Reverse any negativity or hex being sent your way. Annoint a purple candle with Rosemary oil. On a piece of white paper write the following in black ink…

“All blocks are now removed.”

Fold the paper three times. Light the candle and burn the paper in a bowl, ashtray or any fireproof dish. Invoke the power of fire and it’s elemental spirits. Repeat three times:


“Firedrakes and Salamanders,
Aid me in my quest,
Protect me from all evil forms,
Turn back the negativity being sent.


After repeating it three times, say:

“So mote it be.”





Try this spell to reverse any negativity or hexes being sent your way. Visualize all blocks in your life-path being removed. Anoint a purple candle with Rosemary oil.

On a piece of white paper write the following in black ink:

All blocks are now removed.

Fold the paper three times. Light the candle and burn the paper in a bowl, ashtray, or any fireproof dish. Invoke the power of fire and its elemental spirits by repeating three times:

Firedrakes and salamanders,
aid me in my quest,
protect me from all evil forms,
turn back the negativity being sent.

After the third repetition say:

So mote it be.

Daily Feng Shui News for March 27th – ‘Spring Forward’

We are now enjoying the season of fertility and growth. Feelings of hope and rejuvenation offer each of us a chance to attract more of the same into our own lives. On this day, take a green ink pen, magic marker or pencil and draw a green star on white paper. Color the star green and then outline it in black ink. Place the star in any space where you will see it at least several times throughout the day. Using sacred geometry in this visual and symbolic way activates both a positive psychological and physiological response. Green is the color of healing, health, fertility and maturity and the star is a universal symbol of hope. They now combine to make sure that something spectacular will now spring forward for you.

By Ellen Whitehurst for

February 9th and 10th – Festival of Yemanja

February 9th and 10th

Festival of Yemanja

In Afro-Brazilian spiritual traditions, Yemanja is the Goddess of all sea waters and a symbol of mastery. Her name means “the mother whose children are the fish.” She is considered to be a Mother Goddess and has dominion over all large bodies of water, including the depths of the ocean.

Yemanja is the patron of motherhood and is often associated with the moon. Her colors are blue and white. Her symbols include the fan, mermaid, a silver crescent, and all things that come from the sea.

On this day in Brazil, great festivals honor Yemanja. They begin a daybreak with ocean-bound processions of singers and dancers, all expressing their love for the Goddess. Those participating carry candles and offering carved with fish to the sea shore. Thousands of candles in tiny paper boats are set afloat on the ocean as participants make wishes for the coming year.

Magickal Activity

Yemanja’s Magick Wishing Bowl

Items You Will Need:

White paper

A white enamel bowl

A blue 7-day candle

Seven white fresh chrysanthemum flowers

Blue food coloring or anil (a blueing agent)

Begin by writing your desire on the piece of white paper. Place the paper into the bottom of a white enamel bowl. Set the candle on top of the paper in the bowl, fill the bowl with water, and use the food coloring or anil to color it blue. Carefully place each chrysanthemum flower in the bowl of water, light the candle, and make your wish.

The candle must be left to burn out completely. This will take approximately seven days. At the end of this time, you must take the entire bowl (candle and all) to the nearest large body of water. Gently put the entire contents into the water along with seven silver coins. Make your wish, turn, and walk away. Do not look back.

Full Moon Ritual No. 2 (Solitary)

Solitary Full Moon Ritual

The ritual can be performormed indoors as well as out. Try to have a a type of representation of the Full Moon floating in the water, it may be made of white paper or use a white flower, so long as you cannot see its reflection.

Items you will need:a bowl of water

White paper Moon or a White flower

Raise the bowl towards the Moon in the sky and say these words;

‘Hail to thee white swan on the river. Present life, tide turner, moving
through the streams of life, all hail.
Mother of old and new days, to you, through you, this night we cling to
your aura.
Pure reflection, total in belief, touched by Your presence, I am in your
power and wisdom.
I praise Your power, your peace, my power, my peace.
I am strong, I praise, I bless.’

Replace the bowl on your altar. Stand for a few moments while appreciating the power of the Moon.

The Witches Spell for February 12th – The Boomerang Spell





Reverse any negativity or hex being sent your way.

Anoint a purple candle with Rosemary oil. On a piece of white paper write the following in black ink: ” All blocks are now removed.” Fold the paper three times. Light the candle and burn the paper in a bowl, ashtray or any fireproof dish. Invoke the power of fire and it’s elemental spirits. Repeat three times:

” Firedrakes and salamanders,

Aid me in my quest,

Protect me from all evil forms,

Turn back the negativity being sent.”

After the third repetition say:

” So mote it be.”

Boomerang Spell

Boomerang Spell


To reverse any negativity or hex being sent your way, anoint a purple candle with Rosemary oil. On a piece of white paper write the following in black ink: ” All blocks are now removed.” Fold the paper three times. Light the candle and burn the paper in a bowl, ashtray or any fireproof dish. Invoke the power of fire and it’s elemental spirits. Repeat three times:

Firedrakes and salamanders, aid me in my quest, protect me from all evil forms, turn back the negativity being sent.

After the third repetition say:

So mote it be.

Daily Feng Shui Tip for December 4th – ‘Santa’s List Day’

Santa might be checking his list twice, but you can completely bypass him by making your own list and checking it nine times! And if you check that list at three specific times during the next nine days in a row you won’t believe the gifts you’ll receive! Today is ‘Santa’s List Day,’ so take out the red pen and white paper and make a list of nine dearly held dreams and desires. Write all nine wishes out completely. Put this list under your pillow and each night before going to sleep take it out and slowly read it aloud. Visualize what your life would look like if you had already received what you’re dreaming about. Then try to think only of that list as you fall off to sleep. Read the list again as soon as you awake the next morning, giving it your undivided attention. And then read it one more time in the middle of the day. At the end of the nine days, take this ‘wish list’ outside and burn it. Santa can read the smoke signals but the joke’s on him since your dreams are already heading your way!

By Ellen Whitehurst for