Spell for Thursday – Candle Magick for Rocky Times


LOVE SPELL WARNING: Love spells such as this one takes the person who you want to love you free will/spirit away. What happens with a spell like this is the person will become obsessed with you to the point of possibly losing their job, which in turn can make them lose their home, automobile, friends, their family, etc. I have heard of people under love spells dying from not eating or drinking when they are not in the presence of the spellcaster 24/7/365. So, unless you want some who only loves you because of a spell you put on them than go for it. But if you want someone to love you because they feel that emotion towards you than please do not do this spell. The same warning goes for animals or birds or reptiles or anything else that has a heart and can create a bond with someone.

Candle Magick for Rocky Times

You will need:

Pink Candle

The Spell:

A love candle with oils and herbs hidden in a secret place instills confidence in our power to be good lovers. It is a secret source of inspiration when times are hard and you need to work through problems that arise in your relationship.

Hold a pink candle and charge it for future spells, by visualizing you and your lover in a happy loving embrace. Put the energy from this vision into the candle. The say out loud:

“We will always love each other.
May the Goddess and God grant this.
for the good of all.”

When problems arise in your relationship or you need self-confidence, take out the candle on a Friday during a waxing moon and anoint it with love oil using this procedure: Put some oil on your index finger, and beginning in the middle of the candle, run your finger to the wick end. Then repeat, rubbing the oil down to the bottom of the candle. Light the candle and let it burn down completely and go out.

How to Cast a Spell



A spell is nothing but a story (from an old word “spelen,” to “tell a story”).

You’ve had spells cast on you all your life, without knowing it.

When your father called you “lazy,” or “stupid,” or “sloppy,” or “a failure,”
he was casting a spell on you.  Most likely, you still act the way your father
(or mother) said you were.

And you’ve cast spells on yourself all your life, without knowing it.  Whenever
you say the words “I can’t” you are casting a spell of failure on yourself.
Whenever you tell someone they give you a headache, you are casting a headache
spell on yourself.

Learning to cast spells is learning how to control your own life.

You can cast a spell simply by telling yourself a story out loud, alone or with

You can cast a spell by thinking a story to yourself.

You can cast a spell by acting out a story.  (This is the purpose of ritual, of

And you can cast a spell by wearing or carrying a physical object that
constantly reminds you of the story (an amulet).

A spell works simply because it is spoken.  Strong emotions are not necessary.
You don’t even have to believe it to make it happen.

Try it.  Start each day by saying to yourself:  “Today, I am going to receive
some money” (or “will make a new friend,” etc.)  See what happens.

One caution:  Be careful what you wish for — you WILL get it!

And remember the ancient rede:  “An ye harm none, do what you will.”  This
means that we cannot cast a spell concerning another person (with the possible
exception of a healing spell) without their consent.  Any interference in
another person’s life force is unacceptable.

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The Ethics of Love Spells by Mike Nichols c 2013

The Ethics of Love Spells    
   by Mike Nichols
by Mike Nichols

To gain the love of someone: On a night of the full moon, walk to a spot beneath your beloved’s bedroom window, and whisper his/her name three times to the nightwind. –Ozark love spell

It seems to be an immutable law of nature. You are interviewed by a local radio or TV station, or in some local newspaper. The topic of the interview is Witchcraft or Paganism, and you spend the better part of an hour brilliantly articulating your beliefs, your devotion to Goddess and nature, the difference between Witchcraft and Satanism, and generally enlightening the public at large. The next day, you are flooded with calls. Is it people complimenting you on such a splendid interview? No. People wanting to find out more about the religion of Wicca? Huh-uh. People who are even vaguely interested in what you had to say??? Nope. Who is it? It’s people asking you to do a love spell for them!

This used to drive me nuts. I’d take a deep breath and patiently explain (for the thousandth time) why I won’t even do love spells for myself, let alone anyone else. This generally resulted in my caller becoming either angry or defensive, but seldom more enlightened. ‘But don’t you DO magic?’, they ask. ‘Only occasionally,’ I answer. ‘And aren’t most magic spells love spells?’, they persist. That was the line I really hated, because I knew they were right! At least, if you look at the table of contents of most books on magic, you’ll find more love spells than any other kind. This seems as true for the medieval grimoire as for the modern drugstore paperback.

