Witchcraft Symbols, Terms and Definitions – Valknut

The Norse Valknut: True Origins & Meanings of the Triangle Knotfrom nordicperspective.com

The symbol we today call Valknut, or Valknútr, has long captured the fascination of people interested in Norse mythology and Viking culture. With its distinctive interwoven triangles, this symbol has been found on a variety of ancient artifacts, and has been the subject of much speculation and study. But what does the Valknut actually mean? Was it actually called Valknútr? Where did it originally come from? And was it really used by the Vikings? Let’s delve into the mysterious origins and meanings of the Valknútr and explore its place in Norse mythology, as well as its links to other symbols and enduring legacy in our modern world.

As you will learn in this article, the symbol we call Valknut may have had a completely different name during the Viking Age, i.e. when it started appearing on stones, jewelry, and wooden objects in and around Scandinavia. What that name is we do not know, so for the sake of simplicity I will refer to it as the Valknut throughout the article.

Table of contents

The Appearance of the Valknut, Earliest Known Use & Associations

Valknut Etymology: Origins and Alternative Names

What Does the Valknut Actually Mean and Symbolize? Explaining All the Theories

    1. A Symbol of the Power of Odin to Bind and Unbind the Fates of Men (The Most Likely Theory)
    2. A Symbol of The Heart of Hrungnir or Heart of the Slain (The Heart Theory)
    3. A Symbol of the Ideal, Steady Heart of the Brave Slain Hero, Dead Warriors, or That of a Worthy Adversary (The Romantic Theory)
    4. A Symbol of Life, Death, and Eternity (The Universal Theory)
    5. A Germanic Symbol of Prestige & Riches (The Scaetta Theory)
    6. A Symbol of The Nine Worlds (The Neo-Pagan Theory)

Different variations of the Valknut symbol

    1. Unicursal Valknut
    2. Tricursal Valknut

Symbols Connected to the Valknut

    1. The Triquetra of Celtic Mythology
    2. Symbols Related to Valknut in Slavic Mythology

Valknut Tattoo Designs

The Valknut in Modern-day Logotypes

    1. The German Football Association (Deutsche Fußball Bund)
    2. The massive Swedish forestry company SCA

Misappropriation of the Valknut

Common Questions

    1. Can I wear a Valknut or will it be misinterpreted by others?
    2. Why do people get Valknut tattoos?
    3. Is the Valknut authentic?
    4. Did Vikings use the Valknut?

Magick Symbols – ELEMENTS c. 2018


The four basic elements to many pagans are earth, water, air (wind or spirit) and fire. Many consider the first two passive and feminine—and the last two active and masculine. In Wiccan or Native American rituals, the “quartered circle” (similar to the Medicine Wheel) represents a “sacred space” or the sacred earth. The four lines may represent the spirits of the four primary directions or the spirits of the earth, water, wind and fire.

Witchcraft Symbols, Terms and Definitions – Rabbit


What Do Rabbits Symbolize? Rabbit Symbolism Meaning from rabbitcaretips.com

Rabbits are one of the most popular pets. However, rabbits have been a part of lives, cultures, and religious practices for much longer than they have been considered pets. Historically speaking, rabbits hold a great deal of symbolic meaning. This can guide dreams, art, and even traditional dress.

Rabbits almost always symbolize prosperity, abundance, good luck, and fertility. Unlike many other animals, which have different meanings in different cultures, rabbit symbolism is consistent. In most European cultures, rabbits are springtime animals, symbolic of fruitfulness and renewal. The connection between rabbits and spring is also found in Japanese culture. In the U.S., rabbits are symbolic of cleverness, devotion to self-improvement, and good luck.

There are some cultures that see rabbits differently, however. While rabbits are the luckiest of the Zodiac animals in China, they are primarily seen as trickster animals by Native American cultures. Furthermore, while many Central American peoples see rabbits as symbols of fertility, Aztec mythology associates rabbits with drunkenness and promiscuity.


Witchcraft Symbols, Terms and Definitions

Some terms listed on this page may seem like common-sense words; however, they’re defined here as most often used in Wicca, Witchcraft, and general Paganism. Some terms have a different meaning in general society, other religions, and other sub-cultures.

Please keep this in mind when learning the terms as they’re listed here.

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Today’s Word is


concentrated, highly aromatic mixture similar to essential oils.

Witchcraft Symbols, Terms and Definitions – Ouroboros

From symbolsandmeanings.net

Rich with cultural significance and religious meaning, the ouroboros symbol embodies rebirth, eternity, self-reliance, immortality, and nature’s cyclic character. Commonly known as “the snake eating itself”, the ouroboros is among the most prominent ancient symbols found in the history of different cultures, religions and civilizations.

