The Proper Timing for Magick c. 2017

Author: Taliesin McKnight

Timing is one of the most important things to consider when doing magick. Astrology can be likened to a great cosmic clock. It reflects the cycles and rhythms of nature. The proper alignment of the stars, the sun, the moon, and the planets should all be taken into consideration. Does this sound complex? I assure you it is not as complicated as it may sound. In fact, this may reduced to two things: the days of the week and the cycles of the moon.

The seven planets rule the seven days of the week. The names even derive from the planets in many different languages. In English these come from the names of the Norse planetary deities. Sunday is the day of the Sun; Monday is the day of the moon; Tuesday is the day of Tue (Mars) ; Wednesday is the day of Wodan (Mercury) ; Thursday is the day of Thor (Jupiter) ; Friday is the day of Freya (Venus) ; and Saturday is the day of Saturn. Therefore, for maximum astrological benefit, a love spell should be done on Friday, the day of Venus (planet ruling love) . In the same way, magick involving education may be done on Wednesday, which is ruled by Mercury. The planetary correspondences are as follows:

The Sun rules Sunday and is good for Success, luck, spirituality, knowledge, and healing. The moon rules on Mondays. This is a good time to do spells for intuition, dreams, astral travel, and communication with spirits. Mars rules on Tuesdays. It is a good time for effective magick involving battle, conflicts, protection, strength, overcoming adversity, and binding.

Mercury is the planet presiding over Wednesdays. This is a time for rituals for education, knowledge, divination, communication, and healing. Thursday is the day of Jupiter, and governs success, prosperity, luck, and leadership. Venus dominated on Fridays and can bring love, romance, heal relationships, and grant new friends. Saturday is governed by the baleful influence of Saturn. This planet grants protection, destruction, binding, curses, purification, and overcoming weakness.

In addition to the seven days of the week, the seven planets also rule the hours in the day. There are several different methods to calculating the planetary hours. One of these involves following the hours from sunrise to sunrise; another divides the hours between sunrise and sunset and divides them into 12 sections and the same is done for the period between sunsets. To avoid all the math and difficulty, a very simple and effective system omits this and simply uses the 24 hours from midnight to midnight. This has worked wonderfully for me and I see no reason to list the other methods. If you would like to examine other methods for calculating planetary hours, that information is readily available online or in other books on magick. For simplicity, just know that the planet for the day also rules the hour at 6 am, 1 pm, and 8 pm.

Now, to illustrate this, let us take an example. If you wanted to do a love spell, it would be a good idea to do this on Friday (the day of Venus) at 8 pm (the hour of Venus) . This acts as a magickal doorway in which the proper astrological conditions are right. In this way the magus moves with the cycles and the rhythms of nature. If one were to bind (or restrict) someone from causing harm to others, Saturday at 6 am would be a good time. The days and hours should be at least partially memorized. The easiest way to do this is to simply memorize which planets rule each day and to simply remember that the planet for that day also rules at 6 am, 1 pm, and 8 pm. In this way, it will not be necessary to look this up every time one wishes to do a spell!

The phases of the moon also have an important impact on the effectiveness of magick. The waxing (growing) phase and the full moon are good from creative magick and bringing things into your life; the waning (decreasing) phase and the new moon are used for destructive spells and getting rid of things in your life. This is the most stressed point in ritual timing in the Wiccan tradition.

The concept of moving with the phases of the moon is very ancient and is found in many different cultures. This can be seen as a more important element in timing than anything else. It is much better to go with the phases of the moon on the wrong day than to do it on the right day of the week and the wrong lunar phase. This aspect of magickal timing should not be over-looked. The full and new moons are peaks of the creative and destructive cycles. The mid-way points (the half moons during increase and decrease) are also times of great magickal power.

The last aspect of ritual timing is the moon sign. The moon passes through the 12 signs of the zodiac, remaining in each sign only for a few days. This is not as important a consideration as the other 2 timing concerns. Nonetheless, this can lend power to rituals and spells. When the moon is in an Earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) are good for financial concerns; when the sign is in an Air sign (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) are ideal for education and spells consistent with the characteristics of the element of Air. When the sign is in a Water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) it is a great time for spells that are connected to the Element of water and to emotions, artistry, and relationships; While the moon is in a Fire sign (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) it is a good time to do rituals of a fiery nature.

The individual characteristics of the sign (rather than just the element) should also be considered. This is not a very important aspect to magickal timing, so don’t stress too much over it. As I said before, though, utilizing this can only help and never hinder!

There are other lesser aspects to astrological timing. These would include the weather and the current Sun sign. The reason Sun signs are rarely considered is not so much that it is a weak influence, but rather that it is not practical to wait months just to do a spell, when it will probably no longer even be needed or be too late. This could also be a great aid if followed.

Weather is an issue as well. Storms are usually great for magick because it is a time of great elemental power. Furthermore, if one is doing a ritual involving the Sun, this should be done during the day and when it is sunny. One would assume this would go without saying. On the contrary, however, many people fail to recognize this simple concept. After all, it is only common sense. Thus, weather and the Sun sign can lend a lot of extra power to spells, if you would only harness that power with the use of correct ritual timing.

Now that this has all been laid down and explained, let us take another example to make sure these concepts are well understood. Let us say that someone is looking for a new job and decides to do some magick to help the job search. The moon should be waxing (this is for bringing things into your life) and the spell may be done on a Thursday (the day of Jupiter) at 1 pm (the hour of Jupiter) on a cloudy day because Jupiter is a sky god. The moon should also be in the sign of Capricorn. This would be an extremely good time for such a spell. The conditions are perfect.

