Spell For Friday – Tea Spell for Friendship and Love


LOVE SPELL WARNING: Love spells such as this one take the person who you want to love you free will/spirit away. What happens with a spell like this is the person will become obsessed with you to the point of possibly losing their job, which in turn can make them lose their home, automobile, friends, their family, etc. I have heard of people under love spells dying from not eating or drinking when they are not in the presence of the spellcaster 24/7/365. So, unless you want some who only loves you because of a spell you put on them then go for it. But if you want someone to love you because they feel that emotion towards you then please do not do this spell. The same warning goes for animals, birds, reptiles, or anything else that has a heart and can create a bond with someone.

Herbal Harmony: Tea Spell for Friendship and Love

Recipe by Francisco HuanacoDifficulty: Easy

This Magical herbal tea recipe is perfect for a love potion, a reconciliation love spell or a friendship ritual. Use this Wican spell to bring more love to your life.


  • Water

  • 1 pink candle (or replace with a white candle)

  • Chamomile tea (1 tea bag or 1 tbsp loose leaves)


  • Put the kettle on.
  • While you wait for the water to boil, light the candle and take 3 deep breaths along with your partner.
  • Empty your minds. Before any ritual, it’s important take the time to get into a state of mental and spiritual clarity, trying to let go of any negative thoughts. You don’t have to be completely silent, but be in the present moment, enjoying each other’s company.
  • Once the water has boiled, add the tea and pour the water. Pour theirs first, then yours. Let it sit for 2 or 3 minutes.
  • Say the following chant out loud:Reconciliation herbal tea spell
  • Take the first sip of tea looking at each other in the eye. Enjoy the silence, the candle light, and the positive energies that surround you now. Slowly drink your tea cups.
  • Once you’re done, carefully pick up and wash the mugs and teapot. This should be done with respect and care, as it’s also part of the ritual too.


Don’t cast a spell on someone without their consent! Get together with your partner or friend and let them know that you want to cast a simple reconciliation spell over a cup of tea.

Spell For Friday


LOVE SPELL WARNING: Love spells such as this one takes the person who you want to love you free will/spirit away. What happens with a spell like this is the person will become obsessed with you to the point of possibly losing their job, which in turn can make them lose their home, automobile, friends, their family, etc. I have heard of people under love spells dying from not eating or drinking when they are not in the presence of the spellcaster 24/7/365. So, unless you want some who only loves you because of a spell you put on them than go for it. But if you want someone to love you because they feel that emotion towards you than please do not do this spell. The same warning goes for animals or birds or reptiles or anything else that has a heart and can create a bond with someone.

Friday Rose Attraction Spell Source: magickalspot.com

Sometimes it happens that you meet a person of the opposite sex who has all the qualities you have always wanted in a partner. It can be a friend, a colleague, or an acquaintance who can feel the same things for you.

So, what should you do? Just perform a love spell to attract the person of your dreams to you.


A rosebud; if you can’t find roses, any other type of flower is fine.

Two pieces of paper

A pink candle; engrave your name and that of the desired person in it.

How to perform it:

Next to the candle, place two pieces of paper, one with your name and the other with that of your future lover, light the candle, and say:

“You and I will be one, my love. Venus, goddess of love, listens to my request. Let me triumph and let the fire of passion burn. My heart is waiting to be loved by you (name of the person you love) and with all my heart I thank Venus, the goddess of love.”

Repeat the spell more than three times; after the first two repetitions, visualize your future partner running towards you. On the third time, imagine him hugging you and telling you “I will love you forever.”

Let the candle burn out completely, keep the rose and the pieces of paper with the names with you; take the sheet with your name on it and wrap it around the other.

Create a small ball and insert them inside the flower by closing the petals. Make a hole in the ground and bury it all, saying:

“From now on we will be united together by a very deep love.”

Don’t use this spell to attract someone who is already in a relationship, it won’t work. This is not a breakup spell, but an attraction spell that aims to attract a single man or woman.

