Spell for Monday – CROSSROADS SPELL


A Crossroads candle spell is used when you cannot choose the left fork in the road or the right. This spell is for MAJOR decisions like moving, career, etc. I would strongly not suggest this spell for a choice between two men or women.


Source: Free Candle Spells

1 white candle
1 black candle
1 red candle
A packet of Cornnuts (original recipe) Toasted Corn
21 caramels
1 small bottle of rum
three cigars (unwrapped)
Three stick matches
21 pennies

Write a letter to the spirit of the Crossroads and tell him the situation that you cannot decide or which road or path to choose. Lay it out in good detail which is which – meaning, what will happen if you choose this road and what will happen if you choose that path.

Go to a 4 way crossroads at 11:30 pm preferably on a Sunday night, but any night will do if you need it NOW. Place letter in center of a 4 way crossroads (must be 4 way) that extends beyond 7 blocks in each direction. Place three candles in a triangle shape on letter, surrounded by the 21 pennies. Lay one cigar each at base of the candle. Place one of each of the stick matches in between each candle. Place caramels and open pack of Cornnuts and pour in center. Take a good draw of the rum into your mouth, swish it around, spit it in a spray-like pattern over all. Set rest of open bottle of rum down on paper. Light candles and walk away.

Do not, do not, DO NOT look back or look into rear view mirror when driving away.

Accept what happens and where this takes you.

An Invaluable Herbal Grimoire Reference Guide

By Graphia, The Wordsmith Witch

No matter what your spiritual path looks like, every Witch can benefit from possessing a thorough, comprehensive Herbal Grimoire. Many practitioners include such contents as a guide for the magical correspondences of different herbs, a list of various herbal substitutions for spellcrafting, and last, but not least – a reference section that lists commonly found baneful herbs and their toxicity levels.

Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels.com

This herb correspondence chart is the culmination of years of research. We hope this reference guide will help you to understand the magical properties of herbs, roots, flowers, barks and resins. It is our goal to provide others with accurate sources of information to enrich their lives and their Craft. What are some ways you can implement the information in the following guide into your own practice?  Click on the link below to view the chart.

Herbal Grimoire

Spell for Today – Bind a Backstabber


She spreads damaging gossip about you at work. He steals your ideas and claims they’re his. It’s time to bring out the big guns – magick-wise, that is. This spell ties the backstabber’s hands and prevents him/ her from doing further harm.


A small figurine (poppet) made of clay, wax, cloth, wood, or another material

A black marker

Black cord long enough to wrap around the figurine several times

A shovel

A large stone


During the waning moon, preferably on Saturday

Collect the ingredients needed for this spell. If possible, make the figurine (known magickally as a poppet) yourself, but if you aren’t handy you can purchase an ordinary doll (the plainer the better, unless you can find one that resembles the backstabber). Cast a circle around the area where you will cast your spell.

With the marker write the troublemaker’s full name on the poppet. Say aloud: “Figure of [whatever material the poppet is made of], I name you [the backstabber’s name] and command you to cease your attacks on me now. I bind your ill will and render you powerless against me.” Wrap the black cord around the figurine several times and tie it, making eight knots. Each time you tie a knot, repeat the last sentence of the affirmation: “I bind your ill will and render you powerless against me.” When you’ve finished, open the circle.

Take the poppet and shovel to a place near your workplace and dig a hole in the ground. If that’s not feasible, go to a remote area away from trees or water (and not on your own property). Place the poppet in the hole and cover it with dirt, then put the stone on top of it for good measure.

Skye Alexander, The Modern Guide to Witchcraft: Your Complete Guide to Witches, Covens, and Spells

Hot Foot Spell

Hot Foot Spell

The purpose of the spell, why you do it, is to get someone off your back. The intent is not to harm someone but to make them go away and leave you alone. This is not, however, intended for petty grievances. This is a serious spell and if it backfires it can make you go away.