Does timing have to be followed? Of course not! In the preceding example, the job is probably needed immediately. It would be foolish to wait for the right conditions during such an emergency. Do spells whenever they are needed. However, WHEN IT IS CONVENIENT, the astrological conditions should be considered. If a spell can wait for the perfect conditions, then great. If they spell can wait a few days for the right day ruled by the proper planet, that is good too. But if the spell can’t wait that long, then do it now. The spell can be repeated when the stars, sun, and moon are aligned right if needed. The spell will still work. The point is lending extra power to your spells. That’s it.

Following the cycles and rhythms of nature is also another way of aligning oneself with the universe. In the ancient Mystery Traditions, from which magick derives, Man was seen as a reflection of the cosmos. One is moving in accordance with the universe. We are moving with the tides of nature. Can magick be done against these cycles and still be effective? Sure. But it is like swimming against a current. Why not “ride with the tide”? It may even carry you a ways if you would only let go and let the currents of the Great Mother take you. Thus, in magick we try to follow the ways of Nature. Magick is merely using Her ways.

Remember, that which separates the initiate from the vulgar is simply that the occultist is aware of the laws of the universe and uses them to his or her advantage while others do not use this power that lies in their hands.

What is a Witch’s Familiar?

While many Witches have cats as familiars many of us have other furry or winged beings. A familiar is not an animal that goes out to do a Witch’s bidding, or to spy on their enemies or steal energy from others. A Witch’s familiar is their companion, a being that can help calm them as well as add power to some spells and/or rituals. They are not mean and attack people as they are so often portrayed as doing in films, TV shows, books, etc. You may be asking yourself “How do I know if a pet is my familiar or not?” or even “How do I find my familiar?” The best answers I have for these are if you feel a special bond with your pet, I’m not talking about a normal I love my pet kind of thing but

You may be asking yourself “How do I know if a pet is my familiar or not?” or even “How do I find my familiar?” The best answers I have for these are if you feel a special bond with your pet, I’m not talking about a normal I love my pet kind of thing, but it is hard to put into words, but I will try, it is a calming effect whenever you are upset and your pet comes to you or it makes you feel complete as a living being. You more than likely have one of your familiars for this lifetime. Now if you don’t have it or any pet and are looking for one my suggestion is first figure out if you are more drawn to dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters or…well I think you get where I’m going here. After that visit shelters, reliable pet shops, rescue places or even read the

Now if you don’t have it or any pet and are looking for one my suggestion is first figure out if you are more drawn to dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters or…well I think you get where I’m going here. After that visit shelters, reliable pet shops, rescue places or even read the classifieds in the newspaper and then go to see the animal(this is how I found my Cleo). Make sure you meet any animal that catches your eye. Do not make a snap decision but visit with the animal and see if it pick you as its human, pick it up cuddle with it or if it is to big for you to pick up and you can get down on its level. Believe me when I say you will know the animal is your familiar as soon as you make close physical contact with it. You will have a feeling a connection to that animal immediately.

Now we all know our lifespan is a lot longer then our companions/familiars is. Not to worry just as we live many lifetimes so do our familiars. So far for me in this lifetime my familiar has come to me as a cat, Tuffy, when I was 10 years old, he lived to be 17, then I got (my children…hahaha) a half cocker spaniel-half shelty mix, Boots, in my 30’s who lived for 14 1/2 years and now as my beautiful Cleo. The reason for me going so long in between Tuffy and Boots was I was in a rocky place on my life path barely able to take care of myself some days much less a pet plus I had fallen away from my Spiritual self and I hadn’t met the right companion for me during that time. Then between Boots and Cleo there was about a year and half while I was deciding what kind of pet I wanted. One day a friend of my husbands came over and brought his 4-month-old Min Pin, I had never really seen the breed before even though I had been working with canines for over 40 years and fell in love with the breed. So the search began and about 5 months later my hubby came home with an ad he had pulled out of our local newspaper for a breeder selling Min Pins very cheap. We called, made an appointment to see the litter, went to the breeders home and there were 3 girls and 1 boy. I was looking for a male only because up until this time my familiars had been male but the Universe had different plans for me this time. I put my hand into the enclosure the puppies were in and Cleo came up to chew on my engagement ring, lick my hand and try to climb over the fence, mind you, she was only 5 inches tall and weighed in at 2 pounds. I took my hand away from her trying to pet her siblings, she would have none of that as she pushed them away from my hand. So after putting my hand in and out a few times to see if she would keep coming over, which she did. When my hubby put his hand in there the same thing happened, she pushed everyone else out of the way to get to his hand. I asked to hold her and there was instant bond with her and I. While her and my hubby are friendly there is no doubt that she is my companion and familiar.

Added note 2015– In 2014 I got a rescue Chihuahua, named Starbabie. She is now three years old and is another familiar of mine. I do not know why I have two of them in my life right now, but I am grateful for it. Towards the beginning of this year I was alone in our home for almost week with just my girls, I live next door to a state-run group home for boys some of who just got out of jail for violent crimes. Even though my girls are small I was not worried because Cleo kept watch on the outside of the house (through the picture windows in the living room and my den) and Star never left my side

Copyright 2012 Lady Beltane

Meaning of Some Types of Flowers c. 2015

Flowers have always been a big feature at weddings, too. As an example, look to the royal flower bouquet in the wedding of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, to Kate Middleton (now Catherine, Ducchess of Cambridge). Her flowers had very special meaning.

The groom, too, wears a flower that appears in the bridal bouquet in his button-hole. This stems from the Medieval tradition of wearing his Lady’s colors, as a declaration of his love.

One fun idea is to have a garden gathering and have each person bring a flower that has meaning to them. Or, paint tiles on a kitchen island with a flower that represents each of your loved ones.

There is a language, little known,
Lovers claim it as their own.
Its symbols smile upon the land,
Wrought by nature’s wondrous hand;
And in their silent beauty speak,
Of life and joy, to those who seek
For Love Divine and sunny hours
In the language of the flowers.