Adding Magic to Your Daily Routine Spell 2 of 6

The Bubble of Love and Protection Spell 

You can turn this one into a full ritual, or you can just speak the words. For example, this is a good spell to start your witchy life. Asking for love and protection is never a bad thing.

So if you want to go the whole way and cast a circle, then do that. However, as implied, the spell itself creates a bubble of protection, so it isn’t really necessary.

This spell relies on visualization and the certain knowledge that it is working.

If you wish to cast a circle, do it right at the beginning. Sit down quietly and start to imagine a pinpoint of light above your home. Visualize the point of light expanding so that a curtain of light slowly falls over the building you’re in, encircling it like a half-sphere. If you have vehicles outside, include those too. Then keep going. The light goes into the solid ground all around until it forms a perfect bubble. It shimmers and wavers, but you know it is absolutely impenetrable by negative energy of any kind.

Spell for Today – 2 Forgotten Rituals to Harness the Power of the Stars

Witches often talk about the benefits of moon magic. They rarely talk about the energies we can harness from the stars. Although they are not as prominent as the moon, their energy can still be woven into countless spells.

The Stars are one of the most powerful elements of the Universe that governs us, our home and the Origin that gives us power. Their mystical light gives us peace and pulls us into deep states of tranquility, which makes it easier for us to invoke the energies that help us perform our craft. Each star is a fragment of the gods who are listening to our rituals.

The power of star magic was discovered by witches hundreds of years ago. The first known star spells can be traced to around the time of the collapse of the Roman Empire. These witches knew the magic of the stars, their movement in the sky and how to create the conditions to take advantage of their influences. They discovered that they could use them to invoke powerful love magic, especially in men.

Ancient cultures built many of their rituals on stellar movements. They were great astrologers and could predict future events with stunning accuracy.

The map of the sky and the trajectories of the stars were considered propitiatory for certain forms of witchcraft. Today, we know much more about stars, their location, constellations and their clustering patterns. Science gives us precise data, but ancient magic also knew what energy each constellation had and how to take advantage of it.

Creating a Wiccan Circle to Make a Wish Upon a Star

The idea of wishing upon a star is something that is traced in many legends and even pop culture references. However, few people are able to do it effectively. They believe that they all they must do is close their eyes and make a wish. You must actually practice a ritual with circle magic to make your wish come true.

Here are the steps that you will take.

Look for a place in a field on an arid plane. There should be no grass or vegetation. Use a stick to draw three circles in the sand.

The first will be the largest and it will engulf the other two. It will be a circle of fire that will burn steadily throughout the ritual. Say the following out loud: “It will be the power of my constancy and my will!”

The second will be a circle of red candles. You must say this as you draw it: “This will be the power of my body, vital, strong, vigorous.”

The third circle will be filled with blue candles: “Quiet for my life, I can communicate and feel proud of myself.”

Take a moment to thank the five elements on this magical night. Lie comfortably in the middle of the circles. Lay down in a couple blue and red cushions that you have brought with you. With your eyes open, start to gaze at the stars. Chase one with your vision. Then another. When you find one that catches your attention more than any other in the open sky, make a wish to it. Recite your wish softly, but remember that you are watching a “collection of stars.” There are more stars waiting to help you. You should thank all of the stars collectively for their help, but remember that you will only get helped by the first you made the request of. The others will merely serve as aides to their sister star.

Have faith that your wish will come true. You will become the best of friends with this star. Take a black and red box that you had prepared with an interior mirror and reflect the light of your star into the box. Ask permission to stay with you for a few days. You will feel its presence, energy, love, complicity, wisdom and help. You will know that it will be with you. As this happens, you feel it with all your heart and see the reflection. Then you must close the box.

The star will be with you, keeping you company for up to seven days. Then you will return to the place where you made friends and set it free again. It will enjoy sharing its power. During those days, you will feel the positive change that its energy brings into your life.

Love Spell Underneath the Star

There is a reason that many people seek romantic evenings on stary nights. Stars have almost aphrodisiac magical properties. This spell, which is done while observing a star, will make a man fall in love with you. It works very well.

