Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Thursday


Thursday Source:

  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Element: Earth
  • Gender: Masculine
  • Deities: Juno, Jupiter, Thor, Zeus
  • Colors: Blue, Green, Purple, Rich Royal Colors
  • Crystals: Aventurine, Amethyst, Brown Jasper, Green Lodestone, Green Tourmaline, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Peridot, Tin, Turquoise
  • Herbs & Plants: Anise, Borage, Cinquefoil, Clove, Dandelion, Dill, Fig, Honeysuckle, Hyssop, Maple, Meadowsweet, Mint, Nutmeg, Oak, Patchouli, Sage, Star Anise
  • Incenses: Cinnamon, Clove, Jupiter Oil, Musk, Nutmeg, Oakmoss, Patchouli, Sage
  • Energies & Associations: Abundance, Career, Employment, Energetic Increase, Expansion, Generosity, Growth, Happiness, Healing, Harvesting, Honest Leadership, Honor, Leadership, Legal Matters, Loyalty, Luck, Male Fertility, Material Opportunities, Money, Optimism, Power, Prosperity, Protection, Riches, Wealth

Thursday Source: Spells8com

Magick Candle

Light a green candle to promote growth, fertility and abundance. Meditating with a green candle encourages us to improve in personal projects such as studies, work and self-development. It is great for casting prosperity or good luck spells, and also when invoking the healing energies of Nature.

Ruling Deities

Cernunnos, Gaia, Osiris, Pan, Poseidon and Zeus are rulers of Thursdays.


Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Tiger’s Eye, and Sugilite.

Carrying these gemstones today can bring success and fulfillment of your goals. Wear them as a talisman or simply keep them close to you to harness their energy.

Thursday Potion

Drink a cup of Green Tea today to strengthen your focus. Green tea is loaded with beneficial antioxidants, and, besides caffeine, green tea contains aminoacids that help boost brain function. It has a large amount of L-theanine, an amino acid that is beneficial for memory, attention, concentration and learning.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Sunday


Sunday Source:

Sunday is associated with the Sun and zodiac sign of Leo. I add Cancer and Aries to this because they are also associated with the Sun.

The elemental correspondence is Fire, (shocking, I know). In my opinion Sunday is the most diverse day in terms of its spell correspondences. Spells for success, money/prosperity, healing, protection, insight, fame/power, attraction and empowerment are just a few of the spells that can be amplified if performed on a Sunday.

Gods/Goddesses: Helios, Brigid. Brigid is the Goddess of Fire and the Hearth and is celebrated on Imbolc, which is known as the “Festival of Lights”. By invoking her on Sundays you can tap into her powers of illumination and maternal energy.

Angel: Michael. Archangel Michael is the ultimate warrior. He can be petitioned to help aid your cause or to destroy an enemy. If this is an angel you work with often, Sunday would be an auspicious day for honoring him and offering him gifts of thanks.

Sunday Source:

Planet: The Sun
Colors: yellow and orange

The sun gives life and is one of the reasons I do Sunday Spell Day. It’s one of my favorite days to work. Solar magic is bright, vital, and full of such beautiful energy. Yes, this group is named for the moon, but that doesn’t mean that is the only planet I work with. I use them all. Sunday is the day of the beginning of the week. One thing I love to do is to sit quietly and write out my intentions for the week on Sunday morning while having coffee. It’s one of my favorite days. This day corresponds with success, wealth, hope, confidence and is a great day for personal development and to start new things. I always create a personal affirmation for the week on Sunday and pull a tarot card and an oracle card for the week. I have a friend who pulls a ruling card for the week and then a card for each day. I’m lazy. I’ll own it. I pull just one of each. You do you.

Divination Journal

Tarot Card


King of Wands – Minor Arcana Court Card

The King of Wands is pure fire energy, but strangely enough, he has the least to do with actual creation and creativity. His forte is not in dreaming up ideas and implementing them himself, but in taking an idea and changing the world to match his vision. As such he is a natural leader and commander of all kinds of people. They flock to him to hear what he has to say and leave just as eagerly when he gives them something to do for him. Like the rest of the Kings, the ruler of the Wands suit will appear in two ways in your life: either as a person or as a part of yourself that must be awakened.

As a person, the King of Wands is the ultimate leader, who looks forward to challenges because he enjoys the rush of adrenalin that solving a difficult problem can induce. He not only dispels his own fear but that of others, by ensuring them that they shall succeed. He is not all talk, though; when the going gets tough no one hangs in there longer than he does. The King of Wands has a deep and innate respect for other people, and his compassion extends farther than most people would expect. For a King, he has a remarkably good relationship with the common people. When he is unable to assist by himself, he will empower and enable others to help in his place.

As with all of us, the King’s faults emerge from his strengths. Most of the time he does not show enough restraint to know when assistance is not needed or wanted. He can sometimes make things even worse by doing what he thinks is the right thing – and he always thinks that what he is doing is the right thing. Most of the time his high sense of ethics proves him right, but in those few times where he is on the wrong side of the argument, he can do more harm than good. But one thing that can never be said of him is that he walks away from problems, whatever they are. He will defend another man just as vigilantly, if not more so, than he would protect himself.

An inner spiritual change is often heralded when this card appears. The King of Wands invites us to act as he would to solve our problems. His vision is one of ideal reality, and his vision is that humanity might always be better than it is. He is the warrior of light who stands up for something that matters, and his appearance is an invitation for you to do so as well. If there is a cause you wish to support, but you are unsure of your position, you may proceed with the knowledge that your base of power is strong. Enjoy the King’s power and authority, but be sure to use it for productive means. Take your responsibilities seriously, think of new ways to do things, and never stop believing in yourself.

This page was made by James Rioux (The Black Shadow),
Copyright 2000 James Rioux.

Animal Spirit Guide or  Helper



Crane symbolism and meanings include grace, devotion and faithfulness, travel, open-mindedness, aspiration, longevity, immortality, and transformation. There are 15 species of cranes and they live on every continent except South America and Antarctica.1 As a result, these elegant birds appear in the mythology and folklore of many cultures around the world. Plus, the crane spirit animal is an important figure in the spiritual beliefs of people who feel a special kinship with these beautiful birds. In this post, you’ll learn about crane symbols and meanings, including crane spiritual meanings, as well as crane mythology and folklore and more.

Table of Contents

What does the crane symbolize?

Detailed Crane Symbols and Meanings

Crane Spiritual Meanings

Crane Meaning in Buddhism

Cranes in Hinduism

Crane Meaning in the Bible, Judaism, and Christianity

Crane Mythology and Folklore

Crane Symbolism in Aboriginal Australia

Crane Meaning in Japan


Crane Mythology in China

Crane Symbolism in India

Middle East

Cranes in Egypt

Crane Symbolism in Africa

Crane Meaning in Greek Mythology

Native American Crane Meanings

Crane Spirit Animal

Crane Power Animal

Crane Totem

Crane Dream Meaning

Crane Tattoo Meaning

Organizations that Protect Cranes





The rune is an indication of the new phase beginning in a person’s life and the termination of the old one. The rune symbolizes the future changes that are yet to happen in the night. It speaks of ending one part of life and how a man goes out of his childhood frame. This means it must be left behind to attain manhood.

Witch’s Rune



Always a good omen, the Sun Rune means something of value is coming your way. You can look forward to taking a bold step, embarking in a new direction.

Some may be carried out of their daily grind by unexpected and fortunate events. Other will be made aware of added responsibility and will have to deal with it.

Expect public promotions and public affairs. Look to be amazed, dazzled or even shocked by scandals. An older person, or person of authority could have the answers you are now seeking.

Accept your position as a mover and shaker of the world. For you, the time is right to head for the spotlight.



The Celts often believed the hawthorn to be a portal to the Otherworld. The hawthorn is a hardy plant commonly used for hedges and great firewood. It can even be an invasive species at times. The key points to remember with the letter Huathe are obstacles, walls, and obstructions. Its ability to form a natural wall gives the diviner an idea in what this symbol can mean to them and their lives.

Fortune – To overcome obstacles and walls you must make a personal sacrifice, to gain we must lose something of ourselves!

I Ching


Hexagram Twelve/12

Hexagram: 12

Name: P’i.

Keyphrase: Stagnation.

Formed By The Trigrams: Heaven over Earth.

General: Although this is a time of adversity you should remember that all things change and there is always hope.

Love: A lover or potential lover may not be what they seem. Beware of falling in love.

Business: New business ventures may be too good to be true. Examine them carefully.

Personal: Strengthen your moral and ethical senses. Don’t be led astray.

Overview: P’i relates to a time of stagnation and to the fragility of life. If the foundations are weak or unstable then a building will eventually fall. This analogy should also be applied to people. P’i often indicates a time when arrogant individuals come to power or occupy positions of authority. Their arrogance will eventually be their downfall. Beware of individuals trying to subvert your sense of ethics or the consequences will be far-reaching for you.




It is highly creative, individualistic, and unconventional. It represents the interests of the self versus those of the group.

Angel Number


One Hundred Twenty – Four

A glimpse of angel number 124 will soon open the door to success. However, it seems that the guardian angels are appealing that you aim to go one step further and open yourself up.

A literal translation of angel number 124 means, “Angels support you to explore yourself


Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Saturday


Correspondences For Saturday

Magickal Intentions: Spirit Communications, Meditation, Psychic Attack or Defense, Locating Lost Things and Missing Persons, Building, Life, Doctrine, Protection, Knowledge, Authority, Limitations, Boundries, Time and Death
Incense: Black Poppy Seed and Myrrh
Planet: Saturn
Sign: Capricorn and Aquarius
Angel: Cassiel
Colors: Black, Grey and Indigo
Herbs/Plants: Myrrh, Moss, Hemlock, Wolfsbane, Coltsfoot, Nightshade and Fir
Stones: Jet, Smokey Quartz, Amethyst, Black Onyx, Snowflake Obsidian, Lava, Pumice
Oil: (Saturn) Cypress, Mimosa, Myrrh, Patchouly
Saturn lends its energies to the last day of the week. Because Saturn is the planet of karma, this day is an excellent time for spellwork involving reincarnation, karmic lessons, the Mysteries, wisdom, and long-term projects. It is also a good time to being efforts that deal with the elderly, death, or the eradication of pests and disease.

Saturday Source:

The final day of the week is ruled by Saturn, lord of endings. Saturn has a reputation as an inauspicious day for magick–but of course, it depends on the type of magick. There is no better day for spells of binding and banishing.  Saturday is also a good day for Underworld magick, communing with ancestors and contacting spirits. (The Key of Solomon specifies that Saturday is the day of spirits who died a natural death–those who died heroically should be honored on Tuesday.) The energy of Saturn helps to cultivate patience and wisdom.  Recover from grief. Overcome addictions. Cast protective wards. Sever unhealthy bonds. Visit elders or reflect on the past.

April 27, 2024 Daily and Birthday Horoscopes

Click here to read Georgia Nicols Daily, Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes

Click here for Anyone’s Birthday or Monthly Horoscopes Source:

Click here to read more about traits for anyone’s birthday horoscope Source:

Click here to read anyone’s birthday traits and more Source:

Moon Alert

There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today. The Moon is in Sagittarius.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Feelings of escapism might push you to travel suddenly or do something different. Certainly, you can explore your own neighbourhood or your own city to grab a little adventure and excitement. With Venus in your sign, you’re eager to socialize because you feel friendly!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You can call the shots today, especially when dealing with shared property and financial matters. You will also enjoy team sports and physical competition. With lucky Jupiter in your sign until June, you continue to enjoy good fortune and divine protection. Make the most of this!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Because the Moon is in a sign that is opposite from your sign today, this means you will have to be conciliatory and ready to compromise. Be prepared to go more than halfway when dealing with others. (This simply requires a smile and some cooperation.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Make an attempt To Do list because you can get a lot done today. You might be active at work or in your job. Or you might focus on health and hygiene issues. It’s a great day to schmooze with others, especially in group situations. You will impress bosses and authority figures.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Today is a good day to work and a good day to play – your choice. You make an excellent impression on bosses and VIPs; nevertheless, it’s also a lovely time to schmooze and enjoy the arts, sports events, outdoor activities and fun times with children. Travel will also appeal.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Two conflicting influences are at play today. In one way, you want to travel, explore and discover adventure! You’re up for something different. However, in another way, you’re happy to hide at home and relax among familiar surroundings. If so, be patient with partners.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You’re eager to have a meaningful conversation with someone today, which is why you will seek out like-minded individuals. You want to discuss something real. You don’t want to waste time in superficial chitchat that is polite but meaningless.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Money and your personal possessions are a focus for you today. You might see ways to boost your income. Or perhaps, you will see ways to use something that you own to a better advantage? Playful and competitive sports might appeal. If you’re working today, coworkers will be helpful.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Today the Moon is in your sign, which will heighten your emotions, especially in response to others. However, when the Moon is in your sign, which happens for 2 1/2 days every month, it also slightly boosts your good luck. Ask the universe for a favour!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is a playful day! You might also want to entertain at home or explore redecorating ideas. It’s also an excellent day to talk to others and teach or explain your views because you are confident and articulate today. Nevertheless, you might seek out some privacy. It’s a mixed bag.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is a lovely day to schmooze with friends as well as members of groups. You will welcome an opportunity to learn or to teach. Short trips will appeal. In fact, travel of any kind will be gratifying because today you truly appreciate your daily surroundings.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You are noticed today. In fact, some people might know personal details about your private life. Grab any chance to get away on a short trip because you are eager for change. Physical exercise will appeal because you’re in a competitive mood. Meanwhile, you might attract money to you – or spend it on beautiful things

If Your Birthday Is Today

Businessman Randy Gerber (1962) shares your birthday today. You are charming, refined, poised and determined. You’re shy with strangers but friendly and animated with those you know well. This is a playful, fun-loving year for you. Feel free to let your hair down and loosen up a bit. Old friends might reappear to rekindle relationships.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This beginning of the week seems to pertain to some sort of travel plans or even a small trip, not necessarily the usual one for groceries.

So make room in your mind for a bit of fun or some sort of entertaining experience because the more open you are to these things, the more interesting this day will appear to you.

You can also read this special Aries Daily Horoscope.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You don’t really want to make any compromises this day and you seem to use all the weapons you have available to try and prevent that.

You might find it hard at the beginning but as time progresses you will feel it becomes easier and easier. However, try not to appear too cruel if you refuse certain things to certain people close to you.

You can also read this special Taurus Daily Horoscope.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You might find it hard to rekindle some relationship today and you will probably have to work harder than usual to make yourself remarked.

Regardless whether you’ve done something wrong and now you repent or you were the one to turn a cold shoulder, be sure you will have to work your way to the heart of the desired person.

You can also read this special Gemini Daily Horoscope.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You need to stay on track with several activities today and despite this being a Saturday you won’t really have time for relaxation or delay anything.

Despite you wanting and even asking for help, you might have a hard time finding someone to answer you, even people in your own family so don’t get your hopes too high.

You can also read this special Cancer Daily Horoscope.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

There is a subject that has posed a great interest for you lately and it seems you want to go deeper on that and this Saturday might be the perfect time to do so.

On the other hand, there might be things others are demanding of you so don’t be surprised if you have more than one thing and more than your own pleasures to accommodate today.

You can also read this special Leo Daily Horoscope.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You appear to be quite tolerant and friendly this Saturday and people might take this the wrong way and even try to take advantage of you.

In the end it will only depend on your reaction and on the way you see things. You can either show them the door or provide some help just to feel good about yourself but there is no need to say yes entirely.

You can also read this special Virgo Daily Horoscope.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You risk breaking a friendship or getting away from someone close today if you don’t let your emotions aside and focus on exactly what’s been told rather than on what you imagine was told.

You are quite sensible to harsh words today and the risk is that you will prefer to be resentful rather than forgive even when people realize they shouldn’t have spoken like that to you.

You can also read this special Libra Daily Horoscope.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Quite a passionate Saturday for you but only if you play your cards right, which means little drama and no exaggerations at all.

If you want something just demand it openly and not engage in some sort of childish game for it. If you heart beats in a certain direction be sure you can’t fool it so don’t try to pretend otherwise.

You can also read this special Scorpio Daily Horoscope.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You need to be patient and understanding with those around you today, especially with your partner. Although what they have to say might sound stupid to you, eventually you will realize that those are their feelings and you shouldn’t have any expectations at all.

Be just as tolerant with their emotions as they are with yours.

You can also read this special Sagittarius Daily Horoscope.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This Saturday seems to form an interesting alliance in your life but at the same time there are still things you need to solve on your own so don’t be surprised if the circumstances demand this of you.

There might be a chance for you to build something solid, something practical and dependable but you still need to choose your area of interest.

You can also read this special Capricorn Daily Horoscope.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You have quite a strict schedule and it seems you want to maintain it during the weekend.