You Will Need:

Hot Foot Powder (available in occult supply stores)
bowl to hold powder
small jar
4 black altar candles (altar candles are short – about 3 inches long)
2 white altar candles to represent the Goddess and God
drum or other rhythm instrument (or clap your hands)

Cleanse and purify your altar area. Set up your altar for charging magickal tools. Arrange the four black candles for lighting purposes and if you want, drape the altar in black, wear black, and otherwise dress up the area.

Pour a small quantity, about a spoonful, of the Hot Foot Powder into the bowl and place it on your altar. Get comfortable in front of the altar, you’re going to be there for a little while.

Put the white candles on either side of the bowl and light them, while focusing on your grievance. Get a good rhythm going – beat that drum, shake that rattle, clap those hands, beat that floor, whatever – and make it an urgent sort of beat, the sort that makes you want to run. As you do this, chant:

You shall rise, you shall rise
You shall walk and you shall fly
Out of my life and away Onward Outward Away Be gone!
And trouble me no more I give you no power
You have no power
No power Over Me!

Keep repeating this chant and get really worked up. Feel that power and anger rising up. Keep repeating the chant until the candles have burned almost completely down, then grab that bowl full of Hot Foot Powder and send all the furious energy into it. Visualize that powder just bubbling and boiling over with your emotion. When the fury is in the powder pour the powder into the small jar and close up tightly. Be sure to ground yourself before leaving the Circle.

Now, take that charged powder and lay it in the path of your enemy. Make sure you aren’t seen doing this. Pour it into your hand, then with a strong puff of breath blow it over an area your foe walks over regularly. This spell is specific to one person, so don’t worry about it affecting other people who cross over it. Hotfoot Powder is very fine, and if you only use a spoonful it shouldn’t be visible on a floor. If it is, it will look just like dust.

Crystal & Herb Spell – A Grounding and Centering Jar

Blessed Be

Crystal & Herb Spell – A Grounding and Centering Jar


Joining crystals with sacred herbs in spellwork is a great way to amplify the power of each of these Earth-given magical tools.


A Grounding and Centering Jar


After a busy day, it can seem hard to take the time to ground and center enough to perform successful spellwork. Many a Witch has put off spellwork that would be beneficial simply because getting in the right frame of mind seems like so much work!

This spellcraft can become something of a “shortcut,” helping you get to a place of calm and quiet more quickly.

Try meditating with it in your hands for a few moments before preparing for magical work, or anytime you just need a “time out” during your day.

Of course, you must be well grounded and centered when creating and blessing the jar in order for it to continue to give that grounding energy back to you!

You will need:

1 clear glass empty spice jar (or other small jar) with lid

1 tablespoon dried sage

1 tablespoon dried lavender

1 tablespoon dried sandalwood or patchouli

3 pieces of hematite

Place each herb in the mortar and pestle, affirming with each that its purpose is to ground and center you. You can say something like:

“Sage, thank you for grounding and centering me from within this jar.

Blessed Be.”

Do the same with the lavender and the sandalwood or patchouli.

Gently mix the herbs together, and pour them into the jar.

Then, sit and hold the hematite in the palms of your hands and spend several minutes deepening your sense of being grounded and centered.

Place them gently in the jar and close the lid.

Hold the jar in your hands and say:

From now on, this jar returns me to the Earth and to my center.

Blessed Be.”

You may wish to keep the jar on your altar or in your sacred space.

For extra help with grounding and centering, remove the lid from time to time and inhale the scent of the herbs.


Wicca Crystal Magic: A Beginner’s Guide to Practicing Wiccan Crystal Magic, with Simple Crystal Spells (Wicca Books Book 4)

Lisa Chamberlain


Black Magic Scrying Spell

Black Magic Scrying Spell


Purpose: To see visions via a Scrying mirror or crystal and to receive spiritual messages.

Procure a clear, round piece of crystal or concave glass. Wash it in sea or salt water to consecrate it. Next, take a vial of black paint and add one pinch of finely powdered St. John’s Wort, then paint the back of the glass or crystal.

