Witches Spell for Sunday, March 2 – Spell for Stress and Depression

Witches Spell for Sunday, March 2 – Spell for Stress and Depression

Items needed:
White candle (non-dripless variety)
Kunzite or blue agate
Black marker with wide felt tip
Lemon Balm
Lemon oil (the kind used for furniture polish is fine)
Cloth pouch

Begin by completely coloring the candle black with the marker to symbolize the
depression that presently encases you. Light the candle and say:

Flame cut through depression deep,
Melt it down and make it weep.
Grant me power to re-emerge,
From its grip, I leap and surge.

Watch the candle burn until white wax appears at the flame.
Rub a bit of lemon oil into the flame and say:

Kunzite/agate, stone of mellow hue,
Dissolve this depression, I beg of you.
Take its power and transform its strength
Into positive energy I can use at length.

Lightly rub the stone against your temples and your heart, then place it in front of the candle and sprinkle it with lemon balm. Let the candle burn completely.
Place the stone and herb in the cloth pouch and carry it with you.

When your spirits need a lift, re-anoint the stone and repeat its empowerment chant.

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Calendar of the Sun for February 18th

Calendar of the Sun

18 Solmonath

Ishtar’s Day

Color: Pottery red, terra cotta
Element: Earth
Altar: Set with a cloth of earthy red, and on it place a pitcher of milk and another of wine, bowls of wood and clay filled with grains, olives, figs, and dates, a star, and the figure of a lioness.
Offerings: Grains. Stars. Give food to those who need it.
Daily Meal: Wholegrain bread. Cooked grains. Milk and dairy products.

Ishtar Invocation

I beseech thee, Lady of Ladies,
Goddess of Goddesses,
Ishtar, queen of all cities,
Leader of all men.
Thou art the light of the world,
Thou art the light of heaven.
At thy name the earth and the heavens shake,
And the gods they tremble;
The spirits of heaven tremble at thy name
And the men hold it in awe.
Where thou glancest the dead come to life,
And the sick rise and walk;
And the mind that is distressed is healed
When it looks upon thy face.

Call and response:
For lo, I am the Keeper of the Storehouse
And I am generous to all men!
From my breasts nourishment spills
From my hands nourishment flows
From my heart nourishment streams
I am the Morning Star
I am the Evening Star
I am the Star of Heaven
And I give unto all humanity.

(After this, all should being the work of inventorying all the resources of the house, in Ishtar’s name, so that they may be used more efficiently and that it can be known what can be given to others out of generosity.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

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  This simple spell can be used for any purpose – whether it be to empower a person, to heal them, to bind them etc. Simply choose the appropriate color candle and scribe the person’s name and your intent upon it. Anoint it with an appropriate oil.    

Light the candle and while watching it burn, repeat the following chant, focusing upon your intent as you do so.    

Powers that be, Powers of 3, Let X be all I see.

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To Cause The Unfaithful Lover Agony


To Cause The Unfaithful Lover Agony

To make certain that a faithless lover suffers three times the agony he’s caused you, light a red  candle on a night when you’re especially unhappy. As the flames flicker, stare at them, and remember how miserable the man has made you. Then stab the  candle three times with a straight pin and say:

“Three times this candle’s broken by me.    

Three times your heart will broken be.”

Do this on the same night, preferably Friday, seven consecutive times.  Soon some heartwarming reports on the gentleman’s troubles with his latest loves should start drifting back to you.

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Spell To Upset the Plans of a Foe


To upset the plans of a foe, buy a thick white candle and carve it into the
rough shape of a human being. Write the name of your enemy on a strip of paper
using red ink, and wrap the paper around the chest of the wax image. Hold it in
place by thrusting a steel pin through the chest of the figure. Think hard of
your enemy as you insert the pin. Tie a length of red thread around the feet of
the image, and suspend it upside down, saying:

“As this image of [enemy’s name] is overturned,
so are the plans of [enemy’s name] overthrown.”

