Spell for Thursday – Candle Magick for Rocky Times


LOVE SPELL WARNING: Love spells such as this one takes the person who you want to love you free will/spirit away. What happens with a spell like this is the person will become obsessed with you to the point of possibly losing their job, which in turn can make them lose their home, automobile, friends, their family, etc. I have heard of people under love spells dying from not eating or drinking when they are not in the presence of the spellcaster 24/7/365. So, unless you want some who only loves you because of a spell you put on them than go for it. But if you want someone to love you because they feel that emotion towards you than please do not do this spell. The same warning goes for animals or birds or reptiles or anything else that has a heart and can create a bond with someone.

Candle Magick for Rocky Times

You will need:

Pink Candle

The Spell:

A love candle with oils and herbs hidden in a secret place instills confidence in our power to be good lovers. It is a secret source of inspiration when times are hard and you need to work through problems that arise in your relationship.

Hold a pink candle and charge it for future spells, by visualizing you and your lover in a happy loving embrace. Put the energy from this vision into the candle. The say out loud:

“We will always love each other.
May the Goddess and God grant this.
for the good of all.”

When problems arise in your relationship or you need self-confidence, take out the candle on a Friday during a waxing moon and anoint it with love oil using this procedure: Put some oil on your index finger, and beginning in the middle of the candle, run your finger to the wick end. Then repeat, rubbing the oil down to the bottom of the candle. Light the candle and let it burn down completely and go out.

Spell for Today – Spell to Turn Your Life Around


Spell to Turn Your Life Around


Cast this spell at dawn.

Items Needed:

One white candle *for purity & strength* in the middle.

One pink candle *for spiritual help* at the right.

One blue candle *for cleansing of the self* at the left.

As you light them starting from the middle, then right, then the left say..

This is the turning point in my life.

I am erasing the past. The future is mine to choose.

Right this moment I am making my tomorrows.

I forgive myself for all past mistakes.

I start over with a clean slate.

I choose for myself only that which I desire to experience.

I choose….(You name it: health, wealth, companionship, happiness, etc.)

As I have said, SO MOTE IT BE!!!

Witches Spell for Sunday, March 2 – Spell for Stress and Depression

Witches Spell for Sunday, March 2 – Spell for Stress and Depression

Items needed:
White candle (non-dripless variety)
Kunzite or blue agate
Black marker with wide felt tip
Lemon Balm
Lemon oil (the kind used for furniture polish is fine)
Cloth pouch

Begin by completely coloring the candle black with the marker to symbolize the
depression that presently encases you. Light the candle and say:

Flame cut through depression deep,
Melt it down and make it weep.
Grant me power to re-emerge,
From its grip, I leap and surge.

Watch the candle burn until white wax appears at the flame.
Rub a bit of lemon oil into the flame and say:

Kunzite/agate, stone of mellow hue,
Dissolve this depression, I beg of you.
Take its power and transform its strength
Into positive energy I can use at length.

Lightly rub the stone against your temples and your heart, then place it in front of the candle and sprinkle it with lemon balm. Let the candle burn completely.
Place the stone and herb in the cloth pouch and carry it with you.

When your spirits need a lift, re-anoint the stone and repeat its empowerment chant.

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Spell To Upset the Plans of a Foe


To upset the plans of a foe, buy a thick white candle and carve it into the
rough shape of a human being. Write the name of your enemy on a strip of paper
using red ink, and wrap the paper around the chest of the wax image. Hold it in
place by thrusting a steel pin through the chest of the figure. Think hard of
your enemy as you insert the pin. Tie a length of red thread around the feet of
the image, and suspend it upside down, saying:

“As this image of [enemy’s name] is overturned,
so are the plans of [enemy’s name] overthrown.”

Leave the image suspended. From time to time bat it with your hand to make it
twist and swing, and repeat the charm.


by: Donald Tyson

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Colored Candle Love Spell

Colored Candle Love Spell

Cast this spell to bring you closer to the one you love.

You will need a colored candle, a ballpoint pen and ten drops of rose oil. Choose the color of candle that represents the energy you want to bring into your relationship. Colors are: Green = growth, pink = romance and love, red = passion and sexuality, white = a stronger spiritual bond.

Once you select the colored candle, use the ballpoint pen to inscribe the name of the person in the relationship with you three times on the candle body. Next, write your name three times on top of the three names of the person in the relationship with you. As you rub ten drops of rose oil into the candle, say the following verse:

One drop, two drops, three,

Let the Goddess of love empower me.