Ingredients: a photo of him, his hair, mineral or spring water, a pink candle, a mirror.

First, choose a star in the sky to perform the spell. You have to locate it and remember it to know where it is in the sky. This spell must be performed outdoors.

Take all of the ingredients and place them on the ground. The photo and the hair under the mirror will be face up. Put the candle over the mirror.

You must be seated to see the star reflected in the mirror. The candle must be at the top of the mirror, so you can see it reflected at the bottom. Light the candle and say the following sentence with the intention of bringing the man you love closer:

“For the night sky, for the darkness that does not touch me, I ask you star of my heart to bring this man (say his name) to me. Let him fall in love with me, as the star falls in love with the night, that he cannot flee from me, that he only has eyes for me, so be it”.

Make sure to say this phrase several times, while staring at the star through the mirror. Leave the candle lit until it is finished. When it is about to burn out, drink the water and extinguish it by throwing it on the mirror. After that, leave the mirror outdoors all night. Get up before sunrise. You don’t have to give sunlight to the mirror. Put the mirror on your bed every night if possible. Keep his photo and hair in your underwear. Throw the remains of the candle on the ground.

It is a spell that does not fail. You can repeat as many times as you want but you have to choose the same star for it to improve the effectiveness.

This is a post by Kale Christopher, the editor of Aprende Gran Magia.

Spell for Thursday – Candle Magick for Rocky Times


LOVE SPELL WARNING: Love spells such as this one takes the person who you want to love you free will/spirit away. What happens with a spell like this is the person will become obsessed with you to the point of possibly losing their job, which in turn can make them lose their home, automobile, friends, their family, etc. I have heard of people under love spells dying from not eating or drinking when they are not in the presence of the spellcaster 24/7/365. So, unless you want some who only loves you because of a spell you put on them than go for it. But if you want someone to love you because they feel that emotion towards you than please do not do this spell. The same warning goes for animals or birds or reptiles or anything else that has a heart and can create a bond with someone.

Candle Magick for Rocky Times

You will need:

Pink Candle

The Spell:

A love candle with oils and herbs hidden in a secret place instills confidence in our power to be good lovers. It is a secret source of inspiration when times are hard and you need to work through problems that arise in your relationship.

Hold a pink candle and charge it for future spells, by visualizing you and your lover in a happy loving embrace. Put the energy from this vision into the candle. The say out loud:

“We will always love each other.
May the Goddess and God grant this.
for the good of all.”

When problems arise in your relationship or you need self-confidence, take out the candle on a Friday during a waxing moon and anoint it with love oil using this procedure: Put some oil on your index finger, and beginning in the middle of the candle, run your finger to the wick end. Then repeat, rubbing the oil down to the bottom of the candle. Light the candle and let it burn down completely and go out.

Spell for Saturday – Remove a Love Spell

Spell for Monday


Love The Skin You Are In Spell

For this spell you will need:

The Star tarot card

One white candle

Loose tea or lavender herb

Jasmine or rose oil.

Give yourself some quiet time as you allow yourself to relax and clear your mind. Place the tarot card beside where you are casting on a clean, clear surface. Anoint the candle with the oil and sprinkle the herb around it in a clockwise direction.

Meditate for a while on the Star Tarot card, let your gaze soften as you allow the energy of this beautiful card to merge with your subconscious mind. The Star is an optimistic, balanced, calm and healing card. It indicates success and achievement and invokes a feeling of confidence and increased self-esteem. The figure in the card is naked outside, she is at one with her surroundings, the Universe and herself.

When the candle has safely burned down, sprinkle the herbs outside and place the Star card under your pillow overnight to further connect with its energies.

