New Moon Spells and Rituals

The New Moon means that no matter where you’ve been, today you get to start again! Have an auspicious start to this new cycle with a New Moon spell for a fresh beginning. Watch this video to learn about New Moon rituals: see the video for information.

The New Moon is a lunar phase that happens when the Moon is located exactly between the Earth and the Sun. Because its bright side cannot be seen from our planet, some people also call it a “Dark Moon“.

Looking for rituals? Visit Tonight’s Moon Spell Generator for a simple ritual AND a guided meditation based on today’s lunar phase, moon transit, and day of the week!

Or keep scrolling down and you’ll find a collection of spells for the new moon, including an easy spell that you can cast right now.

In this article, you’ll find:

New Moon Magic! ✨

Before we begin, make sure you know everything about Lunar Magic and what each moon phase represents.

  • There are 8 lunar phases and we can group them into 4 stages: New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon, and Waning Moon.

Spiritually, the New Moon is associated with rebirth and new beginnings so it’s an ideal time to plant the seeds of what you would like to see grow in your life.

Instead of casting a manifestation spell, set an intention for the cycle that begins: Cleanse yourself and …


Click here for more New Moon Spells and Rituals from

Trivia Questions About The Five Elements – Contest to Win an Extra Free Issue of Life in The Craft Newsletter

Do not post your answers in the comments section (your entry will be voided if you post them in the comments section, and your answers will be removed from this post) email your answers to The three people to answer the questions correctly will win an extra free issue of Life in The Craft. If more than three people have the correct answer I will go by the time the emails came in. Deadline to email your answers is December 30, 2022, by 12:00 AM CST. Students of WOTC’s School of Witchcraft are not allowed to enter this game.

We know the five elements most witches work with are Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Spirit.

We know the Air can be represented by many things such as wind chimes, a feather, incenses, to name a few.

We know Fire can be represented by a lit candle, campfire, hot peppers and other things also.

We know Water can be represented by a bowl of water, seashells, fishing lures, sea salt to name a few.

We know Earth can be represented by stones, wood, table salt plus a few other things.

We know Spirit can be represented by an angel statue or picture, but more importantly by what it can be represented by to you personally.


Answer hints – Consider the planet we live upon and that big yellow ball in the sky and what falls from the sky to answer these trivia questions.

1. What is the main source for Fire?

2. What is the main source of Air?

3. What is the main source of Earth?

4. What are the main sources of Water?

5. What to you is the main source of Spirit?

Subscription Fees for the eight magazines for Life in The Craft:

$3.00 USD per issue

$21.00 USD per year (you pay for 7 issues and get the 8th one free)

Remember send your answers to by December 30, 2022. Lady Beltane will post the winners first names here as the winners come in. After the three winners are announced the answers will be posted.

Students of WOTC’s School of Witchcraft are not allowed to enter this game.

Elemental Energies in Magick – Spirit

Some of the Elemental Energies in Magick for Spirit

The element of Spirit is the 5th unseen element. It is the combination of all the energies of the four elements and it is very hard to work with    because there is nothing to focus on. In fact the only real way to connect to this 5th element is to look inside yourself and connect with that part of you    that is unique and different from other people. The part of you that is noble, confident, honorable and strong. This is the part of you that is Spirit.    Unfortunately for most people, connecting to this part of themselves is made a lot more difficult than it has to be because of fear and insecurity. What if    they don’t have enough of these good qualities to ever connect to something that no one can see, touch, smell or hear? The answer lies in your own    personal mythology. Take for instance any story you have ever heard that moved you and inspired you. It can be a fairy tale you heard when you were a child    or a story you heard yesterday. You don’t have to believe the story was true to use the energy it raises inside of you. You need only focus on the way    it makes you feel and then translate it to other situations in your everyday life. In fact these stories represent psychological archetypes that we all    share which is why story-telling is common in our culture. We all have a craving for Spirit. Our mythology is the code of the unconscious mind, and it    paves the way to connecting to Spirit. So when you want to invoke the element of Spirit, summon the feelings of triumph or joy that stem from your personal    mythologies. The energy exists on its own for you to use and direct even after you have forgotten about the story. Once you have summoned the energy,    directing it is another matter. Spirit energy is often represented by the color white or ultra-violet (invisible) light. You should imagine whatever color    helps you define the Spirit energy you feel. This can be white, clear, ultra-violet, etc. It’s really up to you because this is your personal energy    source. Like all the other elements, Spirit energy is a part of nature, however, this is the point where YOU become another aspect of nature just as Fire,    Water, Air and Earth are parts of nature. Spirit represents the superconscious mental processes (as opposed to the conscious mental processes of Air and    the unconscious mental processes of Water). For this reason magick in all forms will be successful when performed under the supervision and assistance of    Spirit, ruled by the spirit of the center of the Four Winds, Metatron.

Elemental Correspondence Earth and Air, Fire and Water

Earth, fire, water and air. the four elements and how they are used for ritual.

Not all witches use elemental correspondences, and among those who do, there is a great deal of variation. The most common elements used in Wicca and witchcraft are earth, air, fire, and water. Spirit is often added to acknowledge the spiritual component of them all. You will have to experiment to find what works best for you.

When invoking the elements, they are often associated with the cardinal directions, often with Air in the East, Fire in the South, Water in the West, and Earth in the North. However, this is by no means the only possibility. The elements themselves may vary as well. For example, some Celtic traditions use earth, sky, and water, and others use the cosmological realms of Underworld, Earth and Sky.

Thus, the correspondences listed within this page provide only one possibility among many. The sources for these correspondences include Scott Cunningham, Silver Ravenwolf, Amber Wolfe, Yasmine Galenorn, and Branwen’s Book of Shadows which undoubtedly owes credit to dozens of unnamed sources. Books by these renowned authors can be purchased though out online shop for further study.

The Importance of the Elements


From Ancient Pathway – For more information about the Elemental Correspondences

As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without

…part of the element of Air with every breath I take;

…part of the element of Water as my body is seventy percent fluids;

…part of the element of Earth because I care for all other living things and try to nurture them;

…part of the element of Fire because I pursue my passions;

…of the element of Spirit because I carry the Goddesses and Gods within myself;

….part of the Universe and all that is in it and they are a part of me.

