WOTC Cartoon of the Day – ‘Look Out Here Comes The Rings, lol!

Here’s your dang rings!


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Your Animal Spirit for Feb. 14th is Porcupine

Your Animal Spirit for Today


Porcupine has appeared in your reading today to bring a message of innocence and trust. Although Porcupine can throw quills when cornered, he is gentle, loving, and non-aggressive. Is there an area of your life that need Porcupine energy? Have you lost the ability to trust??

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Our Spirit Guide That Lies Before Us is

Our Spirit Guide That Lies Before Us

The Crane     
Cranes have been revered for centuries in many Oriental cultures, symbolizing good fortune and long life. If Crane has flown into your reading today, he brings a message of good tidings. Be prepared for something special today—emotional balance, good health, a spiritual “ah-ha!”, or simply pure joy.

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Daily Motivator for February 4th – No need for frustration

No need for frustration

Frustration is a painful, debilitating feeling that can often cause you to do  things you’ll regret. So choose to quickly let it go.

Frustration, as automatic and overpowering as it may seem, is a choice. And  you can always make a different choice.

The habit of reacting in frustration is just that, a habit. Like any other  habit you’ve developed, you can get rid of it when you choose.

Yes, life regularly presents you with difficult dilemmas for which  frustration is a perfectly understandable reaction. Other than grabbing your  attention, however, your frustration never does accomplish much.

So once you’re aware of the frustrating situation, make the choice to find a  more useful, effective response. Step back from the desire for instant drama,  and work on creating some long-term positive results.

Channel the high-powered energy of frustration into intentional, focused,  positive action. Give yourself the option to act effectively and appropriately,  and you’ll find you have no need for frustration.

— Ralph Marston

Daily Motivator

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Let’s Talk Witch – Even Witches Need To Know How to Meditate

Witchy Comments & Graphics
Let’s Talk Witch – How To Meditate

To begin, sit in a darkened room (not pitch dark, but dim lights). Sit still, sit quiet, for 10 minutes. No music, no talking, no tapping your fingers, no jiggling your foot, no moving your head or cracking your neck or looking around. It’s harder than you think. If you don’t make it through the first time, try again the next day (don’t rush it or you’ll just get really mad at yourself – this isn’t a speed competition!) and keep trying until you can sit still and quiet for 10 minutes. You can think about anything you want, the point is to be physically still, and not have any external stimuli (no TV, no music, no whatever). This teaches you to have a quiet body. This also teaches you about time, because it’s hard to know how long 10 minutes is. Your eyes can be opened or closed, it doesn’t matter (and blinking isn’t counted as moving, so you can blink all you want).

Once you are able to sit still for 10 minutes, then try sitting for 10 minutes and think only about white things. If you start to think about something that isn’t white, stop yourself, and start thinking about white things again. Here’s a list of words to help you get started:

Snow, polar bears, cotton, vanilla pudding, paper, light bulbs, chicken, arctic hare, white wolf, beluga whale, dove, cream, soap, flower, milk, flour, rice, refrigerator, tooth, swan, snowy owl, sand, stones, clouds

Once you have done it, do it twice more, on different days. Ten minutes thinking about things that are white. It will teach you how to concentrate and how to have a quiet mind. If you think about white things and you start to move, try again. If you are still, but you think about what that jerk on the bus said to you today, try again. Each time you try, take at least a one day break in between your tries. You will learn concentration and discipline, both very important for meditation. Don’t rush it, this isn’t a contest!

When you are comfortable with spending 10 quiet, still, minutes thinking about things that are white, try 10 minutes thinking about things that are natural, like animals, grass, trees, sky, and so on. Anything in the natural world, made naturally and not altered by human hands. Remember to keep still, and keep quiet. Don’t say the things out loud, just think them in your head.

If your mind wanders, just pull it back. So if you are thinking about animals, and you think about your cat, and your cat’s fur, and your cat’s meow, and the neighbourhood dog that chases your cat, that is fine. If you then think about the neighbourhood dog that barks, and your stupid neighbour who lets the dog bark at night and it wakes you up and then you get a bad sleep and you have an important meeting tomorrow and… now you have let your mind wander. Immediately think of another natural thing, and refocus yourself.

Then, practice and practice and practice until thinking about natural things is really really easy, and being still is really really easy. Think about different things each time – maybe think about animals one time, and then flowers the next time.

