Tuesday Is Ruled By Mars

Please Children Do Not follow my footsteps!

Tuesday Is Ruled By Mars


Tuesday is a Mars day, and just like the god of war, this is the time to tap into magicks to call for strength and courage. This day of the week is for rebels and warriors. If you are facing a challenge of any kind, need a boost to your courage, or want to enhance your passions, Tuesday is the day of the week for you. Some suggestions for Tuesday enchantments would include:

*Wearing the fiery colors associated with this day: scarlet, red, black, and orange. Don some of the more daring and bewitching colors of your wardrobe on Tuesdays and turn a few heads

*Carrying a bloodstone in your pocket or wearing garnet-studded jewelry to reinforce your convictions

*Working with protective and fire-associated plants such as the snapdragon, thistle, and holly to boost your shields and bravery

*Burning spicy-scented energy-enhancing candles to add a little magical aromatherapy to your home

*Cooking up a hearty meal featuring carrots, peppers, and garlic (all Mars foods and spices) to empower yourself for victory and success


Spells, herbs and Aromatherapy to Help with Fevers and Colds

Keep away Fevers {Folk Magic} # 4 

Ingredients: Honeysuckle

Another way of keeping fevers at bay, is to grow Honeysuckle above your front door, and/ or around the windows around your house.

Protection from Colds {Aromatherapy & Folk Magic} # 5

Ingredients: Eucalyptus Leaves

Another method of preventing colds from infecting you is to place eucalyptus leaves under your pillow before going to sleep. These can be fresh or dried leaves.

Flowers, Dawn (2012-03-24). The Spell Book of Wiccan Shadows (Kindle Locations 902-906). Under the Moon. Kindle Edition.

Introduction To Aromatherapy


Aromatherapy has been around and has been practiced in one form or another since the beginning of civilization. It is the art, and science, of using oils extracted from aromatic plants to enhance health and beauty. Apart from the physical benefits, essential oils can have subtle effects on the mind and emotions. The essential oils taken from plants and used in Aromatherapy have been described as their “life force” – they are essential to the plants’ biological process, as well as being the substance which gives them their scent. Synthetic oils, even if chemically similar, will lack all the natural elements, and that vital life-force, that make essential oils so valuable therapeutically.

Another reason why synthetic oils are not acceptable is that the minor constituents  are never identical. The addition of synthetic chemicals is not normally disclosed in the essential oil business, so unless there is a declaration that the oils are natural, pure and unadulterated, assume otherwise.

Essential oils are extracted from flowers; herbs; spices; woods and fibers, usually by distillation, expression and solvent extraction. Solvent extraction is only acceptable for aromatherapy if the solvent used is completely removed after the manufacturing process

Aromatherapy for Reducing Lethargy

Aromatherapy for Reducing Lethargy

Possessing both sedating and stimulating medicinal effects, basil oil blends well with bergamot oil and lemon oil. When the mixture is heated in an aromatherapy lamp, it is an ideal way to lighten the mood, fight mental fatigue, ward off nervous tension and build self confidence. Try this blend for an extra lift at the end of a stressful day.

4 drops Basil Essential Oil
2 drops Bergamot Essential Oil
2 drops Lemon Essential Oil

Place the oils together in a diffuser or aromatherapy lamp.



MoonDragon’s Aromatherapy Information


Aromatherapy to Relax Muscle Tension

Aromatherapy to Relax Muscle Tension

Tense neck muscles can often be very uncomfortable.

2 drops Allspice Leaf Essential Oil
2 drops Juniper Berry Essential Oil
3 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
1 drop Cinnamon Essential Oil
4 ounces Sweet Almond Carrier Oil

Mix oils and blend well. Add to your bathwater.



MoonDragon’s Aromatherapy Information


Herbal Studies – Aromatherapy

Herbal Studies – Aromatherapy
A good reminder of the power of  essential oils and how they work.
To introduce aromatherapy to  babies place 2 drops of essential oil C
(try Lavender) on a tissue and  keep it nearby when you are feeding
him or her. He will come to  associate the aroma with love and
comfort. Use this scent at night  to help him sleep. When you leave
the child with a sitter the aroma  will comfort and reassure him.

