Spell for Today – Fairy Wishing Spell



Because fairies are connected to nature, their spells are usually performed outdoors. A small brook, a secret lily pond, the base of your favorite tree, or a field of wild flowers all make excellent settings for fairy magick. Even large, lush window boxes, overflowing with fragrant herbs and delicate blossoms, can serve as a haven for the wee folk.

Fairy Wishing Spell

For this spell you will need

a small white birthday candle,

a silver coin,

seven moon cookies (sugar cookies cut into crescent moons), and

a secluded wooded area where you can be alone.

As you walk through the woods, keep a close eye out for Fairy circles, small circular areas surrounded by inedible red fungi with white spots. It is believed that fairies meet within these rings to celebrate their magickal rites. When you find a fairy circle, carefully place your coin in the center of it. Set the candle on top of the coin, light it, and make your wish. When the candle has completely burned out, place the moon cookies around the coin, state your wish aloud, and then walk away. If you return to the spot and your coin and candle are gone, you will know that your wish has been granted.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence and a Spell for Tuesday


Tuesday’s Magick from OtherwordlyOracle.com

Tuesday’s name isn’t as easy to figure out. Tuesday is named after the Norse god of lightning, justice, and war – Tyr. When Tuesday rolls around, my mom and I say, Happy Tyr’s Day! Being that Tyr was a powerful god with strength and virility, the magick you perform on Tuesday should include: justice/legal issues, protection, binding, banishing, reversal, courage, power, passion, self esteem and confidence, and more. Not surprisingly, Tuesday is ruled by the planet Mars (also a god of war).

Tuesday’s Magick Correspondences:

Magical Intentions: legal matters, justice, protection, binding, banishing, reversal, courage, self confidence

Crystals: carnelian, ruby, bloodstone, garnet, red jasper

Herbs: dragon’s blood, nettle, thistle, thorns, wormwood, hawthorn, red flowers and plants associated with Mars

Gods/Goddesses: Tyr, Mars, Apollo, Maeve, Bran, Ares, Valkyries, Sekhmet, Kali, The Morrigan, any war or justice deity

Tuesday from flyingthehedge.com

The name Tuesday comes from the Germanic God Tiu, like the Roman god Mars, is associated with war. Like Monday, it is full of male energy, but focuses on the more raw nature of the male aspect; think courage, success, war, and lust. This is a good time to deal with issues of violence, competition, conflict, endurance, and survival.
Color: Red, orange, black
Planet: Mars
Deities: Lilith, Mars, Aries, Morrighan, Tiwaz
Crystals: Garnet, ruby
Herbs: Thistles, holly, coneflower, cactus
Associations: War, conflict, courage, victory, rebellion, success, protection, strength

Spell – Inviting Faries into Your Garden

Fairy Invitation Ritual

If you want to specifically invite fairies into your garden, try the following ritual.

What You’ll Need

  • flowers (see above)
  • white candle
  • the offering of quartz and cream/whole milk

What to Do
This ritual is best performed around Beltane or Midsummer but can be performed any time of the year your garden is blooming. Begin by setting your flowers, candle, and offerings on your garden or fairy altar. Light the candle and say,

“Fair fairies from near and far,
I invite you to dance in my yard.
Please stay awhile,
And brighten my garden with your smiles.
Bless these herbs and flowers,
And fill them with magical powers.
Use your magic to help them grow,
By the light of the moon’s glow.
Accept these giftes I give to thee,
By my will, so mote it be.”

Once you are finished, spend time with your altar until the candle burns low. Try and sense the fairies you have invited. You may feel the hair on your arms stand up or as if something is playing with your hair or ear. Leave the offerings on the altar overnight. Do not consume any of the food offerings you leave for the fairies. It is considered rude and disrespectful. Also, don’t expect the offering to disappear. Fairies consume the astral or spiritual essence of the offering. Leave the quartz on the altar indefinitely.

Remember to record the ritual in your BOS or on your ritual log worksheet.

Why You Did It
This spell, as mentioned, is best performed on or around Beltane or Midsummer. The reason for this is because these are two times when the veil for fairies is thin and therefore they are most likely to come out and be willing to take up residence in your garden. However, fairies can be called upon any time of the year, so feel free to use it whenever you get the change.

The candle helps to focus your spell and gives the fairies a light to use to guide them to your garden. Your candle will burn in this realm and the Otherworld, acting as a beacon to draw the fairies to you.

Fairies don’t like to be thanked, but they love to be shown respect in the form of food and shiny objects. Milk, cream, beer, or any of the other food offerings mentioned above are fairy favorites. Including such an offering in our ritual will likely attract fairies to your garden and act as a thank you without you verbally thanking them. You want to make sure the fairies are happy, otherwise, they are prone to cause mischief. The flowers are used for the same reason.

Word of Caution

Fairies are fickle and mischievous. Upsetting them can result in problems for you and anyone who steps foot on your property. Do not use pesticides in your garden. This will scare them off and keep them from coming back. Be good to the environment and animals. Fairies are creatures of the Earth; if you disrespect Her, fairies won’t come to your garden, no matter how much milk and honey you offer them.

If the fairies become unruly or you wish them to leave, tell them to. Cleanse your garden and home and tell the fairies you no longer need their assistance. If they still will not leave, try placing iron in your garden and around your home. Iron burns fairies so it’s a great deterrent.