The Ethics of Love Spells by Mike Nichols c 2013

The Ethics of Love Spells    
   by Mike Nichols
by Mike Nichols

To gain the love of someone: On a night of the full moon, walk to a spot beneath your beloved’s bedroom window, and whisper his/her name three times to the nightwind. –Ozark love spell

It seems to be an immutable law of nature. You are interviewed by a local radio or TV station, or in some local newspaper. The topic of the interview is Witchcraft or Paganism, and you spend the better part of an hour brilliantly articulating your beliefs, your devotion to Goddess and nature, the difference between Witchcraft and Satanism, and generally enlightening the public at large. The next day, you are flooded with calls. Is it people complimenting you on such a splendid interview? No. People wanting to find out more about the religion of Wicca? Huh-uh. People who are even vaguely interested in what you had to say??? Nope. Who is it? It’s people asking you to do a love spell for them!

This used to drive me nuts. I’d take a deep breath and patiently explain (for the thousandth time) why I won’t even do love spells for myself, let alone anyone else. This generally resulted in my caller becoming either angry or defensive, but seldom more enlightened. ‘But don’t you DO magic?’, they ask. ‘Only occasionally,’ I answer. ‘And aren’t most magic spells love spells?’, they persist. That was the line I really hated, because I knew they were right! At least, if you look at the table of contents of most books on magic, you’ll find more love spells than any other kind. This seems as true for the medieval grimoire as for the modern drugstore paperback.

Why? Why so many books containing so many love spells? Why such an emphasis on a kind of magic that I, personally, have always considered very negative? And to make matters even more confusing, the books that do take the trouble of dividing spells between ‘positve’ and ‘negative’ magic invariably list love spells under the first heading. After all, they would argue, love is a good thing. There can never be too much of it. Therefore, any spell that brings about love must be a GOOD spell. Never mind that the spell puts a straightjacket on another’s free will, and then drops it in cement for good measure

And that is why I had always assumed love magic to be negative magic. Years ago, one of the first things I learned as a novice Witch was something called the Witch’s Rede, a kind of ‘golden rule’ in traditional Witchcraft. It states, ‘An it harm none, do what thou will.’ One uses this rede as a kind of ethical litmus test for a spell. If the spell brings harm to someone — anyone (including yourself!) — then don’t do it! Unfortunately, this rule contains a loophole big enough to fly a broom through. It’s commonly expressed, ‘Oh, this won’t HARM them; it’s really for their own good.’ When you hear someone say that, take cover, because something especially nasty is about to happen.

That’s why I had to develop my own version of the Witch’s Rede. Mine says that if a spell harms anyone, OR LIMITS THEIR FREEDOM OF THOUGHT OR ACTION IN ANY WAY, then consider it negative, and don’t do it. Pretty strict, you say? Perhaps. But there’s another law in Witchcraft called the Law of Threefold Return. This says that whatever power you send out, eventually comes back to you three times more powerful. So I take no chances. And love spells, of the typical make-Bobby-love-me type, definitely have an impact on another’s free will.

So why are they so common? It’s taken me years to make peace with this, but I think I finally understand. The plain truth is that most of us NEED love. Without it, our lives are empty and miserable. After our basic survival needs have been met, we must have affection and companionship for a full life. And if it will not come of its own accord, some of us may be tempted to FORCE it to come. And nothing can be as painful as loving someone who doesn’t love you back. Consequently, the most common, garden-variety spell in the world is the love spell.

Is there ever a way to do a love spell and yet stay within the parameters of the Witch’s Rede? Possibly. Some teachers have argued that if a spell doesn’t attempt to attract a SPECIFIC person into your life, but rather attempts to attract the RIGHT person, whomever that may be, then it is not negative magic. Even so, one should make sure that the spell finds people who are ‘right’ for each other — so that neither is harmed, and both are made happy.

Is there ever an excuse for the make-Bobby-love-me type of spell? Without endorsing this viewpoint, I must admit that the most cogent argument in its favor is the following: Whenever you fall in love with someone, you do everything in your power to impress them. You dress nicer, are more attentive, witty, and charming. And at the same time, you unconsciously set in motion some very powerful psychic forces. If you’ve ever walked into a room where someone has a crush on you, you know what I mean. You can FEEL it. Proponents of this school say that a love spell only takes the forces that are ALREADY there — MUST be there if you’re in love — and channels them more efficiently.

But the energy would be there just the same, whether or not you use a spell to focus it.