This isn’t like you want to work the whole time or so but more you want to implement a schedule with designed hours for rest and activity so you are sure you make the best of your day. Try to stick to the rules you decide in the morning.

You can also read this special Aquarius Daily Horoscope.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Your friends are going to really complicate this day if you don’t gift them a bit of your time at least. So instead of wasting time finding excuses and then negotiating the terms of the next outing, why not go out today and get over with.

Who knows, you might even enjoy it. You will get the peace of mind you crave for later on.

You can also read this special Pisces Daily Horoscope.

Joyful birthday wishes from Lady Carla Beltane with the WOTC Family and Friends!!

May the next year of your life bring you more love, laughter, joy, happiness, enough income to cover what you have to have along with a little leftover for fun! May it bring you everything you want if it is supposed to be and everything you need. May sorrow be unknown, and any negativity be minimal. May the wind always be at your back.

Being a Taurus born on April 27th, you tend to take the shortest way everywhere because of your practical solutions. Even emotional problems can be treated quite fast by you, of course, when it comes to others.

But this bluntness of yours is what makes you very attractive to those around. You are also very dependable and keep your word no matter what happens along the way. Get ready to better understand your astrological profile in the following rows.

 The zodiac sign for April 27 is Taurus.

 Astrological symbol: Bull. This symbol suggests a willful individual with meaningful strength and stamina. It is characteristic for people born between April 20 and May 20 under the Taurus zodiac sign.

 The Taurus Constellation with the brightest star being Aldebaran is spread on 797 sq degrees between Aries to the West and Gemini to the East. Its visible latitudes are +90° to -65°, this being just one of the twelve zodiac constellations.

 The Latin name for the Bull, the April 27 zodiac sign is Taurus. The Spanish name it Tauro while the French call it Taureau.

 Opposite sign: Scorpio. This reflects upon punctuality and power and the fact that a cooperation between the Taurus and Scorpio sun signs, whether in business or love is beneficial for both parts.

 Modality: Fixed. The quality suggests the independent nature of those born on April 27 and their philosophy and elegance in most life events.

 Ruling house: The second house. This house placement symbolizes material possessions and everything one can own in a lifetime and seems to focus Taurians towards pleasures and gain.

 Ruling body: Venus. This celestial planet reveals support and secrecy and also highlights enthusiasm. Venus is said to inspire the arts and artists.

 Element: Earth. This element symbolizes structure and a sense of justice and is considered to influence people connected to April 27 zodiac. Earth also gets new meanings in association with the other elements, modeling things with water and fire and incorporating air.

 Lucky day: Friday. This weekday is ruled by Venus symbolizing romance and indulgence. It reflects upon the persistent nature of Taurus people and the relaxed flow of this day.

 Lucky numbers: 3, 4, 11, 17, 20.

 Motto: “I own!”

 People born on April 27 posses a determined and practical approach to life. They are also very cautious in whatever they do. Just like a true Taurus, they are in a permanent need for stability. They are those people who know how to play their stubbornness in achieving their goals. They like spending time for self improvement and delighting with a movie or an interesting book. They avoid monotone activities and hate being hurried by anyone. Those born under this sign feel best when surrounded by important people of the high society.

 Positive traits: These natives have a loyal and down to earth attitude in regard to most life matters and they try to show themselves as dependable and trustworthy individuals. Therefore you can be sure that when they promise something, they are going to go at great lengths to respect it. They are affectionate and warm but also hardworking and they seem to know when to combine the two attitudes.

 Negative traits: These individuals need to understand that they can’t go about with this narrow vision they display over life at times and that they should adapt without turning into easily offended people or without being overly possessive. They can be extremely greedy and selfish, especially when those close to them indulge such behaviors and they don’t really see when a line has been crossed. They need to avoid dwelling in the past and adding frustrations.

Love and Compatibility: Lovers born on April 27 are sensual and passionate. These natives seem to prefer to enter a serious relationship than date around and are happier committed to one person with whom they can share everything. They are attracted to creative, enthusiastic and dependable persons whom they can spoil and protect. You can conquer the heart of Taurus if you maintain your individuality and a degree of independence while you keep all your eyes on them but also offer them space. When they are single they don’t seem to mind solitude as they find it easier to delight on the pleasures of life on their own without having to worry about making their partner feel loved and protected.

 Elegant and sincere lovers, they are very attractive to the opposite sex. Naturally charming, they are used to consider the person near them the most special in the world, therefore they offer everything they have to their loved one and expect for the same. For them, relationships and settling will probably be a complex matter but once they decide to have their own family they will turn out to be very protective and patient. They are most compatible with those born on 3th, 5th, 6th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 21th, 23th, 24th and 31st.

 April 27 Zodiac people are very attracted to the other earth signs: Virgo and Capricorn as they tend to share the same vision of life. In life, Taurus is constantly seeking for someone who is both attractive and unpredictable and can keep their interest alive and the most suitable to offer them this is the native from Scorpio. Taurus is thought to be least compatible with Aries. As for the rest of compatibilities between the other star signs and Taurus, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Lucky Color: The lucky color for Taurus zodiac is green.

The natives in Taurus need to surround themselves with vibrant but earthy colors. They need an environment to both stimulate and relax them and the serene green is the best choice.

Other hues that appeal to people born on April 27 are pink, yellow and most earth tones.

Representative Birthstone: The birthstone for Taurus zodiac is the stunning Emerald.

This precious material is thought to conduct positive and creative energies towards the wearer. It can help Taurus regain self confidence and communicate easier with others.

Other gemstones that are thought to influence people born on April 27 are Rose Quartz and Lapis Lazuli.

Characteristic Flower: Poppy is the characteristic flower for Taurus zodiac.

Poppy suggests the refinery and sensibility of a soul. It was considered to symbolize eternal life and remembering of the lost souls. Not many know there are also white and purple poppy flowers not only red ones.

Other lucky flowers for Taurus include Lily and Violet.

Symbolic Metal: The representative metal for Taurus zodiac is Copper.

This is one the first metals discovered by mankind, it is said to influence the expression of emotions and the unpredictability of matter. Copper is also a symbol for protection and youthfulness.

Another metal considered to bring luck to people born on April 27 is Silver.

Characteristics: April 27 Zodiac belongs to the first decan of TAURUS (April 20-April 29). This decan is strongly influenced by the planet Venus. This is representative for people who are dependable and caring just like Taurus and charming and emotional just like Venus. This decan is said to be magnifying all characteristics of Taurus zodiac sign, both positive and negative.

 Being born on the 27th day of the month suggests perseverance, independence, generosity and responsibility. The numerology for April 27 is 9. This number reveals change, progress and innovation. In association with number nine Taurus people turn out to be innovative and humanitarian idealists.

 April is the second spring month in the Northern Hemisphere, bringing energy and great inspiration. Those born in April are dynamic and friendly. April 27 Zodiac people are clever and understanding. The symbols for April include the Diamond as a gemstone, Honeysuckle and Poppy as plants and Aphrodite the Greek goddess of beauty.

What Statistics Say: April 27 is the 117th day of the year, or the 118th day in leap years, in the Gregorian Calendar and there are 248 days left until the end of the year. The fifty eighth day of spring, this is also the National War Veterans’ Day as observed in Finland.

 Taurus is said to be the seventh most commonly met zodiac sign in the birth occurrence. Exuding feminine symbolism but also a general negative polarity, this is also considered of even number. This relates to introvert natives who are withdrawn and moderated. The archetype used to describe this sign is the Owner. Natives born during months of spring are said to be less active and less interested in sports.

 Famous people born on April 27 under the Taurus zodiac sign: Ulysses S. Grant, Samuel Morse, Wallace Carothers, Sheila Scott and Eric Schmidt.

If you were born on April 27, you enjoy putting in a hard day’s work! There’s nothing more satisfying for you than rolling up your sleeves and getting things done. No matter what your path or profession in life, you will always offer your full time and energy. This is incredibly admirable and will take you far! Just make sure you give yourself time for rest, relaxation, and quality times with your friends and family. You’ll be happiest when you find a healthy work-life balance.

April 27 Taurus at Their Best: Self-sufficient, dedicated, centered

April 27 Taurus at Their Worst: Withdrawn, serious, repressed

What to Eat: Taurus lives for sensual pleasure, so deliver it with several courses of creamy, rich and savory dishes — and don’t forget the wine!

Who to Invite: Taurus might pretend to not care who comes, but unless you invite everybody on this territorial person’s buddy list, you could be in for some sulking.

Where to Go: Pick a venue that at least looks posh. Taurus always likes to experience a nothing but the best kind of birthday.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS ON April 27, you have a mysterious nature. You have secrets, Taurus. People confide in you because of your ability to remain silent. You gain their respect also by being an observant friend.

The 27th April birthday personality can provide a listener’s ear or shoulder to lean on. You seem to be a practical Taurean with a charming attitude. You are sharp, diplomatic and considerate.

This Taurus birthday individuals are dominant creatures… indeed, a force to reckon with. Generally, a first impression of this person leaves people with a highly favorable opinion. The April 27th birthday horoscope predicts that you are down to earth and usually well-balanced emotionally.

You voice your opinions with confidence, as you may feel receptive to the needs of others. Sometimes, those born on this day will become withdrawn if they feel unappreciated.

As a child, the 27 April zodiac birthday people were considered unusual by their parents. You have your own ideas and more than likely, had many conflicts with your parents.

Conventional ways, you believed, were outdated. You seemed to reach out for more. As a parent, you will show respect to your children but will be authoritative parents. You have learned that it is important that children know why things are happening to them. You think they should discover clear-cut ways to prevent any negative behavior.

The April 27 birthday love compatibility analysis shows that you are generally warm, loyal and dedicated lovers. You naturally have an increased sex drive and prefer to have one partner instead of a few. You are affectionate and you will not hesitate to show it in public.

However, you can be a little green with jealousy or behave in a controlling manner. Someone is lucky to have you as a partner though you act that way. If today is your birthday, you are very supportive in your genuine desire to help the other succeed. In the bedroom, you can be excitable and spontaneous. You typically enjoy all phases of making love including acting out fantasies.

The 27 April birthday astrology predicts that you want more than anything to succeed in life. Success to a Taurus means a profession in which you are able to generate a large income with your organizational skills.

With this adaptability and budgeting power, you can manage your own finances a little more effectively. Saving money is not your forte. You tend to be more of a big spender.

The April 27th birthday personality traits show that you are ordinarily incredible people who have a hardworking attitude geared for meeting challenges. You will be an awesome asset to any career field.

You have major plans for your profession, as you are enthusiastic and are determined. Those bursts of energy can cause you to overspend so, keep your receipts to return those impulse purchases.

The 27 April birthday meanings show that you are competitive and like sporting activities such as tennis or golf, so getting your exercise is basically easy for you. It is usually when you are bothered by something that you fall prey to illnesses.

Those born on this birthday are encouraged to take care of your bones and teeth. Some experts suggest that calcium supplements are excellent for increasing your daily consumption of the required dosage.

April 27 birthday characteristics show that you are a person who is diplomatic, confident, practical and enthusiastic. You‘re likely to spend too much money at times but your budget can handle it. You are down to earth and have a lot of sexual energy. As a parent, you realize that teaching your children is better than just demanding they behave a certain way.

Some Taurus born today believes that a child should receive rewards for good behavior from time to time. You are devoted lovers who like to role-play. Your dream is living a lifestyle according to your standards of success.

Famous People And Celebrities Born On April 27

Sheena Easton, Ulysses S Grant, Rogers Hornsby, Casey KasemCoretta Scott KingJack KlugmanSamuel Morse

See: Famous Celebrities Born On April 27

This Day That Year – April 27 In History

1838 – Charleston is partially destroy by a raging fire.
1867 – “Romeo et Juliette” debuts in Paris.
1918 – The Giants are on a winning streak with 9-0; Dodger’s with 9 losses, stops its losing streak.
1937 – First social security check issued.
1943 – CPN leaders, Lou Jansen & Jan Dieters arrested in Holland.

April 27  Vrishabha Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
April 27  Chinese Zodiac SNAKE

April 27 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Venus that symbolizes how we view relationships and shows which areas in life we wish to have balance.

April 27 Birthday Symbol

The Bull Is The Symbol For The Taurus Zodiac Sign

April 27 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Hermit. This card symbolizes the need for deep thought which will help us find the right answers. The Minor Arcana cards are Five of Pentacles and Knight of Pentacles

April 27 Birthday Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Cancer: This is a match that will be caring and sharing at the same time.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign SagittariusThis love relationship will be rocky.

See Also:

April 27 Lucky Numbers

Number 4 – This number signifies organization, loyalty, wisdom, and determination.
Number 9 – This number signifies philanthropy, charity, introspection, and spiritual enlightenment.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For April 27 Birthday

Blue: This is the color of trust, confidence, security, and tranquility.
Red: This is a color that symbolizes love, passion, courage, and competition.

Lucky Days For April 27 Birthday

Tuesday: The day ruled by planet Mars is symbolic of the initiative to begin new relationships or projects.
Friday: The day ruled by Venus symbolizes a day of looking into relationships and seeing what is needed to nurture them.

April 27 Birthstone Emerald

Your gemstone is Emerald that helps remove infidelity in relationships and enhance memory.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On The 27th Of April:

A new music system for the man and a spa voucher for the woman.

April 24, 2024 Daily and Birthday Horoscopes

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Moon Alert

There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today. The Moon is in Scorpio.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is a good day to wrap up business related to inheritances, taxes, debt, insurance matters and shared property. This is because you’re in a practical frame of mind today. You’re sensible and willing to make an extra effort to find solutions that benefit you.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You might be involved in discussions with partners and close friends today that are practical, and focused on real responsibilities. If so, do be aware that you might have to go more than halfway when dealing with others. Be prepared to cooperate and compromise.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is certainly a productive day for you; although, you might prefer to work alone or behind the scenes. Nevertheless, whatever you do will impress bosses and people in authority. They will see you as industrious and reliable. (Never hurts to have great press.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Children might be an increased responsibility today. Meanwhile, this is an excellent day to teach children or young minds. It’s also an excellent day to hone a technique or practice something to improve your style in sports or the performing arts.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Family discussions will go well today, especially if they include an older family member, or perhaps, these discussions are about an older family member. Fortunately, everyone is in a practical, realistic frame of mind, especially regarding how to use limited resources.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is a good day to study or learn something because you have the patience to do this plus the persistence to persevere at learning something new. Whatever you do today, you will do with care; and you won’t overlook details. You will be like the wise carpenter: “Measure twice; cut once.”

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is a productive day for you, especially in terms of dealing with financial matters. Whatever you do, you won’t overlook anything. If shopping, you will buy practical, long-lasting items and look for things on sale because you’re in a prudent, economical frame of mind.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Today you have a more sober and realistic view of life, which will help you to put up with adversity if necessary. You might also seek out advice from someone older or more experienced who can offer you emotional support or suggest practical and immediate answers.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Research of any kind will go well today because you’re in the right frame of mind for this. You’re interested in practical results. You will be detail oriented and persevering in your search for answers and data that will help you. Your results might help a family member or a domestic situation.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Listen to the advice of an older or more experienced friend today because very likely, it will benefit you. After all, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Why not stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before you? Good day to discuss future goals.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You will impress authority figures (including the police) with your practical suggestions today. By nature, you are futuristic but that doesn’t mean you can’t solve today’s problems. In fact, you’re very inventive and original! You might see the solution to an ongoing old problem today.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is a busy, active week for you; and many of you are keen to travel or do something to broaden your horizons. You might also want to learn and discover new things. Today is an excellent day to plow through the details necessary to make travel plans. You also have the perfect mindset to study and learn something new.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Singer, actress, director Barbra Streisand (1942) shares your birthday today. You are devoted, loyal, generous and warm hearted, which is why you are always ready to help others. This is the final year of a nine-year cycle for you, which means it’s time to let go of people, places and things that have been holding you back.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

It seems to be very important for you to see that your interests are finally taking off so this will probably mean that you won’t get involved in any new project until you are sure that it has the chances you expect it to have.

This might prove selective of you but also blindly stupid if you keep your edge and don’t see beyond quick numbers.

You can also read this special Aries Daily Horoscope.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

There is a lot of mental energy around you and you seem to feel this at a high level but at the same time you don’t really benefit from it personally so this might turn you to be quite frustrated this Wednesday.

Others will definitely not understand what is going on with you and you won’t probably be able to explain them either.

You can also read this special Taurus Daily Horoscope.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The current disposition seems to open a series of new opportunities for you in the area of your friends and helping others so don’t be surprised when the attention you are giving to others is repaid.

But also remember that you need to be surrounded by people for this to happen so get involved in as many things as possible.

