Samhain (Samain) – The Celtic roots of Halloween

As millions of children and adults participate in the fun of Halloween on the night of October 31st, few will be aware of its ancient Celtic roots in the Samhain (Samain) festival. In Celtic Ireland about 2,000 years ago, Samhain was the division of the year between the lighter half (summer) and the darker half (winter). At Samhain the division between this world and the otherworld was at its thinnest, allowing spirits to pass through.

The family’s ancestors were honoured and invited home whilst harmful spirits were warded off. People wore costumes and masks to disguise themselves as harmful spirits and thus avoid harm. Bonfires and food played a large part in the festivities. The bones of slaughtered livestock were cast into a communal fire, household fires were extinguished and started again from the bonfire. Food was prepared for the living and the dead, food for the ancestors who were in no position it eat it, was ritually shared with the less well off.

Christianity incorporated the honouring of the dead into the Christian calendar with All Saints (All Hallows) on November 1st, followed by All Souls on November 2nd. The wearing of costumes and masks to ward off harmful spirits survived as Halloween customs. The Irish emigrated to America in great numbers during the 19th century especially around the time of famine in Ireland during the 1840’s. The Irish carried their Halloween traditions to America, where today it is one of the major holidays of the year. Through time other traditions have blended into Halloween, for example the American harvest time tradition of carving pumpkins.

Two hills in the Boyne Valley were associated with Samhain in Celtic Ireland, Tlachtga and Tara. Tlachtga was the location of the Great Fire Festival which begun on the eve of Samhain (Halloween). Tara was also associated with Samhain, however it was secondary to Tlachtga in this respect.

The entrance passage to the Mound of the Hostages on the Hill of Tara is aligned with the rising sun around Samhain. The Mound of the Hostages is…

To continue reading the article on Samhain click here

Beltane – Spring is Here! Time to Get Your Gardens Ready

Welcome to springtime in the southern hemisphere. As the warmer weather comes a witches thoughts turns to sowing a garden. A garden can mean a different thing to each of us. For me it is getting my physical seeds ready for my veggie garden, to check to see if my herbs survived the winter or if I need to start new ones. Spiritually it means starting new seeds/paths for me to be able to grow to be closer to Mother Earth, the Universal energies, my students, and my teachers. To be able in the fall to reap full benefits of all that I have learned and put them into practice whether it is in my own personal life or helping my students with something. This year I need to plant new seeds and seedlings for all my flower gardens because early heavy rains in this part of the country washed away two inches of top soil in all my flower beds.

What does planting a garden mean to you? Do you plant flowers, vegetables, herbs, goals or a little of all of these or any combination? Remember whatever you plant will come to fruition with the right amount of love, watering (spiritually this can be communicating with each other in the pagan community or even be emailing me to say hi), sunshine (remember to thank the Sun God) and nurturing from within yourself (positive thoughts and affirmations) and from others in our community.

I would really LOVE to SEE COMMENTS on this post, please. Share with us your seeds and lets us help you grow them to their fullest potential!

Copyright 2017 Lady Beltane

Some of the Witchcraft / Magickal Correspondences for Monday

Monday Source: Ancient Pathway

Magickal Intentions:
Psychic Sensitivity, Women’s Mysteries, Tides, Waters, Emotional Issues, Agriculture, Animals, Female Fertility, Messages, Theft, Reconcilliations, Voyages, Dreams and Merchandise
African Violet
Night Flowers
Willow Root
Orris Root
White Rose
White Iris
Quartz Crystal

Monday Source: The Flying Hedge Witch

This day of the week is dedicated to the moon, in which it gets its name. This is a great day to work with moon energy, especially if it is a full moon. Divination and prophetic dreaming are best performed today. It is also a good time to work magic focusing on mothers, nurturing, fertility, woman issues, and growth.
Color: Silver, white, light blue
Planet: Moon
Deities: Thoth, Selene, Diana, Artemis, Luna
Crystals: Pearl, opal, moonstone
Herbs: Wintergreen, catnip, comfrey, sage, chamomile, mint
Associations: Illusion, glamour, sleep, dreams, fertility, insight, peace, beauty, women’s mysteries

One Way of How to Use Sun Phases for Spells

While almost every witch follows Moon phases for doing spells, rituals, and other magickal works. I also use the Sun phases, especially because my patron God is Ra.

Every day there is a waxing, full, waning and new phases for the Sun besides the seasonal changes. From midnight to noon is the waxing phases, the full phase is from 11:55 AM to 12:05 PM, the waning follows until sunset than at 11:55 PM to 12:05 AM is the new Sun phases. For the seasons spring is the waning, summer the new fall the waxing and winter the full. You can also go by Sabbat dates Beltane-Waning, Summer Solstice – Full, Samhain – Waning, Winter Solstice – New.

This idea and the phases may seem a bit strange to people but when the Moon is in the wrong phases for something I cannot wait to do I use the daily and if possible seasonal Sun phases. This gives me more options of what I need to do.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Tuesday



Planet – Mars

Spells/Magic – business, work, courage, bravery, beginnings, confrontation, gardening, passion, partnership, sex, protection.

Magical aspects: controlled power, energy, and endurance, passion, sex, courage, aggression, and protection

oils – ginger ,pine and pepper,dragons Blood,Honeysuckle, Carnation

Plants and trees and herbs – allspice ,basil , chili, cactus , garlic, ginger, hawthorn , holly, mustard, nettle , pine , pepper , snapdragon , sweet woodriff , thistle, wormwood .

Stones – bloodstone , garnet , ruby, amber

Colours – red, pink, orange.

Metal – Iron

Energy Type – Male

Dieties – personified as Ares, Tiwaz, Tiw, and Tyr.

Tuesday is the best time to deal with such matters as: Passion, Partnerships, Courage, Swift Movement, Action, Energy, Strife, Aggression, Sex, Physical Energy, Sports, Muscular Activity, Guns, Tools, Metals, Cutting, Surgery, Police, Soldiers, Combat, Confrontation, Business, Buying and Selling Animals, Mechanical Things, Repairs, Gardening, Woodworking, Hunting and New Beginnings.

Special Edition of Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondences, Rituals and Other Things for Samhain

Symbolism: death and regeneration, transformation, end of old projects, new beginnings, return, change, rest, success, plenty, knowledge

Symbols: skulls, bats, cats, leaves, nuts, seeds, barren trees and branches, pumpkins, cauldron, pentacle, crystal ball, besom or broom, witch’s hat, moon, crows/ravens, ghosts, goblins, banshees, candy/caramel apples, chocolate, Jack-o-Lanterns, costumes, Trick-or-Treats, Death, acorns, bones, gourds, scarecrowsColors: black, orange, red, silver, gold, brown, purple, yellow

Food and Drink: apples, cider, pork, hazelnuts, pomegranates, pumpkins, potatoes, squash, cranberries, turnips, beets, mugwort tea, ale, mulled wine, pies/cakes for the dead

Herbs: apple leaf, almonds, bay leaf, nettle, hemlock, cloves, cinnamon, mandrake root, marigold, mums, mugwort, pine, rosemarysagewormwood, tarragon, rue, garlic, ginger, hazelnut, allspice

Deities: Hekate, The Crone, Cerridwen, Bast, Persephone, Horned Hunter, Cernunnos, Osiris, Hades, Anubis, Loki, Arawn, Dis, and any other death/underworld god or goddess

Crystals and Gemstones: black obsidian, jasper, onyx, bloodstone, smoky quartz, carnelian,

Animals: cats, especially black cats, bats, spiders, rats, wolves, snakes, ravens and crows, owls, stags, jackals, scorpions

Magic: This is the time to honor the dead. Set up an altar, serve them cakes, and let them know they are not forgotten. If you wish to communicate with deceased friends and family, this is the best time of year. The veil thins the night of Samhain, making communication easy. Do NOT, however, entice spirits, disrespect them, or perform any other magic that is anything less than respectful. I repeat, don’t do it. Samhain is also a great time to practice divination in the form of runes, scrying, tarot, tea readings, etc. Reflect over the previous year and perform blessing spells to ring in the new year. Astral projection, lucid dreaming, and hedge riding are also much easier to perform on this night but remember to be safe. Banishing magic, especially those for bad habits, are especially strong on this night.