–The Language of Flowers, London, 1875

Please tell us which flowers have meaning to you! If we are missing one of your favorites, please tell us which one and its meaning.

Wish to grow a flower that has meaning to you or a loved one? Click on the linked plant names for free planting and growing guides.

Symbolic Meanings of Herbs, Flowers and Trees
Aloe Healing, protection, affection
Angelica Inspiration
Arborvitae Unchanging friendship
Bachelor’s button Single blessedness
Basil Good wishes
Bay Glory
Black-eyed Susan Justice
Carnation Alas for my poor heart
Chamomile Patience
Chives Usefulness
Chrysanthemum Cheerfulness
Clover, white Think of me
Coriander Hidden worth
Crocus, spring Youthful gladness
Cumin Fidelity
Daffodil Regard
Daisy Innocence, hope
Dill Powerful against evil
Edelweiss Courage, devotion
Fennel Flattery
Fern Sincerity
Forget-me-not Forget-me-not
Geranium, oak-leaved True friendship
Goldenrod Encouragement
Heliotrope Eternal love
Holly Hope
Hollyhock Ambition
Honeysuckle Bonds of love
Horehound Health
Hyacinth Constancy of love, fertility
Hyssop Sacrifice, cleanliness
Iris A message
Ivy Friendship, continuity
Jasmine, white Sweet love
Lady’s-mantle Comforting
Lavender Devotion, virtue
Lemon balm Sympathy
Lilac Joy of youth
Lily-of-the-valley Sweetness
Marjoram Joy and happiness
Mint Virtue
Morning glory Affection
Myrtle The emblem of marriage, true love
Nasturtium Patriotism
Oak Strength
Oregano Substance
Pansy Thoughts
Parsley Festivity
Pine Humility
Poppy, red Consolation
Rose, red Love, desire
Rosemary Remembrance
Rue Grace, clear vision
Sage Wisdom, immortality
Salvia, blue I think of you
Salvia, red Forever mine
Savory Spice, interest
Sorrel Affection
Southernwood Constancy, jest
Sweet pea Pleasures
Sweet William Gallantry
Sweet woodruff Humility
Tansy Hostile thoughts
Tarragon Lasting interest
Thyme Courage, strength
Tulip, red Declaration of love
Valerian Readiness
Violet Loyalty, devotion, faithfulness
Willow Sadness
Yarrow Everlasting love
Zinnia Thoughts of absent friends

Credit: KafeKafe

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Flower Magic: The Secret Language Of The Flowers c. 2015

There are many things that were known only about a hundred years ago that have become lost, and the secret language of the flowers is one of them. In days gone by it was held an important part of women’s education to know home remedies, about the qualities of plants and this had a large metaphysical component.

Just knowing that there is a secret language of flowers changes many things; and of course has many applications in practical as well as esoteric magic and energy magic.

Right up to Victorian times, the meaning of flowers was common knowledge amongst people and was used to transmit messages and information.

In this painting which looks so harmless to a modern Westerner and merely decorative, there is story told in flowers about the person who painted it, and the person for whom they painted it. That’s a second layer of information, invisible to those who are not in the know; because of this it is called the secret language of flowers.

If you look for it, you will find flowers everywhere – they appear seemingly harmlessly and randomly in portraits, in the background of stained glass windows in a church; they are carved in stone in palaces and temples; and often you will see a depiction of saints and important historical figures who are holding a flower, or are pointing to one.

On a visit to an old graveyard, you can tell the plants that were chosen to be on a person’s grave, using the secret language of flowers – and the vast majority of people walk right by and have no idea that all of that is going on.

Importantly, flowers were used to express emotions, especially in romantic relationships. Gentlemen would bring posies to the ladies; and the ladies would wear very specific flowers on their hats, or choose or make fabrics that would bear particular flower motives.

Any fabric pre-dating the Second World War has this language of flowers, this additional meaning and information, interwoven into its very structure; this is practical magic where intention is added to a natural existence and used intelligently in order to bring about a change in reality.Flower language magic sleep cushion

For example, if you put on a cushion a design that says in the language of flowers, “If you put your head on this cushion to rest, you will have sweet dreams of love, independence, freedom and joy,” that’s a pure piece of human magic or witchcraft at work. For people who actively practice the art of bringing intention into daily life and shaping their own destiny that way, the language of flowers, that secret layer of intention, energy and information, provides a dictionary of symbols that can be practically evoked in spells and rituals, in magic potions by adding the physical components of that particular flower to the spell.

If you learn the secret language of the flowers, you have a magical alphabet to make your own spells; this is how most of magic works, you don’t learn a bunch of spells and ingredients by heart, but instead, you learn what the ingredients do and so you can mix and match for every occasion.

Flower language in a portrait - a picture that says more ...For example, one of the only surviving flower language symbols is that of the red rose for romantic love. People might nowadays have absolutely no idea what a bluebell was meant to mean only a hundred years ago, or even what a Valerian flower looks like, never mind where you could find one or what its flower language message is, but it is still known that a red rose means love.

Knowing that, you can add the petals of a red rose to any love potion that has a physical/sexual strand to it; and also to any other type of potion where a physical/sexual strand would add a bit of va va voom to the spell in question.

As always, knowing even a little bit about magic opens your eyes, ears and your other senses to the simple fact that there is more to life than the dour ones would have us believe.

Wondering what was said about this lady in the portrait here by the flowers makes meeting with this image in a whole new way. Modern science will have us believe that our ancestors were all a bunch of idiots who believed in superstitious nonsense and that there is no such thing as the invisible worlds of energy and information.

I’m afraid they are the fools; and it’s a shame because the world becomes a much more interesting place when you pay attention and find out about such things as the secret language of the flowers, and how this has been used throughout the ages of mankind to tell us things most people now will never understand.