To Soothe A Sad Heart

To Soothe A Sad Heart

Items You Will Need:

White, blue, or pink candle

Lavender essential oil



Light the candle. If using oil, dab a bit over your heart chakra. If using incense, light it and waft some of the smoke toward your heart. Put both hands over your heart, then say the following:

“Sad am I and full of woe
My heart is sore and tattered
The world of late has not been kind
And it’s left me feeling battered.
I ask the Gods to soothe my heart
And help my spirit soar
Ease my pain and heal my wounds
So I might smile once more.
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Honor Your Household Spirits

Witchy Comments & Graphics


When presenting your house spirits with offerings of incense,
candles or what not you can say this little chant:
“Wraith of the house, Take heart and live,
To every chamber This light I give,
To every corner This breath I send
Approve and favor my willing hand.”

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The Witches Spell for Feb. 14th – SPELL TO ATTRACT TRUE LOVE


You will need:
pink candle
jasmine incense

Light the jasmine incense. As you do so imagine the kind of person that you want to spend the rest of your life with.

Note: this should not be a specific person but the things that you want in a person.

Say the qualities that you want in true love out loud as you light your pink candle.
Then say this as you sprinkle rosemary over the flame:

These are the things I want in you
A man/woman who’s loving, loyal and true
I ask of the spirits of all those above
To send me my one and only true love

Say this as many times as needed and then extinguish the candle.

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Morning Invocation to the Sun

Morning Invocation to the Sun

You should have a white candle and a gold candle on your altar.  Sandalwood
and/or frankincense incense

Oh God of life and light
Look upon me with favor today
Shed light upon me
Disperse my forebodings
And make me light of heart.
I center my thoughts upon the light.
Make your light to shine upon me and mine.
Make nothing or dark or threatening survive in your light
I pull my curtains so your light can shine in.
I go to let my face glow in your light.
I carry it with me.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you.

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Tired Of Winter Yet? See If This Helps Beat the Winter Blues!

I always look through all my books during this time of year because I am bored. Every year, I keep coming back to this simple ritual. I do it and it gives me reassurance Spring is just around the corner. It will not only refresh your room, your soul but also you. I hope you try it and find it as useful as I have.

Winter Blue Banishment

Winters can be long and Spring can seem far away in February. Confined indoors by the cold and inhospitable weather, we can become depressed and lethargic. We neglect ourselves and leave a dusty and cluttered household. Despite that it lifts the spirits to clean out all the physical and mental cobwebs, we will find it hard to do this basic task. To start, simply choose one room, preferably. the room where you spend the most time. Burn some lavender incense. Smudge the corners of the room and yourself. Then open the blinds or drapes and call out:

“Go, snow, go. Come, Sun, Come!”

Keep the incense burning and with your broom walk deosil while  sweeping the ceilings. Chant:

“Sun and broom
swept the room.
Fill us with Spring perfume.”

Continue cleaning  from top to bottom. When the room is finished, take a deep breath and fill your lungs with the clean lavender scent. Envision your inner room as clean and full of Spring’s perfume.

Gail Wood
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You Will Need:

Patchouli oil
Sandalwood incense
2 pine cones
3 wheat heads
Green Candle
Green marker and paper

        Rub the oil on the candle and anoint yourself around the womb area with a drop of oil.

       Light the candle and incense and place the pine cones and wheat into a cauldron or container. Visualize your magickal goal and use the marker to draw yourself on the right hand side of the paper as you are now – draw yourself as you want to be on the left side (flat belly – pregnant belly will do just fine) visualize your goal while drawing – when you feel you’ve visualized enough tear the paper in half and fold the left side with your goal drawn on it into a small square and place it in your pocket then light the other paper in the candle flame and place it in the cauldron to burn.

       Chant or pray for your goal to be realized as you watch the paper burn. Bury the contents of the cauldron in your yard – preferable a garden – leave an offering of a small crumb of cake on a crystal plate for any good spirits or fairies who might happen by.

     Stay positive so you don’t attract the attention of any jealous or bad fairies!

     Keep the paper with your goal drawn on it with you at all times until your wish is granted then you can place it in a safe place for luck.

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Candle Dressing Oil

 Dressing Oil

Based on an oil recipe handed down to me for dressing candles before ritual

What you need:

2 dram (10mL) clean amber or cobalt vial sweet almond oil (has vitamin E
for preservation)
6 drops sandalwood mysore e.o.
3 drops myrrh e.o.
3 drops frankincense e.o.