These things make me stronger and able to live this lifetime to its fullest.

Blessed be dear ones.

©️ 2015 Lady Beltane

A Basic Guide to Working with the Elements


There a four basic elements most Wiches work with Air, Fire, Water and Earth. There is also a fifth Spirit
which we commune with and use on a daily bases.

When working with and using the elements for spellcraft and rituals please make sure to always dismiss
them and tell them to go back from where they came with your thanks. Not doing so can cause some
strange things to happen where ever you may have used them, i.e. in your home electronics might act up,
feeling a draft for no reason, hearing water running when none is, etc.

Spirit is used any time you call upon a God and/or Goddess and/or an Archangel for help with something.
This element does not usually cause anything strange to happen if you do not send it back. You still should
thank whom ever you called upon to lend power and help to whatever you are doing.

The element of Air is most commonly called upon when needing help with somethig that is intelligents, i.e.
home work, getting a job done by a deadline, some times just thinking straight, etc.

The element of Water is most commonly used when dealing with something involving emotions. By this I do
not mean bending another persons free will trying to make them feel a certain way. In this case you maybe
dealing with grief of someone who just crossed over (died) and want the grief to lessen some, or asking the
Universe to help you find your true love, if you are feeling down, etc. Asking for help in finding your true
love is not the same as asking for a specific person to fall in love with you.

The element of Fire is commonly used for transition, i.e. going from being a child to an adult, moving from
one place to another and asking for help in finding the right place for you, going from working to being
home all the time or vise-virsa etc.

The element of Earth is used to help you feel more intune with your self and those you are around. To
ground you, not as in punishment but as in not feeling so confused and/or not yourself for no apparent

The four basic elements of Air, Water, Fire and Earth can be used together for certain types of spell work and
each should always be represented on your Altar when preforming any type of Ritual. The fifth Element of
Spirit is always a guiding force during Rituals and should also be represented on your Altar.

Examples of what can be used to represent the Elements on your Altar:

Air set in the East – a feather, hatched wild birds egg, incenses or yellow candle, bird’s nest

Water set in the West – a bowl of tap water or rain water or melted snow (this is usually used in
transformation work), bowl of sea salt or blue candle

Fire set in the South – a red candle or if outside and/or if you have a fireplace on a south wall a real wood
burning fire is possible

Earth set in the North – a bowl of regular table salt, a bowl of dirt from your yard or a green candle

Spirit set in either the Northeast or Nortwest (I always set mine in the Northeast as I feel Spirit and Air
usually work together) – an Angel and/or Goddess and/or God statue or white candle. SPirit can also be
represented by having something in the Northest to represt Goddess (female aspect) and something in the
Northwest to represent God (the male aspect. NOt all witches or traditions of witchcraft work with the duality
of all things also known as the female and male aspects.

©️ 2014 Lady Beltane


Little Pagan Acorns – Website for Pagan Children

[Not just for Pagan children that are homeschooled but for any Pagan child)


The world of homeschooling is dominated by Christians, and the majority of online resources are Bible-based. For someone who is Pagan, it gets pretty frustrating to find great printables that aren’t filled with Bible scriptures or Christian phrasing. So I wanted to create a resource for all of us who are parents and/or homeschoolers who are following other spiritual paths.

My purpose is to create pages that can be mixed in with other resources to add some Pagan terminology, ideals and history so that people can teach their children something that is uniquely Pagan.

I also intend to have selections of nature-based and generically “spiritual” material that could be used by folks who aren’t really Pagan but want an option away from the Christian materials as well.

I know that the term “Pagan” covers a huge range of faiths and beliefs, and I hope that I can properly respect them all here. My own path is more Wiccan and you’ll tend to see more material along that slant (lots of altars, Sabbats and pentacles!). I’d welcome any comments or suggestions from other beliefs so that I can accurately cover them. I apologize in advance if I have included anything that is inaccurate about other religions. Feel free to let me know.

So, welcome to Little Pagan Acorns and I hope that there is something here to help with your Pagan homeschooling and parenting!

Little Pagan Acorns – Website for Pagan Children

Using the Elements for the Watchtowers

The Watchtowers are also known as the Guardians of the Cardinal/compass points. The
coincide with the four major compass points North, East, South and West.

Some covens use a single person positioned at each point to call all four Watchtowers.
While others use a group of three and in others the priestess and/or priest call them. It
mainly depends on the covens own traditions.

Solitary witches call the Watchtowers themselves.

When working with the Elements ALWAYS be sure to thank them and send them back from
whence they came. If you fail to release them you will usually find many unexplained things
happening to you, your family and/or in your home, yard or where ever it was you called
them to. Such as a lot of interference with electronic things, sort of background noise you
can’t pin point while on the phones or a host of other things.

You can change the wording to make if feel more your own. In a coven you would call
the Watchtowers however the Priestess and/or Priest teach you to call them for that particular coven. I
sometimes use the following words and other times something else will come out of my
mouth. I try to let my guides lead me when doing anything magickal as they usually know
more of what I need at any given time better than I do.

The Watchtowers are called in for protection just before the Sacred Circle is closed (
opened). The Elements are dismissed before the Circle is closed (opened) at the end of the
ritual. First is a formal way to call the Elements to the Watertowers; followed by a casual

Most covens and solitary witches start at the East Watchtower/cardinal/compass point then
walk clockwise to each of the other directions. It is fine if it feels more comfortable to you to
start at a different point but always walk clockwise after calling the first direction.

Formal way of calling:

Power of ancient dreams, ancestors of the mighty east

Come forth, O guardians of Air.

Let your wings of intelligence my protection be

Hear this call, let my words draw you near.

Lock the gate that none may pass unless

They come in love and trust. Blessed Be!

Power of ancient dreams, ancestors of the mighty south

Come forth, O guardians of Fire.

May your firey breath cleanse my work.

Hear this call, let my words draw you near.

