Sacred Symbols and the Witch Next Door c. 2016

(Yes, I am cheating with some posts but feel they deserve to be brought to the present)

Sacred Symbols and The Witch Next Door

Author Unknow

It’s Tuesday at five o’clock. I punch out, lock up my desk, and leave the dreaded office for the evening. As I walk out of the side door, I imagine that I’m going through one of those automatic car washes, and the brushes and water are removing the day’s stresses and negativity from me (I’m a title clerk at a car dealership, and as you can imagine, dealing with the DMV every day tends to build up negativity). By the time I get to my car, I’m feeling good, stress free and ready for the evening. I look up and see another Carolina thunderstorm rolling in. It’s going to be a 30-minute drive in the rain, and that makes me smile.

By the time I meander my way out of the parking lot, the rains have started. I roll down my window and stick my hand out. As I drive down the street, going with the flow at 45 mph, I feel the bite on my palms and wrists. Like thousands of needles, the drops seem to pierce my skin, infusing me with the energy of Water and Wind. My entire left side is soaked, and I don’t seem to mind. The family in the mini-van next to me stares slack-jawed, thinking me to be insane. I feel sorry for them. If they only knew how good this feels, how cleansing it is, their heads would hang out of the windows of the van like Labradors. I turn into the parking lot of the grocery store to pick up something for cakes and ale tonight. The rain is coming down in sheets. Thunder cracks and rumbles, making the ground shake. Lightning strikes are everywhere. A handful of people run to their cars, holding a few grocery bags and covering their large heads with thin arms to shield themselves. I have the sudden urge to strip naked, arms out in childlike joy, and dance in deformed circles throughout the parking lot until I’m dizzy and fall into a puddle, laughing. The only thing stopping me is the patrol car parked nearby, with the cop inside catching up on his paperwork. I stroll leisurely into the store and pass a small group of old southern women staring at me as they huddle just behind the automatic doors waiting for the storm to subside. One of them tells me that I’ll get sick from that, and that I should have at least tried to hurry into the store where it’s dry. I look at her and say, “Water is a sacred symbol. I am Cleansed and Purified by the Mother.”

When I’ve finished my transaction and head out of the store, the rain has slowed to barely more than a drizzle. As I turn out of the parking lot, it has stopped all together. Again, I’ve rolled down my window and stuck my arm out; now it’s just the Air that I feel on my skin. I inhale the crisp smells only detected after a storm. My lungs expand, and I feel the butterflies in my stomach. That smell always seems to rejuvenate me. I pull into my driveway, turn off the car and go inside. I put the cakes and ale in the refrigerator, then head straight for the back door. On my deck, I sit and enjoy the rolling hills and farmland behind my house. The smell of the after rain still clings to the Air. I breathe deeply and close my eyes. I feel at one with the Air, with the sky. A light breeze kisses my face. As the breeze kicks up, it wraps around me, a swirling blanket of the Gods. I am given the gift of the East, Air as its symbol, and I take that with me back into the house.

The rest of the coven arrives. I change into my robes and we go into the altar room to set up. I lead them through the chants and the worship, we dine on the cakes and ale, and we meditate briefly before opening circle. After ritual, we sit and catch up on what’s going on in each other’s lives. We laugh, we talk, and we laugh some more. By 9:30 they show themselves out, and I return to the altar room. I light all of the candles once again and stare into the flame of one of my altar candles. I feel my spirit disconnect from my physical body. I enter a trance, and am lost in the awesome power of the Fire. My mind becomes one with the dancing flame and images flood my head. Insights are gained, wisdoms etched into my psyche to forever become a part of me. My education continues, with the Lord and Lady my teachers. The Fire is a symbol of my knowledge. My passion swells as I strive to learn everything…to know…to be. I become aware that I’ve hit the climax of my trance and feel the cycling down, the beginning of the end of the controlled burn. The images slow, and I am once again aware that it is a candle at which I stare. I thank the Gods for bestowing the gnosis upon me, and carefully extinguish the flame.