Spell For Friday – Endless Desire


LOVE SPELL WARNING: Love spells such as this one takes the person who you want to love you free will/spirit away. What happens with a spell like this is the person will become obsessed with you to the point of possibly losing their job, which in turn can make them lose their home, automobile, friends, their family, etc. I have heard of people under love spells dying from not eating or drinking when they are not in the presence of the spellcaster 24/7/365. So, unless you want some who only loves you because of a spell you put on them than go for it. But if you want someone to love you because they feel that emotion towards you than please do not do this spell. The same warning goes for animals or birds or reptiles or anything else that has a heart and can create a bond with someone.

Spell For Friday


WARNING: Love spells such as this one takes the person who you want to love you free will/spirit away. What happens with a spell like this is the person will become obsessed with you to the point of possibly losing their job, which in turn can make them lose their home, automobile, friends, their family, etc. I have heard of people under love spells dying from not eating or drinking when they are not in the presence of the spellcaster 24/7/365. So, unless you want some who only loves you because of a spell you put on them than go for it. But if you want someone to love you because they feel that emotion towards you than please do not do this spell. The same warning goes for animals or birds or reptiles or anything else that has a heart and can create a bond with someone.

Flashback to 2022 – Spell – Beltane Charm to “Tie the Knot”


Beltane Charm to “Tie the Knot”

Much as the Great God and Great Goddess are said to “tie the knot” of marriage at Beltane, we can create our own knot-based magickal charm to honor this ancient and festive sabbat of which the tied-up Maypole is its emblem! When it comes to Beltane a vast majority of ancient pagans – and certainly any Neopagan worth their salt – understands that gender and orientation are of little consequence.  Love is love. Whoever we are and however we are, let’s craft a charm of nine loving knots. Feel free to chant the traditional Wiccan knot spell* if it aids your focus. This can be found online and in a variety of Witchcraft books.

Using a long strip of natural fabric (red or white are ideal), tie nine knots, each of which should contain within a small stone, herb, charm, or written prayer specifically for the energy of love** – cosmic, social, and personal – however your intuition guides. After preforming your magick, hang the charm near the front door or bedroom in order for its blessing to illuminate today and onward.

By Raven Digitalis in Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2022 page 71

*I will post this next.

** See Beltane correspondence post for ideas

Spell – Hair on Stick Lust Spell

For many, Friday is the last work day of the week. It’s considered the fifth day of the work week and, also, the “cut loose” day. By Friday night, people are out having a party. That makes Friday the perfect day for lust, banish, fast-grant, and find spells. This day is so powerful (energy wise). That’s why whatever you do on this day will, usually, have a strong effect. If you want things out of your life, the darkness and power, associated with this day, bring the energy you need for that. If you need strong, immediate results, this is your day, as well.

Hair on Stick Lust Spell

Items you will need:

3 strands of hair
1 comb or brush
1 small stick
1 tube of red paint
1 bottle of glue


Find a small stick and paint it red. While the paint is drying, comb through your hair and take three strands from your comb or brush. After the paint on the stick is dry, cover the stick in glue. Then, wrap the three strands of hair around the stick and let the glue dry.
Now, say this chant:
“I’ve wrapped up my passion.
I’ve wrapped up my lust.
I’m ready for it to come out.
I’m ready to trust
My desires and my will,
So the Universe can make it real.”
Put the stick under your bed, and your desires should could true.

A Witch’s Week of Spells and Activities
Helga C. Loueen

Spell for Today – Honeyed Words Potion

  1. Dip your finger into honey and use it to write your desires into a cup.

  2. Fill it with red wine, so that the honey clinging to the sides isn’t too obvious, and serve to the object of your affections.



c. 2011

Spell for Today – MAGICK LOVER’S BATH



4 drops Ylang Ylang
2 drops Clary Sage
1 drop Bergamot
1 drop Sandalwood
Swish the essential oils throughout the bath water. Lights some candles, play some soft, romantic music and enjoy!

Spell for Today – 6 New Moon Spells

New moon spells are always done during the new moon and are used to drawn in a desired outcome.  New moon love spells will bring in a new love or solidify an existing relationship.  New moon money spells are used to draw in money versus decrease bills.  Focus on bringing in your desires versus pushing away something you don’t want during the new moon phase.  New moon magick can be as simple as a bath ritual to draw in good fortune and new blessings. We wish you many blessings using these spells for tonight’s new moon. We hope you get everything you desire!

