Spell For Saturday – Bast Prayer Against Evil Witchcraft


Bast Prayer Against Evil Witchcraft

Light a black candle during this devotional.

Incense for Bast:

Cinnamon, Frankincense, Myrrh, Almond.

Offerings to Bast:

Chrysanthemums, Chocolate, Cotton, Feathers, Figs, Honey, Milk, Sunflowers.

Bast is the Egyptian Goddess, also known as Bastet, whose mission is to protect the home.

She symbolizes the joy of living as it is considered the deity of harmony and happiness. She was typically represented in the form of a domestic cat, or as a woman with the head of a cat, always carrying a sistrum (musical instrument) because she was especially pleased by humans dancing and playing music in her honor.

The cult of Bast was so important that cats were raised in her temples to be her representation, and at the death of these, they were carefully mummified and buried in specific tombs for them.

In her warrior aspect, she was a lioness with green skin and in this aspect she was associated with sunlight. She was a solar goddess until the identification of the Greeks with her lunar goddess Artemis.

Devotional text

Mother of the gods, the One, the Only,

Mistress of the Crowns, you rule all.

Sekhmet is your name when you are wrathful,

Bast, beloved, when your people call.

Daughter of the Sun, with flame and fury

Flashing from the prow upon the foe.

Safely sails the Boat with your protection

Passing scatheless where your fires glow.

Daughter of the Sun, the burial chamber

Lies in the darkness till your light appears.

From your Throne of Silence send us comfort,

Bast, beloved, banish all our fears.

Mother of the Gods, no Gods existed

Till you came there and gave them life.

Sekhmet of the Boat, the wicked fear you

Trampling down all evil and all strife.

Mother of the Gods, the great, the loved one,

Winged and mighty, unto you we call,

Naming you the Comforter, the Ruler,

Bast, beloved, Mother of us all.


Bast, descend upon me. Fill me with you.

Expel all evil forces from me.

Destroy and banish all witchcraft, bonds and curses.

Drive out all obsession, envy, jealousy. Physical, mental, moral, spiritual illness.

Use your strength to command all evil spirits,

all presences that bother me, to abandon me immediately.

Let them withdraw me forever and burn in eternal hell.

I remain protected, armored, anointed, sealed and cleaned.

Inside and out, in your name, Bast.

With your presence and your powerful armor,

I consecrate and surrender my night, with my sleep and my rest.

My day and all my activities.

Take away everything that could harm me.

Any envies, accusations, revenge, anger, betrayals,

hatred, phobias, fears, doubts, confusion, lies, deceptions,

bitterness, and depressions.

Help me so that nobody can cause me damage,

and forgive me for any harm that I have caused so far.

May your power defend me and set me free.

Bast, beloved, banish all my fears.

You are the divine Flame,

you are the great Flame at the prow of the Boat of your father.

Praise to you who are mightier than the Gods.


Spell For Wednesday – Protect One from Spirits or Demons


Spell to Protect One from Spirits or Demons

Cast a circle of salt on the ground and step into it.

“I call upon the knights of
the past, all knights of the
ancient law.
Please hear me dead
knights of the English
Hear me all knights who
were lost in battle, who’s
blades did good.

Hear me all knights of old,
hear me all knights of lost
souls. I invoke thee this
I summon thee to my aid.
Your body is gone now but a
spirit you be.
Hear me dead knights I
invoke thee. By your
blade of the spirit I invoke
you. By all your might I invoke
you. By your spirit I invoke
you. I summon thee and enlist
each of thee.

I invoke all you dead
knights that were lost.
Hear my pleas and fight at
my side. Protect me from
spirits harm. Fight my
battles I say to thee. Hear
me spirits of lost knights,
come to my aid, come to my
side. Protect me from spirits
harm. Protect me from
spirits light. I invoke you. I
invoke you. I invoke you.
Let my army be done.
Let it be
Let it be…

—Douglas Hensley, A Book Of Magic Spells And Hexes

Spell for Wednesday – Spell to Contact Your Spirit Guide


Spell to Contact Your Spirit Guide

Items needed:

Altar Candle

Day candle (whichever color for the day you be will doing your spell)
(Monday-white Tuesday-red Wednesday-purple Thursday-blue Friday-green Saturday-black Sunday-yellow)

Offertory Candles – 3 Violet candles, 3 White candles

Tools: Athame, Exacto Knife, or needle to inscribe candles

Props: Crystal ball or clear glass of water

Incense: anise, cardamon, and coriander

Oil: jasmine, lemon, rose, and sandalwood

Bathing Herbs: cinnamon, frankincense, myrrh, and sandalwood

Timing: Best done during the Mercury hour of the day, although any hour should work. Any moon phase is appropriate.

