Spell for Today – Spell for Savings – Printable

Spell for Today – The Penny Spell


By Tuesday, most people are over Monday’s slump and are ready to charge. They feel more alert and energized on this day. Tuesdays are considered good days for communication, tenderness, taking care of business, and exercise spells.


The Penny Spell

(Taking Care of Business Spells Just for Tuesday)


Items needed for this spell:

2 pennies

Your hands

Take two pennies in your hands and shake them, fairly hard. While doing this, say this chant three times:

“Penny, Penny, Penny.

I’m shaking these pennies.

And all is fun. In a snap,

I need this done.

Sending this out in a run.

I will slap

These, two pennies, down, into one.”

After this chant, throw the pennies on-top of each other, on the ground. The hardness of the throw and the clanking of the pennies will send out the serious urgency of your spell.

A Witch’s Week of Spells and Activities
Helga C. Loueen


Spell for Today – Financial Fortune and Good Luck

Spell for Today – Two Spells to Get Money that is Owed to You

To Make Someone Pay You What They Owe You

Items you need:
-3 needles

– piece of paper
-Rose Honey
-a Candle

Write the name of the debtor on a piece of paper. Pierce the paper with the 3 needles. Place it in a glass containing equal parts of the two honeys. Place a green candle on the top of the jar and petition Elegua to help you get your money back.

To influence someone to repay a debt

Candles–Seven green (material gain) candles. You can use votives or tapers, it doesn’t matter but with cats, it may be safer to use the votives. You also need 4 yellow candles (gentle persuasion).
Herbs–Clove or cinnamon.
Incense-Ginger, jasmine, or allspice
Stones-Hematite and tiger’s eye

Timing to do spell–On the full moon or the waxing moon cycle, which is on the 16th of this month for the full moon.

Day-Saturday (which works out perfect this month.

Advice–be certain the debt is actually owed to you before doing this spell. If you think someone owes you a debt but it is not true, you will find yourself being forced to pay back any debts you owe. The spell also works for people who borrow things and don’t bother to return them.

Spellwork–Light the altar candles (altar candles are candles that represent the god and goddess, you can use two white votives or if you can get a hold of them, one gold and one silver candles each to represent them) and the incense. Inscribe the name of the person or people that owe you the debt on the green candles. Anoint the candles from the wick to the end. Set the green candles in the center of your working space. Set the yellow candles around the green ones, with the stones inside the circle. Light the green candles first, then the others. Say the chant 7 times. Leave the yellow candles to burn out completely. Dispose of the wax afterward. Burn only the 7 green candles each night. If you wish, you can burn new yellow candles each night until the 7 green candles are gone.


“What was given in trust shall be freely returned
What was mine shall be mine again.”

Spell for Today – Financial Fortune and Good Luck Spell – Printable

Spell for Today – Magick Money Oil



This versatile magick potion has many possible applications. Rub it on candles to increase their power. Dab it on talismans. Anoint gemstones, crystals, or magick tools with it. Rub a little on your body. However you use it, this money oil helps you attract all forms of abundance.


A green glass bottle with a lid or stopper

A small piece of tiger’s eye or aventurine

4 ounces of olive, almond, or grape seed oil

A few drops of peppermint essential oil

Gold or silver glitter


During the waxing moon, preferably on Thursday

Wash the bottle and gemstone with mild soap and water, then dry them. Gather all the listed ingredients. Begin by casting a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Pour the olive, almond, or grape seed oil into the bottle.

Add the peppermint essential oil and glitter. Drop the tiger’s eye or aventurine in the mixture, then put the lid or stopper on the bottle and shake three times to charge the potion.

Open the circle and apply your Magick Money Oil in whatever manner you choose. This magick oil can be incorporated into many of the spells.