I recommend thinking about natural things because it is a great way to connect to the Goddess. So that when you want to meditate on the goddess Diana, for example, you can concentrate on things that are important to Her: trees, a cool stream, a deer, a dog and so on, without getting off track.

Give it a try, it will take some time to get good, but it will be worth every minute you spend trying. It will let you connect better with the Goddess, and that will increase the power of your spells and magick.

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Let’s Talk Witch – How To Meditate

Let’s Talk Witch – How To Meditate


To begin, sit in a darkened room (not pitch dark, but dim lights). Sit still, sit quiet, for 10 minutes. No music, no talking, no tapping your fingers, no jiggling your foot, no moving your head or cracking your neck or looking around. It’s harder than you think. If you don’t make it through the first time, try again the next day (don’t rush it or you’ll just get really mad at yourself – this isn’t a speed competition!) and keep trying until you can sit still and quiet for 10 minutes. You can think about anything you want, the point is to be physically still, and not have any external stimuli (no TV, no music, no whatever). This teaches you to have a quiet body. This also teaches you about time, because it’s hard to know how long 10 minutes is. Your eyes can be opened or closed, it doesn’t matter (and blinking isn’t counted as moving, so you can blink all you want).

Once you are able to sit still for 10 minutes, then try sitting for 10 minutes and think only about white things. If you start to think about something that isn’t white, stop yourself, and start thinking about white things again. Here’s a list of words to help you get started:

Snow, polar bears, cotton, vanilla pudding, paper, light bulbs, chicken, arctic hare, white wolf, beluga whale, dove, cream, soap, flower, milk, flour, rice, refrigerator, tooth, swan, snowy owl, sand, stones, clouds

Once you have done it, do it twice more, on different days. Ten minutes thinking about things that are white. It will teach you how to concentrate and how to have a quiet mind. If you think about white things and you start to move, try again. If you are still, but you think about what that jerk on the bus said to you today, try again. Each time you try, take at least a one day break in between your tries. You will learn concentration and discipline, both very important for meditation. Don’t rush it, this isn’t a contest!

When you are comfortable with spending 10 quiet, still, minutes thinking about things that are white, try 10 minutes thinking about things that are natural, like animals, grass, trees, sky, and so on. Anything in the natural world, made naturally and not altered by human hands. Remember to keep still, and keep quiet. Don’t say the things out loud, just think them in your head.

If your mind wanders, just pull it back. So if you are thinking about animals, and you think about your cat, and your cat’s fur, and your cat’s meow, and the neighbourhood dog that chases your cat, that is fine. If you then think about the neighbourhood dog that barks, and your stupid neighbour who lets the dog bark at night and it wakes you up and then you get a bad sleep and you have an important meeting tomorrow and… now you have let your mind wander. Immediately think of another natural thing, and refocus yourself.

Then, practice and practice and practice until thinking about natural things is really really easy, and being still is really really easy. Think about different things each time – maybe think about animals one time, and then flowers the next time.

I recommend thinking about natural things because it is a great way to connect to the Goddess. So that when you want to meditate on the goddess Diana, for example, you can concentrate on things that are important to Her: trees, a cool stream, a deer, a dog and so on, without getting off track.

Give it a try, it will take some time to get good, but it will be worth every minute you spend trying. It will let you connect better with the Goddess, and that will increase the power of your spells and magick.


Author Unknown
Article Transferred Over from Old Yuku Site
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The Daily Motivator for Jan. 14th – Lumpy richness

Lumpy richness

There will be pleasure and pain, triumphs and regrets. Embrace it all as it  comes, make the best of it, and move steadily forward.

Disappointments will come, and then new opportunities will soon appear. Each  day, each season will have its share of ups and downs, beginnings and  endings.

Life is wonderfully rich, and yet that richness is not creamy and smooth like  a chocolate milkshake. Life’s richness is highly lumpy and inconsistent, and  that’s what makes it so magnificent.

You’re much more able to fully treasure the good times when you’ve been  through difficulties. The victories taste so much sweeter after a string of  defeats.

Just remember as you go along that it’s all part of the richness. Just as  night gives value to day which in turn gives value to night, all life’s  experiences mesh together in a truly sumptuous adventure.

On this day, in this moment, it is all yours to take in. Whatever may come,  treasure the richness in all its lumpiness, now and always.