You can also read this special Gemini Daily Horoscope.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The current disposition prompts a lot of stability in your life but this might not be the best news for you as you will probably feel more than stuck in your endeavors and this will in turn influence your feelings and create quite a climate of instability in your life.

Don’t expect any changes because you risk a lot of disappointment.

You can also read this special Cancer Daily Horoscope.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Work might bring some difficulties for you this Wednesday and not necessarily something that you can handle easily so don’t be surprised if you will have to ask for help.

Leave all pride aside and everything will turn out ok. Another word of advice would be to resort to people of authority and not necessarily colleagues of yours.

You can also read this special Leo Daily Horoscope.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

The only smart thing you can do today is keep your mouth shut but write a lot of things down because you will need them later on.

Don’t get involved in anything new, especially in endeavors that you don’t know much about, in terms of project or even worse, in terms of field. Try to stay away from too much socializing as well.

You can also read this special Virgo Daily Horoscope.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This Wednesday will not be in any way kind to you and might arrive with certain problems you really didn’t expect and disappointment you won’t really know, on the spot, how to handle.

This will however be a great occasion for you to evaluate and even change track with a higher impact on major objectives you might have set for the next couple of weeks.

You can also read this special Libra Daily Horoscope.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

ou need to stay in your league this Wednesday and for no reason, no matter how fun or exciting, to leave it.

You might feel on top of things but surely aren’t or feel as if there isn’t such thing as risk in your current situation but your health and body condition might think otherwise and this time it is compulsory that you listen to them.

You can also read this special Scorpio Daily Horoscope.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

For some natives this is going to be quite an uneventful day while some others will be so busy that they won’t even have time for themselves, not to mention others.

However, this doesn’t mean you need to succumb to the pressure and be all scatterbrain because the more composed you remain, the easier is going to feel like.

You can also read this special Sagittarius Daily Horoscope.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

It seems that this Wednesday is set to expand your horizon and challenge you into some work you don’t even think you are capable of performing but everyone else around you seems to know that you are.

So don’t think twice and take that chance as it might also help you put an end to those feelings of being stuck you might have been having.

You can also read this special Capricorn Daily Horoscope.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

It’s time that you grow up, even more than you already did and act like the bigger person in the room. The current disposition prompts you to clean your act and engage with people who can be of a positive influence in your life.

It’s a learning occasion but also a cleansing one so leave worries and frustrations aside for information.

You can also read this special Aquarius Daily Horoscope.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

The current disposition is going to make it very clear for you that there is no room for compromises and that you need to admit the things you feel are wrong and simply move on.

This honesty momentum might affect both your personal and working life but eventually just one of them will be the one to really change so you need to wisely choose which one it will be.

You can also read this special Pisces Daily Horoscope.

Joyful birthday wishes from Lady Carla Beltane with the WOTC Family and Friends!!

May the next year of your life bring you more love, laughter, joy, happiness, enough income to cover what you have to have along with a little leftover for fun! May it bring you everything you want if it is supposed to be and everything you need. May sorrow be unknown, and any negativity be minimal. May the wind always be at your back.

As a Taurus born on April 24th, you seem to be very down to earth but also creative and witty. You tend to work with what is given to you and although your goals may be very high, you always know where your place is, therefore don’t have your expectations cheated.

You are graceful and make yourself respected quickly, with most people you interact with. Prepare to read an outstanding horoscope profile below.

 The zodiac sign for April 24 is Taurus.

 Astrological symbol: Bull. This symbol suggests stubbornness but also sympathy and warmth. It is characteristic for people born between April 20 and May 20 under the Taurus zodiac sign.

 The Taurus Constellation is one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac and lies between Aries to the West and Gemini to the East. The brightest star is called Aldebaran. This constellation is spread on an area of 797 square degrees and covering visible latitudes between +90° and -65°.

 In Italy it is named Toro while the Spanish call it Tauro. However, the Latin origin of the Bull, the April 24 zodiac sign is Taurus.

 Opposite sign: Scorpio. This means that this sign and Taurus sun sign are in a complementary relation, suggesting loving sense and curiosity and what one has the other lacks and the other way around.

 Modality: Fixed. Indicates how much intuition and flexibility exists in the lives of those born on April 24 and how inventive they are in general.

 Ruling house: The second house. This house represents all the lifetime material and non material possessions of an individual and seems to double the already existing influence orienting Taurus towards the pleasures of life and chasing wealth.

 Ruling body: Venus. This connection seems to suggest passion and intuition. The Venus name comes from the Roman goddess of romance. This also shows a focus on persistence.

 Element: Earth. This is an element governing the lives of those who engage with life with all of their five senses and who are often at peace with themselves. Earth as an element is modeled by water and fire.

 Lucky day: Friday. This amicable day for those born under Taurus is ruled by Venus thus symbolizes sympathy and generosity.

 Lucky numbers: 6, 8, 10, 15, 23.

 Motto: “I own!”

People born on April 24 possess a relaxed temperament and they are usually gentle, peaceful, unless they are provoked, just like most of us would. They are to be found surrounded by many material possessions and enjoy spending time with their numerous friends. They also seek to spend time in a distinctive companionship, mostly by powerful and authoritarian people. They try to stay as far as possible from insecurities and everything that has the slightest bit of air for change. They are patient and understanding most times.

 Positive traits: Down to earth, awareness lovers, these people re also kind and caring to all people who win their trust. Taurus people are usually that kind of aspiring people who are not driven by force and power but by an attentive vision on life matters. Those born under this sign are also unfailing as they know that once they embark to do something, they are expected to finish what they start. And they manage to complete their tasks, both at job and in family with a lot of grace and dignity.

 Negative traits: One of the things Taurus needs to learn is to stop settling and accepting less than they feel they deserve. Not only they need to begin fighting for what they want but they also need to understand that being self reliant won’t lead them to that satisfying and secure life that they want to live. Those born on this day lack malleability and are quite spiteful as they tend to remember every negative thing anyone has done or said to them. They are sometimes hesitant and easily harmed.

Love and Compatibility: Lovers born on April 24 are sensual and passionate. These natives seem to prefer to enter a serious relationship than date around and are happier committed to one person with whom they can share everything. They are attracted to creative, enthusiastic and dependable persons whom they can spoil and protect. You can conquer the heart of Taurus if you maintain your individuality and a degree of independence while you keep all your eyes on them but also offer them space. When they are single they don’t seem to mind solitude as they find it easier to delight on the pleasures of life on their own without having to worry about making their partner feel loved and protected.

 Remarkably charming and affectionate they sometimes fall in love just for the feeling of it and not for the person near them. Once they find the right person, they will dedicate all their life and everything they have to this relationship and will ask for the same. They are a very kind soul and this won’t remain unnoticed by the important persons in their life. They will lead a great inner home happiness governed by domestic responsibility and good judgment. They are most compatible with those born on the 1st, 6th, 9th, 10th, 15th, 18th, 19th, 24th and 27th.

 April 24 Zodiac people seem to be most attracted to the other earth signs: Virgo and Capricorn as they tend to share the same vision of life. In love, Taurus is in a permanent search for someone to keep them active and interested and the most suitable to offer them this is the native born under Scorpio. The lover in Taurus is said to be least compatible with Aries. As for the rest of partnerships between the other star signs and Taurus, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Lucky Color: The lucky color for those born under the April 24 is represented by green.

Green symbolizes fertility and growth and is considered to be a color of the earth. This zodiac color is advised to be used in accessories and items of clothing.

People with green as sign color need to feel accepted and respected in their community. They are loyal and trustworthy companions. They have a deep need to love and be loved and consider that belonging to the right person and creating a family with him or her is the greatest thing someone can achieve.

Other hues for Taurus natives are pink, yellow and most earth tones.

Representative Birthstone: The magnificent emerald is the birthstone said to be representative for Taurus people born with April 24.

Emerald symbolizes rebirth and is in a strong relation with the goddess of life. This zodiac birthstone could be used in accessories and bracelets.

It is said to bring harmony and peace amongst people. It can also boost self esteem and faith for the natives in Taurus. It can boost creativity and self esteem in even the most unconfident person.

Another precious stone considered beneficial for Taurus natives is Lapis Lazuli. It represents intelligence and truth.

Characteristic Flower: Poppy is the flower said to be representative for Taurus people born with April 24.

This plant is known to symbolize grace and refinery. This zodiac flower should be used in decorations and other accessories.

The Greeks considered it was a plant of fertility and beauty. This flower can be enjoyed during late spring for about two weeks.

Other plants for Taurus natives are Violets and Lilies.

Symbolic Metal: The lucky metal for those born under the April 24 is represented by Copper.

Copper is one of those metals that denote spontaneity and creativity. This zodiac metal is advised to be used in pendants and earrings.

Copper is a healing metal with soothing properties. This is one the first metals discovered by mankind, it is said to bring prosperity and to influence the expression of emotions.

Another metal considered beneficial for Taurus natives is Steel.

Characteristics: April 24 Zodiac belongs to the first decan of TAURUS (April 20-April 29). This decan is strongly influenced by the planet Venus. This is representative for people who are dependable and caring just like Taurus and charming and emotional just like Venus. This decan is said to be magnifying all characteristics of Taurus zodiac sign, both positive and negative.

 Being born on the 24th day of the month shows exuberance, imagination and charm but also great attention and responsibility. The numerology for April 24 is 6. This number reveals responsibility, affection and a domestic approach to life. Those Taurus associated with the number 6 enjoy spending time with families and building a safe environment for those they love.

 April is the second spring month in the Northern Hemisphere, bringing energy and great inspiration. Those born in April are dynamic and friendly. April 24 Zodiac people are clever and understanding. The symbols for April include the Diamond as a gemstone, Honeysuckle and Poppy as plants and Aphrodite the Greek goddess of beauty.

What Statistics Say: In the Gregorian Calendar, April 24 appears as the 114th day of the year or the 115th day in case of leap years and there are 251 days left until the end of the year. The fifty fifth day of spring, this is also the World Day for Laboratory Animals, raising awareness to animal testing.

 Taurus comes seventh most common zodiac sign on the list of occurrence in the horoscope. It is of feminine symbolism, considered of even number and with a negative polarity. This is representative for introvert people who are self-conscious and quite formal. The Artist is an archetype often used when describing this sign. People born during the springs months are rated as nine per cent less physically active or interested in sports.

 Famous people born on April 24 under the Taurus zodiac sign: Shirley MacLaine, Barbara Streisand, Kelly Clarkson, Jean Paul Gautier and Melinda Clark.

If you were born on April 24, you are everyone’s favorite shoulder to cry on! There’s something so calm and soothing about you that all your loved ones feel they can talk, vent, and cry to you about anything. They’re not wrong — you do love being there for those in need! However, it’s important to make sure you’re taking care of yourself as much or more than the people around you. If you’re not at your best, how can you offer top-notch advice?

April 24 Taurus at Their Best: Nurturing, protective, expressive

April 24 Taurus at Their Worst: Smothering, moody, narcissistic

What to Wear: Anything plush, leather or suede — even if it’s hot outside. Due to the foodie tendencies of this birthday honoree, you might also consider an expandable waistband.

What to Eat: Taurus lives for sensual pleasure, so deliver it with several courses of creamy, rich and savory dishes — and don’t forget the wine!

Who to Invite: Taurus might pretend to not care who comes, but unless you invite everybody on this territorial person’s buddy list, you could be in for some sulking.

Where to Go: Pick a venue that at least looks posh. Taurus always likes to experience a nothing but the best kind of birthday.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS ON APRIL 24, you normally have traditional family values and to you, family takes priority. Your roots, you believe are what keeps you humble and reaching for the stars. You earn the respect of others with ease and embark upon the unknown.

The 24th April birthday personality is usually capable of many things all around but do things in moderation to achieve accurate results. Patience is definitely a virtue that you expect from others.

This Taurus birthday love life and you want to celebrate in style. You have a good heart and can laugh at your own silliness. As a parent, you will more than likely be controlling. You may want to shelter your offspring but the more they know, the likely they are to make better choices.

The 24th April birthday characteristics show that you have a charming personality that is quiet comfortable being around crowds. In that crowd of people, you will find those who love and admire you, Taurus.

While you enjoy being the center of attention, you cherish your peace and quiet. You are sensible and you don‘t complain about much.

When it comes to love and romance, you are the confident one. The April 24 birthday horoscope profile shows that you are emotionally stable and mature. You look for pretty much the same in a soul mate. Your ideal match is someone who can be intensely affectionate. You are slow to give up yourself, but once you decide to settle down, you will accomplish what you set out to do.

However, you believe that someone special will be your true soul mate and will want to make that commitment to love and loyalty. Those born on this 24 April zodiac birthday know that if you put your partner first, everything else will follow. You partners should know that you could be flirtatious and even possessive. You tend to seek attention elsewhere when you do not get it from “home.”

The April 24th birthday astrology analysis shows that due to your sharp intuitive qualities, you are able to make wise financial decisions. People born with your qualities can express their talents in creative ways.

You can be found in professions such as television, radio or film but your expertise lies in money management. Taurus, you can be a trade advisor or an investment banker.

What your birthday says about you is that you knew what you wanted to be when you grew up at a young age. You have since been grooming yourself for a comfortable lifestyle and a worry free retirement. You know when to make that investment for a nice profitable return. On the other hand, you will likely take a position that you are passionate about over salary.

You realize that momentary value is not always the best way to go. It is important to you that you feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. Perhaps a profession in the service industry would be a challenging career that provides you with a sense of pride.

It is common among the April 24 birthday personality to enjoy food. Most people born on this day pride themselves on how well they look so you can be a little vain but you’re right. You do look good and all you do to maintain your body is eat right and get the right amount of exercise. Aging looks good on you, Taurus.

The 24 April birthday meanings show that family takes priority with you. You have strong ties to your roots and enjoy your family. As a parent, however, you are likely to be domineering. You should know that you cannot protect children from every little thing. You like being around a crowd of people but take pleasure in your quiet time.

If today is your birthday, you are slow to love but will put forth 100% of yourselves into the right partnership. You will excel in any career but as a preference, your job should provide variety and a degree of gratification. If you were born on April 24, you are a Taurus who is in good health. You look fabulous with very little effort.

Famous People And Celebrities Born On April 24

Kelly Clarkson, Ben Howard, Cedric the Entertainer, Shirley MacLaine, Austin Nichols, Phil Robertson, Barbra Streisand

See: Famous Celebrities Born On April 24

This Day That Year – April 24 In History

1704 – The newspaper called the Boston News-Letter is published.
1884 – Atlanta organizes chapter of the National Medical Association of Black physicians.
1900 – The cable car pioneer, Andrew Halliday passed away.
1960 – Killing 500 people, an earthquake hit South Persia.

April 24  Vrishabha Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
April 24  Chinese Zodiac SNAKE

April 24 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Venus that symbolizes love, money, pleasures, likes, dislikes and the compromises we are ready to make.

April 24 Birthday Symbol

The Bull Is The Symbol For The Taurus Star Sign

April 24 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Lovers. This card symbolizes the partnerships and choices we make in life. The Minor Arcana cards are Five of Pentacles and Knight of Pentacles

April 24 Birthday Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Taurus: This is a balanced and practical love match.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign ScorpioThis relationship will be heated and an obstinate one.

See Also:

April 24 Lucky Numbers

Number 1 – This number stands for ambition, power, passion, mastery and inspiration.
Number 6 – This number signifies balance, nurturing, graciousness, pleasantness and compromises.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For April 24 Birthday

Pink: This color stands for tenderness, no complications in life, emotions and innocence.
Blue: This is a color that stands for sincerity, loyalty, tranquility and communication.

Lucky Day For April 24 Birthday

Friday – This is the day of Venus that symbolizes a day of attraction, attachment, flirtation and persuasion.

April 24 Birthstone Emerald

Your lucky gemstone is Emerald which symbolizes a great vision, ambition, perception and hopefulness.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On The 24th Of April:

An expensive jacket for the man and a pearl choker necklace for the woman.

Spell For Monday – Enabler Chant: Good Luck and Prosperity Cinnamon Spell


Use this Good Luck Chant as a positive affirmation ritual and improve the energies in your home, workplace, or other personal spaces. This is a simple Wiccan chant spell for good fortune and cleansing of negative vibrations that can be done with a cinnamon stick.

Why this Spell Works

Wood is an insulator of bad fortune and is naturally charged with the constructive and positive vibrations of trees.

Cinnamon is a purifier used to clean the home and body from bad luck. Burning cinnamon sends subtle messages that invite friendly spiritual beings. Learn how to use Cinnamon in Green Witchcraft.

Enabler Chant: Good Luck & Prosperity Cinnamon Spell

Recipe by Francisco HuanacoDifficulty: Easy

Easy Wiccan Good Luck chant and spell using just a cinnamon incense stick and your voice. Attract luck and prosperity to your home and yourself with some real Magic!