I am unaware of the time, and do not care to know. I need to ground myself, but rather than do it inside, I instead choose to take our offerings from ritual and bury it outside in the Earth. In the backyard, I find a small, rich patch of soil. Most of the yard is clay, except for here. I dig deeper than needed. Halfway down I toss aside my trowel, electing instead to feel the Earth in my bare hands. As I dig I allow the energies raised within me to pour down into the Earth. The smell of the grass and weeds and dirt permeate me. I feel calm and relaxed, bathed in the glow of the full moon. Carefully I scrape the offering off of the dish. I close my eyes and feel good, knowing that however small it is, this gift of thanks to the Gods will decompose, and what grows in this spot will receive some extra nutrition. All returns to the Earth in good time. I repack the hole I’ve dug and remain on my knees for a few more minutes. The Earth, our symbol of life, our living organism.

These are the most sacred of symbols, the Elements. Water, Air, Fire and Earth all connect us to the Spirit. I stand up slowly, beginning to feel the effects of exhaustion. I turn my head to the right and see a neighbor peeking out the blinds at me. I think to myself that I’m doing nothing strange here, yet tomorrow morning I’ll be the block’s topic of conversation. A Mona Lisa smile crosses my lips as I wave to her and she quickly moves away from the window. I go back into the house, knowing that I’m just the everyday Witch next door.

Mabon Ritual Just For You – Solitary

Altar Arrangement:

My altar almost always contains the following tools at minimum:
God and Goddess candle or representation
Incense – I usually use Cinnamon for Mabon
Small Cauldron containing Salt
Gemstones as needed
Candles as needed

Circle Casting:

(Note:  I light incense and altar candles before this part of the ritual)

Hail to you Spirits of the North and the power of Air,
I do summon, stir and call you up to witness these rites and to guard this sacred space.

Hail to you Spirits of the East and the power of Earth,
I do summon, stir and call you up to witness these rites and to guard this sacred space.

Hail to you Spirits of the South and the power of Fire,
I do summon, stir and call you up to witness these rites and to guard this sacred space.

Hail to you Spirits of the West and the power of Water,
I do summon, stir and call you up to witness these rites and to guard this sacred space.

This sacred circle is cast
between future and past.

As above, so below,
The circle is made whole.

So mote it be!

At this time I will be invite my personal guides – both known and unknown


They who are called by many names, I honor you!

Father God, come join with me!
Tonight, I offer thanks for the blessings you have given me.
and for the sacrifice You have made for my benefit.
I mourn for You and rejoice in Your rebirth to come.
Autumn’s grain is Spring’s seed.

Mother Goddess, come join with me!
Tonight I offer thanks for the blessings to come.
As sunlight wanes and shadow grows,
I celebrate your mysteries.
With death comes new life.

Now I will offer a prayer of personal thanks to the Deities.


As this is the time of the autumnal equinox, I will focus on achieving balance.

Raising and directing power:
I will be releasing negative self image by writing our my self hatred and burning the paper.  Afterwards, I will be raising power for healing myself and others I know who are in need.  When I have directed the power to it’s purpose, I will earth the power.

Thanking the Deities:
Mother Goddess, Father God,
Who created All and are All
I thank you for your presence here
and for the blessings you have bestowed on me!
May Your love stay with me now and evermore.

I will now thank my personal guides.

Opening the circle:

Spirits of Air, Earth, Fire and Water,
Go if you must or stay if you will.
I humbly thank thee for your presence tonight!
Though the circle is open, it remains unbroken.
As Above, So Below.
So I have said.
So mote it be.

Goddess of the Day – Hecate or Hekate

Hecate or Hekate

Then the earth began to bellow

And howling dogs in glimmering light advance

Ere Hekate came

-Aeneid, Book VL

Greek Queen of the Night, Goddess of Witchcraft and the Underworld. Hecate can change shapes or ages at will and has the power to rejuvenate or kill.

The daughter of Perses and Asteria, she represents the oldest Greek form of the Triple Goddess. Her powers extend over heaven and the underworld, the earth and the sea. She is sometimes represented with three heads – one of a horse, one of a dog and one of a bear, or one of a dog, snake and lion.

