Spell for Today – 2 Forgotten Rituals to Harness the Power of the Stars

Witches often talk about the benefits of moon magic. They rarely talk about the energies we can harness from the stars. Although they are not as prominent as the moon, their energy can still be woven into countless spells.

The Stars are one of the most powerful elements of the Universe that governs us, our home and the Origin that gives us power. Their mystical light gives us peace and pulls us into deep states of tranquility, which makes it easier for us to invoke the energies that help us perform our craft. Each star is a fragment of the gods who are listening to our rituals.

The power of star magic was discovered by witches hundreds of years ago. The first known star spells can be traced to around the time of the collapse of the Roman Empire. These witches knew the magic of the stars, their movement in the sky and how to create the conditions to take advantage of their influences. They discovered that they could use them to invoke powerful love magic, especially in men.

Ancient cultures built many of their rituals on stellar movements. They were great astrologers and could predict future events with stunning accuracy.

The map of the sky and the trajectories of the stars were considered propitiatory for certain forms of witchcraft. Today, we know much more about stars, their location, constellations and their clustering patterns. Science gives us precise data, but ancient magic also knew what energy each constellation had and how to take advantage of it.

Creating a Wiccan Circle to Make a Wish Upon a Star

The idea of wishing upon a star is something that is traced in many legends and even pop culture references. However, few people are able to do it effectively. They believe that they all they must do is close their eyes and make a wish. You must actually practice a ritual with circle magic to make your wish come true.

Here are the steps that you will take.

Look for a place in a field on an arid plane. There should be no grass or vegetation. Use a stick to draw three circles in the sand.

The first will be the largest and it will engulf the other two. It will be a circle of fire that will burn steadily throughout the ritual. Say the following out loud: “It will be the power of my constancy and my will!”

The second will be a circle of red candles. You must say this as you draw it: “This will be the power of my body, vital, strong, vigorous.”

The third circle will be filled with blue candles: “Quiet for my life, I can communicate and feel proud of myself.”

Take a moment to thank the five elements on this magical night. Lie comfortably in the middle of the circles. Lay down in a couple blue and red cushions that you have brought with you. With your eyes open, start to gaze at the stars. Chase one with your vision. Then another. When you find one that catches your attention more than any other in the open sky, make a wish to it. Recite your wish softly, but remember that you are watching a “collection of stars.” There are more stars waiting to help you. You should thank all of the stars collectively for their help, but remember that you will only get helped by the first you made the request of. The others will merely serve as aides to their sister star.

Have faith that your wish will come true. You will become the best of friends with this star. Take a black and red box that you had prepared with an interior mirror and reflect the light of your star into the box. Ask permission to stay with you for a few days. You will feel its presence, energy, love, complicity, wisdom and help. You will know that it will be with you. As this happens, you feel it with all your heart and see the reflection. Then you must close the box.

The star will be with you, keeping you company for up to seven days. Then you will return to the place where you made friends and set it free again. It will enjoy sharing its power. During those days, you will feel the positive change that its energy brings into your life.

Love Spell Underneath the Star

There is a reason that many people seek romantic evenings on stary nights. Stars have almost aphrodisiac magical properties. This spell, which is done while observing a star, will make a man fall in love with you. It works very well.

Ingredients: a photo of him, his hair, mineral or spring water, a pink candle, a mirror.

First, choose a star in the sky to perform the spell. You have to locate it and remember it to know where it is in the sky. This spell must be performed outdoors.

Take all of the ingredients and place them on the ground. The photo and the hair under the mirror will be face up. Put the candle over the mirror.

You must be seated to see the star reflected in the mirror. The candle must be at the top of the mirror, so you can see it reflected at the bottom. Light the candle and say the following sentence with the intention of bringing the man you love closer:

“For the night sky, for the darkness that does not touch me, I ask you star of my heart to bring this man (say his name) to me. Let him fall in love with me, as the star falls in love with the night, that he cannot flee from me, that he only has eyes for me, so be it”.

Make sure to say this phrase several times, while staring at the star through the mirror. Leave the candle lit until it is finished. When it is about to burn out, drink the water and extinguish it by throwing it on the mirror. After that, leave the mirror outdoors all night. Get up before sunrise. You don’t have to give sunlight to the mirror. Put the mirror on your bed every night if possible. Keep his photo and hair in your underwear. Throw the remains of the candle on the ground.