Light the candle and imagine looking into the eyes of your lover. Envision the energy of the candle burning like a beacon, lighting a path between you and your lover. Now say:

Divine light of passion

Come brighten my lover and I

With your shimmering light

Tonight and every night

So be it! Blessed Be!

Let the candle burn down safely. In the morning when you wake up, say a heartfelt prayer for the Goddess of Love.

Awakening Your Magick

Awakening Your Magick

Find some time alone, where you have some peace and quiet in a room that you will be able to make dark .(close blinds, drapes or place blankets over windows)?

Find a candle that you feel represents you. It could be one of your favorite colors…or it could be the one that when you pick it up you feel something special – it just ”feels” right.?

Take the candle, and sit in a comfortable position on the floor. Put both of your hands around the candle, and hold it in your lap. Clear your mind of all thought and slow your breathing. Take long, deep, even breaths. Relax.?

Once you feel relaxed, think about your past and your present. As you recall it, visualize each thought you have ”transferring” it into the candle…if it helps, you can visualize a white puffy jet stream flowing from your head, into the candle in your hands…?

Focus on this for a few minutes (or longer), you’ll know when you’ve put enough of yourself into the candle. One?s true self, who you really are as a person.

Next, place the candle in a candle holder and set it on your altar in the room. Light the candle and turn off the lights, close the curtains, and create a dark room. This dark room represents the clarity of emptiness, and the candle represents all that you are.?

Focus on the flame. Feel the magick filling the room and filling you. Think of everything sacred and belive you are filled with magick. Build the belief till you have no doubt about your ability. When you are done snuff out the candle…?

You can repeat this process at any time you feel the need.?

The Witches Magick for Oct. 15th – To Break The Powers of a Spell (against you)


To Break The Powers of a Spell (against you)

Items you will need:

1 Large black candle

Cauldron or large black bowl

Place the candle in the cauldron or bowl, use candle wax from another black candle to cement the original black candle to the cauldron/bowl. Do this by dripping wax from the second candle. The candle should be tall enough to extend a few inches above the rim.

Fill the cauldron to the rim with fresh water, without wetting the candle’s wick. Deep breathe meditate, clear your mind and light the candle. Visualize the suspected spell’s power as residing within the candles flame. Sit in quiet and concentrate on the candle and then visualize the power flowing and growing within the candle’s flame. As the candle burns down, its flame will eventually sputter and go out as it contacts the water. As soon as the water has extinguished the flame, the spell will be dispersed. See the spell’s power explode into dust. Pour the water in the hole in the ground and bury the candle

The Witches Magick for Sept. 30 – Candle Blessing Ritual


Candle Blessing Ritual

Using your bare hands, rub an anointing oil into the wax starting at the middle of the candle and working your way up to the top as you say:


Start again at the middle and this time; work your way down to the bottom of the candle and say:





WOTC Spell of the Day for Sept. 11th: Spell for Bravery

Book & Candle Comments

A Spell for Bravery

To boost courage when you need it.

Items You Will Need:

An orange or red candle
A piece of carnelian or tiger’s eye

Candle You Need to Light:

Light a yellow candle for Air
Light a red candle for Fire
Light a blue candle for Water
Light a green candle for Earth
Light a white candle for Spirit.

This is a simple spell and can be said any time you need a boost. Write it down and tuck the paper in a wallet or pocket if you need to, or carry the stone with you.

“Gods, grant me courage
To face what lies ahead
And deal with challenges
In the best way possible.”
“Earth, lend me strength
And make me strong and grounded
Air, blow fear away
And keep my head clear.”
“Fire, burn away doubt
That would sap my will
And water, calm and soothe me
So I might go with the flow.”
“Spirit burn strong within me
That I might be brave
In the face of difficulty
Gods, grant me courage
Gods, grant me courage.”

So Mote It Be.

Spell for Controlling a Situation


Items You Need:

A brown candle

Controlling oil

Parchment paper

A black pen.

Write down your situation on the paper, underneath it write the outcome. Anoint the candle with controlling oil. Put the paper under the candle, then light the candle.

Visualize your problem and it being solved (meditate on it for awhile). Let the candle burn itself out.

Crystal and Candle Spell


Items needed:

Basic altar set-up
bowl of water
candle in color symbolic of need

Shield, ground, and center. Cast circle

Charge of the Goddess/God.