Cinnamon incense

Wooden incense holder


  • Place the cinnamon incense stick on the wooden incense holder and light it.
  • Say the following chant as many times as you want:Good Luck Prosperity Chant Spell

Let the smoke that comes from the cinnamon fill every corner of your house as you visualize its purifying properties cleansing and warding off bad luck.

Merry meet dear Sisters, Brothers, and Honored Guests, welcome to WOTC! A Thought for Today

The tomorrow post will be up later today. Sorry, I overslept and Crystal has a vet appointment this morning.
If you want to see some information on any tradition of witchcraft, please put it in the comment section. I will try to find some information to post about it.
May your and your family’s lives be filled with all things positive!
Blessed be!

Merry part until we merry meet again!

Divination Journal

All topics drawn or picked by Lady Carla Beltane but information is from the website in the hyperlink.

Tarot Card


3 of Cups – Minor Arcana

They do look happy, don’t they? Three women, chalices raised, dancing. There’s not a cloud in the sky, and there are plenty of flowers and fruit at their feet. The wreaths on the heads of the dancers represent success. Like all threes, the Three of Cups indicates that it’s time to apply your knowledge. The past position reveals to you an important influence from the past, and what might have happened to bring things to the point where they are now. You cannot change the past, but by understanding it, you can learn from it, so you don’t make the same mistakes again. When the Three of Cups is inverted, something has brought disillusionment into your happiness. It may have caused some isolation, or stifled your self-expression somehow. You’ve lost touch with your friends–you could even be partying too hard, and missing the real value of companionship If your question was about a relationship, then this discord might have happened because a third person stuck their nose into things.

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper



Horses are beloved by people around the world, so they have been important figures in the mythology and folklore of many cultures, as well as in people’s personal lives. In fact, it’s impossible to quantify the amount of art, music, literature, and other forms of expression that have been inspired by these magnificent creatures.

In this post, we’ll explore all aspects of horse symbolism and meanings, including horse spiritual meaning, the horse spirit animal, horse mythology, and more.



MANNAZ – The Self

Remain modest – that is the right of the oracle. Be in the world, but not from the world. Stay receptive to impulses, that come out of the divine in the inner and outer sphere. Seek to live the usual life in an unusual manner.

If you take the ‘itself’ rune and cut through it in the middle, you are going to receive the rune of joy and its reflection. So there is a fine warning not to be careless. The acrobatically dancing energy of the balance is asked here to bring its higher itself. Nothing in the excess – that was the second request that was to be read at the entrance to the delphish temple. The first advice read: Recognize you yourself!

Witches Rune


The Sun

Growth, new beginnings, fertility, prosperity, solar magic, god

When this witches rune pops up in a reading, I typically smile. The sun means different things to different people; however, the fact that it sustains the planet also means it sustains our lives and brings an abundance of good things. Also linked to our solar plexus, vitality, health and self-confidence.




Beith, or Beth, corresponds to the letter B in the alphabet, and is associated with the Birch tree. When this symbol is used, it is representative of new beginnings, change, release, and rebirth. In some traditions, it also has connections with purification.

Birch trees are hardy. They’ll grow just about anywhere, including on bare soil. Because they tend to grow in clusters, what may be just one or two seedlings now can be practically an entire forest in a few decades. In addition to being a sturdy sort of tree, the Birch is useful. In days gone by, it was used for infants’ cradles, and is still harvested today to make cabinets and furniture.

From a magical perspective, there are a number of uses for Birch. The branches are traditionally incorporated into the construction of a besom, and are used for the bristles. Use the white outer bark in ritual in place of paper or parchment–just be sure you only harvest the bark from a fallen Birch tree, not a living one. Ancient herbalists discovered that various parts of this tree can be used for medicinal purposes. Bark was once brewed into a tea to fight fevers, and the leaves were used alternately as a laxative and a diuretic, depending on how they were prepared.

Beith Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: When this symbol appears, it means it’s time to get rid of all those negative influences you’ve been carrying around with you. Figure out what things are bad in your life, which relationships are toxic, and find a way to leave them behind. Instead of being dragged down by the negative, focus on the positive things you have in your life, the blessings and abundance. Use these things as a focus, rather than the harmful or damaging ones.

Magical Aspects: Consider the property of renewal and rebirth, as demonstrated by the Birch. Use this as a tool for spiritual and emotional regrowth, and developing your own ability to regenerate where there has been emptiness or devastation.

I Ching


Hexagram One/1

Name: Ch’ien.

Keyphrase: The Creative.

Formed By The Trigrams: Heaven over Heaven.

General: Persistent effort will help you realize your potential for achievement.

Love: You need to behave in a compassionate fashion towards your partner.

Business: Your ideas are sound but you need to take time to thoroughly plan out your strategy for making them work.

Personal: You need to take time out to relax and enjoy life more.

Overview: Ch’ien is pure yang energy. Being pure yang it indicates a time when you are in a good position to achieve your objectives (whatever they may be). However, it is a time of potential as there is a lack of yin influence. So now is the time to make those plans and get ready to put them into action. Plan thoroughly and don’t be impatient. Although Ch’ien is an auspicious hexagram, for your plans to have a lasting effect and value your motives need to be virtuous. Be compassionate when you move forward. If you are arrogant you will only breed complacency or resentment in those around you.




From a spiritual perspective, the 1 is the number of creation – the primal force from which all other numbers spring forth. Some say once you truly understand the place and function of this elemental number, enlightenment will be yours.

This statement doesn’t apply to a Numerologist’s perspective alone, but perhaps it’s a good place to start since the personality of the number 1 aligns nicely with its elevated spiritual symbolism.

The 1 is a doer, a powerful force that produces results.

The 1 is aggressive – a necessary trait for creating, and not allowing anything to limit its potential. The 1 is the spearhead, always in the forefront directing and leading others.

The shape of this number reflects its meaning; the 1 walks upright with pride and purpose – strong, determined, and unwavering with a specific goal in mind. The 1 is capable of turning ideas into reality – pushing obstacles aside or simply drilling right through them.

The 1 tends to have a simple, straightforward view of life, heedless of its many complexities.

An individual with the dynamic 1 trusts their ability to separate right from wrong, doesn’t waste time on abstract ideas, and rarely follows a path that isn’t in line with their result-oriented goal. The 1 is no preacher, no philosopher, spiritual explorer, nor dreamer – and certainly not an idealist. They are pragmatic, ruthless conquerors, and warriors extraordinaire. The 1 is individualistic and independent to a fault. They will attempt to force their viewpoint on you but have no desire to hear yours.

The 1 can be confrontational, jealous, and exceedingly stubborn, but also courageous and willing to try anything new (with promise) even at great risk. They have a sense of honor and responsibility that demands respect and are the first to defend injustice and hypocrisy.

Angel Number



Number one represents unity. We are all one a we are connected with our thinking. Observe your thoughts and concentrate on your desires. Let positive thinking be your utmost priority. Your fears will just vanish if you remember you have powerfull allies and guardians around you at all times.

Witchcraft Symbol


Air element

The symbol for Air as one of the four classical elements in alchemy is a triangle with a line through it. Air is used in rituals when a Wicca practitioner is drawing attention to wisdom or communication. It can also be used to symbolize the east or breath (life in general).

Represents: air, the east, the soul, life, communication, wisdom.

Used in rituals for: momentum, wisdom.

Divination Journal

Tarot Card


Inner Voice – Major Arcana

Menu of Contents

I. The commentary of The inner Voice

II. The meaning of the Inner Voice Osho Zen

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

Medieval Rune



Sound: “mm” as in “humming”
Stands for: Phases of the moon
Magick/Healing use: Reminds us that we must experience good and bad alike.

Witches Rune



Third eye, seeing the truth, clairvoyance, someone’s watching, the evil eye and protection

This rune is my favorite. The all-seeing eye. It represents seeing things unseen, also seeing the beauty in things others don’t. Can also be a warning of the evil eye or someone watching.

I Ching


Hexagram Sixty-One/61

Chung Fu / Inner Truth

The gentle Wind ripples the Lake’s surface:
The Superior Person finds common ground between points of contention, wearing away rigid perspectives that would lead to fatal error.

Pigs and fishes.
You may cross to the far shore.
Great fortune if you stay on course.


The subject of this hexagram discovers a key to Tranquility by first gaining insight into his own nature, then turning that vision outward.
By resolving inner conflicts and being at peace with himself, he learns to gain insight into others.
In effect, he enters another, sees with the other’s eyes, listens with the other’s ears, feels with the other’s heart.
He then returns to his own center, with new perspective and understanding.




Harmony is your nickname. You thrive in relationships – with your romantic partner, family, friends, coworkers, or even the salespeople at stores! You talk to everyone, you are down to earth and people love your presence. You are the life of the party! But sometimes, maintaining the peace in a relationship is so important to you that you forget who you are and make sacrifices that aren’t reciprocated. Learn to stand your ground and put your foot down when necessary. In matters of business, 2 is a great number for successful partnerships. If your life path number is 2, or if the digits of a date adds up to the number 2, know that it’s the best energy to enter into business agreements and create projects through teamwork. 2 is a wonderful omen for signing peace agreements between countries, making up for past mistakes between lovers, and to make any past wrongs right.

Druid Ogham



Grace, death, letting go, endings, rest, the beauty of decay

Tree: Yew (Taxus spp.)

Letter: Y

Ioho symbolizes the acceptance of enduring realities and legacies of the past. If you draw Ioho, look for the end of a phase or cycle. Ioho suggests you are handling or will handle the matter at hand with dignity and grace.

Modern culture has spent a great deal of time running away from the ideas of death and decay as natural, welcome processes. As a result, we have a society obsessed with launching our species into space for fear of extinction, a medical industry bent on extending life long after it has ceased to have any quality, and a fixation on youth that motivates the middle aged to undergo brutal, grisly procedures in order to look twenty. When we frame aging (not just of human beings) in a sensible way, we understand that getting old isn’t so terrible. People age and die. Technologies change. Weeks become years. Eras fade away. Letting go is for the best.

Ioho is about accepting limits gracefully. We cannot control much of what is around us or what happens to us in life, but we can control a great deal of how we perceive it and what we decide to do about it.

Though this Ogham has profound similarities to the Death card of the Tarot, like that card, 99.9 percent of the time it is not to be taken literally. Drawing Ioho does not mean you or someone in your circle is fated for immediate death. Instead, it signifies the necessary end and inevitability of all things decaying and dying. More often than not, the death process is much slower than we impatient humans are able to bear. Look for a lesson that comes from the acceptance of endings rather than literal death.


Angel Number

Two Hundred Seventy-Six

March 28, 2024 Birthday Horoscope


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Joyful birthday wishes from Lady Carla Beltane with the WOTC Family and Friends!!

May the next year of your life bring you more love, laughter, joy, happiness, enough income to cover what you have to have along with a little leftover for fun! May it bring you everything you want if it is supposed to be and everything you need. May sorrow be unknown, and any negativity be minimal. May the wind always be at your back.

Being an Aries born on March 28th, you seem to be competitive and idealistic by nature. You setup big targets for yourself and strive to attain them, all while you are learning more and more about yourself.

You are resourceful and quick to adapt to changes although at times they may annoy you, especially when they come to disturb you from other priorities. Prepare to read an outstanding horoscope profile below.

 The zodiac sign for March 28 is Aries.

 Astrological symbol: Ram. This signifies the courage, willfulness and confidence of Aries natives born March 21 – April 19 when the Sun is in this sign and leads to new ways in their lives.

 The Aries Constellation, one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac is placed between Pisces to the West and Taurus to the East and its visible latitudes are +90° to -60°. The brightest stars are Alpha, Beta and Gamma Arietis while the whole formation is spread on 441 sq degrees.

 The name Aries is the Latin name defining Ram, the March 28 zodiac sign in French it is Bélier and in Greek it is Kriya.

 Opposite sign: Libra. This suggests energy and understanding but also means that this sign and Aries can create an opposition aspect at some point, not to mention that opposites attract.

 Modality: Cardinal. Shows how much fairness and diligence exists in the lives of those born on March 28 and how cautious they are in general.

 Ruling house: The first house. This house rules over the zodiac Ascendant and the earthly presence of an individual. It is also the home of initiative and life changing actions. This can only mean that the energetic Aries is inclined to be very careful with the image they show to the world.

 Ruling body: Mars. This planetary ruler symbolizes hope and friendliness and also reflects on a pioneering state. Mars is considered to be the yang side while Venus is the yin.

 Element: Fire. This element presents those born on March 28 as confident and full of bravery individuals and gets new meanings in association with the elements, modeling earth, making water boil or heating air.

 Lucky day: Tuesday. This is a day ruled by Mars, therefore deals with dynamism and goal orientation. It suggests the impulsive nature of Aries natives.

 Lucky numbers: 5, 7, 16, 19, 27.

 Motto: I am, I do!

People born on March 28 act in an impetuous way, are authoritative and determined but they also love their liberty very much and they are sometimes impolite and rarely conciliatory. Enjoying outside activities very much they are often to be found involved in such activities, especially when those involve informal gatherings and a spirit of championship. They dislike being questioned about their resolutions when it comes to both their family life and profession. They enjoy being involved in projects that offer them the chance to arrange and plan things.

 Positive traits: These are eager and enterprising natives who are quick to find imaginative solutions. So when you need someone to provide a different insight, don’t forget about these highly resourceful individuals. At the same time they are quick to embrace change and make a full adaptation ritual every time they have the occasion. They are reliable and can be of great help, especially to those who win their respect and attention.

 Negative traits: These natives are bull headed and reluctant to the ideas and in general to what others have to say. They prefer it their way or no other way. In turn, they can be extremely disputatious so they often end up in all kinds of awkward collisions with other people. They need to move on from being stuck in their own idea of things and understand that settle isn’t always such a negative thing.

Love and Compatibility: Lovers born on March 28 are impulsive and passionate. They have no time to wait and would do anything to take their passions to completion. They are attracted to enthusiastic and mysterious persons and sparks will fly for a long time if their partner manages to keep up the pace with them. You can conquer the heart of Aries if you’re as ambitious and as driven as them. The single Aries is so deep into tasks and projects as it has no time to even realize they are single.

 They believe in love at first sight and don’t need much time to get attached to someone. They are persons of extremes in love and sometimes this attitude will have them prone to disappointment. They are used to intensely live every aspect of their life and their relationships are no exception. They are likely to fall in love at a young age as they are attractive and positive persons. Concerning their family life they will marry when they are completely ready and they will probably be cool parents if they choose to have a one big family. They are most compatible with those born on the 4th, 6th, 8th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 22nd, 24th, 26th, and 31st. March 28 Zodiac people are most attracted to the other two fire signs: Leo and Sagittarius as they tend to share the same vision of life. In love, Aries is in a constant search for someone to open their hearts and whom to understand them at a deeper level. The most suitable to offer them this is the compassionate and caring Libra. Aries is thought to be least compatible with those born under the Pisces zodiac sign. As for the rest of compatibilities between the other star signs and Aries, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Lucky Color: The color considered to be representative for Aries natives with March 28 is red.

This hue denotes energy, warmth and youth. This zodiac color should be used in objects that surround the natives.

This hue is associated with catching attention and danger and fear. It brings focus to the essence of life and survival. On the other hand red is temper and anger so when provoked they tend to get aggressive. Red is favored by active and confident persons who need to feel in control and are always standing out and getting all the attention.

Other colors for Aries people are scarlet and carmine.

Representative Birthstone: The exquisite diamond is the representative Aries birthstone for those born under the March 28.

Diamond presents a precious stone that reflects strength and elegance. The zodiac birthstone could be used in accessories and jewelry items.

Diamonds are precious stones that are though to help people clear their minds and take wise decisions. The Diamond used to be named the “teardrops of the gods” in ancient Greek.

Another birthstone considered beneficial for Aries natives is Emerald. It symbolizes harmony and the power of regeneration.

Characteristic Flower: Honeysuckle is the flower said to be representative for Aries people born with March 28.

Honeysuckle is one of those plants that denote grace and delicacy. This zodiac flower is advised to be used for gifts and decorations.

Just like Aries, Honeysuckle is the first of the flower signs and comes with the same energy and determination as the above mentioned zodiac sign. This flower can be found during spring time but also in the summer.

Other flowers for Aries people are Geranium and Ginger.

Symbolic Metal: Iron is the metal said to be representative for Aries people born with March 28.

Iron is a metal that suggests strength and action. This zodiac metal should be used in all kinds of jewelry items that are to be worn frequently.

It undoubtedly suggests the strength of the pure Aries. Iron also has magnetic properties well studies by the science.

Another metal considered beneficial for Aries natives is Silver.

