(Spell for Today) Wiccan Love Spells to Find a Lover c. 2011

Wiccan Love Spells to Find a Lover

Find Love and Happiness with Wicca

Joanne E. Brannan

Magic spells to attract true love. Seek a soul mate for romance and passion with Wicca.

Wiccans believe that a clear request to the universe for a new lover can set in motion countless events and blessings that may result in true love. Use these spells to clear the path to find the perfect partner.

A Rose Scented Magic Spell for Love

Roses have long been associated with the wonder and excitement of new love. Use rose water, incense and fresh flowers to attract love.

  • Take a relaxing bath, dry off with a fluffy soft towel and apply rose water generously to the skin.
  • Place fresh red roses on the Wiccan Altar in a beautiful vase.
  • Burn Wiccan incense containing rose petals, or burn rose-scented joss sticks
  • Light a single red candle on the Wiccan Altar.
  • Enjoy the warm rose fragrance, and visualize the happiness of sharing life with a true soul mate.
  • Express, out loud, a heartfelt wish to be with a caring lover in words that feel natural and sincere.
  • Visualize this request being carried upwards into the air by the smoke of the incense and the heat of the candle flame.

Enjoy the warm assurance that the longed for lover is waiting for the right moment to be together.

Love Magic Spell with Spices, Blossoms and Berries

Certain spices, blossoms and berries all have powerful magical properties that may be harnessed to create magical intent in spells. For best effect perform this spell to attract new love on the night of a full moon:

  • Decorate the Wiccan Altar with apple blossom in spring, pink flowered geraniums in summer, lavender in the fall or mistletoe in the winter.
  • Burn loose incense containing the warm-scented spices cinnamon and cloves, or burn quality spice-scented joss sticks.
  • Light a single silver colored candle in honor of the moon.
  • Cup a small magnet in both hands, caring for it as if it were the seed of a new love. Visualize all sincere desire for a loving relationship being concentrated in that little magnet; it shall be the safe keeper of these wishes.
  • Place the magnet on the Wiccan Altar, and sit in meditation for a few minutes as the incense and candle burn.

The effects of these spells may be very swift, or if more appropriate for the well-being of all concerned, they may take a little longer. If no results have manifested after a month, repeat the spell of choice, performing it with as much trust and sincerity as the first time.

Be sure to extinguish all candles and incense safely before leaving them.

The Ethics of Love Spells by Mike Nichols c 2013

The Ethics of Love Spells    
   by Mike Nichols
by Mike Nichols

To gain the love of someone: On a night of the full moon, walk to a spot beneath your beloved’s bedroom window, and whisper his/her name three times to the nightwind. –Ozark love spell

It seems to be an immutable law of nature. You are interviewed by a local radio or TV station, or in some local newspaper. The topic of the interview is Witchcraft or Paganism, and you spend the better part of an hour brilliantly articulating your beliefs, your devotion to Goddess and nature, the difference between Witchcraft and Satanism, and generally enlightening the public at large. The next day, you are flooded with calls. Is it people complimenting you on such a splendid interview? No. People wanting to find out more about the religion of Wicca? Huh-uh. People who are even vaguely interested in what you had to say??? Nope. Who is it? It’s people asking you to do a love spell for them!

This used to drive me nuts. I’d take a deep breath and patiently explain (for the thousandth time) why I won’t even do love spells for myself, let alone anyone else. This generally resulted in my caller becoming either angry or defensive, but seldom more enlightened. ‘But don’t you DO magic?’, they ask. ‘Only occasionally,’ I answer. ‘And aren’t most magic spells love spells?’, they persist. That was the line I really hated, because I knew they were right! At least, if you look at the table of contents of most books on magic, you’ll find more love spells than any other kind. This seems as true for the medieval grimoire as for the modern drugstore paperback.