Cleanse crystal by sprinkling with water, then with salt. Say the following:

“This crystal is hereby cleansed
and dedicated to the workings
of the Goddess and God.”       

With tip of crystal, scratch image, symbolic of need, on candle (i.e., a heart for love, a dollar sign for money, a fist for strength.

As candle is scratched, visualize your need with crystal clarity as if it had already been manifested.

Chant to raise power. Place candle in candleholder, set crystal near it, and light candle.

Watch the burning flame and again strongly visualize and chant &/or drum.
Allow the candle to burn down.

An All-Purpose Candle Spell

An All-Purpose Candle Spell

This is a quick, uncomplicated ritual designed to be used for all positive purposes.

You’ll need

one candle of the appropriate color,
one holder

When you’re ready to begin, hold the candle between the palms of your hands.
Breathe deeply. Visualize your goal. Push personal, programmed power into the candle between your hands.

Feel the energy streaming into it. Say appropriate words if you wish simply stating what you need to occur. Place the candle in its holder. Strike a match above the candle and draw down the flame toward the candle. Light the wick. Put the still-flaming match into a heat-proof container (or extinguish its flame with a quick flip of the wrist).

Hold your hands around the candle’s flame. Feel the energy. Visualize strongly.
Leave the area. Let the candle do its work.

The Witches Spell for August 9th: Spell to Rekindle Love


The Witches Spell for August 9th

Spell to Rekindle Love

You will need:

A white birthday candle

One white or silver 8-inch taper candle

Jasmine oil

White parchment paper

A small jar

Silver cord

Begin by chipping the wax away at the bottom of the candle so you have two wicks. Next, carve two stars onto one side of the candle. Carve your initials into one star and the initials of your loved one on the other star. Anoint the candle with the jasmine oil as you chant:

“As the stars doth rise above, I beckon forth the return of love.”

Lay the candle aside and write the name of your loved on the parchment paper. Place the jar on top of the paper. Light the birthday candle and drip the wax from it onto the top of the jar, and then affix the silver candle to the top of the jar so that it will permit it to burn from both ends. When the candle is solidly attached, light both ends as you chant:

“Dark starry night, and candle light,
End forever this loveless plight.
Bring back my lover to me,
For this I will,
So Mote It Be!”

Stay with the candle until it burns out. Tie up the parchment paper into a small packet and place under your pillow. Keep it there until your loved one returns.

Compelling a Liar to Confess

Compelling a Liar to Confess

If you suspect someone is a liar but are not sure, get a purple candle and dress it with Compelling oil. Write the person’s name on a piece of parchement paper nine times and cross and cover that name with your name nine times. Place the paper under the candle and burn it for seven days while the moon is waxing. Each night you light it, call the person’s name and say, “I compell you to tell me the truth!” On the seventh night wrap the left-over candle wax in the paper and throw it in running water or at a crossroads. He will be compelled to tell the truth then and may confess to many lies.

(Compelling Oil is made with a variety of herbs, among them Calamus Root.)




To make a man desire you sexually, write his full name with yours upon a crimson phallus shaped candle when the waxing moon enters the sign of Scorpio. Anoint the candle with must oil, light it, and repeat the following magickal incantation 3 times:



BEWITCH (man’s full name)


Sweet Goddess I’m calling out unto thee

Please make him want me! “


Close your eyes and visualize the man of your desires making love to you. Continue the erotic visualization until the candle burns itself completely out.

Spell To Bring a Lover Back

Spell To Bring a Lover Back


What You’ll Need:

a white candle

a red candle

a new candle holder with a new wick


On Friday night during the time the moon is in its waxing phase, do an aura cleansing and then cast your circle as you normally would.  Inscribe your name onto the white candle and your lovers name onto the red candle. Everyday until your lover returns light the white candle and say:

“Truth in all things, love me _____”

Place three drops of the white candle wax into your candle hold with the new wick. Then light the red candle with the fire from the white candle and say:

“You love me you can’t deny return to me ______”

Place 3 drops of red wax into your new candle.While you are doing this visualize the person with great detail.

Eventually you will have need of a new candle. If your lover hasn’t returned to you by the the time the new candle is made then you are probably not meant to be. If this is the case and you are ready to move on, light the newly form candle and say;

“I release you from this spell, in releasing you I release myself, I am open to new love.”

