A Little Humor – Mirror, Mirror c. 2012

Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Do you have to tell it all?
Where do you get the glaring right
To make my clothes look too darn tight?
I think I’m fine but I can see
You won’t cooperate with me,
The way you let the shadows play
You’d think my hair was getting gray.
What’s that, you say? A double chin?
No, that’s the way the light comes in,
If you persist in peering so
You’ll confiscate my facial glow,
And then if you’re not hanging straight
You’ll tell me next I’m gaining weight,
I’m really quite upset with you
For giving this distorted view;
I hate you being smug and wise
O, look what’s happened to my thighs!
I warn you now, O mirrored wall,
Since we’re not on speaking terms at all,
If I look like this in my new jeans
You’ll find yourself in smithereens!! 

Turok’s Cabana

Spells – Dice in the Moon Divination c. 2012


Dice in the Moon Divination

You will need a large white piece of paper, a writing pen, and three dice.

On the piece of paper draw a circle, representing the moon. Lay the paper down on a flat surface, and before rolling the dice, determine what question you want to ask. Ask your favorite moon goddess such as Akupera (Hindu) or Diana (Roman) to bless the dice., then cast the dice into the circle and count up the total. Any dice falling outside the circle of moon must be recast. The following list gives each number’s divination meaning:

3     Good luck and good fortune

4     Disillusionment and disappointment

5     Someone will bring you happiness

6     Family and home issues

7     Beware of scandal and lies

8     Money matters and finances

9     Love is coming to you

10    Spiritual gains

11    Illness or injury

12    Secrecy and possible betrayal

13    Success will be yours

14    Helpful friends

15    Be cautious

16    Time for taking a journey

17    You will meet strangers with good advice

18    You will attain your goals

The Witches Almanac for Wednesday, January 27th

Y.A.M._White Unicorns
The Witches Almanac for Wednesday, January 27th

Wednesday (Mercury): The conscious mind, study, travel, divination, and wisdom.

Vogelgruff (Swiss)

Waning Moon
The Waning Moon (from the Full Moon to the New) is a time for study, meditation, and little magical work (except magic designed to banish harmful energies).

Moon phase: Third Quarter

Moon Sign: Virgo
Virgo: Favors accomplishment of details and commands from higher up. Focuses on health, hygiene, and daily schedules.

Incense: Lavender

Color: Topaz

The Witches Almanac for Wednesday, January 20th

Blessed Be ...
The Witches Almanac for Wednesday, January 20th

Wednesday (Mercury): The conscious mind, study, travel, divination and wisdom.

Inauguration Day

Waxing Moon
The Waxing Moon (from the New Moon to the Full) is the ideal time for magic to draw things toward you.

Moon phase: Second Quarter

Moon Sign: Gemini
Gemini: Things begun now are easily changed by outside influence. Time for shortcuts, communication, games, and fun.

Sun enters Aquarius 10: 27 am
Aquarius: Rebellious energy. Time to break habits and make abrupt changes. Personal freedom and individuality is the focus.

Incense: Honeysuckle

Color: Brown

Celebrating 365 Days of Legends, Folklore & Spirituality for December 2nd – Festivals of Neptune and Pietas

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December 1 and 2

Festivals of Neptune and Pietas

Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius.

-Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not rightly understand.

-Leonardo Da Vinci


December 1 celebrated the festivals of Neptune and Pietas. This festival was the equivalent to the one that was held on July 23 at the temple dedicated to Neptune in the Circus Flaminus within the Campus Martius. There would have been games, a sacrifice, and, more than likely, some sort of horse and chariot race.

Pieta, a Roman Goddess who was the personification of respectful duty, is often portrayed in human form and sometimes accompanied by a stork, the symbol of deferential duty. She was frequently represented on coins, which were considered to be a symbol of the reigning emperor’s virtues. Her temple was in the Circus Flaminius and later at the Forum Holitorium, where her December 1 festival was held.

It was on the 1st of December in 1750 that seven men (for a wager) buttoned themselves into the waistcoat of Mr. Edward Bright of Maldon, Essex, who had expired at the age of 29 and was considered to be the fattest man that ever lived in Britain.

