The Witches Almanac for Tuesday, November 24th

halloween rite

The Witches Almanac for Tuesday, November 24th

Tuesday (Mars): Passion, sex, courage, aggression, and protection.

Feast of the Burning Lamps (Egyptian)


Waxing Moon

The Waxing Moon (from the New Moon to the Full) is the ideal time for magic to draw things toward you.

Moon phase: Second Quarter

Moon Sign: Taurus

Taurus: Things begun now last the longest, tend to increase in value, and become hard to alter. Brings out appreciation for beauty and sensory experience.

Incense: Basil

Color: Gray


Your Daily Influences for November 9th

Your Daily Influences
November 9, 2015



Ace of Pentacles
Prosperity, pleasure and beauty can be realized.










Berkano is the Rune of birth and rebirth. This may symbolize a time when you are capable of great personal growth. Love may be in the air as well.




Scorpio the Scorpion
This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is determined, forceful, emotional, intuitive, powerful, passionate, exciting and magnetic. This person is probably an acquaintance you made at work.







Your Daily Influences represent events and challenges the current day will present for you. They may represent opportunities you should be ready to seize. Or they may forewarn you of problems you may be able to avoid or lessen. Generally it is best to use them as tips to help you manage your day and nothing more.

Your Daily Influences for November 6th

Your Daily Influences
November 6th, 2015


Ace of Pentacles
Prosperity, pleasure and beauty can be realized.










Berkano is the Rune of birth and rebirth. This may symbolize a time when you are capable of great personal growth. Love may be in the air as well.




Scorpio the Scorpion
This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is determined, forceful, emotional, intuitive, powerful, passionate, exciting and magnetic. This person is probably an acquaintance you made at work.







Your Daily Influences represent events and challenges the current day will present for you. They may represent opportunities you should be ready to seize. Or they may forewarn you of problems you may be able to avoid or lessen. Generally it is best to use them as tips to help you manage your day and nothing more.

Your Daily Influences for June 29th

Your Daily Influences
June 29, 2015


Ace of Pentacles
Prosperity, pleasure and beauty can be realized.










Berkano is the Rune of birth and rebirth. This may symbolize a time when you are capable of great personal growth. Love may be in the air as well.




Scorpio the Scorpion
This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is determined, forceful, emotional, intuitive, powerful, passionate, exciting and magnetic. This person is probably an acquaintance you made at work.







Your Daily Influences represent events and challenges the current day will present for you. They may represent opportunities you should be ready to seize. Or they may forewarn you of problems you may be able to avoid or lessen. Generally it is best to use them as tips to help you manage your day and nothing more.

Kissy, Kissy, Kissy, Happy Valentine’s Day, My Sweets! ((Great Big Bear Hug))

Click here
You came into my life unexpectedly,
and everything took a turn for the better.
Your warm eyes, your laugh,
the sincere way you speak,
and the kindness you showed me,
all became a part of my life.

As you unfolded yourself to me,
I discovered more and more beauty.
I have never seen so much
gentleness in one person.
Without even knowing it,
you were slowly making a place
for yourself in my heart.

It used to seem so hard at times
to feel so close in a relationship.
But it’s so easy to feel close to you.
I can’t tell you how nice that feels.
I realize now that I had never known
what it meant to be loved
until I was loved by you.

– Laura Baker –

Love Poems and Quotes

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The Witches Magick for January 20th – Jinx Removal Mojo Bag

Witchy Comments & Graphics
The Witches Magick for January 20th

Jinx Removal Mojo Bag

Red flannel bag
Broken chain
Skull charm or image
Bone charm or image
Cat’s Eye shell
Pinch of Five Finger Grass

This jinx removal bag is to be carried on your body to remove jinxes or crossed conditions and to prevent any new ones.

In addition to the items listed you may add a few strands of your hair, a few strands of your mother’s hair (for a mother’s protection) or a pinch of dirt from your front yard. Use the dirt from your yard only if you own or a family member owns the home where you live.

To fix the bag, breathe onto it several times, you may add a personal prayer for protection and safety.