Breathe deeply and build a ball of protective light around you. While soaking in your ritual bath, meditate on the whole ritual: the steps you will take and what you wish to say to your spirit guide when you make contact.


Enter the circle in the Hour of Mercury. Light the incense. With the oil, dress the Altar Candle and the Day Candle while concentrating on the purpose of the ritual. Light your Altar candle and your Day candle and state your intent:

“I am here to make contact with my Spirit Guide, and to acknowledge him or her”

With your Athame, inscribe Violet Candle #1 with the word “Spirit”. Dress it with oil.
Light the Violet candle #1, direct your energies into it, and say:

“Here do I light the first Lamp of Spirit. May its light reach out across the barriers from this world to the next. May it make contact with that World of Spirit into which we will eventually enter”

Take your censer or incense wand and swing in around censing the whole area around the altar, while rhythmically repeating the word “Merge” and building up energy to focus.

Replace the censer and pick up Violet candle #2. Inscribe it with the word “Spirit” and dress it with the oil. Put it back on the altar, light it, direct your energy into it, and say:

“Here do I light the second Lamp of Spirit. May it’s light also reach out across the barriers from this world to the next. May it make contact with that World of Spirit and help spread the light, illuminating the passageway between our worlds.”

Again, take the censer or incense wand and cense the entire area around the altar while chanting the word “Merge” Build up your energy to focus. Take violet candle #3, inscribe with the word “Spirit”, dress with oil, charge with your energy, light it and say:

“Here do I light the third Lamp of Spirit.
May its light also reach out across the barriers from this world to the next. May the light from these three lamps blend and grow, dispelling all darkness and lighting the way that my Spirit Guide may come to me and speak with me here today.”

Inscribe the 3 white candles with the word “Truth” and anoint each candle with oil. Light the 3 white candles in order of 1, 2, 3, and say:

“Here do I build Truth. As these candles burn throughout this ritual, their power generates nothing but truth in all that transpires between this world and the next. Through these candles there is truth in all communications that come to me”.

Again, cense the entire altar area while chanting the word “Merge”.

Replace the censer and continue chanting. Sit comfortably while chanting, and gaze into the crystal ball, or the clear glass of water. Continue chanting until you feel it is right to let the chant taper off. Continue to quietly look into the crystal ball or glass, not trying to picture anything. Keep your mind blank, so whatever comes will appear will come in it’s own free will. Gaze into the center of the crystal, there is no need to try not to blink. Look into the crystal and blink naturally. Try not to notice anything in your peripheral vision, just the center of the crystal. Eventually a face or figure will appear. This may take a long time, or it may appear almost immediately. If it doesn’t come at all within approximately 20 minutes, abandon this attempt, extinguish the candles in the order in which they were lit, leave the altar set up, and try this ritual again in three days. You should have results within a month at most.

When a figure does appear, ask if he/she is your Spirit Guide. You will hear an answer. You may not hear it out loud, or even see the figures lips move, but you will be aware of the answer. This is how most of your conversation will proceed. You will ask your questions mentally (or out loud) and the answers will be clear inside your mind.

Ask if you have more than one spirit guide. If yes, ask them to appear also. You may ask anything you wish to know, but it is suggested to establish a connection first where your Spirit Guide may appear to you at any time, or at specific times, so that you can converse with other spirits through him/her. When you have finished speaking with your Guide, thank him/her, then sit for a moment with your eyes closed, meditating on all that you have learned. Extinguish the candles in reverse order to clear the circle.

