A Thought for Today

When we have positive thoughts positive results do happen.

This includes finding Mr. or Ms. Right for you. Lord Beltane, or Big Dawg as he prefers to be called, and I dated from a year back in 2000 to 2001, I then broke it off for a man I thought was more stable and better for me. Boy was I wrong I allowed myself to be verbally, emotionally, and mentally abused for 19 years then the last straw came when in anger he destroyed an entire rack full of clean dishes, cups, and glass ware. He had lost his temper many times before but only pushed me once. When putting these two things together and having a history of domestic abuse with other boyfriends and husbands I finally found the excuses I was making of why I couldn’t move out were just that lame excuses. Thanks to some very dear friends and a cousin of mine I was able to move out the beginning of July 2020 and start life as what I thought would be a single woman the rest of this lifetime. So fast forward to September 2020 Big Dawg found me on Facebook through a mutual friend and start out by messaging through there than went to text messages and by the end of the month talking nightly on the phone. I moved in with him at the end of November 2020 and we are trying to plan a very small summer wedding and Handfasting. We have not had a major argument or even screaming to get a point across in the over two years we have lived together. It took us 19 years to find each other again but we both had for a lack of a better term growing up to do.

A little back history of why we are waiting so long to get married and handfasted. See back when we were first dating, he was married with two grammar school age children, NO I did not know this right away or I never would have dated him in the first place. Big Dawgs divorce was finalized in August 2022. I was also married and technically until my divorce is final hopefully by sometime in April, but my husband (not the abusive boyfriend of 19 years) and I have been separated since right after new year in 2000. I left him because he started using heavy duty drugs again among other very not nice reasons.

As you can see in my case taking positive steps to first love and be kind yourself Mr. or Ms. Wonderful maybe around a corner you turn one day. Love is patience and kind.

The Ethics of Love Spells by Mike Nichols c 2013

The Ethics of Love Spells    
   by Mike Nichols
by Mike Nichols

To gain the love of someone: On a night of the full moon, walk to a spot beneath your beloved’s bedroom window, and whisper his/her name three times to the nightwind. –Ozark love spell

It seems to be an immutable law of nature. You are interviewed by a local radio or TV station, or in some local newspaper. The topic of the interview is Witchcraft or Paganism, and you spend the better part of an hour brilliantly articulating your beliefs, your devotion to Goddess and nature, the difference between Witchcraft and Satanism, and generally enlightening the public at large. The next day, you are flooded with calls. Is it people complimenting you on such a splendid interview? No. People wanting to find out more about the religion of Wicca? Huh-uh. People who are even vaguely interested in what you had to say??? Nope. Who is it? It’s people asking you to do a love spell for them!

This used to drive me nuts. I’d take a deep breath and patiently explain (for the thousandth time) why I won’t even do love spells for myself, let alone anyone else. This generally resulted in my caller becoming either angry or defensive, but seldom more enlightened. ‘But don’t you DO magic?’, they ask. ‘Only occasionally,’ I answer. ‘And aren’t most magic spells love spells?’, they persist. That was the line I really hated, because I knew they were right! At least, if you look at the table of contents of most books on magic, you’ll find more love spells than any other kind. This seems as true for the medieval grimoire as for the modern drugstore paperback.

Why? Why so many books containing so many love spells? Why such an emphasis on a kind of magic that I, personally, have always considered very negative? And to make matters even more confusing, the books that do take the trouble of dividing spells between ‘positve’ and ‘negative’ magic invariably list love spells under the first heading. After all, they would argue, love is a good thing. There can never be too much of it. Therefore, any spell that brings about love must be a GOOD spell. Never mind that the spell puts a straightjacket on another’s free will, and then drops it in cement for good measure

And that is why I had always assumed love magic to be negative magic. Years ago, one of the first things I learned as a novice Witch was something called the Witch’s Rede, a kind of ‘golden rule’ in traditional Witchcraft. It states, ‘An it harm none, do what thou will.’ One uses this rede as a kind of ethical litmus test for a spell. If the spell brings harm to someone — anyone (including yourself!) — then don’t do it! Unfortunately, this rule contains a loophole big enough to fly a broom through. It’s commonly expressed, ‘Oh, this won’t HARM them; it’s really for their own good.’ When you hear someone say that, take cover, because something especially nasty is about to happen.

That’s why I had to develop my own version of the Witch’s Rede. Mine says that if a spell harms anyone, OR LIMITS THEIR FREEDOM OF THOUGHT OR ACTION IN ANY WAY, then consider it negative, and don’t do it. Pretty strict, you say? Perhaps. But there’s another law in Witchcraft called the Law of Threefold Return. This says that whatever power you send out, eventually comes back to you three times more powerful. So I take no chances. And love spells, of the typical make-Bobby-love-me type, definitely have an impact on another’s free will.

So why are they so common? It’s taken me years to make peace with this, but I think I finally understand. The plain truth is that most of us NEED love. Without it, our lives are empty and miserable. After our basic survival needs have been met, we must have affection and companionship for a full life. And if it will not come of its own accord, some of us may be tempted to FORCE it to come. And nothing can be as painful as loving someone who doesn’t love you back. Consequently, the most common, garden-variety spell in the world is the love spell.

Is there ever a way to do a love spell and yet stay within the parameters of the Witch’s Rede? Possibly. Some teachers have argued that if a spell doesn’t attempt to attract a SPECIFIC person into your life, but rather attempts to attract the RIGHT person, whomever that may be, then it is not negative magic. Even so, one should make sure that the spell finds people who are ‘right’ for each other — so that neither is harmed, and both are made happy.