As Hecate of the Three Ways, her images stood at three-way crossroads where offerings of dogs, honey and black ewes were left on Full Moon Nights. In the realm of nature she is honored as Selene, the moon, in Heaven. She is honored as Artemis, the huntress, on Earth and as Hecate, the destroyer, in the Underworld. She is also the Goddess of prophecy, charms, vengeance, wisdom, choices and regeneration and is often accompanied by a pack of black, baying hounds or the three-headed dog, Cerberus.


(Keep in mind this is one person’s viewpoint.)

The are four groups of nature spirits that are collectively referred to as the Elementals.  They are, in no specific order, the Sylphs, the Undines, the Gnomes, and the Salamanders.  Each of these groups corresponds with one of the four elements; air, fire, earth, and water.  They live among us, yet remain mostly unseen except by children (their young minds have not been corrupted yet) and skilled practitioners who have been trained to see them.

We can trace the roots of the naming to the Swiss physician, alchemist, theologian, and philosopher Paracelsus (ca. 1493–1541).  Paracelsus was an enigma during his life as he found common ground in the physical sciences, magic, theology, and humanity.  Rather than ignore one discipline for the sake of another, he viewed them all to be necessary and dependent on one another.  He was thought to be a prophet of sorts and a diviner, but that’s another story altogether.

Salamanders – Fire…

Gnomes – Earth…

Undines – Water…

Sylphs – Air…


There are many articles about elementals and each one seems to add a degree of spin.  Some are obviously intended to drive social and environmental justice messages.  Others are more focused on the ‘personality’ of each type.  At first I wanted to make this an all encompassing article about every detail I could find, but I didn’t.  I don’t want anyone’s opinion being my opinion.

Use this brief introduction to the Elementals as a starting point in your research.

Click here to read about each class of Elementals from

Elemental Energies in Magick – Spirit

Some of the Elemental Energies in Magick for Spirit

The element of Spirit is the 5th unseen element. It is the combination of all the energies of the four elements and it is very hard to work with    because there is nothing to focus on. In fact the only real way to connect to this 5th element is to look inside yourself and connect with that part of you    that is unique and different from other people. The part of you that is noble, confident, honorable and strong. This is the part of you that is Spirit.    Unfortunately for most people, connecting to this part of themselves is made a lot more difficult than it has to be because of fear and insecurity. What if    they don’t have enough of these good qualities to ever connect to something that no one can see, touch, smell or hear? The answer lies in your own    personal mythology. Take for instance any story you have ever heard that moved you and inspired you. It can be a fairy tale you heard when you were a child    or a story you heard yesterday. You don’t have to believe the story was true to use the energy it raises inside of you. You need only focus on the way    it makes you feel and then translate it to other situations in your everyday life. In fact these stories represent psychological archetypes that we all    share which is why story-telling is common in our culture. We all have a craving for Spirit. Our mythology is the code of the unconscious mind, and it    paves the way to connecting to Spirit. So when you want to invoke the element of Spirit, summon the feelings of triumph or joy that stem from your personal    mythologies. The energy exists on its own for you to use and direct even after you have forgotten about the story. Once you have summoned the energy,    directing it is another matter. Spirit energy is often represented by the color white or ultra-violet (invisible) light. You should imagine whatever color    helps you define the Spirit energy you feel. This can be white, clear, ultra-violet, etc. It’s really up to you because this is your personal energy    source. Like all the other elements, Spirit energy is a part of nature, however, this is the point where YOU become another aspect of nature just as Fire,    Water, Air and Earth are parts of nature. Spirit represents the superconscious mental processes (as opposed to the conscious mental processes of Air and    the unconscious mental processes of Water). For this reason magick in all forms will be successful when performed under the supervision and assistance of    Spirit, ruled by the spirit of the center of the Four Winds, Metatron.

As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without

…part of the element of Air with every breath I take;

…part of the element of Water as my body is seventy percent fluids;

…part of the element of Earth because I care for all other living things and try to nurture them;

…part of the element of Fire because I pursue my passions;

…of the element of Spirit because I carry the Goddesses and Gods within myself;

….part of the Universe and all that is in it and they are a part of me.

