Spell for Thursday – Crystal Abundance Spell


Crystal Abundance Spell

Some quartz crystals contain bits of greenish mineral matter in them. These are known as “money crystals” or “abundance crystals.” If possible, use one of these in this spell. Otherwise, a clear quartz crystal will work fine.


1 quartz crystal

An image that represents abundance to you


On a Thursday when the moon is waxing

Select a magazine picture or download an online image that symbolizes prosperity to you. It might be an object or condition you desire, such as a new home, a sports car, or a European vacation. Lay the picture face up on a windowsill where the moon’s light will shine on it.

Wash the crystal in warm water with mild soap to cleanse it of any unwanted energies. Dry the crystal, then hold it to your third eye (between your eyebrows) while thinking about your intention. Doing this sends the image into the crystal. Then set the crystal on the picture. Make sure the crystal’s point faces toward the inside of your home, to draw what you want to you. Leave the crystal in place overnight. In the morning, remove the crystal and picture and give thanks for the bounty you are about to receive.

-Skye Alexander, The Modern Guide to Witchcraft: Your Complete Guide to Witches, Covens, and Spells

Spell For Sunday – Money Magnet Money Chant


Money Magnet Money Chant

When To Use:

Daily, during a Full Moon Ritual, or as part of a money spell.

Money money money comes fast to me.
Money money money comes easily.
Money money money comes fast to me.
Money manifests for me endlessly.

Aurora Moone

How To Use This Money Chant

Similar to an affirmation for money, all you have to do is repeat the chant four times, back-to-back, daily.

Bonus points if you do it more than once a day!

Over time, your mental relationship with money will be transformed, any false roadblocks and negative thoughtforms will melt away, and you will become a money magnet!

You can also boost this chant by lighting a green candle for money each time you do this chant.

Spell For Friday – Clothing Protection


Clothing Protection – Source spellsofmagic.com

Need the following items:

1/2 cup sea salt

several gallons of Water





Casting Instructions

Place salt and desired oils into wash basin. Wash cloths in proper temperature for the cloth. Hang dry in the sun or moon light if possible.

Camphor wards off physical attack or other unwanted advances.

Eucalyptus repels viruses and diseases.

Lavender increases shielding abilities.

Spell For Friday – Money Crystal Spell


Money Crystal Spell – Source psychicsdirectory.com

Low on cash? Want to be a money magnet? Why not try using crystals.

How to Perform It:

You’ll need a citrine crystal for this spell. Place it on top of your wallet and focus on attracting wealth to you. Imagine the universe adding money to your bank account.

You can even tuck the crystal into your purse, near your wallet during the day.

Spell for Friday – Money Drawing Spell – Printable

Spell For Thursday


Good Luck Prayer to Goddess Fortuna

Fortuna was the Roman goddess of luck, associated with all lucky events in the lives of mortals and gods, such as fertility, motherhood, and wealth.

Her main symbol was the Wheel of Fortune, a kind of roulette that symbolized chance or the randomness of good or bad luck. Her positive aspect (good luck) was represented with the Cornucopia or Horn of Plenty.

Light a green candle during this chant

Incense for Fortuna:

Aloe Vera, Cinnamon, Frankincense, Nutmeg, Vanilla

Offerings to Fortuna:

Rosemary, Berries, Meat, Cornucopia, Coins.

However, she was also the cause of unfortunate or unforeseen events, and was reproached for blindly distributing her gifts, favoring not those who deserved it, but those she pointed to by chance.

If the goddess Fortuna personified chance, Romans believed it was necessary to intervene to make her actions favorable by spreading her cult. Thus, Goddess Fortuna was worshipped through prayer, invocations and offerings, made both in public and private.

Prayer to Fortuna (text version)

Approach, strong Fortune, with propitious mind
and rich abundance, to my prayer inclined.
Placid, and gentle Hekate, mightly named,
imperial Artemis, born of Pluto famed.

Mankind’s unconquered, endless praise is yours,
sepulchral, widely-wandering power divine!
In you, our various mortal life is found,
and some from you copious wealth abounds.

While others mourn your hand averse to bless,
in all the bitterness of deep distress.
Be present, Goddess, to we who worship you,
and give abundance with benevolent mind.