I won’t attempt to decide this one for you. People must arrive at their own set of ethics through their own considerations. However, I would call to your attention all the cautionary tales in folk magic about love spells gone awry. Also, if a love spell has been employed to join two people who are not naturally compatible, then one must keep pumping energy into the spell. And when one finally tires of this (and one will, because it is hard work!) then the spell will unravel amidst an emotional and psychic hurricane that will make the stormiest divorces seem calm by comparison. Not a pretty picture.

It should be noted that many spells that pass themselves off as love spells are, in reality, sex spells. Not that there’s anything surprising in that, since our most basic needs usually include sex. But I think we should be clear from the outset what kind of spell it is. And the same ethical standards used for love spells can often be applied to sex spells. Last year, the very quotable Isaac Bonewits, author of ‘Real Magic’, taught a sex magic class here at the Magick Lantern, and he tossed out the following rule of thumb: Decide what the mundane equivalent of your spell would be, and ask yourself if you could be arrested for it. For example, some spells are like sending a letter to your beloved in the mail, whereas other spells are tantamount to abduction. The former is perfectly legal and normal, whereas the latter is felonious.

One mitigating factor in your decisions may be the particular tradition of magic you follow. For example, I’ve often noticed that practitioners of Voudoun (Voodoo) and Santeria seem much more focused on the wants and needs of day-to-day living than on the abstruse ethical considerations we’ve been examining here. That’s not a value judgement — just an observation. For example, most followers of Wicca STILL don’t know how to react when a Santerian priest spills the blood of a chicken during a ritual — other than to feel pretty queasy. The ethics of one culture is not always the same as another.

And speaking of cultural traditions, another consideration is how a culture views love and sex. It has often been pointed out that in our predominant culture, love and sex are seen in very possessive terms, where the beloved is regarded as one’s personal property. If the spell uses this approach, treating a person as an object, jealously attempting to cut off all other relationships, then the ethics are seriously in doubt. However, if the spell takes a more open approach to love and sex, not attempting to limit a person’s other relationships in any way, then perhaps it is more defensible. Perhaps. Still, it might be wise to ask, Is this the kind of spell I’d want someone to cast on me?

Love spells. Whether to do them or not. If you are a practitioner of magic, I dare say you will one day be faced with the choice. If you haven’t yet, it is only a matter of time. And if the answer is yes, then which spells are ethical and which aren’t? Then you, and only you, will have to decide whether ‘All’s fair in love and war’, or whether there are other, higher, metaphysical considerations.

Document Copyright © 1988, 1998 by Mike Nichols

Let’s Talk Witch – Spells and spell casting.

Witchy Cat Graphics & Comments
Let’s Talk Witch – Spells and spell casting.

When talking about spells and spell casting you can get into some sticky situations. No other subject can cause so many divisions in the pagan community.

It seems that there are as many different ways and ethical practices as there are gods and goddesses in the universe. If you take into consideration that spells and the way you cast them is what makes them effective it begins to make perfect sense why.

In effective spell casting there are three very important ingredients that you must have, resolve, focus, and comfort.

Without resolve there can be no change, it is your commitment to an action that is the basis of a spell. You have to really want it! Without a genuine intention to effect a change you are casting magic to the wind, cluttering up an otherwise flowing universe. Spells without resolve can be detrimental undirected or worse misdirected energy is free to change unknown situations.

Make sure you really want the change you are trying to make. When you get it, it’s yours. This is where a little divination would come in handy to make sure you will be truly happy with the outcome of your spell.

Focus, direction, or meditation, how good can aim? The focus of your spell casting is as important as the resolve to make a change. If you can’t see the broad side of a barn you will not have the ability to effect a change on it. You have to be able to taste it! If you physically build a dog house, you have to have some idea what it will look like when you are done. A spell is like a dog house, if you don’t know what it’s supposed to look like when your done, you could very well end up with a failed attempt or worse. You have to belive it’s possible. If you can’t belive that something is possible it’s not. Anything is possible if you truly belive it can happen. If you belive you can make a change and you know how the change will take place and you can picture the end result of your spell, you are there.

Comfort is easy, if you can’t ethically accept the responsibility for your spell or there is something that bothers you about what you are trying to do or how you are going about it, don’t. You are the power in your spell, you are the creator and the control.

Poor comfort will mess up your focus and your resolve. Without comfort you will have a very poor spell at best.

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A Little Humor for Your Day – Spells That Actually Work

Spells That Actually Work

(Do Not Try Any of these At Home, Only Jokes)

Ancient Spell to Kill a Beast

1.  Get a spear.

2.  Aim the spear.

3..Throw the spear.