On December 2, Tibetan Buddhists make their annual pilgrimage to the world’s oldest tree in what it known as Bodh Gaya. The tree was planted in 282 B.c. and is believed to be an offshoot of the Bodhi tree-the tree that the Buddha sat under when he attained enlightenment.

The Daily Motivator for February 27th – Moving forward

Moving forward

Live this day based on the way you can be, not on the way you have been. Live  this day focused on your best possibilities, not on your worst fears.

One big thing that makes life so amazing is the constant opportunity to move  forward. As you live this day, choose to make the most of that opportunity.

Whatever the situation may be, whoever may be to blame, your best option is  to move forward. No matter how the past has been, or what you have or do not  have, your best choice is to move forward.

There is something you can do right now that will make a positive difference  and move things forward. Find it and do it.

If you’re dismayed and don’t really feel like doing anything, what will  quickly help you feel much better is doing something to move forward. If you’re  not sure what to do, move forward just a little and you’ll soon see ways to move  forward even more powerfully.

There may be plenty of good reasons to give up, and yet there’s one even  better reason to keep moving forward. It will inject new substance and energy  into your life, and with that, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.

— Ralph Marston

The Daily Motivator

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A Little Humor for Your Day – The Lottery

The Lottery

A guy gets home, runs into his house, slams the door and says, “Honey, pack your bags. I won the lottery!”  The wife says, “Wow! That’s great! I’m so happy! Should I pack for the ocean, or should I pack for the mountains?”  

He says, “I don’t care. Just get the hell out!”

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Today’s Tarot Card for February 17th is The Chariot

The Chariot

Monday, Feb 17th, 2014








Traditionally, the card usually entitled the Chariot points to a triumphal feeling of freedom, as if the charioteer is being paraded through the streets as a hero (or heroine). The card reflects congratulations for high achievement, and serves as a sign of empowerment.

Huge wheels and frisky steeds speed the rate at which the driver’s willpower can be realized. This kind of charge makes more of the world accessible to anyone ambitious enough to seize the Chariot’s reins. But there is danger in this feeling of freedom, because of the increased rate of change and its power to magnify mistakes in judgment. As a seasoned warrior, the Charioteer is called upon to be extra attentive to the way ahead.

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Your Animal Spirit for Feb. 13th is The Opossum

Your Animal Spirit for Today
February 13, 2014


You’ve heard the expression “playing possum”? It means to play dead and is derived from Opossum’s ability to act in whatever way the situation demands. If it’s practical to play dead, so be it; if it’s to Opossum’s advantage to be aggressive, watch out! Take your cue from this master actor today—and play the role that will serve you best.

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Calendar of the Sun for February 12th

Calendar of the Sun

12 Solmonath

Day of Diana as Lady of the Animals

Colors: Brown and green
Element: Earth
Altar: Lay with cloth of earth colors and set with representations of many animals, as well as a crescent moon for Diana. Burn cypress incense.
Offerings: Animal figures. Kindliness towards the other creatures of the earth.
Daily Meal: Serve both vegetarian food (for the prey animals) and wild game (for the predators).

Invocation to the Lady of the Animals

Goddess who runs with the rabbit,
Fleet of foot, silver of tail;
Goddess who runs with the wolf
Who follows on its path,
Lady who runs with the cycle,
From Life to Death to Life again,
Who is with fish and frog,
Bird and butterfly,
And all that runs on four legs
Or crawls upon the ground,
Lady of our sisters and brothers,
Those who became one with
Our ancestors,
Those who gave their lives
That we might live,
Let us never forget, Diana
Of the deep forest, that this world
Is a shared one
And not ours alone.

Chant: Diana Diana Brother Wolf and Sister Bear
Diana Diana Brother Mouse and Sister Hare
Diana Diana Brother Stallion, Sister Mare.

(All go outside, where treats of seed and peanut butter are hung on branches for the forest spirits, and any livestock are given special treats.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

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The Witches Magick for February 7th – A SPELL TO BIND EVIL

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To use this spell you must be able to picture the evil you wish to bind within your mind. It is very important to be able to see strands or bonds or knots that hold it together. Those are what you are going to release slowly.

