Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence and a Spell for Thursday


Thursday from

Planet: Jupiter
Colors: Blue and Metallic

Ahhh Jupiter, you giant dick. While he is the go-to for power, money and good fortune, he’s about the long game. Fast money? Nope. He will give you more of what you have, so if you’re broke, you may be even more impoverished if you use any of his influence. Be careful with them herbs. Looking for justice? Thursday. Signing contracts or making big money moves? Thursday. Abundance looks different to everyone, but this is the day of plenty….sometimes that is just plenty of what you already have man. I’m serious here. My money spells done in the past before I got my shit together created lasting wounds. Expansion is painful when it comes from a space of lack. I said “I need money! I am broke” and he said “Hold my beer you desperate witch” and then I cried. Great money day if you are attracting what you are, but not what you want. I speak from my own experience and yours may differ, but if your money spells have backfired, look at the day and associations. If you see anything, take note. Everyone is different but I am not even ashamed to say that it took me years to figure this one out for my own magic. Good day for court and child support I must say.

Classic Witch Bottle

This type of charm is an old one, and is a classic spell to protect your home. It was originally intended as a way to protect against witchcraft, but its a common form of protection magick today.

You will need a number of things, though you can adapt or modify the exact contents:

A jar with a tight lid

Pieces of broken glass

Nails or pins (rusty is best)

A pinch or two of dried rosemary and/or rue


(SIDE NOTE: You can add your blood to this type of bottle for more personal protection for your home. If you live in an apartment and can’t bury the jar outside put it as close to your front door as you can. I have also added hot candle wax from my personal spell/ritual candle by pouring it over the top of everything to make it even stronger.)

The exact amount of any items will depend a lot on how big a jar you use. Fill the jar with broken glass, rusty nails or other sharp bits of metal. Pieces of broken plates would work ok too. Fill the rest of the jar with vinegar, lemon juice or sour wine. If you want to be really authentic, add a little urine in their too.

Seal the jar tightly, and bury it outside your front door. A witch bottle will protect your house for years.

2 thoughts on “Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence and a Spell for Thursday

  1. Thank you for sharing! I appreciate the note about what to do if you live in an apartment. Spells and charms that require burying things and discarding components can be a challenge to modify for apartments sometimes.

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