Let the candle burn down and burn out.

If you lover returns keep making your candle but change the chants to bind them to you and make your love grow.

The Witches Spell for Wednesday, Feb. 13th – Love Spell number 9


The Witches Spell for Wednesday, February 13th

Love Spell number 9

“Uniting Ladder” — a love binding spell for a new love, or to have an old love return to you.

Items Needed:

A string or thread from the target’s clothing about 9 (or preferably more) inches long.

A string from your clothing of the same length A Red Candle (any type)

A tall red taper candle

A drop of the person’s scent (this would be their favorite cologne/perfume, after shave, shampoo, whatever they smell like the most)

Dried rose petals

Vanilla extract, about 1 tablespoon (1/2 ounce)

A rose quartz (washed in hot soapy water and rinsed well)

1 ounce of rum

2 cups of fresh water (spring water, rainwater, collected dew, and distilled water, whatever you prefer)

Salt (any type)

Incense (any type but musk or vanilla are appropriate)

Glass phial or bottle

Maintain focus on your target coming to you in love during the entire working and as often as you can until the spell is fulfilled.

Potion Preparation: Bring the fresh water to a boil for 5 minutes. Turn down the heat very low so the mixture stays warm but does not boil. Add the rose petals while saying:

‘Dancing on the wind I go,

To aid ________’s love to flow

His/her love will now fully bloom

His/her desire for me will come soon!’

Reconfirm your focus of the target loving you and coming to you. Add the vanilla extract while saying:

‘Sweet charm, not meant to harm,

Evoke his/her desire to take my arm.

Deep within him/her I summon it,

To come to me as I see fit!’

Reconfirm your focus; remove the mixture from the stove. Add a pinch of salt while saying:

‘No one may interfere magickally,

This spell can only be undone by me.’

Reconfirm your focus; add the ounce of rum while saying:

‘Drunk with love he/she will come to me,

No other love will he/she see.

Our love will grow in purity,

And once it is true, this spell is set free.’

Let the mixture cool and put it in a nice glass bottle with the rose quartz. This should be a bottle that has an appealing shape and is worthy of containing such a potion. (Do not use a bottle that used to contain something strong smelling like cologne) Now comes the actual spell casting, so far you have completed the potion, which is an ingredient of the actual spell.

Timing: This part of the working should start about 15 minutes before sunrise on a Friday. It should be concluded by 1 hour after sunrise so make sure you know it from start to finish in your mind. Check the almanac (on the links page) or your local weather station for exact sunrise times.

Begin: Clear an open area that you can work in and are comfortable in, this should be approximately a 6-foot diameter space. You should not feel cramped. Find some sort of table with at least 1-foot of top surface space. Place the table in the center of the area you have cleared and assemble the two candles, the strings, the potion, a bowl of salt, incense, target’s scent (cologne, etc)

Armed with the salt and starting in the north of your working area, cast a circle by making a salt circle. Cast is clockwise (deosil) while saying:

‘I cast this circle to protect me from bane.

I cast this circle to contain my energy until it is open.

The circle is strong and will hold true.’

Light the red candle and facing south say:

‘Burning passion and desire,

Arise in _______ like a burning fire!’

Place the candle on the table, pick up the taper candle and anoint it with the target’s scent. With the cologne or whatever on your index finger, start in the middle of the candle and move down. Go all around the candles bottom half-only rubbing in downward strokes. Now start in the middle again and rub up to the wick all around the candle only in upward strokes. Focus on your target coming to you in love.

Take both strings, hold them together and tie a knot at one end while focusing and saying:

‘I bind this knot and bring _____ ‘s love.’

Tie another knot at the opposite end of the parallel strings while saying:

‘I bind this knot and bring ______’s desire.’

Tie another knot near the first one on the opposite side:

‘I bind this knot and bring ______’s faithfulness.’

Tie another knot next to the second one you tied:

‘I bind ______’s love to me.’

Another next to the third one you tied:

‘Come to me, so mote it be!’

Wrap the cord around the anointed taper at the base and light it while saying:

‘The fire of love burns in his heart!’

Light the incense while saying:

‘This smoke does hereby evoke,

His commitment to me that he cannot revoke!’

Sit and focus on your goal, you may wish to chant the following:

‘________ to me, so mote it be.’

After a few minutes, pick up the red candle and let three drops of wax fall on the bottle of potion (not in it, just on the lid or glass) and say:

‘This spell is sealed!’