— Ralph Marston

The Daily Motivator

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How Much Yule Do You Put into Christmas?

How Much Yule Do You Put into Christmas?

Author:   Stazya   

This is a difficult topic. I didn’t think it would be until I started. In fact, I thought it would take about two paragraphs to describe how I celebrate Yule by myself and then participate in Christmas with the rest of my family. Until now, that’s the way it’s been – separate.

And lonely.

I remember last year vividly – I shut the bedroom door, laid out a full altar, substituted a small piece of pine incense for my Yule Log since we had no fireplace, and sang of my wishes in a hushed voice, trying to drown myself in the raised volume of the television. I did this not because I was hiding from my husband in the next room, but because I didn’t want to “disturb”e; him with my ritual. A week later, we were in Danvers, MA sitting in the Congregational church with his family and as I watched the minister light his candles and listened to his words, She leaned over and whispered in my ear. “You’ve been here before.” It clicked later, but at first I didn’t pay attention.

A year later and my life is as it should be – completely different. I still close the bedroom door for private rituals, but every now and then, I include my husband. He is definitely Christian, but he’s very tolerant and curious about everything I do. He helped me bless our seeds at Ostara. He attended an open festival at Beltane. He even sat with me to experiment with the open door ritual (Thank you Wren). And this summer, I managed to tell my mother and my best friend that I am a witch.

So now, as the days get darker, and the trees become bare, I am thinking ahead to the holidays. Suddenly, I am confused. Before, there was no question – I had to hide my beliefs. I had to keep to myself. This year though, I somehow have to figure out how much Yule to put into Christmas.

We flip-flop each season between my husband’s family, and mine. This year we will spend the holidays with mine. The only time my immediate family thinks of the birth of Christ on Christmas is if they happen to catch the Little Drummer Boy on TV. It’s never really been about religion with us – just food and family. Oh yeah, and presents. So my problem is not that I’m stomping on a holy cradle, but rather that I may actually inject something of a religious nature into the hors d’oeuvres and stuffing. I’ll be stomping on our traditions, which I’ve always thought to be a bigger offense.

For example, there’s the Christmas card tradition. Among us, cards are an obligation of sorts. You find the funniest one with Santa being farted on by Rudolph, or the sweetest one with puffy sparrows playing in bright red ribbon – but you never take the card that sends blessings to anyone. You receive these cards and then display them on your wall, or in the window, or on the front door. Really anywhere they’ll be seen by lots of people. I’ve always liked this tradition – it’s the one time my mailbox fills up with something other than bills. And yet, my principles tell me it’s a waste. All that paper, all those trees, sacrificed for vanity. So, what do I do?

Do I call everyone and say I don’t want to send cards anymore because we’re decimating Mother Earth? Do I tell them not to send me any? Do I tell everyone to only use recycled paper? Is it really my place to tell anyone anything at all?

And what of the Christmas feast? No one bows their head at my family’s table. I am the first. To make matters worse, I won’t be thanking God for the bounty before us. That would be acceptable to them, if uncomfortable. But I can just see the looks on their faces when I mutter my thanks to Mr. Turkey and the asparagus. At least I won’t have to mourn the passing of an evergreen. My mother’s tree is fake.

I start to think about my Yule rituals and wonder if they’d let me give out presents au natural. Or perhaps I can find some nice pine and sage incense to cleanse my mother’s house with and still be able to convince her she does not smell marijuana. And maybe she’ll allow me to light the front room with votives, being careful not to damage the fine finish of her furniture. Instead of presents, we’ll exchange wishes and burn them in my cauldron. Maybe I can gather my whole family into a circle, weaving it in and out of the sectional sofa and invoke the Goddess into our presence. Or we can gather together all the used pots and pans to drum and chant the evening away in merry camaraderie. Or maybe I’ll make one suggestion of a living wreath of flowers and seeds to wrap around the tree and endure the laughter and disdain the entire evening once I’ve stained the white carpet with cranberries.

Maybe I won’t do anything at all.

But then I remember Her voice in my ear and the warmth of Her breath on my cheek and I know what my answer is.


I know historically what Yule is all about. I know the story of the sun God’s return. But I also know that historical context doesn’t necessarily mean anything to us. We no longer sit huddled in sod huts with what’s left of our flock trying to keep warm. That the days are shorter now means we turn on the lights a little earlier. Why adhere to something when it’s meaningless? Why does my family still celebrate Christmas, even though Christ is no longer a part of it?