Why? Why so many books containing so many love spells? Why such an emphasis on a kind of magic that I, personally, have always considered very negative? And to make matters even more confusing, the books that do take the trouble of dividing spells between ‘positve’ and ‘negative’ magic invariably list love spells under the first heading. After all, they would argue, love is a good thing. There can never be too much of it. Therefore, any spell that brings about love must be a GOOD spell. Never mind that the spell puts a straightjacket on another’s free will, and then drops it in cement for good measure

And that is why I had always assumed love magic to be negative magic. Years ago, one of the first things I learned as a novice Witch was something called the Witch’s Rede, a kind of ‘golden rule’ in traditional Witchcraft. It states, ‘An it harm none, do what thou will.’ One uses this rede as a kind of ethical litmus test for a spell. If the spell brings harm to someone — anyone (including yourself!) — then don’t do it! Unfortunately, this rule contains a loophole big enough to fly a broom through. It’s commonly expressed, ‘Oh, this won’t HARM them; it’s really for their own good.’ When you hear someone say that, take cover, because something especially nasty is about to happen.

That’s why I had to develop my own version of the Witch’s Rede. Mine says that if a spell harms anyone, OR LIMITS THEIR FREEDOM OF THOUGHT OR ACTION IN ANY WAY, then consider it negative, and don’t do it. Pretty strict, you say? Perhaps. But there’s another law in Witchcraft called the Law of Threefold Return. This says that whatever power you send out, eventually comes back to you three times more powerful. So I take no chances. And love spells, of the typical make-Bobby-love-me type, definitely have an impact on another’s free will.

So why are they so common? It’s taken me years to make peace with this, but I think I finally understand. The plain truth is that most of us NEED love. Without it, our lives are empty and miserable. After our basic survival needs have been met, we must have affection and companionship for a full life. And if it will not come of its own accord, some of us may be tempted to FORCE it to come. And nothing can be as painful as loving someone who doesn’t love you back. Consequently, the most common, garden-variety spell in the world is the love spell.

Is there ever a way to do a love spell and yet stay within the parameters of the Witch’s Rede? Possibly. Some teachers have argued that if a spell doesn’t attempt to attract a SPECIFIC person into your life, but rather attempts to attract the RIGHT person, whomever that may be, then it is not negative magic. Even so, one should make sure that the spell finds people who are ‘right’ for each other — so that neither is harmed, and both are made happy.

Is there ever an excuse for the make-Bobby-love-me type of spell? Without endorsing this viewpoint, I must admit that the most cogent argument in its favor is the following: Whenever you fall in love with someone, you do everything in your power to impress them. You dress nicer, are more attentive, witty, and charming. And at the same time, you unconsciously set in motion some very powerful psychic forces. If you’ve ever walked into a room where someone has a crush on you, you know what I mean. You can FEEL it. Proponents of this school say that a love spell only takes the forces that are ALREADY there — MUST be there if you’re in love — and channels them more efficiently.

But the energy would be there just the same, whether or not you use a spell to focus it.

I won’t attempt to decide this one for you. People must arrive at their own set of ethics through their own considerations. However, I would call to your attention all the cautionary tales in folk magic about love spells gone awry. Also, if a love spell has been employed to join two people who are not naturally compatible, then one must keep pumping energy into the spell. And when one finally tires of this (and one will, because it is hard work!) then the spell will unravel amidst an emotional and psychic hurricane that will make the stormiest divorces seem calm by comparison. Not a pretty picture.

It should be noted that many spells that pass themselves off as love spells are, in reality, sex spells. Not that there’s anything surprising in that, since our most basic needs usually include sex. But I think we should be clear from the outset what kind of spell it is. And the same ethical standards used for love spells can often be applied to sex spells. Last year, the very quotable Isaac Bonewits, author of ‘Real Magic’, taught a sex magic class here at the Magick Lantern, and he tossed out the following rule of thumb: Decide what the mundane equivalent of your spell would be, and ask yourself if you could be arrested for it. For example, some spells are like sending a letter to your beloved in the mail, whereas other spells are tantamount to abduction. The former is perfectly legal and normal, whereas the latter is felonious.

One mitigating factor in your decisions may be the particular tradition of magic you follow. For example, I’ve often noticed that practitioners of Voudoun (Voodoo) and Santeria seem much more focused on the wants and needs of day-to-day living than on the abstruse ethical considerations we’ve been examining here. That’s not a value judgement — just an observation. For example, most followers of Wicca STILL don’t know how to react when a Santerian priest spills the blood of a chicken during a ritual — other than to feel pretty queasy. The ethics of one culture is not always the same as another.