4.  Repeat until the beast is dead.

Spell to Make Money

1.  Put on some tight attractive clothing.

2.  Go to a busy street corner.

3.  Dance as well as you can for passing cars and pedestrians.

Spell to Get Measles

1.  Find someone who has measles.

2.  Lick them.

Spell to Turn Day Into Night

1.  Stand facing a large tree or wall.

2.  Close eyes tightly. Keeping eyes closed, run straight ahead as fast as you can.

Spell to Turn Night Into Day

1. Lay down when it is nighttime.

2. Close your eyes.

3. Wait 8 hours.

4.  Open your eyes.

Spell to Breathe Under-Water 

1.  Attach concrete block to your feet.

2.  Jump into water.

3.  Breathe normally and sing the tune to “Flipper”.

4.  Takes about 5 minutes for lungs to adjust.

Spell to Commune With Pink Elephants

1.  Pour glass of vodka or alcoholic drink of choice.

2.  Drink.

3.  Repeat steps 1-2.

Turok’s Cabana

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Calendar of the Sun for January 10th

Calendar of the Sun

10 Wolfmonath

Ilithyia’s Day of the Midwives

Color: Red
Element: Earth
Altar: The altar shall be the same as Sponde the previous day.
Offerings: Give aid to a midwife.
Daily Meal: Center around milk and dairy products.

Ilithyia Invocation

Slim maiden with quick hands
That bring forth the life of others,
Daughter of Hera, child of marriage,
Daughter of Zeus, child of kingship,
Your hands reach forth
To every matron’s opening womb,
Bringing the new bride into the world of family,
Bringing the maiden into the time of mothering,
Bringing the tribe a new life.
Let us learn from you, maiden midwife!
For though we do sometimes find ourselves
Bringing new life into the world,
More often we kneel in your place,
As you kneel between the laboring woman’s thighs,
Watching the opening of the sacred door,
Kneeling in honor of the power of birth,
We find ourselves assisting in the birth
Of the others who struggle,
Who writhe and twist and despair of being done,
Who need out skilled hands, our urgent voices,
Our love and care and attention
That what must be birthed shall come to be.
Teach us, Ilithyia, of how to better hold the labor of another
In our waiting hands.

From the dark of the womb we bring forth life
From the dark of the mind we bring forth light
From the dark of the dream we bring forth sight
From the dark of the Wheel we bring forth fate
From the dark of the night we bring forth day
From the dark of the heart we seek the way.

[Pagan Book of Hours]

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Why Spells Don’t Always Work