These things make me stronger and able to live this lifetime to its fullest.

Blessed be dear ones.

©️ 2015 Lady Beltane

A Basic Guide to Working with the Elements


There a four basic elements most Wiches work with Air, Fire, Water and Earth. There is also a fifth Spirit
which we commune with and use on a daily bases.

When working with and using the elements for spellcraft and rituals please make sure to always dismiss
them and tell them to go back from where they came with your thanks. Not doing so can cause some
strange things to happen where ever you may have used them, i.e. in your home electronics might act up,
feeling a draft for no reason, hearing water running when none is, etc.

Spirit is used any time you call upon a God and/or Goddess and/or an Archangel for help with something.
This element does not usually cause anything strange to happen if you do not send it back. You still should
thank whom ever you called upon to lend power and help to whatever you are doing.

The element of Air is most commonly called upon when needing help with somethig that is intelligents, i.e.
home work, getting a job done by a deadline, some times just thinking straight, etc.

The element of Water is most commonly used when dealing with something involving emotions. By this I do
not mean bending another persons free will trying to make them feel a certain way. In this case you maybe
dealing with grief of someone who just crossed over (died) and want the grief to lessen some, or asking the
Universe to help you find your true love, if you are feeling down, etc. Asking for help in finding your true
love is not the same as asking for a specific person to fall in love with you.

The element of Fire is commonly used for transition, i.e. going from being a child to an adult, moving from
one place to another and asking for help in finding the right place for you, going from working to being
home all the time or vise-virsa etc.

The element of Earth is used to help you feel more intune with your self and those you are around. To
ground you, not as in punishment but as in not feeling so confused and/or not yourself for no apparent

The four basic elements of Air, Water, Fire and Earth can be used together for certain types of spell work and
each should always be represented on your Altar when preforming any type of Ritual. The fifth Element of
Spirit is always a guiding force during Rituals and should also be represented on your Altar.

Examples of what can be used to represent the Elements on your Altar:

Air set in the East – a feather, hatched wild birds egg, incenses or yellow candle, bird’s nest

Water set in the West – a bowl of tap water or rain water or melted snow (this is usually used in
transformation work), bowl of sea salt or blue candle

Fire set in the South – a red candle or if outside and/or if you have a fireplace on a south wall a real wood
burning fire is possible

Earth set in the North – a bowl of regular table salt, a bowl of dirt from your yard or a green candle

Spirit set in either the Northeast or Nortwest (I always set mine in the Northeast as I feel Spirit and Air
usually work together) – an Angel and/or Goddess and/or God statue or white candle. SPirit can also be
represented by having something in the Northest to represt Goddess (female aspect) and something in the
Northwest to represent God (the male aspect. NOt all witches or traditions of witchcraft work with the duality
of all things also known as the female and male aspects.

©️ 2014 Lady Beltane


Celebrating Legends, Folklore & Spirituality 365 Days A Year for Feb. 24th – Festival of Shiva

goddess of deep sea

February 24

Festival of Shiva

Shiva, the moon God of the mountains, is honored annually on this date. Folklore and myth portray Shiva with the moon in his hair, through which flows the River Ganges. As it poured down from the heavens, Shiva protected the earth against the mighty Goddess Ganga, who could have flooded all of India. Shiva forced her to stream through his matted hair, thus slowing her force until the waters reached the earth. This is why there are so many small streams converging in the lower Himalayas to form one great divine river, the Ganges. It is still believed that her power is so strong that all people, the living as well as the dead, are purified by her holy waters.

During the festival of Shiva, worshipers gather in his temple to celebrate his celestial dance of creation. The sacred rites are followed by an oil lamp vigil known as the Shibaratri (Shiva’s night) that culminates with a great feast.

Saturday’s Witchery

goddess 4
Saturday’s Witchery

Saturday is a day filled with opportunities to clean up and clear out. So if you are wondering why Hecate is assigned to this day, take another look at what she symbolizes and the magick that is associated with her. That should answer the question.

