An Invaluable Herbal Grimoire Reference Guide

By Graphia, The Wordsmith Witch

No matter what your spiritual path looks like, every Witch can benefit from possessing a thorough, comprehensive Herbal Grimoire. Many practitioners include such contents as a guide for the magical correspondences of different herbs, a list of various herbal substitutions for spellcrafting, and last, but not least – a reference section that lists commonly found baneful herbs and their toxicity levels.

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This herb correspondence chart is the culmination of years of research. We hope this reference guide will help you to understand the magical properties of herbs, roots, flowers, barks and resins. It is our goal to provide others with accurate sources of information to enrich their lives and their Craft. What are some ways you can implement the information in the following guide into your own practice?  Click on the link below to view the chart.

Herbal Grimoire

Scottish Necromantic Spell

Scottish Necromantic Spell

In order to perform this Scottish Necromantic spell, one must arrange to have a room with total and complete privacy.

1. Spiritually cleanse the room and oneself prior to beginning the spell at nightfall.

2. Using a compass, cast a circle in the middle of the room, large enough for you, a table and chair.

3. Place objections of protection on the table. The traditional spell calls for a Bible and/or a crucifix. Substitute as needed. If the Bible doesn’t work for you substitute another lengthy spiritual work, both for protection and to occupy you until the ghost shows up.

4. Light a white candle: this is your only source of light.

5. Sit down and concentrate on your desires. Call the specific ghost you need. Read the book. Wait for the ghost to show up, perhaps in person. Should you fall asleep, be prepared to speak with the ghost in your dreams and remember and record the conversation.

*Spell removed from old Yuku group. If author is known, please contact us. We will then give credit where credit is due.*

Post Necromancy Cleansing Spells

Post Necromancy Cleansing Spells

After communicating with ghosts, strong cleansing is recommended.

Get into the tub and scrub virgorously with salt.

Make a paste using salt, Holy Water or one of the other formula waters and cleanse the body.

Form a paste with olive oil and salt and scrub the body.

Create a paste with salt, olive oil and fresh rosemary leaves. Scrub the body.

Any of these methods should be very effective for cleansing.


*Spell removed from old Yuku group. If author is known, please contact us.

We will then give credit where credit is due.*

Summon the Spirit of a Loved One

Summon the Spirit of a Loved One

This will summon the Spirit of a Loved one in the Otherworld

Items You Will Need:

  • 4 Dark Blue Candles
  • 1 Tea Light Candle
  • Skull Candle
  • Picture of Loved One

The Spell:

  • Place 4 Dark Blue Candles at Elemental Points on your alter.
  •   Place Tea Light Candle Above the Earth Point.
  •   Place Skull Candle and Picture of Loved one in the Middle of the Altar
  •   Mediate on the person you wish to summon.
  •   Light the Dark Blue Candle in the East Chanting: *I call the Elemental of Air, Come from the east and offer your Protection*
  •   Light the Dark Blue Candle in the South and Chant: * I call the Elemental of Fire, Come from the South and Offer your protection*
  •   Light the Dark Blue Candle in the West and Chant: *I call the Elemental of Water, Come from the West and Offer your protection*
  •   Light Dark Blue Candle in the North and Chant: *I call the Elemental of Earth, Come forth from the North and Offer your Protection.
  •   Light the Skull candle in the Middle and Chant: *I call the Spirit within us all, Leap forward as your Element, Offer your Protection.
  •   Take the white Candle and Chant: *I call my Beloved Spirit (Name), Come to me and Commune with me. Come forth from the Otherworld Sweet Spirit and Show yourself Forth, I call upon your family blessings this day.*
  •   Place the wick of the tea candle over the flame of the Skull Candle.
  •   Pick up picture and visualize the Spirit coming over the Hedge from the Otherworld. Now you can telepathically speak to the person.

A Ritual of Necromancy

A Ritual of Necromancy

Outside the circle, set up an altar with three candles (the original rite calls for red, white, and black) situated around a black and red triangle, with a picture or representation of the person to be called within the triangle. Burn wormwood and horehound as incense.

1. Make your openings/quarter calls as you feel appropriate.

2. Call upon a force which presides over the dead. The original rite calls upon Hecate with a poetic incantation, followed by an ad-lib request for the deity’s help in successfully completing the operation.

3. Call upon the spirit of the deceased. The rite gives the following: “Colpriziana, offina alta nestra, fuaro menut, i name …….. the dead which i seek, …….. thou art the dead that i seek. Spirit of ……, deceased, you may now approach this gate and answer truly to my calling. Berald, Beroald, Balbin, Gab, Gabor, Agaba! Arise, i charge and call thee.” {The magic words are from the Grimoirium Verum, and though i don’t wish to go track the reference down right now, they are clearly corruptions of latin and hebrew words.}

4. Make an X sign, calling the person’s name. When there is some manifestation in the smoke, Say to it: “Allay Fortission Fortissio Allynsen Roa!” which is also a combination of hebrew and latin. The intent of the words seems to be the giving of strength (fortis) and breath (ruach).

5. Do your business with the deceased.

6. When you wish it to depart, say “Go, Go departed shades by Omgroma Epic Sayoc, Satony, Degony, Eparigon, Galiganon, Zogogen, Ferstigon. I License thee to depart unto thy proper place and be there peace between us evermore.”

