WOTC Special Mini-Series Part 1 – Wheel of the Day


NE – It is just before sunrise. You begin to wake. For a moment you may wonder what day it is or even feel confused about where you are. Your mind is still in an open slate.

EAST – During sunrise or a bit after you are preparing for the day. In your mind you begin to plan. What will you get done this day and how will you do it?

SE – It is mid morning now. As you begin to carry out your plans you demonstrate ‘who you are’ in this day. You choose if you are going to display a positive or negative attitude.

SOUTH – It is noon and early afternoon. You are occupied in the activities of your day. Now is when you carry out your responsibilities to your family and your community.

SW – As your afternoon continues you realize that you cannot get everything done that you planned. You decide what you will do tomorrow. It is a time for finding balance in your day.

WEST – It is evening, The sun goes down. The active part of your day is done. You sit back and evaluate your day considering what went well and what you would do differently next time.

NW – As you retire for the night you gradually let go of thoughts about the day. Your mind becomes more receptive. You may drift between sleep and wakefulness for a while.

NORTH – It is deep in the night now. You sleep and dreams bring renewal that prepare you for the coming dawn when you will begin to travel another wheel of another day.

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February 14 – Daily Feast

February 14 – Daily Feast

Our wounds need time to heal. And when it seems the healing has done its work, protection from further hurt is necessary, because our scars are on the surface. Physical wounds are bad enough, but when they come from mental cruelty and unfair treatment, pain returns again and again to reopen what no one should have to bear. It seems almost a sacrilege to ask someone so deeply hurt to forgive those who caused it. Yet unforgiveness causes damage almost as devastating as physical wounds, or more so. There is great stress on bearing grudges and the abused do not need any new pain or new problems. Forgiveness does not set the abusive free, but the abused.

~ I was living peaceably and satisfied when people began to speak bad of me. ~


‘A Cherokee Feast of Days’, by Joyce Sequichie Hifler

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Kissy, Kissy, Kissy, Happy Valentine’s Day, My Sweets! ((Great Big Bear Hug))

Click here
You came into my life unexpectedly,
and everything took a turn for the better.
Your warm eyes, your laugh,
the sincere way you speak,
and the kindness you showed me,
all became a part of my life.

As you unfolded yourself to me,
I discovered more and more beauty.
I have never seen so much
gentleness in one person.
Without even knowing it,
you were slowly making a place
for yourself in my heart.

It used to seem so hard at times
to feel so close in a relationship.
But it’s so easy to feel close to you.
I can’t tell you how nice that feels.
I realize now that I had never known
what it meant to be loved
until I was loved by you.

– Laura Baker –

Love Poems and Quotes

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Drink 2 cups of the following tonic before turning in for the night and apply some of it to the base of your lower spine as well. By the light of a red candle, bring one quart of water
-if possible use rainwater or mountain spring water- to a boil in your “cauldron”. Add three and a half Tblsp of fenugreek seed, cover and simmer for five minutes. Remove from heat add two handfuls of savory, and then steep for an hour before using.

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Daily OM for January 27th – Fuel that Nurtures

Fuel that Nurtures

Eating Right to Feel Better

by Madisyn Taylor

What we eat and drink can have a powerful effect on our ability to focus, mental clarity, mood, and stress levels.

At its simplest, food is fuel. Though our preferences regarding taste and texture can vary widely, we all rely on the foods we eat for energy. Most people are aware that it is vital we consume a diverse assortment of foods if we aspire to maintain a state of physical well-being. However, the intimate connection between diet and our mental well-being is less understood. Just as the nutritional components in food power the body, so too do they power the mind. Some foods can impair cognitive functioning and sap our energy while others heighten our intellectual prowess and make us feel vigorous. What we eat and drink can have a powerful effect on our ability to focus, mental clarity, mood, and stress levels.

