Astrology for Magick and Witchcraft by Guest Author Andy

Astrology for Magick and Witchcraft

Have you ever wondered how astrology can be used in magickal and witchcraft practices? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

Astrology has been an integral part of occult practices for centuries. The movements of the planets and stars can profoundly influence our lives here on Earth. By understanding these cosmic energies, we can harness them to enhance our spellwork and rituals.

The Basics of Astrology

Let’s start with a quick astro 101 lesson. Astrology is based on the positions of the planets and stars at the exact time and place of your birth. This is why you need to have your birth chart drawn up by an astrologer. Your birth chart is like your cosmic fingerprint – there’s no one else on this planet with the same chart as you!

Your chart reveals the zodiac signs and planetary placements that influence your personality, talents, and life path. The most important factors are the planets, the 12 zodiac signs, and the 12 houses. Each planet rules over certain areas of life. For example, passionate Mars rules drive and energy. Communicative Mercury governs thinking and speaking. The Moon controls emotions and intuition.

According to Wisdom Tavern, the zodiac signs add color and meaning to the planetary placements. For instance, assertive Aries brings out the fighting spirit in warrior planet Mars. If Mars is in mystical Pisces, its drive may be directed toward spiritual pursuits. The houses divide up life into different realms like career, relationships, spirituality, etc. Your planets fall into specific houses, showing where you’ll experience their energy most strongly.

Why Astrology Works for Magick

So how does astrology fit into witchcraft and magick? In both practices, timing is everything. To do spells or rituals, you want to harness natural cosmic forces. By checking astrological cycles, you can determine the perfect moments for your workings. It’s like sailing – you’ve got to catch the right currents and winds to smoothly reach your destination!

The most basic way to use astrology is by planning rituals around moon phases. As the Moon waxes and wanes, its energy shifts. During darkened New Moons, it’s wise to do introspective shadow work or banishing spells. When the Moon is full and bright, channel its illuminating beams for abundance or healing magick. You can also coordinate spells with Moon transits through the zodiac signs. For example, set beauty and glamour rituals when Luna is in lovely Libra.

But it goes much deeper than just the Moon! Every planet has its own magickal associations that you can tap into. Let’s quickly look at how to apply each planet’s energy:

  • Sun: Spells for success, fame, leadership, and confidence
  • Moon: Magick for emotions, dreams, intuition, and the home
  • Mercury: Workings related to communication, mental focus, and education
  • Venus: Matters of love, pleasure, beauty, and partnerships
  • Mars: Magick for courage, strength, passion, and determination
  • Jupiter: Spells to enlarge things like prosperity, generosity, and abundance
  • Saturn: Rituals for stability, protection, discipline, and banishing
  • Uranus: Magick to create change, originality, reform, and invention
  • Neptune: Mystical energy for divination, psychic dreams, and spirituality
  • Pluto: Deep transformation, rebirth, inner power, and shadow integration

Source: Mystical Prophet

As you can see, each planet brings something different to the table. By picking your planetary energies wisely, you give your spells a cosmic boost. If you want to get very precise, you can also choose electional charts. These are astrological maps picked for starting projects under optimal stars.

Astrological Tools and Timing

Okay, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of using astrology hands-on. To harness those cosmic currents, you’ll need some charts and calendars. Don’t worry – astrology software makes it easy these days.

First, get your natal chart and learn it inside and out. See where your personal planets, moon signs and rising signs are. Study how they fit together to form your magical blueprint. Next, get an astrological calendar or ephemeris to track daily movements. Refer to this to see when the Moon shifts signs or when Mercury goes retrograde.

To go even deeper, you can get electional charts cast. These special star maps pinpoint the most fortuitous times to begin any endeavor – perfect for magick! There are also fixed charts for starting businesses, marriages, building homes, and more.

In addition to charts, you can use astrological talismans. These are magickally charged objects made under certain astro alignments. You can find ready-made talismans or make your own. Stones, metals and herbs linked to each planet make great talisman materials. Rituals performed at elected times bring them to life!