Lock the gate that none may pass unless

They come in love and trust. Blessed Be!

Power of ancient dreams, ancestors of the mighty west

Come forth, O guardians of Water.

May your sweeping waters bring protection all around.

Hear this call, let my words draw you near.

Lock the gate that none may pass unless

They come in love and trust. Blessed Be!

Power of ancient dreams, ancestors of the mighty north

Come forth, O guardians of Earth.

Let the North Star crown your brow.

Hear this call, let my words draw you near.

Lock the gate that none may pass unless

They come in love and trust. Blessed Be!

Causal way of calling:

I call Air to protect the Watchtower of the East and ask to lend your power to my circle.

I call Fire to the Watchtower of the South and ask you to lend your power to my circle

I call Water to the Watchtower of the West and ask you to lend your power to my circle.

I call Earth to the Watchtower of the North and ask you to lend your power to my circle.

I ask the Elements to guard my circle from your Watchtower.

To dismiss the Elements at the end of the ritual and before the Scared Circle is closed:

Starting in the East or whichever direction you called first move counter-clockwise
around to each Watchtower. Saying “_________(name of Element) go back
from where you came with my thanks and gratitude for your protection and help.” When
you have released the last element you would then close (open) your circle.

Copyright 2013 Lady Beltane

It’s Elemental, My Dear Watson Originally Posted by Lady Abyss

It’s Elemental, My Dear Watson

Author: BellaDonna Saberhagen

In most modern neo-Pagan paths, there are four elements: earth, air, fire, and water. When I first started out, these were unquestionable facts. All the books I bought broke up the elements this way, ascribed certain tools to certain elements (though whether the athame and wand were air or fire often changed with the writer) , assigned the same directions for the elements and even gave their times of year. It even kind of makes sense from a scientific standpoint: the four states of matter are solid (earth) , liquid (water) , gas (air) and plasma (fire –ok, not quite, but lightning, which is plasma, often gave birth to fire) . It wasn’t until I left neo-Wicca and began researching ancient cultural religions that I even considered the ‘whys’ of the elements.

The elements as we know them now, are an ancient Greek construct. Around 500 BCE, Empedocles wrote Tetrasomia, or Doctrine of the Four Elements. It is doubtful he came up with the idea, but he was the first to write down all four elements as the foundation of the universe. When looking at a map of Greece and Europe, it’s easy to see why the elements were assigned the directions they were given.

In the Northern Hemisphere, as you travel south, it gets warmer; hence the realm of fire must lie to the south (Summer being assigned to fire also makes sense due to the warmth of the weather) . The Olympus Range is to the north of most of Greece (it separates Thessaly from Macedonia) , thus the home of earth being in the north makes sense; as does earth being assigned to winter, as when you travel north it gets colder, as it does when you travel high enough in mountains.

Most of the Mediterranean Sea is to the west of Greece. If you travel far enough west, you reach the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean; so the home of water should be to the west (though why it is assigned to Autumn, I really don’t know other than to make the transition from fiery southern summer to earthy northern winter flow nicely) . Air is more ambiguous; perhaps wind is more easterly than usual in Greece, or perhaps it was the only direction that elemental association wasn’t obvious.

Most books I’ve read say it is because the sun rises in the east, but that makes very little sense to me as the sun is a bringer of warmth and should thus be associated with fire. After all, the sun is in the sky longest in the summer, the month of fire. Aristotle added the fifth element, which he called ‘quintessence’, but is often referred to as Akasha, Ether, or Spirit by the modern Pagan community. And thus we have the five points of the pentacle. (A point which I find very interesting: If you wear a pentacle, you might state that it is a sign of protection, each point is an element and they are connected by the circle. However, according to elemental tool assignment and tarot cards, the pentacle is assigned to earth.)

Taken out of Greece, the directional associations we are so comfortable with start to break down. In the Southern Hemisphere, it gets warmer as you travel north and colder as you travel south (I have heard that some practitioners in those regions flip directions as they also flip the Sabbats) . How about in the northeastern USA? The closest ocean is to the east, not the west; the closest mountain range to me is to the west; the wind can blow from any direction, though the sun still rises east-ish (it only rises in the true east all year at the equator) ; it does still get warmer if I travel south. It would almost make more sense to me to put earth to the west, water to the east and air to the north… almost, if it weren’t for the power behind the belief in the traditional associations.

So that’s where our traditional elemental associations come from. How about other cultures? Let’s first look at two other major European cultures for comparison: the Celts and the Norse.

In Celtic cosmology, there are three realms: Land, Sea, and Sky. We can associate Land with earth, but it is more than that. The Land isn’t just the dirt and rocks, it’s the trees and plants and animals that live there, it’s where humans live and beneath which the dead reside. Sea is water, but it is also the gateway to the Otherworld from which the gods came and the way to travel to unknown lands. Sky can be associated with both air and fire. Wind moves the clouds in the sky; but the sun is also of the sky and fire first touched the land as a gift from the sky (lightning) ; the sky is also how time is reckoned by movements of the sun and moon. There were no directional associations as the Land was the land around them, the Sky was the sky above, and the Sea was the sea wherever it was found.

There were also three elements according to the Norse: Earth, Fire and Ice. If you look at places such as Iceland, this makes a lot of sense. Northern Europe is very cold and there are places in the northern most reaches of Norway and Sweden where the sun does not rise at Yule and does not set on Litha. Snow and ice have a greater grip and impact than they do elsewhere, frost giants were a very real threat to winter survival. You can perhaps associate ice with water and air, but it was more than that, it was something to respect and fear. The powers of ice were not called upon lightly. Earth was closer to the Land of Celtic beliefs than earth of Greek beliefs. It was the earth that sustained them, but it also suffered at the hands of the frost and fire giants. Fire for the Norse was trapped within the Earth. Iceland was (and is) very seismically active. Fire could be friendly to those in the cold north, but it could just as easily overwhelm towns and destroy all they had worked to survive on.

Let’s move further east now, to India and China. They also each have elemental systems that differ from our most common cosmology.