Why? Why so many books containing so many love spells? Why such an emphasis on a kind of magic that I, personally, have always considered very negative? And to make matters even more confusing, the books that do take the trouble of dividing spells between ‘positve’ and ‘negative’ magic invariably list love spells under the first heading. After all, they would argue, love is a good thing. There can never be too much of it. Therefore, any spell that brings about love must be a GOOD spell. Never mind that the spell puts a straightjacket on another’s free will, and then drops it in cement for good measure

And that is why I had always assumed love magic to be negative magic. Years ago, one of the first things I learned as a novice Witch was something called the Witch’s Rede, a kind of ‘golden rule’ in traditional Witchcraft. It states, ‘An it harm none, do what thou will.’ One uses this rede as a kind of ethical litmus test for a spell. If the spell brings harm to someone — anyone (including yourself!) — then don’t do it! Unfortunately, this rule contains a loophole big enough to fly a broom through. It’s commonly expressed, ‘Oh, this won’t HARM them; it’s really for their own good.’ When you hear someone say that, take cover, because something especially nasty is about to happen.

That’s why I had to develop my own version of the Witch’s Rede. Mine says that if a spell harms anyone, OR LIMITS THEIR FREEDOM OF THOUGHT OR ACTION IN ANY WAY, then consider it negative, and don’t do it. Pretty strict, you say? Perhaps. But there’s another law in Witchcraft called the Law of Threefold Return. This says that whatever power you send out, eventually comes back to you three times more powerful. So I take no chances. And love spells, of the typical make-Bobby-love-me type, definitely have an impact on another’s free will.

So why are they so common? It’s taken me years to make peace with this, but I think I finally understand. The plain truth is that most of us NEED love. Without it, our lives are empty and miserable. After our basic survival needs have been met, we must have affection and companionship for a full life. And if it will not come of its own accord, some of us may be tempted to FORCE it to come. And nothing can be as painful as loving someone who doesn’t love you back. Consequently, the most common, garden-variety spell in the world is the love spell.

Is there ever a way to do a love spell and yet stay within the parameters of the Witch’s Rede? Possibly. Some teachers have argued that if a spell doesn’t attempt to attract a SPECIFIC person into your life, but rather attempts to attract the RIGHT person, whomever that may be, then it is not negative magic. Even so, one should make sure that the spell finds people who are ‘right’ for each other — so that neither is harmed, and both are made happy.

Is there ever an excuse for the make-Bobby-love-me type of spell? Without endorsing this viewpoint, I must admit that the most cogent argument in its favor is the following: Whenever you fall in love with someone, you do everything in your power to impress them. You dress nicer, are more attentive, witty, and charming. And at the same time, you unconsciously set in motion some very powerful psychic forces. If you’ve ever walked into a room where someone has a crush on you, you know what I mean. You can FEEL it. Proponents of this school say that a love spell only takes the forces that are ALREADY there — MUST be there if you’re in love — and channels them more efficiently.

But the energy would be there just the same, whether or not you use a spell to focus it.

I won’t attempt to decide this one for you. People must arrive at their own set of ethics through their own considerations. However, I would call to your attention all the cautionary tales in folk magic about love spells gone awry. Also, if a love spell has been employed to join two people who are not naturally compatible, then one must keep pumping energy into the spell. And when one finally tires of this (and one will, because it is hard work!) then the spell will unravel amidst an emotional and psychic hurricane that will make the stormiest divorces seem calm by comparison. Not a pretty picture.

It should be noted that many spells that pass themselves off as love spells are, in reality, sex spells. Not that there’s anything surprising in that, since our most basic needs usually include sex. But I think we should be clear from the outset what kind of spell it is. And the same ethical standards used for love spells can often be applied to sex spells. Last year, the very quotable Isaac Bonewits, author of ‘Real Magic’, taught a sex magic class here at the Magick Lantern, and he tossed out the following rule of thumb: Decide what the mundane equivalent of your spell would be, and ask yourself if you could be arrested for it. For example, some spells are like sending a letter to your beloved in the mail, whereas other spells are tantamount to abduction. The former is perfectly legal and normal, whereas the latter is felonious.

One mitigating factor in your decisions may be the particular tradition of magic you follow. For example, I’ve often noticed that practitioners of Voudoun (Voodoo) and Santeria seem much more focused on the wants and needs of day-to-day living than on the abstruse ethical considerations we’ve been examining here. That’s not a value judgement — just an observation. For example, most followers of Wicca STILL don’t know how to react when a Santerian priest spills the blood of a chicken during a ritual — other than to feel pretty queasy. The ethics of one culture is not always the same as another.