Is there ever an excuse for the make-Bobby-love-me type of spell? Without endorsing this viewpoint, I must admit that the most cogent argument in its favor is the following: Whenever you fall in love with someone, you do everything in your power to impress them. You dress nicer, are more attentive, witty, and charming. And at the same time, you unconsciously set in motion some very powerful psychic forces. If you’ve ever walked into a room where someone has a crush on you, you know what I mean. You can FEEL it. Proponents of this school say that a love spell only takes the forces that are ALREADY there — MUST be there if you’re in love — and channels them more efficiently.

But the energy would be there just the same, whether or not you use a spell to focus it.

I won’t attempt to decide this one for you. People must arrive at their own set of ethics through their own considerations. However, I would call to your attention all the cautionary tales in folk magic about love spells gone awry. Also, if a love spell has been employed to join two people who are not naturally compatible, then one must keep pumping energy into the spell. And when one finally tires of this (and one will, because it is hard work!) then the spell will unravel amidst an emotional and psychic hurricane that will make the stormiest divorces seem calm by comparison. Not a pretty picture.

It should be noted that many spells that pass themselves off as love spells are, in reality, sex spells. Not that there’s anything surprising in that, since our most basic needs usually include sex. But I think we should be clear from the outset what kind of spell it is. And the same ethical standards used for love spells can often be applied to sex spells. Last year, the very quotable Isaac Bonewits, author of ‘Real Magic’, taught a sex magic class here at the Magick Lantern, and he tossed out the following rule of thumb: Decide what the mundane equivalent of your spell would be, and ask yourself if you could be arrested for it. For example, some spells are like sending a letter to your beloved in the mail, whereas other spells are tantamount to abduction. The former is perfectly legal and normal, whereas the latter is felonious.

One mitigating factor in your decisions may be the particular tradition of magic you follow. For example, I’ve often noticed that practitioners of Voudoun (Voodoo) and Santeria seem much more focused on the wants and needs of day-to-day living than on the abstruse ethical considerations we’ve been examining here. That’s not a value judgement — just an observation. For example, most followers of Wicca STILL don’t know how to react when a Santerian priest spills the blood of a chicken during a ritual — other than to feel pretty queasy. The ethics of one culture is not always the same as another.

And speaking of cultural traditions, another consideration is how a culture views love and sex. It has often been pointed out that in our predominant culture, love and sex are seen in very possessive terms, where the beloved is regarded as one’s personal property. If the spell uses this approach, treating a person as an object, jealously attempting to cut off all other relationships, then the ethics are seriously in doubt. However, if the spell takes a more open approach to love and sex, not attempting to limit a person’s other relationships in any way, then perhaps it is more defensible. Perhaps. Still, it might be wise to ask, Is this the kind of spell I’d want someone to cast on me?

Love spells. Whether to do them or not. If you are a practitioner of magic, I dare say you will one day be faced with the choice. If you haven’t yet, it is only a matter of time. And if the answer is yes, then which spells are ethical and which aren’t? Then you, and only you, will have to decide whether ‘All’s fair in love and war’, or whether there are other, higher, metaphysical considerations.

Document Copyright © 1988, 1998 by Mike Nichols

Spell for Today – Dragon Love Spell

Spell for Today – Printable

Non-Manipulative Love Spell Wiccan Love Spell

Non-Manipulative Love Spell
Wiccan Love Spell

By Micaela
Note: When I was just a young and fluffy middle school Pagan, I wrote this spell, basing it off of a few other spells I had seen. It doesn’t rhyme or use pretty words and it needs a little tweaking. But it worked for me: a few weeks after I had done this spell, a guy with a very similar description to the one on my paper asked me out and we went out for a month and a half.

You will need:

  • A red candle

  • A pink candle

  • Red or pink flower petals

  • Some purple lilacs

  • A red pen

  • White paper

  • An envelope

  • Some perfume

  • A symbol of permanence/stability of your choice

With the paper and pen, write ten things you would like in a lover. Set the paper down on a flat surface and say:

Aphrodite and Venus, bring me a lover.
Let he/she be faithful and true
Let he/she love me for who I am
And let me love him/her for who he/she is.

Light the pink candle, and say

Let the first feelings of love strike me and this unknown person Let our love be one of friendship and romance

Light the red candle, and say:

Our relationship will be strong, and we will have the courage to trust each other and to be ourselves, and to help each other overcome whatever crises may befall us.

Spray the paper with perfume. Put it and the flower petals and the symbol of permanence in an envelope and seal it, imagining being happy and safe in the lover’s arms or something like that. Say:

Let this love be sweet and flourishing like these flower petals, but let it be far more enduring, like (permanence symbol).

Then finish the spell by keeping the envelope with you, or burying on your property, or keeping it by your bed at night.



You will need:

One long red ribbon

One red candle

Rose oil

Working:-In a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.

1. During a Friday at the Venus hour, (11am or 11pm) Light and burn the red candle which you have anointed with the rose oil. Envision the image of the sort of lover or soul mate you desire. Do not aim at any specific man or you will limit the scope of the spell. Now wrap your ribbon a round your right index finger and visualize the man you wish for.

2.Place the ribbon on your forehead so that it crosses your 3rd eye, (between your eyebrows)Concentrate and `see` your love with all your energy.-His looks, his eyes, his voice. Hold the image of this man in your mind and ask him to think sweet, loving thoughts of you.

3. Think of all the thoughts you want him to `send` you and try to hold them for 5 minutes.Burn the candle and do this spell for 10 minutes at the eleventh hour on a Friday(morning and evening) The harder you concentrate your energy and the more often you try this spell the better the results will be. `Send` no negative messages!

The Witches Magick for the 21st Day of the Wort Moon – Handy Hints Love Spell

Dedicated to raysmith42..

Handy Hints Love Spell


Put more fun, love, and romance in your life with this spell.