In Hindu belief, there were once only three elements: fire, water and earth. Air and Akasha were added later. The elemental health system of Ayurveda uses all five elements but breaks people down into three health types (or doshas) . The doshas are air-space (vata) , fire (pitta) and earth-water (kapha) . Each has their own strengths and weaknesses and each have their own rules about how to bring the other elements into balance within your body.

Similarly, the Chinese elemental system is used in Feng Shui. Contrary to western belief, Feng Shui is more than just a decorating guide; for example, one of the Feng Shui masters (known as The Living Treasure of China) has a restaurant, which serves food based on the elemental balance of Feng Shui his patrons need to maintain optimum health. There are five elements within the Feng Shui system: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. What we would refer to as earth is divided into three separate elements. Wood is associated with trees and plants. Earth is associated with stone, clay and mud. Metal is associated with all metals, both the ore that is mined and the finished pieces. Fire is associated with the sun and flames. Water is associated with bodies of water. There is no air element and no conglomeration of elements that one can extrapolate air from.

The Chinese and Hindu systems are older than the Greek system; at least based on dates they were recorded. Since the Celts and Norse did not have their own writing (use of ogham and runes aside) , it is impossible to date their ideas. My books do not cover Egyptian and Sumerian sources, so I do not know if they had elemental associations or what they might have been. However, having studied what I have, it does make me consider the whys of what I use in my spiritual and magickal practices. It’s important to understand why you use something or do something a certain way beyond “it’s what the book/my teacher said.”

Understanding the ‘whys’ of your practice will make your path deeper and your magick more effective. If you find that the Grecian elemental assignments do not work for you, you can always adapt them to your own geographical location or you can use another system altogether; just try to be mindful of mixing cultures in ritual. (I’m a bit uneasy about doing it. Others might be fine with it.)

Aveda Rituals by Horst Rechelbacher (he has a great section of Ayurveda)

Feng Shui by Gale Hale and Mark Evans

Mind, Body, and KickA** Moves (a BBC martial arts show that interviewed “The Living Treasure of China”

The Way of Four by Deborah Lipp

Your Daily Tarot Cards, Runes & Ogham Reading

The Daily Tarot Card is The Empress

The Empress

Keywords: ideas, creative impulses, intellect!

Astrological Correspondence: Venus

The Empress signifies the queen of life, the ideal woman, the archetypal mother. She represents the matriarchal goddess, being part of nature, fertility, sexuality, and the generative forces. As the life-giving mother she is connected to the Earth and the natural rhythms, the appreciation of the senses. As a card of good fortune she signifies that if we are gentle and caring, as well as patient, we can bring anything to fruition; we have to be able to wait until the time is right for action so that we can reap the rewards; as a result, hard work pays off and relationships become satisfying. The Empress can, in negative situations, also depict vanity, undeveloped creativity, stagnation, and apathy.


The Daily Tarot Love Card is Justice


If single, you attract attention today. Be social when you and others are so relaxed. Today scores of people amuse and interest you. You link up with people who need to be in your life. Be aware that they may not be your soul mates, but they know them or know someone who knows them. You expand the boundaries of love in your Significant other union when you clear up emotional debris.


Your Daily Erotic Tarot Card is Temperance


The Temperance card represents erotic fairness and compromise, and perhaps even the necessity to calm passions in order to build up another part of your relationship. Have you been concentrating so much on the physical aspect of love that you’ve forgotten to nurture the mental, emotional, or spiritual side of things? Put a temporary hold on sex so that you can explore other aspects of a partnership. When the moratorium is over, prepare for some mind-blowing passion that will help make up for lost time!


Your Weekend Influences

Tarot Influence:

Five of Wands

There may be obstacles on your path. Courage will be required to overcome them.

Astrological Influence


Creativity and a love of home are the key elements of Cancer.

Element Influence


Air denotes freedom and the ability to transcend the mundane. You may be, or may soon experience a spiritual or secular.


Your Daily Rune


“Log-uhz” – Literally: “Water” or Ocean – Esoteric: Unconscious, Collective Memory

Rune of the unconscious context of becoming or the evolutionary process. Rune of Life’s longing for itself.

Psi: emotion, psychic powers, unconscious mental processes, love, dreaming

Energy: life energy, ocean spirit, origins of life, collective unconscious, the astral plane, love as unity, evolution

Mundane: water, imagination, occultism, dreams

Divinations: Life, passing a test, sea of vitality and of the unconscious growth, memory, dreams; or fear, circular motion, avoidance, withering, depression, manipulations, emotional blackmail, lack of moral fiber, fantasy, poison, toxicity


Transpersonal powers
Mastery of emotion in order to shape wyrd
Guidance through difficult initiatory tests, ie. initiation into life
Increase in vitality and life force
Communication between your conscious mind to another’s unconscious mind
Development of ‘second sight’ or prophetic wisdom
All powers of dreaming (lucid dreams, astral projection)


Daily Witches Runes for December 7th is The Rings

The Rings

Keywords: Love, relationships.

Meanings: The Rings is the rune of love and when it is the leading stone, it is a positive answer to your question. It is very much a rune of relationship and can indicate engagement, marriage or a new/renewed relationship. It can also indicate the need for a fresh approach to an existing relationship.


Your Ogham Reading is Ura-Heather


The beauty of heather flowers is one reason it is associated with the Irish Goddess of love, fertility, and new growth. Be happy when you draw this letter because it denotes love, companionship, and passion. Whether it will be a new love or an old love rekindled, Ura is a powerful symbol and one that may bring great luck in your love life.

Fortune – This Ogham deals in matters of Love. Whether it is new love or rekindling of old love, enjoy the peace and love that comes with Ura!

“Walk barefoot, listen to the wind, drink in the moon…. BE MAGICK”

A Thought for Today


Blessed be dear sisters and brothers.

Can We Help You to Teach Your Children and/or Your Descendants About The Craft?

One of Coven Life’s Elders thought, and I agree, that we should post a survey to help us help you to teach your children about The Craft. If you do not want to put your answers in a comment below please email them to, please include your child’s age so we can post information by age groups. This whole idea of helping you to help your children learn is in the planning stages any ideas and/or suggestions to make it how you think will help our descendants to learn are very welcomed.

