Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondences for Monday


Monday Source:

Monday is associated with the planetary correspondence of the Moon, falls under the zodiac sign of Cancer and has the elemental correspondence of Water. This makes it an especially auspicious day to work on anything dealing with psychic abilities (enhancing, channeling, divination), emotions, intuition, fertility, healing and dream work. If you plan to do a candle magick spell on this day, using blue, grey or white will work wonderfully. Gods/Goddess associations include Hekate, Selene, Aegir and Thoth. Angel association: Gabriel. If you work with any of these deities or this angel, then a devotional spell and offering to them would be well-timed.

Monday Source:

Monday is the second day of the week, named from the Latin Lunae Dies, day of the moon, reflecting the Roman feast days dedicated to the moon and moon goddess, Luna.  The goddess Selene is her Greek counterpart.
Latin: Lunae Dies, day of the Moon
French: lundi
Italian: lunedi
Spanish: lunes [from Luna, “Moon”]
Anglo-Saxon: monandaeg, “the moon’s day”
German: Montag
Dutch: maandagRules: Peace, sleep, prophetic dreams, psychic awareness, spirituality, compassion, love, home, gardening, purification, healing and fertility.
Colors: Silver and White
Planet: Moon
Metal:  Silver
Stones: Aquamarine, Beryl, Chalcedony, Crystal (quartz), Moonstone, Mother-of-pearl, Pearl, Sapphire, Selenite
Herbs: Calamus, Camphor, Coconut, Gardenia, Grape, Jasmine, Lemon, Lemon Balm, Lotus, Myrrh, Poppy seed, Sandalwood, Willow
Zodiac: Cancer

Divination Journal

Tarot Card


3 of Wands

Menu of Contents

I. Meaning of the Three of Wands Gilded Tarot

II. Message of the Three of Wands Gilded Tarot

III. Interpretation of the Three of Wands Gilded Tarot in a spread

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper



Cardinal meanings and symbolism include friendship, flair, home, love and devotion, good luck, music, and messages from angels. There are three species of cardinals and their native range spans from North America to the northern part of South America. So, these distinctive birds are favorites among people of diverse cultures, many of whom wonder what they symbolize. In this post, you’ll learn about cardinal meanings and symbolism, cardinal mythology and folklore, the cardinal spirit animal, and more.

Table of Contents

What does it mean when you see a cardinal?

Detailed Cardinal Symbols and Meanings

Cardinal Angel Messages

Blue Cardinal Meaning

Cardinal Mythology and Folklore

Native American Cardinal Meaning and the Number 12

Choctaw Red Bird Legend

Cherokee Cardinal Legend

Cardinal Spirit Animal

Cardinal Power Animal

Cardinal Totem

Cardinal Dream Meaning

Cardinal Tattoo

How You Can Help Cardinals




Separation, Withdrawal, Heir

This is the time of your ways separating. Old skin must shed, outdated relationships need to be given up.  If this rune appears, a “molting” is necessary.  Othila is a rune of the radical separation.  Obedience and probably also withdrawal is necessary – to know, when and how you need to withdraw, and to actually have the determination, to do it.  Property is also an aspect of this rune, because Othila is the rune of the acquisition and profit.  The profit however, that “heir”, which you receive, could likely be made of something that you need to abandon. This process can be especially hard if that what needs to be abandoned is something of your cultural heir and backing.  Not ‘rigidly’ but rather like a ‘river’ is the correct attitude to have.  And yet – you have to wait that the universe begins to act.

Witch’s Rune



Bonding, alliance, marriage, teams, family

This witches rune indicates an issue, be it good or bad, with family, co-workers, friends, etc. Bonding on different levels is also the message.


Source: druidogham.


Change, shift, the sea, maps, realm of the subconscious, great undercurrents

Tree: Witch hazel (Hamamelis spp.)

Letter: X

“Sea change” is a term for profound or holistic change. Change is the foundation of existence. The interplay of opposing forces creates and destroys ad infinitum. Mor bookends the concept of change introduced by the first Ogham, Beith. The intention that sowed an action reaped a habit, the habit reaped a character, and the character reaped a destiny. The new track in space has been laid and change is inevitable.

When you draw Mor, look for the changes in and around you. These are not necessarily good or bad. Often, drawing this Ogham can mean something as basic as “oh look, the season of Spring is arriving”. Mor doesn’t have to indicate any kind of drama, although it could. Mor calls out to you to look at overarching influences, new factors or people, and to examine the permutations and possibilities of how they affect the environment.

Mor is a bird’s eye view of opposing forces in our lives rather than being upswept by the random forces that weave in and out of our daily existences. Understanding your own subconscious gives you the ability to calmly deal with challenges that come your way. The work you do on understanding yourself is the sails you build on your boat in the great sea of life. You still need to figure out which way the wind is blowing, of course, but knowing a thing or two about your own position, your tendencies, desires, faults, and strengths will give you the power you need to dodge rocks and survive storms.

I Ching


Hexagram Forty – One/41

Sun / Decrease

The stoic Mountain drains its excess waters to the Lake below:
The Superior Person curbs his anger and sheds his desires.

To be frugal and content is to possess immeasurable wealth within.
Nothing of value could be refused such a person.
Make a portion of each meal a share of your offering.


This is an occasion for downsizing to fighting trim.
Simplicity and economy are strong defenses against the slings and arrows of Outrageous Fortune.
Whether this is a time of want or a time of plenty, it is an auspicious time to shed a dependency.




In numerology, the 4 is the number of strength and stability.

The Numerology Meaning of the Number 4: THE SALT OF THE EARTH

The chief characteristics of the number 4 are dependability, productivity, punctuality, and obedience. It is trustworthy, patient, conventional, and traditional.

People with prominent 4’s can seem dispassionate and solitary, preferring to toil in quiet obscurity. They work steadily and are extremely persistent, finding deep satisfaction in their accomplishments.

The 4 favors results over financial reward and public recognition. They are humble, often dress conservatively, and don’t clash with their surroundings.

The 4 does not like to draw attention but will fight tooth and nail if you try to muscle in on their territory.

Angel Number



Support from angelsI am very lucky to see Angel Number 4. The angels will be near you, support you, and will guide you in the event of trouble.

Angel number 4 thus has the meaning of angel support. If you ask angels for help, they will surely help you.

Be sure to receive the support of these angels and turn that support into your own energy and move forward. The power received from the angel will eventually become important to you.

The angels are cheering that you have done a lot of hard work and you haven’t failed. That’s why so many angels are protecting you around you so that your life goes well in the future.

Happy Beltane to Our Northern Hemisphere WOTC Family! A Thought for Today

Beltane – Spring is Here! Time to Get Your Gardens Ready

Welcome to springtime in the southern hemisphere. As the warmer weather comes a witches thoughts turns to sowing a garden. A garden can mean a different thing to each of us. For me it is getting my physical seeds ready for my veggie garden, to check to see if my herbs survived the winter or if I need to start new ones. Spiritually it means starting new seeds/paths for me to be able to grow to be closer to Mother Earth, the Universal energies, my students, and my teachers. To be able in the fall to reap full benefits of all that I have learned and put them into practice whether it is in my own personal life or helping my students with something. This year I need to plant new seeds and seedlings for all my flower gardens because early heavy rains in this part of the country washed away two inches of top soil in all my flower beds.