And speaking of cultural traditions, another consideration is how a culture views love and sex. It has often been pointed out that in our predominant culture, love and sex are seen in very possessive terms, where the beloved is regarded as one’s personal property. If the spell uses this approach, treating a person as an object, jealously attempting to cut off all other relationships, then the ethics are seriously in doubt. However, if the spell takes a more open approach to love and sex, not attempting to limit a person’s other relationships in any way, then perhaps it is more defensible. Perhaps. Still, it might be wise to ask, Is this the kind of spell I’d want someone to cast on me?

Love spells. Whether to do them or not. If you are a practitioner of magic, I dare say you will one day be faced with the choice. If you haven’t yet, it is only a matter of time. And if the answer is yes, then which spells are ethical and which aren’t? Then you, and only you, will have to decide whether ‘All’s fair in love and war’, or whether there are other, higher, metaphysical considerations.

Document Copyright © 1988, 1998 by Mike Nichols

Spell for Today – Simple Love Spells c. 2016


Simple Love Spells

Apples are sacred to the Goddess because of the five-point star shape that appears at the centre when the apple is cut, crossways. They are also an underworld fruit, special to the festival of Samhain/ Halloween, and we all know how love connects us to our own personal ‘underworld’! Cut an apple in half, crossways, and give half to your lover to eat, eating one half yourself. This ensures an undying love and eternal connection. Sharing any fruit partakes of this symbolism. If you don’t have a lover but wish to attract one, you could make an apple part of your ritual, consecrating one to the love-goddess in full ritual, cutting it in half, eating one half and burying the other, feeding it to the birds, or floating it downstream. Don’t forget to affirm strongly the type of person you want to attract so you do not throw yourself open to all manner of advances. At the least, you may find an apple tree growing from the buried core!

• Carry rose petals or rose quartz crystals, for both of these attract love. Preferably consecrate them in a ritual first.

• It may be cheating to use Feng Shui, as this is an Eastern tradition and here we are primarily concerned with Western ways. However, the Chinese system of Feng Shui (which means wind, water) is extremely popular and effective. It is concerned with the meanings and sacredness of the space we inhabit. This is a complex and delicate art, but there is no harm in cautiously using some of the basics, to effect a specific result. A Feng Shui consultant told me that it is a big mistake to obtain a book on Feng Shui and to go madly reorganizing your home on the basis of it when your life is pretty tidy, anyway. However, for a specific task, you can make a small change and see if it works. Feng Shui is based on the arrangement of the environment and the relationship area of the home is the far right-hand corner. Take your bearings from your front door, whether or not it enters the house from the side, or you have a flat that you enter from a hall or the back of the house. This is still your ‘front’ door. Where is the far right-hand corner? This is the love and marriage section. If this area has been cut into by irregularities of the building, draw energies back into it by using a crystal at the window. You may merely place a piece of rose quartz in the relationship area, or perhaps a pair of soft toys, or a statue of an embracing couple. There are some lovely candles obtainable that are shaped like a pair of entwined lovers. Here you could choose according to your wish – a red candle for passionate love, blue or purple for soul-mates, etc. I have found such things to work, especially in respect of the money corner, which we shall discuss in the next section. Unless you are prepared to hire a qualified Feng Shui practitioner to comment on your area, you need to keep the changes small and wait a couple of months to see if they take effect before doing anything else. Of course, if your ‘love corner’ is home to a pile of old magazines, half-eaten packets of biscuits, torn envelopes and a dirty ashtray, I would suggest tidying it up first!

• Simplest spell of all, adopted by a friend of mine: add ‘lover’ to your shopping list!

• To ensure the continuance of love, break in half a bay twig and each one of the couple keep half. Or feed each other chestnuts.

• Brazil nuts, carried, are a love talisman. Women can also carry ivy. For men, it is best to carry holly.

• To choose between several admirers, take a green rose leaf for each, name them and note which shrivels last. This is the most enduring love. (However, if you are this unsure, perhaps you need to do some spells to make you more decisive!)

• To find love, tie a hair or two taken from your head to a blossoming cherry tree. (The Latin name for this tree is Prunus avium. As it is a beautiful tree, why not plant one in your front garden, anyway?)