After dark on a sheet of clean paper, write down eight places your lover’s hands could be other than in his or her favorite magazine, the current book he or she is reading, or the newspaper. Entitle your list “Touch Me Baby!” Make your list as erotic as you like. Hold the list in your hands, and say three times:

Fun, love, romance, blessed be!

Now, put the list where your love will find it in the newspaper, book, or magazine you know he or she will read in the next week. When you slip it in place, repeat:

Fun, love, romance, blessed be!



Wiccan Spell A Night: Spells, Charms, And Potions For The Whole Year

Sirona Knight





  This simple spell can be used for any purpose – whether it be to empower a person, to heal them, to bind them etc. Simply choose the appropriate color candle and scribe the person’s name and your intent upon it. Anoint it with an appropriate oil.    

Light the candle and while watching it burn, repeat the following chant, focusing upon your intent as you do so.    

Powers that be, Powers of 3, Let X be all I see.

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Binding Spell

Binding Spell

Do on a waning moon.
On a sheet of paper, write the name of the person who you wish to bind. Also write down some negative behaviors that you would like to change positive. Roll the paper
and wrap with black ribbon, set paper on fire, and place in a fireproof bowl. Chant this until completely burned:
“As this paper chars and burns, all these behaviors soon will turn.”
Dump the ash in the water. Visualize it glow with power of peace. Concentrate on your intent. Take the water and ash to a north tree at your home, and pour water & ash
around the base while chanting three times:
“Sink this into mother earth, give love and understanding birth.”
Visualize how things will be different.
“So mote it be!”

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The Witches Spell for Feb. 14th – SPELL TO ATTRACT TRUE LOVE


You will need:
pink candle
jasmine incense

Light the jasmine incense. As you do so imagine the kind of person that you want to spend the rest of your life with.

Note: this should not be a specific person but the things that you want in a person.

Say the qualities that you want in true love out loud as you light your pink candle.
Then say this as you sprinkle rosemary over the flame:

These are the things I want in you
A man/woman who’s loving, loyal and true
I ask of the spirits of all those above
To send me my one and only true love

Say this as many times as needed and then extinguish the candle.

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WOTC Extra – Psychic Protection Bag

Celtic & British Isles Graphics
Psychic Protection Bag

You Will Need:

4 black candles
A small fabric bag in either purple or black
About a tablespoons worth of:
One piece each of:

This little charm bag is a potent Wiccan protection spell that you should keep on you at all times to protect against psychic attacks or other such phenomenon.

The Spell:

Before you use it, you need to assemble and charge up this protection charm. Set the four candles up in holders in the shape of a square. In the middle, pile all the parts of your charm bag. Light the candles and concentrate on their light. Visualize it flowing into the center and filling up the herbs and stones you have there. Repeat the following:

By the light of four,
Harm me no more.

Repeat several times while you charge up the materials. When your satisfied, gather everything together and fill the bag with stones and herbs. Tie it tightly shut and place back in the center of the candles. Do the same visualization and repeat the same words again. When you feel that the bag is ready to go, snuff out the candles and start to carry the charm with you.

Remember that this Wiccan protection spell is intended to block psychic or astral energy, but it will do as a more general protection amulet in a pinch.

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Just a Quick Note (I Hope!)

I wanted to take a second and tell you about the upcoming posts. I have had several emails and comments regarding individuals wanting to rekindle their relationships. Of course, all of them are Witches and they do not want to use a Love Spell. I can understand that completely and I definitely do respect that. They wanted to know if I had any suggestions on how to do this without using a Love Spell.  I told them I did and I would post them here on the site. Since there were so many it is hard to answer back individually.  Most of what I have to offer is lotions, potions, meditations and the such. Each of these have some use of magick in them. But they do not interfere with someone’s free will.

The posts I am getting ready to do are for adults. I got jumped one time for warning our readers about up coming “adult” posts. I was told we are all adults and I shouldn’t have to make that statement. I know I shouldn’t but I always do and always will. Purely out of respect for those who are not interested in that type of material. They do contain language, nothing vulgar, but adult and I normally do not post material like this. But there are so many that have lost the fire, that special spark in their relationships. They want it back so bad. I can understand the spark in my own relationship has been dead for years. The last back surgery I had sort of ended that. But I can understand the need for just wanting to be held again or told, “I love you” one more time.

I sincerely believe that what has happened to our relationships is due to the times we now live in. Each of us have extreme amounts of stress on us. If not for problems at work, then it might be the aggravating drive home from work, it could be a number of things. All of our stress triggers are different. To have a chance at getting that special spark back in these days and times is a very precious dream. We need it to survive, we are humans and we crave companionship. We crave to love and be loved. So if there is a chance for that and I can help out in anyway, I am going to do it.

I sincerely hope this information helps everyone. Today, I am going to post a few real quick. I lucked out for a change and found some already typed up in our old group on Yuku. So I won’t have to do any typing this time but probably the next. Again, I sincerely hope and pray they do help some of you. And if these don’t help you, we will keep trying to we do get one that helps.

The Happy Side of Magick

The Happy Side of Magick

Author:   Poppaea Holmes   

I have never really used many spells or chants, and when I have it is often at a time when I feel I can do nothing else… one of those ‘may as well try it’ approaches. I understand the mechanics of spell casting, how it works and how the desired effect is achieved, the problem I find with it though is that I was brought up with fairy tales and stories about Witches who cast elaborate spells with confounding results, and I find because of this upbringing that spell casting is intrinsically linked, in my mind, to fanatical stories and make believe lands.

