A Little Humor for Your Day – ‘Tricky Riddles’

Tricky Riddles

A man and a dog were going down the street. The man rode, yet walked. What was the dog’s name? Yet.

A man had two sons and named them both Ed. How come? Two Eds (heads) are better than one.

At what time do most people go to the dentist? At tooth-hurty (2:30).

Can you spell a composition with two letters? SA (essay).

Can you spell a pretty girl with two letters? QT (cutey).

Can you spell soft and slow with two letters? EZ.

Can you spell very happy with three letters? XTC (ecstasy).

Do moths cry? Sure. Haven’t you ever seen a mothball (bawl) ?

How can you prove that a horse has six legs? A horse has four legs (forelegs) in front and two behind.

How can you spell chilly with two letters? IC (icy) .

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Mastering the Element Air

Mastering the element Air…

1- Make a list of the things which have the combined qualities of warmth and
moistness. Practice this for one week. Be sure to record the results each day in
your magickal diary.

2- Find a place where you can be alone, take a lounge chair along with you. Wear
as little clothing as you can (if possible, nudity is best), and sit or lie in the chair. Begin pore breathing. This is started by doing the relaxation ritual. Next, become very aware of your breath. Become aware of the slow in and out motion of the physical air. Notice the way the air feels as it enters your body. Now imagine that your body is nothing more then a huge breathing apparatus. Imagine that every part of your body only has the function of breathing. You should do this exercise daily for one week.

3- Spend a period of up to three minutes (no more), once a day, imagining that
you are the element Air. Feel the lightness, the giddiness, the warmth and moisture of Air. Feel how physical things don’t seem to matter. Do this exercise
for only one week, NO MORE. If you wish to do it again, only do it once a month.

4- Once you have learned to “be Air”, the next step is to control the element Air. Take a moment and imagine yourself to be Air. Bring the feeling from the previous exercise into your consciousness. Next, hold your hands 9-12 inches apart, palms facing each other. Imagine a bottle or box between your hands. Now, as you exhale, visualize all of the Air element which is in you going out with
your breath and into the container between your hands. Three to five breaths should be enough to fill it. Then, with three breaths, inhale it back into you and go back to normal consciousness.

The next time you feel heavy, slow or lazy, do this exercise. If you feel relaxed and refreshed, you have succeeded with the test AND with mastering the element Air.

Gooood Afternoon To The WOTC!

Good Afternoon WOTC,

I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend. It is ashame how fast the weekends fly by. Well I know at least mine do. I wanted to apologize for the WOTC not being online this weekend. We had numerous things we had let go and let go and it just all piled up on us. We had to take a break and catch up with our lives offline. We had houses that had to be cleaned, lawns and herbs gardens that needed to be tend too, one big fish aquarium to clean out and a bunch of little stuff also. It just piles up on you till the once little thing is now a huge mountain you have to tackle.

I also have good news to report. Lady Abyss has been freed from her cast. I helped her around her house this weekend. She said her hand is still tender but the doctor told her to exercise it. What better way to exercise it than to start doing the blog again! She will be back tomorrow and our lives will resume as normal? It seems strange how one person being hurt or sick can throw everything out of sink. Of course, Lady A has been here but it still felt strange for me to do the blog. We have developed a system over the years that works very well for us. The person doing the blog is the one who is in charge. She does all the posting. At the same time she has her email account open and we are emailing her the info that she needs for the blog. You simply refresh and there is your next bit of info. I admit it didn’t feel right me telling Lady Abyss what I need and could you do this and that. She might have been in a cast but she was still a trooper and helped out a lot. I know all of you will be glad to see her back as well as I will be.

Again I would like to apologize for this weekend. I hope you understand why we took the weekend off. Tomorrow with Lady A back, we will resume our normal schedule. We will operate 7 days a week as usual but excluding our one day a month we take to update everything. And we always notify you of that.

It has been a pleasure doing the blog and meeting some of you. I am sure I will fill in from time to time. That is all I have to report for now. I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday and we will see you tomorrow.

Goddess Bless,




1. Q: I’ve heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life. Is this true?

A: Your heart is only good for so many beats, and that’s it… don’t waste them on exercise. Everything wears out eventually. Speeding up your heart will not make you live longer; that’s like saying you can extend the life of your car by driving it faster. Want to live longer? Take a nap.

2. Q: Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruits and vegetables?

A: You must grasp logistical efficiencies. What does a cow eat?

Hay and corn.  And what are these? Vegetables. So a steak is nothing more than an efficient mechanism of delivering vegetables to your system.  Need grain?  Eat chicken.  Beef is also a good source of field grass (green leafy vegetable). And a pork chop can give you 100% of your recommended daily allowance of vegetable products.

3. Q: Should I reduce my alcohol intake?

A: No, not at all. Wine is made from fruit. Brandy is distilled wine, that means they take the water out of the fruity bits so you get even more of the goodness that way. Beer is also made out of grain.  Bottoms up!

4. Q: How can I calculate my body/fat ratio?

A: Well, if you have a body and you have body fat, your ratio is one to one. If you have two bodies, your ratio is two to one, etc.

5. Q: What are some of the advantages of participating in a regular exercise program?

A: Can’t think of a single one, sorry. My philosophy is: No Pain…Good

6. Q: Aren’t fried foods bad for you?

A: YOU’RE NOT LISTENING!!!. Foods are fried these days in vegetable oil. In fact, they’re permeated in it.  How could getting more vegetables be bad for you?

7. Q: Will sit-ups help prevent me from getting a little soft around the middle?

A: Definitely not! When you exercise a muscle, it gets bigger. You should only be doing sit-ups if you want a bigger stomach.

8. Q: Is chocolate bad for me?

A: Are you crazy? HELLO .. Cocoa beans … another vegetable!!! It’s the best feel-good food around!

9. Q: Is swimming good for your figure?

A: If swimming is so good for your figure, explain whales to me.

8 Tips to Become a Morning Person

8 Tips to Become a Morning Person

by Samantha, selected from DivineCaroline

You don’t have to naturally be an early bird to become one. Make the  following changes to your daily routine and environment and give  yourself a little time to adjust and you, too, can be one who effortlessly gets  the proverbial worm.

1. Go to bed early.

Yes, it’s a given, but it’s important enough to emphasize; in order  to wake  up early and feel refreshed, you must go to bed early enough to  get a full  night’s sleep. Additionally, you should make your bedtime  consistent every  night in order to create a pattern that you will  instinctively follow if  repeated long enough.

2. Wake up at the same time every day.

Just as too little sleep makes you tired, too much sleep does the  same  thing. Plus, if you don’t create a pattern for your body to follow,  it will  resist your early-bird intentions. Wake up at the same time  every day,  including weekends, until your body adjusts and ultimately,  you may not need a  wake-up call at all.

3. Get a relentless alarm clock.

The yin to the above tip’s yang, you aren’t likely to get up early  if you  can perpetually hit the snooze button. Find a fool-proof way to  make sure you  wake when you are supposed to—without delay—and you’re on  your way to morning  person status.

4. Don’t drink caffeine or excessive alcohol in the evening.

All your good intentions will be foiled if you drink the wrong  beverages.  Caffeine obviously keeps you perky, which is great up until  the time you’re  ready to go to sleep. Don’t drink any after noon,  especially when you’re  starting out your new routine, to give you better  snoozing odds. Alcohol, too,  can foil best-laid sleeping plans. It may help you get groggy,  but later it disrupts sleep, causing exhaustion that lingers into the next  day.

5.  Exercise in the early evening.

While exercise gets the heart rate going and boosts energy, it also  helps  you get seriously restful sleep—so long as you give yourself  enough winding-down time after your workout.  Break a sweat right after work and you’ll have plenty of  time to get groggy before bedtime. Bonus: It  helps eliminate the stress that  might keep your mind busy when it should  be snoozing.

6. Eat healthy early evening meals.

Food hangovers happen all the time. In fact, most of us are  suffering from  one at any given time. Unfortunately, the kind of foods  you eat can disrupt  sleep, too. While you’re not likely to change your  diet just to accommodate  sleep, you can and should eat on the early side  so your body isn’t overwhelmed  trying to digest and dream.

7. Prepare for your day the night before.

Being a morning person doesn’t have to mean you bound out of bed and  whiz  around. Any sleepy shortcomings you have can be overcome with some  advance  planning. Get your coffee at the ready, lay out your wardrobe  for the day, and  make your lunch the night before. Then you’ll have less  to do as you drowsily  get into your new routine.

8. Reconfigure your bedroom for optimal sleep.

Sleep experts everywhere recommend that you make your bedroom a  sleep  sanctuary. That means you should keep stimulating distractions,  such as the TV,  smartphone, or computer, out of the bedroom and focus solely on soothing things  that are conducive to getting your snooze on.