Please note this is not a complete list but a brief overview of symbols, colors, herbs, deities, and the like. If I have missed something that you feel should make the list, please feel free to contact me via the comments or through email.

Click her for more ideas from Zenned Out for Samhain Rituals and Correspondences

The ancient Celtic celebration of Samhain (pronounced sow-in), celebrated on October 31st and November 1st, marks the end of our seasonal cycle on the Wheel of the Year. This is why it’s often referred to as the witch’s New Year. Seasonally speaking, Samhain is the third and final harvest of the season or the last rally to store and prepare for the coming Winter season.

This sacred celebration reaches much farther than harvests and is also a time when the veil between the physical and spirit world is at its thinnest. The Celtic people believed that spirits walked among them during this time, so Samhain is accepted as an ideal time to communicate and connect with the spirit realm. Here’s a fun drawing I created with ritual suggestions for Samhain. Keep scrolling to learn more about each one.

See the source image

From Samhain Correspondences By Jennifer Wright

Free Pagan Magazine

Other Names:
celtic ~ Summer’s End, pronounced “sow” (rhymes with now) “en” (Ireland), sow-een (Wales) – “mh” in the middle is a “w” sound – Greater Sabbat(High Holiday) – Fire Festival Oct 31-Nov 1(North Hemisphere) – Apr 30-May 1 – The Great Sabbat, Samhiunn, Samana, Samhuin, Sam-fuin, Samonios, Halloween, Hallomas, All Hallows Eve, All Saints/All Souls Day(Catholic), Day of the Dead (Mexican), Witches New Year, Trinoux Samonia, Celtic/ Druid New Year, Shadowfest (Strega), Martinmas or Old Hallowmas (Scotttish/Celtic) Lá Samhna (Modern Irish), Festival of the Dead, Feile Moingfinne (Snow Goddess), Hallowtide (Scottish Gaelis Dictionary), Feast of All Souls, Nos Galen-gae-of Night of the Winter Calends (Welsh), La Houney or Hollantide Day, Sauin or Souney ( Manx), oidhche na h-aimiléise-the night of mischief or confusion(Ireland), Oidhche Shamna (Scotland)

End of summer, honoring of the dead,scrying, divination, last harvest, meat harvest

Copal, sandalwood, mastic resin, benzoin, sweetgrass, wormwood, mugwort, sage, myrrh or patchouli

Besom, cauldron, tarot, obsidian ball, pendulum, runes, oghams, Ouija boards, black cauldron or bowl filled with black ink or water, or magick mirror

Black obsidian, jasper, carnelian, onyx, smoky quartz, jet, bloodstone

Black, orange, red

Symbols & Decorations:
Apples, autumn flowers, acorns, bat, black cat, bones, corn stalks, colored leaves, crows, death/dying, divination and the tools associated with it, ghosts, gourds, Indian corn, jack-o-lantern, nuts , oak leaves, pomegranates, pumpkins, scarecrows, scythes, waning moon

Apples, apple dishes, cider, meat (traditionally this is the meat harvest) especially pork, mulled cider with spices, nuts-representing resurrection and rebirth, nuts, pomegranates, potatoes, pumpkins, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, roasted pumpkin seeds, roasted pumpkin seeds, squash.

The Crone, Hecate(Greek), Cerridwen(Welsh-Scottish), Arianrhod(Welsh), Caillech (Irish-Scottish), Baba Yaga (Russian), Al-Ilat(persian), Bast (Egyptian), Persephone (Greek), Hel(Norse), Kali(Hindu), all Death & Otherworld Goddesses

Horned Hunter(European), Cernnunos(Greco-Celtic), Osiris(Egyptian), Hades (Greek), Gwynn ap Nudd (British), Anubis(Egyptian), Coyote Brother (Native American), Loki (Norse), Dis (Roman), Arawn (Welsh), acrificial/Dying/Aging
Gods, Death and Otherworld Gods

Herbs and Flowers:
Almond, apple leaf , autumn joy sedum, bay leaf, calendula, Cinnamon, Cloves cosmos, garlic, ginger , hazelnut, hemlock cones, mandrake root, marigold, mums, mugwort (to aid in divination), mullein seeds, nettle, passionflower, pine needles, pumpkin seeds, rosemary (for remembrance of our ancestors), rue, sage, sunflower petals and seeds, tarragon, wild ginseng, wormwood

Stag, cat, bat, owl, jackal, elephant, ram, scorpion, heron, crow, robin

Mythical Beings:
Pooka, goblin,medusa, beansidhe, harpies

Magick, plenty; knowledge, the night, death & rebirth, success, protection; rest, new beginning; ancestors; lifting of the veil, mundane laws in abeyance, return, change

Death & transformation, Wiccan new year,wisdom of the Crone, end of summer, honoring, thinning of the veil between worlds, death of the year, time outside of time, night of the Wild Hunt, begin new projects, end old projects

Sex magick, release of bad habits, banishing, fairy magick, divination of any kind, candle magick, astral projection, past life work, dark moon mysteries, mirror spells (reflection), casting protection , inner work, propitiation, clearing obstacles, uncrossing, inspiration, workings of transition or culmination, manifesting transformation,creative visualization, contacting those who have departed this plane

Honoring the dead, especially departed ancestors, knowing we will not be forgotten; clear knowledge of our path; guidance, protection, celebrating reincarnation

Foreseeing future, honoring/consulting ancestors, releasing the old, power, understanding death and rebirth, entering the underworld, divination, dance of the dead, fire calling, past life recall

Ancestor altar, costumes, divination, carving jack-o-lanterns, spirit plate, the Feast of the Dead, feasting, paying debts, fairs, drying winter herbs, masks, bonfires, apple games, tricks, washing clothes




From Plentiful Earth – How to pronounce Samhain

Popularized by Wicca, Samhain is a celebration that occurs around the same time as Halloween, All Hallow’s Eve, and Day of the Dead — on or around October 31. This wonderful day is often celebrated as a time to commune with our ancestors and the passing spirits, as the veil between the worlds has become its thinnest. The festival of Samhain is easily most Witches’ favorite Sabbat of the year, a fact we can all agree on. However, it’s easy to strike up a war of the Witches when it comes to saying the word out loud!

We know first hand, as American Witches in the United States, how embarrassing it can be to read the ancient Gaelic word as “Sam-hayne” on paper when we’re learning and then try to say it in front of seasoned coven-mates! We’re here to save you some red cheeks and give you the confidence to talk about your favorite holiday out loud! The good news? There are 3 ways to pronounce this ancient Celtic, each from a different region of its birthplace!

3 Correct Samhain Pronunciations

How to pronounce Samhain – Video

How to pronounce Samhain in Irish Gaelic

  • Sow-in

How to pronounce Samhain in Welsh

  • Sow-een

How to pronounce Samhain in Scottish Gaelic

  • Sav-en

Now, pick your favorite way and say it with pride, Witch!

 Remember what is not harvested by Samhain needs to be left in the fields, tress, bushes, ectara for the wild animals to forge over the cold months.

Wish you all a safe, blessed, and happy Samhain.

Divination Journal



Page of Pentacles – Minor Arcana Court Card

The Page of Pentacles shows a young man, standing alone in the middle of fertile land. There was a lush forest of fruit trees behind him, promising a plentiful harvest. He walked slowly and did not know anything about the surrounding area. He focused on nothing but the gold coin in his hands. The sky is bright and everything is going very well on the path leads to his future success.

