Your Venus Sign – Explore the erotic style of Venus in every zodiac sign

Your Venus Sign

Explore the erotic style of Venus in every zodiac sign

Tarotcom StaffTarotcom Staff on the topics of venus, love, astrology


Venus is the planet of beauty, art and love, ruling over romance, partnerships, sex and style. Yeah, baby!

As Venus moves through each zodiac sign, the love planet takes on a slightly different erotic personality. For example, in Aries love gets bold, while in Cancer it gets cozy.

And if you know what zodiac sign Venus is in currently (it moves from one zodiac sign to the next in about one month), it can help you deal with matters of the heart more successfully.

Here’s a quick glance at the style of love and flirting Venus has in every zodiac sign:

Venus in Aries is all fire! Expect passion, enthusiasm and some rough handling!

Venus in Taurus is sensuous and affectionate. You like to feel secure in love, so take your time and build up your passion slow, steady and strong.

Venus in Gemini is talkative and curious. Make mental connections with your partner to turn them on.

Venus in Cancer is nurturing and attentive. You love to please your partner, and are super sentimental.

Venus in Leo is creative and affectionate. When in love, you radiate joy toward your partner and the surrounding world!

Venus in Virgo is practical, and very focused on your partner’s needs. You strive for perfection in relationships.

Venus in Libra is energetic and partnership oriented. Your relationships are harmonious, and sex is an art performed with style.

Venus in Scorpio is sizzling and intense. Your passion is powerful, but you can be possessive and controlling in love.

Venus in Sagittarius is feisty! You’re friendly and flirtatious, and love is an adventure you’re eager to explore

Venus in Capricorn is cool on the outside, but hot to trot inside. You take your time with matters of the heart, but you’re as dedicated to your lover as you are to your work.

Venus in Aquarius is a quirky lover who is turned on by intellectual matters. You can be cool and detached, but open minded and experimental in bed.

Venus in Pisces is built for intimacy, and you’re willing to please your partner in every way. You’re a creative and dreamy lover, expressing your feelings in word and song.

What Mask Do You Wear? Quiz

What Mask Do You Wear? Quiz

One of the first steps toward creating a life that fills us with joy and  contentment is recognizing the role we play that may be keeping us confined in  unhappy, unsatisfying patterns of behavior. Most of us learned our roles early  in childhood, but after a certain point, those masks we wear stopped helping us.  Which mask do you wear?

Take this quiz to see which role you play. You may recognize the masks your  loved ones wear, too!

1. Do you often find yourself thinking, “It should be like THIS” or “They’re  doing it WRONG”?

2. Does your striving for perfection sometimes drive you crazy?

3. Do you feel like you will never be good enough?

4. Do you often tell yourself, “I can’t help it” or “It’s not my fault”?

5. Do you find yourself looking to the past and thinking, “It would have been  alright if only. . .”

6. Do you look to the future and think “Everything will be alright  when. . .”

7. Do you sometimes do things because you think you should or you feel  obligated to, but you really don’t want to?

8. Do you commonly tell yourself that making others happy is more important  than what you need or feel?

9. Do you often say yes when you really want to say no?

10. Do you often rush in to help people and fix it for them?

If you answered “yes” to 1, 2 or 3, you may be wearing the mask of the  Judge. The Judge is the mouthpiece of the Demon of Perfection that says,  no matter how good it gets, it will never be good enough.

If you answered “yes” to 4, 5, or 6, you may be wearing the mask of the  Victim. The Victim makes up “poor me” stories and is rarely in a state of  gratitude or in the present moment.

If you answered “yes” to 7, 8, 9, 10, or 11, you may be wearing the mask of  the Prostitute/Rescuer. The Prostitute pretends to be anything you want  her to be, compromising herself to get what she wants–which is usually love and  acceptance. She hides the truth of how she really feels. The Rescuer is the more  respectable face of this mask–the Nurse endlessly mopping the brows of the  wounded, the Hero rushing in to make everything better. The problem with this  mask is that it subtly (or not so subtly!) tells people, “I don’t respect you  enough to believe you can do this yourself.”

There is no shame in having learned to play one of these roles. Most of us  did. But we can all learn how to gently put aside the masks that hide our  authentic selves.



January…. Garnet is known as the stone of health. Use this stone to ensure stability and encourage success.

February…. Amethyst is known as the happy stone. Wearing this stone will bring you peace and harmony.

March…. Aquamarine was originally given to sailors to ensure a safe voyage at sea. This stone brings courage to the wearer.

April…. The Diamond represents life, joy and innocence. Wearing this stone enhances confidence, trust, and love.

May…. Emerald is known as the nature stone. This stone brings serenity and peace of mind.

June…. The Pearl represents youth. Wear pearls for truth.

July…. The Ruby represents wealth. It is said the wearer of the ruby will never have to want for money & will always be content.

August…. Peridot is the stone of Understanding. This stone will help shed light on a situation. Wearing this stone will help keep you ‘right on track.

September…. Sapphire is the stone of purity. Wearing this stone will help balance the physical and emotional parts of your life.

October…. Tourmaline is the stone of Truth. Wear this stone to dispel fear and to enhance insights.

November…. Topaz is the stone of goodness & faith. This stone increases creativity and feelings of joy. To inspire bright ideas, wearing the Topaz would be perfect. 

December…. Turquoise is known as the “magical stone” for the stone changes color over a period of time. This stone brings hope and victory to the wearer.

Gemstone of the Day for November 24th is Tourmaline

Gemstone of the Day




Causes the wearer to be more flexible, more understanding and more objective in purpose and reason. Calming. Each person has a different response to this stone. Causes a reaction in the intestinal tract. Black and Crystal- removes negativity and cleanses. Some say it should not be worn as jewelry. Electric and magnetic properties