• If you fear that someone has put a love spell on you, eat pistachio nuts.

Gabby Benson, Spells and Rituals: A Beginners Guide To Spells And Rituals

Spell for Today – Hand of Time

When dealing with a weekly spell guide, Mondays are thought to be the logical day for money, love, time and meditation spells. Since Mondays are thought to be the start of the work week, it gives plenty of time for a Monday spell to gain strength throughout the rest of the week.

Time Spells – Hand of Time Spell

Items you will need:

Both hands
6 fingers


Hold both of your hands in front of you. Stare at your hands, noticing your palms and fingers, for about thirty seconds. Then, say this chant one time:

“Palms sweaty,
From watching clocks.
No more.
One finger,
For every ten docked.
Seconds in a minute
1440 in a day.
Stop a few,
For singing birds
And trees that sway.”

This should feel like time has slowed-down and allowed you to appreciate life more.

A Witch’s Week of Spells and Activities
Helga C. Loueen

Spell for Today – Venus Spell – Printable

Spell for Today – Hot Stuff Candle Spell

Now that you are starting to get into the passionate, courageous, and daring qualities of Tuesday, here are a few more spells for you to experiment with. Don’t be afraid to adapt these spells to suit your needs. Add some tarot cards, herbs, scents, crystals, or essential oils to these Tuesday spells, and crank up the volume on your own witchery! As long as your intentions are honorable, I am sure they will work out beautifully.

Hot Stuff Candle Spell

 Want to drive your lover crazy? This candle spell is meant to entice and tempt. The whole point of it is to add a little spark back into your relationship and to make you irresistible. In this spell, you will be calling on Lilith, so prepare yourself for a good time. Please remember to be conscientious of this spell and only work this upon yourself, self, so you and your partner can have a little fun.

Gather a red candle, a black candle, and two candle holders. Sprinkle a dash of pepper per and a pinch of allspice on the unlit candles. Arrange three snapdragons or three red roses in a vase.

Repeat the following charm three times:

As I light red and black candles for a hot and sexy spell
I now call on Lilith for passion, and all will be well
Peppers and spice and snapdragons/red roses three
These will make me very enticing, so now must it be.
Close the spell with:
For the good of all, with harm to none
May my love and I have a little fun!


Now, go and find your lover, give him or her a bewitching smile, and see what kind of reaction you get.


—Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week
Ellen Dugan

An Invaluable Herbal Grimoire Reference Guide

By Graphia, The Wordsmith Witch

No matter what your spiritual path looks like, every Witch can benefit from possessing a thorough, comprehensive Herbal Grimoire. Many practitioners include such contents as a guide for the magical correspondences of different herbs, a list of various herbal substitutions for spellcrafting, and last, but not least – a reference section that lists commonly found baneful herbs and their toxicity levels.

Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels.com

This herb correspondence chart is the culmination of years of research. We hope this reference guide will help you to understand the magical properties of herbs, roots, flowers, barks and resins. It is our goal to provide others with accurate sources of information to enrich their lives and their Craft. What are some ways you can implement the information in the following guide into your own practice?  Click on the link below to view the chart.

Herbal Grimoire

Spells for Today


For many, Friday is the last work day of the week. It’s considered the fifth day of the work week and, also, the “cut loose” day. By Friday night, people are out having a party. That makes Friday the perfect day for lust, banish, fast-grant, and find spells. This day is so powerful (energy wise). That’s why whatever you do on this day will, usually, have a strong effect. If you want things out of your life, the darkness and power, associated with this day, bring the energy you need for that. If you need strong, immediate results, this is your day, as well.

Lust Spell – Hair on Stick Lust Spell

Items you will need:

3 strands of hair
1 comb or brush
1 small stick
1 tube of red paint
1 bottle of glue


Find a small stick and paint it red. While the paint is drying, comb through your hair and take three strands from your comb or brush. After the paint on the stick is dry, cover the stick in glue. Then, wrap the three strands of hair around the stick and let the glue dry.
Now, say this chant:
“I’ve wrapped up my passion.
I’ve wrapped up my lust.
I’m ready for it to come out.
I’m ready to trust
My desires and my will,
So the Universe can make it real.”
Put the stick under your bed, and your desires should could true.