Feed the bag with Cleanse Negativity Oil:

¼  ounce Carrier oil
3 drops Orange
2 drops Lemongrass
2 drops Lemon
2 drops Lime
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Yule Soap

Yule Soap

1 cup grated unscented soap

1/4 cup hot water

1 tbsp. apricot oil

1 tbsp. chamomile

1/2 tbsp. rosemary

1/2 tbsp. ginger

6 drops frankincense oil

6 drops myrrh oil

3 drops cinnamon oil

Place grated soap in a heat-proof non-metallic container and add the hot water and apricot oil. Leave until it is cool enough to handle, and then mix together with your hands. If the soap is floating on the water, add more soap. Leave to sit for 10 minutes, mixing occasionally, until the soap is soft and mushy. Once the soap, water, and oil are blended completely, add the dry ingredients. Once the mixture is cool, then add the essential oils (essential oils evaporate quickly in heat). Enough essential oils should be added to overcome the original scent of the soap. Blend thoroughly and then divide the soap mixture into four to six pieces. Squeeze the soaps, removing as much excess water as possible into the shape you desire, and tie in a cheesecloth. Hang in a warm, dry place until the soap is completely hard and dry.

Recipe adapted from Kate West’s The Real Witches’ Kitchen Sabbat Soap recipe.

Daily Feng Shui For Dec. 9th – ‘Weary Willie Day!’

It’s the holidays and I would bet that he’s not the only one who feels this way, but I thought I’d share a quick and easy pick-me-up on ‘Weary Willie Day.’ Put a few drops of refreshing and restorative peppermint essential oil on a cotton ball and breathe deeply for a super quick mood lift. Or you can add three drops to a warm bath to rejuvenate and restore as well. Mixed with distilled water and sprayed around your living space will enliven your place, but just be careful to never use it before sleep. Inhale this essential oil late at night and the only place that you’ll be slipping off to will be the club.

By Ellen Whitehurst for

Lipstick Magick

Lipstick Magick

This seductive spell will leave a lasting impression on the one you love.

You will need red lipstick or lip balm such as chapstick (for men), your love and a thornless red rose.

After dark, write I LOVE YOU! On your bathroom mirror with the lipstick or chapstick. Also kiss the mirror a few times, each time applying new lipstick or chapstick. Draw a couple of stars and hearts and other magickal symbols. Now pull your lover into the bedroom. Greet him or her with a red rose (minus the thorns). Draw the rose softly along his or her cheek and then stroke your lover’s neck and throat with the soft petals and say:

“Your eyes are the stars in my skies

Your lips are the strawberries of my soul

Your kisses are the candy that I crave.”

Now tuck the rose in the front of your lover’s shirt or top, and kiss him or her with intense passion so that you can feel the spark and fire run through your body and your lover’s body. Continue to make love and have a blissful evening of love. Leave the message on the mirror for a moon cycle. You and your lover will enjoy reading the message and remembering your night of blissful love.

The Witches Magick for Oct. 27th – Pouch To Heal The Heart Chakra


Pouch To Heal The Heart Chakra

Materials Needed: green candle, rose water essential oil, rose incense, green fabric, pink thread, needle, red paper heart, lavender, bay leaf, rosemary, and a rose quartz.

Spell: To be performed during the waxing moon with the moon in the sign of Taurus. Anoint candle with rose water while the purpose is stated, and light candle. Incense is now lit. Next anoint heart chakra with the rose water along with

the green cloth. The red heart is made and then anointed with rose water. Touch the heart to your heart then place it on

the cloth. Then add a bay leaf, lavender, rosemary, and the rose quartz. Anoint the thread with rose water. Sowed the pouch closed. Hold the pouch over the candle and incense. Touch it to your heart chakra and then hold it in your hands.

All the while thinking healing thoughts directed towards your heart. Sleep with it under your pillow and when needed carry it on your person. When your heart chakra feels stronger or the pouch has weakened bury it. Blessed Be!

Submitted By Vila

From GrannyMoon’s Morning Feast Archives


A Little Humor for Oct. 21st – The guide for women

The guide for women


I’m hungry.

I’m sleepy.

I’m tired.

Get out of the way and stay away until it clears.

I don’t see why you’re making such a big deal out of this.

What meaningless self-inflicted psychological trauma are you going through now?

I liked it better before.

$50 and it doesn’t look that much different!

For $50 they should have GIVEN YOU hair!

I’m trying to impress you by showing you that I am a deep person, and maybe then you’d like to have sex with me.

I want to make it illegal for you to have sex with other guys.

I might as well get tax benefits for going through these talks.