What does planting a garden mean to you? Do you plant flowers, vegetables, herbs, goals or a little of all of these or any combination? Remember whatever you plant will come to fruition with the right amount of love, watering (spiritually this can be communicating with each other in the pagan community or even be emailing me to say hi), sunshine (remember to thank the Sun God) and nurturing from within yourself (positive thoughts and affirmations) and from others in our community.

I would really LOVE to SEE COMMENTS on this post, please. Share with us your seeds and lets us help you grow them to their fullest potential!

Copyright 2017 Lady Beltane

Practical Samhain Rituals and Traditions

This time of the year is definitely the most magical and witchy of all other seasons. Below you can find information on Samhain Rituals, Traditions, and History. Are you going to try any of them?



Beltane Activities and Correspondences c. 2016

Beltane Activities and Correspondences

Guest Author – Leslie Ravenwing

Herbs – hawthorn, honeysuckle, St John’s wort, wood ruff, all flowers.

Colors- Green, Yellow, Pink, Blue

Foods – Strawberries, Cherries, Fruits, Salads, Wine

Goddesses – Aphrodite, Asherah, Belili, Brigid, Danu, Freya, Flora, Gwenhwyvar, Hina, Ishtar, Maia, Mary, Oiwyn, Oshun, Ostara, Sappha, Tonantzin, Vesta

Gods – Beltene, Cernunnous, Cupid/Eros, Manawyddan and Pan

Activities and Rituals

Fertilize, nurture and boost existing goals, games, activities of pleasure, leaping bonfires, making garlands, May Pole dance, planting seeds, walking one’s property, feasting
Stones/Gems – Emerald, malachite, amber, orange carnelian, sapphire, rose quartz
Other Names – Cetsamhain (opposite Samhain),May Day, Fairy Day,Sacred Thorn Day, Rood Day, Roodmas (the Christian term for Rood Day, Old Beltane, Beltaine, Beltain, Baltane, Walpurgis Night, Floriala (Roman feast of flowers from April 29 to May 1), Walpurgisnacht (Germanic-feast of St. Walpurga), Thrimilce (Anglo-saxon), Bloumaand (Old Dutch)

-Make paper baskets (use yarn as a handle) and place real or silk flowers in each basket. Hang them on door knobs of neighbors and family members but don’t let them know you did it!

-If you have children, make necklaces out of diasies and place them around their necks for the day to bring protection to them.

-Begin planting for the season.

-Create a MayPole and dance around it with your family or friends.

-Make a dish of fruits, berries, nuts and leave in the wood for the animals and fae folk to enjoy

– This is a night for bonfires, torch-lit processions and the high revelry of witches, preferably in high places. It is prime time for the Great Rite, a night (like Samhain) when the Goddess descends into women. Cailleach Beara (Cally Berry, Brighid’s crone aspect) turns to stone this night and does not to return until Samhain. Beltane Eve also marks the setting of the Pleiades

A Laugh for Today

I hope the rest of your day and evening is relaxing, filled with fun and love.

Merry part until we merry meet tomorrow

Blessed be.

Divination Journal

Tarot Card


The Devil – Major Arcana

The Devil Tarot card depicts Satyr God as a half human–half goat creature, dancing to the sound of the trumpet that he holds in his left hand. In many myths, the goat is considered as an animal that is not clean and full of lewdness. However, the goat also symbolizes a person who is unfairly accused, or a person/a creature feels better comparing himself to the incompetent. Therefore, he is the one we blame for the difficulties in our lives. Shadow images and cave without doors indicate that he resides in the most distant realm of consciousness, and only the crisis can penetrate these walls.

There are two beads in his right hand, each worn around the neck of one of the two naked. These people consisted of a man and a woman, wearing little horns which are the same as Satyr. The necklaces around their necks are very wide and their hands are not tied. They can take the initiative to lose themselves but they choose not to let that happen. This symbolizes that the dependence on the Devil is ultimately a voluntary issue where consciousness can be liberated

The number 15 has the sum of the units equal to 6, the number corresponding to the Lovers card, and here the Lovers are bound, depending on the material and sexual of nature. The zodiac of the Devil Tarot card is the Capricorn.

Menu of Contents

Detailed meaning of the keywords of the Devil Tarot card

Upright meaning of the Devil Tarot card: dependence, temptation, sexuality, materialism

Meaning of the Devil reversed: to separate, break free, power recovery

Animal Spirit Guide and Helper

Source: UniGuide


Wolf symbolism and meaning includes loyalty, family and friendship, teamwork, protection, wildness, freedom, instincts, playfulness, and other noble traits. Historically, wolves lived throughout the world, so they are subjects in the mythology and folklore of many cultures. In addition, the wolf spirit animal is a sacred figure to many people who feel a kinship with these special animals. In this post, you’ll learn about wolf symbols and meaning, wolf mythology, the wolf power animal, and more.



Kenaz reversed represents a lack of needed knowledge and possible isolation. Information you may need is being withheld from you, or you may not be open to receiving it. Although others may seem distant, if you seek their friendship you may be pleasantly surprised.

Witches’ Rune

The Sun


Always a good omen, the Sun Rune means something of value is coming your way. You can look forward to taking a bold step, embarking in a new direction.

Some may be carried out of their daily grind by unexpected and fortunate events. Other will be made aware of added responsibility and will have to deal with it.

Expect public promotions and public affairs. Look to be amazed, dazzled or even shocked by scandals. An older person, or person of authority could have the answers you are now seeking.

Accept your position as a mover and shaker of the world. For you, the time is right to head for the spotlight.




A is for Ailim, or Ailm, the Elm tree. Interestingly, this group also includes the Pine or Fir trees. These giants of the forest are symbols of perspective and height, rising above those that surround us. The Elm has a clear vision of that which surrounds it, as well as that which is approaching.

In Britain and Scotland, Elm trees grew very tall and straight, making them popular for use as a Maypole during Beltane celebrations. In addition to this, they were popular as property markers–you knew you had reached someone else’s land boundary when you crossed a line of Elm trees. Elm is flexible and bendy, so it doesn’t make a very good building material, but it does withstand water very well, so it eventually became popular for use in making flatboats and wheels. In Wales, early bowmen used the Elm in construction of longbows.

Ailim Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: When this symbol appears, it means it’s time to start looking at the big picture; see the trees, but also acknowledge the forest. Be aware that your perception includes long-term goals and ideas, and prepare for what may be coming along the path.

Magical Aspects: Mark your progress well as you grow and develop spiritually. As you attain new levels of wisdom, look at the future and see where this new knowledge will take you. Also recognize that there will be others following in your footsteps, so make yourself available to guide them and give them a hand when they need it.

I Ching


Angel Number

Witchcraft Symbol


Fire Element

The symbol for Fire as one of the four classical elements in alchemy is a triangle. Fire is used in rituals when a Wicca practitioner is drawing attention to masculine energy or transformation. It is strong energy that initiates, purifies, destroys, and begins something new.

Represents: fire, masculine energy, purifying energy.

Used in rituals for: purifying, new action.

Merry meet dear Sisters, Brothers, and Honored Guests, welcome to WOTC! A Thought for Today

If you want to see some information on any tradition of witchcraft, please put it in the comment section. I will try to find some information to post about it.

