Divination Journal


Today’s Tarot card reading comes from The Green Witch Tarot Deck and The Green Witch Tarot Companion by Ann Moura. With the art done by Kiri Ostergaard Leonard. Copyright 2015 Pages 65 and 66

The Oak King – Major Arcana

The Oak King hangs upside down by his heel, which is wedged between branches of an oak tree. He is comfortable, casual, and relaxed as he contemplates his vital role within the infinite passage of time, tracing on the ground below him the perpetual cosmic lemniscate within the circle of the year. His position reflects the infinity symbol as he anticipates the familiar cycle of change, when the Oak King transitions into the unborn infant within the womb of Mother Earth, surrendering his reign to himself as the Holly King, the Sage who will rule until the Oak King is reborn at Yule. The lemniscate shows that the God’s endless cycle of life and authority is a harmonious interaction of light and shadow, demonstrating that life itself moves through the seasons of its own, an he is the guide.

This card offers the opportunity to meditate or focus inward and determine what needs to be released to make room for what needs to be brought in, and what needs to be retained. This can be an external or internal housecleaning, deciding what is unnecessary in one’s life, what is worthy of being kept, and what is new and beneficial. Here is a time when the conscious and subconscious may communicate, discovering what is desired and what is no longer necessary in one’s life.

The matter of change is in the tenuous phase of transition, requiring thought and the willingness to let go of the outmoded in order to reach achievement in some area of life. This is the stage of determining what foundation will be laid for the future and what new venture or outlook should begin. When this card appears in a reading, one is advised to take the time to consider the various options, pull together resources, and bring everything into balance before proceeding. Just as spell materials are set on a pentacle during magic work for grounding and manifestation in the physical world, so too should one prepare for what materialize.

Meaning: Paused activity, transition, meditation, weighing options, inner peace, patience, deciding what changes to make, self-sacrifices for gains.

Prompt Words: Introspection, inner peace.

Today’s Animal Spirt Guide card comes from Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer Copyright 2008 Pages 36 to38

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper


“Use both your intuition and your intellect to solve the problem or get answers to your questions”

When your intuition and intellect are in harmonious accord with each other, there’s no problem that you can’t resolve. The combination emerges as creative intelligence, an elegant blend of your capacity for reasoning coupled with a deep trust in your gut feelings. In the flow of thought and action that results in resolving your question or problem this way, you may surprise yourself as to how simple and effective the answer really is.

Your intuition is actually a constellation of physical cues that response the subtle body language, voice intonations, and energetic quality of the people or situations around you, often felt in your gut but not confined to that area. It’s your instinct communicating—an aspect of your animal nature that’s cued in to your survival and growth. You can best access this instinctual wisdom by breathing slowly and steadily and focusing your attention on the physical sensations you notice.

In addition to your intuitive feelings, get more information on which to base your choices by doing some research. Consult books, the Internet, other types of oracles, and/or discuss the issue with a friend. Or you may simply need time to contemplate it. Often when you walk away from the problem or question after intensely researching it, an unexpected insight surfaces that helps you discern the best choice among the possibilities. When there’s congruity between mind and intuition, coupled with a healthy dose of patience, you tap into the deeper wisdom of Source.

Associations: Problem Solving; Agility; Insight; Wisdom; Intuition; Dexterity; Tool Making; Harmony; Intelligence; Cooperation; Laughter; Commuinication; Affection; Playfulness


Source: therunesite.com


Sound: “r”
Stands for: Wheel, Cartwheel (or Riding)
Color: Blue (Black)
Casting meaning: This rune allows us to focus our energy so that we may obtain our goals. However to do so effectively we must be “in the right place at the right time.”

Witches’ Rune

Source: summergoddess.wordpress.com

The Star

This rune indicates the realization of a dream that has been extremely meaningful to you.

When picking this stone you can expect the crystallization of long-term dreams or plans and the presence of higher power.

Drawing this rune promises several fortunate developments in your life, possibly shattering your preconceived notions of what your life should be.