One surely does wonder how a single symbol managed to endure the test of time and make its mark on so many civilizations and cultural beliefs.

Let us get right into it and have a closer look at its meaning, symbolism, origin and uses throughout history.

Ancient Egyptian Tombs: The First Appearance of The Ouroboros Symbol

The ouroboros first appeared on a golden shrine in King Tut’s (Tutankhamen) tomb in Egypt in the 13th century BC. The tombs featured two ouroboroi engraved on the gilded shrine along with some strange text. These ouroboroi appeared as serpents wrapped around the head and feet of a mummified figure, which is believed to have been King Tut himself, or the sun god Ra, or perhaps an amalgamation of both.

According to expert Egyptologists, the symbol was to “refer to the mystery of cyclical time, which flows back to itself”. Since the ancient Egyptians saw time as repetitive, constantly evolving cycles instead of a linear path, the ouroboros represented the immortality of human beings and its interconnection to nature’s cycles.

Ouroboros Meaning and Symbolism

The ouroboros symbol has appeared on temples, ancient artifacts, tombs, and artwork throughout history. Pronounced as ‘oo.ruh.bo.ruhs’, this symbol represents how everything in this universe is interconnected, going back to nature and becoming one with it once again after death. The unbroken circle of the snake eating itself represents universal unity, rebirth, and renewal through death.

The term ouroboros is derived from two ancient Greek words – ‘oura’ and ‘boros’. ‘Oura’ refers to tail while ‘boros’ means eating. When we combine the two words, it results in the meaning ‘he that eats his own tail’ or even just simply ‘tail eater’.

Believed to be based on serpents shedding their skin to make place for a new one, the ouroboros is an ancient symbol of eternal life and infinite growth. Although historians are unsure of the exact origins of the ouroboros symbol, it is believed to be inspired by snakes, serpents, and lizards that curl up to protect themselves.

With numerous different interpretations, some claim it represents the cycle of life and death, with the universe remaining central to it all. Others believe it represents the recreation of life through death or even the rebirth of the dead to reach an immortal state.

Snake Eating Itself: Association with Ancient Mythology and Civilizations

Being one of the most popular ancient symbols, the ouroboros has appeared throughout history in different ancient civilizations and cultures. Like the ever-rising sun, this symbol is believed to have gone through its own journey from Egypt to the ancient Greek alchemists and eventually making its way to the modern era.

After being featured predominantly in Egyptian civilization, the ouroboros slithered out to ancient Greek mythology through the Phoenician culture, where it received a new representation.

Greek Philosophy

For Plato, the ouroboros represented self-reliance and showed a perfect being that needed nothing but itself. He further believed the symbol showed a dark side with self-destruction and the tendency to devour itself.

Historians also draw a parallel between the ouroboros and the Greek myth about Sisyphus. According to the myth, Zeus punishes Sisyphus by making him roll a boulder up a hill. As soon as he gets to the top, the boulder inevitably falls back down, and he has to roll it up once again.

Ancient Romans

The ouroboros symbolized infinity for the Romans. They also associated the symbol with the god Saturn who controlled the cycles of each year. Roman philosophy states that Saturn connected each year to the next, forming an endless loop that is depicted by the snake eating its own tail.

Norse Mythology: Manuscripts and Jörmungandr

Vikings told stories of a giant serpent called Jörmungandr, who guarded Midgard (their name for Earth). Jörmungandr was one of Loki’s three children and was thrown into the great ocean by Odin.

There, he grew into a size so big that he could eventually encircle the whole world to reach and devour his own tail. It was said that if the World Serpent, or Jörmungandr, released his tail, Ragnarok would begin. The World Serpent was closely associated with the ouroboros symbol.

Ouroboros Symbol in the Modern World: Becoming The Infinity Symbol

In recent times, the ouroboros has undergone significant reinterpretation to become the infinity symbol. This concept was initiated in the 20th century with Mobius strips, the Droste Effect, and numerous paintings depicting the symbol reproducing itself. It is commonly worn as bracelets, rings, and even tattooed on the body to serve as a constant reminder of life’s cyclic journey.

An early 20th-century psychotherapist, Carl Jung, saw the ouroboros as a symbol of the human psyche. Jung had studied the symbol in alchemy and claimed that it represented the human ability to regenerate through self-reflection, just as a serpent sheds off old skin to become anew.

He justified it through a perspective that believed humans can only become whole after integrating our conscious selves with our shadow selves.

Moreover, the ouroboros often appears in the field of cybernetics, the study of feedback loops and circular causality. Cybernetics is based on the theory that inputs create certain outputs, which are then used as inputs for further outcomes – completing the circle.