In Tarot court cards, The Page is a card of new beginnings, inspiration and early stages of a creative project. Pentacles correspond to the element of Earth in Alchemy. Therefore, the fact that the Page treasures the gold coin shows an awareness, appreciating the value of money not only physically but also about the related needs such as health, food, and clothes.

Menu of Contents

The detailed description of the Page of Pentacles

Detailed meaning of the keywords of the Page of Pentacles

Upright meaning of the Page of Pentacles: demonstration, financial opportunities, new job

Meaning of the Page of Pentacles reversed: lack of progress and lack of planning, focus on short-term goals

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper


Sperm Whale Pod

Whale Meanings, Symbolism & The Whale Spirit Animal

Whale meanings and symbolism include magnificence, communication, music, protection, gratitude, wisdom, transformation, and psychic abilities. There are 90 species of whales (who are also called cetaceans) and they live in every ocean. So, they are subjects in the mythology and folklore of seafaring peoples around the world. In addition, some believe that whales have psychic abilities. Thus, the whale spirit animal is an important figure to those who feel a strong kinship with these magnificent sea mammals.

In this post, you’ll learn about whale meanings and symbols, whale mythology, the whale spirit animal, and more.




Sound: “z”, “r”Stands for: Bow made from a Yew TreeCasting meaning: This rune has the same meaning as the Anglo-Saxon rune Yr. It is the entrance to the underworld and in this form is a death rune.

Witches’ Rune


The Moon

Intuition, the goddess, dreams, psychic abilities, emotions, love, healing, shadow work

The Moon witch rune pops up in a reading to prompt us to look deeper below the surface. It asks us to use our intuition, look into our dreams, and connect with our emotional side.




Io (sometimes Ph) is Ifin or Iphin, the Pine tree. This evergreen was once known as the “sweetest of wood,” and its needles can be brewed into tea which provides a good source of Vitamin C. Pine is associated with clarity of vision, and alleviation of guilt. When Ifin appears, it may indicate feelings of guilt that need to be put aside, or unresolved conflicts that need closure.

In Scotland, the Pine was a symbol of the warrior, and in some stories it was planted over the graves of those fallen in battle. More often than not, the Pine was used as a building material, and it continues to be used as such today.

Ifin Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: When this symbol appears, it means you need to stop beating yourself up over feelings of guilt. Did you say something hurtful, and damage a relationship? Now’s the time to mend it. Make amends for mistreating others, whether it was deliberate or accidental.

Magical Aspects: Use any residual bits of guilt to bring about change. To do this, you’ll need to focus on the root cause of your feelings. Once you find the source of your discomfort or anxiety, channel that negative energy, turn it around, and use it as a tool of transformation. When this symbol appears, it may also be a hint that you’re not seeing things as clearly as you should be. Put aside emotions and look at things from an intellectual standpoint–in other words, don’t let the heart rule over the brain.

I Ching


Hexagram Thirteen/13

Name: T’ung Jen.

Keyphrase: Fellowship.

Formed By The Trigrams: Heaven over Fire.

General: You can achieve strength in numbers by dispelling mistrust.

Love: To achieve a desired objective you should work together.

Business: Communication with your staff is the key to dispelling misunderstandings.

Personal: Develop community spirit by organizing workshops particularly for projects.

Overview: T’ung Jen relates to organization and fellowship. This hexagram will often appear when it is necessary to organize individuals and/or disorganized groups into an effective and cohesive unit. Although most people can see the advantages of co-operation mistrust will often prevent progress. Suspicion and inwardness undermine community spirit so it is important to be open. Appeal to people’s sense of a higher common purpose to overcome minor differences. Once the desired end is achieved the smaller disagreements prevalent in the early stages will be forgotten.




Numerology meaning of 6 

If your life path number is 6, you are someone who thinks, speaks and acts from the heart. You are sincere, loving, warm and affectionate. It would serve you to find a job where you can bring and apply these wonderful qualities, such as a kindergarten teacher, pediatrician, social worker, or a therapist. You are made for long-term relationships and family life. Shallow pursuits and one-night stands aren’t your thing. When you touch someone, it’s real. But because you are too focused on the relational aspects of your life, you may end up bringing those people who don’t care as much as you do, into your life. If the digits of a date add up to number 6, it’s a wonderful time to create love! Work on a universal theme, help poor communities in distant places or the homeless on your block. It’s the best time to be there for other people.

Angel Number


Eight Hundred Thirteen/813

While other people may have lost all hope in you, your guardian angels believe that you have what it takes to change your destiny. The fact that you keep seeing the number 813 is reason enough to let go of your past and look forward to a brighter future.

The meaning and symbolism behind this mysterious number is so profound and encouraging, and 813 has a strong influence over all aspects of your life. In this post, we’re going to explore the positive energies behind angel number 813, along with the significant implications this number has over your career, relationship, spirituality, and personality.

Divination Journal

Tarot Card

Today’s Tarot card reading comes from The Celtic Dragon Tarot by D. J. Conway. With art done by Lisa Hunt. This deck is unique as the cards are never read in reverse. Copyright 2001 Pages 150 and 151

Five/5 of Pentacles – Minor Arcana

Loss; unpleasant differences

A man and a woman walk away from each other, each determined that their way or opinion is the only one. Five broken disks with pentacles lie on the ground between them. These disks symbolize life, friendship, cooperation, and/or love built between them, now destroyed because of ego and lack of compromise. Five dragons in the sky above them scream their anger and displeasure. Little dragons hiss at each other over the broken disks. The balance of the spiritual forces they have cultivated with their relationship has been upset, turning positive energies and events into negative ones.

Divinatory Meaning: Take care or there may be a loss of home or job. Differences arise that could divide friends or lovers. There may be a period of deep loneliness.

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

Today’s Animal Spirt Guide card comes from Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer Copyright 2008 Pages 83 to 85


“Create a sacred space for yourself in your home and/or place of work”

A Sacred Space is an area in your home or work place where you have some privacy for contemplation, mediation, or simply a bit of quite time to think. If this isn’t possible to do at work, it becomes even more imperative that you provide this for yourself in your home. This is a space that is your territory, whether it’s an entire room or a corner of your living room or bedroom. Place a cozy chair or pillow there, and then set up a simple altar, one that contains a few pieces that are both personal and precious. Include a candle in your space that you can light when you’re abiding there. Make your sacred space a comfortable place to hang out, with no agenda or compulsion to do anything. As Buddha said, “Don’t just do something; sit there.”

You may find all sorts of reasons or excuses not to do this, but don’t cave in to these internal objections. Make it important enough for your emotional and mental health and balance to create this kind of private spiritual sanctuary. Be sure to do nothing in particular for a good period of the time you sit there. The increasingly rapid pace of life and growing intensities in the world are even greater cause for doing so. It’s a place for solace, one where you can more closely listen to your inner voice and feelings, and tap into the Life Force inside that’s expressing itself as you.

Associations: Rarity; Vegetarianism; Polarity; Willpower; Solitude; Privacy; Sacred Space; Intuition; Perspective; Gentleness; Strength; Flexibility; Modesty; Economy




Sound: “w”, “v”
Stands for: Joy
Color: Pink (Blue)
Casting meaning: This rune shows us the balance between all things even when in a chaotic world. It is also a rune of fellowship, common goals and well being to all things. If you come across this rune in a reading you can expect good news to come your way.

Witches’ Rune  



The Rings Rune implies important alliances and agreements.

Drawing this rune can suggest aligning your energies with another toward the successful completion of your goals.

The Rings Rune symbolizes all bonds.

You can look forward to important gatherings soon or the dissolution of joint ventures. Even facing an enemy straight on.

More routinely, this rune will suggest being charmed by the superficial or just going through the motions.



St – Straith

This symbol, used for the sound St, is Straith (sometimes seen as Straif), the Blackthorn tree. A symbol of authority and control, the Blackthorn is connected to strength and triumph over adversity. Blackthorn is a tree (although some might argue it’s more of a really big shrub) of winter, and its berries only ripen after the first frost. White flowers appear in the spring, and the bark is black and thorny.