Daily Motivator for July 20 – Grow stronger

Grow stronger

Whatever happens, you can use it as a way to grow stronger. Every day can end  up making you stronger.

You can complain about it, or you can grow stronger through it. You can worry  about it, or you can grow stronger instead.

Don’t let it make you frustrated, or resentful or dismayed. Let it motivate  you to become stronger.

Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, feel what it feels like to respond  with strength and clarity of positive purpose. Call upon the strength you have,  and you will have more.

You are stronger than any circumstance, stronger than any thoughtless comment  made by another, and stronger than any disappointment. You can adjust, adapt,  and re-commit yourself again and again to moving forward.

You are already strong and capable and experienced. Use that strength to  advance life’s goodness, and grow stronger and stronger with each passing day.

— Ralph Marston

The Daily Motivator

5 Ways to Stay Healthy When Traveling

5 Ways to Stay Healthy When Traveling

by Megan, selected from Experience Life

I don’t care what that old cliché says. Ask  anyone who travels on a regular  basis  and they’ll tell you: Getting there is  most definitely not half  the fun. At least  not if you’re a health-conscious person. Traveling, whether  for business  or pleasure, can wreak havoc on everything from  your meticulous  workout routine to your measured-down-to-the-last-carb          eating plan. The  result is a potential double whammy.  Not only do you feel less than your best   self while on your trip, you may also find that, upon  returning, you’ve lost  the motivation and momentum to return to your  healthy habits.

While keeping in shape and eating well on the road can be challenging,  it’s  far from impossible. Particularly if you’ve been more or less on  the straight  and narrow while at home. “If you’re already exercising,  eating right and  sleeping decently, you’ll have a solid foundation to  stay healthy and deal with  the stress you confront when traveling,” says  Alisa Cohn, an executive coach in  Brookline, Mass. So before you add  another mile to your frequent-flier tally,  heed the  following healthy-travel tips, which take you from pre-takeoff to   post-touchdown and everything in between.

Arrive in Good Shape Whether you’re going by plane,  train or automobile, you can usually  count on one thing: encountering some  surprises and setbacks. In terms  of logistics, it might be a delayed train, a  massive traffic jam or a  lost suitcase. In terms of your  personal regimen, it  might be a missed meal or an especially  uncomfortable hotel room. That’s no  reason to stay home, of course; you  just need to adjust your  everything-will-be- flawless expectations.

“Before you head out the door, accept that obstacles will pop up, and  have a  strategy to deal with them,” says Cohn. Long lines at the  airport? Bring  reading or listening materials (books on tape are ideal)  to pass the time. A  two-hour stop on the tarmac before you even take  off? Engage in a series of  deep breaths to center yourself, then pull  out a notebook and start writing  some of those long-put-off letters to  dear old friends.

Even if your trip is a best-case scenario, you need to be especially  mindful  of your physical health. If you’re flying, staying hydrated is  your No. 1  priority. Most plane cabins have between 10 and 20 percent  humidity, which puts  them on  a par with most of the world’s deserts. To counteract the  aridness,  which can sap your energy, squelch your immune system and slow  your blood flow,  drink half an ounce of water for every pound you  weigh, per day. (This formula  applies once you touch ground, too – the  more hydrated you are, the better your  body and mind will function.)

It might also be wise to bring your own supply of H2O; a recent study  from  the Environmental Protection Agency found that one in eight  airplanes – or  nearly 13 percent of the domestic and international  airline fleet – has water  that fails to meet U.S. safety standards.

Skip caffeine and alcohol, as they further dehydrate you. Instead, when  the  beverage cart comes around, ask for cranberry or orange juice.  “Cranberry juice  is full of antioxidants and is a quick boost to your  immune system,” says  Philip Goglia, founder of Performance Fitness  Concepts, a nutrition and fitness  clinic in Los Angeles. (It’s also full  of sugar, though, so don’t overdo it.)  An 8-ounce glass of orange juice  contains a solid dose of vitamin C (good for  immunity, which can suffer  during travel), plus 400 to 500 milligrams (mg) of  valuable potassium.  The body excretes excessive amounts  of potassium and  sodium during long flights, according to Johnson Space  Center researchers,  which can lead to decreased muscle strength and  diminished physical and mental  reflexes.

Or consider another good, low-cal drink option with a vitamin and  mineral  boost: Stow a few packets of Emer’-gen-C drink mix in your  carry-on. Pour a  packet in a big bottle of water before you take off and  you’ll have your  beverage needs handled for the entire flight.

Nowadays, the food on planes is as scarce as it is scary, so be sure to   bring along enough wholesome food and snacks to hold you over (pack some  snacks  for the airport, too, so those hubcap-size cinnamon buns or  king-size bags of  Fritos won’t tempt you). Strive for lighter and more  nutritious foods that can  handle a few hours without refrigeration, like  raisins, string cheese, trail  mix, individual packets of applesauce or a  pita filled with spinach and goat  cheese.

Because traveling requires long bouts of sitting, periodically standing  up,  walking around and stretching are vital to keeping your blood  flowing freely  and your body functioning optimally. On an airplane, you  should get up and move  around at least once an hour and, in a car, stop  at least every two hours for a  stretch break. If you’re stuck in your  seat, try to move your legs regularly.  Flex and point your toes, do  circles with your ankles, extend your legs at the  knees. For another  good seated stretch, place your left hand on the  middle of  your right thigh and twist your head, neck and back until you  feel a good  stretch in your back. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the  opposite side. Stay  active on the ground too: While waiting for your  flight, walk around the  concourse. You’ll have plenty of sitting time on  the plane.

Make Time to Sweat Once you reach your destination, you  might feel tired or  jet-lagged, but keep in mind that when you’re on the road,   exercise is the best way to keep your energy levels high and stress at bay, says  Suzanne Schlosberg, author of Fitness for Travelers: The Ultimate Workout  Guide for the Road (Houghton Mifflin, 2002). Also, when your days are  filled with  dawn-to-dusk business meetings or other activities, your exercise  time  might be the only peaceful moments you have to yourself.

To reap the benefits of exercise, though, you have to make it a priority  and  schedule it into your daily itinerary. “Doing it first thing in the  morning is  the best way to guarantee you’ll get a workout in,” says  Gregory Florez, a  personal trainer and spokesperson for the American  Council on Exercise.

  • If possible, book a hotel with at least a basic gym. No dice?  Use your  room. Bring along exercise bands, which can double as dumbbells  for weight  training, a Pilates ring, a yoga video or DVD (call ahead to  see if rooms have  VCRs or DVD players) or a jump rope.
  • Not into  packing your own equipment? Ask the front desk for a map of the  area  and recommendations for walking and running routes.
  • Bad weather? Hit the hotel stairs or do a strength routine in your room using just your body weight. Schlosberg recommends a circuit of pushups, triceps dips, back extensions, crunches (both regular and twisting, to work your obliques), lunges and heel raises. Do eight to 20 repetitions of each move.
  • Pack your fitness essentials: running or cross-training  shoes, socks, a  sweat- wicking shirt, shorts and, for women, a sports  bra. If you’ll be  exercising outside, depending on the temperature, you  might need sweatpants,  running tights, a windbreaker or heavier jacket, a  hat and a pair of gloves.  Don’t forget your heart-rate monitor. (OK, so  you may have to pack an extra  bag, but it will be worth it.)
  • If  you’re a dedicated exerciser who follows a tried-and-true routine,   reset your expectations for workouts on the road. An all-or-nothing  attitude is  nothing but trouble when time is tight and so many factors  are out of your  control. “Aim to maintain – not improve – your fitness  level,” advises  Florez.
  • If you have only 30  minutes, and you’re used to an hourlong workout, dial  up the intensity by adding intervals to cardio sessions.
  • One  last tip: Schedule a quick workout as soon as you arrive. It will help   you lose that restless, groggy feeling you get from sitting too long,  and it  will also improve your chances of sleeping well that night. Try  to arrive early  enough so you can check into your room, drop your  luggage and don your workout  wear. It doesn’t have to be a long workout –  even 15 minutes will make a huge  difference. “But doing it right away  is critical,” says Florez, “otherwise,  your chances of exercising  dissipate dramatically. Once you begin to check  email, switch on the TV  or start making arrangements with friends or   colleagues, it’s all over.”

Eat Right and Often With a Burger King beckoning at  every freeway exit and  airport concourse, and executive-dining establishments  serving up giant  portions of heavy food, traveling can set you up for weight  gain. The  key here is to be strategic, and to use the support systems at your   disposal.

