Please note that this is in no way meant to take the place of regular medical advice or treatment.
Please see a doctor if conditions persist or worsen



Many herbs contain steroids that can affect the baby’s development during pregnancy and/or nursing. Others may be of a mild toxic type, and others may be strong uterine stimulants. Please read this section carefully and take heed.

Angelica – stimulates suppressed menstruation
Black Cohosh – uterine stimulant – mostly used during labor
Blue Cohosh – a stronger uterine stimulant
Borage oil – a uterine stimulant – use only during the last few days of pregnancy
Comfrey – can cause liver problems in mother and fetus – use only briefly, externally only, for treating sprains and strains –
Dong Quai – may stimulate bleeding
Elder – do not use during pregnancy or lactation
Fenugreek – uterine relaxant
Goldenseal – too powerful an antibiotic for the developing fetus, also should not be used if nursing
Henbane – highly toxic
Horsetail – too high in silica for the developing fetus
Licorice Root – can create water retention and/or elevated blood pressure
Motherwort – stimulates suppressed menstruation
Mugwort – can be a uterine stimulant
Nutmeg – can cause miscarriage in large doses
Pennyroyal Leaf – stimulates uterine contractions (NOTE: Pennyroyal essential oil should not be used by pregnant women at any time!) – do not handle if pregnant or nursing

Rue – strong expellant
Shepherd’s Purse – used only for hemmorhaging during/after childbirth
Uva Ursi – removes too much blood sugar during pregnancy and nursing
Yarrow – uterine stimulant

Herbs During Pregnancy

Herbs During Pregnancy  

These are herbs that will help the mother and baby in the early development stages.

Black Haw – used in the early stages of pregnancy to help prevent miscarriage    

Blessed Thistle – used in the latter stages of pregnancy as a liver tonic and builder, as well as a stimulant of blood flow to the mammaries, and used to  increase milk production; also reduces hemorrhaging during childbirth    

Burdock Root – has a high concentration of vitamins and minerals and is a liver booster    

Chamomile – lifts the spirits and calms the nerves, used for digestive disorders during pregnancy, is combined with ginger to help morning sickness, and has  a high calcium content as well as an anti-inflammatory aid    

Dandelion – greens and root – a high source of vitamins and minerals, aids digestion, nourishes and tones the system, diuretic, useful for fatigue and  exhaustion, liver booster    

Ginger Root – used for morning sickness and digestive problems, safe during pregnancy for treating colds, sore throats, and congestion    

Kelp – high in vitamins and minerals, aids thyroid    

Nettle Leaf – rich in many vitamins and minerals, especially iron, so it is very useful for those suffering from chronic fatigue and exhaustion due to low  iron, aids in enriching and stimulating flow of milk; good for use throughout all stages of the pregnancy    

Red Raspberry Leaf – tones and nourishes the uterine muscles, rich in vitamins and minerals, enriches and increases milk flow, restores the system after  childbirth; good for the entire pregnancy    

Sprulina – high in vitamins and nutrients    

Bee Products – – royal jelly, propolis, bee pollen, raw honey – many nutritional benefits     Always remember to eat a very healthy diet when pregnant and/or nursing!

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The following is help for those trying to get pregnant, already pregnant, or about to experience the blessed event. Once again, please seek  the assistance of a qualified person before taking these herbs. Use at your own risk.


The first place to start is at the beginning. Below are some things that will help to improve your fertility when the decision is made to  go from a couple to a family.

First, you need to check with a physician to determine where the infertility problem lies. Many things can affect fertility for both the  man and the woman. A few tests will go a long way to preventing a lot of hair-pulling and finger-pointing. If sperm count is low, a quick solution is to wear  boxers instead of briefs. Sperm needs to be cooler than the body temperature to form properly.

Uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, stress, age – all have a factor in fertility  for women, and these situations need to be addressed and treated before embarking on an herbal treatment for fertility. You should  not be in such a hurry to get pregnant that you put yourself or your fetus in any kind of danger.