On a medicinal level, Blackthorn berries–sloe berries–are brewed to make a tonic (this is what Sloe Gin is made from). The tonic can be used as a laxative and/or diuretic, as well as a skin astringent. In folklore, the Blackthorn has a fairly unpleasant reputation. An English legend refers to a devastating winter as a “Blackthorn Winter.” It also represents the darker side of magic and witchcraft. Because it’s a plant that becomes hardy when all around it is dying, it is associated with the Dark Mother, the Crone aspect of the Goddess, particularly the Cailleach in some parts of Scotland and Ireland. There is also a strong connection to the Morrighan, because of Blackthorn’s association with the blood and death of warriors. In fact, in early Celtic culture, the Blackthorn was popular for its use in the cudgel shillelagh.

Straith Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: Expect the unexpected, especially when it comes to change. Your plans may be altered, or even destroyed, so plan to deal with it. The appearance of Straith often indicates the influence of external forces.

Magical Aspects: You’re at the beginning of a new journey, and there will be some surprises–possibly unpleasant ones–along the way. Overcoming these obstacles will give you strength. Realize that you–and your life–are changing.

I Ching

Hexagram Fifty – Eight/58

Tui / Empowering

The joyous Lake spans on and on to the horizon:
The Superior Person renews and expands his Spirit through heart-to-heart exchanges with others.

Success if you stay on course.


This is the sign of true companionship.
The principals in this situation exchange energy, ideas and feelings, constantly invigorating and encouraging each other to new heights of Spiritual achievement and Self-discovery.
This exchange is not for the glory of the Team, but for furthering the process of each individual’s ‘Te’, or pure potentiality.



Nitey – Nine

A person with this number is often misunderstood and is frequently the victim of gossip – it’s about global awareness and a leadership role in humanitarian affairs. It can bring jealousy and possessiveness to relationships. It is considered a Power number.


WOTC’s Lady Carla Beltane’s Grimoire is NOW LIVE on Patreon

Link for WOTC’s Lady Carla Beltane’s Grimoire on Patreon

Looking for more advanced spells and rituals than are posted on WOTC? Well look no further you can get all of this and somedays more by choosing one of four different tiers on Patreon.

Tier 1 “Luxury Witch” Only for those who subscribed to Life in The Craft magazine before August 7, 2023

Tier 2 “Buy a Witch a Cup of Tea” has a seven-day trial period.  You will have access to a new spell every week going live every Wednesday or Thursday that will never appear on WOTC website. For $5.00 USD per month

Tier 3 “Friend of WOTC” you will have access either a Esbat (Full or New Moon) or a Sabbat for the northern and southern hemisphere once a month. These will be live before the Esbat or Sabbat Date. For $5.00 USD per month (This Tier will start on or about August 20th with an Esbat ritual for August’s Blue Super Moon on August 30th for the northern hemisphere and on August 31st for the southern hemisphere.)

Tier 4 “The Reigning Supreme” (This name was used as a nod to American Horror Stories – Coven season) you will have access either a Esbat (Full or New Moon) or a Sabbat for the northern and southern hemisphere once a month. These will be live before the Esbat or Sabbat Date. For $8.00 USD per month

A word of caution about the spells and rituals that will be posted on Patreon as a witch you should have a working knowledge on how to do spell work and rituals safely. Plus, how to cast a sacred circle properly for your safety and others even if they are not in the sacred circle.

Any questions please write to Lady Carla Beltane at

Pagan Holidays Lughnasadh Lammas | Everything You Need To Know

The Lughnasadh and Lammas Pagan holidays celebrates the Wheel of the Year and the arrival of the late summer season!

The days are sticky hot and you spend your time finding ways to cool down. Gardens and farmlands are ripe with veggies in shades of dark green and yellow. This is the beginning of the first harvest and primarily involves grain and corn. Although the sun is strong and hot, you’ll notice the days are beginning to shorten.

This season is lush and abundant, but Nature is already beginning to sense the coming of colder Winter days. So begins the days of preparation: gathering seeds to plant next Spring, harvesting herbs, canning jams and jellies, and baking bread to store for those cold days ahead.

It’s important to also understand that there is so much more to Lughnasadh and not just the literal interpretation of harvesting because you may not be farming your own fields.

This is a time for gratitude, personal growth, and renewal. The energy and intentions of Lughnasadh are still prevalent in the day to day lives of those who live a nature spirituality based life.

Many Pagans, Witches, and those interested in Nature Spirituality celebrate the seasonal cycles. Sometimes referred to as the Wheel of the Year, and consisting of eight celebrations. Four of these festivals (Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain) are rooted in Celtic history and origins. The other four (Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox, and Winter Solstice) represent the sun’s location. I created a complete guide to each season, including history, traditions, symbols, correspondences, ritual ideas, and how you can celebrate.

Table of Contents

Click here to read the rest of the article about Lammas from

Flashback 2022 – Lughnasadh/Lammas

(I know to be a real flashback the post should be from a previous year, but I want to make sure when I look up posts from Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook that I do not repeat something I have already posted.

This is not a charm that vegetarians or vegans will necessarily approve of, but it is a way to honor the animals that Mother Earth feeds.)

Lughnasadh Bone Charm

Lughnasadh falls opposite of Imbolc on the Wheel of the Year. While Imbolc is widely considered a sabbat of the divine feminine, many consider Lughnasadh a celebration of the divine masculine. Being the first of three harvest festivals, we can mark the occasion with plentiful gratitude for not only the flora and fauna that feeds us physically on a daily basis, but also gratitude for the fact that the harvest allows us to survive and thrive, thereby increasing our positive spiritual influence in the world.

Simply acquire any bones to which your intuition leads. Yes, humanely and sustainably sourced chicken or cow bones are okay! Ensure that the bones are dry, and use a permanent marker to draw symbols and words related to the harvest, satisfaction, and sustenance onto them. Consider tying stalks of wheat or any grain to the bones once you are finished decorating. Hang these in your home (especially inside or outside the front door) to encourage a plentiful life and to honor the earth now and forever.

Raven Digitals Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2022 Page 107

Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence Digest for Monday


From Ancient Pathway

Magickal Intentions:
Psychic Sensitivity, Women’s Mysteries, Tides, Waters, Emotional Issues, Agriculture, Animals, Female Fertility, Messages, Theft, Reconcilliations, Voyages, Dreams and Merchandise
African Violet
Night Flowers
Willow Root
Orris Root
White Rose
White Iris
Quartz Crystal


Motivational Magick

You can ask the Greek Goddess Aphrodite for help in this spell as She rules over self-acceptance and physical beauty. I think She’s the perfect Deity to help you with your spell to lose weight.

  • 4 cinnamon sticks
  • A length of blue ribbon
  • Piece of dried apple
  • Vanilla oil (or pure extract)

Lay out your supplies and hold your hands over everything. Ask Aphrodite for Her help with these words:

I ask you Aphrodite to bless this ritual

To bring me beauty, strength and love of myself

Help me shed my extra pounds

To be slim as well as healthy and true.

Bundle everything together and wrap ribbon around the charm, leaving enough to let it hang from. Dab a little vanilla oil on it and you’re done.

Now put it somewhere that you’re likely to see it in the kitchen but not out in the open. In a cabinet or in the fridge, hanging by the ribbon (don’t just set it on the shelf). Remember your dedication to lose weight every time you see the charm. Every night before you go to bed, say a little prayer to Aphrodite for resolve the next day.

Walking The Path As A Public Witch c. 2011

Walking The Path As A Public Witch

Author: Medea
I am a ‘public Witch’. The phrase means different things to different people but generally it means I am one who has come ‘out of the broom closet’. That has come to mean different things to me as the years have gone by.