May your and your family’s lives be filled with all things positive!

Blessed be!

Merry part until we merry meet again!

Divination Journal

Tarot Card


The Archer – Major Arcana

II. The Description of The Archer Wildwood Tarot

III. The Meaning of The Archer Wildwood Tarot

IV. The guideline of The Archer Wildwood Tarot

V. Keywords and extensions of The Archer Wildwood Tarot

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper





This rune is a unique representation of a new beginning in life. It also signifies the right of people to start a brand-new page in their life. It shows completion but also means fertilizing the soil to achieve ultimate liberation.

Witch’s Rune



Keywords: Change.

Meanings: The “x” marks represent the four main phases of the moon and so you can expect changes to happen within the next 28 days. This is a particularly feminine stone and often appears in response to questions about women’s issues. The Moon rune is a messenger. It is telling you to be aware that major changes are coming to your life. Consult the runes closest to it to determine whether those changes are negative or positive.

Druid Ogham



Grove, convergence, ecosystem, review, crossroads, harmony

Tree: Collection of various trees

Letter: Ch

Koad represents a point on the map of your life and cause to reflect on what got you there as well as where you are headed. Many factors conspired to bring you where you are today. An entire ecosystem exists in and around you that is as unique as a fingerprint. This ecosystem is neither entirely good nor entirely bad, which is why this Ogham and the rest of the Forfedha (Oir, Uilleand, Phagos, and Mor) are too complex to be read as well or ill-dignified. Koad is one particular harmony/dissonance at this point in your life. If your life is going well in some respects, this could mean a feeling of competence and capability or a feeling of love and being loved. If you are in a time of stress, Koad may represent the s**tstorm whirling around you. Or all of the above could be going on at once.
You are here to learn a certain set of unique lessons in this lifetime. There are many roads you can take any given day, and like one of those old Choose Your Own Adventure books, each road has its own outcome. Sometimes two seemingly different roads have the same outcome. Koad indicates a feeling of responsibility and ownership of your decisions, however, other factors you cannot control should be taken into account as well, such as family history, social norms, laws, and the era in which you dwell.

Many people do not realize that orchestral symphonies are major works that are frequently an hour in length. A symphony is an elaborate ABA form (think Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on steroids) with mini-breaks between three sections. If your life is a symphony, imagine Koad as one moment in one measure of a huge programmatic work of music. What harmony have you achieved? Are you in a slow or fast movement?

I Ching


Hexagram Twenty – Six/26

Ta Ch’u / Recharging Power

Heaven’s motherlode waits within the Mountain:
The Superior Person mines deep into history’s wealth of wisdom and deeds, charging his character with timeless strength.

Drawing sustenance from these sources creates good fortune.
Then you may cross to the far shore.


There are important precedents in this situation.
Others have trodden this Path before you, overcoming the same obstacles facing you now, and making crucial decisions at the same crossroads.
Study their journals, watch for their trail markings.
Gain inspiration and wisdom from the heroes and learn from the mistakes of those who chose a sidepath.
All were Seekers, explorers whose daring mapped a course you can follow.
The words and deeds of the finest can imbue you with the courage necessary to face what lies before you.



The Numerology Meaning of the Number 9: GLOBAL AWARENESS

The 9 highlights a mathematical and philosophical observation that is unique and revealing. From a purely mathematical perspective, the 9 stands apart.

Here’s why:

When you multiply any number by 9, then add the resulting digits and reduce them to a single digit, it always becomes a 9. For example, 6 x 9 = 54, reduce 54 to a single digit by adding them together: 5 + 4 = 9. Similarly, 8 x 9 = 72, and 7 + 2 = 9. Or 23 x 9 = 207, 2 + 0 + 7 = 9, and so forth.

There is nothing coincidental about this peculiarity.

Try it. Any number, no matter how large, multiplied by 9 reduces to 9. From a numerological perspective, the 9 simply takes over, like the infamous body snatchers. Any number that was initially increased by a factor of 9 loses its own identity and instead takes on the characteristics of the 9.

No other number has that quality.

A different, but no less distinctive attribute of the 9 happens when you add it to any other number, then reduce that number to a single digit. In this case, it always comes back to itself as if nothing was added at all – it doesn’t change anything from the initial single digit value.

For example, 5 + 9 = 14, 1 + 4 = 5. Or 7 + 9 = 16, 1 + 6 = 7. 24 (which reduces to 6) + 9 = 33, 3 + 3 = 6. Again, have some fun, try it on a bunch of numbers.

When multiplying, the 9 takes over, but when adding, the 9 does nothing.

For a math junkie like myself, this is beauty. It symbolically touches the core of the magic that underlies this creation. But enough about math, let’s look at the personality of this unique number.

The highest of the cardinal numbers, the 9 is the most worldly and sophisticated of all.

The 9 has similarities with the 6 – including its shape (turned upside down). However, where the 6 is a symbol of love and compassion directed to people close to them (friends, family, the local community), the 9 offers love and care to the world at large.

The 9, more than any other number, has global consciousness – a reservoir of giving with a generous downward spout.

The 9 lives in the world and understands the connection between all people. Individuals with this number are humanitarians who see no difference between their next-door neighbor and people from different cultures on the other side of the world. The 9 is the least judgmental of all numbers, the most tolerant and the most conscious.

The 9 is overwhelmingly loving and empathetic.

As for matters of the heart, the 9 is not particularly romantic.

As with any number, the 9 has a dark side.

When the 9 appears as a cycle, it often denotes a finality, the completion of an era.

Angel Number


One Hundred Fourteen

Angel number 114 meaning

Angel number 114 states that “in order for you to achieve your true goals and ideals, you need spiritual self-development and concrete action.”

The angels advise that if you follow your plans and processes steadily, you can achieve material success.

The number 1 in angel number 114 symbolizes independence, leadership, spontaneity, the beginning of things, masculinity, achievement, success, and more. The master number 11, which is a combination of these numbers, is a mysterious number with intuition, high sensitivity, insight, clarity, and inspiration. In addition, the number 4 means accuracy, responsibility, patience, organization, effort, etc., and has the property of creating a solid framework in an empty space.

With all this in mind, Angel Number 114 shows that spiritual maturity and realistic success are on the same line. The angels advise that your desires can be fulfilled by approaching both mentally and physically.

Also, 6 (1 + 1 + 4 = 6), which is the sum of all three digits, also contains some messages. In addition to symbolizing beauty and harmony, 6 is a number that has idealism, perfectionism, empathy, compassion, and so on.

The combination of angel number 114 tells you that your steady efforts will be rewarded and lead to future outcomes and ideals.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondences for Thursday


Thursday Source: A Witch In Time

Good luck, wealth, healing, male fertility, legal matters. 