And if you make the secret language of the flowers your own, you can do many interesting, inspiring and wonderful things with that – even if it’s just choosing a wallpaper that has the right flowers for your purposes on it, and smiling every day when you see it again.

Below is a very short version of the secret language of flowers; for a much more comprehensive flower language dictionary from A-Z with a search function and a reverse list so you can decide the quality/meaning you need and then look up the right flower or plant, go here:

See the complete “Secret Language Of The Flowers” here.

Wishing you much joy with The Secret Language Of The Flowers,


Spring 2011

Flower Language: The Secret Language Of Flowers
See the complete “Secret Language Of The Flowers” here.

Amaranthus Immortal
Amaryllis Beautiful, but timid
Aster, double Variety
Aster, single Afterthought
Arbutus Thee only do I love
Acacia Friendship
Apple Blossom Preference
Asphodel Remembered after death
Arbor Vitæ (Tree of Life) Unchanging friendship
Alyssum Worth beyond beauty
Anemone Your love changes
Azalea Pleasant recollections
Argeratum Worth beyond beauty
Balsam Impatience
Blue Bell Constancy
Balm Pleasantry
Bay I change but in death
Bachelor’s Button Hope
Begonia Deformed
Buttercup Memories of childhood
Brier, Sweet Envy
Calla Feminine Modesty
Carnation Pride
Clematis Mental Excellence
Cypress Disappointment, Despair
Crocus Happiness
Columbine I cannot give thee up
Cresses Always cheerful
Canterbury Bell Constancy
Cereus, Night-blooming Transient beauty
Candytuft Indifference
Chrysanthemum Heart left desolate
Clover, White I promise
Clover, Four-leaved Be mine
Crown Imperial Authority
Camellia Spotless purity
Cissus Changeable
Centaurea Your looks deceive me
Cineraria Singleness of heart
Daisy, Field I will think of it
Dahlia Dignity
Daffodil Unrequited love
Dandelion Coquetry
Everlasting Always remembered
Everlasting Pea Wilt thou go with me
Ebony Blackness
Fuchsia Humble love
Foxglove Insincerity
Fern Sincerity
Fennel Strength
Forget-me-not For ever remembered
Fraxinella Fire
Geranium, Ivy Fond of dancing
Geranium, Oak A melancholy mind
Geranium, Rose I prefer you
Geranium, Scarlet Stillness
Gladiolus Ready armed
Golden Rod Encouragement
Gillyflower Promptness
Hyacinth Benevolence
Honeysuckle Devoted love
House Leek Domestic economy
Heliotrope I adore you
Hibiscus Delicate beauty
Hollyhock Ambition
Hydrangea Vain glory
Ice Plant Your looks freeze me
Ivy Friendship
Iris A message for thee
Jonquil Affection returned
Larkspur Fickleness
Lantana Rigor
Laurel Words may deceive
Lavender Mistrust
Lemon Blossom Discretion
Lady Slipper Capricious beauty
Lily of the Valley Return of happiness
Lily Passion
May Flower Welcome
Marigold Sacred affection
Marigold and Cypress Despair
Mandrake Rarity
Mignonette Your qualities surpass your charms
Morning Glory Coquetry, Affectation
Myrtle Love in absence
Mistletoe Insurmountable
Narcissus Egotism
Nasturtium Patriotism
Oxalis Reverie
Orange Blossom Purity
Olive Peace
Oleander Beware
Primrose Modest worth
Pink, White Pure love
Pink, Red Devoted love
Phlox Our hearts are united
Periwinkle Sweet memories
Pæony Ostentation
Pansy You occupy my thoughts
Poppy Oblivion
Rhododendron Agitation
Rose, Bud White Maiden love
Rose, Leaf I never trouble
Rose Moss Superior merit
Rose, Red I love you
Rose, Yellow Infidelity
Rosemary Remembrance
Sensitive Plant Modesty
Snowdrop Consolation
Sumach Pride and poverty
Sweet William Gallantry
Sunflower Lofty thought
Tuberose Purity of mind
Thyme Activity
Tulip Declaration of love
Verbena Sensibility
Violet, Blue Faithfulness
Wall Flower Fidelity in misfortune
Wisteria Close friendship
Yucca Your looks pierce me
Yew Sadness
Zinnia I mourn your absence

See the complete

“Secret Language Of The Flowers”

Key Features Needed To Make A Ritual Work c. 2014

WOTC Extra  – Key Features Needed To Make A Ritual Work

Wiccan rituals fit together a variety of tried-and-true magickal methods to form a congruous whole, rather like a spiritual jigsaw puzzle. Dancing around a ritual fire, singing, chanting, meditating, communicating with deities, casting spells, crafting charms, making wishes, pouring libations, asperging the participants or the sacred space — every part of a ritual has purpose and meaning in relation to the whole.

In Wiccan rituals, great care is taken to make sure there are no meaningless words or actions. A ritual without meaning becomes a liturgy to which the participants have no connection, and therefore cannot effect magick.

Not every ritual you create or attend will contain all of the following elements. However, any of these features applied in meaningful combinations will help generate similarly meaningful results.


Where a ritual transpires has a tremendous effect on the participants and the resulting magick. Many witches enjoy enacting rituals outdoors. This allows participants to connect with nature and to recognize their place in the universe. If you’re a solitary witch, you have more options than a group of thirty people might. If you live in a heavily populated city, you may not have as many sites to choose from as rural witches do.

Accept your limitations and plan with the goals of the ritual in mind. Make sure that your space, whether indoors or outside, can comfortably hold all the people participating in the ritual and allow for the process to take place. If you’re going to do a spiral dance, you need a lot of room. Sitting and meditating, by comparison, requires far less space.