The cardinal rule: Don’t wait to eat until you’re really hungry. “If you  do,  it’s a guarantee you’ll overeat when you get the chance,” says  nutritionist  Goglia. In the morning, don’t leave your hotel without  eating an energizing,  healthy breakfast. Goglia advises setting up a  standing room-service delivery  of oatmeal or eggs and fresh fruit. On  your day of arrival, ask that it be  delivered at a specific time every  morning, so you don’t have to think of it  the night before. If you know  that stopping for lunch might not be possible,  request a box lunch –  like a grilled chicken sandwich, fresh fruit and an  oatmeal cookie – to  be delivered when your breakfast arrives.

When you head out for the day, bring along a few  nutritious snacks – such as  raw almonds, raisins, apples, bananas or  oranges – and munch on them throughout  the day to fend off hunger  attacks. Room service not an option? Hit the local  grocery store and  load up on bananas, apples, trail mix, whole-grain crackers,  bottled  water and other nonperishables to keep in your room. Don’t be afraid to  offload some of the stuff in your minibar to make space for your  self-supplied  yogurt, juice or hardboiled eggs.

At dinner, the trick is to avoid getting stuffed with oversized servings   that can exacerbate jet lag and other digestive woes. Begin with a  broth-based  soup, salad or veggie-based appetizer, advises Chris  Filardo, MS, RD, of the  Produce for Better Health Foundation in  Wilmington, Del.

“Studies have shown that you eat about the same volume of food every  day,”  she says, “but the caloric content can vary greatly based on the  choices you  make, so fill up with low-density salad and soup before  diving into your more  substantial entrée.”

If you’re not particularly hungry, consider ordering two appetizers in  place  of an entrée (of course, if all they have is popcorn shrimp and  buffalo wings,  don’t bother). If you’re up for both dinner and dessert,  play a game of  if/then: If you’re craving a huge steak, order one – but  then choose berries or  similar fruit for dessert. If you’re drooling  over a slab of chocolate cake,  have it – but go with grilled fish and  steamed veggies for your entrée.

Catch Some Z’s Sleep is as vital to your health as  proper exercise and nutrition, but  it’s a much less tangible goal when  traveling. “You can’t will yourself  to go to sleep if you’re not tired,” says  B. T. Westerfield, MD,  president of the Kentucky Sleep Society. You can,  however, lower the  barriers to a good night’s slumber, which include, among  other things,  jet lag, an uncomfortable pillow and external noise.

When it comes to jet lag, realize that for every time zone you travel   through, it generally takes your body a day to adjust. Going from  Chicago to  Minneapolis won’t throw you out of whack, but flying from  Philadelphia to  Seattle will. If it’s possible, plan on arriving a day  or two before any big  meetings so you can adjust, advises Westerfield.  There are also some measures  you can take to minimize jet lag.

  • About  a week before your trip, adjust your schedule at home to slowly   integrate the new time zone. If you’re flying from the East Coast to the  West  Coast, for instance, stay up an hour later than normal. (If you’re  flying in  the opposite direction, get up an hour earlier than usual.)
  • On  travel day, try to schedule your flight so you arrive in the early   evening and then stay up until 10 p.m. If that’s not possible, and you  arrive  in the morning or afternoon and need a nap, take one no longer  than two hours,  and no closer than five hours before bedtime. You might  also try an  anti-jet-lag homeopathic remedy ( www.nojetlag.com) or anti-jet-lag diet ( www.antijetlagdiet.com) for additional support.
  • If  you have trouble sleeping that first night or two, you can opt for a   natural sleep aid like melatonin. Take 3 mg to 5 mg about three hours  before  you wish to sleep,  suggests Westerfield. Several studies have found that  melatonin can be  effective for preventing or reducing jet lag, particularly for  crossing  five or more time zones and when traveling east, according to the   National Sleep Foundation.
  • Exercise before you travel and right  when you arrive, according to a  University of Toronto study. Also soak  up some sun as soon as you land. Natural  sunlight is the best way to  reset your internal clock.
  • At night, follow your usual bedtime  routine, says Eileen McGill, the sleep  concierge at New York City’s  Benjamin Hotel. “If you always read or shower  before bed, do the same  thing on the road,” she says. And bring some  personal  items from home to re-create your regular environment. If  you’re attached to a  pillow from home, pack it. Bring a favorite,  soothing bedside picture and some  lavender essential oil to freshen a  stale-smelling room and scent your linens  before bed.
  • If you’re a  sensitive sleeper, consider accessories like an eye mask to  block out  light and a sound machine to  provide a soothing background of “white  noise.” Foam earplugs have saved  many a traveler located too close to a noisy  ice machine, elevator or  intersection.
  • If you’re tense, take a warm bath to work out the kinks. Finally, ask for an  extra blanket and then set the  thermostat to a sleep-enhancing mid-60s, advises  McGill. A too-hot room will have you tossing all night.

Aim for a Righteous Reentry You’ve successfully survived  your trip and are on the way home. But  don’t make the mistake of thinking that  your trip ends when you walk  through the door and plunk your luggage down. You  need to make a smooth  transition into your regular life, and that requires some  forethought.

Try to allow yourself a day for reentry into the real world before  returning  to work. For example, if you have to work on Monday, then come  home on  Saturday. If you are returning  to a significant other or small children, stop  thinking about work on  the trip home from the airport and focus on the people  who will greet  you. “If your kids or your spouse tumble out of the house to  meet you,  and you’re still working in your head, that’ll just cause unneeded   aggravation,” says Libby Mills, a Philadelphia-based lifestyle coach.

If you’ll be coming home to an empty house, straighten it up before you   leave (being greeted by chaos and dirty dishes is a huge energy drain).  Have  some kind of quick, healthy meal available, like an organic frozen  dinner or  pasta with steamed vegetables, so you’re not tempted to call  Domino’s. Drink a  big glass of water to rehydrate and go for a 20- to  40-minute brisk walk to  clear your head.

If you’ve traveled long or far, give yourself a break when it comes to   diving back into your regular fitness routine, advises personal trainer  Florez.  You may be unmotivated or jet-lagged for the first few days, and  pushing  yourself too hard could backfire, sapping your energy and  lowering your  immunity. “On your first day back, aim for half your  normal workout and  remember to devote a good amount of time to  stretching,” says Florez.  “Stretching helps work out muscle tension and  the accumulated physical and  mental stress that come with travel.”

For the next two to three days, strive for 10 to 15 percent less intensity  than your usual routine, then resume your  regular sessions at full strength.  “However, if you’re feeling unusual fatigue or muscle soreness, dial it back  again for  at least two more days,” Florez says. Otherwise, you risk  both  additional fatigue and an injury, which could set you back significantly.

The last step: Take stock of what went well on your  trip, and what could  have gone better. Were there specific  things you wished you had brought along  or planned for? Keep a running  pack-and-plan travel list on your  computer,  then adjust it following each voyage. Tape the list to your  carry-on so you’ll  have it on hand when you prepare to go again.

Prepare well, harvest your own insight, heed your own advice and, before  long, you’ll have healthy travel down to a science.

Dimity McDowell is a freelance writer who specializes in sports and  fitness.



The elemental Spirits of Earth are the Gnomes.

Mastering The Element Earth….

1- Make a list of things which have the combined qualities of dryness and
coolness. However, don’t to this just out of your head. Rather, make a list of
Earth things that you see each day. Practice this for one week. Be sure to
record the results each day in your magickal diary.

2- Find a place filled with nature, such as a field or park. Wear as little
clothing as you can (if possible, nudity is best), and sit or lie on the ground
so that as much of your skin as possible is touching the ground. This is
especially easy for women, as they can simply wear a flowing skirt with no
underwear and sit on the ground with the skirt spread out. Spend some time
contemplating, feeling the coolness and dryness of the Earth. You should do this
at least three times within a week.

3- Spend a period of up to three minutes (no more), once a day, imagining that
you are the element Earth. Feel the heaviness, the slowness, the coolness and
dryness of Earth. Feel the way you can absorb the pains and problems of the
world (however, do not actually do so). Become Earth. Do this exercise for at
least a week before moving to the next exercise.

4- Once you have leaned to “be Earth”, the next step is to control the element
Earth. Bring the feeling from the previous exercise into your consciousness.
Next, hold your hands 9-12 inches apart, palms facing each other. Imagine a
bottle or box between your hands. Now, as you exhale, visualize all of the Earth
element which is in you going out with your breath and into the container
between your hands. Three to five breaths should be enough to fill it. Then,
with three breaths, inhale it back into you and go back to normal consciousness.

The next time you feel lightheaded, overweight, just heavy and lethargic, do
this exercise. If you feel lighter and better, you have succeeded, with the test
AND with mastering the element Earth.

Daily OM for Tuesday, May 15th – Mindful Walking

Mindful Walking
Walking with Awareness

by Madisyn Taylor


Walking meditation is a simple way to connect with your spirit and mother earth in a very grounded way.