Spell casting, in and of itself, is not difficult. Generally, it follows an
easy formula with separate and distinct steps. A spell is a procedure to
follow to reach a desired end. It does not require a great deal of money, a
huge compendium of tools, or exotic ingredients to work. It does require
faith in yourself and a commection with deity.
When describing spells to non-magickal people, a witch will often tell them
that a spell is much like a prayer. You are calling upon divinity to assist
you, as in a prayer, but a spell requires more than just pleading to divinity
to help you out of a jam. In a spell YOU are an active ingredient. Your
faith and your knowledge are as important as understanding there is divinity
out there to call upon.
Many of you have already heard of the Witches’ Pyramid, the foundation of our magickal acts: To Know, To Will, To Dare, and To Be Silent. This pyramid is  the underlying structure of any spell formula.
To Know 
Before you can cast a spell, you need to know who you are. Ego aside, you
have to come to terms with who you are, how you operate, and why you do the things you do.
The second thing you must know is precisely what you want. This is not as
easy as it seems. People rarely sit back and consider what they really want
out of life. Part of this is because they are afraid. They fear they may not
get what they want, and they fear that they will fail. These fears stop us
from knowing.
For example, time and time again people I know have spelled for love. They
have not done the ultimate no-no by targeting a specific person, but they do
something just as bad–they don’t really know what they ultimately want.
When they get what they spelled for, often they are disappointed, because
there is something attached to that new lover they didn’t think of.
Therefore, all spells must be specific.
One of the best ways to begin a working is to write out, in detail, exactly
what you want in one straight line on a piece of paper. Underneath,
phonetically begin to pare each word down. Underneath that line, pare the
words down again. Continue this procedure until only one letter from each
word is left. Interlock the few remaining letters into a sigil. Use this
sigil in whatever magickal application you have chosen to ensure your spell
remains specific.
To Will  
Another stumbling block in spell casting is lack of will, whether it is will
power, belief, or conviction. Will depends on how badly you want to make a
change. Do you believe you are capable of making the change, or do you think
it is only wishful thinking? Are you willing to re-program your mind, your
environment, your relationships, in order to bring about ther change you
desire? Without will, a spell will fizzle. Is your mind fogged with doubt,
or unnecessary problems that will prevent bringing about the change you say
you want?
One of the best techniques for increasing your will power is the use of
meditation on a daily basis. Once you have learned to relax, use the alpha
state to program the events you wish to come to pass. You should work on
both short-term and long-term goals.
Another technique that is useful in spell casting is to write down why you
wish to manifest something. Let this explanation sit on your altar
overnight, then re-read it. Does it make sense? Is this what you really
want? Does your reasoning still appear firm, or is it full of holes?
Are you patient? Patience has a lot to do with will. Once you have a firm
grip on “will,” you are a third of the way through on accurate spell casting.
To Dare  
To dare means you are not inclined to sit around on your laurels. It means
that you are not choosing to procrastinate, rather you are choosing to move
with purpose. To dare indicates that you are no longer afraid of the
outcome, or fear failure. You are confident that you control your own
destiny to the point where you won’t even argue about it, either with someone
else, or yourself.
Although “to dare” doesn’t appear to create a lot of work, it does require
you to make an active decision. This is the next catalyst for your magickal
operation. From here, you will plan the appropriate day, hour, moon phase,
astrological energies, and tools required for working magick,including what
divinity you will choose. To dare can lead to a great deal of work and
To Be Silent  
Even if you are an adept, you should learn to be quiet about your magickal
operations. There is only one exception, which is when you are working with
a group. If the group mind is actively participating on a project they
should be informed of their success or failure.
In the beginning, you should be silent so that you are not affected by
others’ opinions. Don’t tell them what you are performing magick for, as you
risk failure. Why? Because they can unconsciously affect you with their
disbelief or negativity.
Likewise, once you become proficient at spell casting, don’t announce
it–especially to a novice. No real adept will ever tell a novice that “My
spells always work.” Not only is it rude, it is also untrue. Everyone
fails. Imagine what a novice would think if they knew you lost your job,your
kids are running rampant, and you are deeply in debt. If your spells always
worked, you would not be in such a fix, would you? Foolish words can ruin
your reputation, which in turn, will ruin your own self-confidence.
Therefore, keep your trap shut–this ensures success in your magickal
operations as well as keeping your reputation intact. No one likes a
braggart, and no one considers an egotistical Witch a good leader or cleric.
When Spell’s Fail  
Try this chant
Oh God/dess (whoever you worship) I am not worthy of    
your perfect grace, nor the magick i find within myself    
and within you. I ask now in Just, for i have grown weak    
that thou would accompany me in rituals and spells.    
Be By my side in this time of need. I do not deserve you    
Oh God/dess. but still I ask, for i am only but a mortal    
Oh God/dess, Bless me!    
Oh God/dess, accompany me!    
Oh God/dess, Shine light upon me!    
Oh God/dess, grant me wisdom!    
Oh God/dess, Grant me Humility!    
Oh God/dess, Stay with me!    
Oh God/dess, Protect me from evil!    
Oh God/dess, I love thee above all things!    
Please Oh ancient ones, hear me!    

Daily Motivator for Nov. 27th – Pay the price

Pay the price

Success has a price, and today you have the golden opportunity to pay that  price. Choose to do so, and valuable, unique, new fulfilling success is yours. 

Though the price you must pay for success is significant, it is never a  burden. Willingly, joyfully and enthusiastically pay that price, and true  success will fill your life.

To pay the price of success, you must engage your effort, your creativity,  your resourcefulness and a whole lot of other strengths, skills and abilities.  What’s truly beautiful is that when you pay the price of success, it actually  ends up paying you back many, many times over.

If you’re trying to avoid paying the price of success, you’re running away  from your best possibilities. Stop, turn around, step up, do what must be done,  and taste the sweet fulfillment that’s waiting for you.

Success has a very steep price, and one of life’s greatest joys is the  experience of paying that price. Don’t ever cheat yourself out of the  opportunity to feel that joy.

Success has many benefits, and one big benefit is in the price you must pay.  Pay that price, every chance you get, and enjoy the immense rewards of doing so. 

— Ralph Marston

The Daily Motivator

Good Wednesday Morning To All My Dear Family & Friends!