Fast-Grant Spell – Money Grant Quick Spell

Items needed for this spell:

1 quarter
1 sheet of paper
1 pen or pencil


Close your eyes and think about how much money you need and how fast you need it. When you are ready, open your eyes. On the left side of the paper, trace around a quarter. Then, trace a quarter on the right side. Draw a line from one quarter to the other.
Say these words:
“Point A,
To point B
Money come fast.
Money come quickly”
Fold up the paper and put it in a coat pocket. Very soon, you should receive some money.



Find Spells – Help Me Find Spell

Items you will need:

1 small white candle
1 small blue candle
1 lighter or match


Set the two candles in front of you, close your eyes and think about what you have lost and how much you want it returned. Light both candles and say this chant three times:
“Blue candle is my love and devotion for ____________.
And how much I need ____________ back,
Safe and sound. _____________ was lost,
But I hope ________________ will be found.
White candle is for _________________’ s safe return,
While heading on my track.”
When you are done, blow out the candles. You may wake-up one morning and be shocked by the return of your lost item.

A Witch’s Week of Spells and Activities
Helga C. Loueen

A Spell for Today – Love Apple Cocktail


Love Apple Cocktail

This cocktail is meant to arouse desire. Stir together in a saucepan 2 cups of tomato juice, 1 bay leaf, 1 teaspoon of basil, and a dash each of dill and Worcestershire sauce. Simmer the mixture for three minutes, then chill it in the refrigerator. Strain the beverage before serving. Dill is powerful enough to bring on proposals of marriage, so if you’re not interested in marriage, you substitute with celery salt!


Love Drink

3 cl (~ 0.34 fl oz) of liquor*
The thin peel an juice from 1⁄2 lemon
1 dl (~ 3.4 fl oz) of liquid honey
1 dl (~ 3.4 fl oz) of sugar
1 cinnamon stick
5 tbsp of coriander
5 fennel seeds
a pinch of dried sage
A pinch of dried rosemary
A larger pinch of dried basil
A couple of chopped almonds
A few lavender flowers
A bit of saffron for love and color

Let it soak for at least 1 month, taste, strain and let it rest for 6 months. Bring it up on a cold night an pour it carefully into the glass, so that none of the sediment gets in. Offer your partener a glass and enjoy the effect!!


How To Make Potions & Spells That Really Work: The Beginners Guide To Real Witchcraft
Crafty Witch


*Liquor is optional

Spell for Today – Dragon Love Spell

Spell for Today – Lodestone Love Spell

Lodestone Love Spell

Lodestone’s magnetic properties are used to draw love towards you and then keep that love close at hand.

Lodestones are believed to have genders, just like other living creatures. Their gender is determined by their appearance: the rounder looking ones are female, while the males are the more phallic looking stones.

Choose lodestones to match your desires, use one to represent yourself and another to represent the person you would like to draw into a romance.

 Choose a lodestone that represents you and soak it in ‘Come to Me Lover Oil’  Sprinkle it with magnetic sand and place it on the edge of a mirror

 Choose a lodestone that represents the person you wish to draw into romance.

 Soak this one in ‘Amor Oil’

 Sprinkle with Magnetic Sand and place it on the mirror, on the opposite edge of the first lodestone.

 Carve a candle dedicated to romance and dress it with ‘Lucky Lodestone Oil’

 Light it and focus on your wish for romance and move the two lodestones slightly closer to each other.

 Pinch out the candle

 Repeat this daily until the lodestones meet in the middle, and then allow the candle to burn all the way down.

Spell for Today – Printable

Spell for Today – Honey Jar and Candle Spell

This magic spell can be worked on anyone’s name you want to sweeten. Depending on what relationship the person has to you, what special items you put into the name-packet, the colour of candle you choose, and the oil you dress it with, this trick will cause the person you name to like you more, to love you more, to favour your petition, to want to help you, to be sympathetic to your cause, or to forgive any wrongs you have committed. It can be used to influence and sweeten a judge in a court case, a loan officer at the bank, a boss from whom you want a raise, a teacher in your school from whom you want a good grade, a lover with whom you want a reconciliation, an in-law who has been back-biting you, or friend who has cut you off because of a foolish quarrel.