I say this only to give you, as a reader, some sense of understanding how much effort had already been applied before I decided to cast a love spell. It was not a compulsion spell, merely creating a cosmic attraction field. I do understand that there are differing views on the appropriate use of love spells, of any kind, ranging from never-to-be-used to ‘use all the time, everyday!’ However I am not writing to discuss the pros and cons of casting a love spell, nor even, to some extent, the morals that must be thought through before one is cast, I am simply writing to explain and inform how mine worked, and how I would recommend it to anyone in the same situation, or any situation.

As previously stated, I was in pretty dire straits when I preformed this spell, (I know some would not consider that an appropriate term for being out of love, which some deem as a trivial matter. I believe it is a very apt description.) and as such, was not expecting any results. At the time, I had become rather disenchanted with Wicca. I cannot pinpoint exactly why as no major life events had occurred to make me believe that the Goddess was absent. It was more just a lack of connection, which is probably part of the reason I believed the spell would fail.

It was one of those long term/ three months spells, which meant that I wasn’t too fussed when nothing appeared after a few weeks. So I promptly forgot about the spell due to an influx in collage coursework and activities, and was asked on a date. To me this had never happened, and so I was, understandably I believe, rather surprised. He asked me over text, which I later found out his friend had actually composed, and we met up six days later.

I have to admit I had no idea who he was. Even after finding him on Facebook, I had difficulty in pinning him as the guy who was in my quiz team, Never the less, we started talking, and despite his apparent obsession with football and The Killers (who are a fine band, just not my style) , I agreed to a second date, and a third, and so on.

Now it was around the fifth date that I remembered about the spell I had cast, mainly by finding it whilst looking through my Wicca box. I didn’t connect the spell with my newfound boyfriend as I was having what I believe to be a bit of a slow day. I had become captivated with Wicca once again mere weeks after casting the aforementioned love spell. I proceeded to look through the ‘requirements’ for the person I wished to meet and found, to my surprise, that my recently obtained boyfriend met every criteria… and not in a vague ‘well I suppose’ sense, more in a height/weight/age/exact personality sense! I was literally speechless. I think I should mention now that the spell cast was for a soul-mate (I know, I just jump right in to it!) not just general love. I can say now, with our year anniversary just gone, that it has definitely worked.

I know some of you may be sitting there scoffing at my perhaps pitiful year long relationship, but to me, it is a success… especially considering that for the last three months he has been away at Canterbury, which is a good five hour train journey from where I live, making the relationship harder.

I didn’t really put off telling my boyfriend about my religion, more it just never actively came up. He informed me from the start that he was ‘devout’ atheist, and indeed some of our more interesting conversations have been on the concepts of souls and deities. However, I believe him knowing my religion made our relationship better. But I would not recommend the way in which he found out.

I am afraid I am going to diverge slightly, and I apologize if any view it as an unwanted interruption. I feel that what occurred was a breach of trust, and really just a show of a lack of morality in some people. My boyfriend found out about my religion through one of his friends, who happened to be a sergeant at the cadets I attended and a devout Christian. “At cadets”, for those of you who may be unfamiliar with the dress code, we were allowed to wear necklaces as long as they were hidden and for religious purposes.

I wore a plain silver pentagram at the time, and the chain occasionally showed, causing questions at least once a week. Usually I could just say it is a religious necklace (as trying to explain it to people who aren’t listening and are just desperate to be told you summon the devil is tedious) . However this time he walked a little way, turned as though an afterthought and asked “Yeah, what religion?” I answered, “I’m Wiccan” and we carried on our separate ways.

I thought nothing of this until I got a call from my boyfriend asking if I was a Witch. I was a bit bemused by how he had come to that conclusion, as, like spell casting, the word brings to mind Grimm’s fairy tale type characters and so I do not use the word. I answered that no, I wasn’t a Witch but I was Wiccan… and how did he come to hear of this information? It transpired that at the first possible chance this Christian friend, who I still believe had gained this information in an environment that did not warrant outside gossiping, had run to him at the first chance and said “Do you know your girlfriend is Wiccan?” We both believe it was to try and drive a wedge between us for reasons only known to him. Anyhow, this rant is almost over, and I shall end it and resume back to my original purpose by saying that I believe it was extremely ill-mannered and uncouth to divulge this information. I have always been raised to not speak of other religions or beliefs unless with express permission or belief that the knowledge would be useful in some way and that the person to whom is being referred does not mind.

I suppose what I am trying to get across with this article, is that magick does work. If you believe in something and you are prepared to go that little extra, it will change your life in wondrous awe-inspiring ways. I think it cannot be expressed better than through love of something else. I suppose it is also partially about dis-enchantment of Wicca (which I overcame by a sudden realization that I was still actively talking to the Goddess when I got really stressed) .

I am not trying to actively express feelings either for or against love spells, as I believe that, as with all magick, it depends entirely on the intentions of the caster. But I know that even in dark and desperate moments, magick and belief and everything joyous in Paganism can just seep in, lift you up and make everything just a little bit better.

Thank you for reading this article. I hoped you got some enjoyment, or really anything, from it, and to feel free to email me if you wish.

Blessed be

Gris Gris Bag for Love Spell

Gris Gris Bag for Love Spell

Things to put into your bag for the Love Spell:

Something to connect the energy to you such as hair, nails and/or body fluids seems to work best; if you have someone in mind, you should get something of them to put in your bag.

Herbs associated with drawing new love such as Apple seeds, Grains of Paradise, Lavender, Rose buds, Cinnamon, Patchouli, Jasmine, Basil, Catnip Yohimbe, Valerian and Chili pepper.

Stones associated with love such as rose quartz, ruby, emerald, pearl and even rough diamonds.