-Skye Alexander, The Modern Guide to Witchcraft: Your Complete Guide to Witches, Covens, and Spells


Printable Money Jar Spell for Monday


Printable – Spell for Today

Printable Spell for Today

The Mirror and Moon Spell

Printable Financial Fortune and Good Luck Spell

Money Knot Spell


Ritual for Seeing Where You and Loved Ones Will be After COVID-19 is D0ne

I got the idea for this ritual from Gregg Braden on his show “Missing Links,, Season 1 Episode 7.” He tells a story of a Native American asking him to go with him to “pray for rain”, they live in northern New Mexico where there has not been any rain in quite some time. When they reach his friend’s Medicine Wheel his friend steps inside of it for a few minutes and then comes out asking if Mr. Braden is ready to go to lunch. Mt. Braden is a little confused and asks his friend “David”, “I thought we were coming here to pray for rain.” To which “David” replies, “I was taught to see things are they would be when the rain fell. I could feel the mud squish between my toes coming out of my pleubo, to smell the cleaner air, to see things turning green and the crops in the fields growing. If we pray for something that is happening right now we get nothing but if we can see and ask for what it will be like after it rains than the rains will come.”

We are living in very uncertain times for all parts of our lives except the spiritual one. This is a time when we need to step up and use our spirituality and magickal abilities to help ourselves and others.  The intention for the ritual in this Esbat gathering is to ask for healing mind, body, and spirit for everyone including yourselves anywhere upon Mother Earth and for Mother Earth Herself. Please try to keep your mind focused not on what is happening now but how we see things at the end of this COVID-19 virus. Yes, some things are hard to picture on a grand scale so keep it simple and see how you, your loved, and friends came through this virus strong and healthy. See you and/or your loved ones, and/or friends back to work. See all of you gathered together having a party of some kind to celebrate – remember in this age of being able to connect with people anywhere in the whole you could even do a Skype conference call party (Skype allows 50 people to be connected to each other at the same time).

So, for a little while at least set your worries and stress aside and join us in this Esbat celebration of how each of our personal lives will be at the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. The song I picked May The Circle Be Open is to remind us we may not be in a circle together all the time but there are ties that still bind us together so we are never truly all alone. We are going to do a healing drumming circle than at the end we will meditate for 2 minutes. Then anyone that wants to will have a chance to share their fears or stresses or where they see themselves and family at the end of the pandemic. There will possibly be a time limit set for each person sharing time depending on how many people join us in this gathering.

What You Need:

1 large white candle (that you can burn for 1 hour every day for 1 week. If you feel you want to keep lighting the candle after the first week then that is what you should do just make sure your candle is large enough for the duration you want to keep lighting it.)

Correct size holder for your candle

Your favorite Essential Oil for dressing the candle after engraving it

A device you can listen to the song (watch the video if you want to)

Something sharp to engrave you candle (a knife, your Atheme, a toothpick or a pin of some kind)

Fireproof Container to put the burning paper in

Lighter or Matches


I call to Archangel Raphael to reside in the Watchtower of the East to help protect those in this circle and when we leave it from any type of negativity.

I call to Archangel Michael to reside in the Watchtower of the South to help protect those in this circle and when we leave it from any type of negativity.

I call to Archangel Gabriel to reside in the Watchtower of the West to help protect those in this circle and when we leave it from any type of negativity.

I call to Archangel Uriel to reside in the Watchtower of the North to help protect those in this circle and when we leave it from any type of negativity.

I invoke Goddess Sirona (1 of the healing Goddess of the Celts) and God the Dagda (Celtic God of fertility, agriculture, life, and death.) to walk this circle with me three times three. To take us to a place that is not a place and an out of time as we know it. I bid you reside in our circle to help give strength and power to our work here.

Please click on this link to start the song setting your intention(s) of where you and those you care about will be feeling and doing after the COVID-19 pandemic has passed while listening to the song.

Healing Chant

Now take approximately 5 minutes to write your intention(s) down on the piece of paper – How and Where you see yourself and those you care about feeling and doing once the danger of the virus is gone.