Because for them it isn’t about religion anymore. It isn’t even about presents or trees or cards. It’s about being together because we only see each other a few times a year now. It’s about coming together and reaffirming our faith in each other. It’s about touching base with the love that for some reason still exists, regardless of space and time.

How much Yule do I put into Christmas? The same amount I always have. I’ll bake nut tree pear bread for the family, and maybe an apple pie. We’ll all sit at the table and reminisce about the past year – catch up on each other’s lives. We’ll talk briefly about Dad and try to remember his corny jokes or some stray moment when you knew just how much he loved each one of us. After dinner, some of us will go for a walk and take in the beauty of the stark trees and icicle-laden eves. And when we’ve gotten our second wind, some of us will pile into the car and drive the neighborhoods to ooh and ah over this year’s most inspired displays. We’ll exchange tokens of love and admiration, and before we disperse, each will bless the other with love and happiness until we meet again.

If that isn’t a Pagan evening what is?

And what of next year when I find myself back in the Congregational church, surrounded by my husband’s family? Well, I will admire the four candles on the altar and the Christmas flowers that adorn the stage. I will listen with rapt attention as my mother-in-law lends her beautiful voice to the choir and her faith shines on her face. I will hold my husband’s soft, warm hand and watch the snow fall silently. I will bask in the warmth of the moment and listen to Her whispering in my ear again, but this time I will pay attention.

I was never alone.


Bio: Stazya is one of the luckiest Pagans alive. She has an understanding, if skeptical, family and a husband who loves her. She receives daily snuffles from her dog, Igor, and provides a pleasantly warm lap for her cat, Potato. In her spare time, she is a writer and an editor in desperate need of actual work (Show me a writer who isn’t!). She keeps one leg in the closet, one finger in the cookie jar and her nose out of most peoples’ business. It’s all about balance. Blessings to all and to all a joyful turn of the Wheel.

Second Joke of the Day – ‘Things You Will Never Hear A Woman Say’

Never hear women say

Things You’ll Never Hear A Woman Say

  1. What do you mean today’s our anniversary?
  2. Can we not talk to each other tonight? I’d rather just watch TV.
  3. Ohh, this diamond ring is way too big!!
  4. And for our honeymoon we’re going fishing in Alaska!
  5. Aww, don’t stop for directions, I’m sure you’ll be able to figure out how to get there.
  6. Is that phone for me? Tell ’em I’m not here.
  7. I don’t care if it is on sale, 300 dollars is too much for a designer dress.

Goddess Bless You On This Wintery Wednesday Morn’!

I look at the snow gently falling on the ground and it makes me sick (sorry). I don’t believe I have ever seen a gentle snow flake falling gracefully from the sky. In this neck of the woods, we have blizzards, ice, freezing temperature and I know a few I forgot to mention. We have sheets of snows falling down. What use to accumulate over night now takes just a minute or two.  Our temperatures have been in the teens but we are due to another cold front coming through today. I believe I need to move to a warmer climate.

In case you didn’t notice, we have been on and off the net. I did have the good sense to let you know that it might happen. And it did. The ice freeze on the utility lines and after it gets so heavy, down comes the line. We actually sit around and point out which icicle is going to drop and take a line with it. You can tell life is really exciting when you have no internet or TV. Our poor forefathers, I can now understand why they went to bed with the chicken and got up with the Rooster’ crow I can also understand why they has so many large families back then, lol! Well you have to stay warm some how!

Before I run, I want you to know we have another system coming in. If we disappear, our internet or power is out. I would ask that you have patience with us. Just as soon as everything is restored, we will back as normal.

I am off to work now, I have a lot of material to cover. I sort of added some special pieces to the publication to day because the days we have missed.

It looks like it is going to be a long winter. Let’s all find someone to snuggle with and hibernate to Spring arrives, lo!

Luv & Hugs

Lady A

Blessings & Warmth to You On This Thursday Morn!

Good Morning, dear family & friends! I hope everyone is having a very warm and safe day. They have changed our weather forecast. Our bad weather is suppose to hit this afternoon. We are suppose to have mostly ice here. I can tell you I would much rather have the snow than the ice any day. We can’t very well argue with Mother Nature though. Just accept what we are given and go on about it.