It is a spell that does not fail. You can repeat as many times as you want but you have to choose the same star for it to improve the effectiveness.

This is a post by Kale Christopher, the editor of Aprende Gran Magia.

Spell for Today – Fairy Wishing Spell



Because fairies are connected to nature, their spells are usually performed outdoors. A small brook, a secret lily pond, the base of your favorite tree, or a field of wild flowers all make excellent settings for fairy magick. Even large, lush window boxes, overflowing with fragrant herbs and delicate blossoms, can serve as a haven for the wee folk.

Fairy Wishing Spell

For this spell you will need

a small white birthday candle,

a silver coin,

seven moon cookies (sugar cookies cut into crescent moons), and

a secluded wooded area where you can be alone.

As you walk through the woods, keep a close eye out for Fairy circles, small circular areas surrounded by inedible red fungi with white spots. It is believed that fairies meet within these rings to celebrate their magickal rites. When you find a fairy circle, carefully place your coin in the center of it. Set the candle on top of the coin, light it, and make your wish. When the candle has completely burned out, place the moon cookies around the coin, state your wish aloud, and then walk away. If you return to the spot and your coin and candle are gone, you will know that your wish has been granted.

Spell For Wednesday – Wishes


Spell For Saturday


To Find a Lost Item

Concentrate on the item you have lost and repeat in a chant the following:

What is lost, I must now find
Bring it back, it must be found
Take my luck and spin it round

Repeat as long as you feel you need to.

Note: This spell works best during the waxing to full moon.

Spell for Today – New Moon Wish Spell

For more New Moon spells from EZ Spells

  • Piece of paper
  • Candle – chose the color based on your wish
  • Write your wish on a piece of paper.  Then light your candle.
  • While looking at the new moon chant the below three times.

New moon so dark in the night sky.  That cannot be seen with a naked eye.  Grant me your dark energy to see.  The new and good coming to me.  Grant me the power of dreams so true so I can start my life anew.  Grant me strength day by day.  Mistress of darkness, show me the way.  Grant me love in my life.  Take away trouble and strife.  Grant me peace I ask of you.  On bad times help me through.  O’ Goddess of Night so divine.  If you have heard me show me a sign.”

Burn the paper in the flame, imagine your wish and look into the night sky.

Spell for Today – Egg Wish Spell for Fertility – Printable

Spell for Today – 6 New Moon Spells

New moon spells are always done during the new moon and are used to drawn in a desired outcome.  New moon love spells will bring in a new love or solidify an existing relationship.  New moon money spells are used to draw in money versus decrease bills.  Focus on bringing in your desires versus pushing away something you don’t want during the new moon phase.  New moon magick can be as simple as a bath ritual to draw in good fortune and new blessings. We wish you many blessings using these spells for tonight’s new moon. We hope you get everything you desire!

New Moon Wicca Protection Spell

Before beginning create a calm environment. Do this by meditating, listening to calm music, taking a bath or something else that helps you to create a safe and calm environment.

Take three deep breaths, imagine a silver light that flows into your body. This is the energy of the Moon Goddess.

Take three deep breaths and imagine a golden light flowing into your body, this is the energy of the Sun God.

Take three deep breaths and imagine a white light flowing into your body, this is the joint energy of the Universal Life Force. Then say the below three times.

“Blessed be my feet that walk the path of mystery. Blessed are my knees bending before the sacred altar.  Blessed be my heart, molded in beauty and love. Blessed be my lips, who pronounce sacred names. Open your arms to welcome protection and love. 

Head over to our Protection Spells page more.

New Moon Wish Spell

Items needed:

  • Piece of paper
  • Candle – chose the color based on your wish
  • Write your wish on a piece of paper.  Then light your candle.
  • While looking at the new moon chant the below three times.

New moon so dark in the night sky.  That cannot be seen with a naked eye.  Grant me your dark energy to see.  The new and good coming to me.  Grant me the power of dreams so true so I can start my life anew.  Grant me strength day by day.  Mistress of darkness, show me the way.  Grant me love in my life.  Take away trouble and strife.  Grant me peace I ask of you.  On bad times help me through.  O’ Goddess of Night so divine.  If you have heard me show me a sign.”

Burn the paper in the flame, imagine your wish and look into the night sky.

