The Full Moon


The Full Moon


This is a good time to try out forms of divinations such as scrying or tarot. Reflect about your goals, feelings and matters that have to do with relationship and family. It is also good for transformations, psychic abilities, strength, love, power and fertility.

The Full Moon is also an excellent time to cleanse, purify and charge your crystals. Lay them out so that the moonlight can hit them; if you can do so safely, leave them outside. If not, find a windowsill that catches the moonlight. Don’t just stop at crystals though, your magical tools will also benefit from soaking up the power of the moonlight.

As the Full Moon just passes, the time arrives to put the finishing touches on what you have been doing and to get ready for the quieter time to come. Enjoy beauty and art, listen to music. If you have argued with someone but do not feel the issues are really vital, make up now.

If you live near the sea the Full Moon is a wonderful time to visit the shoreline and (if safe and legal to do so) build a small fire. Collect small pieces of driftwood to buid your fire and, as you lay each piece onto the fire, add a wish. Once the fire is burning nicely, cast offerings into the flames as gifts to the Moon Goddess, such as herbs, flowers and leaves. Sit and watch as the fire burns. If you don’t live near the sea you could turn this into a visualization for a Full Moon meditation.


-Rachel Patterson, Pagan Portals – Moon Magic


Danger! Divination Works c 2012

(SIDE NOTE: This is in place of a Divination Journal today)

I don’t divine. Even though I have taught others divination techniques and written about their use and possible method of operation I haven’t tried to use any divination technique for over 15 years. Why? Well not because I don’t believe it works anymore! In fact quite the opposite – it is because I do believe that it is possible to divine the future that I do not do it.

This reluctance is part of my general reluctance to use Magic at all, and yes I do see divination as operating in generally the same arena that Magic operates. The same questions we need to ask before working Magic need to be asked before divination:

  • Do we fully understand the situation? Generally we are asked to look into the future for somebody because they wish to know the outcome of a current situation of to see if a particular desire or fear will happen. Do we understand why they are asking well enough to know how the knowledge will impact them?
  • Is divination the right tool? Even if we were to divine the future, is doing so the right or best response to the question? It might be much better to suggest relationship counselling to solve the current issues.
  • Do we understand the possible outcomes of performing the divination? Even with a great deal of thought our interference may well have unforeseen consequences.

All of these questions parallel the sort of questions we ask, or at least should be asking, when we plan a Magical working.

However with divination there are a couple of other issues that we need to consider. These questions have to do with the fact that what we are doing with divination is working not just with the present but with the future and past. Our future and past.

The Future

When we divine the future we do so in the hope that we can profit from the knowledge. This involves, in some part, changing the future. If the answer we get from the divination indicates that something unpleasant is going to happen then quite naturally we will work to try and either avoid the event or mitigate the impact. Even if we don’t actively try to change things the very fact that we do have this knowledge will impact on our behaviour thereby changing the future to a lesser or greater extent.

If the future is malleable, and we will see that potentially this is the case, rather than static and preordained then in gaining knowledge of the future we need to ask not only whether we understand the consequences of the actions we take to change this situation, just like in Magical working, but do we understand the consequences of even having that knowledge? But how can knowing something change what is and what is going to be? Surly if we don’t act on that knowledge then no damage can happen? Well having that knowledge will impact on our decisions whether or not we want it to. That knowledge will tune our subconscious and therefore our intuition and decision making.

Additionally prophecies tend to become self-fulfilling. If you believe that you are going to have good luck then you will tend to. This has been shown to be true even in scientifically tested situations. It is thought that believing that you are lucky makes you more likely to take chances and have a positive outlook.

Equally believing that things will be bad for you tends to produce a negative outlook on life and subsequently things then tend to go wrong.

Even believing that you have knowledge of the future can have a massive impact so imagine what impact having the knowledge for real – and if divination is real then that’s the case – will have.

But surely changing the future isn’t a problem? After all every time we make a decision the future changes, it moves in one direction or another based on our choices. So what is the problem with divination and acting on the information it gives? Well time has been compared in the past to a river, flowing from the past to the future with eddies, rapids and periods of smooth calm flow. The general direction of the flow is stable, maybe changing slowly in response to major events, just as a river changes its course due to a rock fall, but even then the general direction is usually unchanged, just a small diversion.

Unexpected Loops!