1. As pagan parents, would you like to see children’s activities posted on WOTC?
2. What age groups would you recommend activities for?
3 – 4 years old (mostly coloring pages of the different Sabbats with a small paragraph on what the Sabbat is for)
5 – 6 years old (Coloring pages of the Sabbats and Moon Phases with a small paragraph in wording they can read themselves to bring about a dialogue about what they are learning)
7-10 years old (Printable Information delving deeper into Moon phases. Brief introduction to Sabbat and Esbat rituals)
11-14 years old (Information for considering following a Pagan path building on what they would learned above)
15 – 18 years old (Introductory information on what it means to follow the Old Ways of The Craft including an introduction to Gods, Goddesses, Spellwork, Rituals. The spell work and.or rituals would be geared for the young adult to help their parent, grandparent, or care taker to prepare a spell and how to set up an altar if wanted and what preparation goes into writing and doing a ritual.)
This is a way that a child or young adult can build an understanding of the magickal and spiritual sides of witchcraft/ It will also help prepare them to become a novice in our coven or just to have the knowledge to work better with the adults that are solitary practitioner.
3. What topics would you like to see addressed?
4. What type of activities?
5. What other suggestions would you have for children’s and young adult’s activities ?
Remember you can answer the questions in the comments or email your answers to If you have any questions or ideas about this project please ask or share your idea. We are willing to start any child or young adult of any age so please do not think your child would have to start as a preschooler. There is no charge as you will be able to use what we post to teach your child the way you follow The Craft. We are here just to answer questions or help in anyway we can. We will be posting things for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres at the appropriate times for Sabbats.

Table of Correspondences Part 1

Table of Elements

I will be posting from D. J. Conway’s book Celtic Magic the different tables of correspondences she has listed as used in the Celtic/Druid traditions of the Old Ways/The Craft.

Today’s information about the elements comes from pages 184-185


Rulers: Sylphs, Zephyrs and Fairies who inhabit the world of trees, flowers, winds, breezes, mountains.

King: Paralda

Attracted By: oils and incenses

Color & Direction: red or yellow; East

Magical Tools: symbols: sky, wind, breezes, clouds, breath, vibrations, plants, herbs, flowers, trees.and, incense, creative visualization.

Ritual Work: dawn, sunrise, SPring, knowledge, plant growth, intellect, thought, ideas, travel, freedom, revealing the truth, finding lost things, movement, psychic abilities.


Rulers: Gnomes, Dwarfs and Trolls who inhabit the interior of the Earth herself and are the consciousness of precious gems, minerals, and the Earth herself.

King: Ghob, Gob, Ghom

Attracted By: Salts and powers

Color & Direction: black or green; North

Magical Tools: pentagram, salt, images, stone, gems, trees, cord magic.

Symbols: rocks and gemstones, mountains, plains, fields, soil, caves and mines.

Ritual Work: night, midnight, Winter, riches, treasures, surrendering self-will, touch, empathing, incorporation, business, prosperity, employment, stability, success, fertility, money.


Rulers: Salamanders, Firedrakes (Fire breathing Dragons from Teutonic origins) the consciousness of flames.

King: Djin

Attracted By: candles, lamps, incense, fire

Color & Direction: white or red; South

Magical Tools: dagger, lamp or candles, censer, burned herbs or requests on paper

Symbols: lightening, volcanos, rainbow, Sun, stars.

Ritual Work: Summer, noon, freedom, change, sight, perception, vision, illumination, learning, love, will, passion, sexuality, energy, authority, healing, destruction, purification.


Ruler: Nymphs, Undies, Mermaids and Mermen who live in the sea, lakes, streams, and springs, and Fairies of the lakes, ponds, streams.

King: Niksa or Necksa

Attracted By: water, washes, solutions

Color & DIrection: gray or blue; West

Magical Tools: cauldron, goblet, mirrors, the sea

Symbols: oceans, lakes, rivers, wells, springs, pools, rain, mist, fog

Ritual Work: Fall, sunset, planets, healing, emotions, taste, smell, absorbing, communion with the spiritual, purification, the subconscious mind, love, emotions, pleasure, friendships, marriage, fertility, happiness, sleep, dreams, the psychic






The element of Water is associated with the signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, and it also rules the Fourth, Eighth and Twelfth Houses. Watery descriptions are well suited to this element: fluid, flowing, wavering. These terms can easily apply to an individual’s emotions — the realm where Water most powerfully exerts its influence.

Water signs are intuitive and sensitive, and they feel more intensely than the rest. They are emotional and nurturing, and like a river, they run deep. How things feel is what matters to these folks, and they base their actions on sense, rather than on logic or intellect. Water is also about compassion and understanding, since the receptive talents of these individuals are remarkably high. Water sign people can take in the feelings of others, process them, and put forth a plan or solution that will be conscientious to all.

Those graced by Water love to take their sense of the world and translate it into the artistic. They desire aesthetic beauty — and for everyone to be happy as a result of that beauty. Much like still water can become stagnant, however, an inactive Water sign person is not at their best. Water signs feel most fulfilled when they are helping others, and they do so in an enchanting, considerate and even romantic way.

The flip side of this dreamy Water world is the tendency of these individuals to brood. Water signs are susceptible to mood swings, and at their worst, they could become self-indulgent, controlling and hostage to a fantasy world. This also brings up the ability of these folks to see things more clearly than others. Call it psychic, if you will.

Water Signs are emotional, empathetic, receptive and feel things deeply. Alternately calm like the sea or possessing the force of torrential rain, the emotions brought forth by this element are plentiful, indeed.

Paul Gilmore



The element of Fire is associated with the signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, and it also rules the First, Fifth and Ninth Houses. As one would expect, those graced by Fire are fiery, indeed. They are enthusiastic and sometimes larger than life. Just like a fire that is left untended, however, Fire signs can burn out of control — so it’s best to tend those embers.