Now is a time when you will be dissatisfied with the ordinary.


Source: learnreligions.com


I is Iodhadh, or Idad, the Yew tree. Much like the Death card in the Tarot, the Yew is known as a marker of death and endings. This evergreen tree has leaves that are attached in a spiral pattern to the twigs. Because of its unusual growth pattern, in which new growth forms inside the old, the Yew is strongly tied to rebirth and new life following death.

The Yew has no medicinal value at all, and in fact, it’s mostly toxic. Livestock have been known to die from eating the poisonous leaves. Berries can be used, but should be treated with caution. On a practical level, the wood of the Yew tree is very hard and resistant to water damage, so it was popular in the making of longbows in England.

In A Modern Herbal, Maud Grieve says of the Yew,

“No tree is more associated with the history and legends of Great Britain than the Yew. Before Christianity was introduced it was a sacred tree favoured by the Druids, who built their temples near these trees–a custom followed by the early Christians. The association of the tree with places of worship still prevails.”

Iodhadh Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: Although it may not represent spiritual death, if Iodhadh appears, it’s a sign that major transitions are coming. Be aware of them, and realize that although not all of them are bad, they will probably be pretty significant. Now’s a good time to get rid of things which are of no use to you, in order to make room for new beginnings.

Magical Aspects: Changes are on the way, so quit clinging to beliefs and ideas that no longer serve you well. Shed the old, and welcome the new. Accept change for what it is–an asset–and stop seeing it as an obstacle. Don’t fear new things, embrace them.

I Ching

Source: ichingonline.net

Hexagram Fourteen/14

Ta Yu / Great Treasures

The Fire of clarity illuminates the Heavens to those below:
The Superior Person possesses great inner treasures — compassion, economy, and modesty.
These treasures allow the benevolent will of Heaven to flow through him outward to curb evil and to further good.

Supreme success.


You have become an instrument of Heaven’s will, offering a balance in the world around you.
It is not swashbuckling prowess or uncanny talent that qualifies you for this office, but your simplest gifts — your modesty, your compassion, your economy.
Because you can see clearly who most needs a miracle, Heaven’s bounty is being put at your disposal.



Angel Number


Divination Journal

Tarot Card

Today’s Tarot card reading comes from The Celtic Dragon Tarot by D. J. Conway. With art done by Lisa Hunt. This deck is unique as the cards are never read in reverse.

King of Swords – Court Card

Opposition; obey the laws.

Divinatory Meaning: This card suggests a powerful, but stubborn, masculine influence who may be opposing you. In a new project, do everything exactly by the rules or you will lose. There may be a need for the services of an attorney.

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper


Gebo – “Gift”

Gebo is the rune of gifts. It’s a positive symbol that indicates you are in the possession of many gifts and talents or that someone will bestow upon you bountiful blessings. It also relates to generosity, balance, and positive relationships. It has no inverted meaning.

KEYWORDS: Generosity, partnership, gifts

Witches’ Rune

The Moon

Long term changes are coming, transitions and changes, hidden agendas – secrets, imagination, feminine energies.

Rune Name: Moon
Think: Things are a little bit loony. The moon waxes and wanes in cycles and the full moon looks like a circle in the sky.
Remember: Negative. Past cycles are repeating themselves. However, pay attention to your intuition. Your dreams may have special messages for you during this time. There may be much secrecy and mystery going on. The moon can be a motherly, nurturing influence who gives advice that simply must be followed.


B – Beith

Beith, or Beth, corresponds to the letter B in the alphabet, and is associated with the Birch tree. When this symbol is used, it is representative of new beginnings, change, release, and rebirth. In some traditions, it also has connections with purification.

Birch trees are hardy. They’ll grow just about anywhere, including on bare soil. Because they tend to grow in clusters, what may be just one or two seedlings now can be practically an entire forest in a few decades. In addition to being a sturdy sort of tree, the Birch is useful. In days gone by, it was used for infants’ cradles, and is still harvested today to make cabinets and furniture.