Do note that this spell can take a long time depending on the strength and complexity of the evil. You must imagine yourself undoing the knots or bonds and then say out loud as many times as needed:

“I bind this evil from doing harm
To those around us And itself
I bind it to be free But not harmful.”

You MUST do this slowly.

If you do it quickly and try to overwhelm the evil it could overwhelm you
or just manifest on it’s evil on the energy you are giving out.
If you plan to do this spell please be very careful and know that it is very draining.

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Your Ancient Symbol Card for Feb. 3 is Evil

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today


At its extreme Evil indicates a life force that embodies pure malevolence.  Fortunately Evil in the extreme is very rare. Generally Evil suggests actions taken that challenge our morality and without regard to the harm that may be done to others. The appearance of Evil signifies a time in which someone is acting out of rage, selfishness, ignorance, or, sadly, sating a mean spirit.

As a daily card Evil is a warning that you or your group are the focus of someone’s malice. This is time for you to be very wary of the motives of those who haven’t earned your trust. It is likely you have something they want and they are willing to go to extremes to take it from you

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Your Ancient Symbol Card for Jan. 31 is The Owl

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today

The Owl

The powerful Owl easily makes its way through the darkest night on muted wings. Often it is only their haunting call echoing across the land that lets us know The Owl is near. Because of its amazing night vision, many cultures have attributed wisdom and the ability to uncover even the deepest secrets to the enigmatic, noble Owl. The Owl’s nocturnal prowess has lead many to see them as a messenger between the material and spirit worlds. Cultures as distinct as the African Zulus and ancient Celtics have ascribed magical powers to The Owl made them a revered companion to shaman and wizards.

As a daily card, The Owl marks a moment when wise decisions and actions must be made based upon information known to only a few, or possibly only you. It marks a time when your vision is likely to be clearer, more acute than of those around you. Spiritual revelations may be made. Secrets may be revealed that demand decisive action.

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Quiz of the Day: Which Bird Will Help You Today?

Quiz: Which Bird Will Help You Today?

Birds can be powerful allies for becoming our truest selves or for simply  helping us to get through our busy and challenging days. Do you need the  sharp-eyed eagle, merry finch, or something else? Take the quiz and find out,  here:

Answer the following questions TRUE or FALSE.

1. I need the ability to wait patiently until the right time comes to  act.

2. I need to get a clear overview of my life right now; I’m too bogged down  in details to have perspective.

3. I feel like I’m operating in the dark and could really use some help  finding my way.

4. I need to feel more cheerful and optimistic.

5. I want my brain to feel sharp and flexible, making the best possible use  of what I know.

6. I want to feel more loving, gentle, and affectionate.

7. I need to feel that my territory is protected and safe.

8. I need help getting rid of outworn things in my life.

If you answered TRUE to:

1, then Crane will be helpful to you.

2, then Eagle is your guide.

3, then Owl is your ally.

4, then Finch will aid you.

5, then Crow is your helper.

6, then Dove will be your companion.

7, then Jay is your friend.

8, then Vulture is your guide.

You may want to put photos or other images of your bird where you can see it  and be reminded of its basic nature, which offers itself to you for help and  guidance. Be sure to put an offering of birdseed outside, if you can, as a  thank-you.

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Your Tarot Card for Tuesday, January 28th – The Chariot

The Chariot

Tuesday, Jan 28th, 2014









Traditionally, the card usually entitled the Chariot points to a triumphal feeling of freedom, as if the charioteer is being paraded through the streets as a hero (or heroine). The card reflects congratulations for high achievement, and serves as a sign of empowerment.

Huge wheels and frisky steeds speed the rate at which the driver’s willpower can be realized. This kind of charge makes more of the world accessible to anyone ambitious enough to seize the Chariot’s reins. But there is danger in this feeling of freedom, because of the increased rate of change and its power to magnify mistakes in judgment. As a seasoned warrior, the Charioteer is called upon to be extra attentive to the way ahead.

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Your Ancient Symbol Card for January 24th is The Hand

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today

The Hand

Although the exact meaning may vary, The Hand is a symbol of some form of personal power in many cultures and religions. The presence of The Hand is an indication that your personal powers are at or near their zenith. The Hand suggest a time when you should leave your mark on the world.