A Fire sign is also an indicator of creativity. This element manifests itself in creative and unique ways, and those in its glow are wonderfully courageous and lively spirits. Those influenced by a Fire sign are self-sufficient, spontaneous and possess a tremendous zest for life.

It also stands to reason that a combustible Fire signer would be ardent in the game of love. Yes, these are the sexiest signs of the zodiac, knowing they are the cat’s meow and climbing ever higher in the name of love. To their credit, those touched by Fire are often an inspiration to others, certainly for their adherence to solid moral and religious ideals.

If there’s a flip side to the element of Fire, it can be that those who bear its will can be overly strident in getting their way. Call them bossy, even. These folks can come across rather forcefully. Selfishness and an overdeveloped ego can also be seen as part of a fiery individual’s shadowy side.

Fire signs are strong, self-assured, creative and fun. When they get too hot to touch, though, it may be a good idea to stand back!

Andrew Walton



The element of Air is attached to the signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. It also rules the Third, Seventh and Eleventh Houses. It is rarefied air which usually surrounds those graced by this Element, as this is the marker of the intellectual. Airy people are smart thinkers and handle abstract reasoning well. They love to analyze, synthesize and probe. Do you have a dilemma? Hand it over to an Air sign and watch them go to work.

Air Signs are also about communication. These individuals want to get the word out, and it’s not likely to be fluff. They are alert, curious and perceptive. The world as seen by an Air sign will be an interesting one, as their analysis and subsequent explanation (hopefully in terms we can understand) will indicate. Those influenced by Air are inventive and clever. They see all sides of the equation and are able to glean the best approach. Balance is important to these airy folk.

So, are Air signers fresh as a summer breeze, or are they howling like the wind? Probably both, depending on when you catch them. While these folks are often calm and collected, they can turn cold if their equilibrium is upset. A word to the wise: There’s little upside in baiting an Air sign.

Another plus with Air is that it manifests itself in a most humane way. Those influenced by Air can truly wear another’s shoes, as it were. They are objective, cooperative and really want to help make a better world. There’s no prejudice with these folks — just a bright and shiny idealism that can accomplish much.

Air Signs are communicative, intellectual, clever and fair. They can blow hot and cold, though, so beware of a chilly draft!

Sebastien Gabriel



The element of Earth is attached to the signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, and it also rules the Second, Sixth and Seventh Houses. All the earthy metaphors are appropriate here: salt of the Earth, feet firmly planted on the ground and so forth. Those graced by an Earth sign in their horoscope are practical, grounded and dependable. These folks don’t take big risks; rather, they much prefer a sure thing.

Much like the elements are considered the building blocks in nature, Earth signs are the builders of the zodiac. To these signs, creation is a tangible proposition. Whether it’s building jobs or a home, or creating comfortable rooms within that home through the acquisition of possessions, Earth signers are all about what is solid around us. Those influenced by this element feel best once they have accumulated a goodly number of worldly possessions. The risk inherent in this, however, is that these individuals may become greedy and far too materialistic.

The element of Earth also confers a sense of duty, responsibility and reliability to those in its sphere. These are the people you can count on to be there when you need them. Those influenced by Earth also tend toward caution and conservatism, in both desire and approach. That said, they are sensualists, certainly in that they appreciate a good meal and fine wine better than anyone else.

The logical mind of an Earth Signer is always appreciated. In keeping with this measured approach, these folks also display considerable recuperative powers. On the flip side of things, however, those supported by Earth may be so caught up in their objectives that they might overlook the feelings of others. It is a big picture, after all, but these folks may be more concerned with the finish line than the journey they are taking.

Earth signs are dependable, practical and conservative, yet fairly materialistic. They have their feet on the ground but their eyes on the prize.

5 Ways to Tell if you are a Water Witch


5 Ways to Tell if you are a Water Witch

So you are a witch and you love the water! In fact you might even be a just a little obsessed with it. You tend to find yourself walking the shores and collecting river rock and sea shells. If you tend to work with spirits that are associated with the water and worship goddesses born of the waves then chances are you are a Water Witch. Water Witchcraft is a “genre” of witchcraft that honors and derives its power from the water. Sea witches have a long history in both ancient and more modern folk and mythic stories. So if you are drawn to the water and witchcraft here are 5 ways to know if your genre of witchcraft is Water Witch or Sea Witch.

1) You Spend time with the water!

Do you spend time near the water? Great! That is the first step to an active Water Witch practice! Becoming one with the energies of the water, be it the ocean, river, or lake, is an important part of being a Water Witch. If you haven’t spent time by a bubbling brook or a raging ocean what are you waiting for? Studies show that spending time near the ocean is good for your health! It’s going to be good for your Witchcraft too! No doubt walking the shores of a river or the ocean in a light meditative state while opening up and listening to the water is a going to deepen your connection with water!

If you are a land locked Sea Witch try getting a friend to send you a bottle of sea water from your favorite ocean. If you are a home bound Water Witch, try working with the water that you can access from your home! Water can be stored in clean glass jars and placed on your altar!

2) You give offerings and do rituals by the Water!

Witches do spells and rituals! That much we can agree on right? Well Water Witches do them too! You may find a Sea Witch drawing sigils in the sand or collecting sea water! You may find a River Witch meditating in a quite space under low hanging trees over a rippling river. Flowers are often found on the beach, remnants of a ritual that was performed there before, however they can often be problematic, and other offerings can often be toxic to the environment. The best offering we can give the Water is to keep it clean, collect trash, help keep the waters clean and send healing spells to the water. More about offerings here

3) You Collect Water!

Witches in general tend to have many boxes, bags, and bottles! But Water Witches tend to have more bottles and jars than anything! Why? Well they hold the various waters we work with! A witch’s cabinet is just as unique as the witch varying with their tradition and path. In it you may find various jars of water including, ocean water, muddy water, rain water, full moon water, holy water, water from various sacred springs and local water sources, florida water, war water, floral essences, gem essences and other strange watery concoctions!

4) You Make Magic Waters!