Characteristics: March 28 Zodiac belongs to the first decan of ARIES (March 21-March 30). This decan is strongly influenced by the planet Mars. This is representative for people who are powerful and involved in everything that happens around just like Aries and courageous warriors just like Mars. This decan is said to be magnifying all characteristics of Aries zodiac sign, both positive and negative.

 Being born on the 28th day of the month shows generosity, independence, great self confidence and idealism. The numerology for March 28 is 1. This number reveals revels leadership qualities, great will power and an original approach to life, all wrapped in a charming personality. Those Aries can only be proud of this association as this is the number of achievers, of those who see the bigger picture and are set to follow their goals no matter what.

 March is the first spring month in the Northern Hemisphere, bringing the revival and enthusiasm of spring. Those born in March are generous and attractive. March 28 Zodiac people are determined and attractive. The symbols for March include Aquamarine and Emerald as gemstones, Daffodil and Shamrock as plants and Mars, the god of war.

What Statistics Say: March 28 is the 87th day of the year, or the 88th day in leap years, in the Gregorian Calendar and there are 278 days left until the end of the year. The twenty eighth day of spring, this is the Teacher’s Day in the Czech Republic.

 Aries comes ninth most common zodiac sign on the list of occurrence in the horoscope. Being an odd number sign, this is also considered a masculine sign with a positive meaning and a dynamic energy. This is defining for extrovert people who are socially confident and tenacious. An archetype used to describe this sign is the Defender. There is a slight peak of musicians and visual artists born in this period. Famous people born on March 28 under the Aries zodiac sign: Maxim Gorky, Vince Vaughn, Lady Gaga, Julia Stiles and Kate Gosselin.

If you were born on March 28, you are likely a source of inspiration for many others. Your dynamic personality and compassion for people attracts an army of admirers, but in truth you are more insecure than you let on. You prefer to spend a great deal of time alone to work on projects that will make a difference in the world. If you can protect yourself from too many needy people, you’ll have more peace, confidence, and energy to give the world what you and only you can offer.

March 28 Aries at Their Best: Generous, optimistic, inspirational

March 28 Aries at Their Worst: Detached, depressive, insecure

What to Wear: Leggings and tennis shoes. Aries could challenge all the party guests to a foot race on the spur of the moment, and you’ll want to be set.

What to Eat: Anything ready-made! Aries has no time to wait for anything that has to be cooked first. Sashimi could make an elegant choice.

Who to Invite: Everybody who even remotely knows this dynamic individual — life is, after all, all about Aries!

Where to Go: Outdoors (where there’s plenty of room to roam) or a sports complex that handles everything from basketball and tennis to golf and rock climbing. Everybody who even remotely knows this dynamic individual — life is, after all, all about Aries!

IF YOU HAVE A MARCH 28 BIRTHDAY, you are likely to do the unexpected. While you may be impulsive, you are still a thoughtful, cheerful, and idealistic Arian. Those born on this day are very open and honest individuals.

Arians, you can live in a dream world sometimes. Moreover, you can be confrontational to a point. You know your limits. You know how to get your point across so there is only a small degree of drama.

The March 28 birthday horoscope predicts that you are a spiritual Arian. You are constantly trying to improve your life. To be morally successful, Aries believes that there is a basic guide that we all must follow. With this way of thinking and doing, you inspire others to reinvest their lives as well.

As your birthday astrology analysis shows you are intuitive and more than likely you know what your loved ones need or want before they do. This, in addition to your obsessive behavior, can be viewed as controlling.

t is only because you want what is best for your family but put a cap on how much you contribute to the situations of others and respect other people’s privacy.

A situation that can be full of twists and turns and can cause conflict is the 28th March birthday personality trait of being obsessive. This feeling does not exclude friendships. You can be territorial where your friends are concerned as well as your lover, Aries.

It is a good thing that this green monster does not appear frequently. Your friends know, however, that this is a sure sign that you need to get some rest or that there is something else bothering you.

In love, your birthday predictions forecast that Arians can be highly sexual and expect their partners to reciprocate. When you are well into your relationship, you are likely to show more compassion to your mate.

You who are born on this day need continuous foreplay during sexual intercourse to avoid complacency. As long as you are stimulated, you remain loyal. Aries, you are known to put little notes as a reminder of your interest or love. You also like to receive gifts and naughty messages.

As was said earlier, the March 28 birthday meaning implies that you can be impulsive or unpredictable. You tend to hop from one job to the next.

Aries zodiac sign adopts the attitude that once the fun is over, it is time to move on to something new and challenging. Even with moments of unemployment, you seem to manage your finances well. Money seems to drop in your lap sometimes.

If today 28 March is your birthday, you are always working for one cause or another. Your charm opens doors that usually are not open. Aries individuals are good at raising money for charities and are always happy to get involved.

Maybe a career in social reform or welfare is the job for you. You are not likely to get bored with the many avenues of humanitarians.

Arians with a zodiac birthday on 28th March, are typically healthy people except for little anxiety issues. Personal problems can keep you up late at night confirming your moodiness the next day. Did you know that it could also cause your skin to do funny things?

It is true. Try drinking lots of water to combat issues with your skin, however. Techniques for anxiety include relaxation sounds or an actual trip down to the beach. Nature sounds are sure to put you at ease so you can sleep.

The nickname for a 28 March birthday should be Sunshine because you bring it to so many people when you are not in their business. Sometimes those born on March 28 can be controlling and obsessive with friends and family.

With your skills, you will be successful in a multifaceted career, as you get bored easily. Aries, you are in good health but could benefit from short getaways. Go have some fun, Aries… you deserve it.


Famous People And Celebrities Born On March 28

Nick Frost, Lady GagaKate Gosselin, Ken Howard, Shakib Khan, Reba McEntireJulia Stiles, Lacey Turner, Jimmy Wong

See: Famous Celebrities Born On March 28
See: Famous Personality Traits of March 28 Birthdays

This Day That Year – March 28 In History

1796 – The first African church (Bethel African Methodist Church) in the US opens in Philadelphia
1866 – Emergency services vehicles (ambulance) are in operation
1922 – The microfilm machine introduced
1939 – Madrid falls to Francisco Franco ending the Spanish Civil War

March 28  Mesha Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
March 28 Chinese Zodiac DRAGON

Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Mars which stands for raw energy, courage, and assertiveness.

March 28 Birthday Symbols

The Ram Is The Symbol For The Aries Zodiac Sign

March 28 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birth Day Tarot Card is The Magician. This card symbolizes your need to take control of your life, growth, and prosperity. The Minor Arcana cards are Two of Wands and Queen of Wands

March 28 Birthday Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under the Zodiac Sign Sagittarius: This will be an exciting and adventurous match.
You are not compatible with people born under the Zodiac Sign PiscesThis relationship will be confusing and dreamy with no steam.

See Also:

March 28 Lucky Numbers

Number 1 – This number stands for independence, ambition, talent, and powerful personality.
Number 4 – This number symbolizes orderliness, honesty, trustworthiness, and methodical nature.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For March 28 Birthday

Red: This is an aggressive color that promotes initiatives, partnerships, and a will to forge ahead.
Gold: This color signifies balance, growth, rebirth, and balance.

Lucky Days For March 28 Birthday

Tuesday – This day is ruled by Saturn and symbolizes the completion of projects after delays.
Sunday – This day ruled by the Sun signifies exuberance, strength, energy, and vitality.

March 28 Birthstone Diamond

Diamond is a healing gemstone that improves your energy, makes you fearless, and maintains better relationships.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On The 28th Of March:

A barbeque grill for the Aries man and a coffee maker machine for the Aquarian woman.

March 24, 2024 Birthday Horoscopes

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Joyful birthday wishes from Lady Carla Beltane with the WOTC Family and Friends!!

May the next year of your life bring you more love, laughter, joy, happiness, enough income to cover what you have to have along with a little leftover for fun! May it bring you everything you want if it is supposed to be and everything you need. May sorrow be unknown, and any negativity be minimal. May the wind always be at your back.

Being an Aries born on March 24th, you are warm hearted but also impulsive. You don’t take things lightly, especially when someone criticises your or attempts to challenge you.

Empathic and generous, especially with those who have won your respect, you make a great and dependable friend that anyone would be proud to have by their side. Prepare to read a detailed personality report below.

 The zodiac sign for March 24 is Aries.

 Astrological symbol: Ram. This is representative for power, wealth, overall success and tension coupled with peace. It is leading for natives born March 21 – April 19 with the Sun in Aries.

 The Aries Constellation visible between +90° to -60° is one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac. Its brightest stars are Alpha, Beta and Gamma Arietis while it covers an area of 441 sq degrees. It is placed between Pisces to the West and Taurus to the East.

 The Ram is named from the Latin Aries, the zodiac sign for March 24. In Greek it is named Kriya while the French call it Bélier.

 Opposite sign: Libra. This is relevant in astrology because it shows that partnerships between the Aries and Libra sun signs are beneficial and highlight enthusiasm and romance.

 Modality: Cardinal. This reveals the enthusiastic nature of people born on March 24 and that they are a monument of diplomacy and broad mind.

 Ruling house: The first house. This house rules over the zodiac Ascendant and the earthly presence of an individual. It is also the home of initiative and life changing actions. This can only mean that the energetic Aries is inclined to be very careful with the image they show to the world.

 Ruling body: Mars. This celestial planet reveals vigor and understanding and also highlights high spirit . Mars shows you what you want and how to obtain it.

 Element: Fire. This suggest the fiery nature of individuals born on March 24 and also the way they combine with the other signs such as fire combines with water to make it boil, with air by heating it or the way it models earth.

 Lucky day: Tuesday. This day is under the governing of Mars and symbolizes involvement and emotions. It also identifies with the optimistic nature of Aries natives.

 Lucky numbers: 5, 9, 12, 17, 24.

 Motto: I am, I do!

People born on March 24 are energetic and enthusiastic and they always seem ready to start on something new, even when the only resource is their brain. They are often to be found trying to improve things in their lives although they don’t always follow their own plans. They hate having to give explanations regarding their actions and can’t be made to comply with others unless they favor them. You can find them where some sort of competition is involved and they prefer the outdoors for leisure time.

 Positive traits: These are highly efficient natives who know not only how to plan something they have to do but exactly which is the most productive path to follow. However, they get bored easily so they need frequent change to accompany their adaptability and keen temper that they show in most situations.

 Negative traits: These natives need to acknowledge their mistakes and their impatience and to learn to accept that not everything goes the way they plan it. They are easily offended and can act as a drama queen at times, even when confronted just by meaningless words. They can be intolerant and self absorbed and they sometimes lose self control easily. They need to come to terms with their fiery temper and lose some of the stubbornness.

Love and Compatibility: Lovers born on March 24 are both sentimental and passionate. They have no patience for courtship so they step this stage and go directly to professing their deep passions. They can be easily swept off their feet by eccentric and mysterious persons. Magic ends only if their partner can’t keep up with their incredibly active pace. Aries is also falling for simplicity and real enthusiasm. When they are single they focus on their ideas and plans and seem to be even more productive.

 Remarkably charming and affectionate they sometimes fall in love just for the feeling of it and not for the person near them. Once they find the right person, they will dedicate all their life and everything they have to this relationship and will ask for the same. They are a very kind soul and this won’t remain unnoticed by the important persons in their life. They will lead a great inner home happiness governed by domestic responsibility and good judgment. They are most compatible with those born on the 1st, 6th, 9th, 10th, 15th, 18th, 19th, 24th and 27th.

 March 24 Zodiac people are very compatible with the other two fire signs: Leo and Sagittarius as they tend to share the same vision of life. In love, Aries is in a constant search for a deep and understanding relationship where they can open their hearts and express their feelings freely. The one to offer this to them is the affectionate and loyal Libra. Aries is thought to be least compatible with those born under the Pisces zodiac sign. As for the rest of compatibilities between the other star signs and Aries, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Lucky Color: The color for Aries natives born with the March 24 is red.

Red suggests prosperity, joy and energy. In some cultures it is said to be used to catch interest. This zodiac color should be used in objects around the house and accessories.

Red draws everyone’s attention and suggests confidence and action. This is the most suitable color as it is also the symbol for Mars, the ruling planet of the Aries zodiac sign. On the other hand red is temper and anger so when provoked they tend to get aggressive. Red is favored by active and confident persons who need to feel in control and are always standing out and getting all the attention.

Other colors representative for Aries are scarlet and carmine.

Representative Birthstone: The wonderful diamond is the Aries birthstone said to be representative for Arieses born with March 24.

Diamond is a precious material that denotes power and elegance. This zodiac birthstone should be used in pendants, bracelets and other accessories.

This birthstone is said to enhance strength, generosity and courage and also keep away any dark forces. The Diamond used to be named the “teardrops of the gods” in ancient Greek.

Another gemstone considered lucky for Aries natives is Emerald. It is the symbol of harmony and growth.

Characteristic Flower: The flower used in astrology for those with March 24 is Honeysuckle.

Honeysuckle suggests delicacy and sweetness. This zodiac flower should be used in decorative items in the places these natives spend time.

Honeysuckle is the first of the flower signs and comes with energy and determination. This flower is to be found during spring time but continue until early fall.

Other plants that suit Aries natives are Geranium and Ginger.

Symbolic Metal: The metal considered to be representative for Aries natives with March 24 is Iron.

Iron is known to represent strength and aggression. This zodiac metal should be used in all kinds of jewelry items that are to be worn frequently.

Iron usage promotes action and confidence. Left in moist air, Iron rusts which suggests that it should be handled with care exactly like the Aries native.

Another metal considered beneficial for Aries natives is Silver.

Characteristics: March 24 Zodiac belongs to the first decan of ARIES (March 21-March 30). This decan is under the supervision of the planet Mars. Those born in this period are passionate leaders just like a true Aries and fiery idealists just as Mars makes them be. This period is also said to magnify all the positive and negative characteristics of Aries zodiac sign.

 Being born on the 24th day of the month shows exuberance, imagination and charm but also great attention and responsibility. The numerology for March 24 is 6. This number reveals responsibility, affection and a domestic approach to life. Those Aries associated with the number 6 enjoy spending time with families and building a safe environment for those they love.

 March is the third of the year, bringing the enthusiasm and revival of spring. Those born in March are attractive, loving and fine observers. March 24 Zodiac people are determined and generous. March symbols that resonate with these people are Aquamarine and Emerald as gemstones, Daffodil and Shamrock as plants and Mars, the god of war.

What Statistics Say: In the Gregorian Calendar, March 24 is placed as the 83rd day of the year or the 84th day in leap years and there are 282 days left until the end of the year. The twenty fourth day of spring, this is also World Tuberculosis Day, a global public health campaign marked by the World Health Organization.

 Aries is placed ninth on the list with the popularity of zodiac signs in terms of occurrence. An odd number sign, this exudes masculine symbolism and is considered to be of positive and dynamic energy. This is characteristic for extrovert people who are cordial and informal. The Dare Devil is an archetype used when referring to this sign. In this period, there are also many births of artists in time.

 Famous people born on March 24 under the Aries zodiac sign: Harry Houdini, Louie Anderson, Tommy Hilfiger and Clyde Barrow.

If you were born on March 24, you live a life of emotional ups and downs. You long for tranquility, and your outward demeanor is kind, simple, and sweet. This wins you many friends and you are much loved, but you also have a dark side. When met with challenges or troublesome situations, your mood can turn stormy quite fast. Don’t bury your negative emotions, but listen to the messages they send and make life changes accordingly. This will lead you to the life of tranquility you most desire.

March 24 Aries at Their Best: Hopeful, simple, sweet

March 24 Aries at Their Worst: Melancholy, fearful, temperamental

What to Wear: Leggings and tennis shoes. Aries could challenge all the party guests to a foot race on the spur of the moment, and you’ll want to be set.

What to Eat: Anything ready-made! Aries has no time to wait for anything that has to be cooked first. Sashimi could make an elegant choice.

Who to Invite: Everybody who even remotely knows this dynamic individual — life is, after all, all about Aries!

Where to Go: Outdoors (where there’s plenty of room to roam) or a sports complex that handles everything from basketball and tennis to golf and rock climbing. Everybody who even remotely knows this dynamic individual — life is, after all, all about Aries!

IF YOU ARE BORN ON March 24, you are a visionary and you have a third eye for beauty more so than any other Arian does. You are also graceful, sensitive and independent. According to your birthday personality, you are honest, sympathetic and modest people. You are also free-spirited. Your compassion for others is commendable.

If today is your birthday, people often remember you when they see you in social settings. You have a way about you that has an impact on others so they demand your company. You have a positive blend of quality traits that produce a harmonious Aries.

March 24 Aries birthdays normally have an optimistic outlook on life. What could be viewed as a negative quality in Aries is that you work too hard. When your brain is in overload, you can act like an airhead or become indecisive. Otherwise, you are extremely perceptive and could possess physic abilities.