While you are painting say the following incantation to the Cabalistic Archangels:

I request that Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel bless this Scry Stone.
I ask that all visions be pure and true!
So mote it be!

Allow the paint to fully dry. Using a Silver candle in a darkened room, gaze into the Scry stone and concentrate on a specific question or person that you require information on.




If there is a situation, problem, possible menace you are facing, there is a knot spell for this. 

Take the cord and firmly visualize the problem in all its agonizing detail. Become emotional about it; seethe with anger, crumble into tears, whatever works. Then firmly tie the knot. Walk away from it, out of the room if possible. Take a shower, eat, do whatever will get your mind off the spell and allow you to relax. When your emotions are stabilized return to the knot. With calm and peace untie the knot. See the problem vanishing; dissolving into a dust that is swept away by the cleansing, refreshing North wind. It is done



This simple spell can be used for any purpose – whether it be to empower a person,

to heal them, to bind them etc. Simply choose the appropriate color candle and scribe

the person’s name and your intent upon it. Anoint it with an appropriate oil.

Light the candle and while watching it burn, repeat the following chant,

focusing upon your intent as you do so.

Powers that be, Powers of 3, Let me be all X sees.



If there is a situation, problem, possible menace you are facing, there is a knot spell for this.

Take the cord and firmly visualize the problem in all its agonizing detail.

Become emotional about it; seethe with anger, crumble into tears, whatever works.

Then firmly tie the knot. Walk away from it, out of the room if possible.

Take a shower, eat, do whatever will get your mind off the spell and allow you to relax.

When your emotions are stabilized return to the knot. With calm and peace untie the knot.

See the problem vanishing; dissolving into a dust that is swept away by the cleansing,

refreshing North wind. It is done.

Destructive Knot Spell


If there is a situation, problem, possible menace you are facing, there is a knot spell for this.

Take the cord and firmly visualize the problem in all its agonizing detail. Become emotional about it; seethe with anger, crumble into tears, whatever works. Then firmly tie the knot. Walk away from it, out of the room if possible.

Take a shower, eat, do whatever will get your mind off the spell and allow you to relax. When your emotions are stabilized return to the knot. With calm and peace untie the knot.

See the problem vanishing; dissolving into a dust that is swept away by the cleansing, refreshing North wind.

It is done.

Lady A’s Spell of the Day for the 8th of July (Special Request) – The Vern

Celtic Comments & Graphics

The Vern

Your neighbor or your colleague is driving you nuts


Remember the ’80s sitcom about Vern and his well-meaning nemesis neighbor, Ernest P. Worrell? “Hey Vern, it’s Ernest!” While it’s too late for Vern, here’s a curse for you to use on that special someone you could do without. It’s not terribly serious, but it will get your tormentor off your back. Use it for anyone who’s a pain, but never use it against someone you envy.

You will need:

A piece of first-quality stationery, unlined (available at a stationery store)

A pen

A few dressmakers’ pins

Take your stationery and write this down: “I give you the man who has stolen my pleasure. May the grass grow at his door and the fox nest on his hearthstone. [Write the name here.]”

Roll up the paper and secure it with several pins. Say: “So I give the name who took me away, who has been privy to that taking-away.”

Place it under your neighbor’s doorstep. The front step’s better than the back.

For a coworker, simply place the scroll at the back of one of his least-used desk drawers. The bottom drawer on the right side is best.

When things improve, remove the roll—but keep it handy if things deteriorate again. This is not a curse with great sticking power, but it can be re-used.

The Little Book of Curses and Maledictions for Everyday Use

Dawn Rae Downton

Lady A’s Spell of the Day for July 7th – The All-Purpose Payback Spell

The All-Purpose Payback Spell


Choose the All-Purpose Payback when you want to “do unto others as they did unto you.” It’s a quid pro quo that will directly return to your oppressor the harm he’s caused you. That’s why it uses a figurine: it represents your “cursee.” That’s also why you can’t use the All-Purpose Payback when you’re feeling put upon generally or when things aren’t working out, and “someone’s got to pay.” Have in mind someone or something specific whom you’re paying back. Have in mind as well what he did to you, and focus on sending it straight back to him.