There are so many different types of magical waters to work with, however a basic skill every water witch needs is how to create holy water! Every witch has their own way; some with a hag stone, salt or silver, others charge water from a sacred spring or under the full moon as a basic water to empower their spells and rituals. Holy water is also useful in cleansing and purification rites and learning how to make your own will be useful in case you wanted to take a sacred bath in a tub of holy water! Because Water Witches love their sacred baths too!

5) You work with a Water or Ocean Spirit, God or Guide!

Depending on your path you most likely work with some type of spirit. Spirits come in many forms, Godlike, ancestral, angelic, demonic, animal, Faery, plant, etc. Most pantheons have water spirits! Even the Ancestral realm has extinct water creatures such as the Megalodon or mythological sea monsters. You could also explore working with the spirit of a pirate or Davey Jones Locker. There are Water Faery and Gods abound and are too numerous to list with each pantheon having multiple deities! Chances are that you have a shrine or altar space that is watery in nature or even dedicated to the water or a water god/ess. Or perhaps a collection of prized sea shells intermingled with candles that are more to you than decoration.

There are many other ways to be a water witch and these are not mutually exclusive and there are many other ways to incorporate water into your practice. Divination may play a large roll in your practice or perhaps it is ritual for you. You may be an energy worker practicing on the sea shore, it doesn’t matter really! It just matters that you are doing the work and following your own path. I do hope you enjoyed the article and a fun way of categorizing Water Witch traits!


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Balancing the Elements: a Water and Sea Witch guide to finding balance with the elements

Balancing the Elements: a Water and Sea Witch guide to finding balance with the elements

It would be silly to think that someone who calls themselves a water witch works ONLY with the water element. This would make for a very unbalanced practice! Rather Water or Sea Witches work with all the elements through their particular path which is deeply connected to water. A Water Witch may call themselves Water or Sea witch because they derive their power from the Waters or the Spirits that dwell with in it.

Working with Air
Water Witches can work with air in conjunction with water. While I personally don’t resonate with Air as well as I do the other elements, it can still be worked with and incorporated into a balanced practice. There are many stories of Witches having the power to control the wind and weather; many times these stories are about Sea Witches or witches that could be classified as Sea Witches based on where they live. An old folk spell Sea Witches have been recorded as being responsible for, is selling knots to Sailors. Each knot holding the power to release different strengths of wind.

“For the right price, witches supplied sailors with a cord having three knots. When becalmed, untying the first knot was thought to produce a light breeze, undoing the second produced a moderate wind, and the third a strong breeze. Scottish fishermen were known to buy knotted handkerchiefs of wind sorceress, the desired strength of the wind could be obtained by slowly undoing the knot. Once loosened, the knot was useless and for additional winds another purchase was required. If a sailor found a knot in a painter, he could expect a long voyage. When a sailor referred to “tying a knot in the devil’s tail,” he was relating to the “well done” completion of a difficult task.”

Another good example of Water Witches having the power to control the weather and raise up storms is the Gallicanae from the Island of Sena. Here we have a group of 9 priestess with magical powers who are clearly connected to the sea but also have the power to change the winds and work with water in conjunction with air.

“Sena in the British sea, opposite the Ofismician coast, is remarkable for an oracle of the Gallic God. Its priestesses, holy in perpetual virginity, are said to be nine in number. They are called Gallicenae, and are thought to be endowed with singular powers, so as to raise by their charms the winds and seas, to turn themselves into what animals they will, to cure wounds and diseases incurable by others, to know and predict the future; but this they do only to navigators who go thither purposely to consult them.”

In a modern practice, one can look to wisdom from water birds, work with knots as above, charge water in a singing bowls using voice and vibration to charge waters, and can engage in spirit flight using water as a portal to the other world.

Working with Fire

Working with Fire is actually quite fun when working water magic. Fire can heat our cauldrons, and be the catalyst for change, a flame can be lit at a sacred well or near a river. Floating candles can be used to merge the powers of water and fire and holy water can be used to anoint candles. Additionally, there are several European Goddesses that are associated with Fire and Water; Bride, Sulis and Nantosuelta are a few. Grannus is a masculine deity that is also associated with Fire and Natural Springs. Many cultures across the world combine water and fire together by lighting candles and setting them afloat on small rafts of herbs or wreaths. A Water Witch that is particularly connected to springs and wells will find many ways to honor and work with water and fire together. A popular tradition is well dressings, and candles as well as flowers and other offerings are used to decorate the sacred space on holy days.

In a modern practice candles can be anointed with holy water or used to light a ritual bath. Floating candles can be used in a bowl or one can Scry by candle light. Candles are a staple in every witches tool bag, and Water Witches use them as well, though our collection might be heavy on the blue and green side!

Working with Earth

Earth and Water are very compatible and often are used together. Floral essences, Herbal Teas, and Gem elixirs are quick and easy ways to combine earth and water magic together.

The earth is the vessel in which the water is held, both symbolically in the alchemical symbol and actually in the physical world. Our physical bodies which represent earth are filled with water and in a way is a vessel. The earth contains water and while it does not necessarily control it, it holds it, and houses it giving it a structure in which to rest or rage.

For the Sea Witch shells, sand, and drift wood would be earth representations and a beautiful way to combine water and earth. There is nothing more beautiful than a piece of smooth driftwood that washes up at your feet. Water and Earth work together to transform the environment around it; river rocks and beach agates smoothed and tumbled by nature are other good examples of water and earth together.

Witches that work with rivers can connect to the earth with river rock, hag stones and the muddy parts of the shore. Bath salts can also be considered an earth element and are a wonderful edition to any bath!

Dew has much folklore and recorded magical uses, a popular one being collecting dew on May Day from the Hawthorn tree. For the most part Dew relies on plants and grasses to hold its delicate watery form. Again a perfect example of combining the elements.

Working with all the elements is important in any magical practice, and for those of us that are watery it is always good to reach towards a more grounding element in tough times. When our waters need to be stirred up reach towards air and when you need to heat up or become passionate about something working with Fire can be beneficial. Finding balance is important, and so is honoring all the elements even if our home is in the waters!


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The Path Of The Water Witch

The Path Of The Water Witch


Water Witches are sometimes called Sea Witches, but many of them find a calling with inland creeks, rivers, and lakes. It is rare for them to limit themselves to any one type of body of water. They generally align with all forms, including rain.