Put down the candle, remove the knotted cord, open the potion and dip the cord into it once while saying:

‘I infuse this cord,

The spell is stored.

So long as knots remain,

His/her love for me will never wane.’

Recap the potion and hold it above the incense so that smoke surrounds it. Turn it so the smoke reaches all sides and say:

‘This smoke seals his love for me!’

Repeat the ‘smudging’ with incense for the knotted core and say:

‘His love is bound!’

Place all items back on the table and go around the circle counterclockwise (widdershins) while saying:

‘The circle is open,

The spell is released.

His/her love for me,

Will never cease!’

Take the potion outside so that sunlight will infuse it. Set it in the sun for as long as remains of the hour past sunrise. Take the potion in and store it in a safe space. Each day place a drop of the potion on your forehead, each breast and your groin area (4 drops total) carry the cord with you at all times and keep it near you when you sleep. Do not let anyone else see it. You can optionally store the cord in a safe space. Whenever the opportunity arises, sneak a FEW, 3 is best, drops of the potion is food or drink that your target will consume.

This will work, but when is hard to determine as it depends on many factors, among them, your personal power and confidence, timing, the target’s will, etc.

Poppet for Gaining Financial Success

Poppet for Gaining Financial Success


satin, green or gold or silver

Herbs: clover, chamomile, ginger, cinnamon

Gemstones: snowflake obsidian or sodalite


Create a poppet that represents yourself. As you make it, focus on the positive attributes that you possess which will make you appealing to a potential employer. Another option is to create the poppet in the image of the employer (include business cards or letterhead inside, if you can get them) and tell the employer poppet why you’re the best person for the job.

The Witches Spell for February 5th: Relief of Bad Luck & Problems

Voodoo Comments & Graphics

The Witches Magick for February 5th

For Relief of Bad Luck & Problems

(safe Hoodoo magick)

In black ink make a list of all of your problems you wish to be relieved of. Each day for 13 days in a row burn one black 6’ ritual candle with “Go Away Now” carved on each. Dress (rubbed on the candle pointing away from you) each candle with Hot Foot or Get Gone Oil and burn on top of your problem list. Each day as the candle burns for 13 minutes in a row read Psalms 7 over and over again and pray that your bad luck be sent away from you. On the 13th day after the candle has burned wrap the paper with all the candle wax upon it in a black cloth and leave it in a cemetary. Be sure to leave a handful of change to pay the cemetary spirits for keeping your problems for you. For seven days there after bath in a cleansing bath. Do not towel dry off. Let yourself draw naturally.

Natural Pet Care for Fleas, Ticks, Bath Time and More

Natural Pet Care for Fleas, Ticks, Bath Time and  More

Our human lives are full of choices. We often obsess over the ingredients in  the lotions we buy and search for the safest cleaning products for our home. Our  pets, on the other hand, live a largely choice-less existence. Whether you shine  your floors with chemical cleaner or use a non-toxic vinegar and lemon solution  is not a choice our cat makes. In fact, she doesn’t get a choice when flea  season rolls around and the collars and ointments come out, either. And her  favorite bubble bath solution is left unknown as well. In the end, the choices  that affect your pets’ health are up to you, and many pet owners make  health-damaging mistakes.

For example, flea collars often contain tetrachlorvinphos (TCVP) or propoxur,  which can jeopardize your pet’s immune  system and leave damaging lifelong effects. Flea collars that contain  these chemicals can damage the nervous system, negatively affect the brain and  even lead to cancer. These chemicals are especially damaging for children who  may be in regular contact with your dog or cat.

You can avoid toxic chemicals by taking the following natural and  preventive measures:

  • Give your pet regular baths.
  • Wash your pet’s bedding and clean the areas where your pet sleeps, such as  sofas or rugs. Clean these surfaces the same day as you wash your pet.
  • Use a flea comb in between baths.
  • Do not neglect your pet’s oral hygiene. Regular brushing is necessary not just for you, but them,  too.
  • If you have carpet, vacuum regularly and clean area rugs.
  • Boost your pet’s immune system with herbs.
  • Create a natural flea and tick rinse with rosemary, wormwood, southernwood,  lavender, pennyroyal or eucalyptus.

Taking the time to consider natural pet care choices is worth it for the  furry friends we love. Natural pet care is easier than you think and creates a  cleaner, greener environment for every member of your household.