Planet – Jupiter

Sign – Sagittarius, Pisces

Angel – Sachiel

Color – Purple, Green, Royal Blue

Plant – Cinnamon, Beech, Buttercup, coltsfoot, oak

Stone – Sugilite, amethyst, turquoise, lapis lazuli, sapphire

Intention – Business, logic, gambling, social matters, political power, material wealth

Element – Fire, water

More Qualities – expansion, luck, success, higher education, the law, career, finances, wealth, publishing, college education, long distance travel, foreign interests, religion, philosophy, forecasting, broadcasting, publicity, expansion, luck, growth, sports, horses, the law, doctors, guardians, merchants, psychologists, charity, correspondences courses, self-improvement, researching, reading, studying

Thursday Source:

Thursday is the fifth day of the week.   In the Norse languages this day is called Torsdag, honoring Thor, the god of strength, fertility, thunder, the protector and defender in war, and son of Odin.  Thor is the counterpart of Zeus (Greek), and Jupiter or Jove (Roman).  Thor, the most beloved of the great gods of northern mythology, is the only god who cannot cross from earth to heaven across the rainbow bridge, for he is so heavy and powerful that the gods fear it will break under his weight.  It was said that whenever his hammer Mjollnir, was thrown, it would produce a thunderbolt and when struck against stone, it would create lightning.
Latin: Dies Jovis (“Jove’s Day”), after Jove or Jupiter, the almighty Roman God.
French: jeudi
Italian: giovedi
Spanish: el jueves
German: Donnerstag
Dutch: donderdagRules: Expansion, wealth, prosperity, political power, legal matters, spirituality, meditation.
Colors: Purple, Deep Blue
Planet: Jupiter
Metal: Tin, associated with the thunderbolt of Jupiter (Zeus in Greek myth)
Stones: Amethyst, Lepidolite, Sugilite
Herbs: Anise, Cinquefoil, Clove, Honeysuckle, Hyssop, Maple, Nutmeg, Oakmoss, Sage, Sarsaparilla, Sassafras, Star Anise
Zodiac: Sagittarius

Divination Journal

Tarot Card


Inner Voice – Major Arcana

Menu of Contents

I. The commentary of The inner Voice

II. The meaning of the Inner Voice Osho Zen

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

Medieval Rune



Sound: “mm” as in “humming”
Stands for: Phases of the moon
Magick/Healing use: Reminds us that we must experience good and bad alike.

Witches Rune



Third eye, seeing the truth, clairvoyance, someone’s watching, the evil eye and protection

This rune is my favorite. The all-seeing eye. It represents seeing things unseen, also seeing the beauty in things others don’t. Can also be a warning of the evil eye or someone watching.

I Ching


Hexagram Sixty-One/61

Chung Fu / Inner Truth

The gentle Wind ripples the Lake’s surface:
The Superior Person finds common ground between points of contention, wearing away rigid perspectives that would lead to fatal error.

Pigs and fishes.
You may cross to the far shore.
Great fortune if you stay on course.


The subject of this hexagram discovers a key to Tranquility by first gaining insight into his own nature, then turning that vision outward.
By resolving inner conflicts and being at peace with himself, he learns to gain insight into others.
In effect, he enters another, sees with the other’s eyes, listens with the other’s ears, feels with the other’s heart.
He then returns to his own center, with new perspective and understanding.




Harmony is your nickname. You thrive in relationships – with your romantic partner, family, friends, coworkers, or even the salespeople at stores! You talk to everyone, you are down to earth and people love your presence. You are the life of the party! But sometimes, maintaining the peace in a relationship is so important to you that you forget who you are and make sacrifices that aren’t reciprocated. Learn to stand your ground and put your foot down when necessary. In matters of business, 2 is a great number for successful partnerships. If your life path number is 2, or if the digits of a date adds up to the number 2, know that it’s the best energy to enter into business agreements and create projects through teamwork. 2 is a wonderful omen for signing peace agreements between countries, making up for past mistakes between lovers, and to make any past wrongs right.

Druid Ogham



Grace, death, letting go, endings, rest, the beauty of decay

Tree: Yew (Taxus spp.)

Letter: Y

Ioho symbolizes the acceptance of enduring realities and legacies of the past. If you draw Ioho, look for the end of a phase or cycle. Ioho suggests you are handling or will handle the matter at hand with dignity and grace.

Modern culture has spent a great deal of time running away from the ideas of death and decay as natural, welcome processes. As a result, we have a society obsessed with launching our species into space for fear of extinction, a medical industry bent on extending life long after it has ceased to have any quality, and a fixation on youth that motivates the middle aged to undergo brutal, grisly procedures in order to look twenty. When we frame aging (not just of human beings) in a sensible way, we understand that getting old isn’t so terrible. People age and die. Technologies change. Weeks become years. Eras fade away. Letting go is for the best.

Ioho is about accepting limits gracefully. We cannot control much of what is around us or what happens to us in life, but we can control a great deal of how we perceive it and what we decide to do about it.

Though this Ogham has profound similarities to the Death card of the Tarot, like that card, 99.9 percent of the time it is not to be taken literally. Drawing Ioho does not mean you or someone in your circle is fated for immediate death. Instead, it signifies the necessary end and inevitability of all things decaying and dying. More often than not, the death process is much slower than we impatient humans are able to bear. Look for a lesson that comes from the acceptance of endings rather than literal death.


Angel Number

Two Hundred Seventy-Six

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Tuesday


Tuesday Source:

Ruled by Mars. Courage, energy, and physical strength. banishing negativity.
Day – Tuesday

Planet – Mars

Sign – Aries, Scorpio

Angel – Samuel

Color – Red, Pink, Orange

Plants – Red rose, cock’s comb, pine, Thyme, daisy, pepper

Stone – Aventurine, bloodstone, ruby, garnet, pink tourmaline

Intention – Passion, Partnership, courage, swift movement, energy,

Element – Fire, Water

More Qualities – Sexuality, aggression, conflict, action, strife, physical energy, sports, muscular activity, guns, tools, metals, cutting, surgery, police, soldiers, combat, confrontation, business, buying and selling animals, mechanical things, repair, gardening, woodworking, hunting, belongings

Tuesday from

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Gender: Masculine

Deities: Ares/Aries, Lilith Mars, The Morrighan, Tiwaz, Tyr

Colors: Red, Black, Orange

Crystals: Bloodstone, Flint, Garnet, Iron Pink Tourmaline, Red Jasper, Red Tourmaline, Rhodonite, Ruby, Steel

Herbs & Plants: Allspice, Basil, Cactus, Chili Pepper, Coneflower, Dragon’s Blood, Garlic, Ginger, Holly, Horseradish, Mustard, Stinging Nettle, Onion, Pepper, Pine, Radish, Thistles, Tobacco

Incenses: Basil, Black Pepper, Dragon’s Blood, Ginger, Patchouli

Energies & Associations: Aggression, Breaking Negative Spells, Competition Courage, Defense, Dominance, Ego, Force, Hunting, Initiation, Leadership, Lust, Masculine Marriage and Protection, Powerful Protection, Powerful Wards, Revenge, Romance, Sex, Strength, Success, Victory, War and Conflict

Spell for Monday – Positive Change Spells


Thursdays are good days for travel and change. It’s the perfect day to re-arrange the furniture of your house and gain a new perspective on something. Even if you are not able to do any traveling on this day, you can still use Thursdays to do spells for travel. You can even do spells for positive change, and re-arrangement of your life. It’s a good idea to exercise on this day, as well. That way, your body can be in-shape by the time Friday comes


Positive Change Spells – Write Change Spells

Things you will need:
1 sheet of paper
1 pen or pencil
1 green candle
1 lighter or match
Light the green candle and think about how you want your life to change. When you are ready, draw a cross symbol on the sheet of paper with the pen or pencil. Label each corner of the cross with the first letter of the four directions on Earth. For example: “N” for North and “E” for East. Above the cross, write the word, “CHANGE.” Now, take your pen or pencil and place it in the center of the cross. Draw a swirl, counter-clockwise, three times. Then, take the pen back to the center of the cross and draw, clockwise, three times. Now, blow out the candle. After doing that fold the paper up and safely burn it or toss it in a body of water. After a few days, you should feel the changes you wanted to start happening.