In most mythologies, human sprang from the Earth, but the gods themselves came from water. Egyptian theory states that the sun god Re was born from the primordial waters. Today, scientists can back that theory, NASA scientists theorize that water exists in heavy quantities in the universe. It works as a coolant. The water vapors in outer space for the condensing of clouds. Once a cloud condenses enough, it becomes a star.

Water reflects, the Water Witch does the same. If you yell at her, she will yell back at you. If you are kind to her well, she will be kind and treat you well in return. She is very fair. She shares many qualities with her sister Earth Witch, as the Earth is 90 percent water. Among those qualities is the core belief of taking complete responsibility for her actions. The Water Witch accepts that every move she makes can cause ripples across the surface of the water and moves accordingly.

Water is considered a feminine force, and the Water Witch may prefer an alliance with the Goddess, all the while recognizing and maintaining that the God is within the Goddess. She cans sometimes relate closely to Dianic Witches in this preference.

The Water Witch can see things that those on other paths cannot. In fact, the human sense of sight belongs in her realm. Just as the seas teem with life that we have yet to discover and understand, the Water Witch know s that there is much more to our world than what is within our eyesight! While she can be highly superstitious, for the most part she simply knows that there is more just waiting to be discovered, as well as some things that humanity has known about and forgotten over the ages. The old phrase “out of the blue” speaks volumes about the ability of the Water Witch to tune in to her intuition. She is often very gifted in divination practices. Tarot is usually her divinatory tool of choice, but she also has a talent for dowsing.

The Water Witch sees little that she considers an obstacle. She understands that her fate is in her hands, and if she cannot flow through something, she will flow around it. Once her mind is made up, very little can stop her from obtaining what she wants. Because water exists in three forms on Earth, The Water Witch can be considered a formidable force. She will not admit to any weaknesses.

The Water Witch has a close link to the feminine side of nature. She understands reproduction and is akin to her sister Earth Witch in this manner as well. Menstruation falls in the realm of the Water Witch. Because of this, she is instrumental in moon-lodge practices and coming-of-age rites. Her sister Earth Witch may focus more on the rebirth cycle, while the Water Witch is more in touch with creation.

The Water Witch specializes in healing, cleansing, beauty, emotions, intuition and energy. Her magickal style is usually based on instinct. If the feeling hits her to perform a cleansing, she will. She does not necessarily worry about correspondences and timing. Her timing is completely her own–she will not be rushed by others into decisions or action. Schooled in water magick, ice magick and snow magick, the Water Witch can tell you all about the role of water in the metaphysical and physical realms.

Winter is the season when the Water Witch’s power is at its peak. She holds within herself the ability to transform fluidity to solid form during the winter, the same way that water turns to ice. It is during this season that the Water Witch should turn her view inward and evaluate her goals. She often redefines herself through the process. Because of this, a Water Witch grows stronger every year. She understands that just as dry ice is sticky, it is her role to hold thing together.

Throughout the winter months, the Water Witch is abnormally busy, even for her active lifestyle. Because she is at her highest power and incarnated in all three of her forms during these months, she may be short of temper. When you add to that the fact that artificial heat (fire, an evaporating influence on water) is usually pumped into the home during this time and families tend to be cooped up in the same space, you may have one cranky, stressed-out Water Witch on your hands. She longs for room to spread out and flow. A simple snowfall can ease her mind and soothe her spirit; she draws strength from it. If that is not an option, a long bath or a cup of hot tea usually helps. Rest assured that if you visit her in the winter months, she will be a very gracious hostess, regardless of the timing. The Water Witch is known for her generous hospitality.

Her home décor is usually unthemed, with whimsy being the main rule. The Water Witch may have a quirky collection of glass objects, prisms (she tends to like sparkly things), tons of throw pillows and an aquarium. Cool blues and greens are often primary colors in both her wardrobe and her home.

Due to her busy lifestyle, the Water Witch frequently has to let the housework slide somewhat. Although she prefers all things to be clean, she also understands that there must be “salt in the sea.” In other words, a small amount of dirt is inevitable, and she is able to live with that comfortably. She absolutely cannot stand clutter, though. It drives her to distraction.

Another common trait of the Water Witch is a quirky sense of humor. It simply cannot be defined. Some of the things she says seem to come from outer space in their relation to the topic, yet they can make you laugh as nothing else will. This is intentional–the Water Witch is lighthearted. But just when you begin to think she has never had a deep thought in her life, she will prove you wrong. When it comes to serious conversation, the Water Witch can often put her finger on an aspect of the situation that the other Elemental Witches do not see. The Water Witch is very wise.

Like her mythical brethren the mermaids and water nymphs, the Water Wise tends to love long hair. She may keep it pulled back in a ponytail due to a lack of time, but she lets it grow nonetheless. The effects that water has on the body are directly in line with the metaphysical attributes of the Water Witch. Usually beautiful, she is often younger looking in appearance than in age and has a long memory and attention span and bright, shining eyes.

Because the Water Witch always considers every side of an argument before making up her mind, she may be slow to assume a position. Rest assured that when a Water Witch states her opinion., it has been well thought out. She open-minded and fair. Her strength lies in her dual nature an a ability to see the points or view of others. And like water, she will find her way into all of the small nooks and crannies of a situation. She may initially choose an answer based on instinct but if new facts come to light, she will often change her mind. She is flexible.

Those on the water path often find a calling in helping others. They make wonderful therapists, psychiatrists, obstetricians, pediatricians or service personnel. Often people are attracted to their soothing nature and come to them for advice. Like a waterbed, a reflecting pool , or a relaxing bath, Water Witches project an aura of serenity and comfort.

The Water Witch may be seen as moody, but like the sea herself, she is often in motion. She rarely slows down She is full of energy and always on the go. And like the sea, her moods swing with the tides. The moon holds sway over the tides, and one can easily draw a parallel between the moon and the Water Witch’s emotional patterns.


From the book, Elemental Witch
Author: Tammy Sullivan