One a Friday night, in the Waxing phase of the moon, and preferably in the Planetary Hour of Venus. Place all the things you intend to use in your bag into a bowl. Put your right hand over the bowl and allow energy to flow into the herbs. Picture in vivide detail for 20 minutes what you want the Gris Gris bag to do for you. It is important that you picture it as already done now. So you see clearly in your mind what you want as it is a reality happening now.

The total number of items used in the bag should equal to an odd number (5, 7, 9, 11 or 13). In the case of a love spell, 7 is a lucky number so you should put 7 items in your bag.

Every Friday put a few drops of Hoodoo Love Oil on your bag. When you are confident your desire has manifested bury the bag in the earth.

Just a brief thought……

See I butter you up with a beautiful graphic, now here it comes, lol! I don’t know what they have done to WordPress but I am having to go back and do everything 5 or 6 times (in html codes). So hopefully I can get my thought through without going to that extreme again.

I just want to make this short as possible. In the comment section in the back, we constantly have people wanting love spells or a spell to get their “ex’s” back or something like that. I always tell them no. Then a few days later, I get a note telling me they have found a “real” spellcaster and they are doing the spell for them. And get this for only $75.00, yes $75.00 for a love spell. What a bargain! Perhaps if we didn’t have one ounce of moral fiber to our being we could all get rich that way, huh?

It is true, you will find Love Spells on this site. Why? People ask for them. We provide what our friends and followers want. But we are continuously expressing these words, “do not use a love spell that will interfere with another person’s freewill. NEVER!” If you are having someone casting you a love spell that will return an ex-lover to you or attract a certain person to you, YOU ARE MESSING WITH THEIR FREEWILL! It is a Law of Magick, you never interfere with another person freewill, never, ever. If you do, Karma will bite you in the ass. Oh, yes it will. What do you think is going to happen when this person finds out they were called to you because of a spell? I think if it was me, I would have a few words for you, then leave. You are not meant to find love that way. It doesn’t work that way. I am sorry if you are lonely and think the right person in your life will never come along. But casting a spell is  not the way to get a lover, get a cat. Then I guarantee you a lover will show up then you will be wondering what to do with the cat, lol!

All kidding aside, our Laws forbid us to mess with another individual’s freewill. Perhaps you think paying someone to do it for you won’t have an effect on you. Wrong again! Karma will still get you. You are still breaking our Laws. Besides a spellcaster that takes your money and does you such a good job, they are breaking our Laws also. We are never to charge for our services to mankind. The main reason we are given our Power is to help and assist mankind. Not to manipulate his/her freewill or charge others for our services.

There are ways to call love into your life, if that is what you wish. But it is not by me casting a spell for you. For starters, my intent would never be as strong as yours. You are the one desiring love not me. Second, I am not having Karma bite me. I am going to give my advice whether you want it or not (and you know who you are). You can do a love spell on your own. But never manipulate a person’s freewill. Got you puzzled now, don’t I? At the end of the spell open it up to the Universe. Say, “If it be the Universe’s will, then so be it!” Not, John Doe, I love you and you will come to me. Leave it open to a higher power, accept the Fate the Universe deals you. Perhaps at this time in your life, your path is complicated and you don’t have time for love. Maybe you don’t realize it but the Universe does. Either have patience or use the words, I have given you. But never, ever interfere with a person’s freewill. And never pay another person to cast a spell for you.  Both of these are against our Laws.

I know there are things in my life, I do not like at times. I have the Power to change them if I wanted to. But somewhere down the line I would be manipulating with something, I know that. So whether or not I like it, I accept the hand I have been dealt and deal with it. I know the Goddess and the Universe knows what is best for me. I know if I live my life according to our Laws, everything will be work out.  Have patience, things will work out for you too. Just don’t be manipulating any freewill or paying a spellcaster to cast spells for you. It all reflects back on you and your Karma and I guarantee you one thing, Karma will get you one way or another.

Think out your actions long and hard, then act.

More Good Day Comments

Love and the Use Of Magick

Love and the Use Of Magick

Author:   Gentle Deer Lion Tamer 

In this rambling, I will talk about the ever-present topic of Love Spells and also offer some guidance on the use of any spell, ritual or potion for manipulative purposes. By manipulative purposes, I am referring to a working where the object of said working is not aware it is being done, nor has he or she consented to such a working.

Of course this is only my opinion and it is not intended to embarrass anyone. These are simply my thoughts on a subject that gets batted around quite frequently, so take it for what is worth. From the mail I receive from those who have made or seen these mistakes happen, I’m confident the majority who are experienced in this path shares them.

The primary question one must consider before undertaking any ritual working, especially where Love Magick is concerned is, “Is This Working Consistent With The Basic Tenant of HARM NONE as expressed in The Rede.”

Upon asking yourself the following two questions, you can effectively analyze the reasons to either justify or dismiss the working.

1. What is my intent in performing this work?
2. Is this spell or ritual influenced by anger; hatred; lust; greed; jealousy or envy?

If your answer to question number 1 is found within question number 2, then as a Wiccan and follower of the Light Path, you must abandon this spell or ritual because it will not be consistent with the Rede.

Likewise, if question 1 is answered by question 2 and you continue, you can no longer rightfully call yourself Wiccan. A True Wiccan will not use manipulative magick to negatively influence another for his/her own personal interests.

The whole purpose of following this path is to live in harmony and balance with the natural rhythms of life, not to manipulate them to suit a selfish goal. At this point, you need to refer to yourself as a follower of the Dark Path since manipulative magick for personal gain without consideration of the outcome falls within that realm…

Harsh Words? You Bet…

Does It Make You Uncomfortable?


By undertaking such an action without the consent or approval of another, you are clearly disregarding the Rede and using your gifts for purely selfish reasons. Therefore, you are setting forces in motion that will ultimately have negative impact in one way or another and you are practicing Dark Magick.