However with divination we are taking information from the future and using it to affect the present and hence the future itself. We are setting up what is often called a feedback loop. One example of such a feedback loop is when a microphone is places too close to a speaker. Most of you who have been to concerts will have heard the loud screech caused by that sort of feedback loop. What is happening is that the sound from the speakers is picked up by the mic, amplified and played out thorough the speaker to be picked up again by the mic and back through the loop.

These loops can, and as we have seen do, cause large changes in the output. One of the dangers that we face when using divination is that we will be setting up a temporal feedback loop causing a large change in the course of the future. Now I suspect that this change will tend to be localized, that is to say only impact on the person for who the divination has been done. Again we can see this effect when considering rivers.

When a change is made the local impact can be devastating; local conditions can change dramatically, for example where the river becomes blocked it will tend to find a new route possibly causing massive erosion locally and devastating the local landscape.

However the long term course of the river tends to be unaffected by these local events; this we would see perhaps as a dramatic change in an individual’s future but with only limited impact on the general flow of history. Now sometimes this dramatic change is what is desired but more often only a small more controlled change is wished for. Few people would accept their lives being turned totally upside down when all they wished for was an improvement in their financial situation.

This effect is well known in the practice of Magic, in that a spell will work in often unexpected ways, where a spell to draw money may well lead to, for example, the person loosing his job through injury but receiving a lump compensation sum. Not what was intended at all! The difference here is that Magic allows the spell to be focused to try and prevent such unintended outcomes whereas divination has no such focusing mechanism

There is another type of effect that taking the output of an event and feeding it back into the system can have. This time not only is the outcome potentially vast but it is also inherently unpredictable. When we use divination we are in danger of setting up a chaotic system.

A good example in the ‘natural’ world is the weather. Everybody knows how unpredictable the weather can be; one day may start very much like another but how the weather develops during the day may well be totally different.

From experience we all know that even the professional weather forecasters with all of their experience, knowledge and expensive machinery and computers can’t always get it right.

The reason for this is that the weather is an example of a different type of system, what is known as a chaotic system. One of the main properties of chaotic systems is that very small changes in the starting situation can lead to very large and totally unpredictable differences in the outcome. This is why the weather on one day develops totally differently to a previous day even though they seemed to start out the same; somewhere there was a small difference that caused the sun we had been expecting to turn into rain and thunder!


These chaotic systems tend to have a large number of factors contributing to their initial state as well as having the result of one situation being fed back into the system at the start of the next. With the weather for example we find that many hundreds of thousands of factors influence how the weather will develop including how the weather developed the previous day.

Divination is similar to a weather system in that it too has many, many factors contributing to the initial situation and that as time passes the outputs of each day feed into the next.

When the divination changes some of the initial conditions, as it by its very nature will, then we can expect to see large changes in the outcome and in a totally unpredictable way. As with the other impact of divination we do not have any way to focus the ‘Magic’ but in this case even if we did the very nature of the system would still mean that the outcome would be unpredictable.

Do Not Touch?

So does this mean that all forms of divination should be avoided? Well surprisingly no. Only those forms of divination that actively use information from the future to provide insights would cause the effects mentioned. If there was a divination method that worked by revealing the current state of the system, that is to say provided knowledge of the situation now rather than how it will develop into the future, then no change to the present will be made and the large unpredictable results should be avoided.

So what is needed is some way to determine what the method of choice is actually doing. Is it retrieving information from the future or simply revealing the current state of the system? Well I feel that there is such a way and it quite neatly splits divination methods into two groups. The way we differentiate the divination types is based on how the process is done.

The first group, the future knowledge techniques, all seem to have a common thread in that they all rely on random chance being present. It is, some would say, the existence of chance that allows the future to act in the present. For example the following techniques all seem to rely on the existence of some form of chance in their operation:

  • Tarot
  • I-Ching
  • Ogham Sticks
  • Tea Leaves

The tarot for example relies on the fall of the cards and the Ogham the selection of sticks. Both introduce the element of chance for the future, through the person doing the divination, to act on the present.

A good example of a type of divination that provides information about the present and allows the diviner to work with that is Palmistry. Here the information is build up throughout the life of the person whose palm is being read and can offer insights into the present as well as the person in question.

Interestingly the fact that the palm of the person who is having the reading is by definition personal it allows for a degree of focusing in very much the same way as sympathetic Magic operates.

The future in this case isn’t ‘read’ but inferred. A simple example can illustrate this. Knowledge of the present, say a large and frequent intake of alcohol, can and probably will lead to unfortunate circumstances in the future. This knowledge is inferred, projected from the now, and probabilistic; it gives a likelihood of what may happen, and so wouldn’t seem to be having the same direct impact on the past, present, future system that other direct divination techniques have.