Mathematicians and philosophers both appreciate the symbol similarly, applying the cybernetics theory to justify concepts in psychology, biology, computer science, and even engineering.

Outside of the research and STEM fields, people use the ouroboros symbol to represent the constant flow of creation, symbol of destruction, and recreation that makes our world come to a full circle. It instills the belief that every part of life is connected, with joy following sorrow and failure, eventually leading to success.

We may be worlds apart from the early Egyptian civilizations and the alchemists that ran experiments in their shabby workshops, but the ouroboros continues to light our paths with wisdom.

The Snake Eating Itself, Ouroboros Tattoo Meaning

Ouroboros tattoo meaning may differ according to the shape and form of the symbol drawn. It is a rebirth symbol, that is why a person who has overcome difficulties and troubles recently might want to have an ouroboros tattoo.

On the other end, it is also the symbol of infinity, so the person carrying an ouroboros tattoo might have had it to represent something that is ‘eternal’ for them.

In that sense, when seen next to a date, an ouroboros tattoo represents the idea that something that happened on that date is eternal, e.g. getting married or meeting someone special.

And if you believe in reincarnation, an ouroboros ink is obviously just the perfect choice for you.

Did you know that this ancient symbol heavily inspired similar artwork that appeared in the immensely popular Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood series with many symbols created by brilliant Japanese artist Hiromu Arakawa?

This wraps up our piece on the ouroboros symbol,  the snake eating itself, its origins, symbolism and meanings.

Witchcraft Symbols, Terms and Definitions – HEXAGRAM or SIX-POINTED STAR


When surrounded by a circle, it represents the “divine mind” to many occult groups throughout the centuries. Many still use it in occult rituals. But to Jewish people, it is their Star of David.

Let’s Talk Witch – Sigils and Symbols Used In Magick c. 2014

Let’s Talk Witch – Sigils and Symbols Used In Magick

Sigils, symbols and names are often carved into candles to add to the intent, power and purpose of the spell.

To draw something to you carve your symbol or sigil into the candle by starting from the bottom and make your sigil ‘grow’ moving it upwards. To banish something start your carving from the top of the candle moving downwards.

If you are drawing letters you can stack them, by drawing each letter one over the top of another. Again if you are drawing something to you start to carve at the bottom of the candle and if you are banishing something start at the top.

The spiral method means you start your carving at the bottom of the candle and move to the right, spiralling the letters of your carving upwards to bring something towards you, or start at the top and spiral downwards to banish something.

For a straightforward carving just draw your design in the middle of the candle, it could be a heart for a love spell or a pound/ dollar sign to draw money.

To reverse a spell or when banishing negativity, you could try writing a word backwards on the candle.

If you don’t want anyone to see what you have carved into the candle use a needle as this makes a very fine line and even you probably won’t be able to make out the end result, but the important thing is that spirit will.

Another way of hiding what you are doing is by carving your intent on the base of the candle so that no one can see it.


Pagan Portals – Hoodoo: Folk Magic
Patterson, Rachel

Magick Symbols – SUN GOD FACE c. 2018


The sun face is a symbol that has been central to most major spiritual systems throughout history. Since the sun god usually reigned over a pantheon of lesser gods. His symbol played a vital part in pagan worship (and in the rituals of occult secret societies) around the world. In Inca myths, the sun was worshipped as the divine ancestor of the nation. The sun was worshipped as a personified, life-giving deity in Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and other major civilizations of history. The more common symbol is the familiar face in the center of the sun’s rays. A dot or point in the center of a circle symbolizes the blending of male and female forces. Hindus call the midpoint in a circle the bindu – the spark of masculine life within the cosmic womb.

Witchcraft Symbols, Terms and Definitions

From thoughtcatalog.com

Celtic Shield Knot

A Celtic knot (also called Icovellavna) is an endless knot design that turns in on itself that originated with the Celtic people. When created in the shape of a shield, it is used as a symbol for protection used to ward off negative energy. These are often used as tattoos or jewelry designs that can be worn for protection.

Represents: the four elements.

Used in rituals for: protection.

Witchcraft Symbols, Terms and Definitions



Wic·​ca ˈwi-kə 
a religion influenced by pre-Christian beliefs and practices of western Europe that affirms the existence of supernatural power (such as magic) and of both male and female deities who inhere in nature and that emphasizes ritual observance of seasonal and life cycles

adjective or noun

Word History


probably from Old English wicca wizard — more at WITCH

First Known Use

1959, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of Wicca was in 1959

Witchcraft Symbols, Terms and Definitions

From thoughtcatalog.com


A pentagram (or pentacle) is a circled five-pointed star that most people associate with witchcraft or satanism. Far from being an evil symbol the pentagram represents protection, the self, or the spirit. The five points of the pentagram represent five basic elements: earth, air, fire, water and spirit.