Fertility Tonic

  • 2 parts ho shou wu
  • 1 part astragalus root
  • 1 part dong quai root (substitute ginseng for men)
  • 2 parts false unicorn root
  • 3 parts wild yam root
  • 1 part vitex berries
  • 1 part squaw vine
  • 1 part cinnamon

The tonic may be used in tincture (3/4 teaspoon daily), capsule (3 capsules twice per day), or tea (one cup three times per day) form. Use  daily for up to 3 months. During this time, change your lifestyle to include plenty of exercise, rest, and above all, a healthy diet. Take a multivitamin  every day, as well as bee pollen. Your life is a direct reflection of what is going on in your body, both male and female. Take stock and change what you  should to aid in overcoming the infertility. And remember – sometimes trying too hard can make it difficult to conceive!

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Repeat to each direction (east, west, etc.)

“To you my child, my body is open,
To you my child, my mind is open.
To you my child, my heart is open.
By Earth, Fire, Wind, and Sea,
Into my arms you will be.”

(Last two lines are said while looking at your cradled arms).

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Your Animal Spirit for January 28th is Green Woman

Your Animal Spirit for Today
January 28, 2014

Green Woman

Green Woman has magically floated into your life to remind you of the energy of fertility–fertility for a project, a garden, a love affair or conception. If there is fertile ground, it WILL bear fruit.  Green Woman encourages you to practice your own brand of magic, and to appreciate the talents you have that will, in the near future, give birth to a magical creation.

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Your Charm for Tuesday, Jan. 21 is The Hei Tiki

Your Charm for Today

The Hei Tiki

Today’s Meaning:

Now is an ideal time to learn. Your mind is particularly keen at this time for the study of witchcraft, divination and esoteric subjects. Knowledge affects this aspect.

General Description:   

The Hei Tiki amulet is used by the Maoris of New Zealand. It is carved in jade, the sacred stone of the natives. Worn as a neck ornament for good luck, and to protect from witchcraft and evil spirits. These charms are regarded as valuable heirlooms, and are carefully handed down from father to son, as the talisman was believed to possess all the good qualities and virtues of their forefathers. The Hei Tiki is a curious and distorted representation of the human figure in the attitude of listening, the head leaning on the shoulder.

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Calendar of the Sun for January 10th

Calendar of the Sun

10 Wolfmonath

Ilithyia’s Day of the Midwives

Color: Red
Element: Earth
Altar: The altar shall be the same as Sponde the previous day.
Offerings: Give aid to a midwife.
Daily Meal: Center around milk and dairy products.

Ilithyia Invocation

Slim maiden with quick hands
That bring forth the life of others,
Daughter of Hera, child of marriage,
Daughter of Zeus, child of kingship,
Your hands reach forth
To every matron’s opening womb,
Bringing the new bride into the world of family,
Bringing the maiden into the time of mothering,
Bringing the tribe a new life.
Let us learn from you, maiden midwife!
For though we do sometimes find ourselves
Bringing new life into the world,
More often we kneel in your place,
As you kneel between the laboring woman’s thighs,
Watching the opening of the sacred door,
Kneeling in honor of the power of birth,
We find ourselves assisting in the birth
Of the others who struggle,
Who writhe and twist and despair of being done,
Who need out skilled hands, our urgent voices,
Our love and care and attention
That what must be birthed shall come to be.
Teach us, Ilithyia, of how to better hold the labor of another
In our waiting hands.

From the dark of the womb we bring forth life
From the dark of the mind we bring forth light
From the dark of the dream we bring forth sight
From the dark of the Wheel we bring forth fate
From the dark of the night we bring forth day
From the dark of the heart we seek the way.

[Pagan Book of Hours]

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Making the Most Out of the Dark Time of the Year

Making the Most Out of the Dark Time of the Year


by C. Cheek

In the days before deep freezers and electric heating, winter was a time of deprivation, a time of hungry children and wolves baying in the dark. Now, winter means a thousand media images asking you to spend money you don’t have, to buy presents people don’t need, in celebration of a god you don’t worship. The difficulty of turning down yet another plate of free cookies is nothing like wondering if you’ll have enough food to last until the spring. We live in better times now, times in which our main problem is one of excess. But aren’t we missing something? The silence and hunger of winter have something to teach us.

How then, can we draw back our lives? How can we cast off the gluttony and excess that surrounds us and listen for what darkness has to teach? Here are some practical suggestions for bringing this paring-down into your own life.