Witchy Comments=

by Victoria Marty


Accept others as they are. We are all individuals.

Belief in yourself is a necessity.

Concentration is important in any endeavor, both magickal and in life.

Do what you will, so long as it harms none.

Empathy is an important life skill… learn it, practice it.

Find strength in yourself, your friends, your world and your actions.

God is multifaceted… the Lord and Lady, all deities take many names and faces.

Help others every chance you get.

Intelligence is something that cannot be judged on surface.

Judge not… what you send out comes back to you!

Karma loves to slap you in the face. Watch out for it.

Learning is something that should never stop happening!

Magick is a wonderful gift- but it is not everything.

Nature is precious. Appreciate and protect it.

Over the course of time your soul learns many lessons. Make this life count!


Quietness both physically and mentally restores the soul; meditate often.

Remember to take time for yourself as well as others.

Spells can help you, but you must also help yourself!

Tools can only do so much… they are not the foundation of all.

Unless you enjoy worrying, keep a positive mindset!

Visualize the success of your goals before you set out to achieve them.

Wisdom can often be found in the least expected places!

Xenophobia (a hatred of those different from you) is a path to misery.

You are a beautiful person who is capable of anything!

Zapping away all of your troubles is not going to happen

A Little Humor for Your Day – Spells Guaranteed to Work

Spells Guaranteed to Work


Ancient Spell to Kill a Beast    

Get a spear.         
Aim the spear.         
Throw the spear.         
Repeat until the beast is dead.     

Spell to Make Money  

Put on some tight attractive clothing.         
Go to a busy street corner.         
Dance as well as you can for passing cars and pedestrians.               

Spell to Get Measles 

Find someone who has measles.         
Lick them.               

Spell to Turn Day Into Night    

Stand facing a large tree or wall.         
Close eyes tightly.         
Keeping eyes closed, run straight ahead as fast as you can.               


Spell to Turn Night Into Day   

Lay down when it is nighttime.         
Close your eyes.         
Wait 8 hours.         
Open your eyes.               


Spell to Breathe Under-Water 

Attach concrete block to your feet.         
Jump into water.         
Breathe normally and sing the tune to “Flipper”.         
Takes about 5 minutes for lungs to adjust.             

Spell to Commune With Pink Elephants    

Pour glass of vodka or alcoholic drink of choice.         
Repeat steps 1-2.               


Spell to Attract Lightning  

Cover yourself in metal: jewelry, chains, golf clubs, nails, nuts & bolts, hubcaps, etc.         
Go out into a thunderstorm and hold a long TV antenna high in the air.  

Spell to Stop a Runny Nose    

Get two cotton balls.         
Shove one up each nostril.         
Tape them there.          

Spell to Make a Person Fall In Love With You   

 Call person at least thirty times a day.         
Park outside their house and shut your headlights off.         
Leave sweet tokens on doorstep (i.e., roses without petals, a nice headless            Barbie doll, etc.).         
Follow them everywhere they go… careful, they’ll try to lose you!         
Don’t worry if they get that silly restraining order, that means the           
spell is working!     

Spell to Make a Person Fall Out of Love With You  

Forget getting a restraining order.         
Get a gun or other weapon of choice.         
Wound or maim person with weapon.         
Throw person in an area with lots of wild carnivores         


Spell to Make Your Computer Fast       

Open a window.         
Defenestrate the computer.         
If the computer hits the ground really fast, the spell worked.               


Alternate Spell to Make Your Computer Fast 

Turn on your computer         
Deny it food.               


Spell to Save on Gas   

Cut holes in floorboards of car.         
Remove shoes.         
While still seated, pedal feet really, really fast.         
Scream “Yabba Dabba Do!”         
(Optional) Invite passengers to join in the fun!               


Spell to Go to the Bathroom   

Drink so much water that you think you will burst.         
Drink another glass anyway.         
Wait ten minutes, then guzzle a can of soda.         
Repeat step 3 as often as desired to increase the spell’s effect.               


Alternate Spell to Go to the Bathroom 

Eat a bushel of prunes.         
Take a dose of ExLax.         


Spell to Make Something Disappear  

Open a window         
Grab the object you want to make disappear.         
Defenestrate the object.         
Close the window. 

Spell to Make Yourself Fly   

Open a window         
Defenestrate yourself.         
Flap your arms vigorously and repeatedly say “I’m flying!”         
If you don’t hit the ground, the spell worked.               