Hecate was the oldest form of the Greek Triple Goddess, as she presided over heaven, the underworld, and earth. Crossroads where three roads met were especially sacred to Hecate, earning her the title of Hekate of the Three Ways. It’s interesting to note that even after the worship of other goddesses waned, ancient people still worshiped Hecate as the Queen of the Underworld and the Guardian of the Three-Way Crossroad. It was also believed that if you left her an offering of food there, she would grant you her favors. As Hecate Trivia, her triple images were often displayed at these crossroads, where she was petitioned on the full moon for positive magick and on the dark of the moon for cursing and dark magick.

While this last bit of information sounds a little ominous, keep in mind that Hecate/Hekate was known by many titles and is a shapeshifter. Her appearance could and did change often. As a dark moon goddess, her faces are many. To some she may appear as a old crone, hunched over a smoking cauldron and draped in a midnight cape. To others she may appear as a dark beautiful, mysterious, and mature woman wearing a shimmering crown. To some she may be perceived as a maiden priestess. She was called the “most lovely one,” the Great Goddess of Nature, and the Queen of the World of Spirits. This dark goddess knows her way around the earth and the underworld. All the powers of nature, life, and death are at her command.

Book of Witchery
Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week

Ellen Dugan

The Witches Moon Phase for February 4th is Waning Crescent

February 4
Waning Crescent
Illumination: 19%

The Moon today is in a Waning Crescent phase. In this phase the Moon’s illumination is growing smaller each day until the New Moon. During this phase the Moon is getting closer to the Sun as viewed from Earth and the night side of the Moon is facing the Earth with only a small edge of the Moon being illuminated. This phase is best viewed an hour or 2 before the sunrise and can be quite beautiful if you’re willing to get up early. It can also be a great time to see the features of the Moon’s surface. Along the edge where the illuminated portion meets the dark side, the craters and mountains cast long shadows making them easier to observe with a telescope or binoculars.

Phase Details for – Thursday, February 4, 2016

Phase: Waning Crescent
Illumination: 19%
Moon Age: 25.25 days
Moon Angle: 0.51
Moon Distance: 392,302.86 km
Sun Angle: 0.54
Sun Distance: 147,477,823.30 km

The Witches’ Moon Phase for Wednesday, Feb. 3rd – Waning Crescent

February 3
Waning Crescent
Illumination: 28%

The Moon today is in a Waning Crescent phase. In this phase the Moon’s illumination is growing smaller each day until the New Moon. During this phase the Moon is getting closer to the Sun as viewed from Earth and the night side of the Moon is facing the Earth with only a small edge of the Moon being illuminated. This phase is best viewed an hour or 2 before the sunrise and can be quite beautiful if you’re willing to get up early. It can also be a great time to see the features of the Moon’s surface. Along the edge where the illuminated portion meets the dark side, the craters and mountains cast long shadows making them easier to observe with a telescope or binoculars.

Phase Details for – Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Phase: Waning Crescent
Illumination: 28%
Moon Age: 24.30 days
Moon Angle: 0.50
Moon Distance: 396,509.38 km
Sun Angle: 0.54
Sun Distance: 147,455,010.67 km

Celebrating Legends, Folklore, & Spirituality 365 Days A Year for Jan. 18th – Festival of Perth

January 18th

Festival of Perth

In Australia this day was dedicated to the Aborigine Mother Goddess Nungeena. According to her legend, evil spirits destroyed the earth with insects. Nugeena then created the most beautiful birds of all: lyre birds. These magnificent creatures in turn made other birds, who assisted with the work of clearing away the insects and restoring the world to its original beauty.

The Balance of the Signs & the Elements for Sunday, January 17th







The Balance of the Signs & the Elements for Sunday, January 17th


Stable and enduring, strong values, unyielding, earthy, acquisitive, strong desires. Can be stuck, stubborn, overly possessive, self-indulgent.
Inspiring, broad vision, enthusiastic, goal seeking, truthful, adventurous. Can be reckless, unrestrained, tactless.
Disciplined, responsible, reliable, industrious, conscientious, practical, achieving. Can be pessimistic, overly conventional, rigid, materialistic, callous.