New Moon Money Spell

Items Needed:

  • 3 Shiny Silver Coins
  • Piece of Paper or Tissue

Wrap the three coins in the paper.  Make sure they can’t fall out.  Hold the package in your hand, close your eyes and focus on the coins multiplying.  Ask that no harm comes to anyone.  Bury the coins in the earth.  If you cannot bury the coins, you can use a pot filled with soil.  When the money arrives, you can remove the coins if you wish. 

For more money magical spells, check out our Wiccan Spells

New Moon Bath Ritual for Restoration and Replenishment

Items needed:

  • Bath
  • Salt
  • Candles
  • Herbs: mugwart, rosemary, cardamom, ginger, basil, bay leaf, yarrow
  • Oil: rose, cedarwood, sandalwood
  • Flower petals: lavender, marigold, rose
  • Crystals: rose quartz, black tourmaline, clear quartz, florite

Fill your bath, add salt, surround the tub with candles and crystals. Add the herbs, oils and flower petals of your choice and relax.  Say the below while you melt into relaxation.

“I am renewed with this new moon. I am replenished  I am open to new beginnings.”

“I am restored by sacred cosmic vibration. I am divinely protected. I relinquish the weight of that which no longer serves me. My spirit is awake, My path is revealed, I am open to receive.”

“I welcome transformation, I welcome growth, I welcome abundance, I know what I need.  I am ready.”

Let Go: New Moon Ritual

Items needed:

  • Bath
  • Candle
  • Crystals
  • Incense
  • Sage

Set intensions: Plan, Visualize, Find Focus, Dream, Make a Vision Board

During bath:  LET GO, relax, take deep breaths

Visualize what doesn’t serve you, write it down and destroy it.

Imagine it flies away or burns.

FORGIVE yourself and others

This is a great spell to cast in combination with our Healing Spells

New Moon Love Spell

Items Needed:

  • Pink Cord or Yarn around 12”
  • Pink Candle
  • Salt and Pepper Shaker
  • Jasmine Incense
  • Atraction Oil
  • Dragons Blood Incense

New moon rituals for love are focuses on drawing in the love you desire. New moon love spells free yourself and drawn in what you desire.

Begin by casting a circle at your altar with the help of some salt and mark an outline of the circle. Take the pink candle and rub it with your attraction oil.  Place the candle in the center of the circle.

Place one of the incenses on the left and the other on the right of the circle.  Now light the incense and candle.  Hold the pink cord and bind it to the salt shaker and say the below:

“Goddess be with me, the salt shaker is me.”

Take the pepper shaker and tie it on the other end of the cord and say the below:

“The pepper shaker is the love I seek.”

Tie the shakers together and keep them in front of the candle.  Meditate, wish and pray for pure love to come to you.  Imagine a good life with your partner, imagine doing all the things you want to do with them.  Meditate well and once you feel you have meditated enough, blow out the candle.  The next morning, untie the shakers and light the candle.  Then retie them again.  Do this again for seven days.  By the end of the seventh day your lover will enter your life in some way.

This spell can be done in combination with our Obsession SpellsCharmed Spells and Free Love Spells for a Specific Person.

From ezspells.com

An Invaluable Herbal Grimoire Reference Guide

By Graphia, The Wordsmith Witch

No matter what your spiritual path looks like, every Witch can benefit from possessing a thorough, comprehensive Herbal Grimoire. Many practitioners include such contents as a guide for the magical correspondences of different herbs, a list of various herbal substitutions for spellcrafting, and last, but not least – a reference section that lists commonly found baneful herbs and their toxicity levels.

Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels.com

This herb correspondence chart is the culmination of years of research. We hope this reference guide will help you to understand the magical properties of herbs, roots, flowers, barks and resins. It is our goal to provide others with accurate sources of information to enrich their lives and their Craft. What are some ways you can implement the information in the following guide into your own practice?  Click on the link below to view the chart.

Herbal Grimoire

Spell for Today – Refresh the Soul Spell and Walk Backwards Return Spell

Wednesday is a good day to focus on getting over any slumps you may have. This day is considered the middle of the work week; and many people find themselves very tired by this point. That is why this day is a great day to do refresh, refrain, return, wake-up, and concentration spells. It is, also, another good day for meditation.