Leave the image suspended. From time to time bat it with your hand to make it
twist and swing, and repeat the charm.


by: Donald Tyson

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Dressing A Candle

Dressing A Candle

Candles have been used for many many years in rituals, to set an atmosphere and help to focus on a desired result of a the ritual.  Here are steps to to take
when dressing a candle for a ritual or for requesting a desired result.When
working with candles, you will see that no two candles are alike, they each
have their own character. (drip, flame, sound )

* Choose the candle to be used : type and color ( green for money, black/
white for cleansing).

* Cleanse the candle from prior energies. Here are some suggestions for
A: Holy water
B: Sea salt
C: Pure soap
D: Baby oil

* Bless / Consecrate your oil to be used.

* State and engrave (if desired) what the candle is to represent (money,
love, job, taking away unwanted habits, etc.)

* Anoint the candle with the oil you have chosen (it is important to focus on
your desire when doing this).
A: — To achieve : start on the top to the middle in a downward
motion(stop) then go the bottom to the middle in an upward motion(stop).
B: — To banish : start in the middle to top (stop) then go from the middle
to the bottom (stop).
Do not use a back and forth motion, it defeats the purpose.

* Bless / Consecrate the candle.

Your candle is now ready to use. Light your candle with an incense of your
desire or deity. Do not use matches, a lighter or incense should be used.
honestly I know not why, just that the sulfur is the problem. But every
book  I have read states this, and I have read many.)

Meditate as long as possible (many don’t have a lot of time past 15min.) on
your desired outcome while your candle is burning. Let the candle burn till the

If and when you need to extinguish your candle, snuff it out or swipe your
hand enough to let the air blow it out. Do not blow or pinch it out. As blowing
it out blows your desires away from you and pinching it out also pinches out
your desires.

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The Witches Magick for January 29th – Spell for Banishing and Needed Changes

Witchy Comments & Graphics
Spell for Banishing and Needed Changes

Instructions: Sit in a quiet place that is special to you.
Hold a white or cream candle in your hands and visualize the area of your life that this
candles energy is needed in. After you light this candle the energy will come to you.
It may come right away or when you lease expect it.
When you are ready recite the spell or use your own words of power.

This candle I see before me, its color so bright,
Holds my needs of change in its light.
I call in the forces higher than I
To release the energy that is held inside
May it work for me in the most correct way,
Harming none and helping all as it leaves my stay.
I call on thee in perfect trust and love sending me guidance from above.
This I make happen and so be it will. Take away this thing that brings me ill.
So mote it be.3x3x3


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The Witches Magick for Jan. 16th – Change for the Better Spell

Witchy Comments

You will need for this spell:




A chalice of water

A pile of white stones

A white candle

A pink candle

A blue candle

A violet candle a yellow candle

A poppet

A picture of someone you wish to transform into a better person

For this spell I suggest you use an actual circle of earth, stones or anything else instead of using an athame or incense to inscribe it. Place the white candle in the center of the circle with the blue candle at the north, the yellow candle at the south, pink to the west and violet to the east. Place the pile of white stones in the center of the circle around the base of the candle. To get maximum power into the spell, place your pentacle at the base of the blue candle, you athame at the base of the pink, the wand at the yellow and the chalice at the violet.

Call corners, saluting each direction with your sword, invoking Hapy (N), Imset (S), Duamutef (E), and Quebehsnuf (W), saying each time:

“Hail ______, Lord of the Watchtower of the _____, let your strength be one with mine.”

Place the poppet with the picture tied in place onto the head, into the white candle and say:

“Let the flame of white burn into thee purity.”

Move up to each of the other candles in this order: NWSE, saying:

“Let the flame of blue burn into thee peace and truth

Let the flame of pink burn into thee happiness

Let the flame of yellow burn into thee joy

Let the flame of violet burn into thee insight and intuition.”

Ground power by jabbing your sword into the earth at the center, North and South, saying:

“Circle open, but unbroken.”

Then jab at the West and East, saying:

“Power down, to the ground”

Smother the flames of each candle with the tip of your sword in this order – Center, N, S, W, E.