Spell to Get a New Car   

Get off the computer.         
Go to a car dealership.         
Chose a care.
Take a test drive.
Repeat until a satisfactory choice is made.         
Make arrangements to trade in your old car for the new one chosen.         
Drive home and wait.         
When the new car arrives, go back to the dealer.         
Drive home.            

Spell to Go Through A Wall    

Get a sledgehammer.           
Hit a wall continuously until a large enough hole appears.         
Go through the hole.                


Spell to Change Your Eye Color    

Visit ophthalmologist.         
Get prescription for contact lenses.         
Fill prescription with colored contact lenses.         
Put in colored contact lenses.


Turok’s Cabana

Monday Blessings To All My Dear Family & Friends!

Shout buzzah and merry meet
As each new day I gladly greet
Clap my hands and move my feet
Enjoy the dance of life!
Revel in the rising sun
Love my darlings, every one
Rejoice at each new battle won.
Enjoy the dance of life!
Eschew the shadows of the light
Laugh in childish delight
Eat with pleasure every bite
Enjoy the dance of life!
Strive each day to be your best
See the humor in each jest
Embrace the joy and screw the rest
Enjoy the dance of life!

Working With The Days of the Week – Friday

Friday Is Ruled by Venus

Archangel: Anael

Candle colour: Green or pink

Incenses: Rose or geranium

Crystals: Jade or rose quartz

Use Fridays for spells for love, fidelity, healing, for anything to do with beauty, the arts and crafts and for all spells concerning the environment.

Where possible, work in any enclosed beautiful place outdoors, for example a botanical garden, a field, park or your own garden – even in a circle of plants indoors.

Working With The Days of the Week – Sunday

Sunday Is Ruled By The Sun

Archangel: Michael

Candle colour: Gold

Incenses: Frankincense or orange

Crystals: Amber of clear quartz

Use Sundays for spells for new beginnings, for worldly success, to achieve ambitions and to reverse bad luck, especially financial and for health.

Where possible, use an open space in sunlight for sun spells, such as a sunny beach or shimmering plain.

Let's Talk Witch – Review Time, My Pretties



Key Elements of Successful Spell Casting

1. Like attracts Like – what you are focusing on is what you wil attract. If you focus on the problem or what you don’t want. Even though you say you don’t want it, because you’re energy is caught up in that negative emotion you will attract more of the same.

2. Faith & Certainty. In order to successfully cast a spell you must have absolute certainty that what you want to have happen will. There is no doubt, hope or longing. You know and so it becomes!

3. YOU are the key ingredient to a spells success. As it is your energy and focus that will determine the outcome of the spell.

4. It is strongly recommended that you cast your own spells. As often people will position themselves as witches and offer to cast a spell for you – and they are not aligned to what it is you want, as they are not true magickal practitioners. As any true white witch would tell you that YOU are the best person to cast your own spell, for the reason your energy is closer to the outcome than anyone elses.

5. And harm ye none. You Never Ever Ever look to go against another’s free will. Meaning you do not try to make them love you, or do anything you desire. We each have the right to choose for ourselves. We also are to never wish revenge or pain or suffering onto another.

6. The Rule of Three is that if you go against the right of another to free will and spell cast to make them do something. Feel something or have something happen to them – you will invoke the wrath of the Rule of Three and encounter something back tha tis three times in magnitude of your wrong doing.

I haven't left it is just……


I have been digging through my Spell Books. Yesterday, I got this bright idea I wanted a chatroom for us. So I opened up another tab and did a search. I found several chatrooms but they weren’t what I was looking for. I wanted one to build and put on our site. But that is not the point of the story, I fell into a chatroom that had 4 or 5 individuals in it. And knowing me, you can imagine I started talking away, lol!

One of the girls in there was talking to the host of the chatroom. He wanted to know if she was down that day. She said yes and I couldn’t stand it, I butted in. I wanted to know what was wrong with her. She said she had been depressed since she was 14 years old. A ghost had been visiting her since she was 14 in her dreams. She seemed to never get a good night sleep. I told her that there was  a way of her getting rid of the ghost. She was very interested.

Unfortunately, I was in a hurry and now I feel really bad. I promised her I would return to the chatroom last night and help her. She told me how to bookmark the site where I could find them again. I did or at least I thought I did. I found out last night that there was no chatroom in my favorites.  I forgot something kept interfering yesterday when I was trying to talk to her. I honestly feel this woman is in serious danger. She said the spirit wanted her to go to a church and dig up a book that was buried under it. I told her that wasn’t good at all. To stay far away from that book as possible. I gave her as much advice as I could in a short period of time.