Food allergies, which don’t always manifest themselves in forms we recognize, can also play a significant role in the maintenance of mental health. Thus, for most of us, even a simple change in diet can have a profoundly positive impact on our lives. Taking the time to explore whether anxiety, muddled thoughts, or inexplicable tension can be linked to a food allergy or food sensitivity can empower you to treat your symptoms naturally. The benefits of a healthier, more personalized diet are often felt immediately. Sugar, saturated fats, wheat, and dairy products are frequently allergens and can stress the body. For people that are allergic, consuming them can cause imbalances in the physical self that have a negative effect on the body’s ability to nourish the brain. Water, fiber, nuts, unprocessed seeds, raw fruits and vegetables, and vegetable proteins, on the other hand, support physical and mental functioning by providing those nutrients we do need without additional substances we don’t.

A balanced, natural diet can ease mood swings, panic attacks, anxiety, and mild depression. Intellectual clarity and agility is improved when the mind receives proper nourishment. Even those individuals who are blessed with the ability to consume almost any food can benefit from a healthier and simpler diet. Since the mental and physical selves are closely bound to one another, we must feed each the foods upon which they thrive.

The Daily OM

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Elder’s Meditation of the Day – January 22

Elder’s Meditation of the Day – January 22

“The first factor in the revolution of consciousness is the mystic death of the ego – the death of negative thinking, negative personalities. We must purify the soul of the inner enemies. Every time a defect manifests- envy, gluttony, anger, lust, whatever-that impulse to the heart. Ask, `Do I really need to invoke this?’ And then honor the heart.”


Our egos have character defects. These character defects we sometimes act out and they invariably bring results to our lives that we might not want. If we continue to use these character defects, we will continue to have undesirable results in our lives. How do we change ourselves or get rid of a character defect We can go to the heart-ask a question, make a decision-then honor the heart. For example, say I get angry today. I would go to the heart and ask, would I rather be right or would I rather be happy? How we answer this question can have an enormous impact on how our day goes. Once we decide the answer to this question, we need to honor the heart by saying, “Thank you for the power of changing my thoughts. I choose to be happy and to experience peace of mind.”

Great Spirit, today, let me teach only love and learn only love.

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Daily Motivator for Jan. 20th – Nothing to be afraid of

Nothing to be afraid of

Failure is nothing to be afraid of. Highly successful people experience it  all the time, and they do just fine.

What will hold you back is not failure. What will hold you back is doing  nothing because you fear failure.

Say what you authentically believe, without worrying about whether or not  you’re saying the right thing. Express what you truly feel, without being  concerned about what others will think.

And by all means, take action, without fretting or procrastinating or fearing  what might or might not happen. Prepare yourself as best you know how, make  sensible, well-informed choices, and then get busy doing it.

Sometimes, the result won’t be to your liking. But you can deal with that,  and you’ll never know what works and what doesn’t until you step forward and  act.

The way to succeed at anything is to take action even though failure is a  definite possibility. Push yourself constantly forward into action, and make a  beautiful, unique difference in life.

— Ralph Marston

Daily Motivator


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Your Charm for January 13 is The Heart

Your  Charm for January 13th is The Heart

The Heart

 Today’s Meaning:       

A course of events that cannot be altered has been set in motion within this aspect. Accept whatever happens in the near future and do not waste your time fretting about it–you can do nothing.         

General Description:        

This was a favourite charm in Egypt, worn in order to frustrate magicians, sorcerers and evil wishers from bewitching the wearer and stealing the soul from the heart; for it was the general belief that if the soul left the heart, the boy would soon fade away and perish. The ancient Egyptians also believed that, after death, the heart was taken, in the underworld, and weighed against the symbols of the law; if found perfect, it was restored to the body, which at once came to life again and enjoyed everlasting felicity

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A Good Blessed Monday To All My Family & Friends!

Celtic & British Isles Graphics

Goddess, help me to let go of fear

And embrace acceptance

To remember that we are all your children

The same underneath

No matter how different we may seem

Help me to see more clearly

What we have in common

And to open my mind and heart

To what makes me comfortable

For love is the law and the rule

And in Your Eyes

We are all beautiful and accepted
And equally loved.

So Mote It Be

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Happy & Blessed Thursday to all my dear family & friends!