You must remember that once you create and release this energy as a thought form, it will acquire life, form and substance. It will run it’s course, and the final outcome through the laws of cause and effect may not be what you wanted. The potential for great harm to both yourself and others are clearly evident in such a working. This is especially clear when you consider that you will eventually need to absorb this energy back into yourself after it has ruined your life and the lives of who knows how many others…

Let’s Look At a Potential Outcome of Such a Working for a Moment…

You create a Love Spell, focus your energy and release it toward your victim. I use the word victim because that is what you have just made this person if they are unaware of your work and have not given their consent.

Through the laws of magick, your victim begins to fall hopelessly in love with you or the person you performed this spell for. So much so that they become increasingly dependent as time passes. They can no longer function without your presence and guidance. You cannot get a moments peace because they constantly have to be with you. You can no longer function at work because they are calling every ten minutes. They become increasingly jealous, possessive and suspicious because they cannot have all of your time. The list of undesirable effects could go on and on and can become more than a little frightening.

Ultimately, you must ask yourself the following questions. Would “you” want someone doing this to you, and if you truly cared for someone, how could you risk doing something like this to them? In my humble opinion, it does not show a very high regard or respect for others or yourself and the decision on whether or not to proceed is clear.

I caution you that non-consensual Love Magic is a double-edged sword and borders on the manipulation of another human being against their “Free Will”. It is also dangerously close to Psychic Rape and is considered highly unethical by most who practice the Craft.

I hope this has given those who have considered using such practices food for thought. While all may not share my opinion, it illustrates the need to consider all potential outcomes before focusing and releasing a spell.

A Better Solution

A friend who wishes to be known as “Betty” writes this:

A couple of years ago, I was single again after the demise of a long marriage. I was lonely, and hoping I would not spend the rest of my life alone. I had decided to ask the Goddess for help, using my own energies and powers. So, not wanting another not-so-good marriage, I was asking for what qualities in a person I wanted, and asked to be -SENT- someone rather than just find someone. I went outside and performed a ritual under the full moon, by myself. I asked that I be sent -THE RIGHT- person, with no particular idea of who that person would be, or any specific qualities about that person. From my previous marriage, I knew that it was important to me that the person share important things in my life, including my religion, at least in a basic sense.

Well, in a couple of days, I met a new person online. I thought we were writing about our shared interest in folk music. Then, after a little while, first he, then I, admitted that there was more interest than that. One thing led to another there, he came to visit me. He told me that he too, had been doing a simple ritual during that same full moon: Lighting candles, and asking Goddess, “Please Mother, send me someone to love so I don’t spend my life alone”. He ended up staying and sending for his things, and we were later married.

This is a better solution than asking for a specific thing, in a specific way, or especially from a specific person. For one thing, the issue of manipulation completely went away. Instead, the person who was sent was also asking for someone to love, through his own ritual. We did not know each other when we did these rituals.

For another thing, we were both asking for a “right person” for us. In both of our cases, sure, other people (former spouses) believed that we were not “the right person”. We probably weren’t for them. For each other, we may well be. Neither of us is perfect, no one is a “perfect partner” for everyone.

We have always been amused that we were doing these rituals with similar intent, although the specifics of the operation of the rituals were very different at the same time, for the same purpose. Perhaps Goddess runs a “cosmic switchboard” of sorts. When She gets various requests, She just introduces people on some criteria – kind of like a dating service with ALL of the information.

Your Magickal Spell for Friday, June 1st – Cord Love Spell


Cord Love Spell


You will need – 3 Cords of equal length in Pastel Colours.

Braid the cords together.

Firmly tie a knot near one end of the braid thinking of your need for love.

Tie another knot a little further down & keep tying knots, until you have tied seven knots.

Wear or carry the cord with you until you find your love.

Once you have found your love, burn the cord & throw the ashes into a moving body of water.

The Happy Side of Magick

The Happy Side of Magick

Author: Poppy

I have never really used many spells or chants, and when I have it is often at a time when I feel I can do nothing else… one of those ‘may as well try it’ approaches. I understand the mechanics of spell casting, how it works and how the desired effect is achieved, the problem I find with it though is that I was brought up with fairy tales and stories about Witches who cast elaborate spells with confounding results, and I find because of this upbringing that spell casting is intrinsically linked, in my mind, to fanatical stories and make believe lands.

I say this only to give you, as a reader, some sense of understanding how much effort had already been applied before I decided to cast a love spell. It was not a compulsion spell, merely creating a cosmic attraction field. I do understand that there are differing views on the appropriate use of love spells, of any kind, ranging from never-to-be-used to ‘use all the time, everyday!’ However I am not writing to discuss the pros and cons of casting a love spell, nor even, to some extent, the morals that must be thought through before one is cast, I am simply writing to explain and inform how mine worked, and how I would recommend it to anyone in the same situation, or any situation.

As previously stated, I was in pretty dire straits when I preformed this spell, (I know some would not consider that an appropriate term for being out of love, which some deem as a trivial matter. I believe it is a very apt description.) and as such, was not expecting any results. At the time, I had become rather disenchanted with Wicca. I cannot pinpoint exactly why as no major life events had occurred to make me believe that the Goddess was absent. It was more just a lack of connection, which is probably part of the reason I believed the spell would fail.

It was one of those long term/ three months spells, which meant that I wasn’t too fussed when nothing appeared after a few weeks. So I promptly forgot about the spell due to an influx in collage coursework and activities, and was asked on a date. To me this had never happened, and so I was, understandably I believe, rather surprised. He asked me over text, which I later found out his friend had actually composed, and we met up six days later.