Many of us take the benefits of walking for granted. Each day we limit the steps we take by driving or sitting for long periods of time. But walking even a few blocks a day has unlimited benefits – not only for our health, but our spirit as well, for as we walk, we connect with the earth.

Even when walking on concrete, the earth is still beneath us, supporting us. Walking lets our body remember simpler times, when life was less complicated. This helps us slow down to the speed of our body and take the time to integrate the natural flow of life into our cellular tissue. Instead of running from place to place or thinking about how much more we can fit into our day, walking allows us to exist in the moment.

Each step we take can lead us to becoming more mindful of ourselves and our feelings. Walking slows us down enough not only to pay attention to where we are in our body, but also to our breath. Taking time to simply notice our breath while we walk, through the length of our inhales and exhales, and becoming attuned to the way in which we breathe is taking a step towards mindfulness. When we become more mindful, we gradually increase our awareness of the environment around us and start to recognize that the normal flow of our thoughts and feelings are not always related to where we are in the present moment. Gradually we realize that the connection we have with the earth and the ground beneath our feet is all that is. By walking and practicing breathing mindfully we gain a sense of calm and tranquility — the problems and troubles of the day slowly fade away because we are in the ‘now’.

The simplicity and ease of a walking practice allows us to create time, space and awareness of our surroundings and of the wonders that lie within. Taking a few moments to walk each day and become more aware of our breath will in turn open the door for the beauty of the world around us to filter in.

Daily Aromatherapy Tip – Exercise Tip

Daily Aromatherapy Tip – Exercise Tip
If you’re trying to increase your exercise routine here’s a tip.

Burning a scented candle or spraying the room with your favorite spray just might help you exercise longer. This tip is from the
book Dr. Hirsch’s Scent-sational Weight Loss .Creating a pleasant environment which lifts your mood just might maket easier to slip that tape into the VCR. Why not give it a try Enjoy!


The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Author: Grey Ghost

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year” … caught that old lyric as we were walking thru the mall. While the song is more in line with the winter season, I was always fond of the sentiment around the first of September when the kids would go back to school some twenty-five years ago. We in the Witch/Pagan community should be profoundly singing that lyric as Samhain approaches.

As the eve of all hallows is upon us, reflect upon the past year. The veil between Malkuth and Spheres of the spiritual realm grows thin, allowing contact made easier with those who are no longer of the flesh. Sing the praises of those past glories and rejoice upon the “good moments” spent with those now incarnate. The time is now!

Perhaps the most difficult subject to discuss is the process of passing from this reality of the body to the true nature of spiritual existence. Plainly evident from concerns spent here is the underlying preoccupation that our younger members have with the material world. They have not made the discovery that this physical world is of much less importance than their true inner nature as spiritual beings. They seem to value peer acceptance above spiritual advancement.

They appear to value a feel good spell or enchantment more than accumulation of Prana or life force. And lastly, they speak little of transferring psychic energy to heal others. While living with the reality of physical world has needs, the true power of the Witch needs to explore the spiritual realms if we are complete or even contemplate the great work.

Enough of the soap box … my purpose in this writing is to remind you that this is the most wonderful time of the year for the Witch in all of us. This is the time to celebrate the past year and plan for the next year. Now is the time to prepare ourselves for the turn of wheel, celebrating the life force around us.

One of the chief methods of focusing our inner power is the art of visualizing. Many books and speakers talk of this in a manner of fact way as if everyone can visualize without further lessons. So I will speak to especially our younger members of a simple approach to basic visualization.

Peoples all over the world of many differing religious views have known for a long time that the love of the Lord and Lady was more than asking and receiving material things. The Pagan community then must come to realize the grace and love of our Lady are the really only important gifts that She can bestow upon us.

We must first learn to manipulate the forces and forms of the Pentagram, to understand the energies and powers of the universe. Once understood, we can begin the quest to understand ourselves. By quieting our minds and subduing the unimportant thoughts, we train our minds to be fit containers to be used to hold the wisdom and love of our Lady. Only through these cleansing rituals can we become prepared.

The visualization: gaze now upon the pentagram. You must be able to see the pent alpha in our mind. When you open your eyes, the pentagram will remain momentarily in mid air. This will take practice and patience; it does not happen over night. Once you can hold the pentagram for at least thirty seconds after you open you eyes, you will be ready for the nest step.

Any visualized symbol can be use to project your personal energy. Forming the pentagram should be practiced and practiced until proficient before using this method in creation of the circle. To form a pentagram, we start by seeing the pentagram by using retinal retention (scientific term) .

This is not the same as projecting the energy and visualizing the pentagram. Using a pentagram or pentacle, look at the object with much intensity and focus under a bright light. Close your eyes tightly and you will “see” an after image or retinal retention of the pentagram in your minds eye. A bright image against the dark of having your eyes shut. This exercise creates an image that will be similar to the one you will create through visualization.

Exercise 2: This exercise will allow you, with practice, to create an image like the one you “saw” in the previous example, without looking at an example of the pentagram. By creating the image in your mind along, you are imbuing it with your personal energy.

Look at a candle, white in a dark room; then close your eyes. The bright spot of light will be seen by the mind’s eye after your eyes are shut. (Retinal retention again) Relax for a few minutes until the retinal retained image of the candle is gone. Then close your eyes, relax and let a white point of light appear. Think about it and your mind will do it.

You may need to think of the candlelight to make it appear. Do not look at a bright light to create the point of light, which is retinal retention and not creation of power. Once you can form the dot of pure white light with your mind, move the dot to create a line. Repeat this exercise until when you open your eyes, a retained image of the line remains in the air in front of you in the darkened room.

Exercise 3: close your eyes and form a line with your mind. Now form another line, whose head starts where the first line ends. Continue this process until you can form a pentagram. Once you have practiced enough to form a pentagram, open your eyes and “see” the retained image in the air.

Exercise 4: Close your eyes again and form a pentagram and then draw a circle around it forming a pentacle. Practice until you can do this with ease; then open your eyes and “see” the completed pentacle in the air.

Once you achieve this level of concentration, you start the whole process over; only this time you do it with your eyes open in a darkened room. After forming the pentagram with your eyes open, light the room and retain the image in the air.

You will need to visualize, that is create the pentagram in the air without first visualizing it with your eyes closed. This again will take practice. It is sometimes easier to do one arm at a time. Some also find it easier to begin with an all white pentagram. When performing this ritual you need to sit or lay in a relaxed, comfortable position, but not so relaxed that you fall asleep. To avoid falling asleep, you might find that it is best to perform this ritual in the morning when fully awake. Once that you can hold the pentacle for a full thirty seconds in the air, with your eyes open and in color, then are you ready to proceed to the next step. Do not proceed until you have mastered the basics.

Enter your meditative state, control breathing. Prana in, air out; Prana in, air out. Establish your pentagram in the air, in color. Start your mantra while holding the image of the pentagram. Now draw a white circle around the pentagram, just touching it at the tips. You now have the Pentacle. Look deeply at the center and clear your mind of all but the mantra.

You will now under go the “A … Ha”. Sometimes it happens the first time. Others take many times for it to occur. Eventually it happens to all who perform this ritual religiously. What you see inside the Pentacle is completely yours. I will not introduce preconceived ideas of what you will find, but I know in my heart of hearts that you will not be disappointed. This is the first stage of Illuminati. You will need to practice this for sometime to become proficient enough to proceed further. As a guide, I suggest that you be able to “see” what is inside of the formed Pentacle for at least a minute before you continue.

This, my young friends, is the basic of visualization. To be able to manipulate the mind and control your physical world with you inner spiritual being is our goal of these exercises. You must be proficient with the basics before you are able to perform the more advanced magicks.

Little Ponderings for October 5th

  • Insanity is my only means of relaxation.
  • Everytime I think about exercise, I lie down til the thought goes away.
  • I finally got my head together, and my body fell apart.
  • There cannot be a crisis this week: my schedule is already full.
  • The nice part of living in a small town is that when I don’t know what I’m doing, someone else does.
  • The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat are really good friends.
  • Sometimes I think I understand everything, then I regain consciousness.
  • Seen it all, done it all, can’t remember most of it.