I never was really in the ‘broom closet’. From the time I was introduced to The Craft by way of The Tarot at age eighteen, I was very open about it. Sometimes the openness was just for ‘shock value’. Sometimes it was just to be ‘different’. More often than not my openness was just a part of my personality. Like a puppy, I gleefully and playfully was just ‘me’ all over the place.

Now, at the age of forty-seven (can I really be that old?) and High Priestess in my tradition, I am still open about it, yet in very different ways. I rarely go for ‘shock value’ anymore (there are, however, those occasions when I cannot seem to help myself) . I have been a professional Nurse for twenty plus years and have learned in some instances the less said, the better. This learned, of course, the hard way. In many, many areas of my life I am much more tolerant and not so quick to take offense. I cannot attribute this to age or wisdom, as in many ways I am very immature and like it that way. It is a by-product of the path in which I have chosen to walk. One of the many, many gifts I receive.

I no longer feel the need to flash a Pentacle ring or necklace every chance I get. Most jewelry associated with the Craft and my religion are worn in private or under my clothes, close to my heart, as they should be. Yet, if I choose to wear such things in public (or forget to take them off) I make no effort to hide them, give no explanations, and make no apologies. My car is no longer adorned with bumper stickers proclaiming me ‘Witch’ or ‘Happy Heathen’. I didn’t take them off, but simply quit feeling the need to replace them each time I had to replace a vehicle. Yet I would not refrain from putting one on my bumper if it caught my fancy.

These days when I find it necessary or appropriate to speak of the Divine in general company I am as apt to say ‘God’ as ‘Goddess’ or ‘The Gods’. I have seen that getting caught up in nomenclature or schematics lessons somehow the sacredness of what one speaks of. If I am asked what Church I go to (a common question here in the South) I tell them. I don’t use flowery or holier- than -thou phrases such as ‘Nature is my Church’.

I say I am Pagan, if need be I say I am ‘Witch’, but more than that, I say I am a person of faith. And in some eyes I see the flash of recognition and in others I see distrust and incomprehension. These things no longer bother me. I am not meant to crusade. Neither am I, or my life, meant to be perfect. I can lapse in my old ways from time to time without being ‘lost’. I can make mistakes.

These days my Pentacle hangs on the lamppost in my yard. It hangs there for protection of my home and property as well as a nod to The Craft. It matters not who sees it and who does not. My home is Pagan and I call it a Temple House. It is where our rituals are mostly held. Where our classes are held. Where I sit and work on my computer on things that are important to the Temple. It is filled with altars which range from very simple to elaborate. Like all things, they change as they should, and I understand one does not need the trappings of religion to walk one’s faith. The house is lived in. It is welcoming to The Gods and Spirits I call, to my blood family and my Temple family and to visitors who come and go. It is meant to be welcoming to visitors of all faith and I believe for the most part it is. It is a work in progress, like the Temple itself. Like all things which grow and change. Like me.

I returned to the place I was born and raised after a twenty-year hiatus. It is a rural area in the Wilds of Tennessee, deep in the Bible Belt. It is a wonderful and beautiful place and the people are wonderful and beautiful too. Yet suspicions and prejudices linger along side traditions that smack of the Old Religion. I am known as a Witch and there is no mistake I am ‘the Real Thing’. At first I was humored, seen as a local girl who went ‘Out West’ and got some very strange ideas. There is often surprise when it is learned I was first introduced to the Craft in good ol’ Nashville, Tennessee. But here in the Wilds, Nashville, too, is a long way and there are many strange ideas to be found there. Maybe not as strange as ‘Out West’, but still strange.

When the realization came that this is not a passing fad for me, and that not only did I practice what I believed but ‘preached’ what I practiced the attitudes began to change. Family members and childhood friends, some I loved dearly and had missed for a long time, began to avoid me. Their attempts to ‘save my soul’ fell on deaf ears, and I took offense to being prayed for in Churches that I would ‘find my way and be saved’. They could not convert me, could not understand when I asked ‘saved from what?’ or said ‘I’m already saved’. And so I became a lost cause and to some a threat. There is no brand of persecution as scorching as that of those we know and love. My invitations to my home were unanswered by some. It became clear there were homes in which I was no longer welcome.

The Goddess does not demand sacrifice though at times it may seem so. I eventually came to understand that in order to have the things I found important in my life there were some things that by nature had to go. There is always grief, but as all things it passes and is, if not understood, accepted.

There were those who came and went. And there are those who stayed. Rituals of one became rituals of two and then three and then as many as fifteen at any given time. Others want card readings or advice or a little magick to ‘help out a situation’. Sometimes they are open about it and do not care who knows or what is thought of their association with me. Sometimes they come on the sly. I have learned to recognize those who come for a reason, such as the Goddess may have, and those who want what I can give and firmly believe me to be going to a Christian hell. There are those who do not care what becomes of me, but care about what it is I can do. Sometimes I still grow angry, usually out of hurt from the fall of one who I may have at some point respected. Mostly I do what I feel to be right and it has become very easy.

Inevitably the question will come from somewhere: ‘How did you get into that?’ that, of course, being Paganism or Witchcraft and sometimes thinly veiled ‘in league with The Devil’. I no longer feel the need to explain how Christianity never ‘felt right’ for me, implying of course I was somehow superior to that particular belief. These days I usually shrug and say ‘Like anyone of faith, I was called to it.’ This leaves little to argue about.

In my tradition today we celebrate Lenaia at the time of Imbolc, yet like so many things, the lines are blurred and the messages are the same. This Imbolc season I find myself taking stock and reflecting on many things about my life and the Path I walk. They, this life and this path, have somewhere along the line become one and the same. Perhaps it is the knowledge of having achieved this very thing, without setting out to do so or even hoping that I could, which is causing me to reflect. Perhaps it is my age, and the realization that, though I am not so old, I have most certainly lived longer in this life than I am going to live. It could be the weathering of so many changes over the last several years, some devastating enough to make me question my faith. Having come to terms with myself I have accepted many things I thought I could not. I can do this; accept these things, because at some point I began to trust that my Gods know what they are doing.

In January of 2001, I performed a solitary ritual outside in the yard at the old house my brother and I shared, divorced siblings clinging together in the changes of life. This was many years after I had picked up my first Tarot deck and felt the power of Otherworlds and the promise of mysteries revealed in them. It was cold and the Full Winter Moon rose high in a dark and starless sky. The moon was the color of ecru and its light brightened and dimmed with my incantation and my song. I had felt and witnessed the Power of the presence of the Divine before. I had seen first hand the workings of magick. Yet this was different. It was as if I were tapped on the shoulder. I had the feeling that Someone had finally gotten my attention. She had been waiting patiently for me to notice She wanted my attention. The voice I heard on the Wind, though the night was Windless, was real even though I could not make out the words. It was as if there was one voice, no, a thousand voices, and though the words were unintelligible I knew they said ‘Follow Me’.

I did not call the God and Goddess by name then, a last holdout of my Pentecost upbringing. They were to me The Lord and Lady. Yet I knew there were names, many names, and I would come to know Them. Although I became a Priestess of Hekate, it was Diana, the Huntress Mother, who called to me that night. I now know Her feel and Her smell and I recognize Her voice. When I hear Her name mentioned I see in my mind’s eye the silver disk floating in the Winter Sky. I often thank Her for calling me.

It wasn’t long after that I held my first private Imbolc ritual, as I have ever since, as I will continue to do. The day was sunny, bright, and cold. The kind of day that often depressed me. With stick incense in hand (patchouli because that is all I had) and the instructions from Scott Cunningham’s ‘Wicca’ in my head I picked my way through the thickets behind our rental house. I found a clearing and sat down, my nose running and the frozen ground pressing against my too thin pants for the weather. I meditated in silence, one thing I was only beginning to get good at. I sat there a long while, sometimes registering the sound of small animals in the thickets. Somehow understanding the sounds of the animals were gifts. I then told the Gods the things I have told them many times since:

I am Your daughter and Your lover. I give myself to You in this life and in any others to come. Set my feet upon the path You wish for me. Teach me the things I need to know. Give me the strength to learn them. I honor You and I love You. So Mote it be.