And speaking of cultural traditions, another consideration is how a culture views love and sex. It has often been pointed out that in our predominant culture, love and sex are seen in very possessive terms, where the beloved is regarded as one’s personal property. If the spell uses this approach, treating a person as an object, jealously attempting to cut off all other relationships, then the ethics are seriously in doubt. However, if the spell takes a more open approach to love and sex, not attempting to limit a person’s other relationships in any way, then perhaps it is more defensible. Perhaps. Still, it might be wise to ask, Is this the kind of spell I’d want someone to cast on me?

Love spells. Whether to do them or not. If you are a practitioner of magic, I dare say you will one day be faced with the choice. If you haven’t yet, it is only a matter of time. And if the answer is yes, then which spells are ethical and which aren’t? Then you, and only you, will have to decide whether ‘All’s fair in love and war’, or whether there are other, higher, metaphysical considerations.

Document Copyright © 1988, 1998 by Mike Nichols

Deosil and Withershins

When casting, dancing or chanting in a circle for ritual purposes. Wiccans refer to the direction described as either “deosil” or “Withershins.”  When “deosil” (comes from the Irish Gaelic meaning, “turn to the right) is specified, this means clockwise, the direction in which the Sun apparently moves in the Northern Hemisphere, and in which circles are usually cast for positive magick. “Withershins” (or widdershins”) whose roots are embedded in the German words wider (“against”) and Sinn (‘sense’), means counterclockwise, and this is the banishing direction used for negative magick.

Sunny Days

Maximize the power of a spell cast during Leo’s reign by practicing it on a Sunday, the weekday whose dedication to the Lion’s planetary ruler remains enshrined in many modern European languages, including English.

Life As The Witch – Recognizing Our Goddess, HEKATE (Hecate)

Hekate: A Modern Implications

These days, Hekate is often still seen as the Goddess of Witchcraft and Dark Magick, a Dark Crone, because of her connection to the line between life and death. Her chthonic roots are attributed to her aspects as a Death Goddess, but in truth she is not solely death aspected. Her nature is one of transformation, and though change can be terrifying and damaging, it can also be beatific. To think of Her only as a chthonic, Underworld Goddess is to ignore part of her nature.

These days we too often see things in terms of diametric, opposites (light/dark, masculine, feminine, God/Goddess, as if the vast universe is written in binary, nothing more than ones and zeros. While these dichotomies play a role in the nature of the universe, they are also simplified depictions. Deity cannot be contained in the use of dichotomy, because deity transcends those terms.

Hekate is neither light nor dark; she is the very scale of graduation, present at the exact point at which one type of gray becomes another, between every gradient and at either end of the spectrum. Each change is her territory, and there are billions of transformations every day.

Hekate’s connection to magic is another aspect of her nature. Through magic we take what is only potential and pull it into reality, imprinting the mundane world with what could be. And this is one of the biggest changes of all, the transformation for which Hekate has always been particularly revered. Magick is transformation, and it’s from this that Hekate’s association with it is.

In invoking Heckate we can learn to accept changes in our lives, both positive and negative, and we can also create change in our own worlds. She aids the completion and manifestation of spells and when called for divinatory purposes she can help to reveal the truth more readily. She can part the Veil, to allow clearer vision or communion with the dead. Hekate is a protector of children, especially when they walk hard paths, but also in the journey into adulthood.

Hekate guards the crossroads, both those that line our physical reality and those that mark our passage through life, through our spirituality, and through the journey that is existence.


Excerpt from:”The Transformative Nature of Hekate”

by Marion Sipe

Llewellyn’s 2012 Magical Living Companion

A Little Secret That Only Witches Can Know About. Can I Trust You?

Every secret organization or religion has a secret or two. Of course, you won’t never hear about them because they are secrets. Makes senses. Most of these organizations and religions have secrets to keep the public out and in the dark, to exclude them. On the other hand, our religion is not like that we have had to keep it secret just to keep it alive. If it was for our ancestors keeping our entire religion secret, we wouldn’t have a religion.

The secret I am getting ready to share with you is not that big of deal. It was used in the Burning Times to determine if the person you were meeting was a witch. You can see during this period of time why it was very important to know who you were meeting.

Here is the ritual. Enjoy!