Preparing for Celtic Magick

Preparing for Celtic Magick

Preparation for ritual magick of any kind requires the self-discipline and techniques learned from concentration, focusing visualization and meditation. If you desire to obtain physical manifestation from your efforts, it is essential that you actually do and practice these exercises.
Concentration is holding an image or idea in your mind without interruption. It is of great importance during rituals when you must exclude everthing not directly related to what you are doing. No thoughts of the day’s happenings, no extraneous noise, must be allowed to dominate your attention for any length of time. If such things do intrude, they must be immediately dismissed as unimportant at the moment.
To strengthen your powers of concentration, you will need to practice two exercises. The first exercise is done with a minimum of supplies. Light a candle and set it on a table before you. Sit comfortably and look at the flame. It is easiest on the eyes to look at the blue around the lower part of the wick instead of bright upper flame. Do not stare; blink your eyes whenever you need to. After a few minutes, close your eyes and look for the flame. You will see it against your closed eyelids. Keep your thoughts on that flame image, and see how long you can maintain the mental picture before your conscious mind begins to intrude.
The second exercise is much the same, but uses a picture instead of a candle. Choose a picture that pleases you. Tarot cards are especially good for this. Stand or hang the picture at a comfortable level and look at it for sometime. Close your eyes and see if you can discern a mental image against your eyelids. Hold that image as long as you can.
Focusing is important to ritual magick as it is the process of adjusting your “inner eye” or attention on a particular object or goal. You must have a clear idea or picture of what you wish to produce while doing magick. This is very similar to concentration but more refined. An idea is harder to hold in the mental realms than a reflected picture.

It is not necessary to visualize a goal in absolute detail. Too much detail tends to limit the manifestation, especially if you could have had something better. Know what you want, but never restrict yourself. The Gods may be more generous to you than you are to yourself.
Focusing and concentrating on performance during ritual will channel your mental powers, thereby clarifying and strengthening the function. The act of casting and consecrating a magickal circle must have focus and concentration if it is to be done properly. If you fail to do this the circle will not provide you with the neutral are in which to perform magick, and most certainly will not give you protection.
Again, using the picture or card, this time elicit all associated images. See if you can create movement within the picture.
Go through the same exercise with the candle flame, this time changing the size, height and color of the flame. Summon up associated images and follow them through. Some startling ideas have come out of such exercises.
Meditation is a great aid to centering yourself, controlling destructive emotions and gaining insight. But it should also bring a greater sense of awareness and increase your ability to visualize. All of these skills are necessary in the practice of magick, especially if you want feasible results.
Meditation is really not a complicated exercise, unless you lack self-control. If you do, you need meditation more than ever. Relaxing, smooth music is an excellent background to help mask minor noises and help you relax. Turn off the telephone, hang a “do not disturb” sign on the door, and choose a comfortable chair.
Listen to the music while taking a few deep breaths. Relax and let yourself unwind. Next mentally surround yourself with white light for protection. Imagine yourself standing on a wooden bridge over a calm pond. Drop all your problems into the water, and watch it close over them. This is a symbolic release that tells your subconscious mind that you need an answer to solve these troubles. Then visualize yourself walking on across the bridge, leaving everything behind.

To continue the meditation, project yourself into a meadow on the other side of the bridge. A small stream runs through the grass and flowers. Shady trees surround it. Wander through the meadow, soaking up the peacefulness and healing. You may see people or nature spirits. Talk with them if you like.
As long as you remain objective and do not push to hear what you want to hear, you can receive very accurate guidance while in meditation. If you strain to hear what you want, you will get only messages from your conscious mind, which does not believe in what you are doing.

When in meditation, you are in an astral state. Therefore, it is always possible that at some time you will meet a being that makes you fearful or uncomfortable. If this should happen, recall the white light and leave.
You will be able to escape the meditation any time you choose. Simply become aware of your body and open your eyes. As during ritual, time in meditation is non-existent. Time is a limited idea belonging to the left brain and conscious mind. When working with the right brain and subconscious mind, time has no meaning at all.
The symbolism of dropping your problems into the pond is essential. It is never a good idea to go into meditation without doing this, just as it is imprudent not to use the white light. Both are protective measures to eliminate taking negative vibrations into an otherwise productive exercise.
Celtic Magic
D. J. Conway

MAGICK 1 — WHY MAGICK (continued)

2) insight meditation (mindfullness).

Most kinds of meditation are the concentrative type. One simply

focuses his attention upon a single physical object (such as a

candle flame); upon a sensation (such as that felt while walking

or breathing); upon an emotion (such as reverence or love); upon

a mantra spoken aloud or even silently; or upon a visualization

(as in chakra meditation, see below)…Concentration meditation

is, simply put, a form of self-hypnosis.

A mantra (or mantrum) is one or more words or syllables

which are repeated — often chanted — aloud…A simple yet

powerful mantra is to vibrate the mystical word ‘OM’. This

mantra has long been associated in India with the godhead/unity.

Use it to aid in tuning into universal vibrations which promote

feelings of harmony, peace, and well-being. Use it before magick

ritual to ‘get into the mood’ and afterward to ‘dismiss the

forces’. You vibrate a mantra by saying it slowly aloud in a

lower-pitched voice than your normal speech, and a more or less

constant pitch as well. Let the sound fade at the end of the

mantra. A powerful one such as ‘OM’ will seem to vibrate the air

around you. It should be vocalized for 5-10 seconds and repeated

a number of times with a few seconds rest between each

vocalization. Chanting of mantras may cause slight dizziness

from hyperventilation.

The other main type of meditaiton — insight meditation

— is the analysis of thoughts and feelings in such a way as to

cause realization of the subjectivity and illusion of

experience. This is done in a effort to attain trancendental

awareness. Such statements as, ‘This body is not me’, fall under

this category. Buddhist meditations are usually of this type.


There is a special type of concentrative meditation

which we will call ‘Chakra meditation’. This is basicly

Kundalini yoga — the practice of causing psychic energy

(kundalini) to flow up sushumna, energizing the various

chakras along the way. The practice, considered dangerous by

some, will produce deffinite physiological sensations and

psychological effects if continued long enough. It should not

be attempted by epileptics or persons with an unstable mental

or physical condition, or with heart disease. Certain drugs and

medications, such as those used to treat epilepsy may retard

progress. Although the technique is very simple, it may

eventually produce powerful results. Results may at first appear

hours after the practice during sleep. As each chakra is

energized by this practice, it is said to add occult powers

(sidhis), until at last the crown chakra is reached, and with

it, full enlightenment is attained. Sometimes kundalini awakens

all by itself.

To practice this chakra meditation, you simply

concentrate on the chakras, beginning with the root chakra, and

moving progressively up, as you visualize psychic energy from

the root chakra traveling up shushumna and vivifying each higher

chakra. As we mentioned the chakras have certain properties

associated with them, so that this type of visualization may

‘raise consciousness’, promote astral projection, and other

things — once you have reached ajna and eventually the crown

chakra. You might typically meditate in this fashion for 15

minutes to a half hour a day. It might help to practice some

hatha yoga or other physical exercise in an effort to make the

spinal cord ‘more flexible’. Diet may also affect the process.

The technique is also similar to the Tibetan ‘Tummo’ meditation.

The rise of kundalini is sometimes experienced as a ‘vibration’

or buzzing, as light, or as heat.


Certainly the way you treat your physical body will

affect your mind. In magick you want an alert mind. Therefore,

your body must be as healthy as you can keep it. Take care of

your body. Exercise regularly. eat a good diet (with vitamin

supplements), and do not consume anything which will have a

negative effect upon the mind. Drugs, smoking,, and alcohol

should be restricted, or eliminated. (The mind can create any

condition which a drug can create.) A good rule here is

moderation in what and how much you consume. (Most of this stuff

is pretty obvious isn’t it.) You may also want to cut down on

sugar and processed foods. Many occultists advise dietary

changes, expecially the non-eating of meat. We cannot deny the

physical, psychological, and spiritual effect which all foods

have. This effect may be described as the ‘heaviness’ factor of

foods. Various foods are so ranked in the chart, lighter to


1. lettuce and other greens.

2. fruits and most vegetables.

3. wheat, rice, and other grains.

4. nuts, beans, and other legumes.

5. cheese, dairy products, including eggs.

6. fish, seafood.

7. chicken, poultry.

8. beef, pork, other red meats.

Note that meats, especially red meats are the ‘heaviest’ foods.

Generally, foods which are harder to digest, or which are higher

in protein are ‘heavier’ than those which are not. Animal

products are heavier than plants. Foods high in carbohydrate

(candy, bread, starch) are heavy. However, the ‘heaviness’ of

foods is not directly related to the amount of caleries.

What this means is that for various reasons, the

heaviness of food in your diet will affect your magical

experiences. You may be able to increase your psychic

receptivity (‘energy level’) by eating lighter foods, or by

eating less. Conversely, emphasizing heavy foods in your diet,

or eating larger helpings, may help to ‘bring you down to earth’

should you ‘rent the veil’ too much. These are generalizations,

of course, and it may take a number of days of dietary change

before you notice much effect. I do not advocate radical dietary

changes, excessive fasting, or malnutrition. Your good health is

far more important in magick than any temporary effect you get

from prolonged starvation. A change in diet will sometimes only

produce a temporary effect, until the physical body adapts to

the change. Healthy natural foods and lifestyle make it easier

for us to be healthy, but ultimately, good health is a mentual

quality (attitude).


With physical exercise too, moderation is advised.