7. Close shop.

Incidentally, the rite from the Grimoirium Verum is not nearly as explicit, has different components, and was most likely used to *raise* the dead rather than to evoke them. The process is kept alive today in the caribbean with the aid of certain frogs and fish, and it is possible that the french grimoire records an ancestor of the practice. In both the very real carribbean and the hypothetical 17th century french cases, the victim of zombification is only “mostly dead” and thus the rites fall under the domain of psychological manipulations and not of magic.



1 white candle A picture of the deceased A pentagram
Light the white candle and stare at the flame for a few minutes.
Then put the picture at eye level and say:
You are gone forever, But through this spell, My dreams to which you will come.
Place the picture under your pillow.
Let the candle burn to a stub, blow it out, and place it under your pillow also.
Sleep with them under your pillow for three nights to receive the dream you want.

A Ritual of Necromancy

A Ritual of Necromancy

Outside the circle, set up an altar with three candles (the original rite calls for red, white, and black) situated around a black and red triangle, with a picture or representation of the person to be called within the triangle. Burn wormwood and horehound as incense.

1. Make your openings/quarter calls as you feel appropriate.

2. Call upon a force which presides over the dead. The original rite calls upon Hecate with a poetic incantation, followed by an ad-lib request for the deity’s help in successfully completing the operation.

3. Call upon the spirit of the deceased. The rite gives the following: “Colpriziana, offina alta nestra, fuaro menut, i name …….. the dead which i seek, …….. thou art the dead that i seek. Spirit of ……, deceased, you may now approach this gate and answer truly to my calling. Berald, Beroald, Balbin, Gab, Gabor, Agaba! Arise, i charge and call thee.” {The magic words are from the Grimoirium Verum, and though i don’t wish to go track the reference down right now, they are clearly corruptions of latin and hebrew words.}

4. Make an X sign, calling the person’s name. When there is some manifestation in the smoke, Say to it: “Allay Fortission Fortissio Allynsen Roa!” which is also a combination of hebrew and latin. The intent of the words seems to be the giving of strength (fortis) and breath (ruach).

5. Do your business with the deceased.

6. When you wish it to depart, say “Go, Go departed shades by Omgroma Epic Sayoc, Satony, Degony, Eparigon, Galiganon, Zogogen, Ferstigon. I License thee to depart unto thy proper place and be there peace between us evermore.”

7. Close shop.

Incidentally, the rite from the Grimoirium Verum is not nearly as explicit, has different components, and was most likely used to *raise* the dead rather than to evoke them. The process is kept alive today in the caribbean with the aid of certain frogs and fish, and it is possible that the french grimoire records an ancestor of the practice. In both the very real carribbean and the hypothetical 17th century french cases, the victim of zombification is only “mostly dead” and thus the rites fall under the domain of psychological manipulations and not of magic.


The following ingredients are needed

To see spirits

To see spirits mix together aloe, pepper, musk, Vervain, and saffron and burning this in a cemetery. You can adapt this for other locations (like those in which the spirit lived) by adding a bit of sweet grass or tobacco to a specially prepared incense. Create the incense on the anniversary of the death of the individual you wish to contact. This is then burned at 11 am, in the safety of a magic circle that also holds symbolic items to connect you to the entity. An incantation to encourage the spirit’s presence is “Guardians of the Spirit realm, hear and guide my plea. When the witching hour rings true, bring my friend (loved one, etc.) ____ to me. Other souls who hear my call are not welcome in this place. Only the one known as _____ may enter sacred space.” Repeat the request three times, twenty minutes apart, then wait quietly for indications of a presence. Signs include the scent of flowers or a favored cologne, a cool wind, movement of curtains, and candles going out or twitching erratically. Once you feel sure the spirit is with you, do not make it tarry overly long. Take care of your business, say farewell, and thank the guardians for their assistance.

Spirit Water

A glass of pure spring water is typically maintained on an altar, to call in spirits and feed the ancestors. Many find Spirit Water a stronger substitute. This is a favorite of the Spiritualist, community and may be used to summon your own ancestral spirits, or in seances or other necromantic spells.

1.     Add one tablespoon of anisette to a glass of spring water.

2.     Place it on the altar instead of, or in addition to, the standard glass of plain spring water.

Ghost Prevention Spell (1)

  1. Immediately following a death, brew substantial quantities of bayberry tea, in order to follow a Seminole recommendation to prevent ghosts.

  2. Family and friends of the deceased should drink this tea, as well as bathing their heads and arms with it for three days following the death.

Copal Incense

Copal is traditionally burned during Mexican Day of the Dead rituals but it may be used anytime. Its fragrance pleases, purifies, and honors those who have passed on, while protecting and cleansing the living at the same time.

Chervil Incense

Chervil, also known as Sweet Cicely or British myrrh, was among the ancient Egyptian funerary herbs. Remains of the herb were found within Tutankhamun’s tomb. Burn the dried herb as incense to comfort the bereaved and also to enable them to contact the deceased if desired.

Fiery Ring of Protection

  1. Until funeral rites occur, maintain lit candles around the body to create a fiery wall of protection.

  2. Irish tradition designates a dozen candles steadily burning, other traditions suggest two (one each at head and foot), four (marking the body’s cardinal points) or as many as can be squeezed around.

  3. Light a new candle, every time one burns out.