This is a magic witches hand shake spell. This spell is cast to find out if someone you know may or may not be a witch. After casting this magic spell, you will then shake the hand of the person you are inquiring about, and your answer will be revealed in the handshake. It can also be used to slightly put a thought or idea inside the mind of a person without coming right out and suggesting it. We offer many more free magic spells here for you to use and to try.

Extend your right index finger and lightly touch the wrist of the person exactly where the pulse is felt. By touching the pulse it throws the acquaintance completely off his balance for just an instant , but in that instant plant an initial
thought, ( example : I am the one you want for the job) this
really works and is cool, try it.

*You can also determine if the other person is a witch by the way they grasp your hand. If their right index finger is extended and touching your pulse area, more than likely they are a with.*

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Friday Is Ruled by Venus

Friday Is Ruled by Venus

Archangel: Anael

Candle colour: Green or pink

Incenses: Rose or geranium

Crystals: Jade or rose quartz

Use Fridays for spells for love, fidelity, healing, for anything to do with beauty, the arts and crafts and for all spells concerning the environment.

Where possible, work in any enclosed beautiful place outdoors, for example a botanical garden, a field, park or your own garden – even in a circle of plants indoors.

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Let’s Talk Witch – Our Mind Set

Witchy Comments & Graphics

 Let’s Talk Witch – Our Mind Set

Our most important first tool when performing magick is our mind. You have to ask yourself a few questions before you start casting. Will this spell harm no one? Do I need this? Am I in the right state of mind to cast a spell?

These are just a few very important questions we need to ask ourselves. If you are sick, your magick may not be as strong as when you are healthy, so in those times you should be focused on self healing above everything else. There are so many steps you can cover here….but first…lets see where your mind is at and then we’ll continue from there. Don’t worry–there aren’t any difficult incantations to remember, no hard to pronounce power words. Simply logical and informative magickal applications to a better life. So take a deep breath, let it out slowly and clear your mind. Find your center, it’s easy to do. Just let go of all the hassles and stresses you have from the day–steer your mind away from all those fast paced thoughts of today’s society. And simplify. Go deep within yourself, and find who you really are. It really quite simple to find out who you really are deep down. Go back to basics. All those thoughts….get rid of them!

Think about the following…..

How often do you find yourself traveling through this world for others? How often do you find yourself compromising your beliefs, emotions and feelings for those around you? So as not to feel “uncomfortable” or in “pain” we see ourselves as if in a motion picture, acting out our lives in a drama that ends in need, want desire—for something different. For something that could have been. For something that should have been. Why do we walk down these roads? Why do we travel to these places at all? Is our vision skewed so dramatically by what others believe is right for us, that we feel the need to be someone other than ourselves? Carpe diem! Seize the day. Seize your life, take it for everything it is worth, hold onto that which makes you happy–that which brings you joy and contentment. Know that life’s lessons lead us into places that are sometimes dark and foreboding….you, somehow–when learned–these places turn to light. Know that happiness comes from within you, and not through others circumstances or fortune. Know that true happiness can be found in others…not when the time is right but when it is real. Trust your heart, trust in your soul—and life will catch up with you.

Live. Be free, and fly and shout as loudly as you want. Take hold of your dreams. Never let anyone try to influence your mind or your will. Be true to yourself and your will be able to live your dreams and find happiness beyond belief. Dare to dream, keep your mind clear at all times and use it wisely. For it is the most important tool you have in magick.

Excerpts from:

Spellbound’s Book of Spells
A Collection of Simple Spells
Volume 1
Kelli James Klymenko
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Let’s Talk Witch – Spells and spell casting.

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Let’s Talk Witch – Spells and spell casting.

When talking about spells and spell casting you can get into some sticky situations. No other subject can cause so many divisions in the pagan community.

It seems that there are as many different ways and ethical practices as there are gods and goddesses in the universe. If you take into consideration that spells and the way you cast them is what makes them effective it begins to make perfect sense why.

In effective spell casting there are three very important ingredients that you must have, resolve, focus, and comfort.

Without resolve there can be no change, it is your commitment to an action that is the basis of a spell. You have to really want it! Without a genuine intention to effect a change you are casting magic to the wind, cluttering up an otherwise flowing universe. Spells without resolve can be detrimental undirected or worse misdirected energy is free to change unknown situations.

Make sure you really want the change you are trying to make. When you get it, it’s yours. This is where a little divination would come in handy to make sure you will be truly happy with the outcome of your spell.