(You should be cautious, or not attempt it if you have a

respiratory or heart condition. Check with your physician if in

doubt, and don’t overdo.) One of the most useful physical

exercises is pranayama, or controlled breathing (actually a type

of hatha yoga exercise). For this and any other calesthentics or

hatha yoga which you might choose to do a ‘kitchen timer’ is

suggested (many of these aren’t accurate for under three

minutes, but are helpful for longer periods).

The main purpose of pranayama is to relax the body and

mind. There are many kinds of pranayama, but a simple one called

the ‘four-fold breath’ will suffice. This consists of four short

quick inhallations, then four short quick exhallations; then

repeat, continuing until the allotted time is used up. It will

take about 1 1/2 seconds for the four inhallations, and about

1 1/2 seconds for the four exhallations; or about 3 seconds for

the complete in-out cycle (‘rep’ for repetition). There should

be no strain of any kind during your pranayama. You will

probably notice a slight dizziness, particularly at first, since

the effect of pranayama is to hyperventilate. Try sitting back

in a chair with your eyes closed when you do your pranayama.

Begin a minute a day for the first week and gradually increase

up to about five minutes a day. If you do the pranayama befor

your magical activity, it will help you to get ‘into the mood’.

It is also an excellent aid to relaxation and tension release.

Pranayama should not be done during heavy air pollution. Other

exercises you might consider are hatha yoga, calesthentics,

walking or jogging.


1) What is a chakra? List them.

2) Name the three major nadies. Which nadi is hot?

3) What is pranayama?


Arthur Diekman, The Observing Self.

W.Y. Evans-Wentz, Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines.

Sandra Gibson, Beyond the Mind.

King and Skinner, Techniques of High Magic.

Swami Sivananda, Kundalini Yoga.

John Woodroffe (pseud. for Arthur Avalon), The Serpent Power.


Although there are hundreds of kinds of divination,

the principle ones are astrology, geomancy, the tarot, the

I Ching, and direct psychic means (especially clairvoyance).

True divination is more than a mechanical system, for it

implies true psychic interpretation (receiving). Some form of

divination is often used in magick ritual to communicate with

the entity invoked.

Since divination operates through the mind, it is

affected and biased by the mind. Our attitudes and fears may

alter it. Sometimes results are very detailed, and accurate

— but not always. Often the future is plastic and changeable

anyway, and the use of magick may alter the result. Thus

divination shows tendencies only, which may be helpful, but

must not rule us.


It is possible to improve your natural ability with

clairvoyance through practice. A good start might be to look

around you, then close your eyes and try to picture your

surroundings. This is also good exercise for visualization. And

visualization is an essential talent in magick. Open your eyes

again and check your accuracy. Then close your eyes and try it

again. When you use your physical eyes, look at everything

like a child seeing it for the first time. Let the vividness

of color and form burn into you, until everything takes on a

veritable glow. Try to capture that glow when you close your

eyes now and picture your surroundings. It’s just a simple

step to extend what you see with your eyes closed into what

you remember seeing in the next room, or what you *imagine*

seeing in the next building, the next city, even the other

side of the world. Don’t expect perfect results, especially at

first. Just try to be even partly right. Another exercise is

to picture a clock face, and thereby tell the time



Under the right conditions, it is possible to

clairvoyantly observe a colored light around other people.

This is known as the ‘aura’. Sometimes the aura is seen as

multi-colored emanations around the person, built up of

various differently colored layers and zones. Although many

occult dabblers claim to be able to see the aura easily and

under many varied conditions, I seriously doubt that they do.

There are optical illusions and qualities of sight which can

sometimes trick one into thinking he sees what he does not

see. In this area, the quality of sight known as after image

is especially pertinent. Do this: stare at any solidly colored

bright object for a few moments. Very intense red, green, or

blue are especially good for this. Now look away at a white

surface and you will see a phantom image of the object in its

complementary color (a red object will show green, a blue one

orange, etc.). If the bright object is in front of a light

surface, you may observe a fringe of complementary color

around the object after a few moments. This is all very

normal, and is used by some magical groups as an aid to

visualization sometimes called ‘flashing colors’. Some silly

people will stare at other people in the same way. And when

they see the after image of the person’s clothing, they think

they are seeing his aura. What is more, various meanings have

been attributed to the colors of the aura. A psychic who can

see the aura is supposed to be able to determine that persons

emotional state. Thus psychic frauds can have a marvelous

time with auras. One deluded psychic taught a class I

attended in which he performed instant psychoanalysis on the

basis of the supposed aura. It was obvious that he was

actually observing after images from the students clothes!

This brings us to the chart of aura colors on the next

page. It is a general guide, based mostly on Theosophical

material. Various groups may attribute different meanings to

the colors. The colors we show on the chart are emotional in

nature; useful if you plan to create an artificial elemental

or do healing. Surrounding yourself with a particular color

will tend to produce the specific psychological effect

described in the chart. That quality of color is useful in

magick ritual.

.pa (next page)


BLACK malice

dark gray depression

pale gray fear

BROWN materialism

muddy gray selfishness


dull rust

RED energy

bright red anger and force

dirty red passion and sensuality

dull red selfish love

rose unselfish love

ORANGE pride

orange cloud irritability

bright orange noble indignation

YELLOW intellect

yellow-green low intellect

earthy yellow selfish thought

lemmon high intellect

bright gold logical thinking

brt. red-yel. spiritual thought

GREEN empathy

gray-green deceit, jealously

greenish-brown jealousy

emerald green unselfish resourcefulness

foliage green sympathy & empathy

brt. apple-grn strong vitality

brt. turquoise deep sympathy & compassion

BLUE devotion (religious feeling)

gray-blue fetishism

light blue noble spiritual devotion

dark blue religious feeling

brt. lilac-blu lofty religious idealism

VIOLET spiritual psychic & spiritual


WHITE purity/protection



Whenever we concentrate our thoughts, we draw psychic

energy together. This is called a thoughtform. Usually the

energy dissipates as soon as we break the concentration, but

it is possible to purposely concentrate energy in this way,

producing very strong thoughtforms. Such thoughtforms are

vortexes or centers of psychic energy. They can exist as

entities by themselves, at least for a while. They are

basically inanimate, non-thinking forces. Talking to one is

about as logical as talking to a chair. In this way,

thoughtforms are similar to elementals, ghosts, and spirits.

All of these psychic entities consist of a psychic energy

vortex which could be described as a localized field or as a

discontinuity of the physical world.

Psychic entities respond to certain electrostatic and

magnetic fields, and to other energy vortexes. That is why

they respond to magick ritual. Someday, we may accomplish the

same thing with electronic machines. Psychic entities are

sometimes able to affect our thought processes.

Thoughtforms, elementals, and ghosts are usually not

very smart. If they display any intelligence at all, it is

limited. They are the morons of the spirit world. Their

behavior is usually automatic, repetitive, robot-like (just

like some people). We see that artificial elementals

are little more than astral robots. Spirits and deities are

more intelligent and volitional.


Your mind follows your attention. Wherever you direct

your attention, there will your thoughts go too. By directing

attention to a specific place or purpose you *focus* mental

energy upon it.

For example: you’re having lunch in a cafeteria

crowded with people. It is a large place, and everyone there

is talking at once, so that the room is a constant jumble of

noise. You happen to notice a man accross the room; he

reminds you of someone. All at once he drops his fork and you

hear it hit the table. But would you have noticed the sound

of his fork if you had not been looking? No. Only by focusing

your attention there were you able to pick out that

individual event and associated sound.

It is a dark night. You are walking and the only

light you have is from the flashlight you hold in your hand.

As you move the flashlight around, the beam of light from it

directs your attention first one way then another. Now, the

mind is something like that flashlight in the dark. And by

directed attention, you point the mind to one place or

another. As with that flashlight beam, you see where the mind

is pointed; nothing more. The rest is ‘noise’. And so we

could define mental noise as anything not focused upon. In

another way, noise could be considered as negative emotions,

attitudes, and thoughts which make it more difficult to

direct the attention.

Your emotions follow your thoughts quite easily. Your

emotions are not YOU, but are rather reactions prompted by

your model and ego — like a performance or an act, while

the real you watches. In a similar way, directing your

attention toward a specific emotion will cause you to

experience that emotion.


1) What is the aura?

2) What is a thoughtform?

3) How can you develope clairvoyance?


Annie Bessant and Charles Leadbeater, Thought Forms.

W.E. Butler, How to Develop Clairvoyance.

J.H. Brennan, Astral Doorways.

Piero Ferrucci, What We May Be.

Kilner, The Human Aura.

Swami Panchadasi, The Human Aura.

A.E. Powell, The Etheric Double.

Harold Sherman, How to Make ESP Work for You.