Goddess of Fate, I call upon thee.
Enter my circle and come to me.
You know every secret and I’m eager to learn,
Clear my paths and let your wheel turn.

Bless my life with good luck and fortune,
Fill me with spiritual and material wealth.
Pluck the vibrating strings of destiny and fate.

Approach, strong Fortune, with propitious mind
and rich abundance, to my prayer inclined.

Spell – White magic Jupiter spell


White magic Jupiter spell

by Tina Caro

This white magick spell is well known and is a simple ritual to obtain money, thanks to the help of the force of the planet Jupiter.

If we want to give more strength to the ritual, the Thursday that must be chosen should be in a period of the new moon shortly after midnight.


How to perform it:

Take the banknote and fold it into four parts.

Now place it in the copper container.

Create an ideal circle with the green candles around the copper container.

Now arrange the white candles in a circle around the green ones as well.

Then draw a circle with the coarse salt that encloses everything.

You will then have the copper container in the center surrounded by the green candles, which in turn are surrounded by the white candles, which in turn are enclosed by the circle of salt.

This composition is a powerful catalyst for positive energies and is also used in other propitiatory rites.

Now, light the candles, starting with the green ones, and moving clockwise.

While lighting the candles, repeat as if it were a chant the following formula several times and always in a multiple number of three (three, six, nine…).

Leave a certain amount of time between the lighting of one candle and the other.

“Sun, cover me with gold,
dress me in silver, Moon,
give me riches, great Jupiter”

Let the candles burn out completely. Then take the copper container and put it in a safe place away from prying eyes (obviously you have to leave the banknote inside).

It can be used again to repeat the ritual as often as you need it, always in the new moon period, always on Thursday.

Spell -Enabler Chant: Good Luck and Prosperity Cinnamon Spell

Why this Spell Works

Wood is an insulator of bad fortune and is naturally charged with the constructive and positive vibrations of trees.

Cinnamon is a purifier used to clean the home and body from bad luck. Burning cinnamon sends subtle messages that invite friendly spiritual beings.

Enabler Chant: Good Luck & Prosperity Cinnamon Spell

Recipe by Francisco Huanaco

Easy Wiccan Good Luck chant and spell using just a cinnamon incense stick and your voice. Attract luck and prosperity to your home and yourself with some real Magic!


Cinnamon incense

Wooden incense holder


Place the cinnamon incense stick on the wooden incense holder and light it.

Say the following chant as many times as you want:Good Luck Prosperity Chant Spell

Let the smoke that comes from the cinnamon fill every corner of your house as you visualize its purifying properties cleansing and warding off bad luck.

From spells8.com

Spell for Today – A Orange Money Spell

Pierce a large navel orange with a needle, making the pattern of a dollar sign. Insert a clove in each of the piercings. Wrap the orange using green, silver, and gold ribbons in between the rows of cloves. At the top, make a loop of the three ribbons. Decorate the base with a favored crystal. Bless this little token for improved finances, then hang it in a window to release its scented energy with every breeze. When the aroma of the orange fades (the fruit will shrink as it dries), simply anoint it with essential oils for a refreshed fragrance.

General Uses

Financial improvement or stability. Improved cash flow and resources. Prosperity.


The month of April. Full and blue moons. Moon in Taurus, Virgo, Aquarius, or Pisces. Sunday

From the book, “Spinning Spells, Weaving Wonders” by Patricia Telesco

Spell for Thursday – Cinnamon Money Spell – Printable


Spell for Today – Money Frogs and their Significance

The frog is in the middle of the table. It looks like a brown spot in the picture.

Money frogs originate in Chinese Feng Shui.  It is believed that Money Frogs, sometimes referred to as the Three-legged Toad, are a way to attract financial affluence.