Refresh Spells –Refresh the Soul Spell

Items you will need for this spell:

1 bottle of peppermint oil
1 white candle
1 lighter or match
Dress the candle with the peppermint oil, being careful about contact with the skin. Place the candle on a fire-safe surface and light it. Close your eyes for about a minute and just allow yourself to breathe in the peppermint aroma. Open your eyes and say this chant nine times:

“Breathe in, breathe out.
I’m refreshing.
I’m restoring.
I’m feeling revived.
My energy’s soaring.”

Keep breathing in the aroma and close your eyes again. When you are ready, open your eyes and blow out the candle. This should give you a feeling of being refreshed.

Return Spells – Walk Backwards Return Spell

Things you will need:

1 candle (any color)
1 lighter or match
Your body
Place a candle in front of you on a fire-safe surface. Sit or stand in a comfortable position in front of the candle and close your eyes for about three minutes. During the three minutes, think about what you want returned to you and how the item makes you feel. After the three minutes or so, get up and take twelve steps backwards and say this chant three times:

“Backwards walk.
Missing something yearned.
When I turn around,
It will be returned.”

After doing this, turn around three times, clockwise and stop. Now, go blow out the candle, and your item should be returned to you soon.



A Witch’s Week of Spells and Activities
Helga C. Loueen


Full Moon Wish Spell Printable

Spell for Today – Printable

Printable Wishes Spell

Simple Wish Spell

May the Goddess and God

of light and love,

grant me my wish

and quite my heart.

I place my desire in your hands,

For you to do as you will

and I deserve.

So mote it be

Egyptian Wish Spell


1 White Tea Light Candle

1 Bay Leaf

Black Pen or Thin Point Marker

Lighter or Matches

Egyptian Wish Spell

The Witches Magick for Monday, March 4: Mirror, Mirror, Make My Wish Come True Spell

Mirror, Mirror, Make My Wish Come True Spell

Take a small mirror and lay it down, so it reflects up at you. Then take a bowl of water (preferably a glass or silver bowl, but any bowl will do.

HINT: If using a ceramic bowl, plain is best.

You should use a bowl with pictures on it only if you have to (unless they are hieroglyphs). Only use plastic bowls if you absolutely have to. Put the bowl of water in the center of the mirror, and surround the mirror with candles (this spell should be done in a dark room, or at night).

The spell works best if the candles are vanilla or lavender. There should be four candles, one at each corner of the mirror (or, if using a round mirror, one at each of these points:

Northeast, Northwest, South east, Southwest).

In between the candles, on the North, East, South, and West sides of the mirror, put incense burners (the spell can work without the incense, but it works better with it). Put a small piece of silver (it can be a coin, a piece of a fork, anything) in the bowl. Look down at the mirror, and chant this:

Mirror, Mirror, on the floor,
reflect for me forever more,
give me now the thing I crave,
I’ll give it back when I’m in my grave,
A pool of water, A touch of ice,
a teardrop from the moon, all this I have and all I want, Is this.

Then you say what you want.

The Spell of the Shell



To perform this spell, you must find a suitable shell in shallow water. Take the shell and dry it thoroughly. Next, place a symbol of your desire upon the surface of the shell. The symbol must be made with a substance which will easily wash off in water. Place the shell upon the shore, so that the tide will bring waves across the shell. 

*Take care to note the phase of the Moon (waxing moon for the gain of something, waning for the dissolving of something).

When the shell is in place, draw a triangle in the sand, enclosing the shell completely. The symbol upon the shell must be facing upwards (toward the Moon). Meaningful words, or phrases, may be placed upon the shell also, or simply written in the sand (inside the triangle). 

Finally, give the words of enchantment: (toward the moon)

Goddess of Moon, Earth, and the Sea, 
Each wish in Thy name must come to be. 
Powers and Forces which Tides do make, 
Now summon Thy waves, my spell to take 

Leave the area now, and the spell is set. 

Once the waves come, then your wish will be taken out to the Old Ones. It will usually take about 7 days for a Lunar spell to begin to manifest, but can take as long as 28 days.

Spell to Bring About a Need


You need a candle to represent the need, a card to represent yourself, 4 cards to represent your need.

Light the candle. 

Lay the card that represent you on the altar and say: 

“May this card represent thee” 

Pick up the rest of the cards and say: 

“As I place these cards at the quarters shall my need be seen” 

Lay the cards at the quarters as you go say the card’s name and the need. Then say: 

Fulfill my need as quick as can be 
by the power of three bring the (need) to me, so mote it be” 

Understanding Spells……….Printable