I have to admit I had no idea who he was. Even after finding him on Facebook, I had difficulty in pinning him as the guy who was in my quiz team, Never the less, we started talking, and despite his apparent obsession with football and The Killers (who are a fine band, just not my style) , I agreed to a second date, and a third, and so on.

Now it was around the fifth date that I remembered about the spell I had cast, mainly by finding it whilst looking through my Wicca box. I didn’t connect the spell with my newfound boyfriend as I was having what I believe to be a bit of a slow day. I had become captivated with Wicca once again mere weeks after casting the aforementioned love spell. I proceeded to look through the ‘requirements’ for the person I wished to meet and found, to my surprise, that my recently obtained boyfriend met every criteria… and not in a vague ‘well I suppose’ sense, more in a height/weight/age/exact personality sense! I was literally speechless. I think I should mention now that the spell cast was for a soul-mate (I know, I just jump right in to it!) not just general love. I can say now, with our year anniversary just gone, that it has definitely worked.

I know some of you may be sitting there scoffing at my perhaps pitiful year long relationship, but to me, it is a success… especially considering that for the last three months he has been away at Canterbury, which is a good five hour train journey from where I live, making the relationship harder.

I didn’t really put off telling my boyfriend about my religion, more it just never actively came up. He informed me from the start that he was ‘devout’ atheist, and indeed some of our more interesting conversations have been on the concepts of souls and deities. However, I believe him knowing my religion made our relationship better. But I would not recommend the way in which he found out.

I am afraid I am going to diverge slightly, and I apologize if any view it as an unwanted interruption. I feel that what occurred was a breach of trust, and really just a show of a lack of morality in some people. My boyfriend found out about my religion through one of his friends, who happened to be a sergeant at the cadets I attended and a devout Christian. “At cadets”, for those of you who may be unfamiliar with the dress code, we were allowed to wear necklaces as long as they were hidden and for religious purposes.

I wore a plain silver pentagram at the time, and the chain occasionally showed, causing questions at least once a week. Usually I could just say it is a religious necklace (as trying to explain it to people who aren’t listening and are just desperate to be told you summon the devil is tedious) . However this time he walked a little way, turned as though an afterthought and asked “Yeah, what religion?” I answered, “I’m Wiccan” and we carried on our separate ways.

I thought nothing of this until I got a call from my boyfriend asking if I was a Witch. I was a bit bemused by how he had come to that conclusion, as, like spell casting, the word brings to mind Grimm’s fairy tale type characters and so I do not use the word. I answered that no, I wasn’t a Witch but I was Wiccan… and how did he come to hear of this information? It transpired that at the first possible chance this Christian friend, who I still believe had gained this information in an environment that did not warrant outside gossiping, had run to him at the first chance and said “Do you know your girlfriend is Wiccan?” We both believe it was to try and drive a wedge between us for reasons only known to him. Anyhow, this rant is almost over, and I shall end it and resume back to my original purpose by saying that I believe it was extremely ill-mannered and uncouth to divulge this information. I have always been raised to not speak of other religions or beliefs unless with express permission or belief that the knowledge would be useful in some way and that the person to whom is being referred does not mind.

I suppose what I am trying to get across with this article, is that magick does work. If you believe in something and you are prepared to go that little extra, it will change your life in wondrous awe-inspiring ways. I think it cannot be expressed better than through love of something else. I suppose it is also partially about dis-enchantment of Wicca (which I overcame by a sudden realization that I was still actively talking to the Goddess when I got really stressed) .

I am not trying to actively express feelings either for or against love spells, as I believe that, as with all magick, it depends entirely on the intentions of the caster. But I know that even in dark and desperate moments, magick and belief and everything joyous in Paganism can just seep in, lift you up and make everything just a little bit better.

Thank you for reading this article. I hoped you got some enjoyment, or really anything, from it, and to feel free to email me if you wish.

Just Another Pentacle Article

Just Another Pentacle Article

Author: Koneko

Wearing a pentacle is a topic that has been, will be, and is being as you read this talked about, written about and thought about. But like all religious symbols, yes even the cross or crucifix, it also can create or instigate a great deal of negative backlash.

For Wiccans in predominantly Judeo- Christian countries it is from the almost all Christians that live among us, whether they mean to be cruel or not. For Christians and Jews, it is in the non-Judeo-Christian countries that they are persecuted.

Persecution over religious symbols is everywhere and in every faith we’d be fools to think it is just towards Pagan and other non-Judeo-Christian faiths.

But anyway, wearing the pentacle is a choice we all have to make. Should we declare openly that we follow an alternate path of spirituality or for the sake of ourselves and maybe even our families keep it hidden away?

For me sometimes I wear one of my pentacles and sometimes I don’t. It all depends on my mood and whether or not I can handle whatever ignorant b.s. comes my way. If I think I will be able to handle it I’ll either break out the simple one or I will break out my necklace that has a right side up pentacle resting over an upside down one, a gift from my sister. If not I won’t wear either of them.

I have great respect for Christians that actually follow in Christ’s footsteps and show compassion and love for all those around them – my late and loved grandmother, a late and equally loved friend/sister, my mother, my second mother (a family friend) , an old family friend, and a very dear friend of mine are only a few that come to mind.

My parents and friends know by the way, I didn’t even have to tell mom (mom’s know everything) . They are truly God’s gift to the world, I do not think my late grandmother and friend could hate someone if they even tried, and are truly beautiful examples of the Christian faith. I was born and raised Catholic so I have seen and learned about the good and the bad of that faith.

The pentacle never really gave me a problem when I first started wearing it, even when I was wearing it in High School. My grades suffered because I was horrid at history, I loved the subject, and couldn’t do grammar to save my life, and I only passed because I gave my papers to about three or five different people to look over.