From a magical perspective, there are a number of uses for Birch. The branches are traditionally incorporated into the construction of a besom, and are used for the bristles. Use the white outer bark in ritual in place of paper or parchment–just be sure you only harvest the bark from a fallen Birch tree, not a living one. Ancient herbalists discovered that various parts of this tree can be used for medicinal purposes. Bark was once brewed into a tea to fight fevers, and the leaves were used alternately as a laxative and a diuretic, depending on how they were prepared.

Beith Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: When this symbol appears, it means it’s time to get rid of all those negative influences you’ve been carrying around with you. Figure out what things are bad in your life, which relationships are toxic, and find a way to leave them behind. Instead of being dragged down by the negative, focus on the positive things you have in your life, the blessings and abundance. Use these things as a focus, rather than the harmful or damaging ones.

Magical Aspects: Consider the property of renewal and rebirth, as demonstrated by the Birch. Use this as a tool for spiritual and emotional regrowth, and developing your own ability to regenerate where there has been emptiness or devastation.

I Ching



Angel Number

Divination Journal


Source: Tarotx.com

Seven Of Pentacles – Minor Arcana

LShe stood in a luxuriant grass garden, where she dedicated it to special care. She is the forest guardian, a part of this place, the Garden of Eden that she created herself. The peach trees finally bear fruit, a source of magical energy proliferating all over the world. Peaches are a fruit of summer and of long relaxing days. Their nectar is as sweet as honey. The specific sweetness that comes from their fruit flowed evenly from the tongue into the throat, evoking memories of hot summer days.

Should I pick them or not?” She was confused, the patterned ripples stirred on her body. Placing her hands on sweet fruits, she was ready to pick them at any time. They shrugged vaguely as if she was holding the heart of the tree, weakly trembling along the branches of the tree. Are the peaches still juicy and sweet like honey, once picked from the branches? Or would they become as faint, exhausted as the mediocre fruits in her basket?

The Seven of Pentacles Shadowcapes Tarot challenges you to make a choice: either eat and enjoy the fruit in the basket or let them continue to bear fruit and overripe on the branch. The seed has been sown, the time for work and waiting is over. Now they have grown and born fruit. This is the time to evaluate, to calmly reconsider alternatives and other approaches if possible.

Keywords related to the Seven of Pentacles Shadowscapes Tarot: evaluation, assessment, reflection, thoroughness, reward, change, patience, perseverance, skill, hard work, achievements, advancement, attainment, stability, progress, consideration, replacement, speculation, unbalance, trouble.

Animal Spirit Guide and Helper


Source: TheRuneSite.com


Sound: no sound
Stands for: Bellows
Magick/Healing use: Contains the power of motivation.

Witches Rune

Source: TarotIngie.com


Flight ~ Movement, Communications and information. Travel of all kinds. Social media. Networking. News. Word of mouth.


Source: druidogham.wordpress.com


Intention, beginnings, births, pioneer spirit

Birch (Betula spp.)

Letter: B

Well dignified: An intention with good potential. Bravery. Breaking free. Ending bad habits. Getting unstuck. The start of something good. A new way of thinking. An invention or fresh approach. The ability of getting outside yourself and fossilized modes of thinking. Breaking out of the box. Being the change instead of just talking about it.

Humans learn through mimesis, so it is only because of the brave souls willing to put their necks out for change that anything improves in the world. Beith indicates the willingness…


Source: cafeastrology.com


One is the leader. The number one indicates the ability to stand alone, and is a strong vibration. Ruled by the Sun.

Keywords: independent, creative, original, ambitious, determined, self-assured. If expressed negatively: arrogant, stubborn, impatient, self-centered.

As lovers: Number ones take the lead in love. Love and/or the chase is of utmost importance to these lovers. There can be self-centeredness, however. These lovers are willing to experiment, and they can be quite exciting–they can also require a lot of excitement because they can bore easily.