The right environment for your ritual is essential. Ideally, the place where you perform ritual should be a sacred space dedicated to this purpose. You don’t want anything to distract, interrupt, or otherwise take you away from the ritual at an important juncture — it should go without saying that ritual space is a cell-phone-free zone. Set the right mood by using appropriate decorations, aromatics, altar configuration, and so on. All of these components should reflect the ritual’s purpose.

Seasonal rituals usually include decorative and symbolic touches that reflect the cycle being commemorated. Fresh blossoms might grace an Ostara ritual; evergreen boughs compliment a Yule celebration. Well-chosen music, incense, and thematic items can make a big difference in the ambiance of a ritual. These touches affect your senses, which in turn influence both the conscious and subconscious mind.

Personal Preparation

Everyone in attendance should be in the right frame of mind, for their combined thoughts and emotions generate the ritual’s energy. When you participate in a ritual, you set aside daily concerns and mundane thoughts to focus on the goal of the ritual.

Before beginning a ceremony, many witches take ritual baths to cleanse themselves in body and mind. Salt is usually added to the bathwater (symbolizing purification) and sometimes essential oils. Ideally, you should bathe in a stream, lake, or the ocean; however, most ritual baths take place in an ordinary indoor tub.

Witches gather in circles to demonstrate visually and spatially each participant’s equal responsibility and relevance in the ritual. Everyone who chooses to participate should feel wholly comfortable with the ritual and its components. They should understand the ritual’s significance, its goals, and the steps involved, and be ready to contribute mentally and physically to the ritual’s purpose.

For the good of all, anyone who cannot fulfill these conditions is better off not participating. One person’s lower energies or distractions become a weak link in the circle of the power of creation and the direction of magickal energy.

Tools and Components

Do you need a complete altar setup? Do you want to wear costumes? What about a special altar cloth? A ritual might require any of the following tools:







Circumference-marking material (such as chalk)

Crystals or stones

Drum or other musical instruments

Essential oils

Feather or fan

Foods or beverages


Incense burner

Masks (or other props)

Objects representing the four elements



Plants or flowers


Smudge wand




Everything that will be used in the ritual should be cleansed in advance. In addition, each ritual object should be charged for its task in the ritual. (Refer to the cleansing and charging methods described in Chapter 13.) Bring all the items you’ll need for the ritual into the area where you’ll be working before you cast a circle.


A ritual follows a logical progression, like a play. The ritual’s progression creates the pattern — the actions and words that become tradition.

Each ritual should have a defined beginning, such as creating sacred space. The beginning of a ritual sets the tone for everything to follow. In particular, it transports the participants to that place between the worlds and unifies their hearts and spirits, directing them toward the ritual’s goal. A typical beginning in a group setting might include breathing in unison, holding hands, and calling the Watchtowers. Practitioners of solitary rituals might take a moment for prayer or meditation, followed by invoking the circle.

After the ritual space reaches this juncture, what happens varies dramatically, depending on the ritual and its goals. As mentioned previously, this middle portion might involve weaving spells, dancing, singing, drumming, meditations, visualization, divination, enactments, and so on. Whatever takes place should be congruent with the beginning of the ritual.

As is the case with spellcraft, the more sensual aspects you include, the more energy a ritual is likely to raise. As participants work their way through the ritual, everything perceived through their senses helps them maintain focus and direct energy. When the members of the circle are raising energy, drumming might get faster or chanting might grow louder, for example. Each cue communicates the goals of the ritual to the individual’s awareness and to the Divine, and therefore nourishes the magick.

“I think the highest purpose of ritual or magickal work is to seek our gods, to commune with the cosmic ‘mirror’ and the spirits of nature in order to learn more of the divinity within ourselves and reach evermore toward personal growth in its highest expression.”

— Maria Kay Simms, A Time for Magick

Human beings like closure; solid endings also bring the participants’ attention back to mundane matters. A ritual without a defined ending is like omitting the last chapter in a book; it leaves both the participants and the energy hanging. It’s also important to thank and release the Watchtowers who have been present during the ritual. Furthermore, participants need this time to gear down a bit (or ground out, as witches say). End the ritual by deconstructing the circle, saying a closing prayer, or stating a parting wish. Some circles end with a chant:

The circle is open, but unbroken May the peace of the Goddess be forever in your heart. Merry meet and merry part And merry meet again.

Sky Alexander
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Elemental Energies in Magick – Spirit

Some of the Elemental Energies in Magick for Spirit

The element of Spirit is the 5th unseen element. It is the combination of all the energies of the four elements and it is very hard to work with    because there is nothing to focus on. In fact the only real way to connect to this 5th element is to look inside yourself and connect with that part of you    that is unique and different from other people. The part of you that is noble, confident, honorable and strong. This is the part of you that is Spirit.    Unfortunately for most people, connecting to this part of themselves is made a lot more difficult than it has to be because of fear and insecurity. What if    they don’t have enough of these good qualities to ever connect to something that no one can see, touch, smell or hear? The answer lies in your own    personal mythology. Take for instance any story you have ever heard that moved you and inspired you. It can be a fairy tale you heard when you were a child    or a story you heard yesterday. You don’t have to believe the story was true to use the energy it raises inside of you. You need only focus on the way    it makes you feel and then translate it to other situations in your everyday life. In fact these stories represent psychological archetypes that we all    share which is why story-telling is common in our culture. We all have a craving for Spirit. Our mythology is the code of the unconscious mind, and it    paves the way to connecting to Spirit. So when you want to invoke the element of Spirit, summon the feelings of triumph or joy that stem from your personal    mythologies. The energy exists on its own for you to use and direct even after you have forgotten about the story. Once you have summoned the energy,    directing it is another matter. Spirit energy is often represented by the color white or ultra-violet (invisible) light. You should imagine whatever color    helps you define the Spirit energy you feel. This can be white, clear, ultra-violet, etc. It’s really up to you because this is your personal energy    source. Like all the other elements, Spirit energy is a part of nature, however, this is the point where YOU become another aspect of nature just as Fire,    Water, Air and Earth are parts of nature. Spirit represents the superconscious mental processes (as opposed to the conscious mental processes of Air and    the unconscious mental processes of Water). For this reason magick in all forms will be successful when performed under the supervision and assistance of    Spirit, ruled by the spirit of the center of the Four Winds, Metatron.

