The Witches Magick for Dec. 12th – Employment Charm

Employment Charm

A Charm to Secure Employment

The following ingredients are needed:

Take a green handkerchief or a piece of green cloth roughly same size,
Next lay it flat with one of the corners facing you.
Place upon it 3 cardamom seeds
1 Bay leaf
1 Cinnamon stick

These herbs surround you in self-confidence and attract energy. Cardamom sweetens your personality and brings out your natural eloquence. Bay leaves are symbols of success and triumph. Cinnamon will draw the magic quick. ie the corners together with a length of green ribbon, so that you have a little bundle of herbs.

Before each interview, hold this bundle and visualize yourself walking into the interview room, radiating confidence imagine yourself being in a position to pick and chose jobs at will. Carry this to your job interviews. And accept that any rejection is a sign from the universe that the job was not right for you

A Very Blessed & Relaxing Saturday To The WOTC!

I must apologize for being late. It’s terrible I only work two days a week doing the site. And I still can’t get here on time. But I have proof it’s not my fault this time. The picture above tells the whole story. Lady A and I went out partying, lol! Look closely Lady A is the one with the shades on. Trying to hide her identity or blood shot eyes?

Just a joke, neither one of us drink. Perhaps we should start if we could afford it.

Good Thursday Morning WOTC! Having A Very Blessed Day So Far?

website_down_for_maintenanceWe are currently updating our site. Lady A wouldn’t let me do it, lol! Can’t imagine why I could even get the date or day right yesterday :s . Bad day, bad day! WordPress won’t let us post while Lady A updates the site. That is why we all have to stop what we are doing till she is finished.

As soon as she is finished with the updates we will be right back. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Feel free to poke around, look, read, put your feet up and relax!

Have a super day,


How's The WOTC Doing On This Wonderful Wednesday!

Thought of the Day

“To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter; to be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird’s nest or a wildflower in spring — these are some of the rewards of the simple life.”

– John Burroughs

Gooood Afternoon To The WOTC!

Good Afternoon WOTC,

I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend. It is ashame how fast the weekends fly by. Well I know at least mine do. I wanted to apologize for the WOTC not being online this weekend. We had numerous things we had let go and let go and it just all piled up on us. We had to take a break and catch up with our lives offline. We had houses that had to be cleaned, lawns and herbs gardens that needed to be tend too, one big fish aquarium to clean out and a bunch of little stuff also. It just piles up on you till the once little thing is now a huge mountain you have to tackle.

I also have good news to report. Lady Abyss has been freed from her cast. I helped her around her house this weekend. She said her hand is still tender but the doctor told her to exercise it. What better way to exercise it than to start doing the blog again! She will be back tomorrow and our lives will resume as normal? It seems strange how one person being hurt or sick can throw everything out of sink. Of course, Lady A has been here but it still felt strange for me to do the blog. We have developed a system over the years that works very well for us. The person doing the blog is the one who is in charge. She does all the posting. At the same time she has her email account open and we are emailing her the info that she needs for the blog. You simply refresh and there is your next bit of info. I admit it didn’t feel right me telling Lady Abyss what I need and could you do this and that. She might have been in a cast but she was still a trooper and helped out a lot. I know all of you will be glad to see her back as well as I will be.

Again I would like to apologize for this weekend. I hope you understand why we took the weekend off. Tomorrow with Lady A back, we will resume our normal schedule. We will operate 7 days a week as usual but excluding our one day a month we take to update everything. And we always notify you of that.

It has been a pleasure doing the blog and meeting some of you. I am sure I will fill in from time to time. That is all I have to report for now. I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday and we will see you tomorrow.

Goddess Bless,


Poppet for Gaining Financial Success

Poppet for Gaining Financial Success


satin, green or gold or silver

Herbs: clover, chamomile, ginger, cinnamon

Gemstones: snowflake obsidian or sodalite


Create a poppet that represents yourself. As you make it, focus on the positive attributes that you possess which will make you appealing to a potential employer. Another option is to create the poppet in the image of the employer (include business cards or letterhead inside, if you can get them) and tell the employer poppet why you’re the best person for the job.

Your Daily Horoscopes for Thursday, October 25th

We’re emotionally challenged today as the watery Pisces Moon lures us into the boundless seas. We’re tempted to use reason to figure out what’s happening as messenger Mercury in passionate Scorpio harmonizes with attractive Venus in analytical Virgo. Logic isn’t sufficient to give us the answers that we seek, but a sobering Sun-Saturn conjunction prevents us from trusting our feelings. Ultimately, the truth comes from both the head and the heart.


Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You may be overly concerned about the restrictions put on you by a close friend or lover today. Although your worries could be based on reality, your own fears complicate the situation. The problem deepens if you try to avoid talking about your feelings. Thankfully, overcoming your resistance and initiating a dialogue is the first step toward resolving the discomfort. It might be difficult to start the conversation, but it will quickly get easier once the ball is rolling.


Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

Someone may be overly critical of your stubbornness today, but your inclination is to entirely resist the label. Instead, you believe that your integrity depends on your ability to hold on to your values, even in the face of differing positions. Nevertheless, all forms of self-defense require rigid behavior to some degree. State your case clearly, but don’t try to convert others to your point of view.


Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

You’re probably working too hard now that the ambitious Sun-Saturn conjunction falls in your 6th House of Employment. Fortunately, you get what you deserve today, so don’t try to avoid the process. A methodical approach enables you to take an emotional gamble without jeopardizing the gains you’ve already made. Weigh the potential rewards against the possible risks before you invest your heart.


Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

You could have pressing responsibilities today, but your ingratiating style enables you to talk your way out of working too hard. You might even be able to persuade someone to postpone your deadline if you can muster up enough courage to ask. Your obligations won’t just disappear on their own; however, giving voice to your intentions now could be enough to shift the energy in your favor.


Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

You’re willing to apply yourself toward a specific goal, but your co-workers may not notice your ambitious behavior today. Perhaps your desire to get ahead is not measurable in the real world because your current destination is a spiritual place and not based on any sort of observable accomplishments. Don’t worry about what anyone else might think; just stick to your agenda the best you can and let others draw their own conclusions.


Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Although you may be tempted to make a plan and execute it without any deviation, your flexibility is warranted if circumstances shift. In fact, your willingness to respond to unexpected schedule changes can alleviate a problem before it reaches crisis level. Pay attention to your mood swings, but don’t act on your feelings until they stabilize. In the meantime, being sensitive to the needs of others allows you to play superhero for the day.


Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

A political squabble at work today might have you throwing your hands up in disgust because you don’t know which side to support. Unfortunately, your dreams blend into reality and there’s no simple way to discern the facts from your fantasies. You might believe that you know what’s real, but it changes if you just wait a few hours. See where the situation goes before playing your hand.


Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Romantic fantasies assume a significant role in your day, yet you might choose to channel your desires into productivity rather than focusing on relationships. Instead of giving your dreams free reign, concentrate on the work you need to do. You may be surprised with all the practical ideas you have today once you make up your mind to apply your creative process to your job as much as possible.


Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

It may feel as if you have reached a turning point, and the circumstances that were holding you back just last week now seem to be fading into the past. Your enthusiasm is growing but it’s unrealistic to think that everything will change overnight. Big events are coming your way; however, your patience is required as you move through the current transformation.


Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You are a force to be reckoned with today as the Sun joins your key planet Saturn. However, you must apply yourself to the task at hand or you might get distracted by a group of your friends. Rather than taking an all-or-nothing approach to the work/play dilemma, try to aim for the middle of the road. Steering clear of extremes makes a lot more sense than you realize.


Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You might feel as if you’re being dragged into a conversation today that you would rather avoid entirely. But it’s not wise to shirk your responsibilities; others are depending upon you to tell them what you think. If you cannot put your feelings into words, lead by example instead. In either case, give it your best shot by making certain that everyone knows exactly where you stand on the matter in question.


Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

You may be sending contradictory messages today as the imaginative Pisces Moon encourages you to share your dreams with those closest to you. Meanwhile, the restrictive Sun-Saturn conjunction prevents you from wandering too far off the traditional track. But this narrow approach doesn’t blend well with your more whimsical style. Showing up and being present with your feelings is all that’s needed now.

Companies hiring in July

Companies hiring in July

By Debra Auerbach, CareerBuilder Writer

As of May, 5.4 million people were experiencing long-term unemployment*. If you were to ask any one of them to describe the job market, they probably wouldn’t have many positive things to say.

Yet a new CareerBuilder Talent Crunch survey found that 38 percent of employers currently have open positions for which they can’t find qualified candidates. Why the discrepancy? Yes, jobs are available, but many of those jobs are in highly skilled fields, and there aren’t enough workers with the right credentials to fill those roles.