The Bible, as we all know, has something of a downer on Magic in general and divination in particular:

“There shall not be found among you anyone that…useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter or a Witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.” Deuteronomy 18:10-11 (KJV)

However the original Hebrew words mainly refer to contacting the spirits of dead people, or to performing evil sorcery which harms others; only two actually refer to divination and only two forms of divination are proscribed. Casting stones or sticks and predicting the future by their position and foretelling the future by looking for signs in nature. Is it possible that the writers of this passage understood the danger of certain forms of divination? Is that why only those two types are banned but others allowed?

In My View!

Now obviously I can’t say for sure that this is how the past, present, and future system operates but it does show all the hallmarks of such a system and many people do report the sort of effects – large changes in future events in a very unpredictable way from those seen in the divination or expectations.

Like many forms of Magic it is inherently difficult to show conclusively how, or indeed if, divination actually works and most of us operate by feel and experience. My feel is that most forms of divination have inherent risks and produce results that are far from our control. That is not to say that they don’t have their uses but that most of them shouldn’t be used in a cavalier way. Like all works of Magic divination should only be used when it is the most appropriate method and then only after you have considered the consequences and what you can do to try and ensure that there are no unexpected results.

Divination puts a great responsibility on us, perhaps more so than other forms of Magic. We need to rise to that responsibility.

A Witches Spell – Spell To Assist In Readings and Divination

Lady of the Abyss is has a way to teach us new things from the Spirit Plane by me reposting this post of hers done on November 10, 2013

Spell To Assist In Readings and Divination

Items You Will Need:

White candle

Whatever tools you use for divination, such as tarot cards, runes, crystal ball, etc.

Not every form of divination works for every Witch. Sometimes it take trial and error to discover which one work the best for you. If you are having a hard time seeing clearly, try doing this before attempting a reading. It is also a good one to do if the issue at hand is very important.

If you still have a hard time seeing the answers you seek, you can try having your familiar help by giving them a choice of tarot cards or runes stones, and seeing which one they pick.

You can call on any God or Goddess for this spell. Apollo is used here because he was the patron God of the Oracle at Delphi, probably the most famous center of divination in the ancient world.

Great Apollo
Farseeing and wise
Help me see clearly
As if through your eyes
Bless now these tools
And the one who will see
And send me your vision
Of what is to be
Help me set aside feelings
That get in the way
So I might see true
In my reading today.

So Mote It Be

The Best of Divination Methods for Samhain


The Best of Divination Methods for Samhain


Communication between worlds is at its best on Samhain, so any divination you perform on this night is rods, or a pendulum to find answers to yes-or-no questions.

Tea leaves. A traditional way of seeing the future by interpreting the leftover tea leaves in a cup.

Tarot. Reading the pattern of the cards and the symbols to discern past, present, and future. There are many forms of tarot cards available.

Reading palms. Following the lines on the hand to foretell life events.

Runes. Interpreting symbols painted or engraved on sets of stones or wood.

Automatic writing. Writing without thinking, usually done in a meditative state.

These are just a few divination methods you can try; this is by no means an exhaustive list. One technique may suit you better than the others. This is definitely the right time of year to have a go and pick up a new skill.



Hedgewitch Book of Days: Spells, Rituals, and Recipes for the Magical Year

Mandy Mitchell


The Cups Tarot Cards

The Cups Tarot Cards

Learn about the emotional Cups Tarot cards

Tarotcom Staff


Courtesy of which is a Daily Insight Group Site

Tarot 101: The Basics

Tarot 101: The Basics

A beginner’s guide to Tarot cards and how to use them

Tarotcom Staff is a Daily Insight Group Associate

Tarot’s Fool Is No Dummy!

Tarot’s Fool Is No Dummy!

Celebrate April Fool’s Day by meeting Tarot’s most misunderstood Fool

Tarotcom StaffTarotcom Staff on the topics of tarot, insight
Here we go again: April Fools’ Day is upon us, and everyone is out to make a mockery of their friends and family just for the sheer amusement of it. Though while the origins of April Fools’ Day remain uncertain and difficult to trace, we can take this opportunity to explore the history of one of the Tarot deck’s most misunderstood characters: The Fool.
The Fool card in the Tarot card deck often gets a bum rap. He tends to be mocked as a naive idiot without direction or purpose … but things aren’t always as they seem, right? Let’s take a closer look at The Fool and what he can teach us.