I Ching

Source: ichingonline.net

Hexagram Fifty-One/51

Chên / Thunder

Thunder echoes upon Thunder, commanding reverence for its father Heaven:
In awe of Heaven’s majestic power, the Superior Person looks within and sets his life in order.
Thunder mingles with startled screams of terror for a hundred miles around.
As the people nervously laugh at their own fright, the devout presents the sacrificial chalice with nary a drop of wine spilt.


A thunderbolt of Cosmic judgement crashes to earth.
For the common person, it’s just a momentary fright soon forgotten, its warning unfathomed and unheeded.
But to one who understands its significance, this thunder is a signal to awaken.
Centering the Self, seeking balance, the enlightened person will respect and align himself with this Higher Power, while his fellows remain subject to the whims of every passing storm.

Angel Number

Source: angel-numbers.com


Higher powers are guiding you through your thoughts a ideas. You may doubt how they come to you but don’t worry and trust your intuition. Remain positive and accept this guidance, it will lead to good things.

Divination Journal

Tarot Card

Source: Tarotx.com

Four Of Wands

The Four of Wands card describe a couple dancing under a wreath hanging among four sticks. This wreath is similar to the kind that used in traditional Jewish ceremonies and therefore, it represents the time spent completing work and the satisfaction with achieving a goal. Surrounding them is a group of people, and behind them is a large castle which is also decorated with flowers. It seems to be a celebration, an opportunity to return home or a celebration from within the castle.

Menu of Contents

The detailed description of the Four of Wands

Detailed meaning of the keywords of the Four of Wands

A few opposite Tarot cards to the Four of Wands

A few support Tarot cards for the Four of Wands

Upright meaning of the Four of Wands: celebration, harmony, marriage, family, community

Meaning of the Four of Wands reversed: strong disagreement, the process of transition

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper



Source: TheRuneSite.com


Sound: “zz” as in “buzz”
Stands for: Thunderbolt of the God Ziu
Magick/Healing use: Concentrates and channels cosmic energies to maintain correct order.

Witch’s Rune

Source: TarotIngie.com


Waves ~ Being moved. A deep connection to the spiritual world. Feeling of being out of your control. Insecurities. The need to connect to your life and being in the flow. Being overwhelmed.


Source: druidogham.wordpress.com


Teaching, education, mastery, virtuosity, legacy

Tree: Beech (Fagus spp.)

Letter: Ph or F

Phagos is a reminder of the mental discipline it takes in the process of acquiring knowledge. When you get to the point of knowing a subject so well, you can teach it effortlessly, then you have mastered the subject on the mental plane, which reverberates through the other planes. Saturated knowledge is knowing a thing inside and out. Those who believe in reincarnation believe this is the kind of knowledge that does not go away when you shed one mortal body for the next one: for instance, a skilled midwife will stand a good chance of coming back as a competent ob/gyn who stumbles upon their talent in a seemingly random way. Or a lute player may be reborn and pick up the guitar at age twelve and learn it faster than any other kid in their class because of knowledge picked up in past lifetimes.

Source: psychic-revelation.com

Hexagram Twenty-Four/24

Name: Fu.

Keyphrase: Turning point.

Formed By The Trigrams: Earth over Thunder.

General: If matters are progressing and showing steady improvement then there is no need to push them.

Love: New romance will be rekindled in your life.

Business: The next few months will show a steady improvement of your business.

Personal: It is a good time to plan for the future.

Overview: Fu relates to a gradual improvement over time. It is a very natural progress and will occur without any effort on your part. In some ways the progress is unstoppable. However, you should not make any attempt to force the issue and hurry it along. Let it take its own course and time. Treat this new beginning with care and do not make the mistake of handling it roughly by trying to force it.