Clear your debts: Shinto-Buddhists, on December 31, pay off old debts to start the New Year with a clean slate. Even if you can’t “consolidate all your high credit card bills into one easy payment” as the spam advises, how about giving back that ten bucks you borrowed from your sister? And what about other debts? Sometimes we owe debts to our friends that aren’t monetary. We all borrow things — books, clothes, movies, CDs — and sometimes those things never find their way back to their owners. Those shoes will sit in your closet, with you always meaning to give them back to Sarah next time you see her, and then years later you clean it out and realize that Sarah has moved out of state. The shoes have now entered that uncomfortable stage where you don’t feel right keeping them, but you can’t get rid of them either. Go through your home and find anything that doesn’t belong to you, and make a point of returning it. Don’t wait until the next time you accidentally see that person. Bring that book back now, or send that DVD in the mail if your cousin lives too far away.

Sometimes we have emotional debts. In many relationships, we ask more than we offer. Are you the asker? Do you have a friend who listens to all your problems without complaint? Or maybe your coworker has covered your shift? Think about your life and try to balance out, get down to a place where you owe no debts, and have no obligations tugging you out of your center.

Clear your home:While you’re getting rid of some of your money, how about going through your household goods? Do you really need four spatulas? Are you ever going to wear that size six bridesmaid’s dress again? Many worthwhile charities could use donations, but more to the point, we can use the feeling of relief we get when things we don’t need leave our homes. Maternity clothes are a perfect example. I kept bags of maternity clothes in the closet for almost a year after my daughter was born. Clothes are symbolic of periods in our lives. Giving my maternity clothes to the Goodwill meant that I was acknowledging the end of the childbearing chapter in my life. Hard? Yes, it’s always hard to close a door.

Let this be the month to slay white elephants. When my grandmother died, she left boxes and boxes of antiques, which a packrat like me couldn’t resist — a silver-plated teapot, a porcelain figurine, a souvenir from someone’s trip to Mexico — a lifetime of clutter from my grandmother’s life. She hadn’t showed these things to me while she was alive, so the objects had no sentimental value. I kept them because they were too `good’ to throw away. But there’s a perfect place for white elephants: re-gifting. How about that lava lamp, or your singing bass? Look at it, think about all the people you know, and try to decide who would like to get this as a “just because” gift. Can’t think of anyone? There are always eBay and yard sales.

Clean your home. Once you’ve gotten rid of the knickknacks you never really liked, it’s time to get rid of the dirt. Some Zen practitioners believe that manual labor is the perfect meditation. Launder those curtains. Wipe down the walls. Push the mop back and forth against that floor, and let your mind empty itself. And when you’re in that restful center place without thought, wash away the negative energy that’s accumulated in your home. Pour it down the drain with the dirty water.

Clean your body on the outside: When your home is clean and uncluttered, you can work on the home of your soul. My morning shower feels so rushed. Some days there isn’t even enough time to wash my hair. Make a day for cleaning. Sit down, look at yourself. Toenails grow, calluses build up on feet and elbows. Get a pumice stone and rub away that built-up skin. That skin is weeks old. Let it go. You don’t need it anymore. A toenail can take 12– 18 months to grow out. What were you doing when that toenail first came out the quick? Maybe there was something in your life a year ago that you wish hadn’t happened. Snip, snip. Throw that crescent into the garbage.

Sometimes we get so caught up in our outside face, we forget to show people who we really are. When you’re a child, soap and water seem enough. Then, you add moisturizer, conditioner, make-up, colognes — product after product until the scents and chemicals swirl around you. Don’t forget, you’re a human under there. If you dare, let your hair go un-dyed, leave off the conditioner and hairspray and gel, stop your make-up routine for a week. Or only a day? Do what you can. Look in the mirror. That skin, that hair, that’s you. Haven’t seen her for a while, have you?

Clean your body on the inside: You know those egg sandwiches for breakfast aren’t really good for you, and neither is that two-latte-a-day habit. Yes, we all gain weight over the holidays. Unless they’re living in Siberia, no one can escape the Christmas blitz. Free food, parties, candy on sale; sluggish overeating can make us feel terrible. Go through your pantry and get rid of the food you don’t need. Give it to food banks. No, not just the can of beans; the food you really don’t need, the Oreos, the cake mix, the six-pack of soda, the giant tub of frosting. In this day of plenty, we don’t need high-calorie foodstuffs hoarded away. Be a lean hungry wolf, not a fat hoarding chipmunk.