Your Ancient Symbol Card for October 16th is The Swan

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today

The Swan

The elegant Swan is an ideal symbol of beauty and grace. Its flowing curves and fluid movement give an ethereal air of perfection realized. The Swan’s beauty embodies the feminine (Yin) qualities of intuition and sensitivity. But The Swan does not begin life as a creature who appears to be the creation of divine inspiration. Indeed at birth The Swan is an ungainly creature that lacks any indications of the magnificent being it is destined to become. The Swan’s transformation from ordinary to extraordinary have made it an emblem of discovering the beauty and power of your true self.

As a daily card, The Swan is a reminder of the beauty, creativity and power your true self embodies. In this period it is best to let the real you rule and be known to all–to remember who you really are and what you are really about. The Swan also marks a time when your creative powers may be at their zenith.

A Little Humor for Your Day – An Ode To Old Age

An ode to old age

There’s quite an art to falling apart as the years go by,
And life doesn’t begin at 40. That’s a big fat lie.
My hair’s getting thinner, my body is not;
The few teeth I have are beginning to rot.

I smell of Vick’s-Vapo-Rub, not Chanel # 5;
My new pacemaker’s all that keeps me alive.
When asked of my past, every detail I’ll know,
But what was I doing 10 minutes ago?

Well, you get the idea, what more can I say?
I’m off to read the obituary, like I do every day;
If my names not there, I’ll once again start –
Perfecting the art of falling apart

Honey Hair Conditioner/Treatment

Honey Hair Conditioner/Treatment


½ cup of honey

2 tablespoons to ¼ cup olive oil, depending on how dry/damaged your hair/scalp is.

Combine together, mix well and saturate hair and scalp. Put on a shower cap on (or use a towel wrapped around your head, if you dnn’t have a shower cap)keeping the treatment on for 30 minutes. Then shampoo, and rinse as usual.

~Glowing Hair Coffee Rinse Recipe~

~Glowing Hair Coffee Rinse Recipe~

This is another recipe that I have not tried, but it looks interesting. Supposedly, this really works for great hair, after just one application. Make a strong brew of coffee, as strong as possible and then allow it to cool until it is warm…not hot. Apply to dry hair and keep it on for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

~Hair Mousse~

~Hair Mousse~

I have seen this next recipe, all over the Internet for years and have even seen it in books. I will admit that I have never used it before, but for those of you who would like an all-natural hair mousse, I hope you find this one enjoyable if you don’t mind the time it takes to make it.


2 egg whites

Beat the egg whites until they hold stiff peaks and then rub into hair, allow hair to dry, and then style as usual. From what I understand, this makes one treatment and being as you are dealing with eggs; that’s really all you need. One treatment at a time is probably your safest bet.

Daily OM for September 11 – Discovering True Selves

Discovering True Selves

Soul Seeing

by Madisyn Taylor

The soul is the purest expression of an individual and is not bound by physical forms or fleeting emotions.

When we want to see deeply into the heart and mind of another person, soul seeing, also called soul gazing, allows us to see their soul. The soul is the purest expression of an individual and is not bound by physical forms or fleeting emotions. Through a simple art that involves lo

oking deeply into a partner’s eyes, soul seeing can show you a person’s inner beauty that you might otherwise miss. It is possible for someone who appears cold to have a warm, giving, nurturing soul or someone of average appearance to have a beautiful soul. Soul seeing is a way of looking past shapes, sizes, attitudes, and behavior to see the real individual that lies beneath the surface. It allows you to see the true essence of another person, the radiance of their being, and their spirit within.

Soul seeing is accomplished by sitting face to face with another person. It is helpful to first state your intention before you begin. As you stare softly into each other’s eyes without stopping to look away, each of your souls is revealed to the other. Try not to look for anything in particular or seek traits you’re hoping to find. Simply let the other person’s soul reveal itself to you. After twenty minutes have passed, stay where you are and share a period of silent reflection with your partner for two minutes. You may have suddenly seen your partner’s inner nature as clearly as a bright day, or you may need to meditate on your experience before you feel comfortable with your impressions. Either way, soul seeing can be a wonderfully intimate and shared experience.

So little of who each of us is can be captured by our appearance or personality. The thoughts, fears, desires, and longings that are part of what makes us whole are not always written across our faces. Often, the most surprising thing you may learn while soul seeing is that while you and the other person may appear on the surface to be quite different, you actually share many of the same inner qualities. And then there is the unique beauty that resides within that is longing to be revealed to another who is willing to see. Soul seeing can help you experience the people in your life as they truly are, beyond any mental barriers or physical limitations.