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The Witches Magick for Jan. 14 – A Healing Spell


To help hurry along a person’s recovery from an illness, write their name on a human-shaped candle (based on gender). While anointing it with myrrh or mint oil, visualize healing energy in the form of white light, flowing from your fingers into the candle. Recite:

In the divine name of the Goddess who breathes life into us all
I consecrate and charge this candle as a magical tool for healing.

Place the charged candle on top of a photograph of the sick person, and then light the wick.

As the candle burns down, concentrate on the person, willing them to be healthy, and chant this incantation:

Magic mend and candle burn,
Sickness end; good health return
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Magickal Activity for New Year’s Eve – Balloon Magick

Magickal Activity for New Year’s Eve

Balloon Magick

You will need a helium-filled balloon for each participant, string, and a small square of paper. Each balloon chosen should be a color that reflects the individual’s desire (see the following chart below).

Red:  Courage, strength, and power

Gree: Money, luck, and personal goals

Pink: Friendship and love

Orange: Attaction and action

Blue: Creativity and peace

Black: Protection and release

Yellow: Selling and communication

White: Spiritual and psychic awareness

Ten minutes before the hour of midnight, each person writes a wish on a small square of paper. Using the string, attach the paper to the balloon. At the stroke of midnight, each participant chants the following and then releases a balloon:

“Float now free, Bring to me, What I wish. So Mote It Be!”

Once the balloon has been released, it is best not to dwell on the wish but to let it go so that it will manifest.

The New Year has always been looked to with great anticipation and celebration. In the past, New Year’s festivities were supposed to ward off the barrenness of Winter and insure the fertility of Spring

Today’s Quiz – ‘What Mask Do You Wear?’

What Mask Do You Wear? Quiz

One of the first steps toward creating a life that fills us with joy and  contentment is recognizing the role we play that may be keeping us confined in  unhappy, unsatisfying patterns of behavior. Most of us learned our roles early  in childhood, but after a certain point, those masks we wear stopped helping us.  Which mask do you wear?

Take this quiz to see which role you play. You may recognize the masks your  loved ones wear, too!

1. Do you often find yourself thinking, “It should be like THIS” or “They’re  doing it WRONG”?

2. Does your striving for perfection sometimes drive you crazy?

3. Do you feel like you will never be good enough?

4. Do you often tell yourself, “I can’t help it” or “It’s not my fault”?

5. Do you find yourself looking to the past and thinking, “It would have been  alright if only. . .”

6. Do you look to the future and think “Everything will be alright  when. . .”

7. Do you sometimes do things because you think you should or you feel  obligated to, but you really don’t want to?

8. Do you commonly tell yourself that making others happy is more important  than what you need or feel?

9. Do you often say yes when you really want to say no?

10. Do you often rush in to help people and fix it for them?

If you answered “yes” to 1, 2 or 3, you may be wearing the mask of the  Judge. The Judge is the mouthpiece of the Demon of Perfection that says,  no matter how good it gets, it will never be good enough.


If you answered “yes” to 4, 5, or 6, you may be wearing the mask of the  Victim. The Victim makes up “poor me” stories and is rarely in a state of  gratitude or in the present moment.

If you answered “yes” to 7, 8, 9, 10, or 11, you may be wearing the mask of  the Prostitute/Rescuer. The Prostitute pretends to be anything you want  her to be, compromising herself to get what she wants–which is usually love and  acceptance. She hides the truth of how she really feels. The Rescuer is the more  respectable face of this mask–the Nurse endlessly mopping the brows of the  wounded, the Hero rushing in to make everything better. The problem with this  mask is that it subtly (or not so subtly!) tells people, “I don’t respect you  enough to believe you can do this yourself.”

There is no shame in having learned to play one of these roles. Most of us  did. But we can all learn how to gently put aside the masks that hide our  authentic selves


Today’s Quiz – Is the Simple Life Right for You?

Is the Simple Life Right for You? Quiz

Many of us yearn for plain, simple surroundings where our basic needs are  supplied in very simple ways. But there are always trade-offs. There is a  paradox that comes along with simplicity: choosing a simpler life usually  entails more activity on your part.