I just feel horrible today. I am hoping she will do a search for me and find me. I used one of my old names in the chat which was TheSweetAbyss. I did tell her I had a blog but not the name. Stupid me! I have helped people before that were haunted by Spirits. But this poor woman, since she was 14, it needed to be stop. Please keep her in your prayers that she will find us and we can end her torment.

I am getting ready to put on some Spirit spells. Just in case you thinks witch – spells – huh, maybe I can do some research and find a spell to get rid of the spell. I sincerely hope my thinking is right. I never let anyone down that I promised to help but oh, brother, I dropped the ball on her.

Again, please keep her in your prayers that she will find her way to us.

Thank you,

Luv & Hugs,

Lady A

Always Remember

Gothic Comments

Always Remember

To KNOW:  Know yourself, know your craft. Research your spells, apply all your knowledge

To WILL:  Focus your mind, your power and inner being.

To DARE:  Believe in your spells and all you do with Positive thought and intent. All this is energy you place in the universe.

To REMAIN SILENT:  Speak not of your spells….for every thought placed into your magick, your magick is affected.

We Are Going To Smother You With Our Love, Love Spells That Is!



Since Valentine’s Day is next week, we decided we would start posting Love Spells & Potions for you. We drew straws and I got the short end of the straw. I hope you find my spells useful. If you don’t get enough Love Spells & Potions today, we will posting more in a few day.



What’s Up, Dear Family & Friends? It’s A Funday-Sunday Here Today!!!

Gooo0d Afternoon, my dearies! How are you doing today? I hope super fantastic. I have had a busy morning around here. Started a little of my Spring cleaning today! I need a maid, someone please!!!! I moved furniture, then got the little step stool and climbed on top. I started washing the walls down. Here comes Razzy and decides she doesn’t want her Momma wearing socks today. She hates for me to wear socks anyway. She will catch me with them on and pull them off my feet and hide them. So here she comes (she is a big as the step stool), she slaps at my ankles. Next the little (ha!) fart throws her big paw over my foot and just starts nibbling on my ankles. Gee, I am glad she friendly. I sit my bucket down and she knew I was getting down. She took off and ran to hubby and hit him head on. She knocked the breathe out of him. When I got to the living room, he was panting for air and she was curled up like a little angel.

Then when I got throw playing with Razzy, I had to go and give the pitbull his medicine. I also took him for a walk this morning. His scars are healing up nicely and he is starting to put some weigh on his back leg. He is so loveable. And he just wants someone to love him in return. I sit down and he rolls all over me, loving and licking. I have to keep him under control because he gets so excited by someone wanting to care for him. I am afraid if he gets to wound up, he will hurt himself and he has done wonderfully. I don’t want that to happen.

You ever get tired of doing the same old thing, day after day??? I do. I try to think of new things on the site to do to keep it interesting. Today, we are having a Funday Sunday. What does that mean? WE ARE GOING TO HAVE SOME FUN!!!! We are going to play “WITCH.” I am going to take each letter of Witch and post some info that correspondences with it. Say for instance, W – Warding – then I would write a little bit about Warding. Then two or three more W’s. Then I would move on to the “I.” There is going to information, invocations, potions, spells, rituals and no telling what else. So let’s have some fun and hopefully you will enjoy playing Witch today!!!! Oh, if you have a suggestion for one of the letters, feel free to post it in the comment section. I will then copy and paste it on the site and give you proper credit. So let’s get those brooms a stirring and play witch!!!!


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Your I Ching Hexagram for January 25 is 32: Endurance

32: Endurance

Friday, Jan 25th, 2013







Endurance is fostered when inner constancy is coupled with external flexibility. Long-distance runners must adapt readily to changing conditions, while maintaining an inner determination and strength of purpose. Two trees growing near each other adapt to enhance each other’s survival. A strong image of durability is a stable marriage of intimate partners striking a dynamic balance between involvement in the outside world and nourishment in the home.

True endurance is not based on rigidity, for endurance implies movement, not immobilization. Only by adapting to change can we stay in the race; but only by deepening our sense of purpose can we develop the fortitude to win it.

Continuity is achieved through movement, not by keeping still. That which has ceased to grow is close to death. Stay active, but allow yourself time to stay in touch with your innermost thoughts and feelings.

Good Wednesday Morning To All My Dearly Loved Family & Friends!