March 24 birthday meaning shows that you are a gentle and honest soul. You tend to encourage relationships with people whom you admire. Having like-minded associates helps you to remain vigilant and encouraged.

With any relationship, Arians born on this day should learn something from it. People come to us for a reason… some relationships only last a season. With that being said, once you realize the reason, it is time to move forward.

The March 24th birthday horoscope predicts that Arians want love more than anything. In relationships, you tend to think with your heart rather than your mind. Therefore, you can be naive when it comes to love.

You look for a partner that would give you a long-term relationship that is filled with chocolate roses and milk baths. It would not hurt if there were someone to taunt you with some pillow talk. While it is true you love receiving, giving is just as important. When you fall in love, you would do anything to please your soulmate.

Everyone here on earth has a purpose. You believe that anything you do should be in support of that case. Whether the cause is for someone else or due to your own beliefs, you feel the labor should be enjoyable and fulfilling.

According to the March 24 birthday astrology, handling financial matters is one thing that you do not find pleasurable and would do well to seek other professions that will benefit from your creative expression. In this case, Arians born on this day have no problems asking for help.

What your birthday says about you is that you find it difficult to follow programs or itineraries. Arians love their freedom and one could say this confines any spontaneity. You like to go with the flow of things when it comes to planning your life.

You say it does not matter how you get there, as long as you get there. Aries, do not overlook those small and seemingly inert details as they could prove to be important. You could slow down enough to stay focused or grounded, it would be to your benefit.

The 24th March birthday characteristics show that you are sometimes physically connected to emotional issues. It is not often but stress has its effects on you making you feel sad or unhappy period. Just assembling your daily routine could be stressful enough to cause you problems relating to your mental health.

You do not drink enough of the right things to flush the toxins out of your body and this can cause you to feel sluggish. Arians should not drink a lot of caffeine based beverages or alcohol.

Arians with zodiac birthday March 24 have an eye for beauty in people, places and things. You are a creative thinker that is susceptible to heartbreak or to breaking hearts. You have some difficulties following rules and directions.

Those born on March 24 believe that everything and every person have a reason for being and we should serve this purpose to the best of our ability. You will need a clear mind so stay clear of things that will impair your judgment.

See: Famous Celebrities Born On March 24

This Day That Year – March 24 In History

1832 – Joseph Smith, a Mormon, is beaten, tarred and feathered in Ohio
1883 – First telephone conversation between NY & Chicago
1906 – Per the census (British Empire), Britain rules one-fifth of the world
1927 – Jose Capablanca, a Cuban chess champion, wins the Grand Chess Tournament after 33 days

March 24  Mesha Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
March 24 Chinese Zodiac DRAGON

March 24 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Mars that symbolizes determination, ambition, energy, confidence, and expression.

March 24 Birthday Symbols

The Ram Is The Symbol For The Aries Zodiac Sign

March 24 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birth Day Tarot Card is The Lovers. This card shows that you need to make important choices and give up people and issues that are useless. The Minor Arcana cards are Two of Wands and Queen of Wands

March 24 Birthday Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Aries: This is the perfect match between two Rams that is fiery and passionate.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Pisces: A difficult relationship with no common interests.

See Also:

March 24 Lucky Numbers

Number 6 – This number stands for nurturing, happiness, love and caring.
Number 9 – This number symbolizes humanitarian interests, charity, and helpful nature.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For March 24 Birthday

Red: This is a masculine color that symbolizes desire, love, competition, and temper.
Green: This color stands for harmony, loyalty, mercy, and tact.

Lucky Days For March 24 Birthday

Tuesday – This day is ruled by planet Mars. It symbolizes aggression, competition, ambition, and urgency.
Friday – This day is ruled by the Venus. It stands for beauty, relationships, happiness, and beliefs.

March 24 Birthstone Diamond

Diamond is your lucky gemstone that stands for love, clarity in thinking and knowledge.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On The 24th Of March:

A music player the man and a pretty scarf for the woman.

Spell for Today – 5 Simple Ostara Rituals


Divination Journal



The Priestess Thoth – Major Arcana

Instinct Longing for inner sources.
Purpose Being guided, touched, becomes the original cause.
The Light Perception based on intuition, mental intelligence, patience.
The Shadow Vaguely dreaming, fleeing from reality, sad state, doubtful, fake, fear of human existence.
Quality The consciousness of the moon, the wisdom of the mother’s heart

Menu of Contents

I. Background of the Priestess Thoth Tarot card

II. Analyze and describe the Priestess Thoth Tarot

1. Character (mysterious person)

III. Interpretation of the Priestess Thoth Tarot

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

Medieval Runes



Sound: no sound
Stands for: Emptiness
Magick/Healing use: Represents the power of the place where all existence began

This is the last Medieval Runes. Tomorrow I will start posting another type of runes.

Witches Rune


The Black Rune (Samhain)

Endings and departures. Scarcity, pain and loss. A definite “no.”

I Ching


Hexagram 40

Hsieh / Liberation

A Thunderous Cloudburst shatters the oppressive humidity:
The Superior Person knows the release in forgiveness, pardoning the faults of others and dealing gently with those who sin against him.

It pays to accept things as they are for now.
If there is nothing else to be gained, a return brings good fortune.
If there is something yet to be gained, act on it at once.


The relief you experience here is not your own personal pardon, but the release of others from your rigid expectations.
Like a hot air balloon, you will rise to new heights as you cast the heavy sandbags of resentments and restrictions away from you.
Feel the lightness of being that results from forgiving others and accepting them as they are.
Free yourself of the endless vigil of policing the behavior of others.
See them for who they are, not what they can or can’t do for you.




This is the deep thinker. The number seven is a spiritual vibration. These people are not very attached to material things, are introspective, and generally quiet. Ruled by Neptune.

Keywords: unusual, introspective, intuitive, psychic, wise, reserved. If expressed negatively: melancholic, odd, leaves too much to chance, hard to reach.

As lovers: These lovers are a little spaced out, and sometimes hard to reach and to understand. However, their disinterest in material things and focus on spirituality makes for interesting, if a little kooky, bed partners and mates. They are intuitive, some are psychic, and although they can be loners at different times in their lives, they are often devoted partners. They can reach levels of intimacy and romance beyond many people’s imaginations. However, their goals in love may be too lofty and thus they can be prone to disappointment when relationships inevitably fall short of ideal.

Angel Number

Divination Journal



Death – Major Arcana

Instinct Die and be born, grow and die.
Purpose The transformation.
The Light Make room for new things.
The Shadow Fear (fear of death).
Quality Inner understanding, consistency.

Menu of Contents

I. Background of Thoth Tarot Death card

II. Analyze and describe Thoth Tarot Death

1. Motif (Death)

III. Interpretation of Thoth Tarot Death

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper





This rune represents the need for a change in life, like letting go of the old skin and moving ahead in achieving one’s goal. It can be incorporated into life events, be it a past relationship or move ahead with something new, which is good. Release yourself from the experience you have obtained. Obedience is a necessary virtue people need to have while pulling out this Norse rune.

Besides, it also represents profit and gain. But one must learn to benefit from the provided things and remain obedient and modest.

Witch’s Rune


The Moon

The Moon: Intuition, the goddess, dreams, psychic abilities, emotions, love, healing, shadow work

The Moon witch rune pops up in a reading to prompt us to look deeper below the surface. It asks us to use our intuition, look into our dreams, and connect with our emotional side.




Q is for Quert, sometime spelled Ceirt, and is tied to the luscious Apple tree. Long symbolic of love and faithfulness, as well as rebirth, the Apple is often associated with magic. If you cut an apple in half sideways, the seeds form one of nature’s perfect stars. In addition to love, the appearance of Quert reminds us of the eternal cycle of life. After all, once the Apple tree dies, its fruit returns to the ground to birth new trees for coming harvests.

The Apple and its blossoms feature prominently in folklore related to love, prosperity and fertility. The Roman goddess Pomona watched over orchards, and was associated not so much with the harvest, but with the flourishing of the crop. Apples are also connected with divination, particularly for young ladies wondering about their love lives.

Quert Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: No one likes to be faced with choices, because sometimes what we want is not what we need. However, we still must choose. Sometimes, we make decisions because they are the right ones to make, not because they make us happy. Be wise enough to understand the difference.

Magical Aspects: Open your inner soul to new decisions, and allow yourself to harvest the gifts that your spiritual path has to offer. Know that sometimes, things might not make sense, but chances are good that you’ll learn from this later.

I Ching


Hexagram Sixty – Three/63

Chi Chi / Aftermath

Boiling Water over open Flame, one might extinguish The other:
The Superior Person takes a 360 degree view of the situation and prepares for any contingency.

Success in small matters if you stay on course.
Early good fortune can end in disorder.


Victory at the expense of another is a merciless taskmaster.
The precarious balance here is reflected in the lines of the hexagram: each of the yin lines rests upon a strong yang line — a seemingly perfect arrangement.
But the scales will be tipped with the change of any one line.
And there WILL be change.
Tireless vigilance and an answer to every challenge — that is the uneasy Seat of Power occupied by the conqueror.




From a spiritual perspective, the 1 is the number of creation – the primal force from which all other numbers spring forth. Some say once you truly understand the place and function of this elemental number, enlightenment will be yours.

This statement doesn’t apply to a Numerologist’s perspective alone, but perhaps it’s a good place to start since the personality of the number 1 aligns nicely with its elevated spiritual symbolism.

The 1 is a doer, a powerful force that produces results.

The 1 is aggressive – a necessary trait for creating, and not allowing anything to limit its potential. The 1 is the spearhead, always in the forefront directing and leading others.

The shape of this number reflects its meaning; the 1 walks upright with pride and purpose – strong, determined, and unwavering with a specific goal in mind. The 1 is capable of turning ideas into reality – pushing obstacles aside or simply drilling right through them.

The 1 tends to have a simple, straightforward view of life, heedless of its many complexities.

An individual with the dynamic 1 trusts their ability to separate right from…

Angel Number


Two Hundred Seventy – Six

Angel number 276 says, “I’m not sure yet, but you’re on the right track.”

Number 2 means that answers to wishes and prayers are available, 7 means that we are on the right path, and 6 means that the angel suggests harmony.

The angels are trying to suggest you some help, so let’s work hard.

It’s not clear right now for wishes and prayers, but the prepared and moving directions imply the right thing to do.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Saturday

Correspondences for Saturday

Magickal Intentions: Spirit Communications, Meditation, Psychic Attack or Defense, Locating Lost Things and Missing Persons, Building, Life, Doctrine, Protection, Knowledge, Authority, Limitations, Boundaries, Time and Death

Incense: Black Poppy Seed and Myrrh

Planet: Saturn

Sign: Capricorn and Aquarius

Angel: Cassel

Colors: Black, Grey and Indigo

Herbs/Plants: Myrrh, Moss, Hemlock, Wolfsbane, Coltsfoot, Nightshade and Fir
Stones: Jet, Smokey Quartz, Amethyst, Black Onyx, Snowflake Obsidian, Lava, Pumice

Oil: (Saturn) Cypress, Mimosa, Myrrh, Patchouli

Saturn lends its energies to the last day of the week. Because Saturn is the planet of karma, this day is an excellent time for spellwork involving reincarnation, karmic lessons, the Mysteries, wisdom, and long-term projects.

It is also a good time to being efforts that deal with the elderly, death, or the eradication of pests and disease.

Saturday Source:

Have you heard about the 7 Hermetic Laws? by Guest Author Andy

Hey there! Have you heard about the 7 Hermetic Laws? These are ancient universal principles said to guide the workings of the universe and everything in it.

Understanding these laws can help you gain deeper wisdom about yourself and the world. Let’s explore what each one means and how you can apply them in your life!


1. The Principle of Mentalism

The first law states “The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental.” This means that there is one universal mind at play behind everything. This creative intelligence expresses itself through all of existence, including our individual minds!

The Principle of Mentalism states that everything in the universe originated from thought. All matter begins in the mind as an idea or thought form. Physical reality springs from the mental plane of existence. The universe itself is mental and everything is interconnected through consciousness.

This means your thoughts and beliefs shape your outer world. By mastering your inner mental processes, you gain the power to direct energy and manifest the experiences you desire. Your thoughts and expectations influence the flow of events. To transform any circumstance, first shift your state of mind.

2. The Principle of Correspondence

Now for the second law: “As above, so below; as below, so above.” This law tells us there are connections between the physical and spiritual realms. There are parallels between what happens on the inner planes of ideas and emotions and the outer planes of actions and events.

The Principle of Correspondence reveals the interconnectedness between different planes of reality. It states that what happens on one level of existence happens on every other level in similar patterns and ratios. The microcosm reflects the macrocosm.

You can look to fundamental universal laws to better understand any field of knowledge. The ancient phrase “as within, so without” also applies here. The same natural forces operate in our bodies, relationships, societies, and galaxies. By observing nature’s patterns, you gain higher wisdom.

3. The Principle of Vibration

The third law is “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” This law indicates that all energy expressed through the universe is in constant motion and has its own frequency.

The Principle of Vibration decrees that all energy vibrates at specific frequencies. It states that nothing rests; everything moves and vibrates in the universe. The differences between forms of matter and energy are the result of varying rates of vibration. Higher vibration equals higher consciousness.

You attract what you emit vibrationally. By raising your frequency, you elevate your experience. You can change any condition by harmonizing your inner vibration with your desired outcome. To ascend to higher states, attune yourself to joy, gratitude, and love through thoughts and actions.

4. The Principle of Polarity

Now we come to the fourth law: “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites.” This law acknowledges that all things have an equal yet opposing force. There are always two sides to every person, situation, or idea.

According to Wisdom Tavern, the Principle of Polarity teaches that everything contains opposite poles or pairs of opposites. Heat and cold, light and dark, male and female are examples of polarities. Opposite extremes are actually the same, differing only in degree. All truths are but half-truths, and to see the whole picture, you must synthesize opposites.

Challenges provide contrast needed for growth. By accepting and reconciling seeming contradictions, you gain wisdom and wholeness. Remain open to all perspectives so you can transcend polarized thinking and recognize the whole truth. Extremes serve the greater balance.

5. The Principle of Rhythm

Are you noticing a pattern here? The fifth law says “Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides.” This law recognizes the natural ebb and flow of life between periods of activity and periods of rest.

The Principle of Rhythm decrees that everything flows in cycles, pulses, and patterns. It states that the pendulum swing manifests in all things. The measure of the swing between extremes is the measure of harmony and equilibrium. Mastering rhythm allows you to utilize natural cycles beneficially.

Nature’s ebbs and flows create periods of activity and rest. By cooperating with life’s rhythm, you align with divine flow. There is a season and purpose for every phase. Allow what no longer energizes you to fade so what resonates can emerge. Change is nature’s rhythm.

6. The Principle of Cause and Effect

Now for a big one – the sixth law: “Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause.” This law reminds you that all actions have consequences. Even thoughts and emotions can be causes that ripple out as effects.


The Principle of Cause and Effect explains that every cause has an effect and every effect has its cause. It states that there is a law of sowing and reaping and that actions produce results of corresponding magnitude. To change any outcome, alter the energy you extend.

You shape your reality through your deeds. What you send out returns multiplied. Every thought, word, and action plants seeds that will blossom similarly. Fulfill your desires by sowing their seeds through focused intention, integrity, and purposeful action.

7. The Principle of Gender

Finally, the seventh law states “Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles.” This law conveys that all forms contain the energies of both masculine and feminine essence.

The Principle of Gender embodies the truth that gender exists in all things. It states that everything contains both the masculine and feminine principles. The masculine projects, directs, and gives life. The feminine receives, integrates, and nurtures. True mastery involves balancing both qualities.

Even same-sex partnerships contain complementary energies. Everyone possesses both energies inside. By embracing your wholeness, you integrate both halves intuitively. Gender principles are essential creative forces. Balancing your inner masculine and feminine allows you to manifest powerfully.


Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondences for Friday


Friday from

Friday Source:

Friday is the sixth day of the week, but used to be the seventh, the Sabbath of the Jewish lunar calendar.   The name, Friday,  is derived from the Nordic goddess, Frigg, Frigga, Freyja, Freya, or Frija (Germanic), considered to be the mother of all.  She is the Goddess of love and war, fertility and death.   She is the leader of the Valkyries and the Disir (Divine Grandmothers), and creator of Seidr magic.  Her symbols are the cat and the Brisingamen, which is the magic necklace of the rainbow bridge.  Freya’s Roman and Greek counterparts are Venus and Aphrodite, goddesses of love and beauty.