Let’s Do Magick! Applying Astrology in Practice

Now for the best part – putting astrology into practice! Let’s look at how you can actively use astrological timing in your own rituals, spells and divination:

  • Rituals: Circle casting, sabbats, initiations, rites of passage, etc. Choose elections for empowerment!
  • Spells: Any spell can benefit from astro boosts. Pick moon phases and planets that resonate.
  • Magick Tools: Begin making or consecrating at elected times – even better with talismans.
  • Divination: Readings done under helpful aspects will be more accurate and clear.
  • Meditation and Astral Travel: Use Mercury retrograde or lunar voids. These magician-friendly times support inner work.
  • Herbalism: Moon cycles determine when to plant and harvest. Planetary hours enhance herbal properties.
  • Crystals and Stones: Charge/cleanse stones under related planet energies to activate their powers.
  • Tarot: Read for yourself during helpful moon or planetary transits for more insight.
  • Astrology: Cast your natal chart and others’ to understand personalities and relationships.

The possibilities are infinite! Whatever your practice, sprinkle a bit of astrology on top to take it to a whole new level. Keep your calendar and charts on hand to check the cosmic weather daily. Over time, planning by the stars will become second nature.

Bringing the Heavens Down to Earth

As you can see, astrology is so much more than vague horoscopes. It’s a vast magickal art that’s been used for centuries. By understanding the celestial cycles, we can work with the Universe rather than against it. We earthly beings are all affected by the cosmic tides. Using astrology wisely allows you to harness the stars’ endless energy and direction.

So get out there and glimpse the awesome heavens above us! Learn the ancient language of the night sky. Let the planets and luminous Moon guide you toward deeper wisdom. Always remember that magic is everywhere – even in the endless Universe reflected in our astrology charts. The stars await – are you ready to follow them?

WOTC’s Lady Carla Beltane’s Grimoire is NOW LIVE on Patreon

Link for WOTC’s Lady Carla Beltane’s Grimoire on Patreon

Looking for more advanced spells and rituals than are posted on WOTC? Well look no further you can get all of this and somedays more by choosing one of four different tiers on Patreon.

Tier 1 “Luxury Witch” Only for those who subscribed to Life in The Craft magazine before August 7, 2023

Tier 2 “Buy a Witch a Cup of Tea” has a seven-day trial period.  You will have access to a new spell every week going live every Wednesday or Thursday that will never appear on WOTC website. For $5.00 USD per month

Tier 3 “Friend of WOTC” you will have access either a Esbat (Full or New Moon) or a Sabbat for the northern and southern hemisphere once a month. These will be live before the Esbat or Sabbat Date. For $5.00 USD per month (This Tier will start on or about August 20th with an Esbat ritual for August’s Blue Super Moon on August 30th for the northern hemisphere and on August 31st for the southern hemisphere.)

Tier 4 “The Reigning Supreme” (This name was used as a nod to American Horror Stories – Coven season) you will have access either a Esbat (Full or New Moon) or a Sabbat for the northern and southern hemisphere once a month. These will be live before the Esbat or Sabbat Date. For $8.00 USD per month

A word of caution about the spells and rituals that will be posted on Patreon as a witch you should have a working knowledge on how to do spell work and rituals safely. Plus, how to cast a sacred circle properly for your safety and others even if they are not in the sacred circle.

Any questions please write to Lady Carla Beltane at

How To Choose Your Tarot Deck?

This might be old news to some of you but new news to others.

How To Choose Your Tarot Deck? from

Buying your first Tarot deck will be a great experience. It will be exciting to discover the unknown, to find the answers to those question that you have been simmering for so long, and to learn new knowledge. Currently, there is an advantage of the diversity of decks to choose from (Celtic, Wicca, Fairy, Zen, Culture, Pagan, Myth, and Tradition).

For a beginner, it may be a bit overwhelming to select from a range of options. The following article will mention a few small tutorials to help you find out the deck that best suits you.

Menu of Contents

1. The location

2. The rarity of the Tarot deck

3. Images on the Tarot deck

4. Support for dreams

5. The origin of the Tarot deck

6. Guidebooks

7. The type of Tarot deck

8. Find a size that fits