We did get all of our supplies yesterday and have battened down the hatches. So we are ready, I guess. I just don’t want to think about losing power. I remember last time. At first it was like an adventure but by day 8, the night was closing in and I was about ready to strangle someone. It is nice to spend time with people but when you are trapped with them for several day, get real! Enough is enough, lol! I am just kidding. I am not the only one that felt this way. Even the best of friends trapped for long periods of time will get on each other’s nerve. I know after so long the cat became a pain in the rump. I would catnap during the day because at night we would use kerosene heaters or a big LP camp stove to keep the place warm. Well the darn cat would catch which other was on and try to lay right on top of it. I stayed up making sure the cat didn’t catch on fire and burn us up and we didn’t run out of oxygen and kill ourselves. Oh, what fun is was!

So I beg you again, please keep us in your prayers that we don’t lose power and stay safe during the upcoming storm. And to remind you, in case you don’t hear from us within a day or two, send help! Lots of it, too! Out here, when the power goes out, we lose our telephones. Why? I don’t know. I guess that is one of the many problems you have to put up with when dealing with a Co-Op. But send in the Mounties, please!

Enough with the silliness, I know there are some already suffering from the winter storm. My heart goes out to you and yours. I pray that you stay in and stay safe. If you have power and the internet, spend the day with us. I am sure after reading all this, it will warm your hearts, lol!  I can’t help it, I am a big baby witch. I am use to all the modern conveniences, especially power and heat. Those happen to be two of my favorites in the Winter. I honestly don’t see how our ancestors and the cave people made it. But I guess they didn’t miss what they never had. Perhaps we are too spoiled these days. Truthfully, I don’t know too many people that ain’t spoiled these days. Even the hunters around here tickle me. They will brag and talk about how they are great outdoorsmen and they are rough and tough, yeah right! They want to come home to a nice warm house, a freshly brewed pot of coffee and the TV. Yeah, they are really tough and rough outdoorsmen, lol!

Well enough with the poop! I hope everyone has a great day. Please stay safe and warm. If you have to do any traveling, be extra careful because I expect to see all of you back here tomorrow. Have a very blessed day & may the Goddess watch over us all.

Luv & Hugs,

Lady A

Good Morning To The WOTC! Wishing You A Very Blessed & Happy Tuesday!

Good Morning, Dear Family & Friends!

I hope everyone has a very blessed Tuesday.

Be careful & stay safe,

Goddess Bless You & Yours,

Lady A & The WOTC

Be thankful I changed my mind, I was going to get into a very deep discussion. Changed my mind and decided to keep it short and sweet.

Love Ya! Off to work I go…..

Good Thanksgiving Morning, dear family & friends!


I have a request,  Please don’t run off because I showed up. Today is going to be a very short edition of our daily publications. I will be here probably a hour or two, then I have to run off to my daughter’s house.

I just wanted to take a moment and spend some time with my online family today.  I don’t know if you believe or celebrate Thanksgiving but I know I do. I have always said it, “Pagans have the best of everything!” That is probably why we had so much of our traditions and practices stolen from us, lol! A fight for another day, not today!  I don’t view Thanksgiving as a religious holiday. I believe it is part of my American heritage just as well as my Celtic heritage is. I do stop to thank the Goddess for all the wonderful gifts and blessings She has given me. I thank the Goddess for bringing each and everyone of you into my life.  You have touched my heart and soul so much. I can feel your love, support and caring every time I am here. I am very proud and honored to be able to call each of you my family. I have truly been blessed.

I hope each and everyone has a very blessed and joyous Thanksgiving Day. Don’t eat too much, stay safe, and stay warm.

Happy Thanksgiving, dear family and friends!

Love & Blessings,

Lady A & The WOTC

Elder’s Meditation of the Day – November 1

Elder’s Meditation of the Day – November 1

“Times change but principles don’t. Times change but lands do not. Times change but our culture and our language remain the same. And that’s what you have to keep intact. It’s not what you wear – it’s what’s in your heart.”

–Oren Lyons, ONONDAGA

Going back to the old ways doesn’t mean giving up electricity, homes and cars. It means living by the same principles, laws and values that our ancestors lived by. This will allow us to live successfully in today’s world. The spirituality our ancestors lived is the same spirituality we need in these modern times. There are too many influences from TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and negative role models that are guiding our lives in a bad way. Our stability is in the laws, principles and values that our ancestors were given and that our Elders teach us.