These frogs must be placed in the far left corner of the house if you are standing at your front door looking in.  This is the wealth corner of the house. It is called Xun in Chinese.
According to legend, Money Frog was the wife of one of the Eight Immortals.  She was transformed to a Toad as she was being punished for stealing the Peach from Heaven.  As a greedy creature, she craves for money.  So when a Money Frog is placed, there is usually a bed of money surrounding it.
You can have One Money Frog, Three Money Frogs or even Six or Nine Money Frogs.  A group of Money Frogs is said to bring more wealth then the solitary Toad. Stick to multiples of Three as the number three has magickal significance throughout history and legend.  If you have more than one, you must place them facing in different directions, but never directed to a door or your money will flow out of that door.
To activate your money frogs, you take a coin (usually comes with the frogs) and tie a red ribbon through the coin then place this in the mouth of the frog.  You can also place these frogs on a bed of red fabric to have the same effect (Colors that attract Money are Red, Purple or Green), as the coins sometimes tend to fall out of the mouths if one side is heavy.
The reason the frogs have only three legs is to symbolize long life and good luck (Three is a magickal number).  You can also place a laughing Buddha to attract even more wealth in that same corner with the Money Frogs.
When bringing the Frogs into your home, as with any magickal tools, you should sage them to cleanse any of the energies that any one else touching them could have placed on them.  Then you hold your frogs, one at a time in your hands, cup your hands around the frogs, one at a time, and pour your positive energy into the frogs.  Lay down the red cloth on an elevate surface (small square corner table or plant stand works well) and place the frogs on the red cloth.  Angle them so they face strategic directions, but never toward a door.  Place their coins into their mouths and then place other coins or money around the frogs.  You can place your Buddha, if you have one, behind the frogs.
Happy Feng Shui
Lady Rhiannon

Spell for Today – 6 New Moon Spells

New moon spells are always done during the new moon and are used to drawn in a desired outcome.  New moon love spells will bring in a new love or solidify an existing relationship.  New moon money spells are used to draw in money versus decrease bills.  Focus on bringing in your desires versus pushing away something you don’t want during the new moon phase.  New moon magick can be as simple as a bath ritual to draw in good fortune and new blessings. We wish you many blessings using these spells for tonight’s new moon. We hope you get everything you desire!

New Moon Wicca Protection Spell

Before beginning create a calm environment. Do this by meditating, listening to calm music, taking a bath or something else that helps you to create a safe and calm environment.

Take three deep breaths, imagine a silver light that flows into your body. This is the energy of the Moon Goddess.

Take three deep breaths and imagine a golden light flowing into your body, this is the energy of the Sun God.

Take three deep breaths and imagine a white light flowing into your body, this is the joint energy of the Universal Life Force. Then say the below three times.

“Blessed be my feet that walk the path of mystery. Blessed are my knees bending before the sacred altar.  Blessed be my heart, molded in beauty and love. Blessed be my lips, who pronounce sacred names. Open your arms to welcome protection and love. 

Head over to our Protection Spells page more.

New Moon Wish Spell

Items needed:

  • Piece of paper
  • Candle – chose the color based on your wish
  • Write your wish on a piece of paper.  Then light your candle.
  • While looking at the new moon chant the below three times.

New moon so dark in the night sky.  That cannot be seen with a naked eye.  Grant me your dark energy to see.  The new and good coming to me.  Grant me the power of dreams so true so I can start my life anew.  Grant me strength day by day.  Mistress of darkness, show me the way.  Grant me love in my life.  Take away trouble and strife.  Grant me peace I ask of you.  On bad times help me through.  O’ Goddess of Night so divine.  If you have heard me show me a sign.”

Burn the paper in the flame, imagine your wish and look into the night sky.

New Moon Money Spell

Items Needed:

  • 3 Shiny Silver Coins
  • Piece of Paper or Tissue

Wrap the three coins in the paper.  Make sure they can’t fall out.  Hold the package in your hand, close your eyes and focus on the coins multiplying.  Ask that no harm comes to anyone.  Bury the coins in the earth.  If you cannot bury the coins, you can use a pot filled with soil.  When the money arrives, you can remove the coins if you wish. 

For more money magical spells, check out our Wiccan Spells

New Moon Bath Ritual for Restoration and Replenishment

Items needed:

  • Bath
  • Salt
  • Candles
  • Herbs: mugwart, rosemary, cardamom, ginger, basil, bay leaf, yarrow
  • Oil: rose, cedarwood, sandalwood
  • Flower petals: lavender, marigold, rose
  • Crystals: rose quartz, black tourmaline, clear quartz, florite

Fill your bath, add salt, surround the tub with candles and crystals. Add the herbs, oils and flower petals of your choice and relax.  Say the below while you melt into relaxation.