Deosil and Withershins

When casting, dancing or chanting in a circle for ritual purposes. Wiccans refer to the direction described as either “deosil” or “Withershins.”  When “deosil” (comes from the Irish Gaelic meaning, “turn to the right) is specified, this means clockwise, the direction in which the Sun apparently moves in the Northern Hemisphere, and in which circles are usually cast for positive magick. “Withershins” (or widdershins”) whose roots are embedded in the German words wider (“against”) and Sinn (‘sense’), means counterclockwise, and this is the banishing direction used for negative magick.

Sunny Days

Maximize the power of a spell cast during Leo’s reign by practicing it on a Sunday, the weekday whose dedication to the Lion’s planetary ruler remains enshrined in many modern European languages, including English.

Life As The Witch – Recognizing Our Goddess, HEKATE (Hecate)

Hekate: A Modern Implications

These days, Hekate is often still seen as the Goddess of Witchcraft and Dark Magick, a Dark Crone, because of her connection to the line between life and death. Her chthonic roots are attributed to her aspects as a Death Goddess, but in truth she is not solely death aspected. Her nature is one of transformation, and though change can be terrifying and damaging, it can also be beatific. To think of Her only as a chthonic, Underworld Goddess is to ignore part of her nature.

These days we too often see things in terms of diametric, opposites (light/dark, masculine, feminine, God/Goddess, as if the vast universe is written in binary, nothing more than ones and zeros. While these dichotomies play a role in the nature of the universe, they are also simplified depictions. Deity cannot be contained in the use of dichotomy, because deity transcends those terms.

Hekate is neither light nor dark; she is the very scale of graduation, present at the exact point at which one type of gray becomes another, between every gradient and at either end of the spectrum. Each change is her territory, and there are billions of transformations every day.

Hekate’s connection to magic is another aspect of her nature. Through magic we take what is only potential and pull it into reality, imprinting the mundane world with what could be. And this is one of the biggest changes of all, the transformation for which Hekate has always been particularly revered. Magick is transformation, and it’s from this that Hekate’s association with it is.

In invoking Heckate we can learn to accept changes in our lives, both positive and negative, and we can also create change in our own worlds. She aids the completion and manifestation of spells and when called for divinatory purposes she can help to reveal the truth more readily. She can part the Veil, to allow clearer vision or communion with the dead. Hekate is a protector of children, especially when they walk hard paths, but also in the journey into adulthood.

Hekate guards the crossroads, both those that line our physical reality and those that mark our passage through life, through our spirituality, and through the journey that is existence.


Excerpt from:”The Transformative Nature of Hekate”

by Marion Sipe

Llewellyn’s 2012 Magical Living Companion

Monday Is Ruled By the Moon

Monday Is Ruled By the Moon

This day of the week is dedicated to the moon and all of her magic and mystery. Mondays are for women’s mysteries, illusion, prophetic dreaming, emotions, travel, and fertility.

Some suggestions for Monday enchantments would include:

*Getting outside and looking for the moon in the heavens. Sit under her light and absorb a little glamour. Call on the moon goddess Selene for practical help in magical issues.

*Invoking the god Thoth for wisdom and insight

*Empowering your silver jewelry under the light of the moon. Wear moonstone or pearl jewelry today to add a lunar and magical shimmer to your outfit. Be mysterious and subtle and wear moon-associated colors such as white, silver, and blue.

*Working spells for safe travel with a simple moonstone

*Gathering bluebells, jasmine, gardenias, or white roses to create a little garden witchery with the flowers that are associated with the moon

*Setting up a lunar Tarot spell today to increase your psychic powers

*Eating a lunar fruit such as a melon to be healthy, serene, and at peace

*Brewing up a cup of chamomile or mint tea and enchanting it for sweet dreams and restful sleep

Monday Is Ruled By the Moon

gothic woman
Monday Is Ruled By the Moon

This day of the week is dedicated to the moon and all of her magic and mystery. Mondays are for women’s mysteries, illusion, prophetic dreaming, emotions, travel, and fertility.

Some suggestions for Monday enchantments would include:

*Getting outside and looking for the moon in the heavens. Sit under her light and absorb a little glamour. Call on the moon goddess Selene for practical help in magical issues.

*Invoking the god Thoth for wisdom and insight

*Empowering your silver jewelry under the light of the moon. Wear moonstone or pearl jewelry today to add a lunar and magical shimmer to your outfit.

*Be mysterious and subtle and wear moon-associated colors such as white, silver, and blue.

*Working spells for safe travel with a simple moonstone

*Gathering bluebells, jasmine, gardenias, or white roses to create a little garden witchery with the flowers that are associated with the moon

*Setting up a lunar Tarot spell today to increase your psychic powers

*Eating a lunar fruit such as a melon to be healthy, serene, and at peace

*Brewing up a cup of chamomile or mint tea and enchanting it for sweet dreams and restful sleep

Monday Is Ruled By the Moon

We Are The Power..♥ Kyuu~
Monday Is Ruled By the Moon

This day of the week is dedicated to the moon and all of her magic and mystery. Mondays are for women’s mysteries, illusion, prophetic dreaming, emotions, travel, and fertility.

Some suggestions for Monday enchantments would include:

*Getting outside and looking for the moon in the heavens. Sit under her light and absorb a little glamour. Call on the moon goddess Selene for practical help in magical issues.