What Mask Do You Wear? Quiz

What Mask Do You Wear? Quiz

One of the first steps toward creating a life that fills us with joy and  contentment is recognizing the role we play that may be keeping us confined in  unhappy, unsatisfying patterns of behavior. Most of us learned our roles early  in childhood, but after a certain point, those masks we wear stopped helping us.  Which mask do you wear?

Take this quiz to see which role you play. You may recognize the masks your  loved ones wear, too!

1. Do you often find yourself thinking, “It should be like THIS” or “They’re  doing it WRONG”?

2. Does your striving for perfection sometimes drive you crazy?

3. Do you feel like you will never be good enough?

4. Do you often tell yourself, “I can’t help it” or “It’s not my fault”?

5. Do you find yourself looking to the past and thinking, “It would have been  alright if only. . .”

6. Do you look to the future and think “Everything will be alright  when. . .”

7. Do you sometimes do things because you think you should or you feel  obligated to, but you really don’t want to?

8. Do you commonly tell yourself that making others happy is more important  than what you need or feel?

9. Do you often say yes when you really want to say no?

10. Do you often rush in to help people and fix it for them?

If you answered “yes” to 1, 2 or 3, you may be wearing the mask of the  Judge. The Judge is the mouthpiece of the Demon of Perfection that says,  no matter how good it gets, it will never be good enough.

If you answered “yes” to 4, 5, or 6, you may be wearing the mask of the  Victim. The Victim makes up “poor me” stories and is rarely in a state of  gratitude or in the present moment.

If you answered “yes” to 7, 8, 9, 10, or 11, you may be wearing the mask of  the Prostitute/Rescuer. The Prostitute pretends to be anything you want  her to be, compromising herself to get what she wants–which is usually love and  acceptance. She hides the truth of how she really feels. The Rescuer is the more  respectable face of this mask–the Nurse endlessly mopping the brows of the  wounded, the Hero rushing in to make everything better. The problem with this  mask is that it subtly (or not so subtly!) tells people, “I don’t respect you  enough to believe you can do this yourself.”

There is no shame in having learned to play one of these roles. Most of us  did. But we can all learn how to gently put aside the masks that hide our  authentic selves.



January…. Garnet is known as the stone of health. Use this stone to ensure stability and encourage success.

February…. Amethyst is known as the happy stone. Wearing this stone will bring you peace and harmony.

March…. Aquamarine was originally given to sailors to ensure a safe voyage at sea. This stone brings courage to the wearer.

April…. The Diamond represents life, joy and innocence. Wearing this stone enhances confidence, trust, and love.

May…. Emerald is known as the nature stone. This stone brings serenity and peace of mind.

June…. The Pearl represents youth. Wear pearls for truth.

July…. The Ruby represents wealth. It is said the wearer of the ruby will never have to want for money & will always be content.

August…. Peridot is the stone of Understanding. This stone will help shed light on a situation. Wearing this stone will help keep you ‘right on track.

September…. Sapphire is the stone of purity. Wearing this stone will help balance the physical and emotional parts of your life.

October…. Tourmaline is the stone of Truth. Wear this stone to dispel fear and to enhance insights.

November…. Topaz is the stone of goodness & faith. This stone increases creativity and feelings of joy. To inspire bright ideas, wearing the Topaz would be perfect. 

December…. Turquoise is known as the “magical stone” for the stone changes color over a period of time. This stone brings hope and victory to the wearer.

Daily Motivator for August 22nd – Somewhere special

Somewhere special

You don’t have to go somewhere special to be somewhere special. Wherever you  happen to be has a unique and valuable beauty all its own.

You don’t have to do anything special to experience how truly great and  special life is. Even in the ordinary things there is always extraordinary  richness to be found.

Just the sensation of the warm sun on your skin is amazing. And that’s  something you can feel anywhere on the face of the Earth.

There’s no need to wait until some special moment to experience life in all  its glory. The fact is, you can make any moment special just by giving your love  and authenticity to it.

Look around you, wherever you are, and you’ll see plenty of opportunities for  fulfillment. What makes life special is your choice to live it fully.

Allow yourself to feel the wonder, to drink in the beauty and to experience  the special time and place where you are. Life is always special, so live it  accordingly.

— Ralph Marston

Daily Motivator