Latin: Dies Veneris, dedicated to Venus, the Roman Goddess of love
French: vendredi
Italian: venerdi
Spanish: viernes
Old High German: frigedag
German: Freitag
Dutch: vrijdagRules: Love, fidelity, reconciliation, interchanges, beauty, youth, joy, happiness, pleasure, luck, friendship, compassion, music, the arts.
Colors: Light Blue, Green, Pink, Copper Hues
Planet: Venus
Metal: Copper
Stones: Azurite, Calcite (blue, green & pink), Cat’s Eye, Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Coral, Emerald, Jade, Jasper (green), Kunzite, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Olivine, Peridot, Sodalite, Tourmaline (blue, green, pink & watermelon), Turquoise Malachite
Herbs: Apple Blossom, Cardamom, Crocus, Daisy, Geranium (rose), Heather, Hyacinth, Iris, Licorice, Lilac, Magnolia, Myrtle, Orchid, Orris, Plumeria, Rose, Spearmint, Stephanosis, Sweet Pea, Tansy, Thyme, Tonka, Tuberose, Vanilla, Violet, Willow, Ylang Ylang
Zodiac: Libra & Taurus

March 8, 2024 Daily and Birthday Horoscopes

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Moon Alert

Caution! Avoid shopping or important decisions from 1:30 PM to 8:30 PM EST today (10:30 AM to 5:30 PM PST). After that, the Moon moves from Aquarius into Pisces.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is a lovely day to socialize with others! Enjoy the company of friends and interactions with groups, clubs and organizations. Get together with others and share your hopes and dreams for the future because someone might give you helpful feedback about your ideas.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You make a wonderful impression on bosses and authority figures today. In fact, this impression is so strong, some of you might begin a romance with a boss. Meanwhile, discussions with friends and members of groups will be tenderhearted and mutually sympathetic.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Romance with someone different or with someone who is far way might begin today. Likewise, strong feelings of wanting to travel for pleasure might prompt you to book a ticket or make plans for a future getaway. (You feel idealistic about what you want for yourself today.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Today your appreciation of beauty is heightened, which is why you will enjoy art galleries, museums, parks, pristine nature, beautiful architecture or anything that pleases your eye. Romance will be passionate and affectionate. Perhaps, gifts and financial advantages will come your way.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Relations with partners and close friends are warm and friendly today. This is a good thing because in financial discussions, you might be tempted to give away the farm. Be careful. Be generous; but respect your own interests so that you can be generous again in the future.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Relations with coworkers are excellent today. In fact, they’re so good, some of you might begin a work-related romance. Meanwhile, be clear in your conversations with partners and close friends because misunderstandings might be due to assumptions that are faulty.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is a wonderful day for romance, socializing and enjoying fun outings. Musical performances, the theatre, the entertainment world and pleasant get-togethers will please you. You will also feel tenderhearted dealing with children. Meanwhile, sports events will be lively!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You have a chance to be wonderfully creative today, especially if you’re an artist, or you’re working on a creative project, or you need to dream up creative ideas. This is because you’re in touch with your Muse today. This is a romantic day full of playful possibilities.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Family discussions will go well today, especially because you have the gift of the gab. People will enjoy talking to you because you’ll be friendly and warm hearted to everyone. It’s possible that a flirtation or a romance will spring up with a neighbour or a daily contact. Who knew?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Don’t be down and yourself if you spend most of today daydreaming or being lost in a fantasy world. It’s just what’s happening. However, do be aware of this, especially when it comes to financial decisions because you might be unrealistic. Be careful when shopping, especially for beautiful things.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Today the Moon is lined up with fair Venus in your sign, which makes you feel warm hearted and friendly to everyone. Furthermore, because Mars is in your sign, you’ll go out of your way to express your affection and let others know that you care. (Aquarians are all about their friendships.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Today Mercury is lined up with your ruler Neptune, which makes you sensitive and idealistic. However, this can also be as if you have Vaseline on your lens, and you’re not seeing the world clearly. Therefore, be careful about spending money. Be careful about volunteering for anything.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actress Milana Vayntrub (1987) shares your birthday today. You can be rebellious. You certainly have the courage of your own convictions. You are ambitious, forceful and sometimes inspiring. This is the start of a new nine-year cycle for you. Expect new beginnings adventures and major changes. You might take on a leadership role.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You prefer to mind your own business for now and this is probably the wisest thing you can do. Whether you’ve learned your lesson from past indiscretions or you are simply taking some time off, please take a look at the way those close to you are behaving.

You will notice that you are a lot more welcomed when you don’t come with unasked for advice.

You can also read this special Aries Daily Horoscope.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This Friday you are going to find yourself in the position to choose from two things that are equally important to you. Is that you want recognition and admiration at work or just the benefits of a high position.

You might have to make some difficult decisions today that will either make you a lot more popular or put you in a leading position.

You can also read this special Taurus Daily Horoscope.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This Friday you are going to be somewhat challenged for being too serious and this will leave you a bit ruffled.

At the same time, the most likely outcome is that you will take things even more seriously and disregard any malicious comments, which is the wise think to do. Still, you need to take this as a signal that you should let your guard down at times.

You can also read this special Gemini Daily Horoscope.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is going to be quite a creative day for you but at the same time you need to keep yourself refrained from bursting the bubble today because there are also some practical and responsible things you need to tend to.

So make sure you set your priorities for the day straight. You can however use a bit of humor to help you navigate it.

You can also read this special Cancer Daily Horoscope.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This is going to be quite an emotional day for you as you are going to vent relentlessly and to everyone who is even half listening to you.

It seems that this is an emotionally satisfying way to indulge yourself and a method to leave your shield down. On the other hand, there might be some thing you are going to say or do today that you are going to regret later so avoid that.

You can also read this special Leo Daily Horoscope.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

The advice for you today is not to waste your energy in some personal areas with little prospects and not be all stubborn and idealistic about them.

Instead you could focus more on your relationship and try to spend some quality time with your significant other. You will see that your attention will be much appreciated later on.

You can also read this special Virgo Daily Horoscope.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You seem to have all the forces at hand in order to succeed and it is all up to you to coordinate them in the right direction.

At the same time you would prefer to have the helping hand of someone you look up to but this might not be possible for now. Understand that you need to tackle this on your own to prove yourself once for all that you can.

You can also read this special Libra Daily Horoscope.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Although you might welcome this Friday quite enthusiastic, this attitude of yours will have to be replaced with responsibility because this is going to be quite a difficult day in respect to that.

Whether there are new unexpected challenges ahead that you must face or some past problems resurfacing, be sure this day will have her share of surprises.

You can also read this special Scorpio Daily Horoscope.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This Friday is going to be quite practical for you, whether it comes from your own initiative or you are forced to, you will focus on gaining new skills and improving the way you tackle certain activities.

At the same time this is a great day to find yourself emotionally speaking so why not tend to some meditation, yoga or similar in the afternoon.

You can also read this special Sagittarius Daily Horoscope.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You are going to be in the social spotlight today as people seem to search for your attention. Whether you are in the position of a simple help or mentor you will surely do your job with a lot of responsibility and maybe too much involvement at times.

Don’t let the problems of others overwhelm you or make you lose focus of what is important for you.

You can also read this special Capricorn Daily Horoscope.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is going to be quite a peaceful Friday in the professional setting while in the afternoon you might get the chance to spend an agreeable time with someone close.

Be it that this is something planned for a long time and you’ve been waiting for it or something decided last minute. However, be prepared for some sensible topics surfacing.

You can also read this special Aquarius Daily Horoscope.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This Friday you seem to be in a good place, handling your tasks responsibly and probably without too much stress or complaining associated or at least making the best of them.

On the other side, you tend to be get yourself overly involved in the work of those around and this might contribute to a feeling of frustration and uncertainty.

You can also read this special Pisces Daily Horoscope.

Joyful birthday wishes from Lady Carla Beltane with the WOTC Family and Friends!!

May the next year of your life bring you more love, laughter, joy, happiness, enough income to cover what you have to have along with a little leftover for fun! May it bring you everything you want if it supposed to be and everything you need. May sorrow be unknown, and any negativity be minimal. May the wind always be at your back.

Being a Pisces born on March 8th, you enjoy spending time around creative people and you try to motivate yourself into becoming as good as they are. You set major goals for yourself and are stubborn and determined enough to see them to completion.

The generosity you are proving with those around you will come around at a very important moment in your life. Get ready to better understand your horoscope profile below.

 The zodiac sign for March 8 is Pisces.

 Astrological symbol: Fishes. This symbolizes versatility, empathy, confidence and kindness. It influences people born between February 19 and March 20 when the Sun is in Pisces, the twelfth zodiac sign.

 The Pisces Constellation is one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac and lies between Aquarius to the West and Aries to the East. The brightest star is called Van Maanen’s. This constellation is spread on an area of 889 square degrees and covering visible latitudes between +90° and -65°.

 The French name it Poissons while the Greeks prefer their own Ihthis, however the origin of the March 8 zodiac sign, the Fish, is the Latin Pisces.

 Opposite sign: Virgo. This is relevant in astrology because it shows that partnerships between the Pisces and Virgo sun signs are beneficial and highlight brightness and wander.

 Modality: Mobile. This means how much resourcefulness and simplicity exists in the lives of those born on March 8 and how youthful they are in general.

 Ruling house: The twelfth house. This is a space suggesting a turning point of analysis and change of route and starting over after success or pitfall rising each and every time just like the Phoenix bird. It is the completion and renewal of all life cycles.

 Ruling body: Neptune. This connection suggests perceptivity and pleasure. It also reflects on the intuition in the lives of these natives. The glyph of Neptune combines a cross with three crescents going up and above.

 Element: Water. This is the element of emotions and transformation and rules over people born under the March 8 zodiac. Water as element combines with the other three to make things boil with fire, vaporize in the presence of air and shape earth.

 Lucky day: Thursday. This day is representative for the compassionate nature of Pisces, is ruled by Jupiter and suggests conservation and consideration.

 Lucky numbers: 2, 4, 10, 17, 25.

 Motto: “I believe!”

 People born on March 8 are original and accepting and enjoy spending time surrounded by people who are as talented as themselves. They also take time aside to observe what is going on around them, be it human personality or just nature in activity. They cannot be more annoyed than by avarice and little minded people. They enjoy artsy enterprises that show their potential but they can be quite charitable as well.

 Positive traits: These natives are optimistic, accepting and generous people who are set to change the world and although when young they might seem adventurous and quickly distracted, they eventually gain more insight and put their mark on the world, at least in the lives of those close to them. They also have a philanthropic nature and this only helps them strengthen their position in the society.

 Negative traits: One of the things Pisces needs to learn is to not over rely on instinct and to consider every relevant decision they have to make in life with a clear mind. Those born on this day are hyperconscious and sometimes prone to confusion as they don’t seem to take enough time to actually be all ears to what others around them have to say. They have capricious temperaments and are prone to exaggerate many of the things that happen to them in order to get scrutiny. They can become victims of their own ideals if they don’t temper their sometimes irrational eagerness.

Love and Compatibility: Lovers born on March 8 are creative and adventurous. They love dating and meeting new and exciting persons but when it comes to commitment they avoid any kind of attachment. However, if they ever get struck by love they start acting like fools and their whole world starts revolving around the object of their affection. They are attracted to energetic and fun persons who can keep up with their active and unpredictable lifestyle.

 Usually imaginative and pleasant persons, when in love they become unpredictable and hard to understand. If their loved one is patient and honest they are likely to open to them and their love will progress fast. They are friendly but reserved and their attitude won’t bring many people close to them. They are persistent and courageous in a practical way so they will be a great part of their family team once they decide to settle for their loved one. They are most compatible with those born on the 1st, 4th, 8th, 10th, 13th, 17th, 19th, 22th, 26th, 28th and 31st.

 March 8 Zodiac people are very attached to the other two water signs: Cancer and Scorpio as they tend to share the same vision of life. In life, Pisces is in a constant search for someone to motivate and protect them unconditionally and the one to offer them this is the native in Taurus. The lover in Pisces is thought to be least compatible with Aquarius. As for the rest of compatibilities between the other star signs and Pisces, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Lucky Color: Turquoise is the color for Pisces zodiac.

The visionary and original Pisces is really stimulated by this watery and non conventional mix of hues. This watery color brings this native a great flow of energy and innovation.

Other hues that appeal to people born on March 8 are purple, pink and sea-green.

Representative Birthstone: The seductive Aquamarine is the sign stone for Pisces.

Aquamarine is the symbol of awareness and courage. It is thought to influence humanitarian efforts and ease communication between people.

Other sign stones that are considered to be lucky for people born on March 8 are Amethyst and Opal.

Characteristic Flower: Water Lily is the representative flower for Pisces zodiac.

Water Lily symbolizes purity and warm heart. It relates to emotional reactions and responses. Water Lily blossoms and disappears in just five days, this relates to the changeable and sensible nature of Pisces.

Other flowers suggestive for Pisces are Violet and Jonquil.

Symbolic Metal: Aluminum is the representative metal for Pisces zodiac.

Aluminum reveals innovation and originality. It also relates to travel, due to its lightness in weight. Although it is soft and lacks strength its malleability is its principal and most used feature.

Another metal considered lucky for Pisces is Zinc.

Characteristics: March 8 Zodiac belongs to the second decan of PISCES (March 1-March 10). This decan is under the supervision of the Moon. Those born in this period are creative and enthusiastic just like a true Pisces and extremely emotional just as the Moon makes them be. This period tempers the positive and negative characteristics of the Pisces zodiac sign with a great accent on the positive ones.

 Being born on the 8th day of the month shows enterprise, imagination and responsibility and dedication as a leader. The numerology for March 8 is 8. This number reveals ambition and great power but also an embrace of the spiritual side, later in life. Those Pisces associated with number eight pragmatic and analytical doers in all life matters.

 March is the first spring month in the Northern Hemisphere, bringing the revival and enthusiasm of spring. Those born in March are generous and attractive. March 8 Zodiac people are determined and attractive. The symbols for March include Aquamarine and Emerald as gemstones, Daffodil and Shamrock as plants and Mars, the god of war.

What Statistics Say: In a year in the Gregorian Calendar, March 8 is the 67th day or the 68th day in case of leap years and until the end of the year there are left 298 days. The eighth day of spring, this is also the International Women’s Day, recognized by the UN.

 Pisces is placed on the fourth position on the list of birth signs occurrence. As a sign of negative polarity, with magnetic energy, this is also of feminine symbolism and an even numbered sign. This illustrates introvert people who are hesitant and quite formal. Amongst the archetypes used to characterize this sign there is the Poet. These natives don’t seem to be very interested in material possessions as they were rated the least earners.

 Famous people born on March 8 under the Pisces zodiac sign: Lynn Redgrave, Freddie Prinze Jr., Aidan Quinn and James Van Der Beek.

If you were born on March 8, you are fiercely independent and you don’t like being told what to do — but you usually do the right thing on your own, anyhow. This is because you have great compassion for others and are willing to fight for what you believe in. You’ll win many friends this way, but you may lose a few others by being rebellious and inflexible once you’ve made up your mind about something. Learn to take a gentler approach with others and compromise!

March 08 Pisces at Their Best: Independent, passionate, alluring

March 08 Pisces at Their Worst: Inflexible, rebellious, subversive

What to Wear: Soft pastels and relaxed-looking shirts, pants and skirts. Fairy godmother and knight in shining armor outfits are optional.

What to Eat: Clam chowder, shrimp cocktail, baked fish and sea scallops.

Who to Invite: All the millions of people who find their way into sentimental Pisces’ humongous heart.

Where to Go: Any water lover’s paradise like a river, pool, or the beach.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS March 8, you are one amazing individual! You have the gift of mystic abilities. Your psychic perception runs deep. The astrology sign for 8th March is Pisces and you enjoy having this quality.

You may use it to enrich the lives of fellow human beings. You are responsive to the needs of others and you can be seen serving meals to the homeless. This ability to see the best in people makes it easy for you to believe in love.

The 8th March birthday meaning shows you to be sensitive and sometimes shy. Being you, Pisces, you get your feelings hurt a lot. You cannot be so vulnerable when people are only being honest with you or just joking around. You have to laugh at life sometimes, and even at yourself.

Amongst your friends and family, few are close to you. Those of you with birthday March 8 are great friends. You love your little circle of support and are totally devoted to them. However, Pisces, you have your favorite picks.

They are usually the ones that give back as some people will take advantage of your kindness. You must say no to your friends and sometimes, especially no to your family.

Pisces 8 March birthdays usually have a hard time trusting people. You feel that trust like love is something given or earned over time. It does not require rushing in.

If you are involved with someone who is born on this day, you have found someone who is romantic, attuned to his/her partner’s desires, and needs. You have remarkable intuition, Pisces. Yes indeed… you have an awesome gift of imminent powers.