New Moon Wicca Protection Spell

Before beginning create a calm environment. Do this by meditating, listening to calm music, taking a bath or something else that helps you to create a safe and calm environment.

Take three deep breaths, imagine a silver light that flows into your body. This is the energy of the Moon Goddess.

Take three deep breaths and imagine a golden light flowing into your body, this is the energy of the Sun God.

Take three deep breaths and imagine a white light flowing into your body, this is the joint energy of the Universal Life Force. Then say the below three times.

“Blessed be my feet that walk the path of mystery. Blessed are my knees bending before the sacred altar.  Blessed be my heart, molded in beauty and love. Blessed be my lips, who pronounce sacred names. Open your arms to welcome protection and love. 

Head over to our Protection Spells page more.

New Moon Wish Spell

Items needed:

  • Piece of paper
  • Candle – chose the color based on your wish
  • Write your wish on a piece of paper.  Then light your candle.
  • While looking at the new moon chant the below three times.

New moon so dark in the night sky.  That cannot be seen with a naked eye.  Grant me your dark energy to see.  The new and good coming to me.  Grant me the power of dreams so true so I can start my life anew.  Grant me strength day by day.  Mistress of darkness, show me the way.  Grant me love in my life.  Take away trouble and strife.  Grant me peace I ask of you.  On bad times help me through.  O’ Goddess of Night so divine.  If you have heard me show me a sign.”

Burn the paper in the flame, imagine your wish and look into the night sky.

New Moon Money Spell

Items Needed:

  • 3 Shiny Silver Coins
  • Piece of Paper or Tissue

Wrap the three coins in the paper.  Make sure they can’t fall out.  Hold the package in your hand, close your eyes and focus on the coins multiplying.  Ask that no harm comes to anyone.  Bury the coins in the earth.  If you cannot bury the coins, you can use a pot filled with soil.  When the money arrives, you can remove the coins if you wish. 

For more money magical spells, check out our Wiccan Spells

New Moon Bath Ritual for Restoration and Replenishment

Items needed:

  • Bath
  • Salt
  • Candles
  • Herbs: mugwart, rosemary, cardamom, ginger, basil, bay leaf, yarrow
  • Oil: rose, cedarwood, sandalwood
  • Flower petals: lavender, marigold, rose
  • Crystals: rose quartz, black tourmaline, clear quartz, florite

Fill your bath, add salt, surround the tub with candles and crystals. Add the herbs, oils and flower petals of your choice and relax.  Say the below while you melt into relaxation.

“I am renewed with this new moon. I am replenished  I am open to new beginnings.”

“I am restored by sacred cosmic vibration. I am divinely protected. I relinquish the weight of that which no longer serves me. My spirit is awake, My path is revealed, I am open to receive.”

“I welcome transformation, I welcome growth, I welcome abundance, I know what I need.  I am ready.”

Let Go: New Moon Ritual

Items needed:

  • Bath
  • Candle
  • Crystals
  • Incense
  • Sage

Set intensions: Plan, Visualize, Find Focus, Dream, Make a Vision Board

During bath:  LET GO, relax, take deep breaths

Visualize what doesn’t serve you, write it down and destroy it.

Imagine it flies away or burns.

FORGIVE yourself and others

This is a great spell to cast in combination with our Healing Spells

New Moon Love Spell

Items Needed:

  • Pink Cord or Yarn around 12”
  • Pink Candle
  • Salt and Pepper Shaker
  • Jasmine Incense
  • Atraction Oil
  • Dragons Blood Incense

New moon rituals for love are focuses on drawing in the love you desire. New moon love spells free yourself and drawn in what you desire.

Begin by casting a circle at your altar with the help of some salt and mark an outline of the circle. Take the pink candle and rub it with your attraction oil.  Place the candle in the center of the circle.