Focus, direction, or meditation, how good can aim? The focus of your spell casting is as important as the resolve to make a change. If you can’t see the broad side of a barn you will not have the ability to effect a change on it. You have to be able to taste it! If you physically build a dog house, you have to have some idea what it will look like when you are done. A spell is like a dog house, if you don’t know what it’s supposed to look like when your done, you could very well end up with a failed attempt or worse. You have to belive it’s possible. If you can’t belive that something is possible it’s not. Anything is possible if you truly belive it can happen. If you belive you can make a change and you know how the change will take place and you can picture the end result of your spell, you are there.

Comfort is easy, if you can’t ethically accept the responsibility for your spell or there is something that bothers you about what you are trying to do or how you are going about it, don’t. You are the power in your spell, you are the creator and the control.

Poor comfort will mess up your focus and your resolve. Without comfort you will have a very poor spell at best.

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Time: Midnight on a Saturday. The dark of the Moon.
Place: Cemeteries, Haunted Places, etc.
Items needed: black candles, brimstone (or any other “dark” type incense, black arts etc.)
black onyx (Black Onyx was believed to already possess a spirit so this is why
I use it but you can choose any black stone of your choice.) Sterilized needle.
Disrobe. Arrange black candles in any pattern one may wish, pentagram or what not.
(I use graveyard dirt to draw a pentagram and then place black candles at each cross point.)
Light the brimstone as incense. At midnight chant:
3X Hold the stone in your left palm.
If done properly you should see with your mind’s eye a purplish “lightning” dance around the stone.
You must never let sunlight hit the stone or the spirit will return from which it came.
You can ask of your demon anything but alas, it seems that the relationship is not permanent.
If you demon fails to comply with your wishes it may be time to exile it.
I’ve notice that threatening to place the stone in the sun sometimes works to “compel” the
entity but if it becomes violent immediately cast it out into the daylight.
You must reward the demon by feeding it three drops of your blood after if fulfills any of your wishes.
When I first created this spell, the first demon I caught was nasty. It was very effective for about
a year but then began to mock me and not do as I say. It then came to me in a dream and tried
to make a bargain with me by giving me extreme wealth in return for using my Magic
to “incarnate” it into my future first born. After that I said hell with this and chunked the
stone outside in the summer heat.

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Solitary Full Moon Invocation #2

Solitary Full Moon Invocation #2

Loving Mother of us all,
Hearken now, and hear my call,
Descend upon my sacred space
And bless me with Your love and grace!
Give your guidance, send Your light,
Grant Your wisdom here this night
Please aid me in my magick quest
That I might choose what’s always best
Counsel, teach me, show the way
Guide me on my path, I pray
That in Your service I might be
A blessing to humanity.

***AutumnRose, Ostara 2004

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Wishing Everyone A Very Bright & Blessed Thursday Morning!

Flowers and Roses Images
Great Hecate, Queen of Witches
Look down on me, your child
As I walk the Path of the Ancient Ones
Bless these tools, that I might use them well
Bless these spells, that they might work as I desire
Bless my heart and mind
That I might practice in perfect love and perfect trust.
Shine Your Light on all my magickal workings
For the good of all
And according to the free will of all.

So Mote It Be

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Love and its Place in Magic

Love and its Place in Magic

Author:   Chi   
It’s commonly thought in the Wiccan world (and sometimes in the overall Pagan world, but not necessarily) that love spells are a definite NO. This is nearly the first rule that everyone is taught when he or she show and interest in spells or magic. Many of us stick our noses in the air at the idea and say ‘No, no, no, heavens, no. How could you be so immature to even THINK of such a thing? That bends free will!’ And from the moment we read it in a book or hear it from an elder, we assume it is so and that this message should be shared with any ‘newbie’ to neo-paganism, so we in turn being to spread the word.

And at the risk of being eaten alive, I’m going to challenge that message.

Here’s the thing, though – I have brought this topic up a lot. With my non-Pagan Mom, with Pagan communities, with very ‘Morally Strong’ Wiccan communities, with teens, Pagan shopkeepers and many others. And this is a very sensitive topic on all levels. This is because manipulating someone feelings with magic open everyone involved up to physical and spiritual damage. But what we need to realize is that there isn’t just one kind of spell. And there are countless kinds of love. So, in reality, “love Spell” constitutes a lot of things – and never should we assume someone honestly asking is only going to use the manipulative manner of love spells; nor should we challenge what they feel or how authentic their feelings are.