Source: Lasagna.com


If your life path number is 6, you are someone who thinks, speaks and acts from the heart. You are sincere, loving, warm and affectionate. It would serve you to find a job where you can bring and apply these wonderful qualities, such as a kindergarten teacher, pediatrician, social worker, or a therapist. You are made for long-term relationships and family life. Shallow pursuits and one-night stands aren’t your thing. When you touch someone, it’s real. But because you are too focused on the relational aspects of your life, you may end up bringing those people who don’t care as much as you do, into your life. If the digits of a date add up to number 6, it’s a wonderful time to create love! Work on a universal theme, help poor communities in distant places or the homeless on your block. It’s the best time to be there for other people.

Angel Number

Source: Angel-Numbers.com

One Hundred Eleven

Number 111 means that energy gate is opened and your thoughts are materializing so quickly right now. Choose carefully your thoughts at this time. They need to be in harmony with your wishes and desires. Give absolutely no energy to fears, otherwise they can become reality and get fulfilled quicker than you thought.

Divination Journal

Tarot Card

Source: tarotx.net

Five Of Clouds

The Explanation of Five of Clouds Osho Zen Tarot

Has anyone ever told you that bamboo is more beautiful than oak, or oak trees are more valuable than bamboo? Do you think that oaks always wish to have a hollow trunk like bamboo? Bamboo is jealous of oak because it is bigger and has leaves that change color in the fall?

The idea of comparing two species itself sounds very funny, but people themselves seem to find this habit very hard to break.

Let’s face it, there will always be someone who is more beautiful than you, more talented, powerful, intelligent, even happier than you. And vice versa, there will always be people who are less than you in every way. The way to find out who you are is not by comparing yourself with others, but by looking to see whether you are filled with your own potential in the best way you know.

 The Energy of Five of Clouds Osho Zen Tarot Based on Osho’s Teachings

Five of Clouds Osho Zen brings inferiority, superiority. When you don’t compare, all inferiority, all superiority, disappears. Then you are, you are simply there. A small bush or a big high tree – it doesn’t matter; you are yourself. You are needed. A grass leaf is needed as much as the biggest star. Without the grass leaf, God will be less than he is.

This sound of the cuckoo is needed as much as any Buddha; the world will be less, will be less rich if this cuckoo disappears. Just look around. All are needed, and everything fits together. It is an organic unity: nobody is higher and nobody is lower, nobody superior, nobody inferior. Everybody is incomparably unique.

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper


Source: therunesite.com


Sound: “r”
Stands for: Motion
Casting meaning: Raida simply means motion and it’s Gothic representation Reda adds to it the feminine power of the Mother Goddess.

Witch’s Rune

Source: GroveandGrotto.com

The Leaf (Ostara)

Growth, abundance, promise of harvest, good fortune.  A strong “maybe”


Source: druidogham.wordpress.com


Transcendence, humility, compassion

Tree: Fir (Abies spp.) or Elm (Ulmus spp.)

Letter: A

Ailm represents the enlightenment that comes of perspective. Its symbol looks like a cross post-resurrection. “He is risen”, meaning He has transcended suffering and has forgiven His persecutors and all mankind to boot. In Iolo Morganwg’s Druid prayer, Ailm is the “love of all existences” that transcends the karmic cycle. Drawing Ailm in any form is a call to look at one’s own personality and to ask “What am I here to learn?” Ailm is a perspective that comes from eons and many, many lives worth of experience. Only lived experience gives us compassion and detachment in balance. Ailm is also the divine aspect of humor. When you laugh an honest laugh rooted in humility, the gods laugh with you.

Though our culture tends to devalue anyone above the age of 40, we can acknowledge wisdom that comes with age, not in every case but reliably enough that it’s a valid stereotype that a person gets “older and wiser.” Having a bunch of lived experience can be quite helpful when it comes to solving life’s problems and making peace with its predicaments. The truly wise neither rush forward with unbalanced optimism nor shrink away with unbalanced pessimism; their information is better than that. They have the ability to read the winds before hoisting sails and attempting to journey across the sea.