I hope everyone is having a great day. I am sorry we are running late. I went back to sleep this morning. This is the first morning we have actually had snow. Believe it or not, after almost dying from the “virus” I played in the snow for about 5 minutes. Enough for me, it is about 10 degrees here. I came back in and curled up and went back to sleep. Nobody came and knocked at the door to wake me up. Come to find out, we were all asleep. I’m sorry but there is something about getting cold and then warming up.

Now let’s see how fast we can get this publication going………

Luv & Hugs,

Lady A


Daily OM for December 30th – Owning Your Tendencies

Owning Your Tendencies

Understanding All Sides

by Madisyn Taylor


Looking at only one side of our life can make us blind to the many other ways of looking at our situation.


Whenever we examine our lives, we examine them from a particular side or angle. Most of us tend to favor one side over the others. For example, we may tend to look at things from an emotional perspective rather than a financial perspective, or we may prefer to think in terms of details rather than the big picture, or vice versa. To a certain degree, this is not a problem, and these tendencies add color to our individual personalities. However, they can also make us one-sided, blind to the many other ways of looking at our situation. Even if we have decided that we are most happy when we focus on one particular side of things, it is always worth exploring the other sides. When we do, we become well rounded, more understanding of other viewpoints, and even more solid in our own.

Perhaps you are a person who tends to see your life in terms of your spiritual well-being. As a result, other concerns such as financial comfort or social standing may not be prominent in your mind as you make decisions. However, taking just a moment to consider those angles will help you in several ways. One, it will enable you to see more clearly what your priorities are and how they influence your life situation. Two, it will enhance your sense of confidence, because you will see your situation from all sides, even as you choose one. And three, it will help you communicate with others about who you are and what you are doing, because you will come from a place of understanding that your own biases and tendencies are unique as are theirs.

Most of us instinctively come at things from a particular angle, and in many cases this is the right way for us. Still, understanding the other angles only strengthens us. When we look at our lives from all sides, we shed light on the big picture, giving ourselves access to many points of view and highlighting more clearly the one we have chosen to take.

Daily OM

Good Sunday Afternoon Dear Family & Friends!

Good afternoon, dear family & friends! How is everyone doing today? I hope super. I would like to thank everyone for their emails of concern to us. I have to admit we have been gone away to long. We have never let an active site of ours’ go down like this one did. I apologize for that. We have all been deathly ill with some sort of flu or virus. I know one thing, if you haven’t had it yet, hide, run for your life, leave the country (do I sound extreme, lol!). I can laugh now but I wasn’t doing much laughing with my head hung in the toilet. Bad, bad, bad experience. But the bug hit us, one right after the other. I have never seen anything like it. I know I was watching the local News and they said Kentucky was at its’ peak for the flu. I just wish they would tell me something I didn’t already know! I do feel better but I am not a 100% yet.

We are going to try to get the show back on the road tomorrow. Hopefully, we can get back to normal sometime soon. But like I always say, “what’s normal for us, huh?” Perhaps when Spring gets here, we will get back to normal then. I honestly hope it doesn’t take that long. :s If it does, I am going to dig me a hole and climb in. I hate being sick. I hate having my daily routine interrupted also. Speaking of which for the last two weeks my routine has been laying around on the couch moaning and groaning. I think the couch is calling my name now!

I hate to run but like I said I don’t feel 100% yet. I am going to go lay back down and hopefully tomorrow we will see you with bright, shiny faces. Thank you again for all of your concern and please keep us in your prayers.

Luv & Hugs,

Lady A

More Happy Holidays Comments

Your Charm For December 11th is The Tau Cross

 Your Charm For Today

The Tau Cross 

Today’s Meaning:

 A journey that you or someone close to you must make will have a positive influence on this aspect. This trip may be over a great distance.

General Description:

This charm was worn by the ancients to protect the wearer against disease and snake bites. The Jews used it as an amulet for epilepsy and erysipelas. It is still used in Ireland as a talisman against sickness. The Tau is one of the most ancient crosses and the forerunner of the Latin Cross. Moses used the Tau Cross with the brazen serpent attached, to save the Children of Israel in the wilderness from the attacks of the fiery serpents. The Cross has always been the symbol of life eternal. It was this mark, the Tau Cross, that was placed upon the foreheads of those exempted from Divine wrath in Jerusalem.