Make New Year’s resolutions and diet, not just to lose weight, but also to feel hunger. That’s right, hunger. Hunger can teach us things about ourselves that we can’t learn in any other way. That empty belly, the grumble, the hint of pain. Our ancestors lived with that for months on end. Could you live on dwindling supplies of grain and dried meat? No? Could you live without cigarettes, or caffeine, or chocolate, or beer? Try. See if you can. See how strong you are. See what’s in your core. Maybe you’re tougher than you gave yourself credit for.

Clear your heart: Take a vacation from people who harm you, from those who sap your energy, from those who make you angry. The holidays can be hard to bear, and there’s no reason to keep carrying emotional angst around with us until spring. Sometimes people hurt us, knowingly or unknowingly. Get a notepad and write down the hurt: My sister criticized me. Someone dinged my car in the parking lot. My co-worker got a raise and I didn’t. Take those notes and burn them. Watch the smoke fly away. You don’t need the hurt anymore. In the spring, you’ll make a new life for yourself. Feel neutral yet? No? Maybe you’re the one who harmed someone. Find the strength within you to apologize to your brother for yelling at him. Admit to your roommate that you didn’t clean your mess, and make it right. Even if it hurts, you’ll feel better afterwards.

Some friends and I used to play roller hockey on Sunday mornings. We’d get up early, and play for hours until our arms and feet ached and our shirts were soaked. No shower feels as good as the one that sluices off sweat. No meal feels as good as the one that truly slakes hunger. By truly embracing the cold and darkness of winter, we’ll make the most of spring. Now is the time to tear away all the old weeds in our flower bed and clear the soil to make room for new growth. Let go of that which you don’t need, and that which you can live without. Prune away the inessentials, until only you remain. Then we’ll see what blooms when the earth warms again.

Daily Feng Shui Tip for November 17th – ‘National Adoption Day’

Today’s ‘National Adoption Day,’ is very close to my heart. Long ago I was dealing with fertility issues and suffered multiple miscarriages as well. We had decided to try one final time to get pregnant and carry the baby to term before seriously exploring the idea of adopting. My son was the result of this last intentional attempt to get pregnant, but my brother and his family took up the adoption mantle just a few years ago. That’s when his wife and daughter traveled to China to pick up our newest family member, my niece Jia Ning. And even though it took my brother and his family over ten years to welcome their new daughter, without adoption this would have never happened. To activate energies for a fabulously smooth adoption process, locate the ‘Children’ area of the main floor and play some music there. Also put in this space something metal and something that symbolizes children. Adopting these tips will bring success to all other child-related efforts.

By Ellen Whitehurst for Astrology.com

Good Thursday Morning Friends!

I hope your Thursday is going better than ours. Lady A is in the hospital. Her husband called me last night and told me. They went to the doctor. The doctor wasn’t happy with any of the test results. He did his own ultrasound in his office on her feet, legs, knees, upper thigh and arms. The ultrasound he did showed up a very thick fluid that had built up on her body. I know she had a leg that was hard as a rock and lumps all in it. The doctor decided the fluid had to be removed immediately. Generally he is able to do this in his office and he tried on her. But the fluid was so thick it would not come through the needles.

They called down stairs to see if there was an operating room available (this is a same-day surgery). It was the afternoon and the entire place was empty. The doctor told Lady A and her husband to go down to the same day surgery. The doctor met them there and took her back to surgery. They gave her a very mild sedative. The doctor did all her joints and removed 8 of those big syringes full of fluid off of her. Then the doctor injected those spots with something. The doctor stepped out to show her husband the fluid he had pulled off of her. Her husband said it was a creamy, watery fluid. But the doctor held it up to the light and it just glittered. The doctor told him if the fluid was not removed regularly that her joints would sit up like concrete. The nurse came running and told the doctor, he must come immediately. Lady A was having a reaction to whatever was put in her body. Her husband was about to go crazy he said the doctor returned 45 minutes later. He told him that she was stable and they were transferring her to the hospital for observation. Lady A’s husband said the doctor took so long he figured she was dead. Then the doctor showed back up and left, he broke down and started crying.