It’s not like job seekers aren’t trying; 77 percent of job seekers surveyed said they’d be willing to take a job in a different field than the one in which they currently work, and 64 percent knowingly apply for positions for which they don’t possess the required skills.

Luckily, many companies are taking measures to close the skills gap. According to the study, half of employers of all sizes are planning to hire workers who don’t have experience in their particular field or industry and train them. Forty-one percent of companies reported that they currently have programs in place to help alleviate the skills gap, including on-the-job training, mentoring, sending employees back to school and other efforts.

“Prolonged vacancies can result in lower-quality work, lower sales and morale and can cause a delay in creating other related positions within the organization,” says Matt Ferguson, CEO of CareerBuilder. “Fortunately, we see more companies taking matters into their own hands and putting programs in place to retrain and transition workers into their industries or fields.”

If you’re a job seeker who is willing to change fields, or even if you’re not, the 15 companies listed below have jobs available today. The companies cover a variety of industries, and the positions vary by level, type and experience. Openings are available across the country, so if you’re one of the 54 percent from the survey who would be willing to relocate to a new city or state for a job, you have a lot of options.

Here are 15 companies hiring in July:

1. Aaron’s Industry: Furniture Sample job titles: Customer service, manager in training Location: Nationwide

2. Aerojet Industry: Aerospace and engineering Sample job titles: Senior project engineering, manager, estimating and pricing, reliability and safety engineer Location: Sacramento; Redmond, Wash.; Huntsville, Ala.; Camden, Ark.; Washington, D.C.; Socorro, N.M.; Clearfield, Utah; Gainesville, Va.; Culpeper, Va.

3. Bloomin’ Brands (operates Outback Steakhouse, Flemings, Bonefish Grill, Carrabba’s and Roy’s) Industry: Hospitality/restaurant Sample job titles: Hourly front of the house, hourly back of the house, restaurant manager Location: Nationwide

4. CapTech Consulting Industry: Information technology Sample job titles: Java developer, IT project manager, business systems analyst, data warehouse architect, business objects architect, ETL database developer Location: Nationwide

5. Cynergies Solutions Group Industry: Information technology staffing Sample job titles: Project manager, business analyst, application developer, database administrator, system administrator/engineer, quality assurance analyst, data warehousing consultant Location: Cleveland; Columbus; Cincinnati; Pittsburgh; Chicago; Minneapolis; Atlanta; Colorado Springs; Dayton, Ohio; Toledo, Ohio; Raleigh, N.C.; Louisville, Ky.

6. Devereux Foundation Industry: Behavioral health Sample job titles: Development director, direct support professional, teacher’s assistant, residential counselor Location: Pennsylvania, Florida, New Jersey, Arizona, Colorado

7. Farmers Insurance Industry: Insurance Sample job titles: Insurance sales agent, retail agency program Location: New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, California, Minnesota

8. GTA Professional Staffing Industry: Engineering staffing firm Sample job titles: Design release engineer, engineering manager, Catia V5 designer Location: Detroit metro area

9. MV Transportation Inc. Industry: Passenger transportation contracting Sample job titles: Safety manager, safety trainer, fleet maintenance manager, general manager, mechanic, fleet technician, driver Location: Nationwide

10. One Touch Direct Industry: Professional services/call center Sample job title: Inside sales representative Location: Tampa

11. Onewest Bank Industry: Finance Sample job titles: Manager, analyst, auditor, teller Location: Nationwide

12. Pacific Pulmonary Services Industry: Respiratory services, customer service Sample job titles: Outside sales representative, field customer service representative, driver — medical equipment, respiratory therapist/sales assistant, district sales manager — health care Location: California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, Texas, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey

13. Riverside research Industry: Government defense Sample job titles: Linux kernel developer, IT specialist, subcontract administrator, materials physicist Location: New York City; Washington, D.C.; Dayton, Ohio; Boston; Champaign, Ill.; Rosslyn, Va.; Augusta, Ga.; Springfield, Va.

14. Suddenlink Industry: Telecommunications Sample job titles: Direct sales, broadband technician, customer service representative, engineer, information technology professional Location: Arkansas, Arizona, California, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas, West Virginia

15. WMS Industry: Gaming Sample job titles: Game developer, artist Location: Chicago

*Unemployed for 27 weeks or more