Place one of the incenses on the left and the other on the right of the circle.  Now light the incense and candle.  Hold the pink cord and bind it to the salt shaker and say the below:

“Goddess be with me, the salt shaker is me.”

Take the pepper shaker and tie it on the other end of the cord and say the below:

“The pepper shaker is the love I seek.”

Tie the shakers together and keep them in front of the candle.  Meditate, wish and pray for pure love to come to you.  Imagine a good life with your partner, imagine doing all the things you want to do with them.  Meditate well and once you feel you have meditated enough, blow out the candle.  The next morning, untie the shakers and light the candle.  Then retie them again.  Do this again for seven days.  By the end of the seventh day your lover will enter your life in some way.

This spell can be done in combination with our Obsession SpellsCharmed Spells and Free Love Spells for a Specific Person.

From ezspells.com

Spell for Today – Sugar Jar Love Spell

From spells8.com

This is an effective piece of kitchen magic using the traditional sweetening powers of sugar and your own combination of herbs, spices and essential oils to create your perfect love. Keep this jar by your bed to attract New Love, a Specific Person (within reason!), to strengthen Existing Love or for beautiful dreams and Self-Love.

Why this Spell Works

  • Sugar is a key ingredient in Kitchen Folk Magic, it serves as a sweetener of moods and energies. This Magic spell recipe will help you attract the love you want in a safe and powerful way.
  • The Herbs and Spices listed here each have their own magical properties which, combined with your intention, will aid in attracting what you wish for.
  • Pink candles are used for romantic love and self-love. Red candles are used for more passionate love and attraction.
  • Including your Written intentions, a Powerful chant and the loving energies of Rose Quartz will only strengthen the power of this spell.

Sugar Jar Love Spell

Recipe by Limeberry

Attract your perfect love with sugar, a blend of herbs and a powerful chant over a candle.



  • Light your candle.
  • What you write on your paper will depend on your intentions:
    – If you are looking to strengthen love or to attract a specific person, write your partner’s name and date of birth. Draw a circle around it.
    – If you are looking for new love write a few characteristics/qualities you would like your future love to have.
    – If you are working on self-love write your own name and some qualities you need to take more pride in, or anything you are wishing for for yourself – in the present-tense.
  • Roll your paper into a scroll and seal it with a few drops of wax from your candle (you could also wrap the scroll with red or pink ribbon/ thread if you’d prefer). Add the scroll to the jar.
  • Combine and add your ingredients (along with the rose quartz) to fill the jar and cover the scroll.
  • Take a tiny pinch of the sugar mixture and sprinkle it around your candle. Seal your jar and hold it while you watch the flame and recite:

    “Flickering fire, burning bright
    I share with you sweet dreams tonight.
    Beneath this moon, shining, glowing,
    Love for me is quickly growing,
    A heart is sweetened, change is near,
    The Universe smiles, Love is here!
    By the powers of the Earth, Wind, Fire and Sea,
    This is My Will and So It Shall Be!”

  • Allow the candle to go out on it’s own (or extinguish it if planning to re-use). Keep the jar by your bed when you sleep.
  • Light a candle and repeat the spell once a week with a tiny pinch of your sugar mixture.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Love

Image result for love flower line divder

Love Magic: The Best Tools & Correspondence for Love Spells

Roses are red, violets are blue, I radiate love, through and through. A simple little love spell perhaps? Well, it’s February and love magic is in the air!

So, not everyone is a huge fan of Valentine’s Day but I say bring it on! I like to consider February love month. It’s a perfect time to focus on fostering positivity and love in your life, and to indulge in some extra self love and care. We can take this time to create new healthy habits, enhance our most special relationships, and discover new ways to focus on nurturing our own wants and needs.

This time of year is just perfect to indulge in the magic that is love. Commercially, the month tends to focus on couples but everyone can benefit from celebrating love once in a while. We can all choose to thrive this month while fostering love and positive relationships with friends, family, pets, and of course with ourselves.