I meant those words the day I said them. And many times after, even as I wondered how hard this life has to get. I mean them now. The Gods listened and they knew I meant them and they have granted me the very things I asked for.

I love this life. It is at times messy and ugly, often chaotic, and on occasion extremely painful. It is equally interesting, comforting, and fun. And so there is balance. And so I am very, very blessed.

I love being Pagan. It is a wonderful thing to know what one’s path is and to be allowed to walk it. The Buddhist say ‘do the dishes for the sake of doing the dishes’. The clean dishes are only a result of doing the dishes correctly and wholeheartedly. Clean dishes are not the goal, doing the task well is the goal, everything else is, well, gravy. They say the same about the journey we call life. The journey is the point, the destination only the result of taking the journey well and wholeheartedly. Take the journey for the sake of taking the journey, walk the path for the sake of walking the path. Every now and then cast your eyes to the top of the mountain for a moment, but only a moment, focus on your goal, reassess your progress, make the proper adjustments, and get back to the task at hand.

In giving true love for the sake of giving true love, I have been given the truest of love. In giving friendship for the sake of giving friendship, I have received friendship. In being faithful for the sake of being faithful, I am given faithfulness. In giving mercy and kindness and justice for the sake of giving mercy and kindness and justice, I have received mercy and kindness and justice far beyond that I ever expected. In teaching the things I know for the sake of teaching the things I know I have been taught. And such fine teachers I have.

I walk the Pagan Path and the Path of the Priestess (and yes, Witch) for many reasons but mainly because it is my journey, what is put before me to do. It is an awesome task, an honor, and a door to many fleeting moments of happiness, which add up to a joyful life when all is said and done. Sometimes this path of mine is walked on nothing but faith because all else seems to elude me. Yet that which eludes me becomes mine if it is meant to be, and though I question and rail against the way, I am committed.

Along the way I catch the most peaceful sunrises, beautiful sunsets, healing breezes, and mighty storms. I am taught humility; I am reprimanded, led gently back when astray, and kicked hard when I need it. I am loved unconditionally and I know this without a doubt. I neither fear Death nor look for it, waiting for the rewards that I think might be my due. My rewards are many, and they are now. I may at times dread the act of dying and wonder if I will be granted a merciful death or if suffering at the end of this life is part of my lesson and task. Yet I trust that I will have what is needed for me and what is in the end the best. And I will not make that journey alone.

Those who have gone before will welcome me. The Gods will guide me and the Lady Hekate will walk with me as She always has. Cunningham pointed out that there is a difference in believing in something and knowing something. Many of the things I thought I believed I have come to know. To know a thing to be true is to accept it without having to understand it. There are many things I do understand and many things I will someday understand. But knowing, that is something that is not given lightly. It cannot be earned or bought; it can only come from walking the journey and walking it with an open heart and a willing soul.

I am one of many who aid this Phoenix we call Paganism to rise. My voice is among the silent ones who roar their presence into this world in this time. Our books and our Temples were burned and like so many things, though the way could have been easier, it had to be. Our Temples stand in our hearts and in our souls, in our country homes, and our suburban yards, in our small apartments in sprawling cities. This wonderful thing we call the Internet weaves us together across many, many miles. We have new books with words from Powerful hearts. We have remnants from the past which survive and which are important yet unimportant and therefore kept in perspective. We have the new and the old in which to learn and to build from. Balance. As it should be.

I am parched with thirst, and perishing,
But drink of me, the ever-flowing spring on the right (where) there is a fair cypress.
Who are you? Where are you from?
I am a child of Earth and starry Heaven, but my race is of Heaven (alone)
— Orphic Lamella from Thessaly

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence and a Spell for Friday


Friday is the sixth day of the week, but used to be the seventh, the Sabbath of the Jewish lunar calendar.   The name, Friday,  is derived from the Nordic goddess, Frigg, Frigga, Freyja, Freya, or Frija (Germanic), considered to be the mother of all.  She is the Goddess of love and war, fertility and death.   She is the leader of the Valkyries and the Disir (Divine Grandmothers), and creator of Seidr magic.  Her symbols are the cat and the Brisingamen, which is the magic necklace of the rainbow bridge.  Freya’s Roman and Greek counterparts are Venus and Aphrodite, goddesses of love and beauty.

Latin: Dies Veneris, dedicated to Venus, the Roman Goddess of love
French: vendredi
Italian: venerdi
Spanish: viernes
Old High German: frigedag
German: Freitag
Dutch: vrijdag

Rules: Love, fidelity, reconciliation, interchanges, beauty, youth, joy, happiness, pleasure, luck, friendship, compassion, music, the arts.
Colors: Light Blue, Green, Pink, Copper Hues
Planet: Venus
Metal: Copper
Stones: Azurite, Calcite (blue, green & pink), Cat’s Eye, Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Coral, Emerald, Jade, Jasper (green), Kunzite, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Olivine, Peridot, Sodalite, Tourmaline (blue, green, pink & watermelon), Turquoise Malachite
Herbs: Apple Blossom, Cardamom, Crocus, Daisy, Geranium (rose), Heather, Hyacinth, Iris, Licorice, Lilac, Magnolia, Myrtle, Orchid, Orris, Plumeria, Rose, Spearmint, Stephanosis, Sweet Pea, Tansy, Thyme, Tonka, Tuberose, Vanilla, Violet, Willow, Ylang Ylang
Zodiac: Libra & Taurus

Breaking Bad Luck

You may need:

Small piece of ginger root

Fennel seed (if you cannot get fennel try dried sage)

Few cloves

Dried basil

Small bag or pouch

Optional – yellow crystal such as citrine

Put all the ingredients into the bag. If you have a small piece of any yellow crystal it is a good idea to add this too. Say:

“Herbs of the earth fill my life with light
Bring me good luck in a day and a night.
This spell is seeped in magick and mystery
Make my bad luck a thing of history
Bad luck will go deep into the ground
From now on good luck will follow me around”
So Mote It Be.”

Keep the bag with you for a day and a night and then bury it deep in the ground – somewhere that is not on your property. This will bury your bad luck.

Time to Celebrate with Your Inner Child and the Children in Your Life Litha and Yule Coloring Pages – Printable

Flashback 2004 Beltane

Beltane is he holiday that draws all witches outside to celebrate the returning power of the Sun and the fertility of the land.

Wear red robes for ritual and dress your altar with reds for passion. If you have identified a nearby rowan tree, you can make a wreath for your hair using rowan twigs. Decorate your house with freshly cut greens, herbs, and flowers. Arrange for music or drumming to lighten your steps of the dancers of the maypole or spiral dance. Lose yourself in the dance.

Fire is the honored element at this ritual, so have circle members jump a cauldron for purification and protection. Watr is another honored element: be certain to visit your local sacred spring or riverbank. Sprinkle perfume into the water for the undines. Again, leave a drop or two of milk and other food offerings for the nature spirits.

Wake before dawn on this day and watch the Sun rise over a river or beach. Gather a pitcherful where the Sun has gilded the water. When you return home, walk the bounds of your land, sprinkling water in your garden beds to ensure plenty of rainfall during the growing season.

By K. D. Spitzer in Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2004 Page 63


Flashback 2004 Samhain

Expect the unexpected if you celebrate Samhain – the Celtic New Year – on All Hallows Eve: the planets bring a lot of energetic talk and chaos, and the resultant noise will add exuberance to the ritual. Look for psychic dreams on astrological Samhain, November 6; your intuition will be in top form if you do readings at ritual. The power is the strongest it has been in several years.

This is the sabbat for wearing your witchy black. Clean the house, including the hearth, from top to bottom; the garden also needs to be prepared for the winter by this date. Lay new fires. Fest with your family and set places for your ancestors. Cleanse divination tools (cards, crystals, runes) and rededicate them to the Goddess. For the last harvest festival, put apples, nuts, acorns, and squashes on the altar, and add pictures of the family members you are missing.