When we think of The Fool Tarot card, we are reminded to let go of expectations and trust our instincts. We think of our spiritual journey and the desire for rebirth. As the very first card in the Tarot deck’s Major Arcana, The Fool signifies a fresh start or a new beginning.

Think of The Fool not so much as naive as open-minded and optimistic. The Fool is hopeful and positive, and he’s doing his best to shine a light on new beliefs, innovative and shocking ideas and the unpredictability of life. Given all the crazy wisdom this colorful character has to offer, it is easy to see why we celebrate him on April Fool’s Day.

Motto: May innocence find wisdom

Sometimes the word “fool” has negative connotations. Think of the simpleton, the childlike state of someone who is out of touch and who might be the focus of mockery. April Fools’ Day is a reflection of this perception. We pull pranks to try to make a fool out of someone and make our friends look silly. But there’s nothing silly about The Fool.

Historically, The Fool card may have appeared as a carnival entertainer, a huckster or a jester. Symbolically, it represented a person driven by base needs and urges, one who has fallen into a state of poverty and deprivation. By the 20th century the more familiar modern image and symbolism took over, and The Fool has been widely seen as the Tarot card hearkening renewing energy and a fresh start. Quite an evolution for The Fool!

Traditional Rider-Waite metaphors and imagery have prevailed within modern Tarot decks. Nature scenes depicting beautiful mountaintops include the image of The Fool getting ready to take an adventurous step into the unknown. Getting The Fool card within a Tarot reading is a reminder to appreciate our inner growth and our journey of personal development. It is the spirit in search of experiences, and the childlike wisdom we aim to employ as we go deeper into self-realization through new challenges.

Be encouraged when you draw The Fool card in any Tarot spread, you may soon face a new opportunity or challenge!

Today’s Tarot Card for March 2nd – The Fool

The Fool

Sunday, Mar 2nd, 2014









Pamela Coleman-Smith’s artful rendition of an “innocent Fool” archetype (Rider-Waite deck) is often used to represent Tarot in general. Early classical versions of the Fool card, however, portray quite a different character — a person driven by base needs and urges, who has fallen into a state of poverty and deprivation.

In some instances, he is made out to be a carnival entertainer or a huckster. In others, he is portrayed as decrepit and vulnerable — as the cumulative result of his delusions and failures. Not until the 20th century do you see the popular Rider-Waite image of the Fool arise — that of an innocent Soul before its Fall into Matter, as yet untainted by contact with society and all its ills.

Modern decks usually borrow from the Rider-Waite imagery. Most Fool cards copy the bucolic mountainside scene, the butterfly, the potential misplaced step that will send the Fool tumbling into the unknown. Don’t forget, however, that the earlier versions of this card represented already-fallen humanity, over-identified with the material plane of existence, and beginning a pilgrimage towards self-knowledge, and eventually, wisdom. The Fool reminds us to recognize the path of personal development within ourselves — and the stage upon that path where we find ourselves — in order to energize our movement toward deeper self-realization.

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Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for Feb. 27th is Adjustment

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for Today


Adjustment denotes an inner power, mastery of will and development of inner might. Through mastering one’s emotions and learning from both success and failure the person Adjustment represents has reached a place where they are influential without applying physical force, able to weather the roughest of storms, and not likely to abandon the less fortunate. Adjustment also denotes a large capacity for forgiveness and compassion. Adjustment is not as much about winning as it is about achieving balance, overcoming hardship, and using well crafted persuasion to gain allies. Adjustment suggests the need and ability to make our decisions based on objective perceptions of events, and good or bad, accepting responsibility for our actions.

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Your Tarot Card for February 27th is The Moon

The Moon

Thursday, Feb 27th, 2014








What has traditionally been known as the Moon card refers to a deep state of sensitivity and imaginative impressionability, developed within a womb of deep relaxation. Here we dream and go into trance, have visions and receive insights, wash in and out with the psychic tides, and experience deep mystical and/or terrifying realities beyond our ordinary senses. The full moon and/or eclipse cycle charted by the Magi (as in some of the earliest Moon card images) exemplify this as a mechanism that Nature uses to expand consciousness.