Love Magic: They Love Me, They Love Me Not

Love magic is probably one of the most popular things people want to learn about when they begin their journey into magic. This is a magic that should be beautiful, gentle, warm, and soothing. We all need that feeling of love in our lives in order to feel emotionally strong and vibrant.

What it isn’t however, or shouldn’t be, is an opportunity to bend or manipulate the will of others. The wonderful energy that can blossom from this type of magic should indeed be used to bring more love and fulfillment into your life but not at the expense of others.

Use this magic with wisdom and care. Direct the magic inwards to gather more love for yourself, to draw more love to you, or to grow nourish, and strengthen relationships. Allow the magic to come from a caring and well intentioned place.

So, what elements may we include in these types of spells and rituals? Very happy you asked! Scroll down and keep on reading

Love Magic Correspondence

Best Day of the Week – Friday
Best Moon Phase – Waxing or New
Energy Centre – Heart
Herbs & Plants – anise, basil, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, coriander, dill, fennel, ginger, hibiscus, lavender, lemon balm, parsley, patchouli, rosemary, thyme, vanilla, valerian, yarrow

Flowers – aster, bleeding heart, carnation, cherry blossom, geranium, hyacinth, jasmine, lilac, orchid, rose, tulip

Crystals – amber, amethyst, garnet, lapis lazuli, moonstone, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, rose quartz, ruby, pink topaz

Essential Oils – anise, birch, cardamom, clove, ginger, grapefruit, jasmine, juniper berry, lemongrass, lime, marjoram, myrrh, patchouli, peppermint, rose, rosemary, spearmint, vanilla, vetiver

Colours – pink, red, white

Foods – avocado, banana, Brazil nuts, beets, cherry, chocolate, lemon, lime, orange, passion fruit, peas, pistachio, rhubarb, rye bread, sugar, sweet potato, strawberry, tomato, white wine

Ways to Incorporate Love Magic into your Day, Month, & Year

Click here to read the rest of this article from thewholesomewitch.com

Let’s Talk Witch – Love Spells – Before you can fulfill your goals through spells, you first need to take inventory of your love life. c. 2013

Love Spells

Before you can fulfill your goals through spells, you first need to take inventory of your love life. The following questions should give you a fairly clear idea about the patterns that run throughout your intimate relationships. Once you identify your patterns, it’s easier to change them.

*Describe your ideal intimate relationship.

*Describe the worst intimate relationship you ever had.

*How would you rate your present sex life If you’re involved, is your significant other romantic

*Are you romantic

*If you’re involved, is your relationship emotionally satisfying

*What, if anything, would you change about this relationship

*If you’re not involved, jot down five important

*List five things that make you feel good.


Loving yourself is a definite prerequisite for casting any love spell. It sounds simple enough, but so many of us have grown up believing that we aren’t worthy, aren’t attractive or intelligent enough, aren’t this or that. Before you try any love spell, spend a little time uncovering your beliefs about yourself.

If you’re holding on to negative beliefs about your worth as an individual, take a tip from author Louise Hay and adopt this simple yet powerful affirmation: “I love and approve of myself.” Say it out loud, write it out, and post it on your mirrors, your fridge, and wherever else you will see it frequently. Yes, you probably will feel a bit foolish at first, but that just means the affirmation is working. When you repeat something often enough and back it with positive, uplifting emotion, your unconscious mind gets the message.


The Only Book of Wiccan Spells You’ll Ever Need (The Only Book You’ll Ever Need)
Singer, Marian; MacGregor, Trish (2012-08-18).

Spell for Today – Love Potion

Let wine cool. Strain and drink.

WOTC Extra – Is it OK to Perform Love Spells? c. 2017


WOTC Extra – Is it OK to Perform Love Spells?


Love spells. They’re one of the things that often draws new folks to Wicca and Pagan religions. However, there’s a lot of question within the Pagan community about the ethics of casting a love spell on someone else. After all, if you’re performing magic on someone without their knowledge, aren’t you messing with their free will?