Next, inscribe the names or initials of the people on the paper you are doing this ritual for. When you are done with that take a small drop as needed of your favorite essential oil start at the bottom of the candle in one motion smear the oil to the top of the candle. Turn the candle clockwise and again apply the essential oil, repeat these steps until you come to where you put your first line of essential oil overlap the first and last applications.

Now light your candle. Burn the paper with the candle while visualizing how everyone included on the candle lives will be at the end of the COVID-19 pandemic in whatever country or state you all live in. Repeat this spell/prayer three times while the paper is burning: (If you feel a word or some words need to be changed to fit how you would say this spell or prayer you can do that as this is your plea and thanksgiving to your deity)

Sirona we ask for the health for those we have written here is strong and unaffected by COVID_19. Sirona we thank you that none we asked you to watch over became sick

the Dagda we ask that you keep us working from home or where we are employed or go to school. the Dagda we thank you for taking us through this time with being employed and/or in school that none of us lost anything we needed for home and hearth.

I see those on my candle as still being healthy, employed, and now able to go on with our daily lives. As we mourn with those far and wide who lost someone to this pandemic.

So Mote It Be (OR However you end your spell or prayer

Written by Lady Beltane

Spell To Gain Money

Fill cauldron half-full of water and drop a silver coin into it. Position the cauldron so that light from the Moon shines into the water. Gently sweep your hands just above the surface, symbolically gathering the Moon’s silver.

While doing this say:

Lovely Lady of the Moon, bring to me your wealth right soon.

FIll my hands with silver and gold. All you give, my purse can hold.

Repeat three times. When finished, pour the water upon the Earth.

This is best done at the Full Moon.

From Celtic Magic by D. J. Conway Page 146

Attract Money Charm, and a Wiccan Dianic-Aradian Ritual

Attract Money Charm, and a Wiccan Dianic-Aradian Ritual

I. Preparation

Assemble your items. Gather some strong red thread, a whole nutmeg, and a paper money bill. Drill a hole through the nutmeg. You will also need sewing scissors or something to cut the thread.

On one of the nights of the waxing moon, set up your altar with two white candles, one for Aradia and one for Diana. A third candle, red, white, or yellow, will represent the sacred fire. If necessary, other candles may be used for illumination. If you are outside, all candles will have to be in glass chimneys to protect them from being blown out. Don’t forget the matches. Representations of the other three elements, feather for air, bowl of spring water for water, stone for earth, should also be arranged on the altar. A cup or goblet of wine or juice to salute the Goddess should be on the altar as well. If you are inside, you will need a shallow dish to catch the libations. This libation bowl or dish may have stones, sand, or potting soil in it, or it may be empty. If you would like incense, vervain would be suitable, as would any scent associated with Diana or Aradia. Incense is not required for this ritual. If you prefer, the incense could stand as a representative of the element of air.

II. Set aside sacred space

Cast a circle and call the four elements in your usual manner. Otherwise simply visualize a circle of protective light forming around you, as you say:

By the air of the winds at night,
By the fire of the home’s hearth,
By the water of the lake reflecting moonlight,
By the stones and trees of the ancient mountains,
By Dea della stella, this circle is cast.

Light the two white candles, saying:

Hail Aradia! Hail Diana!

Light the third candle, saying:

Blessed be, creatures of fire, flames of Vesta-Diana.

Light any other candles you need for illumination.

III. Invoke Deity

Use an invocation suitable for the purpose of making a prosperity charm, such as the one below.

Hail Diana, mystery of the white moon among the stars, by growth and light and sprouting green, I invoke you; Hail Aradia, daughter of Diana, secret queen of witches; Hail and welcome.

IV. Make Magic Charm

The ideal time to make this charm is under a waxing moon. Thread the hole in the nutmeg with the red thread three times. Fold the bill accordian-style, very small, and tie it to the nutmeg with the thread, again wrapping it three times.