That and, if you can’t handle someone under 18 talk about love and magic without acting ‘holier than thou’, read no further.

The first thing that we assume when we hear love spell is that the spell involved with make someone of your choice fall in love with you. But what if this isn’t so?

The power of spells lies within ourselves. If your thoughts and your will cannot muster enough power for a spell, then neither will roses and red candles. If your intentions are pure and your will is strong, only then with ritual tools power your spell. So why is it, then, that if someone requests information on love spells, we shout them out of our Pagan chat rooms and leave them with harmful and manipulative thoughts in their mind? The thought is more powerful than the spell at such a point. We have countless thoughts every day. So why do we steer everyone away from love spells, but leave them with thoughts like “I want to make so-and-so fall in love with me.” Is that not the OPPOSITE of what we want to create? Think: there is a reason why so many people fall for Internet adds that say ‘create your own custom love spell using ancient chants and have it performed by one of our experienced practitioners for only $550.00!’

So, why should we assume that a love spell means a bunch of young adults that wish to make dozens of attractive strangers worship them? The answer you should have gotten is, we shouldn’t.

It’s commonly accepted that a love spell which calls a lover to you is better than making a specific person fall in love with you. But a similar argument can also be applied. “If it is meant to be, it will happen on its own”. I don’t like that argument, because it relies too heavily on leaving things as they are. If that argument were true, I would never need to exercise because if I were meant to be thin, I would be already; or I’m not meant to be smart, because a good college and career will come to me by themselves. Think about it, the universe is a complex web of cause and effect, and we can never truly know the effects our actions will have on others of the universe. In this case, there is no right or wrong. There is cause and effect. How you react to the effect is what makes us believe in ‘right or wrong’.

So, if the universe is so complex, how do we know that we are or are not supposed to draw something close to ourselves that we want? And what if it doesn’t require taking something from anyone else? Perhaps performing a five hour ritual for it may not be the answer… but if you wake up every day and tell yourself that you are loved, and that love comes to you naturally – that is equally as powerful as a spell when done with care and repetition, yet it allows less room for mistakes to be made; the positive effects of this kind of thought are apparent before we even attract any new relationships.

I personally don’t believe in doing spells that bring a romantic person to you. Not that I think it’s wrong, I just feel that if there is no one special in my life, there are countless reasons why. Perhaps I’m being picky, and need to learn not to be picky. Maybe I’m too busy, and whatever I’m busy with really does require more energy right now. But just because I don’t believe its right for me doesn’t mean I can tell other people it isn’t right for them either.

You would think the Neo-Pagan communities out there would have figured that out by now, but that is a lesson we are in reality quite far from learning. But to tell myself that I am loved, and that I am capable of attracting and spreading love, is something that benefits me on all levels. By doing this, I’m motivated to be myself and to be happy, healthy, wise, and helpful to others. If every person on earth woke up and said this to himself or herself in the morning, the world would be a better place.

And, probably what I consider to be the most important of all. What about a love spell that doesn’t concern the caster in the slightest with bringing him/her love, but giving it to others?

I like this kind of love spell, very, very much. It’s a shame that everyone seems to overlook it. Going back to the example with thoughts being like spells, magic is (when you think about it) like every other aspect of our lives: Cause and effect. Much of what we can do with the physical we can do with the magical. So, showing people you love affection is okay and even expected. So why shouldn’t we be doing this spiritually?

Why should we not make an honest attempt in prayer, meditation, or even in the circle, to let our loved ones know how much we care about them? Why shouldn’t we make it a mental ritual almost every day? There are hundreds of ways you can use magic to show someone you love them. Of course, this is not meant to replace any other ways of showing someone you care, but rather to enhance them. We have healing practices that allow us to heal another’s heart from afar, and we can charge countless objects such as stones and candles and use them for affirmations and prayer. Is it so bad?

And lastly, Love. The single most important component to a love spell – and sometimes any spell at all. No one has a monopoly on love. Lots of times, elders who have kids and grandkids act like they do. Lots of times, teens that held hands for the first time think they do. And any age group in between.

But this is not so.

Love may not be the same for each person. But that does not mean that people cannot appreciate love for what it is to them. The love between people in their 20s, 40s, and 60s, is still equally special even though they may not be the same. And how do we really know that when talking about a love spell, you can’t send love to someone other than a romantic partner? Why must we always equate love to sexual attraction?