*Invoking the god Thoth for wisdom and insight

*Empowering your silver jewelry under the light of the moon. Wear moonstone or pearl jewelry today to add a lunar and magical shimmer to your outfit.

*Be mysterious and subtle and wear moon-associated colors such as white, silver, and blue.

*Working spells for safe travel with a simple moonstone

*Gathering bluebells, jasmine, gardenias, or white roses to create a little garden witchery with the flowers that are associated with the moon

*Setting up a lunar Tarot spell today to increase your psychic powers

*Eating a lunar fruit such as a melon to be healthy, serene, and at peace

*Brewing up a cup of chamomile or mint tea and enchanting it for sweet dreams and restful sleep

Monday Is Ruled By the Moon

Past, Present, Future
Monday Is Ruled By the Moon

This day of the week is dedicated to the moon and all of her magic and mystery. Mondays are for women’s mysteries, illusion, prophetic dreaming, emotions, travel, and fertility.

Some suggestions for Monday enchantments would include:

*Getting outside and looking for the moon in the heavens. Sit under her light and absorb a little glamour. Call on the moon goddess Selene for practical help in magical issues.

*Invoking the god Thoth for wisdom and insight

*Empowering your silver jewelry under the light of the moon. Wear moonstone or pearl jewelry today to add a lunar and magical shimmer to your outfit. Be mysterious and subtle and wear moon-associated colors such as white, silver, and blue.

*Working spells for safe travel with a simple moonstone

*Gathering bluebells, jasmine, gardenias, or white roses to create a little garden witchery with the flowers that are associated with the moon

*Setting up a lunar Tarot spell today to increase your psychic powers

*Eating a lunar fruit such as a melon to be healthy, serene, and at peace

*Brewing up a cup of chamomile or mint tea and enchanting it for sweet dreams and restful sleep

Monday Is Ruled By the Moon

Monday Is Ruled By the Moon

This day of the week is dedicated to the moon and all of her magic and mystery. Mondays are for women’s mysteries, illusion, prophetic dreaming, emotions, travel, and fertility.

Some suggestions for Monday enchantments would include:

*Getting outside and looking for the moon in the heavens. Sit under her light and absorb a little glamour. Call on the moon goddess Selene for practical help in magical issues.

*Invoking the god Thoth for wisdom and insight

*Empowering your silver jewelry under the light of the moon. Wear moonstone or pearl jewelry today to add a lunar and magical shimmer to your outfit. Be mysterious and subtle and wear moon-associated colors such as white, silver, and blue.

*Working spells for safe travel with a simple moonstone

*Gathering bluebells, jasmine, gardenias, or white roses to create a little garden witchery with the flowers that are associated with the moon

*Setting up a lunar Tarot spell today to increase your psychic powers

*Eating a lunar fruit such as a melon to be healthy, serene, and at peace

*Brewing up a cup of chamomile or mint tea and enchanting it for sweet dreams and restful sleep

Monday Is Ruled By the Moon

Egyptian beauty
Monday Is Ruled By the Moon

This day of the week is dedicated to the moon and all of her magic and mystery. Mondays are for women’s mysteries, illusion, prophetic dreaming, emotions, travel, and fertility.

Some suggestions for Monday enchantments would include:

*Getting outside and looking for the moon in the heavens. Sit under her light and absorb a little glamour. Call on the moon goddess Selene for practical help in magical issues.

*Invoking the god Thoth for wisdom and insight

*Empowering your silver jewelry under the light of the moon. Wear moonstone or pearl jewelry today to add a lunar and magical shimmer to your outfit. Be mysterious and subtle and wear moon-associated colors such as white, silver, and blue.

*Working spells for safe travel with a simple moonstone

*Gathering bluebells, jasmine, gardenias, or white roses to create a little garden witchery with the flowers that are associated with the moon

*Setting up a lunar Tarot spell today to increase your psychic powers

*Eating a lunar fruit such as a melon to be healthy, serene, and at peace

*Brewing up a cup of chamomile or mint tea and enchanting it for sweet dreams and restful sleep

Monday Is Ruled By the Moon

Game of Life

Monday Is Ruled By the Moon

This day of the week is dedicated to the moon and all of her magic and mystery. Mondays are for women’s mysteries, illusion, prophetic dreaming, emotions, travel, and fertility. Some suggestions for Monday enchantments would include:

*Getting outside and looking for the moon in the heavens. Sit under her light and absorb a little glamour. Call on the moon goddess Selene for practical help in magical issues.

*Invoking the god Thoth for wisdom and insight

*Empowering your silver jewelry under the light of the moon. Wear moonstone or pearl jewelry today to add a lunar and magical shimmer to your outfit. Be mysterious and subtle and wear moon-associated colors such as white, silver, and blue.

*Working spells for safe travel with a simple moonstone

*Gathering bluebells, jasmine, gardenias, or white roses to create a little garden witchery with the flowers that are associated with the moon

*Setting up a lunar Tarot spell today to increase your psychic powers

*Eating a lunar fruit such as a melon to be healthy, serene, and at peace

*Brewing up a cup of chamomile or mint tea and enchanting it for sweet dreams and restful sleep

Monday Is Ruled By the Moon

Winter Images

Monday Is Ruled By the Moon

This day of the week is dedicated to the moon and all of her magic and mystery. Mondays are for women’s mysteries, illusion, prophetic dreaming, emotions, travel, and fertility.

Some suggestions for Monday enchantments would include:

*Getting outside and looking for the moon in the heavens. Sit under her light and absorb a little glamour. Call on the moon goddess Selene for practical help in magical issues.

*Invoking the god Thoth for wisdom and insight

*Empowering your silver jewelry under the light of the moon. Wear moonstone or pearl jewelry today to add a lunar and magical shimmer to your outfit. Be mysterious and subtle and wear moon-associated colors such as white, silver, and blue.