Great Spirit, let me live my life in a spiritual way.

Thank You!

I wanted to take a moment and thank you for having patience with us today.  I am sure most of you know we are located out in sticks (or the boonies). I can testify living in the sticks has its’ advantages and also its’ disadvantages.

Today was one of those days when it was a big disadvantage. Having internet access out here is a miracle. Today, it rained and the wind blew, knocked our cable out. The phone rings, it disconnects all of our computers from the internet. The cable company is suppose to be coming out and fixing that. A car wreck down on the main road, knocks our cable out.

I know it has to be aggravating to you as a reader of our daily posts. I just want you to know that we are doing our best to get the job done. But there are circumstances that is beyond our control. I sincerely appreciate your patience with us. I also apologize for any inconvenience that this causes you. Just remember we will always try our best to resume posting as soon as possible. In the meantime, we are pulling our hair out.

Thank you so much, dear family,

Luv & Hugs,

Lady A

Daily Motivator for Oct. 15th – Good things you deserve

Good things you deserve

Living richly isn’t just for someone else. You deserve a life that’s filled  with richness and joy, and you deserve to be the person who makes it happen.

Good fortune isn’t just for someone else. You deserve to have good fortune,  and you deserve the experience of creating that good fortune with your attitude  and your efforts.

You deserve to have a lucky break. So get busy and do what it takes to give  yourself one.

Let today be the day you stop waiting for something good to come along. Get  up, get going, and make something good, valuable and meaningful out of what you  already have.

Go ahead and give yourself all the good things you deserve. Feel how great it  feels to be positive, focused, helpful, compassionate, caring, productive and  joyful.

You deserve the best in life precisely because you’re fully capable of making  it happen. Your opportunity to live richly is here and now, so put it to  outstanding use without another moment’s delay.

— Ralph Marston

The Daily Motivator

Why Ritual 'Doesn't Happen'

Why Ritual ‘Doesn’t Happen’

Author: James Bulls

Some of the greatest insights I’ve learned in life came from my karate instructor. Among the pearls he shared with me was the guidance that, “If you intend to do something but you never actually do it, there’s a reason why.” To give you the context in which this advice was given, we were discussing the matter of congruity. Congruity is defined as, “the state or quality of being congruous; the relation or agreement between things; fitness; harmony; correspondence; consistency”1) and its opposite incongruity is defined as, “the quality or state of being incongruous; lack of congruity; unsuitableness; inconsistency; impropriety.”2)

In the dojo the matter of congruity was used to address the common issue of students who complain that their technique isn’t strong but who don’t practice their skills and drills to improve; in other words, these students’ words and actions were incongruent and as martial artists were living in a state of disharmony. Despite their words they were not practicing the rituals necessary to attain congruity with the “spirit” of karate.

When I speak of ritual, I don’t mean any specific ritual but, like I stated above, the forms and methods of religious expression practiced to come into harmony with the Divine. For Polytheists and Pagans these rituals may include song, dance, drumming, creating sacred space, calling the elements, invoking one or more deities, and spellwork. For others their rituals may include meditation, reading Tarot, casting runes, sweats, caring for the trees, channeling spirits, and prayer. For martial artists seeking self-mastery and perfection of spirit, these rituals may be attending class, practicing their katas, working on their skills and drills, and sparring. And for others their rituals may simply be doing good deeds for others, reflecting on the Sun or Moon, or recycling. Whatever set, regular practices one uses to express their religious foundations or attain unity with the Divine may be considered a ritual.

With respect to our spiritual lives and forms of religious expression, I would say that the goal is to attain congruity, or to live in agreement with the Divine and experience spiritual harmony in all that we do… and of course the question that begs to be asked is, “What forms or methods of religious expression do you practice in your path to obtain congruity with the Divine, and if you don’t observe regular practice of those forms or methods of religious expression and regret that you do not, why is that so?” In other words, “If you intend to do something but you never actually do it, there’s a reason why.”

The responses that most often comes up are that there wasn’t enough time, the right materials weren’t on hand, the practitioner didn’t have the stamina, energy, or motivation, another activity got in the way, or simply that the time and date for the ritual was forgotten or overlooked. These are all valid explanations for why an intended ritual didn’t happen, but none of them actually address the root of the issue.