Add the essential oils to the bottle and swirl them gently in order to get them
blended. Add any crystals (make sure they are clean too) and then add your base
oil to top the bottle off. I don’t use crystals in all my blends but some people
add crystals to their magical blends to keep them charged with a specific
intention. Make sure to keep the oils stored away from light and write on a
sticker or piece of paper to be taped on the name of the blend, time, date, moon
phase, planetary hour and any other info you wish so that you know what you made and when for use later. As well, be careful as these blends will eventually go off so use your sniffer and be aware of what the blend should smell like. Once
it seems off, you can discard it, clean the bottle and start a fresh! Make sure
it is completely clean and if it cannot be completely cleaned, discard and use a
fresh one.
Remember – essential oils can cause reactions and oils like citrus can cause
photosensitivity so please – be careful ~ Herbs can be dangerous.

Essential oils are volatile so bottles left with tops off will soon lose their
potency. Ensure that oils don’t get too hot and, in the case of oils like
citrus-based oils, not too cold. To test your essential oils to see if they are
pure, put a drop or two on blotter paper. Genuine essential oils will evaporate

Contributed by Red Wolf

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WOTC Extra – A Step-by-Step Guide for Using Your Pendulum

WOTC Extra – A Step-by-Step Guide for Using Your Pendulum

Here’s a step-by-step process for conducting a session of divination with a pendulum. From lighting the candle to closing the circle.

Set-up your ritual space. Select an area where you’ll be left alone for about 30 minutes to an hour. Clean the space, dust, vacuum, whatever is needed. Make a small ritual table or alter. Something for you to place your tools and your focus during the ceremony. It can be a box covered with a lace cloth, a small table, TV tray, or even the floor. What ever feels right for you. Place it in the north section of the circle.

Select a white candle, a crystal, a sage and lavender smudge stick or a special incense you like. Don’t forget the matches or a lighter. Prepare a tape or CD with some soft spiritual music you like to drown out any background noises in or around your spiritual space. Lay out your pendulum, pendulum board, a notebook and something to write with. Find a pillow or something that you can use to support your arm while you hold the pendulum. You want to make your hand as steady as possible. If you have to build a little platform for your hand and wrist out of boxes, an upside down glass or cup, figure it out now. Don’t wait until you’re in the middle of your reading when your arm gets tired.

Once you have all your tools and preparations in place, you’ll be ready to begin. Turn on you music and step into your ritual space.

Light the smudge stick, or incense you’ve chosen. Stand facing North holding it up in both hands about shoulder level and say a prayer. Something like:

Great Spirits, Creators of All That Is, I ask for your protection, your wisdom and your blessings as I open this spiritual circle today. Blow out the flames, if they haven’t gone out themselves.

Lower the incense, turn to the right and face East. Hold up the smoldering incense and call upon your spiritual guide or guidance. Say something like:

(State their name if you know it, otherwise call them your guide) I call upon the wisdom and energy of my guide, and ask for your assistance here within this circle as I seek for answers and guidance.

Lower the incense, turn to the right and face South. Here you need to state your purpose for opening this circle. You can use as much or little detail as you like. But the intent must be clearly defined. Don’t just say something like, I’m going to use my pendulum. Hold up the incense and try something like this:

I call upon the Great Spirits, my spiritual guides, and the higher divinity within myself for the purpose of divination by pendulum. This tool is new to me and I ask for your guidance and protection as I search for answers regarding – my job, relationship, whatever. For this I give my thanks and gratitude.

Lower the incense, turn to the right and face West. Now that you’ve called in all this energy, you can use it to clear and protect your circle. Hold up the incense and say something like this:

I set this circle in divine light and protection. I bind any negative or earth bound energies from entering this ritual space. I empower myself, my tools, my mind and spirit with positive and balanced energies to perform this task of divination.

Lower the incense, turn to the right and face North once more. Some people like to close of the top and bottom of the circle once it has been drawn. If you’d like to do that too, raise the incense in the air over your head, make a large circle (clockwise) so the smoke makes a bit of a trail, then do the same thing near the floor. As you do this say something like this:

To the Father Sky, To the Mother Earth, I protect this space and ask for your balancing energies to keep me focused and clear.

0Now sit down in front of your alter and place your incense in a holder on the table. Let it continue to smolder while you’re conducting the reading. Don’t light it again, if it goes out on it’s own that’s fine.

The next thing to do is to prepare yourself for divination. After all you’ll be holding the pendulum and therefore you will be part of the tool. With your left hand, light the white candle you’ve selected. As you light the wick, imagine the flame being part of your inner being. A symbol of the divine light within you. As you imagine this, say something like:

I call upon the Great Spirits, my guide (say their name if you know it), and the positive forces around me this day/night to help me find the answers I seek at this time.