Once a Piscean has found that someone special who deserves to be treasured, you will be a committed and dutiful lover. Your somewhat timid nature could pose a problem for your partner if he/she is the same way. Look for your opposite to compliment you Pisces, as you can be accommodating when it counts the most say your birthday personality.

Most Pisceans do not work for the money – you work for the reward. The best career you could have would be one that combines your dedication and creativity. Maybe you would be interested in human services or an information technologist as a possible profession. To those born on this day 8 March, meeting the immediate and long-term goals are more important than salary.

On the other hand, Pisces zodiac birthday 8th March realize that you want to live a certain way and you have to be able to afford your spending habits so maintaining status financially is important.

When it comes to money, Pisceans could go either way. You will likely be thrifty or you will max out your credit cards. Whichever the case may be, you will manage to overcome any financial burdens.

If yours is an 8 March birthday, you may suffer with bad feet and skin disorders. You could have inherited this condition or it could be a general nuisance. Perhaps an old injury is giving you chronic pain.

Try using holistic health care methods to possibly treating your problem areas. Treat yourself to an oatmeal bath or one with sea salts. Do not forget the candles and wine. You might as well pamper yourself.

According to the March 8 birthday astrology analysis, you are not authoritarians when it comes to parenting. Looking back at your past, you tend to be more lenient with your own children. As a child, Pisces, you were the outcast. You were different and you were perhaps treated as so.

To tell you the truth, you do not know what to think or how to behave toward your family members as a result of this treatment. Pisces, you do not want to subject your children to any special or indifferent treatment and will go through great lengths to see that they are treated equally.

Your birthday horoscope shows that you may have your preference but the group most likely to be entertained by you is your closest friends and family members. Those of you born on March 8 tend to take a relaxed approach to child rearing.

You are likely to be detached from your own parents and want to avoid a second generation of dysfunctional behavior. Of course, you are at your best when helping others, personally or professionally. Pisces, cover up when out in the sun. Protect yourself. You are subject to skin problems.

See: Famous Celebrities Born On March 8

This Day That Year – March 8 In History

1586 – A new Dutch chief legal advisor appointed; Johan van Oldenbarnevelt
1813 – The Royal Philharmonic’s first concerto
1817 – The NY Stock Exchange is established on this date
1924 – Castle Gate Utah; coal mine explosion kills 171 people

March 8  Meen Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
March 8 Chinese Zodiac RABBIT

March 8 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Neptune that stands for love, fantasies, mercy, and spiritual awakening.

March 8 Birthday Symbols

The Two Fishes Are The Symbol For The Pisces Zodiac Sign

March 8 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birth Day Tarot Card is Strength. This card symbolizes confidence, courage, resilience, and willpower. The Minor Arcana cards are Nine of Cups and King of Cups.

March 8 Birthday Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Capricorn: This will be a patient yet passionate match.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign SagittariusThis relationship will be full of adventure.

See Also:

March 8 Lucky Numbers

Number 2 – This number stands for diplomacy, equilibrium, and sensitivity.
Number 8 – This number symbolizes authority, materialism, power, and reputation.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For March 8 Birthday

Red: This is a regressive color that symbolizes determination, anger, willpower, and courage.
Green: This color signifies growth, stability, rejuvenation, and compassion.

Lucky Days For March 8 Birthday

Thursday – This day is ruled by Jupiter and stands for abundance, happiness, charm, and sincerity.
Saturday – This day is ruled by Saturn and represents difficulties, perseverance, patience and long-term gains.

March 8 Birthstone Aquamarine

Aquamarine is a gemstone that helps you get in touch with your inner spiritual self.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On The 8th Of March:

An aquarium for the man and a cashmere scarf for the woman.

March 6, 2024 Birthday Horoscopes

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Joyful birthday wishes from Lady Carla Beltane with the WOTC Family and Friends!!

May the next year of your life bring you more love, laughter, joy, happiness, enough income to cover what you have to have along with a little leftover for fun! May it bring you everything you want if it supposed to be and everything you need. May sorrow be unknown, and any negativity be minimal. May the wind always be at your back.

Being a Pisces born on March 6th, you are witty and enthusiastic. You prefer to dream with your eyes open and when reality hits you, then you try to seek deep inside you for solutions.

Love will offer you some sort of balance in life because you are attracted to people who are usually the opposite of you, probably someone who will be able to make you more responsible. Prepare to read an outstanding personality report below.

 The zodiac sign for March 6 is Pisces.

 Astrological symbol: Fish. The sign of the Fish is influential for those born February 19 – March 20, when the Sun is considered to be in Pisces. It signifies Divine Consciousness and ambivalence.

 The Pisces Constellation is spread on an area of 889 sq degrees between Aquarius to the West and Aries to the East. Its visible latitudes are +90° to -65° and the brightest star is Van Maanen’s.

 The name Pisces comes from the Latin name for Fish, in Greek the sign for March 6 zodiac sign is called Ihthis, while in Spanish is Pisci and in French is Poissons.

 Opposite sign: Virgo. On the horoscope chart, this and the Pisces sun sign are on opposite sides, reflecting joviality and intelligence and some sort of balancing act between the two with a creation of opposite aspects at times.

 Modality: Mobile. This modality of those born on March 6 proposes analytic sense and freedom and also offers a sense of their communicative nature.

 Ruling house: The twelfth house. This house placement symbolizes completion and renewal. also suggests strength and rejuvenation that come from knowledge but also the recycling and turning life around at one point after thorough analysis.

 Ruling body: Neptune. This association reveals fervor and notoriety. The glyph of Neptune is represented by the trident. Neptune also shares an insight on courage.

 Element: Water. This element symbolizes transformation and is considered to influence people connected to March 6 zodiac to base their actions more on feelings and less on analysis. Water takes on new meanings combined with fire, making things boil, with air that vapors it or with earth that shapes things.

 Lucky day: Thursday. This is a day ruled by Jupiter, therefore deals with development and wealth. It suggests the adorable nature of Pisces natives.

 Lucky numbers: 5, 8, 10, 13, 23.

 Motto: “I believe!”

People born on March 6 lead lives of artists, whether they practice an art of not. They are sensible and temperamental and often very impressionable so they tend to be subject to grand gestures in these impulses of them. They appreciate the beauty in everything that surrounds them even if this tendency of them distracts them at times from their real goals. They avoid having to deal with inconsiderate and selfish people and are quite quick to show their dismay.

 Positive traits: Generous and witty, these accepting persons are a great asset for their communities and some even end up changing lives if they meet someone wise enough to bring their ideals down to earth and put things in motion. Pisces people are usually receptive and artistically inclined, although not many of them embrace a career related to art so their talents remain aside. Those born under this sign are visionary dreamers with a deep understanding of life.

 Negative traits: Lacking in initiative and motivation, these natives sometimes dwell in their own frustration and feelings of self depreciation and this keeps them stuck well below their real potential. They are prone to negative thoughts and pessimisms but they are often just tormented by them because when it comes to making decision, they don’t take them in consideration and do risk all in.

Love and Compatibility: Lovers born on March 6 are versatile and enthusiastic. Their love life is all about dating and meeting new and exciting persons and they avoid commitment at all costs. However, if they do get struck by love they start behaving like the most loyal and romantic fool in love. They are attracted to mysterious, sensual and energetic persons who can keep up with their crazy lifestyle. Intuition usually helps them surround with only the best of people and they are rarely wrong about one’s character.

 Their love affairs grow from strong friendships. They need time to know the person likely to stay beside them and although they are not usually a passionate lover their loyalty and honesty compensate. They are very kind souls and this won’t remain unnoticed by the important persons around them in life. They will lead a great inner home happiness governed by domestic responsibility and good judgment. They are most compatible with those born on the 1st, 6th, 9th, 10th, 15th, 18th, 19th, 24th and 27th.

 March 6 Zodiac people are most attracted to the other water signs: Cancer and Scorpio as they tend to share the same vision of life. In love, Pisces is permanently seeking for a partner who supports and motivates them unconditionally and the best to offer them this is the native born under Taurus. The lover in Pisces is said to be least compatible with Aquarius. As for the rest of partnerships between the other star signs and Pisces, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Lucky Color: The lucky color for those born under the March 6 is turquoise.

Turquoise symbolizes fertility and spirituality coupled with wisdom. The zodiac color should be used in items of clothing or objects in the house.

People who have turquoise as sign color are creative, spiritual and idealist daydreamers. Their goal in life is to reach inner peace and create balance around them. This combination of watery colors is not only inspiring but surprisingly soothing for Pisces.

Other hues for Pisces natives are purple, pink and sea-green.

Representative Birthstone: The luring Aquamarine is the birthstone that is considered lucky for those Pisceans with March 6.

Aquamarine symbolizes reliability and bravery. This zodiac birthstone should be used in all kinds of jewelry items that are to be worn frequently.

This birthstone is thought to bring harmony and comfort and enhance the wearer’s consciousness, intelligence and courage. This was the stone of the god of the seas and comes in all kind of blue-green shades.

Another birthstone considered beneficial for Pisces natives is Amethyst. It symbolizes sobriety and refinery.

Characteristic Flower: The lucky flower for those born under the March 6 is represented by Water Lily.

Water Lily suggests expectation and dreaming. This zodiac flower should be used in decorative items in the places these natives spend time.

Water Lily relates to emotional reactions and responses. You can enjoy this flower during summer to early fall.

Other plants indicated for Pisces are Violets and Jonquils.

Symbolic Metal: The metal for Pisces natives born with the March 6 is Aluminum.

This is a metal that symbolizes wisdom and originality. This zodiac metal should be used in all kinds of jewelry items that are to be worn frequently.

Aluminum relates to travel, due to its lightness in weight. Although it is soft and lacks strength its malleability is its principal and most used feature. The Roman civilization used it as a mordant in dyeing and as an astringent.

Another metal considered beneficial for Pisces natives is Zinc.

Characteristics: March 6 Zodiac belongs to the second decan of PISCES (March 1-March 10). This decan is influenced by the Moon. Those born under this influence combine the intuition and creativity of Pisces with the emotional and nurturing spirit of the Moon. This period tempers the positive and negative characteristics of the Pisces zodiac sign, slightly enhancing the positive ones.

 Being born on the 6th day of the month shows a perseverant individual who is also generous, tender and caring. The numerology for March 6 is 6. This number reveals responsibility, affection and a domestic approach to life. Those Pisces associated with the number 6 enjoy spending time with families and building a safe environment for those they love.

 March is the third month of the year, bringing the revival of senses and a great communicational environment. Those born in March are enthusiastic and observant. March 6 Zodiac people are generous and determined. March has as representative symbols the Daffodil and Shamrock as plants, Aquamarine and Emerald as gemstones and Mars, the god of war.

What Statistics Say: March 6 is the 65th day of the year, or the 66th day in leap years, in the Gregorian Calendar and there are 300 days left until the end of the year. The sixth day of spring, this is also the European Day of the Righteous.

 Pisces is the fourth zodiac sign in order from most common to least commonly met. It is of feminine symbolism, considered of even number and with a negative polarity. This defines introvert natives who are reluctant and independent. One of the archetypes used when talking about this sign is the Dreamer. There is said to be a peak of artists and philosophers born in this sign.

 Famous people born on March 6 under the Pisces zodiac sign: Michelangelo, Lou Costello, Shaquille O’Neal and Tom Arnold.

If you were born on March 6, you have a deep appreciation for the beauty of life. As a highly sensual person, you choose to surround yourself with people and things that fill you with feelings of romance and pleasure — and you bring those things to others, as well. Because you strive for so much perfection, reality may occasionally bite when things aren’t as beautiful as you would like. But if you can try not to be too judgmental, you’ll realize beauty can be found in imperfection, too.

March 06 Pisces at Their Best: Sophisticated, dreamy, deep

March 06 Pisces at Their Worst: Judgmental, naïve, disillusioned

What to Wear: Soft pastels and relaxed-looking shirts, pants and skirts. Fairy godmother and knight in shining armor outfits are optional.

What to Eat: Clam chowder, shrimp cocktail, baked fish and sea scallops.

Who to Invite: All the millions of people who find their way into sentimental Pisces’ humongous heart.

Where to Go: Any water lover’s paradise like a river, pool, or the beach.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS March 6, you have a vivid imagination. This is your gift for your zodiac sign is Pisces. You can do anything that is relatively artistic. You have a capacity to make a reality out of a dream. You lend your talents to nonprofit organizations and can be quite successful at raising a lot of money for a charitable cause.

Today’s birthday horoscope shows that you have charisma and you use into your advantage in helping those less fortunate. Those born on this day 6th March are extremely sensitive, however. You tend to get hurt feelings when you should take the criticisms constructively as it was intended. You bounce back quickly from the sting and come back better than before.

March 6 Pisces birthday individuals will kill you with kindness. You are sympathetic and pleasing. If you are down in the dumps, leave it to a Piscean to cheer you up. If today is your birthday you will make everyone feel special and your friends or family members can count on you in times of crisis.

All you ask is that your good nature is returned. A lasting relationship with a Pisces is one that is reciprocated. A friendship usually takes the work of two people, not just one.

Your birthday personality is such that your family and friends all admire you. Your giving and thoughtful ways make you the center of attention. Pisces, you generally have an open mind which gives you incredible understanding. You are also adaptable making it easy to mingle with different cultures and backgrounds.

Sometimes, those not as fortunate are the ones hanging onto your every word and watching your moves. Those of you who are born on March 6, will transform those around you. Although not aggressive, you use every opportunity to express yourself predict your birthday astrology analysis.

Pisceans with birthday March 6, must be the last of the true romantic folk. You can be so gentle and loving that it hurts. You are just overflowing with passion and adoration for your significant other. Those born on March 6 have a way of sweeping you off your feet.

Your birthday meaning also foretells that your creative resources bring to reality a fairy tale love affair. Pisceans treat their loved ones like royalty treating them to the finest of everything.

Before you think of snagging yourself a fish, make sure that it is what you want. Pisces don’t like artificial ingredients and fillers. Be real and ready to commit to love or move on. Otherwise, this could be a strong union if you are smart and beautiful.

The Pisceans with birthday March 6 are best suited for jobs in the social field. Occupations such as nursing or something in the legal field would engage the Pisces compassionate nature. You have a capacity to change things for people. You are diligent and dependable. Your work ethics are above reproach.

Though your earning potential is as good as your neighbors, you have a tendency to fall of track when it comes to saving for a rainy day. You get your check one day only to be broke the next. Who does that? With your goals of living the good life when you get older, Pisces, you will need to save and invest your cash not squander it.

What your birthday March 6 says about you is that Pisces you may suffer with various veins or bad feet. This could be some recent occurrence or a chronic problem with an injury that won’t go away. Pisces, you should seek expert advice on ways to prevent or cure what ails you. You could try using an alternative method to prescription medicine to possibly reduce pain and be healthy.

Those born on zodiac birthday March 6 are very talented and you use your talents to the betterment of others. You are sympathetic. Your friends and family count on your listening ear. You will do well in the social arena as a profession. Pisces, those of you born this day 6th March, will need to balance your checkbook or hand it over to someone responsible. In health, protect your feet and legs.

See: Famous Celebrities Born On March 6

This Day That Year – March 6 In History

1799 – Jaffa, Palestine is captured by Napolean Bonaparte
1810 – The first vaccination for the state of Illinois
1896 – Detroit; Charles B King experiences the first automobile
1906 – Vlissingen, Netherlands; Heavy storm blows through producing floods

March 6  Meen Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
March 6 Chinese Zodiac RABBIT

March 6 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Neptune.
Neptune stands for spiritual awakening, mercy, love and an idealistic attitude.

March 6 Birthday Symbols

The Two Fishes Are The Symbol For The Pisces Zodiac Sign

March 6 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birth Day Tarot Card is The Lovers. This card shows that this is a time to make choices, new relationships, and love affairs. The Minor Arcana cards are Nine of Cups and King of Cups.

March 6 Birthday Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Scorpio: This two water signs get along excellently.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Virgo: A relationship that will be full of ego clashes.

See Also:

March 6 Lucky Numbers

Number 6 – This number stands for generosity, helping others and balance.
Number 9 – This number symbolizes imagination, creativity and artistic temperament.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For March 6 Birthday

Turquoise: This is a cooling color that symbolizes peace, patience, and intuition.
Pink: This color stands for innocence, love, peace, and contentment.

Lucky Days For March 6 Birthday

Thursday – This weekday is ruled by planet Jupiter. It symbolizes encouragement, growth, intelligence and positive attitude.
Friday – This day is ruled by the Venus. It stands for relationships, beauty, charisma and personal values.

March 6 Birthstone Aquamarine

Aquamarine is a healing stone that helps you heal your mind, body, and soul through meditation.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On The 6th Of March:

A magazine subscription for the Pisces woman and an aftershave for the man.