Lady A was transferred to the hospital. I talked to her husband this morning. They aren’t letting her go till the medication is out of her body. Her husband said you can tell by looking at her joints, it is not leaving quickly at all. The doctor came in and told him she was stable and the medicine was being flushed out of her body. He said they would put her on pills instead of the injections. But she would have to go every six months and have this done. If the fluid built back up sooner, she would have to come back immediately. Her husband asked the doctor asked him what had caused this, he didn’t know. But he had several ideas what might have and he wouldn’t say till he got the results back.  He said he had sent the vials off and that would determine what caused everything. So finally we are going to know what is wrong with her.

Her husband said he woke her up for a minute. He was feeling of her legs. The one that was so hard and full of all the lumps especially. It had started to soften and the lumps could hardly be felt. So we are very optimistic that this doctor knows what he is doing. The doctor said if everything continues to go well, Lady A will be release tomorrow from the hospital.

It will be great to see her. She is like a sister to me. We grew up together and when something happens to her, a part of me is torn. It has been such a worry for the past few months, knowing she was so sick. When she made the turn for the worse I was scared she had rabies from that coyote that jumped her in the pen.

She will be back next week. We are not letting her on the internet if we have to tie her in her bed. She never takes time to rest and recoup. I be damned she will this time. That is what we were talking about this morning. If she came through the door, we were debating on what we were going to turn her into. That way we could put her in a cage and make her rest, lol! Yeah, I can see turning her into anything. We would have to leave the planet!

I thought I would give you a quick up-date and let you know what is going on. I hope you have a good Thursday, what is left of it.

Goddess Bless You,




More Thursday Comments

Calendar of the Sun for January 8th

Calendar of the Sun
8 Wolfmonath

Carmentalia: Day of Sacred Pregnancy

Color: Red
Element: Earth
Altar: Upon a red cloth place seven red candles and the figure of a pregnant woman. If possible, a woman who is with child should be present and honored on this day.
Offerings: Give gifts to pregnant women in need.
Daily Meal: Eggs.

Carmentalia Invocation

All things grow in the dark place
Safe within the womb of the Mother,
Safe within the dream of the Mother.
The Earth lies now asleep
Full with big belly,
Each seed pregnant with hopes
Waiting for the return of the Sun.
So we are each of us,
Pregnant with hopes and dreams,
Big-bellied in our minds,
Waiting to for the moment
To begin our sacred labor.
This is the time of waiting,
Feeling the child within come to fruition,
Feeling it grow and change,
Feeling the faint motions
That signify the oncoming flood of life.
Call: May Life burst forth in a flood of joy!
Response: May Life come forth through the gate of eternity!
Call: We hail the Mother beneath our feet!
Response: We hail the Mother within our souls!
Call: We hail the Mothers from whence we descended!
Response: We hail the Mothers that are yet to bring forth!
Call: We hail the growth of possibility!
Response: We hail all that it yet to come!
Call: We hail the growth of the future!
Response: We wait for the birthing-time with open arms!

Chant: Mother I feel you under my feet
Mother I hear your heart beat

Birth Of A Witch

Birth Of A Witch

Most all witches believe in reincarnation. We believe that before the soul enters the body, it chooses the body and type of life that it wishes to choose. Normally, the older and wiser the soul, the more difficult is the life that it chooses. People can choose to be male or female and inhabit the body very near to the time of birth. All things are chosen before the soul enters the body.

Crystal of the Day for June 30 is Bornite

Crystal of the Day


 Bornite is known as Peacock Ore in the gemstone trade, because this stone produces a rainbow of blues, turquoises, gold and greens in its copper red colour. Bornite aids the flow of adrenaline in the body and protects against cerebral haemorrhage and heart attacks. This stone may also be used to lower fevers and diminish swelling. Its healing powers spread out to the female reproductive organs, and protect pregnant women and their unborn children, and it also harmonises menstruation. Bornite protects its wearer against negative energy and can be an incredible help during the re-birthing process. This stone stimulates happiness and communication as well.