*Working spells for safe travel with a simple moonstone

*Gathering bluebells, jasmine, gardenias, or white roses to create a little garden witchery with the flowers that are associated with the moon

*Setting up a lunar Tarot spell today to increase your psychic powers

*Eating a lunar fruit such as a melon to be healthy, serene, and at peace

*Brewing up a cup of chamomile or mint tea and enchanting it for sweet dreams and restful sleep

Monday Is Ruled By the Moon


Monday Is Ruled By the Moon


This day of the week is dedicated to the moon and all of her magic and mystery. Mondays are for women’s mysteries, illusion, prophetic dreaming, emotions, travel, and fertility.

Some suggestions for Monday enchantments would include:

*Getting outside and looking for the moon in the heavens. Sit under her light and absorb a little glamour. Call on the moon goddess Selene for practical help in magical issues.

*Invoking the god Thoth for wisdom and insight

*Empowering your silver jewelry under the light of the moon. Wear moonstone or pearl jewelry today to add a lunar and magical shimmer to your outfit. Be mysterious and subtle and wear moon-associated colors such as white, silver, and blue.

*Working spells for safe travel with a simple moonstone

*Gathering bluebells, jasmine, gardenias, or white roses to create a little garden witchery with the flowers that are associated with the moon

*Setting up a lunar Tarot spell today to increase your psychic powers

*Eating a lunar fruit such as a melon to be healthy, serene, and at peace

*Brewing up a cup of chamomile or mint tea and enchanting it for sweet dreams and restful sleep

Monday Is Ruled By the Moon

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Monday Is Ruled By the Moon


This day of the week is dedicated to the moon and all of her magic and mystery. Mondays are for women’s mysteries, illusion, prophetic dreaming, emotions, travel, and fertility.

Some suggestions for Monday enchantments would include:

*Getting outside and looking for the moon in the heavens. Sit under her light and absorb a little glamour. Call on the moon goddess Selene for practical help in magical issues.

*Invoking the god Thoth for wisdom and insight

*Empowering your silver jewelry under the light of the moon. Wear moonstone or pearl jewelry today to add a lunar and magical shimmer to your outfit. Be mysterious and subtle and wear moon-associated colors such as white, silver, and blue.

*Working spells for safe travel with a simple moonstone

*Gathering bluebells, jasmine, gardenias, or white roses to create a little garden witchery with the flowers that are associated with the moon

*Setting up a lunar Tarot spell today to increase your psychic powers

*Eating a lunar fruit such as a melon to be healthy, serene, and at peace

*Brewing up a cup of chamomile or mint tea and enchanting it for sweet dreams and restful sleep


Monday Is Ruled By the Moon

The Cartoon Wiccan

Monday Is Ruled By the Moon


This day of the week is dedicated to the moon and all of her magic and mystery. Mondays are for women’s mysteries, illusion, prophetic dreaming, emotions, travel, and fertility.

Some suggestions for Monday enchantments would include:

*Getting outside and looking for the moon in the heavens. Sit under her light and absorb a little glamour. Call on the moon goddess Selene for practical help in magical issues.

*Invoking the god Thoth for wisdom and insight

*Empowering your silver jewelry under the light of the moon. Wear moonstone or pearl jewelry today to add a lunar and magical shimmer to your outfit. Be mysterious and subtle and wear moon-associated colors such as white, silver, and blue.

*Working spells for safe travel with a simple moonstone

*Gathering bluebells, jasmine, gardenias, or white roses to create a little garden witchery with the flowers that are associated with the moon

*Setting up a lunar Tarot spell today to increase your psychic powers

*Eating a lunar fruit such as a melon to be healthy, serene, and at peace

*Brewing up a cup of chamomile or mint tea and enchanting it for sweet dreams and restful sleep


This day of the week is dedicated to the moon and all of her magic and mystery. Mondays are for women’s mysteries, illusion, prophetic dreaming, emotions, travel, and fertility.

Some suggestions for Monday enchantments would include:

*Getting outside and looking for the moon in the heavens. Sit under her light and absorb a little glamour. Call on the moon goddess Selene for practical help in magical issues.

*Invoking the god Thoth for wisdom and insight

*Empowering your silver jewelry under the light of the moon. Wear moonstone or pearl jewelry today to add a lunar and magical shimmer to your outfit. Be mysterious and subtle and wear moon-associated colors such as white, silver, and blue.

*Working spells for safe travel with a simple moonstone

*Gathering bluebells, jasmine, gardenias, or white roses to create a little garden witchery with the flowers that are associated with the moon

*Setting up a lunar Tarot spell today to increase your psychic powers

*Eating a lunar fruit such as a melon to be healthy, serene, and at peace

*Brewing up a cup of chamomile or mint tea and enchanting it for sweet dreams and restful sleep


Monday Is Ruled By the Moon


Monday Is Ruled By the Moon


This day of the week is dedicated to the moon and all of her magic and mystery. Mondays are for women’s mysteries, illusion, prophetic dreaming, emotions, travel, and fertility.

Some suggestions for Monday enchantments would include:

*Getting outside and looking for the moon in the heavens. Sit under her light and absorb a little glamour. Call on the moon goddess Selene for practical help in magical issues.

*Invoking the god Thoth for wisdom and insight

*Empowering your silver jewelry under the light of the moon. Wear moonstone or pearl jewelry today to add a lunar and magical shimmer to your outfit. Be mysterious and subtle and wear moon-associated colors such as white, silver, and blue.

*Working spells for safe travel with a simple moonstone

*Gathering bluebells, jasmine, gardenias, or white roses to create a little garden witchery with the flowers that are associated with the moon

*Setting up a lunar Tarot spell today to increase your psychic powers

*Eating a lunar fruit such as a melon to be healthy, serene, and at peace

*Brewing up a cup of chamomile or mint tea and enchanting it for sweet dreams and restful sleep