Daily Motivator for Dec. 2nd – Build great strength

Build great strength

Don’t run from failure or hide from failure or avoid the possibility of  failure. Use failure to improve.

If you’re not willing to fail, you won’t be able to grow. To become stronger  and more capable, you must push yourself beyond what you already know you can  do.

It is only by lifting more weight than you’ve lifted before that you  strengthen your muscles. It is by experiencing failure that you discover new  ways to succeed.

Failure and disappointment can serve as powerful steps along the path to  magnificent achievement. In dealing with the difficult times, you build great  strength with which to create good, meaningful, satisfying and fulfilling value  in your world.

Success means nothing if it is not earned. Failure is an important part of  earning success.

The road to achievement will constantly test you. Be willing to take those  tests, and to work through those tests, and achievement is yours.

— Ralph Marston

The Daily Motivator

Dream Journey To Manifest Your Desires

 Dream Journey To Manifest Your Desires

Use this journey to help you manifest an important personal goal.

Just before you go to sleep, lay back skyclad and get as comfortable as you can. Shift your body slightly to get even more comfortable. Take a few deep breaths to center your awareness. Now, imagine you are a star of white light in the night sky. Merge into the starlight and become the head and limbs of a five-pointed star. Transform into a luminous star body and a disk of brillant light. Direct your starlight toward one person goal. Use your intention and breath to focus your awareness completely on that goal. Allow your feeling and energy to move your goal to its desired outcome. Move into the future for a moment and actually imagine successfully manifesting the results you desire. Merge with that desired outcome as deeply as you can for at least fifteen minutes. When you are done, drift to sleep.

Daily Feng Shui News for Nov 26th – ‘Pins & Needles’

We’ve all experienced the tingling sensation known as pins and needles. This is actually the result of defective neuro-transmissions, and it’s especially prevalent if you’ve stayed in one position for a prolonged period of time. One effective holistic treatment that I personally know works is to take magnesium supplementation. Magnesium is a mineral that is essential for an optimally working nervous system and for enhancing blood circulation. Start taking this supplement and the only pins and needles you’ll have are those you use for sewing.

By Ellen Whitehurst for Astrology.com

Daily OM for November 20th – Healing with Hurt

Healing with Hurt
Using Your Pain to Help Others

by Madisyn Taylor

You can channel your pain into helping others and spreading a tide of curative energy throughout the world.

Pain is a fact of being and one that permeates all of our lives to some degree. Since the hurt we feel may be a part of the experiences that have touched us most deeply, we are often loathe to let it go. It is frequently easier to keep our pain at our sides, where it a

cts as a shield that shelters us from others and gives us an identity—that of victim—from which we can draw bitter strength. However, pain’s universality can also empower us to use our hurt to help others heal. Since no pain is any greater or more profound than any other, what you feel can give you the ability to help bring about the recovery of individuals whose hurts are both similar to and vastly different from your own. You can channel your pain into transformative and healing love that aids you in helping individuals on a one-to-one basis and spreading a tide of curative energy throughout the world.

The capacity to heal others evolves naturally within those who are ready to disassociate themselves from their identity as victims. In fact, the simple decision to put aside the pain we have carried is what grants us the strength to redeem that pain through service. There are many ways to use the hurt you feel to help others. Your pain gives you a unique insight into the minds of people who have experienced trauma and heartache. You can draw from the wellspring of strength that allowed you to emerge on the other side of a painful experience and pass that strength to individuals still suffering from their wounds. You may be able to council individuals in need by showing them the coping methods that have helped you survive or simply by offering sympathy. A kinship can develop that allows you to relate more closely with those you are trying to aid and comfort.

Helping others can be a restorative experience that makes your own heart grow stronger. In channeling your pain into compassionate service and watching others successfully recover, you may feel a sense of euphoria that leads to increased feelings of self-worth and optimism. Your courageous decision to reach out to others can be the best way to declare to yourself and the world that your pain didn’t defeat you, and in fact it helped you heal.