Represents: the elements.

Used in rituals for: protection.

Witchcraft Symbols, Terms and Definitions – Blessed Be A – Z for Children of All Ages

Click here to download a PDF of Blessed Be A-Z

Tall and straight as the ash tree grows
all the things that Athena knows
Smooth and sharp as an athame blade
All the color of an autumn glade

Fires at Beltane jumping high
Watch the bees buzzing by
A silver bell ringing bright
A besom sweep makes it right

Stir a cauldron round and round
Cast a circle on the ground
Catch a crystal in your hand
Light a candle if you canD
A raven dips and dives in the dark
Demeter makes things grow in the park
Dragon dozing in his lair
Dance with delight, do as you dare
Little Pagan Acorns

In the early east, an eagle flies
In an elder elm, her one egg lies
Energy comes from elements four
Embrace them all, open each door

Flight and a feather, often together
Fish and fin, go for a swim
Light a fire, flames grow higher
Find a fox, on nature walks
The God and Goddess are all around
From sky above to grass on the ground
Grab a goblet, give a toast
Visit a grave to honor the ghost
Horus hears as a hawk flies high
Hemlock hills are rolling by
Share some happiness with a hug
Sit on Hestia’s warm hearth rug
Little Pagan Acorns
Isis whispers in the night
Is there incense left to light?
Sprites and imps will skip around
Inner spirit can be found
Catch a firefly in a jelly jar
Jump for joy when you see that star
Enjoy a summer day in June
Join your hands under the moon
I like when Magick is in the air
When kids get kisses in their hair
Cats and kittens, on your knee
Together like a lock and key
Love at Litha lets flowers bloom
A little laughter lifts a room
Loki plays a silly joke
Light a lamp and blow the smoke
Little Pagan Acorns
The Morrigan smiles under May’s moon
Tomorrow sometimes comes too soon
Maiden, mother and then the crone
Making mischief all alone
Pine needles in the wood
Nearby nests sit snug and good
Notice knots, they hold in power
Midnight nears, that’s the hour
Osiris has two but Odin only one
Color eggs at Ostara, that’s always fun
Only in the Otherworld do goblins stroll
Don’t get confused, a goblin’s not a troll
Poseidon likes to play in the deep
A pile of puppies makes a cute heap
The pentacle protects sacred space
Pansies and petunias have a pretty face
Little Pagan Acorns
Porcupine has quills, arrows in a quiver
Quite cold in winter, quick to shiver
Call the quarters, salute the Queen
Ask the question that is never seen
Relax when you are reading runes
A raven calls out raucous tunes
Write a ritual for Friday morn
That red rose may have a thorn
Basking in the solstice sun
Warming like a sticky bun
Smudging sage smells so sweet
Slithering snakes have no feet
Teas and tinctures, talismans galore
Thoth likes books more than Thor
Water trickles down the stream
Try some Tarot. What does it mean?
Little Pagan Acorns
Ugly umbrellas raised up high
Thunder rumbles in the sky
Venus on a unicorn
Out of bubbles, she was born
Nike votes for victory
Volcanoes and Pele over the sea
Valkyries to Valhalla fly
Vanilla for love, give it a try
Make a wish on a western wind
With a wand, wild women grinned
Witches, Wiccans, warlocks too
In the winter, owls ask who
A pixie relaxes in the wood
Jinxes and hexes are never good
With equinox, the days are split
With waxing moon, the sky is lit
Little Pagan Acorns
Both holly and yew are right for Yule
You’ll find nymphs by yonder pool
Yarrow and tansy in a vase
Sitting on some yellow lace
Zeus in a fez, do what he says
Zebras in zoos, time for a snooze
Wander the maze, the ancient ways
Need for some zen? Just say when

Witchcraft Symbols, Terms and Definitions

From thoughtcatalog.com

Hecate’s Wheel

This is a symbol of the three stages of womanhood: maiden, mother and crone. The ancient Greek goddess Hecate was a goddess of crossroads (such as the crossroads between each phase of life for a woman). The wheel symbolizes these phases with a labyrinth and represents the power and knowledge in moving through life.

Represents: women, transformation.

Used in rituals for: invoking change and transformation.

Witchcraft Symbols, Terms and Definitions

From thoughtcatalog.com

Sun Wheel

The sun wheel is another form of a sun cross as it is also a circle bisected by four lines. It can be used as a calendar with each section of the circle representing the time between an equinox or solstice and also represents the balance of the four seasons. This symbol is sometimes called the eight-spoked wheel.

Represents: sun, four seasons, fire, masculine energy, south.

Used in rituals for: celebrating seasons, invoking the sun.