Most Wiccans will tell you that the best way to approach love magic is to avoid focusing on a specific individual as a target. Instead, use your energy and skills to focus on yourself — to draw love your way, or to help you present yourself as a person worthy of love. You could use your magical abilities to feel more confident and attractive, much like a magical makeover. In other words, fix yourself, not someone else.

Bear in mind that many Pagan traditions have no restrictions on the use of magic to change someone else. If you’re part of such a tradition, the use of love magic may well be within the boundaries of your ethical guidelines. In some traditions of folk magic, love magic is perfectly acceptable. It’s something that’s done as a matter of course, and is no more unethical than wearing a sexy perfume or a cute push-up bra. Magic is viewed as a tool, and can be used in tandem with the mundane to bring you what you want — after all, if you didn’t want to change things, you wouldn’t be doing magic in the first place, right?

Before casting any sort of working that affects another person, though, be sure to think about consequences. How will your actions affect not only you, but other people? Will it ultimately cause harm? Will it cause someone to be hurt, either directly or indirectly? These are all things that should be evaluated before performing any working at all, whether it’s a love spell or some other type of magic. If your tradition or belief system prohibits you from performing magic on someone without their consent or knowledge, then you’d be better of skipping the love magic, and focusing instead on self-improvement and self-empowerment.

Rather than aiming a love spell at someone and expecting them to become your devoted servant and doormat, consider looking at love spells as a method of (a) getting someone to notice you AND (b) getting the person to, once they’ve noticed you, find all the things about you that they like. If you maintain this perspective, you should be able to work love magic and still keep within your ethical boundaries.

by Patti Wigington
Published on ThoughtCo

(Spell for Today) Wiccan Love Spells to Find a Lover c. 2011

Wiccan Love Spells to Find a Lover

Find Love and Happiness with Wicca

Joanne E. Brannan

Magic spells to attract true love. Seek a soul mate for romance and passion with Wicca.

Wiccans believe that a clear request to the universe for a new lover can set in motion countless events and blessings that may result in true love. Use these spells to clear the path to find the perfect partner.

A Rose Scented Magic Spell for Love

Roses have long been associated with the wonder and excitement of new love. Use rose water, incense and fresh flowers to attract love.

  • Take a relaxing bath, dry off with a fluffy soft towel and apply rose water generously to the skin.
  • Place fresh red roses on the Wiccan Altar in a beautiful vase.
  • Burn Wiccan incense containing rose petals, or burn rose-scented joss sticks
  • Light a single red candle on the Wiccan Altar.
  • Enjoy the warm rose fragrance, and visualize the happiness of sharing life with a true soul mate.
  • Express, out loud, a heartfelt wish to be with a caring lover in words that feel natural and sincere.
  • Visualize this request being carried upwards into the air by the smoke of the incense and the heat of the candle flame.

Enjoy the warm assurance that the longed for lover is waiting for the right moment to be together.

Love Magic Spell with Spices, Blossoms and Berries

Certain spices, blossoms and berries all have powerful magical properties that may be harnessed to create magical intent in spells. For best effect perform this spell to attract new love on the night of a full moon:

  • Decorate the Wiccan Altar with apple blossom in spring, pink flowered geraniums in summer, lavender in the fall or mistletoe in the winter.
  • Burn loose incense containing the warm-scented spices cinnamon and cloves, or burn quality spice-scented joss sticks.
  • Light a single silver colored candle in honor of the moon.
  • Cup a small magnet in both hands, caring for it as if it were the seed of a new love. Visualize all sincere desire for a loving relationship being concentrated in that little magnet; it shall be the safe keeper of these wishes.
  • Place the magnet on the Wiccan Altar, and sit in meditation for a few minutes as the incense and candle burn.

The effects of these spells may be very swift, or if more appropriate for the well-being of all concerned, they may take a little longer. If no results have manifested after a month, repeat the spell of choice, performing it with as much trust and sincerity as the first time.

Be sure to extinguish all candles and incense safely before leaving them.