inhabitants.


Ashes For Protection


Graveyard Dirt
Pen and Paper
Write out clearly what you desire protection against and the crumple up and burn the paper. Take the ashes and mix them with Graveyard dirt. Place it somewhere in your house or in a sachet to carry with you.

Gray’s Pocket Book Of Hoodoo Protection Spells: (Gray’s Pocket Books Series Book 3)
Deran Gray


Spell for Today – 5 Pebbles Protection

Spell for Today – Five Pebbles Protection Spell

From shirleytwofeathers.com

Go to a moving brook or stream. While standing in the water and facing downstream, remove five small pebbles from the stream bed. As you do this, visualize your need for protection.

As your hand closes over the pebbles, see them beaming out protective energies. Just as the pebbles are hard and have weathered for eons, so too will they strengthen your protective shield.

Now carry them at all times for protection. If you wish, place them in a small pouch or a fold of cloth, or incorporate them into some form of jewelry.

From: Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic

Witchcraft Symbols, Terms and Definitions – Iron

Iron Spell: Spoken Word

The power of iron is so strong that even if you don’t have any, just shouting out the word “iron” allegedly routs evil spirits.

c. 2011

Spell for Today – Protection – Printable

Spell for Today – Easy Home Protection


Easy Home Protection

Seal your home up from any unwelcome or negative influences. I love this magic protection spell, and its also on the easy spells page because of its simplicity. You just need:

  • A small handful of coarse salt
  • A teaspoon or so of garlic powder or minced garlic

Stir the salt and garlic together, and put a few pinches of it on every windowsill and doorway into your house. If you can get every opening, that would be ideal. A bit on the fireplace hearth or the garage door, for example. Both salt and garlic are potent protective magick.

Spell for Today – Under the Protection of the Goddess – Printable

Spell for Today – Empath Sheilding

What you need:

4 oz Amber glass spray bottle
2 oz Moonwater
2 oz Witch hazel
15 drops Sage
10 drops Frankincense
10 drops Rosemary
8 drops Lemon
6 drops Cedarwood

Combine, shake, spray as needed.

Avoid eyes and mouth.

As always, please use caution when playing with essential oils. Especially around pregnant and nursing mothers, children and pets.

:warning:NOT ALL ESSENTIAL OILS ARE SAFE and CAN NOT go directly on the skin! In fact some can be very toxic and even deadly to your pets.

From Spells8.com

Spell for Today – Protection Spell for Your Loved Ones – Printable