We are especially in touch with the physical world. We consider what we’ve learned and experienced in the past in order to make the most of the present. We can be cautious, practical, and possibly unimaginative. We are deliberate and can pace ourselves well. We need hands-on experience and are not impressed with theory as much as we are with results. Routines are tolerable and comforting.
We may have a difficult time being objective or detached. We may not be especially communicative.


The modes are balanced.

The Witches Current Moon Phase is First Quarter

January 16
First Quarter
Illumination: 45%

The Moon today is in a First Quarter phase. This phase occurs roughly 7 days after the New Moon when the earth is one quarter of the way through it’s orbit around the earth. Exactly half the moon will be illuminated and half dark. On the day of the First Quarter phase the moon is high overhead at sunset and is visible until mid-night when it sets in the west. The First Quarter phase is a one day event and in the following days enters a Waxing Gibbous phase becoming more illuminated each day until the Full Moon.

Phase Details for – Saturday, January 16, 2016

Phase: First Quarter
Illumination: 45%
Moon Age: 6.88 days
Moon Angle: 0.55
Moon Distance: 363,329.18 km
Sun Angle: 0.54
Sun Distance: 147,161,538.20 km


Saturday’s Witchery


Saturday’s Witchery

Saturday is a day filled with opportunities to clean up and clear out. So if you are wondering why Hecate is assigned to this day, take another look at what she symbolizes and the magick that is associated with her. That should answer the question.

Hecate was the oldest form of the Greek Triple Goddess, as she presided over heaven, the underworld, and earth. Crossroads where three roads met were especially sacred to Hecate, earning her the title of Hekate of the Three Ways. It’s interesting to note that even after the worship of other goddesses waned, ancient people still worshiped Hecate as the Queen of the Underworld and the Guardian of the Three-Way Crossroad. It was also believed that if you left her an offering of food there, she would grant you her favors. As Hecate Trivia, her triple images were often displayed at these crossroads, where she was petitioned on the full moon for positive magick and on the dark of the moon for cursing and dark magick.

While this last bit of information sounds a little ominous, keep in mind that Hecate/Hekate was known by many titles and is a shapeshifter. Her appearance could and did change often. As a dark moon goddess, her faces are many. To some she may appear as a old crone, hunched over a smoking cauldron and draped in a midnight cape. To others she may appear as a dark beautiful, mysterious, and mature woman wearing a shimmering crown. To some she may be perceived as a maiden priestess. She was called the “most lovely one,” the Great Goddess of Nature, and the Queen of the World of Spirits. This dark goddess knows her way around the earth and the underworld. All the powers of nature, life, and death are at her command.

Book of Witchery
Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week

Ellen Dugan

The Balance of the Signs & the Elements for Thursday, January 14th






The Balance of the Signs & the Elements for Thursday, January 14th


Inspiring, broad vision, enthusiastic, goal seeking, truthful, adventurous. Can be reckless, unrestrained, tactless.
Disciplined, responsible, reliable, industrious, conscientious, practical, achieving. Can be pessimistic, overly conventional, rigid, materialistic, callous.
Compassionate, sensitive, self-sacrificing, gentle, intuitive. Can be escapist, impractical, hyper- sensitive, gullible.


We are especially in touch with the physical world. We consider what we’ve learned and experienced in the past in order to make the most of the present. We can be cautious, practical, and possibly unimaginative. We are deliberate and can pace ourselves well. We need hands-on experience and are not impressed with theory as much as we are with results. Routines are tolerable and comforting.
We may have a difficult time being objective or detached. We may not be especially communicative.


We may be open to change but may not have much follow-through.

Current Moon Phase for Thursday, January 7th is Waning Crescent

January 7
Waning Crescent
Illumination: 7%

The Moon today is in a Waning Crescent phase. In this phase the Moon’s illumination is growing smaller each day until the New Moon. During this phase the Moon is getting closer to the Sun as viewed from Earth and the night side of the Moon is facing the Earth with only a small edge of the Moon being illuminated. This phase is best viewed an hour or 2 before the sunrise and can be quite beautiful if you’re willing to get up early. It can also be a great time to see the features of the Moon’s surface. Along the edge where the illuminated portion meets the dark side, the craters and mountains cast long shadows making them easier to observe with a telescope or binoculars.