Re-arrange Spells – Bouquet Re-arrange Spell

3 different kinds of flowers
1 vase
Get three different kinds of flowers and place them in a vase. Take a deep look at them and, then, step back for a few minutes. Walk back up to the flowers and re-arrange them. Then, say this chant three times:


“Flowers to move.
Life to re-arrange.
I need things to be different.
I need things to change.
What was over here,
Now, is over there.
What I need to spin around,
Soon, will have new flare.”


After about a week or so, you will notice a good deal of the re-arrangement you wanted.

A Witch’s Week of Spells and Activities
Helga C. Loueen

March 28, 2024 Birthday Horoscope


Click here for Anyone’s Birthday or Monthly Horoscopes Source:

Click here to read more about traits for anyone’s birthday horoscope Source:

Click here to read anyone’s birthday traits and more Source:

Joyful birthday wishes from Lady Carla Beltane with the WOTC Family and Friends!!

May the next year of your life bring you more love, laughter, joy, happiness, enough income to cover what you have to have along with a little leftover for fun! May it bring you everything you want if it is supposed to be and everything you need. May sorrow be unknown, and any negativity be minimal. May the wind always be at your back.

Being an Aries born on March 28th, you seem to be competitive and idealistic by nature. You setup big targets for yourself and strive to attain them, all while you are learning more and more about yourself.

You are resourceful and quick to adapt to changes although at times they may annoy you, especially when they come to disturb you from other priorities. Prepare to read an outstanding horoscope profile below.

 The zodiac sign for March 28 is Aries.

 Astrological symbol: Ram. This signifies the courage, willfulness and confidence of Aries natives born March 21 – April 19 when the Sun is in this sign and leads to new ways in their lives.

 The Aries Constellation, one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac is placed between Pisces to the West and Taurus to the East and its visible latitudes are +90° to -60°. The brightest stars are Alpha, Beta and Gamma Arietis while the whole formation is spread on 441 sq degrees.

 The name Aries is the Latin name defining Ram, the March 28 zodiac sign in French it is Bélier and in Greek it is Kriya.

 Opposite sign: Libra. This suggests energy and understanding but also means that this sign and Aries can create an opposition aspect at some point, not to mention that opposites attract.

 Modality: Cardinal. Shows how much fairness and diligence exists in the lives of those born on March 28 and how cautious they are in general.

 Ruling house: The first house. This house rules over the zodiac Ascendant and the earthly presence of an individual. It is also the home of initiative and life changing actions. This can only mean that the energetic Aries is inclined to be very careful with the image they show to the world.

 Ruling body: Mars. This planetary ruler symbolizes hope and friendliness and also reflects on a pioneering state. Mars is considered to be the yang side while Venus is the yin.

 Element: Fire. This element presents those born on March 28 as confident and full of bravery individuals and gets new meanings in association with the elements, modeling earth, making water boil or heating air.

 Lucky day: Tuesday. This is a day ruled by Mars, therefore deals with dynamism and goal orientation. It suggests the impulsive nature of Aries natives.

 Lucky numbers: 5, 7, 16, 19, 27.

 Motto: I am, I do!

People born on March 28 act in an impetuous way, are authoritative and determined but they also love their liberty very much and they are sometimes impolite and rarely conciliatory. Enjoying outside activities very much they are often to be found involved in such activities, especially when those involve informal gatherings and a spirit of championship. They dislike being questioned about their resolutions when it comes to both their family life and profession. They enjoy being involved in projects that offer them the chance to arrange and plan things.

 Positive traits: These are eager and enterprising natives who are quick to find imaginative solutions. So when you need someone to provide a different insight, don’t forget about these highly resourceful individuals. At the same time they are quick to embrace change and make a full adaptation ritual every time they have the occasion. They are reliable and can be of great help, especially to those who win their respect and attention.

 Negative traits: These natives are bull headed and reluctant to the ideas and in general to what others have to say. They prefer it their way or no other way. In turn, they can be extremely disputatious so they often end up in all kinds of awkward collisions with other people. They need to move on from being stuck in their own idea of things and understand that settle isn’t always such a negative thing.

Love and Compatibility: Lovers born on March 28 are impulsive and passionate. They have no time to wait and would do anything to take their passions to completion. They are attracted to enthusiastic and mysterious persons and sparks will fly for a long time if their partner manages to keep up the pace with them. You can conquer the heart of Aries if you’re as ambitious and as driven as them. The single Aries is so deep into tasks and projects as it has no time to even realize they are single.

 They believe in love at first sight and don’t need much time to get attached to someone. They are persons of extremes in love and sometimes this attitude will have them prone to disappointment. They are used to intensely live every aspect of their life and their relationships are no exception. They are likely to fall in love at a young age as they are attractive and positive persons. Concerning their family life they will marry when they are completely ready and they will probably be cool parents if they choose to have a one big family. They are most compatible with those born on the 4th, 6th, 8th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 22nd, 24th, 26th, and 31st. March 28 Zodiac people are most attracted to the other two fire signs: Leo and Sagittarius as they tend to share the same vision of life. In love, Aries is in a constant search for someone to open their hearts and whom to understand them at a deeper level. The most suitable to offer them this is the compassionate and caring Libra. Aries is thought to be least compatible with those born under the Pisces zodiac sign. As for the rest of compatibilities between the other star signs and Aries, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Lucky Color: The color considered to be representative for Aries natives with March 28 is red.

This hue denotes energy, warmth and youth. This zodiac color should be used in objects that surround the natives.

This hue is associated with catching attention and danger and fear. It brings focus to the essence of life and survival. On the other hand red is temper and anger so when provoked they tend to get aggressive. Red is favored by active and confident persons who need to feel in control and are always standing out and getting all the attention.

Other colors for Aries people are scarlet and carmine.

Representative Birthstone: The exquisite diamond is the representative Aries birthstone for those born under the March 28.

Diamond presents a precious stone that reflects strength and elegance. The zodiac birthstone could be used in accessories and jewelry items.

Diamonds are precious stones that are though to help people clear their minds and take wise decisions. The Diamond used to be named the “teardrops of the gods” in ancient Greek.

Another birthstone considered beneficial for Aries natives is Emerald. It symbolizes harmony and the power of regeneration.

Characteristic Flower: Honeysuckle is the flower said to be representative for Aries people born with March 28.

Honeysuckle is one of those plants that denote grace and delicacy. This zodiac flower is advised to be used for gifts and decorations.

Just like Aries, Honeysuckle is the first of the flower signs and comes with the same energy and determination as the above mentioned zodiac sign. This flower can be found during spring time but also in the summer.

Other flowers for Aries people are Geranium and Ginger.

Symbolic Metal: Iron is the metal said to be representative for Aries people born with March 28.

Iron is a metal that suggests strength and action. This zodiac metal should be used in all kinds of jewelry items that are to be worn frequently.