I Ching

Source: IChingOnline.net

Hexagram Fifteen/15

Ch’ien / Modesty

The Mountain does not overshadow the Plain surrounding it:
Such modest consideration in a Superior Person creates a channel through which excess flows to the needy.

Success if you carry things through.


The Cosmos is moving toward equilibrium.
Extremes are being tempered, excess is beginning to shift toward the empty.
You can use these moderating influences to strike a balance in the world around you.
Remember, though, that this Leveling will not come about through an arrogant confiscation of excess, but through subtler persuasions.
Modesty and moderation are the keys.

Angel Number

Source: angel-numbers.com


Your life or something in it is taking a turn for the better. Number five represents change.

Angel Number

Source: informationseries.com


Elements of angel number “58”: the basic meaning of angel number “5”

It is a number that means that you are at a turning point in your life.

It can be a big change for you and consume energy, but accept it as it is a good change.

Angels tell us that it takes effort, but what lies ahead is great, so stay conscious of being positive and doing the right thing.

It also tells you when to get married, which means that those who are worried about when to get married are at the time of decision.

Elements of angel number “58”: The basic meaning of angel number “8”

It is a number that means that you will have financial wealth.

It also shows that you can succeed by demonstrating your ability in the work, and that you have endless possibilities.

Let go of your fears and anxieties.

Also, let’s receive it naturally without doubting the financial wealth.

There is no humility to say “I don’t have that qualification” or “I’m afraid”.

Being grateful and honest is what makes an angel happy.

The angel number “58” has the above meanings, but it tells you that your life will be richer and more wonderful.

The chances of meeting and marrying a destined partner, successful work, and gaining wealth and fame are not zero, but real.

Don’t be afraid of big changes.

It has infinite possibilities.

It’s never too late to start something new.

Be honest with your feelings and go in the direction you want to go.

Divination Journal


Today’s Tarot Card Reading come from The English Magic Tarot by Rex Van Ryn, Steve Dooley and Andy Letcher Copyright 2015 (The unfamiliar terms used with this deck is in England’s English) Page 74


Defense; raising of a siege; defensiveness

Description: A great commander has seen off his enemy. His castle and lands are secure. He is building a palisade around the perimeter of his realm.

Reading: You stand in a commanding position. Your world is safe; your defenses strong.

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

Information from Ted Andrews’s Animal-Speak, Jessica Dawn Palmer’s Animal Wisdom, and Steven D. Farmer’s Power Animals.


Although hares and rabbits look similar, they have very different symbolism. A hare is bigger than a rabbit, has longer ears, and possesses more powerful hind legs. The two most abundant kinds are the European Brown Hare and the Snowshoe Hare. The Snowshoe Hare is strongly linked to the Snowy Owl population, such that when hare populations are down, the owls stop breeding, and even die from starvation. The hare is more solitary and tougher than the rabbit. Hares don’t live in warrens or have maternity nests. The young hares are born so well-developed that they can fend for themselves within a few hours of their birth.

The hare is associated with a number of myths from many different cultures. The Algonquin tribe honored the Great Hare as a demiurge, a role in the creation of the world. The Egyptians also saw the hare involved in a creation story. For them, the hare came to mean procreation, and then immorality. While the hare is often associated with impatience and haste (like the “Tortoise and the Hare” fable), it’s important to note that other cultures, like the Goths, saw the hare as fleet and swift, and symbols of diligence. This reflects the attitudes of medieval hunters, who viewed hares as a challenge to catch.

Hare people are considered sensitive and artistic, and also linked with ambition, fitness, and virtue. However, the hare is not just associated with positive things. Hares are also thought of as greedy and selfish, even a bad example for people. Hare is seen as a jokester, linked with trickery and fraud. Even those with hare medicine are clever, often unreliable, and frequently thinking of themselves.

Although hare has some qualities that are less than redeeming, there are things he can teach us. Because they move in leaping and hopping motions, those with rabbit and hare totems can expect changes in their own lives in the same kind of movement. Hare can also aid people in recognizing the signs around them by attuning to lunar cycles and understanding the tides of movement in their own lives.