“I am renewed with this new moon. I am replenished  I am open to new beginnings.”

“I am restored by sacred cosmic vibration. I am divinely protected. I relinquish the weight of that which no longer serves me. My spirit is awake, My path is revealed, I am open to receive.”

“I welcome transformation, I welcome growth, I welcome abundance, I know what I need.  I am ready.”

Let Go: New Moon Ritual

Items needed:

  • Bath
  • Candle
  • Crystals
  • Incense
  • Sage

Set intensions: Plan, Visualize, Find Focus, Dream, Make a Vision Board

During bath:  LET GO, relax, take deep breaths

Visualize what doesn’t serve you, write it down and destroy it.

Imagine it flies away or burns.

FORGIVE yourself and others

This is a great spell to cast in combination with our Healing Spells

New Moon Love Spell

Items Needed:

  • Pink Cord or Yarn around 12”
  • Pink Candle
  • Salt and Pepper Shaker
  • Jasmine Incense
  • Atraction Oil
  • Dragons Blood Incense

New moon rituals for love are focuses on drawing in the love you desire. New moon love spells free yourself and drawn in what you desire.

Begin by casting a circle at your altar with the help of some salt and mark an outline of the circle. Take the pink candle and rub it with your attraction oil.  Place the candle in the center of the circle.

Place one of the incenses on the left and the other on the right of the circle.  Now light the incense and candle.  Hold the pink cord and bind it to the salt shaker and say the below:

“Goddess be with me, the salt shaker is me.”

Take the pepper shaker and tie it on the other end of the cord and say the below:

“The pepper shaker is the love I seek.”

Tie the shakers together and keep them in front of the candle.  Meditate, wish and pray for pure love to come to you.  Imagine a good life with your partner, imagine doing all the things you want to do with them.  Meditate well and once you feel you have meditated enough, blow out the candle.  The next morning, untie the shakers and light the candle.  Then retie them again.  Do this again for seven days.  By the end of the seventh day your lover will enter your life in some way.

This spell can be done in combination with our Obsession SpellsCharmed Spells and Free Love Spells for a Specific Person.

From ezspells.com

Spell for Today – Bring in the Sheep Spell


Reap Spells – Bring in the Sheep Spell

Items you will need:

3 cotton balls
1 green sheet of paper or cloth
1 brown candle
1 lighter or match


Light a brown candle on a fire-proof surface. Nearby, lay out a sheet of green paper or cloth in front of you. At the far end of the paper or cloth, place three cotton balls. These cotton balls represent sheep.
Say this chant:

“I’m bringing in the sheep
And reaping my rewards.
One step back,
But another two forwards.
They’ve been out in the pastures
All day.
I’ve worked them hard.
Now, it’s time to pay.”

Bring the cotton balls toward you and blow out the candle. Whatever you’ve been working on should bring you good rewards.


A Witch’s Week of Spells and Activities
Helga C. Loueen

Spell for Today – Full Moon Silver Coin Money Spell

Every Witch loves a good money spell, and nothing goes better with money magic than a full moon! This prosperity spell uses sympathetic magic, meaning that you’ll use your power of visualization and mimicking to symbolize the magic playing out. After all, the essence of all successful spells is the ability to see the final result happening!

This spell does not use candles, making it great for Water Witches, Wiccans in college, or magical practitioners who need to be discreet! Simply gather a bowl, a silver coin, some water, and the full moon and you’re ready to make magic!

Spell Timing: Full Moon, clear sky, night ( Can be done 2 days before or after the full Moon calendar date)

Spell Ingredients

Silver Coin, cleaned and sterilized

Bowl or clean Cauldron



Spell instructions:

  1. Prepare sacred space: Outside, sweep dirt and harmful energy out of your space. Using your sage, cleanse your spell items. Set up your altar with any other prosperity or full moon items you’d like to pull energy from.
  2. Cast your protective circle: Using your favorite circle casting ritual, surround the working area with protection. Don’t know how to cast a circle? Try this simple circle casting ritual!
  3. Prepare the Spell: Place your coin in the bottom of the bowl. Fill the bowl with water and position it so that it reflects the full moon in the surface of the water.
  4. Cast the Spell: Visualize the coin being multiplied by the moon’s power until you see a bowl full of money. With both hands, scoop up your wealth by scooping the water into your hands. Drink the handful of water while seeing your life, bank account, and home being filled with wealth. When all of the wealth water has been transferred to you, say “And it harm none, so mote it be.”
  5. Release your protective circle: Pull up your circle and send the energy to the universe.
  6. Clean up: Keep your silver coin in your purse or on your altar.