Phase Details for – Thursday, January 7, 2016

Phase: Waning Crescent
Illumination: 7%
Moon Age: 26.95 days
Moon Angle: 0.51
Moon Distance: 393,891.77 km
Sun Angle: 0.54
Sun Distance: 147,103,521.48 km

Current Moon Phase for January 4th is Waning Crescent

Dream of Dragons
January 4
Waning Crescent
Illumination: 29%

The Moon today is in a Waning Crescent phase. In this phase the Moon’s illumination is growing smaller each day until the New Moon. During this phase the Moon is getting closer to the Sun as viewed from Earth and the night side of the Moon is facing the Earth with only a small edge of the Moon being illuminated. This phase is best viewed an hour or 2 before the sunrise and can be quite beautiful if you’re willing to get up early. It can also be a great time to see the features of the Moon’s surface. Along the edge where the illuminated portion meets the dark side, the craters and mountains cast long shadows making them easier to observe with a telescope or binoculars.

Phase Details for – Monday, January 4, 2016

Phase: Waning Crescent
Illumination: 29%
Moon Age: 24.16 days
Moon Angle: 0.49
Moon Distance: 403,518.96 km

Sun Angle: 0.54
Sun Distance: 147,097,867.33 km

Saturday’s Witchery

Saturday’s Witchery

Saturday is a day filled with opportunities to clean up and clear out. So if you are wondering why Hecate is assigned to this day, take another look at what she symbolizes and the magick that is associated with her. That should answer the question.

Hecate was the oldest form of the Greek Triple Goddess, as she presided over heaven, the underworld, and earth. Crossroads where three roads met were especially sacred to Hecate, earning her the title of Hekate of the Three Ways. It’s interesting to note that even after the worship of other goddesses waned, ancient people still worshiped Hecate as the Queen of the Underworld and the Guardian of the Three-Way Crossroad. It was also believed that if you left her an offering of food there, she would grant you her favors. As Hecate Trivia, her triple images were often displayed at these crossroads, where she was petitioned on the full moon for positive magick and on the dark of the moon for cursing and dark magick.

While this last bit of information sounds a little ominous, keep in mind that Hecate/Hekate was known by many titles and is a shapeshifter. Her appearance could and did change often. As a dark moon goddess, her faces are many. To some she may appear as a old crone, hunched over a smoking cauldron and draped in a midnight cape. To others she may appear as a dark beautiful, mysterious, and mature woman wearing a shimmering crown. To some she may be perceived as a maiden priestess. She was called the “most lovely one,” the Great Goddess of Nature, and the Queen of the World of Spirits. This dark goddess knows her way around the earth and the underworld. All the powers of nature, life, and death are at her command.

Book of Witchery
Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week
Ellen Dugan

The Balance of the Signs and the Elements for Thursday, December 24th






The Balance of the Signs and the Elements for Thursday, December 24th


Agile, versatile, inquisitive, flowing, conversational, airy, many ideas. Can be volatile, superficial, changeable, restless and inconsistent.
Disciplined, responsible, reliable, industrious, conscientious, practical, achieving. Can be pessimistic, overly conventional, rigid, materialistic, callous.


We are not very goal-oriented right now, or motivation to pursue our goals may be waning/lacking. Changes feel overwhelming. Enthusiasm may be low, we argue less, and we think more than we take action.
We are especially in touch with the physical world. We consider what we’ve learned and experienced in the past in order to make the most of the present. We can be cautious, practical, and possibly unimaginative. We are deliberate and can pace ourselves well. We need hands-on experience and are not impressed with theory as much as we are with results. Routines are tolerable and comforting.


We are ready to take action and to take on challenges, and can become frustrated with stagnant conditions.
We may be open to change but may not have much follow-through.