Given the sort of person you are and the sorts of things you enjoy, do you  think simplifying your life physically would yield you greater pleasure? Here is  a quiz that will show if a radically, physically simple life would work well for  you:

1. Would you delight in the extra exercise and sensual experience involved in, for  example, chopping wood, riding a bicycle, kneading dough, sweeping, using a pole  lathe, hand-sanding old furniture?

2. Does reading about people doing those sorts of things or seeing pictures  of them give you a feeling of excitement, pleasure or envy?

3. Do you feel a yearning for more exertion and the kind of weariness that  comes at the end of a day of physical labor?

4. At those times in your life when you have done that sort of work, or when  you have shaped something by hand instead of buying it, did that feel especially  satisfying to you?

5. Do you go camping and enjoy the simplicity of a tent and a campfire (or  even a caravan) and then find yourself slightly averse to all the demands of a  modern house when you return?

6. Do you love taking trips to places far away from telephones and  television, where mobile phones don’t work?

7. Were you a boy scout or a girl guide and do you remember, with pleasurable  nostalgia, what fun it was to go tracking, to make campfires, collect firewood,  make “gadgets” by lashing sticks together?

8. Do you enjoy gardening? Cooking? Sewing? Crafts?

If you said “yes” to all or most of these questions, you are a likely  candidate for  radical, physical simplicity. If you said “no” to most of them,  you will need to think carefully before implementing anything which simplifies  your life physically. You must watch that you don’t simplify in ways which will  create chores you later come to resent. Or chores which, one day, you may be  physically unable to do. (If osteo-arthritis sets in, will you still be able to  chop wood and ride your bike?)


The Witch’s Magick Spell for Nov. 21 – Long Term Career Spell


Long Term Career Spell

On a piece of paper, write down all the obstacles you can think of that you are blocking your success. Include everything: the economy, specific people like your nasty boss, every circumstance, and every situation that opposes your success. Try to be as specific as possible.

Now for each obstacle on your list, get a black candle. And for each candle, carve one of the obstacles on your list onto the candle.

It’s best if you have an odd number of candles.

Anoint each candle with cinnamon oil.

Burn one candle each night, and scorch the edges of the paper a little bit each night. Do not burn your list completely until the final night and the final candle.

After you have burned your last black candle, take a gold or green candle. Gold and green are the colors of success. Choose a green candle if your main goal is to make more money, a gold one if it is to find a more satisfying career.

On a new piece of paper, list everything that you want in a job. Your dream job, if you will. Be specific as possible. As your green or gold success candle burns, burn this paper as well.

Focus and concentrate on manifesting your dream job. Now that you have eliminated all obstacles in your path with the black candles, it’s time to start focusing on attracting success.

Be patient, the answers will come to you and new opportunities will make themselves available.

Don’t be afraid of these opportunities. Recognize them for what they are—and go for it!


Calendar of the Moon for October 27th

Calendar of the Moon

27 Gort/Puanepsion

Khalkeia: Weaving Athena’s Cloak

Color: Blue and white
Element: Air
Altar: Upon cloth of white set up a table loom which will be used over the next nine months to weave Athena’s cloak. The warp should be strung, and the shuttles loaded.
Offerings: Weave a line or two.
Daily Meal: Anything served with olives.

Khalkeia Invocation:

Call: Hail Athena, Weaver and Craftswoman!
Response: Hail Athena, Giver of Civilization!
Call: On this day we begin to weave our gift to you.
Response: On this day we begin to weave our worship.
Call: We weave into it the high flight of birds.
Response: We weave into it the firm earth beneath us.
Call: We weave into it clear-eyed vision.
Response: We weave into it skillful hands.
Call: We weave into it the grim struggle of battle.
Response: We weave into it the focus of strategy.
Call: We weave into it the spiral twirl of the spindle.
Response: We weave into it the clashing of swords.
Call: We weave into it the beating of owl’s wings.
Response: We weave into it the glare of the Gorgon.
Call: We weave into it the soft counsel of wisdom.
Response: We weave into it the draught that cools hot heads.
Call: We weave into it the ancient knowledge.
Response: We weave into it the new discovery.
Call: We weave into it study and seeking.
Response: We weave into it manifestation.
Call: We weave into it our hopes and fears.
Response: We weave into it the cry to heaven.
Call: Hail Athena, Weaver and Craftswoman! May you bless the work of our hands.
Response: Hail Athena, Giver of Civilization! May you bless all that we do.