Spell for Today – A Give me the Money! Spell

A Give me the Money! Spell

Fiona Horne

Witch, A Magickal Journey

Money is something everyone wants; and this is a spell not only for enough money, but also for lots of money! It requires strong powers of visualization and a firm belief that you deserve prosperity.


Do this spell on a Thursday at midday when the sun’s energy is peaking, and during a waxing moon phase.


You will need:


* Liquid Paper

*3 green candles;

*A colour photocopy of a blank recent personal bank statement (first photocopy, then *liquid paper out the balance amounts, then photocopy again so that you have a blank


*1 green ribbon;

*9 drops of bergamot oil;

*1 teaspoon of dried dill

*1 teaspoon of dried sage;

*A typewriter or word processor and printer.


Before you start your spell ritual, have a good think about money and your relationship with it – do you feel it is hard to get? Do you feel that the more you earn, the more you spend? Do you have enough to live comfortably, but you want to live more comfortably? Are all your friends not very well off, so you feel you can’t be either? Erase any thought processes that are limiting your prosperity.


Now, decide exactly what sort of money you want to have. When I did this spell I summed up my situation by realizing that I only ever dealt in $100s – I would earn $100 for a show with my old band; $200 for an article I wrote; $600 for an old guitar that I sold; my bank balance only ever had an amount in the hundreds (or less!) in it. I decided that I wanted to deal in $1000s. It’s worth pointing out that there’s no point in being greedy when doing this sort of spell, not just because it’s tacky but also because greed only exists in a mind that is constantly in a battle against poverty. And that attitude is going to undermine the belief that the spell will work; that is, it’s going to enormously lessen the chances of it working. Often money spells work best when they’re either for a special purpose (for example, a trip you feel you really need to take, or a car if you’re in genuine need of one) or as a continuing thing just to keep the income coming in. A clear attitude that acknowledges that resources can always be called in when needed, rather than a panicky, one-off “major Lotto win”kind of approach, is going to be more effective.


Bearing all this in mind, decide what your money goals are type up a new bank statement, like this,


Transaction CashCheque Current Balance


Deposit $2,000.00

Deposit $1,300.00 Withdrawal

Deposit $5,700.00













or however your statement is presented. Make it look real; use your typewriter or computer and printer, so that it convinces you that this is possible.


When you have completed this, get ready for your ritual by showering (wash away the past) and dressing in your favorite clothes and perfume or aftershave. You want to feel fantastic and capable of taking on the world!


Cast Circle and anoint each of the green candles with three drops of bergamot oil, then set them up in a triangle on your altar. Place your new bank balance statement in front of these and sprinkle the dill and sage in a deosil (sunwise) circle on it as you repeat until all the herbs are on the paper: ‘Prosperous is my rightful state, there is no limit to the money I make.’


Now, raise power in whatever way you choose, for example: chanting “money, come to me, money, come to me” over and over; sense your desire start as a burning sensation in your feet, and building through you until you feel you are going to explode. At the point where you can’t take it any more hold your hands over the triangle of candles, channeling the energy into their flames and the bank statement.


Say: ‘Fire, speed my wish to me.’


Now drip three drops of wax from each candle in the centre of the circle of herbs on the bank statement.


Fold the statement into a wallet shape, sealing the herbs within, and wrap the ribbon around it three times, tying it off with nine knots.

Keep the money charm where you file your bank statements and for the next two Wednesdays before you go to bed light the candles again, hold the charm and repeat the mantra, ‘Money come to me’ for three minutes or so.


As you do this visualize yourself going to the bank to deposit your desired sums of money. At the end of those two weeks leave the charm with your bank statements and go about your business.


When I did this spell I noticed a distinct turn-around in my financial situation within three months. All of a sudden I started getting offered more money for the same jobs. I found myself not being so tight, and realizing that the more I spent, secure in the knowledge that I was prosperous; the more money came my way.