The variants of the courtly lovers (representing skillful use of the sex force) or the man sleeping it off under the tree (use of drugs to alter consciousness) are also traditional avenues for tapping this primal force. Human interest in higher states propels us to the frontiers of consciousness, where we cannot always control what happens. The Moon card represents the ultimate test of a soul’s integrity, where the membrane between self and the Unknown is removed, and the drop of individuality reenters the Ocean of Being. What transpires next is between a soul and its Maker.

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Your Tarot Card for February 21 is Justice


Friday, Feb 21st, 2014








Traditionally, what has been known as the Justice card has to do with moral sensitivity and that which gives rise to empathy, compassion and a sense of fairness. Since the time of Solomon, this image has represented a standard for the humane and fair-minded treatment of other beings.

Often including the image of a fulcrum which helps to balance competing needs against the greater good, and a two-edged sword to symbolize the precision needed to make clear judgments, this card reminds us to be careful to attend to important details. It’s a mistake to overlook or minimize anything where this card is concerned. The law of Karma is represented here — what goes around comes around.

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Today’s Tarot Card for Feb. 19th is The Hermit

The Hermit

Wednesday, Feb 19th, 2014









The challenge of what has traditionally been known as the Hermit card is to be able to recognize a teacher in a humble disguise. This font of mysterious knowledge will not make it easy for the student to acquire his wisdom, as it takes time and long contemplation to fathom what he knows. He often speaks wordlessly, or in ancient and barbaric tongues, communicating with the elements, animals and Nature herself.

While the hourglass was an identifying feature on the earliest Hermit cards, more modern ones have shifted the metaphor, showing more or less light released from his lantern. In either case, the Hermit card reminds us of the value of time away from the hubbub of civic life, to relax the ego in communion with Nature.

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Today’s Tarot Card for Feb. 18th – Strength


Tuesday, Feb 18th, 2014









What has traditionally been known as the Strength card represents Nature which, however wild in its primal form, is tamed by our subtler, finer (feminine, interior) self. The will and passion of our instinctive nature does not need to be broken, but refined and brought to consciousness — so that all levels of Creation, inner and outer, may come into harmony.

The feminine soul-force contains a persuasive power that can nurture and induce cooperation from others, stilling disruptive energies by harmonizing differences in the spirit of collective good will.

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Sun in Pisces

Sun in Pisces

It’s time to reconnect with your spiritual side

Tarotcom Staff  Tarotcom Staff on the topics of sun, pisces, astrology

It’s time to wrap up another astrological year! When the Sun moves into Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, from February 18 to March 20, it signals the ending of one cycle before the next begins at the Spring Equinox.

And what do you do when something ends, before you begin again? Rest! That’s why the Sun in Pisces is considered a time to dream and heal and regain strength before starting the new cycle.

Pisces is symbolized by two Fish, which we like to call “the fishes with wishes.” The fish are swimming in opposite directions, which is representative of the Pisces paradox. This sign is at once caught between feeling the harshness of reality and the desire for dreamy escapism.

It’s normal to feel more spiritual while the Sun is in Pisces. It’s easier to tap into your intuition and we’re more inclined to follow our instincts and surrender to something greater than the individual self. But it can also be a lazy, daydream-filled period, so we must keep our escapist tendencies in check.

Those born from about February 15-21 were born on the Aquarius-Pisces cusp, and those born from about March 18-22 were born on the Pisces-Aries cusp. Being born on the cusp simply means that you were born during the transition time between two  zodiac signs, so you retain some qualities from each sign.

If we can embrace empathy for others without letting their pain make us feel victimized while the Sun is in Pisces, this promises to be a very healing time.

Here’s how to make the most of life with the Sun in Pisces:

What to do: Take care of someone! Pisces is the most compassionate and caring zodiac sign, so they are at their best when doing something kind for others. Adopt this admirable Pisces quality now and use it to ease someone’s pain.

What to say: Something poetic. The dreamy fishes are artsy and creative, so now’s the time to channel your inner Pisces poet and write or speak something beautiful to someone you love.

Where to go: Bed! Pisces can sometimes be called “lazy,” but really they just need a safe place to lie down, close their eyes and dream the day away. If you find your mind meandering while the Sun is in Pisces, give yourself permission to take a sweet little nap.

What to wear: Who cares?! Seriously. Life is not about what we wear, it’s about who we are. That’s the typical Pisces mindset, of course, so if you’re tired of dressing for success, this is a good time to slack into some sweats and forget about fashion while you follow more spiritual pursuits.