The following ingredients are needed
a jar of sweetener (see below)
a piece of paper
a pen
optional herbs, curios, and/or bodily concerns (see below)
a candle (choose the appropriate colour at the candle magic page)
a candle-dressing oil such as Special Oil No. 20 or Love Me oil


Get a small jar of sweetener. This can be honey, Karo Syrup, Crystal Syrup, home-made brown sugar syrup, Log Cabin Syrup, Vermont maple syrup, Bre’r Rabbit Blackstrap Molasses or whatever you desire — as long as it is in a container with a metal lid. You can buy the goods in a pint-size glass Mason jar or pour the sweetening of your choice into a jar of your own at home. All that matters is that it should be a short, squat jar with a metal lid, filled up to the shoulder of the jar.


In the old days, when skin colour was a lot more important to people than it is now, it was recommended that the colour of the sweetener match the skin of the person you wanted to sweeten. Thus, for a white judge, you might use Crystal Syrup, and for a Latino loan officer you might use light brown sugar syrup, and for a dark-skinned lover you might use Bre’r Rabbit Blackstrap Molasses. Frankly, these days specifying a person’s skin colour is not as meaningful as it once was (for which we can all be thankful), and today many folks prefer to use honey for the spell, no matter what the target’s skin colour is, because it is a natural sweetener and not man-made. I believe that if you just follow your own intuition and decide which sweetener you like the best, you can be confident that you have made the right choice.


Next, prepare your paper. Again, in the old days, we would be told to use white paper for a white person, tan paper for a high-brown, and rough old grocery-bag paper for a person of dark colour, but these days the type of paper you use can simply be a matter of personal style. I use the smooth, tan-coloured light-weight shopping bag paper because that is my choice, based on the way i was taught, which was that such paper is “pure paper” and better than parchment from the art-supply store. I prepare my paper by tearing it neatly on all four sides so there is no machine-cut edge. Of course some folks prefer parchment paper more, and they trim it square with scissors — and the spell still works for them. So go ahead and prepare your paper just as you wish and that will suffice.


Once you have got your paper together, write the person’s name three times on it, one name under the other like so


Jane or John Doe

Jane or John Doe

Jane or John Doe


Then you rotate the paper 90 degrees and write your own name across the person’s name, also three times:


Your Name

Your Name

Your Name


The result will be that the two names are crossed over each other, like a cross or a tic-tac-toe grid, and the other person’s name will be under yours. This is called crossing and covering their name. If the sweetening is being done for love, you can use a red ink pen. Otherwise, the colour of the ink does not matter. Now all around the crossed names, write your specific wish in a circle. If you need a guideline, lightly sketch the circle-shape with a pencil and then follow around it when writing with your ink pen. You must write your wish in one continuous run of script letters, with no spaces — AND WITHOUT LIFTING YOUR PEN FROM THE PAPER. Do not cross your t’s or dot your i’s. Just write the words in one run and be sure to join up the end of the last word with the beginning of the first word so the circle is complete. Then you can go back and cross your t’s and dot your i’s. To make it easy to connect the word together at the end, i have found it best to make my petition in the form of short commands, such as “help me favour me help me favour me” or “love me love me love me” or “forgive me come back forgive me come back.”


If you make a mistake — for instance, if you lift your pen in the middle of writing your petition-circle — throw away the paper and start it all over again. You want it to be perfect.


Other ingredients can be added to the name-paper if you wish — a piece of court case root for a court case spell, two rose petals for a love spell, a lump of sugar for a family member, two clove buds for friendship, bayberry root or sassafras root for a money spell, a pair of Adam-and-Eve roots for love, two small Lodestones for sexuality, a pinch of deer’s tongue leaves for a proposal of marriage, a square of camphor for cleaning out bad things of the past, and so forth.


If you are sweetening someone for love, then in addition to the name-paper and whatever optional herbs, roots, or minerals you choose, you must also get one of the person’s hairs and one of your hairs. If the hairs are long enough, tie them together. Otherwise, just lay them crosswise to each other. In either case, place them on the name-paper. Don’t ask me what to do if you can’t get their hairs ’cause I can’t help with that. Either work the spell without the hairs and expect a much lower rate of success or get the hairs! Don’t load the paper up with lots of other stuff thinking that if you can’t get the hairs that six different love-herbs and two lodestones will be as strong as two hairs. They won’t be.


