Witchcraft Symbols, Terms and Definitions – Rabbit


What Do Rabbits Symbolize? Rabbit Symbolism Meaning from rabbitcaretips.com

Rabbits are one of the most popular pets. However, rabbits have been a part of lives, cultures, and religious practices for much longer than they have been considered pets. Historically speaking, rabbits hold a great deal of symbolic meaning. This can guide dreams, art, and even traditional dress.

Rabbits almost always symbolize prosperity, abundance, good luck, and fertility. Unlike many other animals, which have different meanings in different cultures, rabbit symbolism is consistent. In most European cultures, rabbits are springtime animals, symbolic of fruitfulness and renewal. The connection between rabbits and spring is also found in Japanese culture. In the U.S., rabbits are symbolic of cleverness, devotion to self-improvement, and good luck.

There are some cultures that see rabbits differently, however. While rabbits are the luckiest of the Zodiac animals in China, they are primarily seen as trickster animals by Native American cultures. Furthermore, while many Central American peoples see rabbits as symbols of fertility, Aztec mythology associates rabbits with drunkenness and promiscuity.


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