What to buy: Anything that will help you feel more connected to your spiritual side. It’s easier to tap into your intuition while the Sun is in Pisces, so shop for New Age healing crystals, incense, candles, Tarot cards and all of Pisces’ favorite spiritual supplies.

What to watch out for: Highly sensitive, compassionate and imaginative, Pisces is at risk of wanting to escape when they feel too much or get caught up in daydreams. Alcohol and drug abuse are common to this sign, so be aware of escapism and try to keep yourself grounded (at least a little bit) while the Sun is in Pisces.

What to look forward to: Healing! By the time the Sun moves out of Pisces, you’ll be rested, renewed, reconnected with your spiritual self and ready to begin a new astrological year!

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Today’s Tarot Card for February 17th is The Chariot

The Chariot

Monday, Feb 17th, 2014








Traditionally, the card usually entitled the Chariot points to a triumphal feeling of freedom, as if the charioteer is being paraded through the streets as a hero (or heroine). The card reflects congratulations for high achievement, and serves as a sign of empowerment.

Huge wheels and frisky steeds speed the rate at which the driver’s willpower can be realized. This kind of charge makes more of the world accessible to anyone ambitious enough to seize the Chariot’s reins. But there is danger in this feeling of freedom, because of the increased rate of change and its power to magnify mistakes in judgment. As a seasoned warrior, the Charioteer is called upon to be extra attentive to the way ahead.

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Today’s Tarot Card for Feb. 14 is The Emperor

The Emperor

Friday, Feb 14th, 2014









In the most practical terms, what has traditionally been called the Emperor card represents the highest leadership, a head of state or the most exemplary and powerful person in the realm. This archetypal ruler is responsible for the positive working out of affairs of a society or community, which are directly proportional to his well being and happiness.

The more enlightenment and cosmic perspective this energy brings, the better life is for all. The Emperor archetype masters the world of matter and physical manifestation. When you apply this card to your situation, acknowledge your potentials for mastery. Reinforce a sense of sovereignty within yourself, despite any self-limiting beliefs, habits or appearances to the contrary.

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Today’s Tarot Card for Feb. 13th is The Empress

The Empress

Thursday, Feb 13th, 2014








Traditionally entitled “Empress,” this major arcana or “trump” card portrays the energy of the Great Mother. She is Nature, around us but also within us, the ever-unfolding Source of life-giving power. She is often pictured as a pre-Christian Goddess, as the one whom the High Priestess is channeling down to earth for the rest of us.

In medieval Europe, the Empress card was painted to represent whatever Queen currently ruled the land, probably to satisfy the Inquisitors. But the scholars of the Renaissance and beyond had no doubt of her true identity, although she could not be fully revealed on Tarot cards as the “woman clothed with the sun” until after the French Revolution.

This supreme archetype of femininity also symbolizes fertility. It is She who provides us nourishment and security. She is also sometimes seen as delighting us with flowers and fruit. A potentially terrifying aspect of this archetype manifests itself whenever karmic mood swings wipe out our plans, like a storm that has come upon us. Whatever happens, the Empress is the Source of our Embodiment and of Natural Law. She might even be called “the Great Recycler.”

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The Witches Magick for February 13 – Don’t Give Up Spell

The Witches Magick for February 13

Don’t Give Up Spell

When nothing seems to be going right, this spell helps you hang in there until the situation inproves.

What You Will Need:

Oak flower essence (available in health food stores or online)

A piece of yellow paper

A pen or marker with red ink

A black candle

A candleholder

Matches of a lighter

A Tarot Card that represents you

The Strength Tarot Card (which signifies inner and outer strength)

The Seven of Wands Tarot Card (represent the ability to hold firm when you’re challenged or attacked)

The Star Tarot Card (represents hope)

The World Tarot Card (represents everything working out successfully)

When to Cast:

The Spell:

Put a few drops of oak flower essence under your tongue. On the paper, draw a red pentagram at least one foot in diameter. Lay it face up on your altar, a table, or another flat surface where it can remain for a period of time. Fit the candle in its holder and set it in the center of the pentagram. Light the candle.

Place the Tarot Card that represents you on the top point of the pentagram. Position the cards Strength and the Seven of Wands on the two side points of the pentagram. Put the Star and the World cards on the pentagram’s bottom two points. Gaze at the cards and allow their symbolism to imprint your subconscious with positive imagery. Feel them stimulating the courage and confidence you need to face the challenges before you. When you feel ready or start to lose your focus, extinguish the candle. Repeat this spell daily, for as long as necessary.

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