You will need:

A white candle

A small saucepan

A long match (a fireplace match is good)

Wait until dark. Melt a candle in the saucepan over low heat.

Remove the saucepan from the heat and wait until the wax is cool enough to handle. Shape it into a rudimentary figurine, working quickly so that you’re done sculpting before the wax starts to harden.

Strike the match under the ends of the figurine, first the feet and then the head, and drip them into the saucepan. You don’t need to melt them much. As you do, slowly say your victim’s name three times.

Extinguish the match between the thumb and third finger of your left hand.

Dispose of what’s left of the figurine by burying it in the ground. Replace the soil, level it, and dispose of the wax in the saucepan by reheating it to melting and pouring it on top of the soil.

Your oppressor is now at your mercy just as you were once at his/her’s, and exactly the same way.



The Little Book of Curses and Maledictions for Everyday Use

Dawn Rae Downton


Send It Back Spell


This spell uses heavy visualization and energy manipulation skills, so be aware of this if your skills do not include these. You might want to develop these skills first before trying this spell.

Reach a meditative/trance state, and feel your own area, and your own space. Visualize the negative energy around you, and “see” it with your mind’s eye. Suck this energy into a ball at your center, seeing it as a ball between your hands…a black swirling ball/whatever most helps you todo the energy manipulation.

When you have gathered sufficient energy, whisper to it to go to the original sender, or out harmlessly into the environment. Open your hands, and with powerful intent and focus, release the ball into the air, “watching” it go with your minds eye towards your attacker, or towards the hexer. If you know the hexer, you may tell it to go to that person, or if you want to send the negativity at someone else, then tell it to go there.

Cleansings and general protective spells are recommended after casting this spell.




Reverse any negativity or hex being sent your way. Annoint a purple candle with Rosemary oil. On a piece of white paper write the following in black ink…

“All blocks are now removed.”

Fold the paper three times. Light the candle and burn the paper in a bowl, ashtray or any fireproof dish. Invoke the power of fire and it’s elemental spirits. Repeat three times:


“Firedrakes and Salamanders,
Aid me in my quest,
Protect me from all evil forms,
Turn back the negativity being sent.


After repeating it three times, say:

“So mote it be.”


Spell To Purify Your Soul From Evil Spirits



Rose petals
Ivory scented candles
Glass box
Geranium oil


Make a pile of rose petals two feet high. Dry them until they lose their fragrance. Light ivory scented candles around the pile. Keep them burning until the dried rose petals begin to smell of Ivory. Then chant the following spell,

“Bygone begonia you cursed wraith,
The harbinger, believer of heinous faith.
Evil spirit with the evil eye,
Like petals here shrivel and die.”


The petals turn a ghostly ivory white. Crush them in a grinder. Collect the ground rose petals in a glass box. Add a few drops of geranium oil. Cover tightly with a lid and toss it into the sea on a full moon night. If in spite of performing the above spell the spirits do not depart then repeat the spell on the next fortnight but attach a paper to it. On this paper write your name and concentrate all your energy on it whilst you do so. This will help prove your real identity to the spirits and once the identity strengthens they will depart




Black Magick Spell To Reverse A Curse



A wok
Six White candles
Six pink candles
Egyptian goddess Incense
Cinnamon sticks
Feel good incense
Hair of a dog
Some morning dew


Light a wooden flame and place the wok on it to heat. Once it is hot enough pour enough water in it that it fills the wok to the brim. Now let it boil. In the meanwhile arrange the six pink candles around the wok in a circle. Light them slowly one at a time. Now take the white candles and place them near the windows. Light them when the water boils furiously. As the water begins to boil drop in the cinnamon sticks and let it boil with the water. Now pour some Egyptian goddess incense and some feel good incense in the wok as it boils. Take the hair of the dog and tie it up and add it to the potion.