People in some parts of the world are wracked by poverty and spend the majority of their day looking for clean drinking water and even a single meal, but probably all of you reading this article have a lot of free time; for you, it’s “What will I eat tonight?” but for other people in some parts of the world it’s, “Will I eat tonight?” With as much time as those of us who live in safety and prosperity have each day, there really is no reason we can’t set aside time for religious devotion.

Look at how you spend your free time: how many hours each week do you spend on the Internet? Watching TV? Shopping for yourself? Talking on the phone? Eating for pleasure? Reading Men’s Fitness, Maxim, Cosmopolitan, or a celebrity gossip rag? If these questions offend you, consider them a Zen slap calling you to the question of why ritual doesn’t happen.

The simple answer is motivation.

If you were truly motivated to perform a ritual and live congruently with your faith, you would (short of circumstances totally outside of your control) not fail to perform ritual. You would schedule your ritual and remember the date, arrange to have the time available, and ensure that you had the materials and supplies necessary to conduct the ritual. If your ritual needed to be done on a certain day and you could in no way be free of your obligations on that day, you wouldn’t take a pass on it – you would perform the ritual at the next available opportunity. And if you needed specific tools or supplies but couldn’t get them, you wouldn’t not do it – you’d adapt and find another way to conduct that ritual.

Returning to the example of the students who complain that their technique isn’t strong enough but who do not practice their skills and drills, the question may be posed to them, “Is karate the right path for you?” When you find yourself walking a true path, you will know it because you will want to walk it no matter the burning Sun, freezing sleet, torrential rain, and treacherous ground. The risks become no less and the journey as always exhausts you, but your desire to brave the challenges never diminishes. The karate students lived in incongruity – their words and actions did not exist in harmony and they did not desire to observe the rituals.

This does not mean that the students were lazy or had poor character; it simply means that they did not sincerely want to practice the rituals of karate (kata, hundreds of repetitions of single techniques, self-discipline, and hard physical training.) These students are not bad people; they are simply people who may not be walking the right path. Perhaps the rituals which call to them and which inspire them to live congruently are in gymnastics or dance? Or painting in watercolors, sculpting, and flower arranging?

If we use this example to consider Wiccans, Asatru, Druids, Pantheists, Polytheists, Pagans, Heathens, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, and many others, what might it say? If such a person on one of these paths – contrary to his or her stated desire – frequently did not practice the rituals he or she uses to live congruently with his or her beliefs and attain unity with the Divine, is it fair to say that such a person is not walking the right path? Is it fair to say that such a person would find greater satisfaction and fulfillment through the rituals of another religion? Or without any rituals at all? Or even to abandon religion completely?

That’s a question only that person could answer.

As an instructor I would never tell a student, “You’re just not cut out for this;” in time the mediocre student may become a brilliant instructor, and even a passionate black belt may neglect his skills and leave the martial path – but that is a choice each of those students will make for themselves. If a student intends to be a strong martial artist but fails to perform the rituals necessary to attain martial strength and self-discipline, there is a reason why. Such a person may be on a true path and simply needs to take his attention away from Facebook status updates, video games, and eating for pleasure; or it may in fact be that this person would simply be happier and find it easier to live congruently, practice his rituals, and attain unity with the Divine through another avenue.

But when ritual doesn’t happen it will ultimately be that student’s responsibility to ask himself, “If I intend to do something but never actually do it, is there a reason why? ” and to find that answer for himself. Who knows where the path will take him?

1, 2: [1913 Webster]

Mabon Comments & Graphics
The High Priest Faces  West:

Guardians of the watchtower of the west, we do summon, stir, and
call thee up to protect us in our rite.  Come forth from the rainbow hued
morning dew that covers the fields, and is soon to be frost.  Asperge us with
your diadems and water our deepest roots that we may find peace of mind.  So
mote it be!

Your Animal Spirit for September 17th is the Eagle

Your Animal Spirit for Today
    September 17, 2013


Eagle soars high enough to see the grand panorama of life, and yet has vision keen enough to spot a fish a mile away. How’s your vision? Are you seeing the big picture or are you only concentrating on the fish? Eagle is asking you to take a step back so you can once again see the whole. You’ve gotten so lost in the trees you’ve forgotten the forest.