(The one who is the House weaver should weave the first three lines with the shuttle, saying “Hail Athena!” each time the reed swings back and forth. All should come forth and weave a line or two, also saying, “Hail Athena!” Then the loom is carried to its place of honor for the rest of the year, where the cloak for her statue will be woven with pictures and symbols in her honor, to be presented to her at the Panathenaea.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

The Witches Magick for October 21st – Letting Go Of The Past


Letting Go Of The Past

Items You Will Need:

White or black candle

Bowl of water


Sometimes our pasts can hold us back from moving forward into our futures or keep us from enjoying our present. This spell is intended to help you let go of yesterday so you can move on.

Light the candle, then wash your hands (a symbol of washing way the past) and dry them on the towel. Then say the spell:

“I pledge this day to do my best
To put the past behind me
Walking straight with head held high
So fortune’s favor finds me.”
“Yesterday is gone and done
Tomorrow lies before me
I will not let myself be found
By history’s faded story.”
“No longer looking toward the past
Except for lessons learned
I’m moving toward the future now
And all that I have earned.”

So Mote It Be.

Awakening Your Magick

Awakening Your Magick

Find some time alone, where you have some peace and quiet in a room that you will be able to make dark .(close blinds, drapes or place blankets over windows)?

Find a candle that you feel represents you. It could be one of your favorite colors…or it could be the one that when you pick it up you feel something special – it just ”feels” right.?

Take the candle, and sit in a comfortable position on the floor. Put both of your hands around the candle, and hold it in your lap. Clear your mind of all thought and slow your breathing. Take long, deep, even breaths. Relax.?

Once you feel relaxed, think about your past and your present. As you recall it, visualize each thought you have ”transferring” it into the candle…if it helps, you can visualize a white puffy jet stream flowing from your head, into the candle in your hands…?

Focus on this for a few minutes (or longer), you’ll know when you’ve put enough of yourself into the candle. One?s true self, who you really are as a person.

Next, place the candle in a candle holder and set it on your altar in the room. Light the candle and turn off the lights, close the curtains, and create a dark room. This dark room represents the clarity of emptiness, and the candle represents all that you are.?

Focus on the flame. Feel the magick filling the room and filling you. Think of everything sacred and belive you are filled with magick. Build the belief till you have no doubt about your ability. When you are done snuff out the candle…?

You can repeat this process at any time you feel the need.?

The Witches Magick for Oct. 14th – A Quick Money Spell


A Quick Money Spell

Items that you will need in order to perform this spell:

Green candle

Cinnamon oil

A bill (utility bill, etc. etc.)

Patchouli incense

Ritual: This spell requires good visualization on your part. Take a green candle and anoint it with cinnamon oil. Take the bill or write on a piece of paper the amount of a bill you owe on and whom the bill goes to (name of electric company etc. etc.). You will need a candle that can burn for 7 days. Place the paper under the candle. Hold your hands over the candle and say:

“This candle burns to light the way
for the money I need to pay this bill
in a way that harms no one.”

Light the candle and burn patchouli incense. Meditate for 5 minutes as the candle burns. Visualize yourself writing the check or purchasing the money order for the bill and putting it in the mail. Burn the candle every day around the same time for 7 days each candle burning session should last 15 minutes at a time. Also, burn patchouli incense every day along with the candle. On the last day, burn the paper with the flame from the candle and let the candle burn completely out.