It undoubtedly suggests the strength of the pure Aries. Iron also has magnetic properties well studies by the science.

Another metal considered beneficial for Aries natives is Silver.

Characteristics: March 28 Zodiac belongs to the first decan of ARIES (March 21-March 30). This decan is strongly influenced by the planet Mars. This is representative for people who are powerful and involved in everything that happens around just like Aries and courageous warriors just like Mars. This decan is said to be magnifying all characteristics of Aries zodiac sign, both positive and negative.

 Being born on the 28th day of the month shows generosity, independence, great self confidence and idealism. The numerology for March 28 is 1. This number reveals revels leadership qualities, great will power and an original approach to life, all wrapped in a charming personality. Those Aries can only be proud of this association as this is the number of achievers, of those who see the bigger picture and are set to follow their goals no matter what.

 March is the first spring month in the Northern Hemisphere, bringing the revival and enthusiasm of spring. Those born in March are generous and attractive. March 28 Zodiac people are determined and attractive. The symbols for March include Aquamarine and Emerald as gemstones, Daffodil and Shamrock as plants and Mars, the god of war.

What Statistics Say: March 28 is the 87th day of the year, or the 88th day in leap years, in the Gregorian Calendar and there are 278 days left until the end of the year. The twenty eighth day of spring, this is the Teacher’s Day in the Czech Republic.

 Aries comes ninth most common zodiac sign on the list of occurrence in the horoscope. Being an odd number sign, this is also considered a masculine sign with a positive meaning and a dynamic energy. This is defining for extrovert people who are socially confident and tenacious. An archetype used to describe this sign is the Defender. There is a slight peak of musicians and visual artists born in this period. Famous people born on March 28 under the Aries zodiac sign: Maxim Gorky, Vince Vaughn, Lady Gaga, Julia Stiles and Kate Gosselin.

If you were born on March 28, you are likely a source of inspiration for many others. Your dynamic personality and compassion for people attracts an army of admirers, but in truth you are more insecure than you let on. You prefer to spend a great deal of time alone to work on projects that will make a difference in the world. If you can protect yourself from too many needy people, you’ll have more peace, confidence, and energy to give the world what you and only you can offer.

March 28 Aries at Their Best: Generous, optimistic, inspirational

March 28 Aries at Their Worst: Detached, depressive, insecure

What to Wear: Leggings and tennis shoes. Aries could challenge all the party guests to a foot race on the spur of the moment, and you’ll want to be set.

What to Eat: Anything ready-made! Aries has no time to wait for anything that has to be cooked first. Sashimi could make an elegant choice.

Who to Invite: Everybody who even remotely knows this dynamic individual — life is, after all, all about Aries!

Where to Go: Outdoors (where there’s plenty of room to roam) or a sports complex that handles everything from basketball and tennis to golf and rock climbing. Everybody who even remotely knows this dynamic individual — life is, after all, all about Aries!

IF YOU HAVE A MARCH 28 BIRTHDAY, you are likely to do the unexpected. While you may be impulsive, you are still a thoughtful, cheerful, and idealistic Arian. Those born on this day are very open and honest individuals.

Arians, you can live in a dream world sometimes. Moreover, you can be confrontational to a point. You know your limits. You know how to get your point across so there is only a small degree of drama.

The March 28 birthday horoscope predicts that you are a spiritual Arian. You are constantly trying to improve your life. To be morally successful, Aries believes that there is a basic guide that we all must follow. With this way of thinking and doing, you inspire others to reinvest their lives as well.

As your birthday astrology analysis shows you are intuitive and more than likely you know what your loved ones need or want before they do. This, in addition to your obsessive behavior, can be viewed as controlling.

t is only because you want what is best for your family but put a cap on how much you contribute to the situations of others and respect other people’s privacy.

A situation that can be full of twists and turns and can cause conflict is the 28th March birthday personality trait of being obsessive. This feeling does not exclude friendships. You can be territorial where your friends are concerned as well as your lover, Aries.

It is a good thing that this green monster does not appear frequently. Your friends know, however, that this is a sure sign that you need to get some rest or that there is something else bothering you.

In love, your birthday predictions forecast that Arians can be highly sexual and expect their partners to reciprocate. When you are well into your relationship, you are likely to show more compassion to your mate.

You who are born on this day need continuous foreplay during sexual intercourse to avoid complacency. As long as you are stimulated, you remain loyal. Aries, you are known to put little notes as a reminder of your interest or love. You also like to receive gifts and naughty messages.

As was said earlier, the March 28 birthday meaning implies that you can be impulsive or unpredictable. You tend to hop from one job to the next.

Aries zodiac sign adopts the attitude that once the fun is over, it is time to move on to something new and challenging. Even with moments of unemployment, you seem to manage your finances well. Money seems to drop in your lap sometimes.

If today 28 March is your birthday, you are always working for one cause or another. Your charm opens doors that usually are not open. Aries individuals are good at raising money for charities and are always happy to get involved.

Maybe a career in social reform or welfare is the job for you. You are not likely to get bored with the many avenues of humanitarians.

Arians with a zodiac birthday on 28th March, are typically healthy people except for little anxiety issues. Personal problems can keep you up late at night confirming your moodiness the next day. Did you know that it could also cause your skin to do funny things?

It is true. Try drinking lots of water to combat issues with your skin, however. Techniques for anxiety include relaxation sounds or an actual trip down to the beach. Nature sounds are sure to put you at ease so you can sleep.

The nickname for a 28 March birthday should be Sunshine because you bring it to so many people when you are not in their business. Sometimes those born on March 28 can be controlling and obsessive with friends and family.

With your skills, you will be successful in a multifaceted career, as you get bored easily. Aries, you are in good health but could benefit from short getaways. Go have some fun, Aries… you deserve it.


Famous People And Celebrities Born On March 28

Nick Frost, Lady GagaKate Gosselin, Ken Howard, Shakib Khan, Reba McEntireJulia Stiles, Lacey Turner, Jimmy Wong

See: Famous Celebrities Born On March 28
See: Famous Personality Traits of March 28 Birthdays

This Day That Year – March 28 In History

1796 – The first African church (Bethel African Methodist Church) in the US opens in Philadelphia
1866 – Emergency services vehicles (ambulance) are in operation
1922 – The microfilm machine introduced
1939 – Madrid falls to Francisco Franco ending the Spanish Civil War

March 28  Mesha Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
March 28 Chinese Zodiac DRAGON

Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Mars which stands for raw energy, courage, and assertiveness.

March 28 Birthday Symbols

The Ram Is The Symbol For The Aries Zodiac Sign

March 28 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birth Day Tarot Card is The Magician. This card symbolizes your need to take control of your life, growth, and prosperity. The Minor Arcana cards are Two of Wands and Queen of Wands

March 28 Birthday Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under the Zodiac Sign Sagittarius: This will be an exciting and adventurous match.
You are not compatible with people born under the Zodiac Sign PiscesThis relationship will be confusing and dreamy with no steam.

See Also:

March 28 Lucky Numbers

Number 1 – This number stands for independence, ambition, talent, and powerful personality.
Number 4 – This number symbolizes orderliness, honesty, trustworthiness, and methodical nature.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For March 28 Birthday

Red: This is an aggressive color that promotes initiatives, partnerships, and a will to forge ahead.
Gold: This color signifies balance, growth, rebirth, and balance.