Using fresh harvested hazel nuts, make a wreath with nine nuts (three times three) to protect your house from fire and lightening. Offer thanks to the river gods or the gods of the sea, and remember to honor the goddess Hecate.

By K. D. Spitzer in Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2004 Page 63

Divination Journal


Today’s Tarot card reading comes from The Green Witch Tarot Deck and The Green Witch Tarot Companion by Ann Moura. With the art done by Kiri Ostergaard Leonard. Copyright 2015 The 4 suits in this deck have an element the each relate to: The pentacle is related to the element of earth. The athame is related to the element of air. The wand is related to the element of fire. The chalice is related to the element of water.


Nature – Major Arcana

Pages 76 to 78

This is the card of wild Nature, where the path chosen may be joyful and unrestricted or fraught with unseen dangers and overgrown vines. Here the trapper is setting a bear trap, unaware that the bear is behind him, watching. The man is equally oblivious to the fauns of the wilderness dancing in a distant clearing, one even beckoning to the bear.

Choices are the highlight of this card, as are possible repercussions. The warning is that short-term goals that require personal sacrifice are not always in one’s best interests. Will the bear join in the revelry of the nature spirits, or will it risk being entrapped by reaching into something unnatural? People also choose the direction they travel in their lives, and sometimes what originally seems like a blessing turns out to be false. Then the choice becomes whether or not to liberate oneself. Staying in the job that pays well but has an unpleasant work environment or staying in an unrewarding relationship because of the experience of other only two examples of how one may take on undesired burdens. The restrictions that are self-imposed may also be self-released, so that one may better savory the joy of life and dance with the fauns. One may choose to act freely, to laugh at the result if necessary, or be tied to a situation, a way of life, or an attitude that is not enjoyed or liked.

Following the natural desire and inclination to find satisfaction in life is a matter of conscious deliberation and decision, whether in areas of attitude, materialism, or spirituality. Yet there is the allure of trying to control the material world or letting desire rule a person. The Divine in nature offers harmony in living a natural life, enjoying the material aspects as well as the spiritual, and regaining control over one’s life and laughing at the tripping vines. This comfortable relationship with nature is part of the path of the Craft, allowing one to be linked with nature and the divine. Comfrey, symbolizing binding, control, and liberation from control, grows close to the trap. The black bear represents endurance, introspection, and decisions.

Meaning: Accept or release self-imposed restrictions, follow inclinations, potential is obstructed or unleashed, allow the natural course to flow, freedom, choose what appeals.

Prompt Words: Choice of restriction or freedom.


Six of Chalices

Pages 208 to 209

This is a card of nostalgia, remembering and making happy memories. A reunion or an unexpected encounter with someone from the past is possible. With thoughts directed to the past, there may be an attempt to bring comfort or ideals of the past to be realized in the present. There may be a desire to relive good memories in the present, as when a parent passes a tradition or hobby interest down to children and grandchildren, or when one attempts to repeat one’s childhood in parenting. This could lead to disappointment when what was meaningful to one is not received with enthusiasm by the beneficiary. The initial disappointment could be liberating opportunity to step beyond the wistfulness of the past and move into the reality of the present, to be able to acknowledge and appreciate the differences of others. There is both longing for the good old days and a desire to bring some of those good memories into the present, but with care an relevance to the current life. Living in the past can create a sense of melancholy, yet there may be connections to the past that can be utilized to manifest past dreams in the present.

Marjoram, an herb of happy memories, comfort, connections, and family, is carried by the girl. A canary, a symbol of companionship, happiness, and harmony, is carried in a cage by the boy.

Meaning: Longings, happy memories, harmony, reminiscence, reunions, expectations manifested, self-analysis, renewal.

Prompt Words: Happy memories, renewal.



From The Rune Site


Sound: “s”
Stands for: Sun
Color: Yellow
Casting meaning: With the help of this rune we tend to be able to see things more clearly. Like the sun sheds light on dark times, with Sowulo we too can find the light during dark times.

Witches’ Rune


The Moon

The Flight Rune stands for a time when you will finally break free and overcome obstacles that have impeded your progress.

You can look forward to a time when all communications; physical, meta-physical and spiritual are of great importance.

Expect to be given news that will alter your direction. Look to gain sudden insights and crucial revelations.

This rune signifies the kind of communication that changes your course of action, so there may be shake-ups or surprises in events you had already planned.




This symbol, used for the sound St, is Straith (sometimes seen as Straif), the Blackthorn tree. A symbol of authority and control, the Blackthorn is connected to strength and triumph over adversity. Blackthorn is a tree (although some might argue it’s more of a really big shrub) of winter, and its berries only ripen after the first frost. White flowers appear in the spring, and the bark is black and thorny.

On a medicinal level, Blackthorn berries–sloe berries–are brewed to make a tonic (this is what Sloe Gin is made from). The tonic can be used as a laxative and/or diuretic, as well as a skin astringent. In folklore, the Blackthorn has a fairly unpleasant reputation. An English legend refers to a devastating winter as a “Blackthorn Winter.” It also represents the darker side of magic and witchcraft. Because it’s a plant that becomes hardy when all around it is dying, it is associated with the Dark Mother, the Crone aspect of the Goddess, particularly the Cailleach in some parts of Scotland and Ireland. There is also a strong connection to the Morrighan, because of Blackthorn’s association with the blood and death of warriors. In fact, in early Celtic culture, the Blackthorn was popular for its use in the cudgel shillelagh.

Straith Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: Expect the unexpected, especially when it comes to change. Your plans may be altered, or even destroyed, so plan to deal with it. The appearance of Straith often indicates the influence of external forces.

Magical Aspects: You’re at the beginning of a new journey, and there will be some surprises–possibly unpleasant ones–along the way. Overcoming these obstacles will give you strength. Realize that you–and your life–are changing.

I Ching


Hexagram Fifty – Two/52

Name: Ken.

Keyphrase: Keeping still.

Formed By The Trigrams: Mountain over Mountain.

General: Any and all effective action must be born out of stillness.

Love: In order to see things clearly you must let go of any preconceptions.

Business: Clear your mind before making any important business decisions.

Personal: Learn how to meditate to help achieve a still mind.

Overview: Ken reminds you that if your mind is full of clutter it will not be able to hold new thoughts and ideas. Ken appears when you have a need to take a break and withdraw from the world for a moment in order to clear out the old in your mind to make way for the new. Meditation is the key to this process. It is not simply a time for rest. It is not an easy task to free your mind from daily worries, but it is necessary to do so, so that you can see and think more objectively than before. Old thoughts hinder your actions, compelling you to make the same mistakes. Clear them out – don’t let them trap you.




The 6 is considered the most harmonious of all single-digit numbers in numerology.

The Numerology Meaning of the Number 6: THE CARETAKER

The most important attribute of the 6 is its loving, caring nature. Aptly nicknamed the motherhood/fatherhood number, the 6 is all about sacrifice, healing, protecting, and teaching others.

No family or community can function without the attention of the 6 – it is the glue that keeps a family and community together.

Creating an environment of peace and harmony is always at the forefront.

Home, family, and friends are top priorities. People with a 6 in their core numbers often focus on the young, the old, and those less fortunate.

The 6 is sympathetic, favors the underdog, and has a keen sense of what is fair and just. Perceiving injustice, the 6 will sacrifice immense time and effort to set things straight. Highly responsible, the 6 can be counted on to show up and do more than their fair share of the work. People with a 6 can be demanding, but they will work in the background when needed, without an expectation of reward.

The 6 is graceful, warm, and has a good sense of humor.

They are well respected in the workplace due to their sense of duty and responsibility – but also because they are genuinely well-liked. Many 6’s can be found in teaching, healing, counseling, construction, the legal field, and law enforcement.