As a daily card, The Hand suggest that now is a time for you to leave your mark on the world. Your unique strengths are heightened to a point where you can not only expect to make substantial progress towards your goals, but enjoy recognition for your efforts as well.

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The Magickal Pyramid

The Magickal Pyramid

To Know, To Will, To Dare, To Keep Silent

To Know:  Knowledge is the first key in any magickal working.  We must know what we want to do, and how to do it with skill.

To Will:  The focus of will provides the external energy necessary to do Work.

To Dare:  This is the “doing” of the magickal operation, sometimes not without
risk or effort.

To Keep Silent:  Do not “diffuse” the energies of ANY working by “talking it to
death”, PARTICULARLY with those not directly involved or concerned  with the

These four elements form a dynamic interaction with each other and the work or
object of the work represented by the  “Point” of the pyramid if you visualize
this diagram in three dimensions, rather than the two of the computer screen.
These seem to be fundamental principles for group ritual as well as solitary

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Daily Motivator for Jan. 21 – Immense bounty

Immense bounty

Remind yourself right now, and often again, how good you have it. The more  you’re aware of how good you have it, the better it all gets.

You are capable beyond anything you have yet imagined. You have access to  resources you don’t yet even know are there.

The way to make better use of the immense bounty in your life is to more  fully appreciate it. Be amazed at how good you have it, and you’ll become even  more amazed at all the great things you can do.

All sorts of dangers, limitations, disappointments and shortcomings may  forcefully and dramatically demand your attention. Don’t neglect such problems,  but don’t make them the centerpiece of your awareness either.

Instead, see all the negative aspects of life from the larger perspective of  your positive possibilities. Know without a doubt how truly good you have it,  and you’ll naturally take every problem in stride.

Remember always how good you have it. And you’ll keep yourself always in a  position of great strength.

— Ralph Marston

The Daily Motivator

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Daily Motivator for Jan. 16th – Whatever you think

Whatever you think

If you think the whole world is against you, it might as well be true. If you  think there’s a way to move successfully forward, you will find that way.

What you think about life plays a major role in the way your life unfolds.  Whatever you think is going to happen will inform and influence each action you  take, so that much of what you think does indeed happen.

If you think the task in front of you will be a tedious, boring chore, that’s  what it will be. If you think the job will give you a unique opportunity to  express yourself and create new value, it certainly will.

No matter what the reality of your life may be, you can choose exactly what  to think about it. The more things you think about in a positive light, the more  positive outcomes you will create.

If you generate thoughts of worry, criticism and complaint, you will end up  creating even more things to worry, criticize and complain about. If you focus  your thoughts on how to allow, encourage and enrich, you’ll find much more  richness appearing in your life.

The thoughts you choose to think and hold are the same thoughts that  influence every moment of your life. Choose wisely, and live magnificently.

— Ralph Marston

The Daily Motivator

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Your Ancient Symbol Card for Jan. 16th is The Western Dragon

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today

The Western Dragon

Unlike the beneficent Easter Dragon, The Western Dragon is a symbol of totally unleashed destructive power that is set upon anyone who crosses the Dragon’s path. The Western Dragon also hordes treasures that should rightfully be ours, and whose absence deprives us from being complete. The challenges set  before us by the Western Dragon are truly prodigious, because they denote a force whose sole intent is not simply to keep us from moving forward in our lives, but to usurp all that we have previously gained as well. What is even more disturbing about the force behind the Western Dragon is that it may well indicate primal forces in ourselves so powerful that they do in fact turn us into our own worst enemy.

As a daily card, The Western Dragon is a powerful negative force intent upon thwarting your progress. In such a short time frame it is most likely you’re being undermined by an external force–someone who wants what you have gained or gains your are near realizing. While formidable, this bellicose entity does have vulnerabilities. First, there is nothing subtle about the forces represented by The Western Dragon, so the source will be easy for you to identify. Secondly, The Western Dragon represents undisciplined, primal energies that aren’t easy to control, so they are susceptible to logical responses steeped in self control. In short, don’t panic, act deliberately and decisively, and you will weather this storm.

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