Lucky Days For March 28 Birthday

Tuesday – This day is ruled by Saturn and symbolizes the completion of projects after delays.
Sunday – This day ruled by the Sun signifies exuberance, strength, energy, and vitality.

March 28 Birthstone Diamond

Diamond is a healing gemstone that improves your energy, makes you fearless, and maintains better relationships.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On The 28th Of March:

A barbeque grill for the Aries man and a coffee maker machine for the Aquarian woman.

A Laugh for Today

I hope the rest of your day and evening is relaxing, filled with fun and love. Blessed be.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence and Symbols For Ostara c.2022


Correspondences & Symbols of Ostara

Symbols used to represent Ostara include the egg-for fertility and reproduction, and the hare-for rebirth and resurrection, the New Moon, butterflies and cocoons. Symbolically, many Pagans choose to represent Ostara by the planting of seeds, potted plants, ringing bells, lighting new fires at sunrise, either in the fireplace, in the cauldron, or light a balefire outdoors. I always give myself a gift of a newly potted plant or take a seed and plant it within my cast Circle. Ritually, a fire may be lit in the cauldron during (not before) the rite itself. You may want to decorate your altar with a colorful bouquet of Spring wildflowers. Other traditional activities include working on magickal gardens and practicing all forms of  herbal work—magickal, artistic, medicinal, culinary, and cosmetic. author unknown

Ostara Deities: Eostre, the adolescent Spring Maiden, the adolescent Spring Lord, All Youthful and Virile Gods and Goddesses, Sun Gods, Mother Goddesses, Love Goddesses, Moon Gods and Goddesses, and all Fertility Deities including :Persephone, Blodeuwedd, Eostre, Aphrodite, Athena, Gaia, Cybele, Hera, Isis, Ishtar, Minerva, Venus, Robin of the Woods, the Green Man, Cernunnos, Lord of the Greenwood, The Dagda, Attis, The Great Horned God, Mithras, Odin, Thoth, Osiris, and Pan.

Symbolism of Ostara: Renewed promise of life, The Union of the Goddess and the God, Fertility, and dispensing of the old and making way for the new.Resurrection of life , The Season of Rebirth

Symbols of Ostara: Eggs, bunnies, new moon, butterflies, cocoons, dragons, flowers,trees.

Colors: lemon yellow, pale green and pale pink. Other appropriate colors include green, all pastels, Robin’s egg blue, violet, and white.

Ostara Foods: eggs, egg salad, hard-boiled eggs, honey cakes, first fruits of the season, fish, cakes, biscuits, cheeses, honey and ham. You may also include foods made of seeds, such as sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds, as well as pine nuts. Sprouts are equally appropriate, as are leafy, green vegetables.

Plants and Herbs: acorn, broom, celandine, cinquefoil, crocuses, daffodil, dandelion, dogwood, elder, ginger, Gorse, honeysuckle (woodbine), iris, jasmine, jonquils, irish moss, lavender, lemon balm, lilac, Lily, lily of the valley, lovage, marjoram, meadowsweet, narcissus, oak, oakmoss, olive, orris root, peony, rose, rose hips, sage, snowdrops, strawberry, tansy, tarragon, thyme, trefoil (purple clover), tulip, vervain, violet, willow, woodruff and all spring flowers.

Incense: jasmine, frankincense, myrrh, dragon’s blood, cinnamon, nutmeg, aloes wood, benzoin, musk, African violet, sage, strawberry, lotus, violet flowers, orange peel, or rose petals.

Gemstone: agate, amazonite, amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, clear quartz crystal, garnet, lapis lazuli, moonstone, red jasper and rose quartz.

Spellwork for Ostara: Spellwork for improving communication and group interaction are recommended, as well as fertility, balance and abundance

Animals and Mythical Beasts: rabbits,snakes,unicorns, merpeople, and pegasus

Candle Colors: Yellow and Green.

Tree: The Alder, a tree sacred to the God Bran, who is said to protect the British Isles. Trees are very
important to Witches, and indeed important to us all. They are the lungs of the Earth, purifying the very air we breathe as they shade us and protect us.

Straight from

Raven and Crone

Divination Journal



The Priestess Thoth – Major Arcana

Instinct Longing for inner sources.
Purpose Being guided, touched, becomes the original cause.
The Light Perception based on intuition, mental intelligence, patience.
The Shadow Vaguely dreaming, fleeing from reality, sad state, doubtful, fake, fear of human existence.
Quality The consciousness of the moon, the wisdom of the mother’s heart

Menu of Contents

I. Background of the Priestess Thoth Tarot card

II. Analyze and describe the Priestess Thoth Tarot

1. Character (mysterious person)

III. Interpretation of the Priestess Thoth Tarot

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

Medieval Runes



Sound: no sound
Stands for: Emptiness
Magick/Healing use: Represents the power of the place where all existence began

This is the last Medieval Runes. Tomorrow I will start posting another type of runes.

Witches Rune


The Black Rune (Samhain)

Endings and departures. Scarcity, pain and loss. A definite “no.”

I Ching


Hexagram 40

Hsieh / Liberation

A Thunderous Cloudburst shatters the oppressive humidity:
The Superior Person knows the release in forgiveness, pardoning the faults of others and dealing gently with those who sin against him.

It pays to accept things as they are for now.
If there is nothing else to be gained, a return brings good fortune.
If there is something yet to be gained, act on it at once.


The relief you experience here is not your own personal pardon, but the release of others from your rigid expectations.
Like a hot air balloon, you will rise to new heights as you cast the heavy sandbags of resentments and restrictions away from you.
Feel the lightness of being that results from forgiving others and accepting them as they are.
Free yourself of the endless vigil of policing the behavior of others.
See them for who they are, not what they can or can’t do for you.




This is the deep thinker. The number seven is a spiritual vibration. These people are not very attached to material things, are introspective, and generally quiet. Ruled by Neptune.

Keywords: unusual, introspective, intuitive, psychic, wise, reserved. If expressed negatively: melancholic, odd, leaves too much to chance, hard to reach.

As lovers: These lovers are a little spaced out, and sometimes hard to reach and to understand. However, their disinterest in material things and focus on spirituality makes for interesting, if a little kooky, bed partners and mates. They are intuitive, some are psychic, and although they can be loners at different times in their lives, they are often devoted partners. They can reach levels of intimacy and romance beyond many people’s imaginations. However, their goals in love may be too lofty and thus they can be prone to disappointment when relationships inevitably fall short of ideal.

Angel Number

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Monday


Monday is named after the moon. The Latin term for Monday is Dies Lunae (“moon’s day”); in the Old English language, this day was Monandaeg; in Greek, it was Hermera Selenes. All of these different names and languages translate to the same thing: the “day of the moon.”

Working with the different phases of the moon is an important skill that takes a bit of time for Witches to learn. So why not cut to the chase and experiment with the day of the week that is dedicated to the moon in all of its magickal energies and aspects?

Magickally, Monday encourages the lunar energies of inspiration, illusion, prophetic dreams, emotions, psychic abilities, travel, women’s mysteries, and fertility.


Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week by Ellen Dugan

Monday Source:

Monday is the second day of the week, named from the Latin Lunae Dies, day of the moon, reflecting the Roman feast days dedicated to the moon and moon goddess, Luna.  The goddess Selene is her Greek counterpart.
Latin: Lunae Dies, day of the Moon
French: lundi
Italian: lunedi
Spanish: lunes [from Luna, “Moon”]
Anglo-Saxon: monandaeg, “the moon’s day”
German: Montag
Dutch: maandag

Rules: Peace, sleep, prophetic dreams, psychic awareness, spirituality, compassion, love, home, gardening, purification, healing and fertility.
Colors: Silver and White
Planet: Moon
Metal:  Silver
Stones: Aquamarine, Beryl, Chalcedony, Crystal (quartz), Moonstone, Mother-of-pearl, Pearl, Sapphire, Selenite
Herbs: Calamus, Camphor, Coconut, Gardenia, Grape, Jasmine, Lemon, Lemon Balm, Lotus, Myrrh, Poppy seed, Sandalwood, Willow
Zodiac: Cancer

A Laugh for Today – 54 Jokes for Anyone with a Sense of Humor

(These jokes are not posted to offend anyone I just have a dry, sometimes twisted sense of humor) From Reader’s Digest

Dark jokes may seem a bit taboo, but sometimes it’s OK to just laugh. We promise we won’t tell anyone that you did.

Life can be a real challenge sometimes, and during those times you may just have to laugh it out—even if that means getting a little dark. While these may not be the best jokes to crack with your mother-in-law or boss, it’s OK to giggle at them on your own or even with some like-minded friends. Dark jokes aren’t for everyone, but laughing at dark jokes could mean you’re a genius. Genius or not, there’s no harm in letting off some steam on the harder days with some dark humor.

1. I don’t have a carbon footprint.
I just drive everywhere.

2. The most corrupt CEOs are those of the pretzel companies.
They’re always so twisted.

3. When we were kids, we used to be afraid of the dark.
But when we grew up, the electricity bill made us afraid of the light!

4. What did the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs say?
“T. rex, I’m coming for my hug!”

5. An apple a day keeps the doctor away…
Or at least it does if you throw it hard enough.

6. I have a stepladder because my real ladder left when I was just a kid.

7. I visited my friend at his new house. He told me to make myself at home.
So I threw him out. I hate having visitors.

8. I was playing chess with my friend and he said, “Let’s make this interesting.”
So we stopped playing chess.

9. Why did Mozart hate all of his chickens?
When he asked them who the best composer was, they all replied, “Bach, Bach, Bach.”

10. The other day, my wife asked me to pass her lipstick, but I accidentally passed her a glue stick.
She still isn’t talking to me.

Feeling cheesy? Try these corny jokes that will make everyone laugh while they roll their eyes.

11. Patient: Oh doctor, I’m just so nervous. This is my first operation.
Doctor: Don’t worry. Mine too.

12. I just got my doctor’s test results and I’m really upset. Turns out, I’m not gonna be a doctor.

13. Never break someone’s heart. They only have one.
Break their bones instead. They have 206 of them.

14. My husband is mad that I have no sense of direction.
So I packed up my stuff and right.

15. I childproofed my house
Somehow they still got in!

16. The guy who stole my diary just died. My thoughts are with his family.

17. What’s worse than biting into an apple and discovering a worm?
Biting into an apple and discovering half a worm.

18. As I get older, I remember all the people I lost along the way. Maybe a career as a tour guide was not the right choice.

19. My wife told me she’ll slam my head into the keyboard if I don’t get off the computer.
I’m not too worried — I think she’s jokindkdkslalkdlkfjslfjslksdlkfjuahehwhgwdklaljdf

20. You’re not completely useless.
You can always serve as a bad example.

21. A man walks into a magic forest and tries to cut down a talking tree. “You can’t cut me down,” the tree complains. “I’m a talking tree!” The man responds, “You may be a talking tree, but you will dialogue.”

22. What’s a pirate’s favorite letter of the alphabet?
None. Historians have suggested most pirates would have been illiterate.

23. “Welcome back to Plastic Surgery Anonymous. Nice to see so many new faces here today!”

24. My wife left a note on the fridge that said, “This isn’t working.” I’m not sure what she’s talking about. I opened the fridge door and it’s working fine!

25. What’s the last thing to go through a fly’s head as it hits the windshield of a car going 70 miles per hour? Its butt.

26. My boss told me to have a good day.
So I went home.

27. A child determined to burn his home down. His dad watched, tears in his eyes. He put his arm across the mother and stated, “That’s arson.”

28. Imagine when you walked into a bar and there was a lengthy line of individuals ready to take a swing at you. That’s the punch line.

29. Wife: “I want another baby.”
Husband: “That’s a relief, I also really don’t like this one.”

30. “What’s your name, son?” The principal asked his student. The kid replied, “D-d-d-dav-dav-david, sir.” “Do you have a stutter?” the principal asked. The student answered, “No sir, my dad has a stutter but the guy who registered my name was a real jerk.”

31. My favorite film is The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
I love a protagonist with a twisted back story.

32. Why are friends a lot like snow?
If you pee on them, they disappear.

33. I threw a boomerang a few years ago.
I now live in constant fear.

34. A blind woman tells her boyfriend that she’s seeing someone. It’s either terrible news or great news.

35. When I see the names of lovers engraved on a tree, I don’t find it cute or romantic.
I find it weird how many people take knives with them on dates.

36. Why don’t skeletons ever go trick or treating?
Because they have no body to go with.

37. My boss said to me, “You’re the worst train driver ever. How many have you derailed this year?”
I said, “I’m not sure; it’s hard to keep track.”

38. My wife and I have reached the difficult decision that we do not want children. If anybody does, please just send me your contact details and we can drop them off tomorrow.

39. You know you’re not liked when you get handed the camera every time they take a group photo.

40. I have a joke about trickle down economics. But 99 percent of you will never get it.

41. My parents raised me as an only child, which really pissed off my sister.

42. What rhymes with “boo” and stinks?

43. I have a fish that can breakdance.
Just for 20 seconds though and only once.

44. What’s pink and dangerous for your tooth?
A brick.

45. “I work with animals,” the man says to his date.
“That’s so sweet,” she replies. “I love a man who cares about animals. Where do you work?”
“I’m a butcher,” he says.

46. Why don’t cannibals eat clowns?
Because they taste funny.

47. Watching my daughter at the park earlier. Another parent asked, “Which one is yours?” I replied, “I’m still deciding.”
They looked horrified.

48. My mother said one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
Turns out I’m adopted.

49. When my uncle Frank died, he needed his ashes to be buried in his favorite beer mug. His final wish was to be Frank in Stein.

50. Why do vampires seem sick?
They’re always coffin.

51. Do the very last thing my grandfather stated to me earlier than he kicked the bucket? “Grandson, watch how far I can kick this bucket.”

52. Well, it is true that humans eat more bananas than monkeys just as recent research suggests. I agree because I can’t remember when last I enjoyed eating a monkey.

53. Today I made a decision to go go to my childhood house. I asked the residents if I may come inside because I was feeling nostalgic, however, they refused and slammed the door on my face. My mother and father are the worst.

54. What’s the difference between jelly and jam? You can’t jelly a clown into the tiny automobile.