Spells for Today -Help Me Find Spell


Find Spells – Help Me Find Spell

Items you will need:

1 small white candle
1 small blue candle
1 lighter or match

Set the two candles in front of you, close your eyes and think about what you have lost and how much you want it returned. Light both candles and say this chant three times:

“Blue candle is my love and devotion for ____________.
And how much I need ____________ back,
Safe and sound. _____________ was lost,
But I hope ________________ will be found.
White candle is for _________________’ s safe return,
While heading on my track.”

When you are done, blow out the candles. You may wake-up one morning and be shocked by the return of your lost item.


A Witch’s Week of Spells and Activities
Helga C. Loueen


Spell for Today – Full Moon Silver Coin Money Spell

Every Witch loves a good money spell, and nothing goes better with money magic than a full moon! This prosperity spell uses sympathetic magic, meaning that you’ll use your power of visualization and mimicking to symbolize the magic playing out. After all, the essence of all successful spells is the ability to see the final result happening!

This spell does not use candles, making it great for Water Witches, Wiccans in college, or magical practitioners who need to be discreet! Simply gather a bowl, a silver coin, some water, and the full moon and you’re ready to make magic!

Spell Timing: Full Moon, clear sky, night ( Can be done 2 days before or after the full Moon calendar date)

Spell Ingredients

Silver Coin, cleaned and sterilized

Bowl or clean Cauldron



Spell instructions:

  1. Prepare sacred space: Outside, sweep dirt and harmful energy out of your space. Using your sage, cleanse your spell items. Set up your altar with any other prosperity or full moon items you’d like to pull energy from.
  2. Cast your protective circle: Using your favorite circle casting ritual, surround the working area with protection. Don’t know how to cast a circle? Try this simple circle casting ritual!
  3. Prepare the Spell: Place your coin in the bottom of the bowl. Fill the bowl with water and position it so that it reflects the full moon in the surface of the water.
  4. Cast the Spell: Visualize the coin being multiplied by the moon’s power until you see a bowl full of money. With both hands, scoop up your wealth by scooping the water into your hands. Drink the handful of water while seeing your life, bank account, and home being filled with wealth. When all of the wealth water has been transferred to you, say “And it harm none, so mote it be.”
  5. Release your protective circle: Pull up your circle and send the energy to the universe.
  6. Clean up: Keep your silver coin in your purse or on your altar.

Spell for Today – Financial Fortune and Good Luck

Printable Money Jar Spell for Monday


Printable – Spell for Today

Printable Financial Fortune and Good Luck Spell

Money Knot Spell


Employment Spell


Silver Spell for Money


 Silver Spell for Money

(This ritual takes a week to perform)


Situate a small bowl of any material in a place of prominence in your home, somewhere you pass by every day. Each day for seven days put one dime in the bowl. Next, obtain a green candle, any shape or kind.


Before you begin, fix in your mind the idea that you are a prosperous person. See money as being no problem. Imagine money coming to you, as you need it. Place the bowl of dimes or pennies, the candle and a candle holder on a flat surface. Hold the candles in your hands and feel the power of money.


Feel the avenues that open to you when you have it. Sense the energy within money which we as human beings have given to it. Place the candle in the holder. Pour the seven dimes into your left hand. You will create a circle surrounding the candles with the dimes. Place the first dime directly before the candle. As you place it say there or similar words:

“Money flow, money shine
Money grow, Money’s mine.”


Repeat this 6 more times until you’ve created a circle around the candle with seven gleaming pennies (or dimes.) As you say the words and place the dimes, know that you’re not just reciting and fooling around with pieces of metal. You’re working with power – that which we’ve given money as well as that which is within yourself.


Words too have energy, as does the breathe on which they ride.


When you’ve completed this, light the candle. Strike a match and touch its tip to the wick. As it puts up the fire, sputters, to a shining flames, see money burning these. See the power of money flowing out from the seven dimes up to the candle’s flames and then out to the atmosphere. Blow out the match and settle down before the glowing candle and money.


Sense the feeling of money in your life. Visualize a life with money to spare – a life in which bills are quickly paid and money will never again be a problem. See yourself wisely spending money, investing it for your future needs. See money as an unavoidable and beautiful aspect of your life. Kill off any thoughts of debt, of taxes, of doubt that you can achieve this change.


Simply see what will be. After ten minutes or so, leave the area. Let the candle burn itself out in the holder. Afterward, collect the dimes, place them back in the bowl, & “feed” it a few coins every day from then on. Add words to ask that the money comes with harm to none…. and money will come to you.

A Simple Money Spell

A Simple Money Spell

The following ingredients are needed:
Any time
Inside your house
One or two green candles, I suggest one though

This spell will NOT make money fly out of nowhere. You’ll probably find money on the ground, somebody could give it to you, you could win a contest, etc. It might not work, so try not to overdo it by doing this spell 50 times.

Stare at the green candle. Think of gold, think of money, think of coins. Anything that has to do with money.

Now imagine that money coming to you, like your body is sucking it in. Imagine your body gleam that color. Replay this a few times in your head, then say:

“Money is powerful, Money is mine. Money for me, None for thee. On the ground, In the sky. Money will be all mine. Money is everywhere. Now make me take it from there.”

This may or may not work, depending on how hard you’re trying. But don’t overdo this, if it doesn’t work, obviously… it doesn’t work. Try this one time, if that doesn’t work, try it one more time, if it doesn’t work then, stop. You’re wasting valuable time, or you’re probably just stressed. Be relaxed when saying this, I have heard of no backfires recently, but this spell isn’t highly suggested.