Fold the paper toward you to bring what you want your way and speak aloud your wish as you do so. Turn the paper and fold it again, and again, always folding toward you, to bring what you want your way. Speak aloud your wish each time you fold the paper toward you. Fold it until it will not fold any more.


Open the jar of honey or syrup. To make room for the folded paper packet, you will need to eat some of the contents. Take out a spoon’s worth, and as you eat it, say, “As this honey [or syrup] is sweet to me, so will i become sweet to John Russell Brown [or the name of the person you are working this on].” You can do this three times — taking out three small spoonsful of sweetener and speaking your wish aloud each time. Push the folded paper packet down into the jar and close up the lid.


Dress an offertory candle (a 50 cent, 6″ long candle or a 25 cent 4″ long one, nothing fancy) with an appropriate anointing oil, or use Special Oil No. 20, which is specifically indicated in this type of spell. Use a white candle for general blessing and healing, a red one for sexual love, a pink one for reconciliation, a brown one for a court case, and so forth. (For a longer list of colour symbolism, see the page on candle magic.)


Stand the candle on the lid of the closed-up jar and light it. You can melt the candle to the lid with hot wax if need be.


Let the candle burn all the way out. Do this every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, for as long as it takes. Add teach new candle on top of the remains of the last one. I have seen people’s syrup-jar spells like this done for court cases that were continued for so long and required so many candles that you could not see the jar under all the dripped-on wax!

Spell for Today – Printable

Non-Manipulative Love Spell Wiccan Love Spell

Non-Manipulative Love Spell
Wiccan Love Spell

By Micaela
Note: When I was just a young and fluffy middle school Pagan, I wrote this spell, basing it off of a few other spells I had seen. It doesn’t rhyme or use pretty words and it needs a little tweaking. But it worked for me: a few weeks after I had done this spell, a guy with a very similar description to the one on my paper asked me out and we went out for a month and a half.

You will need:

  • A red candle

  • A pink candle

  • Red or pink flower petals

  • Some purple lilacs

  • A red pen

  • White paper

  • An envelope

  • Some perfume

  • A symbol of permanence/stability of your choice

With the paper and pen, write ten things you would like in a lover. Set the paper down on a flat surface and say:

Aphrodite and Venus, bring me a lover.
Let he/she be faithful and true
Let he/she love me for who I am
And let me love him/her for who he/she is.

Light the pink candle, and say

Let the first feelings of love strike me and this unknown person Let our love be one of friendship and romance

Light the red candle, and say:

Our relationship will be strong, and we will have the courage to trust each other and to be ourselves, and to help each other overcome whatever crises may befall us.

Spray the paper with perfume. Put it and the flower petals and the symbol of permanence in an envelope and seal it, imagining being happy and safe in the lover’s arms or something like that. Say:

Let this love be sweet and flourishing like these flower petals, but let it be far more enduring, like (permanence symbol).

Then finish the spell by keeping the envelope with you, or burying on your property, or keeping it by your bed at night.

Love Spells

Love spells are some of the most common types of magical spells cast. They are used to obtain a new love, attract a lover, and also to keep pure love. Love spells also include spells to cast on new lovers to strengthen the ties between the two involved. Love spells are not always to find or keep a special love. They are also used to end an unwanted lovers attention, break up a couple or even to banish love between people. Love spells are used to help someone fall in love with you, return your love or advances, or even to stop a divorce. Free magic love spells are also used to get your lover back or rekindle a love. There are many different LOVE SPELLS


Bake a fresh loaf of bread. Hold it up to the moon and ask the lady to bless the bread as well as the relationship. Break off a piece of the bread for your partner, as well as one for yourself as well. As you share time together, share the bread as well. Do not cut the bread with a knife or any other cutting tool. Just break off the pieces with your hands. Adding butter or jam might be a good idea to help sweeten things up a bit.

Happy Valentine’s Day

A Call of Love

This is a love spell using only words and your own sincere intentions. Face to the west (the direction associated with love and emotions) and raise your hands to the air. Repeat the following, out loud if possible.