Pick up your pendulum and pendulum board and say:
Protect and use these tools to guide me in my search for spiritual growth, awareness and clarity. In return I give my thanks and gratitude, my love and light.

Place the pendulum board on the table. As your holding your pendulum, use your free hand to log this session in your notebook.

Note the time, the date, who you called upon to help guide you and it might be interesting to note the weather and the phase of the moon. You’ll notice patterns after a time, for which conditions seem to work best for you.

Compose your first question. Remember to write it in a format that can be returned in a yes or no answer.

Hold your pendulum at the top. Most often there will be a holder for you to grasp comfortably, much like the one in the picture above. Make your arm comfortable as possible as you hang the pendulum over the board. When you’re ready, you can make your agreement with your spiritual guides that have come concerning the movement of the tool.

Holding the pendulum over the board, gently move the weighted end so it swings from top to bottom and say: “This will be Yes.”

Stop the movement and let it hang in the center of the board. It doesn’t have to be perfectly still, but it shouldn’t be moving very much at all. Gently move the weighted end so it swings from left to right and say: “This will be No.”

Stop the movement and let the pendulum hang in the center again. Gently move the weighted end so it swings diagonally from the bottom right to the upper left and say: “This will be a Don’t Want To Answer.”

Stop the movement and let the pendulum hang in the center. Gently move the weighted end so it swings in a clockwise circle and say: “This will be Probably Yes.”

Stop the movement and let the pendulum hang in the center. Gently move the weighted end so it swings in a counter-clockwise circle and say: “This will be Probably No.”

Ok, take a deep breath and focus on your pendulum. Imagine it being engulfed in white and purple light. Holding it as still as possible in the middle of the board, ask your question. The pendulum will move on it’s own, do your very best not to influence it’s motion. Otherwise you’ll have a false reading and this will be pointless. Just trust in yourself and your abilities. You can do this!

If you still don’t receive an answer, calm yourself a little bit. Have faith that this type of divination is possible if you believe in yourself and the forces around you. Position your arm again, try to restate your question just a little bit and wait for an answer. Once you receive one, record the answer in your notebook and compose your next question.

Reposition the pendulum over the circle and ask another question. Keep doing this until all your questions have been answered.

Close The Circle

It is just as important to spend time on closing you circle as it is for opening one. You want to thank your guides and close the energy within the space. You want to balance your own energies and get grounded again. And you want to clean and clear up your alter so it’s ready to go for the next spiritual event.
No matter what your ceremony is for, you should add a moment of meditation to the event. In this altered state, you can contact your guides and review the answers you received. Ask for clarification or further insight into how the events might unfold. You can use this time to thank the forces that have helped you this evening. Or you might ask for clarity of vision or a better understanding in the situation at hand.
Before you conclude your ritual, you should formally thank the spirits, deities, guides and anyone else in spirit you called upon, for their assistance. Typically this is done through an offering of some type. Bread and wine is a common offering, you might offer seeds for planting, or a seedling tree that will be planted in the honor of the spirits. There are as many different types of offerings as there are practioners around the world. Be true to your heart and your emotion, and select an offering that will have the most meaning to you.
Conclude your ritual by closing your chakra centers. When you have completed this step, stand inside your circle. Face north and give thanks once more for this sacred space and close the circle by saying something like this:

Great Spirits, Guides, and all the unseen forces who helped me this day/night. I send you my heart felt thanks and gratitude for your presence, for the guidance you have given me and the answers you have helped to uncover. I ask you now to close the energy within this circle, returning it to it’s original state. I ask that this sacred space, my home and my physical body continue to be protected in the loving glow of the Divine. I ask that my feet, my body and my mind become firmly planted and grounded as the energy of this circle subsides. For this assistance, protection and graceful company, I once again give my thanks.

Clean up your space, starting with the extinguishing the candle. Place your pendulum back in its protective pouch and return it and any other tools to their rightful place within your home.

That’s all there is to it.

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The Witches Magick for January 24th – Incense Spell to Reach Your Goal

Celtic & British Isles Graphics
Incense Spell to Reach Your Goal

Items needed:

Pen and paper

Fireproof dish


Write your goal on a piece of paper and put it in the dish. Sprinkle with the incense and light the paper. As it burns, concentrate on your goal coming to fruition and say:

Smoke into the Cosmos go
So the Ancients will now know
I need assistance to achieve
This goal that I have set for me.