The Witches’ Spell for Nov. 9th – Cursed or Blessed



You need:

Piece of burlap

piece of wool

piece of silk

Some polished stones (polished) from a river or stream

A live leaf

A bowl of fruit and/or bread

A dead branch

Lay the silk, wool and burlap at the foot of your bed in that order. About 5 feet from the foot of your bed, toward the left, lay the branch. About 5 feet from the foot of your bead, toward the right, place the bowl.  The branch is the barren curse and the bowl is the bountiful life that withers the curse.  Lay one stone on each cloth then lay a path from the wool, straight down the center, between the bowl and the branch.  The stones must touch. At the end lay the leaf.  By laying the stones, you show respect for the fates and the balance of life.  Light three candles and incense and meditate over the rite.  Sleep without touching the items.  When you wake, watch how much the stones have moved.  If they bias the branch, you are cursed.  If they bias the bowl, you are blessed.  If it doesn’t move, no outside force is affecting you.  If you are cursed, how far it has moved will determine the strength of the curse. Reset the path, and that night, light the three candles and the incense and meditate again over the rite.  Sleep again without touching anything. The path should have moved less than the first time.  Repeat this every night until the path stays in the middle.  Next, move the path toward the bowl following the same meditation and sleep process as before.  Continue this every night until the path stays at the bowl.  When it has done so, you may complete the rite.  Touch nothing, but for the three following nights, meditate over the rite, to seal your new fate.  The stones must be returned to the river or stream where you got them from .  The branch must be returned to the forest floor where you found it, and the leaf cast to the wind.  The bowl of fruit must be eaten,  and the cloth must be saved in a dark place, undisturbed.


Daily OM for October 9th – Restorative Slumber

Restorative Slumber

The Importance of Napping

by Madisyn Taylor

A short nap during the afternoon is common in many countries and can provide an energy boost and clearer senses.

As we focus on the many obligations we gladly undertake in order to create the lives we want, sleep is often the first activity that we sacrifice. We’re compelled by both external and internal pressures to be productive during many of our waking hours. While this can lead to great feats of accomplishment, it also disrupts the body’s natural cycles and leaves us craving rest. Napping represents a pleasurable remedy to this widespread sleep deprivation. Though judged by many as a pastime of little children or the lazy, the need for a nap is a trait that all mammals share and an acceptable part of the day in many countries. It is also a free and effortless way to improve our health and lift our spirits. A nap is relaxing and can improve our mood, vision, reflexes, and memory.

Lack of sleep, whether ongoing or the result of a single night’s wakefulness, puts stress on the body and mind. It can negatively impact your physical and mental health. At one time, napping was considered a natural part of life. In the past hundred years, however, electricity and modern conveniences have provided us with more time to engage in personal and professional activities. Consequently there is now less time for sleep. A mere ten minutes of sleep in the middle of the day can leave you feeling more cheerful and alert. A half-hour long nap can sharpen your senses and refresh your energy reserves, and a shorter nap can even sustain you through a long day. Napping can help you make up for lost sleep and serves as a supplement to your usual sleep schedule. You may need to give yourself permission to nap by making naptime a part of your day.

Feelings of guilt about napping or being preoccupied with other activities can keep you awake when you are trying to take a nap. If you need help, surround yourself with soft pillows and blankets or soothing music. Try to take a nap at the same time each day and use an alarm clock to ensure that you don’t fall into too deep a sleep. Learning to nap and enjoying its benefits can help you reclaim your natural right to nap. You nourish your being every time you take a nap.

The Daily OM

Daily Feng Shui News for Oct. 3rd – ‘Virus Appreciation Day’

On ‘Virus Appreciation Day’ I can tell you that I turn to Sambucol whenever a virus is running rampant in our house. This amazing black elderberry extract can actually short-circuit both viral and cold/flu symptoms. Holistic expert and director of Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, Dr. Andrew Weill, says that ‘Sambucol is for treatment, not for prevention.’ But only the extract works to eliminate viruses, colds and flu, so put that bottle of elderberry wine away. But always keep a bottle of Elderberry Sambucol somewhere handy. Forget an apple a day — this will really keep the doctor away.

By Ellen Whitehurst for Astrology.com