I call on Aphrodite, on Isis, on Freya
Hear the sound of my own heart
Hear my call.

I ask to be blessed with love,
That my heart’s partner be found
I ask to be blessed with love,
As my magick spirals round.

Thank you great Goddesses,
I welcome your assistance
In my search for love.

After speaking the spell, concentrate on the outcome you are hoping for, and give your energy to your purpose.

From Word Spells

Jar Love Spell / Enchantment

Jar Love Spell / Enchantment


  • Photo of person who wish to enchant or if you have no phone, write their name on a piece of paper.

  • Jar of lavender or clove honey

  • Red candle

Take the name/picture of the one you wish to enchant and simply place in the jar of honey or lavender. Seal the jar and place the red candle above, letting it burn completely so that the wax from the candle seals the jar. Place the jar in a secret place until your lover has responded to you. Take the jar to a stream or lake and deposit it there when you have achieved your desire (i.e. you got married to the person or are moving in with them, etc…)

Red Apple Love Spell

Red Apple Love Spell

This spell is meant for someone that has feelings for you and you want them to be stronger and more focused for whatever reason like the love is dying or surrounding problems distracting your lover from their feeling and stressing them out and you feel they’re taking it out on you.

Items Needed:

  • A red apple

  • 3 spoons of sugar (organic brown sugar preferred)

  • A piece if cardboard

  • A pen (red ink preferred)

  • A knife to carve the apple

  • 3 spoons of honey

Optional items to strengthen the spell:

  • One red candle

  • One pink candle

  • One white candle

  • One purple candle

  • Dress candles in “Come to Me Oil”, “Road Opener Oil”, rose oil, and/or patchouli oil.

Optional: Depending on your schedule, you can make one of two commitments before you do the spell. This is your agreement between you and your higher power to prove your commitment to the spell.

1: Burn the four candles all in one night down to the wick.
2: Burn one candle every night before bed for three days to a week.

The Ritual

Carve the top of the apple (like a jack-o-lantern) so that you’ll be able to remove the top and replace it again.

Write the full name and birth date of the person you desire on the piece of cardboard. Take that, along with their photo (optional, for a stronger spell) and place it in the center of the apple.

Put three spoonfuls of honey and sugar inside the center and put the apple lid back on the apple

If you want your lover to be bound to you, wrap the apple in your underwear (a pair you’ll never use again)

Then place the apple in an airtight container (Tupperware is fine) and put in the farthest corner of your closet and don’t touch it for an entire week.

As the week starts to pass the apple will get mushy. The mushier the apple gets, the mushier your lover’s heart will get and the more their desires for you will show.

After a week has passed, check the apple and if you feel it’s not mushy enough let it sit for a day or a few more days, than bury it in the ground.

Non-Manipulative Love Spell Wiccan Love Spell

Non-Manipulative Love Spell
Wiccan Love Spell

By Micaela
Note: When I was just a young and fluffy middle school Pagan, I wrote this spell, basing it off of a few other spells I had seen. It doesn’t rhyme or use pretty words and it needs a little tweaking. But it worked for me: a few weeks after I had done this spell, a guy with a very similar description to the one on my paper asked me out and we went out for a month and a half.

You will need:

  • A red candle

  • A pink candle

  • Red or pink flower petals

  • Some purple lilacs

  • A red pen

  • White paper

  • An envelope

  • Some perfume

  • A symbol of permanence/stability of your choice

With the paper and pen, write ten things you would like in a lover. Set the paper down on a flat surface and say:

Aphrodite and Venus, bring me a lover.
Let he/she be faithful and true
Let he/she love me for who I am
And let me love him/her for who he/she is.

Light the pink candle, and say

Let the first feelings of love strike me and this unknown person Let our love be one of friendship and romance

Light the red candle, and say:

Our relationship will be strong, and we will have the courage to trust each other and to be ourselves, and to help each other overcome whatever crises may befall us.

Spray the paper with perfume. Put it and the flower petals and the symbol of permanence in an envelope and seal it, imagining being happy and safe in the lover’s arms or something like that. Say:

Let this love be sweet and flourishing like these flower petals, but let it be far more enduring, like (permanence symbol).

Then finish the spell by keeping the envelope with you, or burying on your property, or keeping it by your bed at night.