There is love between friends, family, and perhaps a small amount between us and a stranger who gives us a helping hand in some way. Love is like any other feeling: You can feel it for different things, for different reasons, in different amounts, in different ways; you can express it differently and it can be expressed to you differently; sometimes it is stronger or more stable than others; but it is still real, worth experiencing, and worth celebrating.

Think about it. Spells are a petition to our higher selves, Divinity, our subconscious mind, the universe, and the spirits of those involved. It is a spiritual component of action… just as we have emotional changes, intellectual processes, and physical actions. And there is love, which; whether felt between mother and child, Divinity and Humans, a man and a woman, two females, two males, two teenagers, two adults, a pet and their owner, or any other combination of beings that can care for each other; is entirely worth celebrating.

So go celebrate. Make the world a better place.

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Spell to Speed Up Time


Draw a pentacle on your left hand using a blessed red pen. Visualize a sand
clock as you draw.

Now put your left hand on your forehead or third eye, and say:

Sands of time show me thy way
Turn the nights into days
Rose petals so light and grace
Speed up time now in this place.

The spell will last for 24 hours or until the pentacle is erased, naturally or
washed, so try not to let your hands get sweaty.

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Below are some steps that will help you get started when writing your own
spells. Please keep in mind that this is not the only way to write your own
spells. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to creating your own
spells. A spell comes from your heart, not some universal law.

Your Spell’s Rough Draft

This is the construction process of a spell.

Define Purpose- Decide what it is you would like to accomplish with this spell.

Locate Correspondences- Look for various herbs, gemstones, colors, etc that
correspond with the spell and look for other supplies you will need as well
(e.g. working tools) .Also decide how you will use the correspondences during
the spell. This could be anything from simply placing them on the alter in a
given position to creating a charm or amulet.

Casting the Circle- Decide what technique you will use to open and close your

Calling the Quarters / Inviting the God and Goddess- Decide what technique you
will use to call the quarters (the elements) and invite the God and Goddess.
(Note: this step or part of this step does not always have to be included in
your spell)

Meditation- Decide on a meditation technique you would like to use during your

Your Spell’s Final Draft

This is the sequence in which you may follow when casting a spell.

Set up the Alter
Casting the Circle
Call the Quarters and Inviting the God and Goddess
Correspondences (place correspondences on the alter, light candles, etc.)
Stating the Purpose (this can be done through rhyme, although it doesn’t have
Charging the Charm/Amulet (if you choose to have a charm, this is the time to
charge it)
Thank the Quarters and the God and Goddess
Snuff out Candles
Close the Circle

-author unknown-

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Candle Spell Worksheet


The following questions will help you to create a successful candle spell. By
answering them, you will aquatint yourself with the elements of magick. Print
this page and add it to your spellbook. It can also be used for other types of
spells as well. Enjoy!

Magickal Intention:

Candle Type:

How long will it burn?



Phase of the Moon:

Astrological Phase:






Magickal Decoration:


Where will the candle be placed for the duration of the spell?

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A Little Humor for Your Day – Spells That Actually Work

Spells That Actually Work

(Do Not Try Any of these At Home, Only Jokes)

Ancient Spell to Kill a Beast

1.  Get a spear.

2.  Aim the spear.

3..Throw the spear.

4.  Repeat until the beast is dead.

Spell to Make Money

1.  Put on some tight attractive clothing.

2.  Go to a busy street corner.

3.  Dance as well as you can for passing cars and pedestrians.

Spell to Get Measles

1.  Find someone who has measles.

2.  Lick them.

Spell to Turn Day Into Night

1.  Stand facing a large tree or wall.

2.  Close eyes tightly. Keeping eyes closed, run straight ahead as fast as you can.

Spell to Turn Night Into Day

1. Lay down when it is nighttime.

2. Close your eyes.

3. Wait 8 hours.

4.  Open your eyes.

Spell to Breathe Under-Water 

1.  Attach concrete block to your feet.

2.  Jump into water.

3.  Breathe normally and sing the tune to “Flipper”.

4.  Takes about 5 minutes for lungs to adjust.

Spell to Commune With Pink Elephants

1.  Pour glass of vodka or alcoholic drink of choice.

2.  Drink.

3.  Repeat steps 1-2.

Turok’s Cabana

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Let’s Talk Witch – Your Sacred Clothing