The Witches Spell for Oct. 13th – Bend Over Spell, Oil & Powder


Bend Over Spell to Get People to Do What You Want Them To

This spell can used anytime you want to get control over another person and bend them to your will. You can purchase Bend Over Powder and Bend Over Oil or you can make your own from the following recipes:

Bend Over Powder

Combine equal parts of the following:

Calamus Root


Bend Over Oil

To make the oil, combine the above powdered herbs, cover it three times over with almond oil. Keep it in a warm place for two weeks, shaking it once or twice per day. Strain and bottle it. For extra power add a few drops of Bergamot and Vanilla oils

Classic Bend Over Spell

Items You Will Need:

Black image candle to represent your subject


Red Ink (Dragon’s Blood Ink preferable)

Write the subject’s name nine times on the paper, then turn the paper 90 degrees and cross and cover it by writing, “Bend Over” nine times over the top of the names.

Inscribe the subject’s name on the candle. If you have a photo, signature, hair, fingernail clippings or a small personal item belonging to the person, carve out the bottom of the candle and insert this.

Anoint the candle with Bend Over oil and rub it in as you project your desires onto the candle. Envision what you want the person to do and how you want them to behave toward you.

Place your candle on its holder. Dip the four corners of the paper into the Bend Over oil. Sprinkle it with Bend Over powder. Fold the paper toward you two times, enfolding the powder in the middle. Imagine your desired outcome as you do so. Turn your paper 90 degrees and fold it one or two more times. Then place it under the candle holder.

Sprinkle Bend Over powder around the candle. Light it and let it burn all the way down. Bury the remains near the subject’s home or business and forget about it.

The Best For Last

The people in Washington have been come unreasonable. They will eventually settle this mess and people will forget. I hope they don’t and as many people this mess has effected they probably won’t. I believe as many others do that everyone in Washington should be send home next election. I ran across the spell and was so delighted to see it. You will either have to write it down or print it. Then put the spell in your BOS, whatever you do, do not lose it instead use it.

Cause a Politician to Lose an Election
Items You Will Need:
One black candle
One green candle
One white candle
One newspaper mentioning the election
Spread the newspaper out on your altar and say the following:
“This is the field of play, this is public opinion.”
Place the black candle on the newspaper and say the following:
“This is (Person’s name) his/her heart is as black as night.”
Place the white candle next to the black candle, and say:
“These are the people that will elect (Person’s name). They have not seen the evil of (Person’s name).”
Place the green candle next to the black candle, and say:
“This is the money that will allow (Person’s name) to achieve office.”
Light the black candle, then say the following:
“The evil and corruption of (Person’s name) is shining bright for all to see.”
Light the white candle, and say the following:
“The eyes of the people are open to the evil of (Person’s name). They see them for what they are. As the candle burns down their understanding and hatred of (Person’s name) will grow.”
Move the white candle to the other side of your altar and say the following:
“They forsake (Person’s name).”
Light the green candle, and say the following:
“The money leaves the evil (Person’s name). As the candle burns down so will their resources, until they are no more.”

Move the candle to the other side of the altar, and allow all of the candles to burn out to release the power of the spell.

The Witches Spell for Oct. 11th – Spell to Reverse Negative Psychic Energy


Spell to Reverse Negative Psychic Energy

This spell is done on Tuesday nights, right before you retire. Do for at least nine Tuesdays in a row. You can also make it a weekly ritual.


  • 1 large red votive candle
  • Run Devil Run incense
  • Reversible oil
  • A saucer or plate, plain white, reserved for this use only.


Anoint the red candle from middle to top then middle to bottom, concentrate on reversing all negative psychic messages sent to you, back to their senders. (Try not to visualize anyone, just the negativity being reversed away from you.) Light the incense. You can also carve that desire into the candle with an awl or knive. Take the wick out of the candle, remove it from the metal weight at the bottom. Now turn it around and replace back into the candle. Reversing the wick. Place it on the white plate.

Light the candle and continue the visualization for 7 minutes. Let candle burn itself out while you sleep. Make sure your candle is in a safe place. In the morning you can scry in the wax to find out who is sending you the negativity. Or you can just toss it! Who really wants to know anyway?