V. Bless the Charm

The power of focused will while making it can bless this charm, but a verbal blessing, such as below, may be spoken:

Blessed be, fragrant nutmeg. As this red thread drew this money to you, nutmeg, draw more money to me. By the increasing power of the moon, by the power of Aradia, by the power of three, draw to me money.O Diana of the heavens and earth, you are the pillar of life whose breasts are as many as dates upon a green tree. Let me have no want. Let me have enough. So mote it be.

VI. Charge and Bind the Spell

Cup your hands around the charm without touching it. Visualize a spark of light between your palms. Will this light to permeate the charm, empowering it. Visualize your purse full of money, and your bank account with a significant surplus balance. Feed energy into the sphere of light, so that the charm is strong.

Trace a pentangle, the endless knot, in the air over the charm to bind the spell fast.

VII. Thanksgiving to Deity

You may wish to enact the simple feast with juice and bread. If you prefer, you may simply salute the Goddesses with wine or juice:

Diana and Aradia, beautiful ones, in your honor I spill two libations. In celebration of you, I drain the goblet deep.

If you are outside, pour two offerings of liquid on the ground. If you are inside, pour the liquid into the libation bowl, which may be emptied outside later. Drink the rest of the juice or wine.

Thank you, lovely Goddesses of the moon, for your gifts, for your magic, for your presense here.

VIII. Return to Mundane Space

Bid farewell to the four elements and erase the circle in your usual manner. Otherwise, simply visualize the ring of light fading away while saying:

By the air of Diana’s ride upon the winds,
By the fire of Diana’s hearth,
By the water of Diana’s reflective lake,
By the stones and green trees of Diana’s mountains,
By the Goddess of the moon and stars, this circle is erased.

The charm should be kept in your purse, which you may annoint with a “Money Drawing” oil. To protect the charm, you could bind it in a small, red bag and renew the oil every new moon.

Silver Spell for Money


 Silver Spell for Money

(This ritual takes a week to perform)


Situate a small bowl of any material in a place of prominence in your home, somewhere you pass by every day. Each day for seven days put one dime in the bowl. Next, obtain a green candle, any shape or kind.


Before you begin, fix in your mind the idea that you are a prosperous person. See money as being no problem. Imagine money coming to you, as you need it. Place the bowl of dimes or pennies, the candle and a candle holder on a flat surface. Hold the candles in your hands and feel the power of money.


Feel the avenues that open to you when you have it. Sense the energy within money which we as human beings have given to it. Place the candle in the holder. Pour the seven dimes into your left hand. You will create a circle surrounding the candles with the dimes. Place the first dime directly before the candle. As you place it say there or similar words:

“Money flow, money shine
Money grow, Money’s mine.”


Repeat this 6 more times until you’ve created a circle around the candle with seven gleaming pennies (or dimes.) As you say the words and place the dimes, know that you’re not just reciting and fooling around with pieces of metal. You’re working with power – that which we’ve given money as well as that which is within yourself.


Words too have energy, as does the breathe on which they ride.


When you’ve completed this, light the candle. Strike a match and touch its tip to the wick. As it puts up the fire, sputters, to a shining flames, see money burning these. See the power of money flowing out from the seven dimes up to the candle’s flames and then out to the atmosphere. Blow out the match and settle down before the glowing candle and money.


Sense the feeling of money in your life. Visualize a life with money to spare – a life in which bills are quickly paid and money will never again be a problem. See yourself wisely spending money, investing it for your future needs. See money as an unavoidable and beautiful aspect of your life. Kill off any thoughts of debt, of taxes, of doubt that you can achieve this change.


Simply see what will be. After ten minutes or so, leave the area. Let the candle burn itself out in the holder. Afterward, collect the dimes, place them back in the bowl, & “feed” it a few coins every day from then on. Add words to ask that the money comes with harm to none…. and money will come to you.