Witchy Comments & Graphics

Let’s Talk Witch – Your Sacred Clothing

Many practitioners will not enter or use their sacred space unless they are cloaked in a special garment created by their own hands and consecrated for spiritual use. This robe is unique and special to each person who desires to honor their beliefs in this fashion. A cloak can be consecrated for specific purposes. So you can have more than one cloak, depending on what type of ritual you will be conducting in your sacred space.Self clothing isn’t the only garments you want to consider for your space. An altar cloth is also called for. You can use more than one cloth in varying colors and patterns, depending on the work at hand. But consider the use of the cloth before you cover the altar. If you are going to be mixing herbs, or creating spiritual objects such as handmade candles, smudge sticks or spiritual tools, then you want the cloth to be inexpensive and practical. If however, you are conducting a ritual to celebrate a holiday, then you might use a more formal cloth, anything from crushed velvet to black satin.

The cloth should reflect your personality, your beliefs and one that you feel comfortable with using. A male Witch for instance, may not use Victorian lace when casting spells for compassion, healing or love. Rather he might use something that strikes an essence of romance in his heart such as red silk. Whatever you chose to use, the cloth should be large enough to cover the entire altar and fit the work at hand.

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The Witches Magick for Jan. 30th – Purification of Your Ritual Tools

Purification of Your Ritual Tools

Purification and dedication of your Wiccan ritual tools should be done as soon as you can after you get them.

Certainly purify them at least, before using or wearing the object!

Items that have a heavy or dark or hot energy need purification. This is particularly true of crystals. When clear, they will feel cool, tingly, bright, or positive.

A purified object is much more powerful than a contaminated one, and its magick is less likely to go awry.

Purification, dedication, and consecration of ritual objects take place in sacred space – that is, within Ritual. So begin by casting a Circle.


WITCH TIP: Before going further, check that the item won’t be harmed first . . .

Water – Crystals and other stones may be damaged by hot water. Always use cool water. Some crystals may be damaged even by cool water.

Sunlight – Gem stones, crystals, and other items may also be damaged – faded, melted, or broken by the heat.

Salt – Opals, metal, leather, and fabric can be damaged by salt, either dry or in water.

Smudging or Flame – Stones may be damaged by heat. Other items, like cloth and plant material, may be flammable – use extreme care.


Moon Bath

The simplest way to purify Wiccan tools is to bathe them in Moonlight. This will not only cleanse them, but recharge them as well.

Except for the very lightest cleansing, you’ll probably need to leave them at least one full cycle of the Moon. Full to Full, or Dark to Dark . . . whichever feels right to you. For lighter Moon-washes, use the Waning Moonlight.

If your altar is in the Moonlight, this is the best place to leave your ritual tools for a Moon bath. Otherwise, hanging them in a tree is good. (If it’s sparkly and you have lots of crows, ravens, or magpies around though, they might make off with it when you’re not looking!)


Herb Bath

You can bury your Wiccan tools in herbs for cleansing. Particularly effective are rose petals, sage, and mint. This is a lovely way to clean sacred objects, but it can take a while.


Salt Bath

A faster method is a sea salt bath. You can bury your Wiccan tools in dry sea salt, or a salt-water bath.

Washing it in the Ocean, or even running wild water like a river, is even better.

If it feels like it needs a very deep cleansing, you can leave it in the salt water for a period of time – even in the Moonlight, for an even stronger affect.


Earth Cleansing

You can bury certain items in Earth for purification – like stones and crystals. This will do a very deep cleansing.

Simply bury them, pointing downward, into Earth outdoors, between the roots of a tree is ideal. If you can’t manage that, bury them with a potted plant.

The real trick to this method of purification is remembering exactly where you buried your ritual tools! Be sure to leave a marker that is unlikely to be removed.


Smoke/Smudge Sticks

Even more rapid is smudging, particularly using cedar or sage. Pass the ritual tools through the smoke a few times. This is enough for most purposes. But you can do as much as you need.

This is a great method for healing tools, especially stones.


Wiccan & Witchcraft Information Blog

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Wishing You A Very Bright & Blessed Thursday!

Blessed Be Comments

Live and learn, learn to live
I strive to get what life can give
Send to me the lessons true
And help me know just what to do.
Amid the mess and chaos fierce
Shine a light to darkness pierce
Show the way to knowledge deep
Which to let go and which to keep.
Clear the way so I might heed
The lessons that I truly need
Show me what I need to learn
As life’s pages I do turn.

So Mote It Be

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