It may be said that ritual is the very heart of

magick. For it is through ritual that we acheive our magical

results. Ritual is a magical procedure or ceremony we perform

in order to change the environment. Usually we think of

ritual as bearing on active magick, although certainly, it

can also affect passive magick. Most often the change

achieved is subjective and in the physical world. Outsiders

may put them down to coincidence, but the effects are very

real. Magical goals for a ritual should not be taken lightly.

The successful practice of magick depends upon strong

belief. The simplest ritual of them all must be belief

itself. If you can believe in your desired results strongly

enough, that act is a magical ritual which will achieve your

results. Even a very complex ritual is no more effective than

strong belief. There are aids to concentration which may

help. Thus in *creative visualization*, imagination and

controlled breathing are brought into play.


When you want to magically achieve something, first

picture it clearly in your mind. The more deffinite and

specific your idea of what it is the better. Picture yourself

having it or doing it. Visualize it as vividly and as

intensely as you can and hold it in your thoughts for a few

moments. Concentrate on it intensely (it may help to hold

your breath). Feel the energy of desire welling up inside

you. Then suddenly feel the image or desire released from

your mind. Feel the energy filtering through the image and

intensifying it, as if the image is a ‘stencil’. Imagine the

energy exploding out from you into the macrocosm in all

directions at once, and feel the universe ’tilt’ as it reacts

to the force. (At the same time it may help to release your

breath suddenly). Feel the energy draining from you. Finally,

*believe* that your purpose *has* been accomplished; that it

HAS HAPPENED, perhaps saying something such as “so mote it

be”, or “it is done”.


Often rituals are more formal than the above, but any

full magick ritual must always reduce to these stages —

1) imaging; 2) building; 3) firing. Sometimes a ritual must

be repeated every day for a while to achieve difficult

results or to overcome weak belief.


Often an important part of formal ritual is the

magick circle. Medieval magicians considered the circle

essential, and placed great emphasis upon its exactness.

Elaborate designs were invented with many layers of complex

symbols and words. It was very important that the circle

be completely intact with no breaks in it. The magician

and any other participants stand in the circle during ritual.

Today, circles are made on the floor with chalk or paint,

rock salt, or a rope. Whatever its form, the circle is

still an important part of magical protection for the

magician. This is especially important for aversive entities

and purposes. The circle also helps in focusing the energy of

the ritual toward its purpose, that is, it keeps it contained

until the magician is ready to release it. Of course, the

magick circle is basicly only a symbol, but it may eventually

be possible to supplement the circle with electronic

equipment for a similar purpose. We are researching the

practicality of electrostaticly charged Faraday shields.


An artificial elemental is useful for certain

tasks: 1) invisible watcher and observer, telling you what

it sees; 2) psychic guard; 3) it can be used in healing; 4)

it is helpful in other ways. Ophiel calls the artificial

elemental a ‘familiar’. Producing your own artificial

elemental is fairly easy. YOU MUST ASSUME THAT THE ACT HAS


THEM. It is entirely possible to produce one of these little

beasties and not know it (not being clairvoyant enough to

observe it directly). Therefore, and this is a general

principle of any magick, never ignore forces you have set

into motion. Even though you may not see the elemental, you

may nevertheless ‘feel’ it.

WARNING — Do not use artificial elementals for any

kind of aversive magick at this point; they can be nasty

little critters to get rid of. Should you have to eliminate

one of them which you created in error, you must re-absorb

it back into yourself through your will; or in some cases

you can ‘exorcise’ it.


You can create your own artificial elemental for

various purposes. An artificial elemental is basically a

thoughtform which has been strengthened with emotion. Refer

to the aura color chart in the previous lesson and decide

what color to make the elemental, based upon your intended

purpose. Apple green is a good choice for general purposes.

Then decide on a shape or outline. Do you want your elemental

to resemble some sort of animal? A simple circle or cloud is

a good place to start. With this in mind you can use ritual

to create your elemental. Creative visualization is good for

this. Visualize it glowing before you. A darkened room is

helpful for this.

Communicate with your elemental with telepathy, by

talking to it, or with creative visualization. Your

artificial elemental is closely linked to you and your

subconscious attitudes. It will generally not do things you

think it cannot do. As in any magick, results relate to

effort and belief. Another way of looking at an artificial

elemental is as an aspect of your personality (sub

personality) which has been detached from you.


Formal ritual usually involves the invocation

(ritually calling up) of a god or goddess, spirit, or other

entity. In this sense, magick is somewhat similar to pagan

religion and witchcraft. However, we consider magick ritual

a technique, not a religion. Worship need not be involved.

Sometimes the invocation of an entity creates an artificial


Crowley says there are three different kinds of

invocation —

1) Devotion to the entity (as in the Bhakti yoga of

the Hare Krishna sect; the Faustian devil pact).

2) Ceremonial invocation — usual method of the

middle ages.

3) Drama — usually needs more than one person (as in

a mass).


1. Often as not a ritual may produce side-effects,

usually something similar to, though not exactly the desired

goal. If the true goal is delayed (as sometimes happens) we

may see the side effects first. And if for some reason the

goal is not achieved at all (‘missing the target’) the side

effects may be pronounced. Examples: 1) You use magick ritual

to hurry shipment of an anticipated package in the mail. Side

effect — the next day an unexpected package (the

wrong one) arrives instead. 2) You use magick ritual to cause

a certain person to phone you. Side effect — for several

days all sorts of people phone you…The sides effects will

not affect you (or anyone else) adversely unless that is

what you inwardly want.

2. We may say with certainty that “something always

happens” when we perform a magick ritual. But like everything

else, magick follows the ‘law of results’. This means that

results require effort of some kind. And if you don’t work

hard enough at it you don’t get results. Difficult goals have

greater resistance (magical inertia) to overcome. If the

ritual doesn’t produce the desired results there is a good

chance that the reason for the failure is within oursleves.

Be certain there is no contradiction between your model

and your magical goals. Sometimes self doubt and mental

contradictions (wanting and not wanting at the same time) may

interfere. The first step in magick is to re-program your

model. And, of course you can help your magical results by

working on the physical level toward your goals. Don’t expect

them to fall into your lap by themselves.

3) A peculiar quality of magick is time displacement.

Results of a ritual are not usually instantaneous. There is

often a delay of 12 hours or more. Difficult tasks or weakly

performed ritual are more likely to be delayed. In most cases

a slight delay is alright, and it gives us time to get used

to the comming changes. And sometimes the effects of a ritual

appear to extend to before the ritual was performed!

4) Because of the way magick works, a ritual may

create an emphasis in what is sought, and a de-emphasis in

everything else. Balance is therefore important here. Once

the magical result is achieved it may be ‘bound’ to you and

difficult to get rid of should you later decide to do so.

Example: You use a magick ritual to help you find and buy a

new house. Years later when you decide to sell it, you are

unable to do so. Consider your magical goals wisely so you

dont get stuck with something you don’t really want. Note

that theory says you can always unbind through ritual what

was bound to you…theory says.

5) Sometimes the environment appears to react against

the magick after the results are achieved. This is

particularly noticeable in using magick to affect the weather

(and the main reason why you should NOT use magick to affect

the weather). For example…Your performance of a ritual to

produce a sunny day produces a sunny day. The next day is

sunny, alright, but the rest of the month is cold and

overcast. Here the weather seems to react to the magick in

the opposite way to re-establish its natural balance. It is

something like pushing a pendulum to one side and releasing

it — the pendulum swings to the other side. To quote

Emmerson — “For everything you gain you lose something…”.

I don’t know that this is always true in magick, but it does

illustrate the point. And another reason not to use magick to

affect the weather is that it might foul it up in other parts

of the country (world??).

6) Finally, magick ritual (or any magick or

occultism) is very dangerous for the mentally unstable. If

you should somehow ‘get out too far’, eat ‘heavy foods’ as

previously discussed (lesson on chakras) and use your

religious background or old belief system for support. But

remember too, that wierd experiences are not necessarily bad



1) What is creative visualization?

2) List the basic parts of a ritual.

3) What is invocation?

RESEARCH TOPICS (for independent study)

1) Examine the differences between western magick and oriental


2) How do medieval grimoirs follow the basic ritual pattern?


P.E.I. Bonewitz, Real Magic.

David Conway, Magic: an Occult Primer (or Ritual Magic).

Aleister Crowley, Magick in Theory and Practice.

Denning and Phillips, Creative Visualization.

Ophiel, Creative Visualization.

A.E. Powell, The Astral Body.

________, The Mental Body.

Joseph Weed, Wisdom of the Ancient Masters.

Julian Wilde, Grimoire of Chaos Magick.