Spell – Invocation to The Dagda

Color: Brown
Element: Earth
Altar: Upon a brown cloth lay a wand made of an oak branch, a great cup of ale, a bowl of porridge, and four brown candles.
Offerings: Feed the hungry.
Daily Meal: Soup, stew, or porridge, enough to feed more than just the House. Let the rest be given to those who need it.

Invocation to the Dagda

Hail Eochaid Ollathair, Father of All!
Hail Ruad Ro-fhessa, Lord of Perfect Knowledge!
Lord of the Oak Tree,
Phallus of the summer saplings,
Rough as tree bark is your wisdom,
Yet deep as sunken roots.
You who can call the seasons with your harp,
You are called upon by the common people
For your gift of fair weather.
You whose club is so great
That nine men are required to carry it
And even then it plows a great ditch;
Whose terrible end slays hundreds at a blow
And whose other end can restore them to life;
You stake your life on the fertility of the land
That others may survive the cold winters.
You who build great fortresses,
You know what it is to be the sole protection
Of those you love, and to go forth
In battle to save their lives.
You are a king, yet you go among the people
In the rough clothing of a peasant,
Rejecting the trappings of the wealthy.
Your great cauldron is never empty,
Nourisher of your people, and of all people.

(The ale is passed, and then poured out as a libation. The stew is ceremonially carried into the kitchen, and the day’s chant sung over the kitchen table.)

Chant: May you never hunger, may you never thirst.


Spell – Invocation to The Morrigan

Invocation to The Morrigan

Morrigan Morrigan three times three,
Hear the words I ask of thee.
Grant me vision, Grant me power,
Cheer me in my darkest hour.
As the night overtakes the day,
Morrigan Morrigan light my way.
Morrigan Morrigan Raven Queen,
Round & round the Hawthorn green.
Queen of beauty, Queen of Art,
Yours my body, Yours my heart.
All my trust I place in thee,
Morrigan Morrigan Be with me.

Mabon Ritual Just For You – Solitary

Altar Arrangement:

My altar almost always contains the following tools at minimum:
God and Goddess candle or representation
Incense – I usually use Cinnamon for Mabon
Small Cauldron containing Salt
Gemstones as needed
Candles as needed

Circle Casting:

(Note:  I light incense and altar candles before this part of the ritual)

Hail to you Spirits of the North and the power of Air,
I do summon, stir and call you up to witness these rites and to guard this sacred space.

Hail to you Spirits of the East and the power of Earth,
I do summon, stir and call you up to witness these rites and to guard this sacred space.

Hail to you Spirits of the South and the power of Fire,
I do summon, stir and call you up to witness these rites and to guard this sacred space.

Hail to you Spirits of the West and the power of Water,
I do summon, stir and call you up to witness these rites and to guard this sacred space.

This sacred circle is cast
between future and past.

As above, so below,
The circle is made whole.

So mote it be!

At this time I will be invite my personal guides – both known and unknown


They who are called by many names, I honor you!

Father God, come join with me!
Tonight, I offer thanks for the blessings you have given me.
and for the sacrifice You have made for my benefit.
I mourn for You and rejoice in Your rebirth to come.
Autumn’s grain is Spring’s seed.

Mother Goddess, come join with me!
Tonight I offer thanks for the blessings to come.
As sunlight wanes and shadow grows,
I celebrate your mysteries.
With death comes new life.

Now I will offer a prayer of personal thanks to the Deities.


As this is the time of the autumnal equinox, I will focus on achieving balance.

Raising and directing power:
I will be releasing negative self image by writing our my self hatred and burning the paper.  Afterwards, I will be raising power for healing myself and others I know who are in need.  When I have directed the power to it’s purpose, I will earth the power.

Thanking the Deities:
Mother Goddess, Father God,
Who created All and are All
I thank you for your presence here
and for the blessings you have bestowed on me!
May Your love stay with me now and evermore.

I will now thank my personal guides.

Opening the circle:

Spirits of Air, Earth, Fire and Water,
Go if you must or stay if you will.
I humbly thank thee for your presence tonight!
Though the circle is open, it remains unbroken.
As Above, So Below.
So I have said.
So mote it be.

Spell for Today – Morrigan Invocation