Good Wednesday Morning, my luvs! I apologize for running late. I have been getting more estimates on my house now. I live in a straight-line wind area. If you aren’t familiar with that, the winds can get up to 90 mph sometimes even higher. Anyway, to keep this story short, the wind blew my roof off. So I am dealing with the insurance adjuster and contractors again, I am so lucky!

I wanted to let you know why I was running late. You know something, I am going to change my name. Yes, you heard right, I am changing it to “Lady Late, ” lmao!

Make it a fantastic day,

Luv & Hugs,

Lady A

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Life As The Witch – Spell-Writing Basics

Witchy Comments=

Spell-Writing Basics

Don’t worry if you are not the world’s greatest writer. Spells don’t have to be long and complicated in order to work, and the Gods don’t care if you can spell correctly! The most common complaint I get is from people who can’t get their spells to rhyme. But that’s okay—-they don’t have to.

Rhyming is nice for some spells. Traditionally, rhyming is used to give the spells a little more power through the rhythms of the words and to make them easier to memorize. But it certainly isn’t necessary. I’ll give you an example of a prosperity spell done both ways, just make it clear.

Prosperity Spell 1 – Rhyming

God and Goddess hear my plea

Rain prosperity down on me

Bring in monies large and small

To pay my bills one and all

Money earned and gifts for free

As I Will, So Mote It Be.

(Originally published in Circle, Coven & Grove: A Year of Magickal Practice, Llewellyn, 2007.)

Prosperity Spell 2 – Not Rhyming

Money I need and money I want

So let it come to me

In positive ways, at perfect times

As I need it, as I want it

As I Will It, So It Is.

As you can see, both spells ask for the same thing–they just do it in a slightly different way. The second spell is simpler; it doesn’t rhyme, it is shorter, and it doesn’t get as specific–but there’s no reason it couldn’t work. You could write a spell like that even if writing isn’t your thing.

So the first thing to know about writing spells is that it is fine to do so in whatever style or manner you are comfortable with.

Excerpts from:

“Writing and Casting Spells for the Best Results”
By Deborah Blake
Llewellyn’s 2013 Magical Almanac for Everyday Living

Life As The Witch – Things That Can Weaken or Ruin Our Spellcasting

 Things that Weaken or Ruin Spellcasting

There are some circumstances that can weaken or even destroy the spell you have worked so hard to cast, so you want to be aware of and avoid the following:

*Drug or alcohol use: You should never cast a spell with anything other than a clear head. For one thing, it is insulting to the Gods to come into sacred space under the influence of mind-altering substances. For another, it interferes with focus. (Yes, there are some folks who believe in the use of drugs deepens spiritual practice, they are entitled to their opinions, and I would never argue with them, but it has been my experience that nothing destroys magickal concentration and focus faster than coming into a circle high or drunk.)

*Extreme emotional states: As I said above, you need to have a clear head in order to do your best spell casting. Coming in to your sacred space filled with anger or fear or any other very strong emotion will not only stand in the way of clarity and focus, but you may cast a spell you later wished you hadn’t. This doesn’t mean that you can’t do spell work when things are bad–sometimes this is when we need magick the most. But try to achieve as calm a state as possible before starting the work. Do some meditation, take a long bath or walk, repeat some calming affirmations. At the very least, take slow, deep breaths and concentrate on the light and love of the Gods until your head is in a better place.

*Mixed feelings about the spell work: If you’re not sure whether the spell you are casting is the right thing to do or not, that doubt may undermine the will you need to feed the spell. Never cast a spell unless you are certain of your path in that instance. This is also true of the times when you are uncertain of your goal. That confusion will sap your spell of strength, so it is better to wait until you have a solid goal in mind, and the will to back it up.

*Negative intent:  This is not to say that you can’t cast a spell that would have a negative impace on someone else, for better or for worse, free will allows for this. However, you should be in mind that not only do the powers of the Universe often not allow these types of spells to work, it is not unusual for them to rebound on the one what casts them–either immediately or sometime down the line.

*Lack of focus: This is the main reason for not coming into circle under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or heavy emotions, they will simply make it too difficult to maintain the focus needed to create a powerful spell and send it out into the world. But other thing can get in the way of focus, too. If you can’t find a quiet, private place to cast your spell (the kids are running around screaming, the dog is barking, the neighbors ae arguing at the top of their lungs) you are better off waiting for a different time. It is almost impossible to get good results when you cast a spell in the midst of chaos.


Excerpt from:

“Writing and Casting Spells
  For the Best Results”
  By Deborah Blake
Llewellyn’s Magical 2013 Magical Almanac

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