Psychic or spiritual healing is a human potential we

all possess. Some people are especially good at this. It is

probably easier to heal someone else by occult means than

yourself. In addition to healing in the presence of the

person, there is ‘absent healing’ in which the healing

occurs at a distance. Note that there are some who maintain

that influence on another person without his specific

knowledge and permission (yes, even in healing and helping)

is black magick. (After all, everybody is living according to

his own true will, so that healing or helping someone

without permission is affecting his will). This means it is

important to tell the person what you are planning to do and

to ask his permission. The theory of psychic healing is that

sickness is characterized (although not necessarily caused)

by a deficiency and imbalance of vital energy. Psychic

healing transfers energy from the healer to the sick to

repair and rebalance his energies. If an inept healer

overdoes the process, or if he doesn’t take the precaution

to ‘disconnect’ himself afterwards, he may find himself

becoming sick due to energy drain and a linkage to his

subject. Similarly, the healer should always be in a good

state of health or he could unintentionally transfer his

illness to the subject.

The basic methods of psychic healing are: 1) creative

visualization, 2) prayer, 3) ritual. Creative visualization

is one of the easiest techniques. Mild illness may yield to

only one or two treatments; serious ills will require

many treatments over time. Psychic healing should always be

combined with medical care and treatment. It does not replace

doctors, medicine, or hospitals, since different levels

(worlds) are involved. In creative visualization, we

visualize the person being well. It may be helpful to utilize

the appropriate color from the aura chart (such as bright

apple-green, rose pink, or white) sent as a beam to the

person or as a cloud surrounding him. This technique can be

extended to include a simple kind of yoga in which we feel

energy sent as we exhale explosively; the energy sent either

via the breath or from one of the chakras such as the solar

plexus. Sometimes in absent healing it is helpful to arrange

a time for treatment in advance, asking your subject to be in

a receptive state of mind and to sit back and close his eyes.


One of the most basic and useful ceremonial rituals

of magick is called the *banishing ritual*, or lesser

ritual of the pentagram. A pentagram (or pentacle) is a

five-pointed star with the point up. The banishing ritual is

helpful in psychic protection and healing since it forms a

protective barrier against malevolent forces. The psychic

barrier it creates can be made to permit entry of desired

(constructive) forces and the exclusion of negative ones.

Thus, the banishing ritual is an essential first step in

almost any formal full magick ceremony. The ritual requires

that you use a magical implement or “weapon”, such as a

ceremonial knife, wand, or simply point your index finger, to

“draw” the pentagram in the air at each of the cardinal

points (four directions). Also, you will be chanting

(‘vibrating’) some Hebrew names of God.

Holding your magical weapon and facing east, extend

your arm out straight in front of you. In this ritual you

will use the full sweep of your arm to draw the pentagram in

the air. Follow the description below by beginning at the

lower left and sweeping your magical weapon up toward the

right, etc. as shown. Do not bend your arm at the wrist or

elbow. While you do this, visualize the lines and eventually

the star as vibrant white, floating in the space before you.

You are projecting energy to do this, and the result will be

a gleaming 5-pointed star floating in the east; visualize

this as vividly as you can. Now you will energize it further

by piercing the center of it with your magical weapon and

vibrating (speaking slowly in a slightly lower than normal

pitch, remember) “Yod-He-Vau-He”.



Approximate points on a round clock face —

1. Begin at 7:30 position.

2. Point to 12 oclock position.

3. Point to 4:30 position.

4. Point to 10:30 position.

5. Point to 2:30 position.

6. Return to 7:30 position.]


Then turn slowly to the next cardinal point in

sequence, and as you do so, with your arm still extended in

front of you, visualize a white line connecting around to

the cardinal point. Trace a similar pentagram with the

appropriate words and following the same procedure:

South — Adonai Tzaboath

West — Eh-Ei-He

North — Agla.

Now complete the white line drawn back to the center of the

eastern pentagram. Note that the cardinal points must be

followed in a clockwise order, and the pentagram must be

drawn in the manner illustrated; to do otherwise would change

the function of the ritual. The result of all this should be

a large bright white pentagram visualized hanging in mid-air

at each of the four directions, all tied together by a bright

white line. You could now, for example, visualize the

pentagrams moving out to the circumference of your home,

thereby protecting all within.

There is also a somewaht simplified version of this

ritual in which the pentagram is traced only once overhead

and then is energized with one of the four names, such as

“Eh-Ei-He”. Oftentimes the simplified version is sufficient,

but naturally the effect of the full version is more


One of the primary uses of this ritual is to ward off

psychic attack — that is, when another is (consciously or

unconsciously) attempting to harm you, cause sickness,

accidents, bad dreams, emotional upset, or to force you to do

something against your will. Fortunately this doesn’t happen

very often. The world of the magician is fairly safe for the

pure of heart. Psychic attack usually depends upon

vulnerabilities. If you are not vulnerable you are safe. Thus

unificaition with the true will is the greatest protection

possible. And the use of the banishing ritual is never

hurtful. You can even use it to hold off negative aspects of


Other forms of protection sometimes helpful

(depending upon one’s egregore/model) are recitation of the

‘Lord’s Prayer’, the 23rd, and 91st Psalms.


1) What is a pentagram?

2) What is psychic healing? List the basic methods.

3) What is the banishing ritual? Why is it used?


Dion Fortune, Psychic Self-Defense.

________, Sane Occultism.

Adeliade Gardner, Vital Magnetic Healing.

Max Heindel, The Vital Body.

Ernest Holms, The Science of Mind.

Mouni Sadhu, Theurgy.


Astral projection (OOBE, out of the body experience)

is a popular area of occult literature; for traveling to see

other worlds and places while the physical body sleeps or is

entranced is an exciting notion. Astral projection is not

dangerous. It is as safe as sleeping. Most dreams are probably

unconscious astral projections, anyway. Although there has

been quite a bit written on the subject, astral projection

is difficult for many people. The main difficulty is the

tendency to forget dream consciousness upon awakening.

Accordingly, the successful practice of astral projection

requires work.

Modern psychology discounts the idea of actual OOBE

(that the spirit temporarily vacates the physical body).

However, the idea is very ancient. The Tibetans have an

entire system of yoga (dream yoga) based upon astral

projection. And here we have an important assumption: you are

involved in an OOBE (at least to a degree) whenever you

dream. What sets it apart from a full OOBE is your hazy

consciousness during the experience and poor recall

afterwards. Many people forget most of their dreams

completely. Learning astral projection requires a kind of

inner mental clarity and alertness.

Dreams are a door to the subconscious which can be

used for psychological and spiritual insight, and sometimes

for precognition. Dream content is influenced by external

sounds and sensations. For example, a loud external noise

(such as a train) will likely appear in your dream (if it

doesn’t wake you up!). Dreams are also influenced by events

of the previous day, by your moods, and by suggestion.

Everyone normally dreams 4 or 5 times a night (about every 2

hours). The longest dreams occur in the morning. Everyone

dreams. You are more likely to remember the details of your

dream when you first wake up. By keeping a dream diary you

will improve dream recall. Have writing equipment or a tape

recorder at your bedside for this purpose; also a light

which isn’t too bright. Suggest to yourself several times

before you go to sleep, “I will awaken with the knowledge of

a dream.” Then when you do awaken, move quietly (sometimes

just turning over drives the idea away). Remember first,

then write the dream down, and then add as many details as

possible. The next day check for objective facts and expand

if you can (by remembering ‘what happened before that’). Once

you start remembering your dreams in this way, it will

become easier to do so. (If you are unsuccessful at this,

and *really* want to remember your dreams, you could

arrange for someone to sit by your bedside all night long

with a dim light on. Then when he sees your eyes moving back

and forth — rapid eye movements, a sign you are dreaming —

he can wake you and ask for a dream report.)


Astral projection may be subdivided into three basic

types: mental projection, astral projection (proper) and

etheric projection. And your OOBE may shift between them.

Mental projection is really simple clairvoyance (‘remote

viewing’), and ‘traveling in your mind’. Imagination plays

a key role. The experience of mental projection is not

particularly vivid, and you will more likely be an observer

than a participant. Nevertheless, mental projection is an

important ‘way in’ to astral projection proper.

During mental projection and astral projection you

are able to travel through solid objects, but are not able

to act directly upon them or to move them (if they are in

the physical world). This is not true during etheric

projection. Whether it is simply subconscious expectation,

or whether it is a true etheric projection which in theory

means that part of your physical body has been relocated

with your projection (the etheric or vital part) may be

difficult to determine. Etheric projections generally travel

at or very near the physical world. There are even cases

reported (very, very rare ones) in which the entire physical

body is transferred to another location (teleportation), or

cases in which the physical body exists and acts in two

separate places at once (bilocation)!

But our primary interest is astral projection

proper, and mental projection to a lesser extent. Astral and

mental projection are not confined to the physical world.

Travel in the mental and astral realms is feasible, and

often preferred. Nor are astral and mental projection