Bring the whole potion to a boil a few times and to end add the droplets of morning dew. Once they have all been boiled well, pour into a glass and take a sip and chant the following lines.

“ Listen o spirits of above
listen to this holy hex
turn around the magic dispensed
turn around the holy curse”


Black Magick Money Spell


*This is some-what ceremonial Magick, you will be conjuring darks spirits.

You Will Need:

·3 White candles
1 black candle.
Piece of paper 3X3.

This spell should be done on a Thursday at 3 pm or Saturday, anytime when the suns down. On the sheet of paper, write where it is that you would like to work. Hold it in your hands and focus on your desire. See yourself wearing the uniform, or see you stocking products or working at the cash register. Let the feeling of accomplishment flow into it.

Cleanse yourself, meditate or do what I did, shower. Cast the Magick circle; invoke Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. Have the white candles positioned in a triangle symbolize the cone of power, energy building, etc. Put the black candle in the middle. Sit, get comfortable, take a couple of breaths get everything together and straight. Light the candles, and focus on your desire. Taste it, feel it, hear it, see it, smell it. Make it real. Recite the incantation 4 times, each time with more power, focus, love, command, and full of motions.

“Gods of dark Magick, Gods of hate.
Myself employed is my fate.
Dark spirits of nature, this sorcerer conjures thee.
I conjure thee, I conjure thee, I conjure thee.
Heed my call dark essences that roam,
Heed my call I ask with my heart and my soul.
Bring forth all your power; bring forth all your might.
Strip obstacles to ashes, disintegrate them from sight.
Let my hearts desires and wishes be met,
Let no individuals be put to death.”

Focus on your desire again. Set the piece of paper on fire, and focus on your desire once more.

So Mote It Be.

Thank the elements, thank the gods. And close the circle. Visualize a big, dark, and thick mist of energy with white figures surrounding it (Spirits) see all of it go up through your ceiling up to space and into the cosmos. And FORGET ABOUT IT!!


Wax Binding


On A Saturday, at 9 pm. Light a black candle. Have a piece of paper with the person’s lips on it. Draw it, or whatever. Get the lips and say “ You are _____’s Lips” Kiss them and so mote it be.

Gather all the memories of them talking and pissing the hell out of you. Or just a few, feel the annoyance. Light the candle and allow 9 drops of wax to fall on the lips and say

“Wax, wax drops on your lips.
Sealing tight, your voice doesn’t exist.
Don’t speak unless your spoken to,
Don’t annoy me, Don’t disturb me.
As I will, so shall it be”

Meditate on your spell and so mote it be.

Tie the lips and burn them or bury them. But you should burn them, because fire is destructive.



Make Someone See and Dream of their Fears


Get a pot, put some water from the sink and put it the stove burner thing on medium. Pour some oil, Salt, and vinegar. I put a little baking soda because when Baking soda and vinegar mix the make that cool foam. You don’t have to put the Baking Soda.

While the water starts to bubble a little, get a sheet of paper draw a stick figure and write the victims name on it. Cut it out and you can say “I name you ______” or just use it. I didn’t name it, I just used it. Get roaches, as much as you can or want I got 4. Get some ant as well.

Alright, the water should be bubbling a little but so put the burner on High. When the pot is boiling like crazy, throw in the roaches and the ants. Visualize your objective, imagine you’re the victim and feel the ants against your skin. Imagine yourself in a corner and lots of roaches everywhere, feel the fear, etc. Throw in the person and recite 3 times

“Roaches are you cause of fear,
Roaches I cast on you my dear.
See them crawl, see them near you.
See them all, see them on you.
Feel their legs against your skin,
Drown in roaches, boil for you sin.
Powers of fire, powers of the south.
Set him on fire, with roaches running about”
So mote it be.

Let the water continue to boil for 10 more minutes. Then throw it out.

* Include the ants because they symbolize joy and peace. Boiling them to death, would symbolize boiling joy and peace to the person.