Repeat this spell every day for a week while working toward your goal.


Everything Under The Moon


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Making Your Own Incense

Making Your Own Incense

Things You’ll Need

Herbs, woods and resins
Mortar and pestle
Bamboo sticks

Incense is used in many cultures for purposes such as accents in religious ceremonies or aromatherapy. The process to make incense sticks is fairly simple and can be very rewarding to those interested in creating their own scent.

1. Decide what kind of incense you want to make and purchase the proper ingredients and supplies.

2. Research different incense recipes based on the scents and herbs that you prefer and gather these materials along with tools to prepare to make stick incense.

You will need at least 3 ingredients: an herb, a resin and a wood. You will also need binding materials such as gum Arabic, makko (an incense powder ingredient derived from tree bark), and charcoal to make the mixture combustible.

3. Gather your ingredients, according to your preferred scent strength, along with bamboo sticks and prepare to mix.

4. Crush your herbs or solid ingredients in equal parts to make a smooth powder. Use a mortar and pestle for best results.

5. Combine all dry ingredients until thoroughly mixed. Add makko.

6. Allow the mixture to sit overnight.

7. Prepare distilled water or fragrant hydrosol and add to your incense mixture slowly.

The mixture will need to be pliable, not runny and able to adhere to the bamboo sticks.

8. Knead the incense dough thoroughly.

9. Roll your mixture onto the bamboo sticks, allowing the mixture to coat the stick evenly.

10. Lay the sticks on a drying rack to enable them to dry evenly.

11. Allow your incense sticks to dry for 1 to weeks prior to attempting to use them.


Keep incense sticks out of direct sunlight and heat while they are drying.

Experiment with different herb, wood and resin combinations until you obtain a mixture that is most pleasing to you. Also, try other methods of incense making to become familiar with the mixing process and learn how to use the ingredients.

Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands while you mix ingredients and form them onto incense sticks.

Depending upon which scent you choose, sandalwood versus frankincense for instance, you may need only 10% of makko added to the mixture.

Break up incense sticks that didn’t produce the expected end result and try the process again.


Never attempt to dry incense by baking or microwaving it as this creates a fire hazard.

Don’t allow incense to burn unattended. Always burn incense in a well-ventilated area away from pets and children.

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Daily Aromatherapy Tip for January 20th

Daily Aromatherapy

Monday, January 20th, 2014

Essential Oil Info

Essential oils are  the fragrant and therapeutic essences distilled from herbs, flowers, leaves and  bark. Each essential oil has unique therapeutic properties which have been documented  by use throughout history. For centuries essential oils have been  considered the most therapeutic and rejuvenating of all botanical extracts. They are highly concentrated, regenerating, oxygenating and contain hormones,  vitamins, and antiseptics that work on many levels. They are used in aromatherapy diffusers, aromatherapy lamps,blends, baths, massages and inhalations. Choose the aromatherapy oils that appeal to you  and begin to experience the wonderful world of scents and  aromatherapy.

Aroma Thyme

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Calendar of the Sun for Monday, January 20th

Calendar of the Sun

Feralia: Day of Purification

Color: White
Element: Air
Altar: On a white cloth put a lit candle, incense, a cup of water, and a bowl of salt.
Offering: Although this day is not a day of total silence, it is a solemn day and talking should be done only when necessary and in quiet tones. Bodies should be thoroughly cleaned during the bathing hour, and then the altar area should be cleaned and purified with all four elements. Each person, upon entering the altar space at the beginning of Sponde should remove their clothing and be naked, and each body should be purified with the four elements and marked with water and salt, at which point they may enrobe again. Chores of the day should concentrate on cleaning and repair.
Daily Meal: Vegan and extremely simple and plain.

Feralia Invocation

Breathe the air into your body
And breathe out again,
And as you breathe out,
Let all grime and corruption
Depart on that breath
(All breathe together for twelve breaths.)
Feel the blood coursing through your body
And imagine it clean
Of anything but what should be there.
Feel the energy coursing through your body
And wash it clean
Of anything that does not belong.
Feel the Earth beneath you,
Remember that She can absorb all
Remember that all rot is her provenance
Draw her energy up into you
And give it back again.

(After this grounding, all breathe together again in a yogic breathing pattern for the next half an hour, after which all will go with water and salt and incense and fire to all rooms in the house and cleanse them. Great care should be taken for the rest of the day not to disturb the energy of the freshly cleaned house.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

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