An Invaluable Herbal Grimoire Reference Guide

By Graphia, The Wordsmith Witch

No matter what your spiritual path looks like, every Witch can benefit from possessing a thorough, comprehensive Herbal Grimoire. Many practitioners include such contents as a guide for the magical correspondences of different herbs, a list of various herbal substitutions for spellcrafting, and last, but not least – a reference section that lists commonly found baneful herbs and their toxicity levels.

Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels.com

This herb correspondence chart is the culmination of years of research. We hope this reference guide will help you to understand the magical properties of herbs, roots, flowers, barks and resins. It is our goal to provide others with accurate sources of information to enrich their lives and their Craft. What are some ways you can implement the information in the following guide into your own practice?  Click on the link below to view the chart.

Herbal Grimoire

Spells for Today


For many, Friday is the last work day of the week. It’s considered the fifth day of the work week and, also, the “cut loose” day. By Friday night, people are out having a party. That makes Friday the perfect day for lust, banish, fast-grant, and find spells. This day is so powerful (energy wise). That’s why whatever you do on this day will, usually, have a strong effect. If you want things out of your life, the darkness and power, associated with this day, bring the energy you need for that. If you need strong, immediate results, this is your day, as well.

Lust Spell – Hair on Stick Lust Spell

Items you will need:

3 strands of hair
1 comb or brush
1 small stick
1 tube of red paint
1 bottle of glue


Find a small stick and paint it red. While the paint is drying, comb through your hair and take three strands from your comb or brush. After the paint on the stick is dry, cover the stick in glue. Then, wrap the three strands of hair around the stick and let the glue dry.
Now, say this chant:
“I’ve wrapped up my passion.
I’ve wrapped up my lust.
I’m ready for it to come out.
I’m ready to trust
My desires and my will,
So the Universe can make it real.”
Put the stick under your bed, and your desires should could true.


Fast-Grant Spell – Money Grant Quick Spell

Items needed for this spell:

1 quarter
1 sheet of paper
1 pen or pencil


Close your eyes and think about how much money you need and how fast you need it. When you are ready, open your eyes. On the left side of the paper, trace around a quarter. Then, trace a quarter on the right side. Draw a line from one quarter to the other.
Say these words:
“Point A,
To point B
Money come fast.
Money come quickly”
Fold up the paper and put it in a coat pocket. Very soon, you should receive some money.



Find Spells – Help Me Find Spell

Items you will need:

1 small white candle
1 small blue candle
1 lighter or match


Set the two candles in front of you, close your eyes and think about what you have lost and how much you want it returned. Light both candles and say this chant three times:
“Blue candle is my love and devotion for ____________.
And how much I need ____________ back,
Safe and sound. _____________ was lost,
But I hope ________________ will be found.
White candle is for _________________’ s safe return,
While heading on my track.”
When you are done, blow out the candles. You may wake-up one morning and be shocked by the return of your lost item.

A Witch’s Week of Spells and Activities
Helga C. Loueen

Spell for Today – Cinnamon Money Spell – Printable

Spell for Today – I Deserve Prosperity Spell – Printable

Spell for Today – Collect My Debt Spell

Saturday is the sixth day of the workweek. It’s officially the weekend. Some see it as one of the luckiest days for gambling. It’s one of those days where you can do what you need around your home and relax, as well. You can take care of a little business, then, reap the rewards. It’s a really good day to do collect, courage, reap, gamble, and exercise spells.


Collect My Debt Spell

Items needed:

1 sheet of paper
1 pen or pencil
1 gray ribbon
1 white candle
1 penny
1 bottle of glue
1 lighter or match
Light a white candle and close your eyes. Think about the money that is owed to you and how you feel about that situation. If you are angry at the person who owes you money, get rid of that anger now. Get the sheet of paper, bottle of glue, and a penny, and place them in front of you. Now, write down how much is owed to you on the sheet of paper. After that, below where you wrote the figure, glue the penny to the paper. Allow the glue to dry. Without breaking the penny from the paper, roll the paper up and tie the gray ribbon around it. Place the scroll you just made under your bed. Soon, you should be able to collect the debt. Once you collect the debt, remove the penny, give it away, and discard the scroll.

A Witch’s Week of Spells and Activities
Helga C. Loueen