My teachers for the most part loved me or liked me because I actually *gasp* participated in class, didn’t cause problems, and often times knew what I was talking about. I actually enjoyed high school because I wasn’t the only so-called freak in the school and it was large enough that I could blend in with the crowd but small enough to wear fights weren’t really a problem. Strangely enough all the students seemed to get along with each other.

Sorry I seemed to have gotten off track, with graduation I went off to college a liberal arts college that was known for three things – gays, art program, and the teacher program. So, I never had problems there. I did act immature and burst out laughing when I overheard someone telling another student that the tarot cards were evil. Like I said wasn’t mature but I really couldn’t help myself, I always did have a problem with the brain and mouth connection.

Problems didn’t come until after I left the University of Montevallo, business school and I did not agree with each other, and went to Jeff State for their Culinary Program. Not at school, this happened at Subway, and yes dominoes I know that Submart on your commercials is supposed to be us, thankfully not by a coworker but by a customer.

Basically the customer was throwing a tantrum because I wouldn’t give her a discount that she didn’t qualify for, “sorry, but if you get two six inches that do not have the same meat they don’t equal a footlong.”

Well she called and complained and started harassing me, she wanted me to give her my last name, which freaked me out and I told her to have a nice day and slammed the phone down, burst into tears and had to be lead to the back during a rush and comforted. My coworker at the time, a Bulgarian woman that was a wonderful Christian woman comforted me and calmed me down. The woman is a great mother. Once again getting off track, sorry you’ll have to stay with me.

That same night, honestly this crap happens for a reason, I meet a tree-worshipper and a Baptist girl, friends with another coworker, and we talked about my faith. Luckily she had already seen a program on TV about witchcraft. We talked about binding spells, evidently according to her church binds stuff in the name of Jesus. We might have even talked about hexing, which seems to be a popular question when witchcraft is related. We talked about a few other things and I must say it was a joy to talk to her.

I should probably mention that I did have a conversation about my religion at my first job in the bar with some regulars. That was centered on binding and love spells. One woman wanted to know because a friend with a fake leg was having problems finding love. I explained that performing a love spell was controversy and could be dangerous if handled wrong.

I told them that if I were to perform a love spell for her I would only do it with her permission and cast one on her first so that she could love herself and be able to know and understand that despite the dirt bags that couldn’t handle her only having one real leg she was worth loving. I then explained that I wouldn’t cast a love spell on a certain person but putting a spell or call out there for someone that would love her for her was a possibility.

The conversation turned to hexing; I essentially told them that if they believed they could be hexed then chances are in my opinion they would be whether they were actually or not. Belief is a strong thing and the power of suggestion even more so sometimes.

Basically what I am trying to say, aside from the fact that my grammar is horrid, if you wear the pentacle you open yourself up to many people. Though sometimes no one really pays attention to what your wearing around your neck, unless they don’t like you for one reason or another. Then you’ve got more problems than you know what to do with.

You open yourself up to the Christian nut jobs, the open-minded Christians and they are out there, and even to members of your own or a similar religion. So wear it if you want or don’t wear if you wish to stay locked and barred in your closet for the rest of your life, or do what I do and don it when you are emotionally, mentally, and God forbid physically ready (should you have to defend yourself with brute force) for any and all attacks that might come.

Either way I hope the wearing of it brings you happiness, good debates and interesting meetings with interesting people.

Wishing You & Yours A Very Happy Friday & A Very Blessed Weekend!

Days Of The Week Comments

Friday Is Ruled By Venus

 Archangel:  Ansel 

Candle colour:  Green or pink 

Incense:  Rose or geranium 

Crystals:  Jade or Rose quartz 

Use Fridays for spells for love, fidelity, healing for anything to do with beauty, the arts and crafts and for all spells concerning the environment. 

Where possible, work in any enclosed beautiful place outdoors, for  example a botanical garden, a field, park–even in a circle outdoors.  

Love Spell For Friday

You will need:
–one egg one pink candle rose petals lemon balm honey rose oil (optional)
Take the egg in one hand.
Sit quietly and think about the relationship you have just ended, and your feelings about splitting up.
Allow all your negative feelings, grief, frustration and loneliness to_come to the surface.
Cry, howl and bawl if you need to – the end of a relationship is like a death and you should
allow yourself to grieve and not feel ashamed about it.
While thinking about the relationship, take the egg and roll it gently over your face and forehead.
Imagine that the egg is like a sponge which can soak up your grief, your need, and
all the negative emotions which are holding you back and dampening your spirits.
Project all your unhappiness over the relationship into the egg and let it soak up all your negative feelings.
When you feel that the egg has sucked up all your unhappiness and negative feelings over
this broken relationship, take it to a plot of earth – preferably not your own garden – and bury it.
If it must be on your property, bury it as far as possible from your house.
Know that the negative feelings and depression you projected onto the egg are being
absorbed and neutralized by the earth.
Return to your house, preferably to your own bedroom or some place where you spend a lot of time.
Make yourself some lemon balm tea with some of the rose petals, and sweeten it to taste with honey.
Sprinkle the rest of the rose petals around the candle and yourself, if you have enough.
Light the candle. Imagine the warmth of the candle and the scent of the rose petals
_combining and filling the room with warmth, sweet rose scent and soft pink light.
Let the pink light and scent fill you with loving warmth and_comfortable feelings.
If you have some, anoint your chest just over the heart with a little rose oil.
Sip the lemon balm tea. Say quietly and with conviction:
‘Gentle balm, soothe my heart
Bring to me your healing art’.
Imagine yourself surrounded by love and peace, sheltered from di_comfort and loneliness.
Know that you deserve love and that you are now free of your previous relationship and
open to a new one. Gaze into the candle flame and imagine yourself happy and healed,
living a joyful and fulfilling life without the person you have just broken up with.

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