On the negative side, the 6 can be jealous and small-minded, often focusing on small details while ignoring the bigger picture (often to their own detriment).

Not always the best judge of character, the 6 has been known to sacrifice for a person or cause not worth the price.

At times, the 6 can become too involved in the lives of those held dear, to the point where concern becomes intrusive and meddling. On the other hand, the 6 – ever sacrificing – can become a doormat to be abused and trampled on. The 6 is idealistic, trusting, and easy to take advantage of.

The 6 can be conventional, and must be wary of adopting the opinions of others instead of using their own mind.

They can also be smug and arrogant, especially toward authority figures and institutions. Sometimes annoyingly self-righteous, the 6 can become an intolerant zealot. A disproportional number of people with OCD have the 6 prominent in their charts and can suffer from anxiety and other phobias.

The 6, while loving, caring, and full of sympathy for others, can be self-centered and egotistical if people at the receiving end don’t show the gratitude expected. Typically, however, those fortunate enough to receive the attention of the 6 genuinely appreciate and cherish them in return.

Numerology views no number as without weaknesses and faults; that said, the 6 remains the most harmonious and stable among them. Perhaps for that reason, when the 6 (occasionally) falls into discord, it can become the most destructive and dangerous of all numbers. Beware of a cynical or angry 6, who can become a merciless wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Angel Number


Four Hundred and Twenty-Six

Angel number 426 is a reminder to stay focused on your prayer and positive intentions, instead of worrying about your material needs. Worrying only serves to make things worse, so remain positive and trust that angels are guiding and helping you to fulfill your dreams!

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper


Lion Symbolism, Meaning & The Lion Spirit Animal

Lion symbolism and meaning include majesty, courage, strength, protection, family, wisdom, and other admirable traits. Lions once roamed throughout the African continent as well as parts of Asia and Europe. So, the lion is a subject in the mythologies and folklore of many cultures around the world. In addition, the lion spirit animal is a power animal for those who feel a special kinship with these giant cats. Others are simply starstruck by their magnificence. In this post, you’ll learn about lion symbols and meanings, lion mythology, the lion spirit animal, and more.

Table of Contents

What does a lion symbolize?

Detailed Lion Meanings and Symbolism

Lion Spirit Animal

Lion Power Animal

Lion Totem

Lion Mythology and Folklore

African Lion Folklore

Lion Meaning in Ancient Egypt

The Lion in Greek Mythology

Sumerian Lion Legends

The Winged Lion

Lion Meaning in the Bible

The Lion in Celtic Mythology

Lion Meaning in Hinduism

Lion Symbolism in Buddhism

Lion Dream Meaning

Lion Tattoo

Organizations that Protect Lions



1 Persons Opinion on What Does It Actually Mean To Be A Witch?

What Does It Mean To Be A Witch? By: Laurie Rihiimaki |on

The term, ‘witch’ gets thrown around in everyday life soaked with a long history of negative connotation.‘Witch’ derives from the Old English noun, ‘wicca’ meaning a male witch and ‘wice’ meaning a female witch or sorceress. However, this negative stigma has recently been viewed as outdated and tired. So, what does it mean to be a witch?

Definition of A Witch

In general, witches today can be defined in three ways: someone who actively practices magical rituals or spells, someone who has a spiritual connection such as a psychic medium or a tarot reader, or someone who worships the Pagan gods.

The reality of what it means to be a witch today carries many traditions of the Pagan religion; something which was previously thought to be tied to the devil or satanic rituals. Modern day witchcraft often includes the lighting of candles, meditation, yoga, incense, the smudging of sage, crystals, dream analysis, and other rituals connected to Pagan roots.

However, witchcraft is simply about using the power of the universe and the mind to attract wants and desires. It’s about being in tune with Earth’s natural resources and using them to mystically quench a spiritual thirst.

How to Spot A Witch

Spotting a witch today compared to the 1600s is an entirely different puzzle. Nowadays, it’s rather easy to determine who’s a witch because they are generally proud of their mystical practice. We now know you can’t simply label someone a witch based on their physical appearance or outspokenness.

But, in the late-1500s to mid-1600s in Eastern Europe and early colonial America, witches were named purely based on societal suspicion. For example, if a woman was outspoken, she was a witch. If she owned land or had a great deal of assets, she was a witch. If a woman was widowed or a spinster, she was considered out of the ordinary, therefore, she was deemed a witch.

After the label ‘witch’ was plastered on a woman in the community, there were many ways to theoretically prove her connection to the feared and mysterious craft. One of these tests included the bizarre witch cake; a rye flour cake baked with the urine of the accused, which was then fed to a local dog that the community observed to determine if it showed the same behaviors as the ‘witch.’ People believed the urine would transmit satanic juices to the dog because of its supposed association with the devil.

There were many other devised strategies to determine the presence of a witch in the community including:

  • Weighing the accused against a stack of bibles
  • Asking them to recite the Lord’s prayer
  • Counting the number of pets they had
  • Counting the number of marriages they had
  • Asking them if they had dreams that included Native Americans or their culture
  • Observing if they talk to themselves


These tests and many others determined a community member’s right to continuing living.

The accused was also searched for the physical mark of a witch, including birthmarks, scars, or extra nipples. These mysterious physical marks, which we now discern as common biological features, were considered signs of the devil’s presence. The accused were pricked with knives on these marks; if the mark did not bleed, they were deemed a witch.

The Destigmatization of Witches

Witchcraft is not as highly feared as it once was. There are no widespread witch hunts or constant fear associated with the neighborhood spinsters and widows. The destigmatization of witches is seen more and more in our everyday lives as popular stores sell tarot cards and crystals. While smudging with sage and owning a spell book is a trending lifestyle add-on visible all over Instagram.

While this destigmatization of witches may seem trendy on the surface, as it’s popularly marketed, the spread of witch-awareness is closely related to a greater cause: the women’s empowerment movement rapidly spreading across the world.

Today, people recognize the need for a change in energy relating to the female’s place in society, but often women are feared for being strong-willed and outspoken. Then, like now, powerful women or those with important titles often face greater challenges than their male counterparts. In the 1600s they were burned at the stake or stoned to death; today, they can face belittlement of their accomplishments, their morality questioned, or reputations intentionally tarnished.

With that being said, one could argue that witchcraft is a necessary addition to modern society as it illuminates the daily struggles of women on various levels. With that feminist insight in mind, it’s vital to remember that witchcraft is not just one single thing across the board. It’s certainly not just the performance of spell casting or the donning of crystals. It’s an understanding of one’s own spirituality. And, at this period in time, which is faced with drastically polarizing viewpoints, it is essential to have beliefs that we can mold to our own specific needs.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondences for Monday

Day: Monday ( Moon-day)

Planet: Moon

Colors: Silver and White and Grey

Crystals: Moonstone, Pearl, Aquamarine, Silver, Selenite

Aroma: Jasmine, Lemon, Sandalwood, Moon Oil, African violet, Honeysuckle, Myrtle, Willow, and Wormwood

Herb: Moonwart

The sacred day of the Moon, personified by such goddesses as Selene, Luna, Diana, and Artemis. The Moon is ruler of flow affecting the changeable aspects of people. If a full moon falls on a Monday, its powers are at theirmmost potent. Magical aspects: peace, sleep, healing, compassion, friendships, psychic awareness, purification, and fertility

Monday is ruled by the moon – an ancient symbol of mystery and peace. Monday is a special day for mothers as the cycle of the moon has long been associated with the female menstrual cycle. Those wishing to conceive a baby would be wise to try on a Monday as the magic of motherhood is strong and pregnancy is in the air.

This is the proper day of the week to perform spells and rituals involving agriculture, animals, female fertility, messages, reconciliation’s, theft, voyages, dreams, emotions, clairvoyance, home, family, medicine, cooking, personality, merchandising, psychic work, Faerie magic, and Goddess rituals.