Source: therunesite.com


Sound: “f”
Stands for: Cattle
Color: Green (Brown)
Casting meaning: Fehu is a rune of power and control. It represents new beginnings and “movable” wealth such as money and credit. It is a rune that gives us the power we need to obtain wealth as well as the power we need to hold on to it.

Witches’ Rune

Source: summergoddess.wordpress.com


This rune indicates a more difficult path where things are not so easy.

The Crossroads represents not only quarrels and misunderstandings but also discipline and mastery over the self.

It is not necessarily bad luck, but rather slow, substantial gains.

The Crossroads suggest maintaining the status quo, understanding boundaries and limitations, make a sustained practical effort, practical matters and solid achievement.

Relationships may be on shaky ground when one of these elements is sacrificed at the expense of another.

This rune stresses basic concerns and could indicate feeling boxed in. There may even be a feeling of discouragement. But you will soon discover innate strength and resources giving your achievements more meaning.


Source: learnreligions.com


C, sometimes read as K, is Coll, which is the Hazel tree. August is known as the Hazel Moon, because this is when Hazel nuts appear on the trees–the world Coll translates to “the life force inside you”, and what better symbol of life than the nut itself? Hazel is associated with wisdom and creativity and knowledge. Sometimes it is connected in Celtic lore with magical springs, sacred wells, and divination.

Hazel was a handy tree to have around. It was used by many English pilgrims to make staffs for use upon the road–not only was it a sturdy walking stick, it also provided a modicum of self-defense for weary travelers. Certainly, it could have been used as well for ritual. Hazel was used in weaving of baskets by medieval folk, and the leaves were fed to cattle because it was believed this would increase the cow’s supply of milk.

In the Irish myth cycles, there is a tale that nine hazel nuts dropped into a sacred pool. A salmon came along in the pool and gobbled up the nuts, which then imbued him with wisdom. A variation of the story appears in the legend of Finn Mac Cumhail, who ate the salmon and then took on the knowledge and wisdom of the fish. Note that Mac Cumhail is often translated as Mac Coll.

Coll Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: Take advantage of your own artistry or creativity, and share your knowledge with others so they too can practice these arts. Lead by example, and teach those who wish to learn. Find inspiration for your creative gifts, whatever your talent may be.

Magical Aspects: Let the divine guide you in your creative journey. Speak to the gods through your art, and be rewarded with inspiration. If you’re stuck in a creative rut, call upon the Divine to send you a Muse.

I Ching

Source: IChingOnline.net

Hexagram One/1

Huan / Dissolution

Wind carries the Mists aloft:
Sage rulers dedicated their lives to serving a Higher Power and built temples that still endure.

The King approaches his temple.
Success if you stay on course.
You may cross to the far shore.


Walls meant to protect have instead separated and isolated.
Your defenses have kept you apart from those whom you most need to touch.
Whatever the reason for discord between you, it is time to lay down your arms.
Dispel the inflexible demands and fears of the Mind so that you may reunite in the Heart.
If you have begrudged, forgive.
If you have torn down, repair.
If you have injured, heal.
If you have judged, pardon.
If you have grasped, let go.


Source: worldnumerology.com


The most vibrant, freedom-loving of all numbers in numerology


The 5 is unpredictable, always in motion, and constantly in search of change.

Although it is molded from an almost equal mix of freedom-loving and loyal characteristics, the 5 is slightly more daring, and there is nothing submissive about it.

The 5 is extremely independent in mind and soul.

Many 5s choose careers that require travel or otherwise offer a regular change of environment. People working in the travel industry, small business owners, independent consultants, lawyers, and those in sales often have the 5 in their core numbers.

The 5 can adjust quickly to pretty much anything coming their way.

Perhaps the most dominating trait of the 5 is the uncompromising demand for freedom in thought and action.

On the negative side, the 5 can be selfish, thoughtless, and irresponsible.

Angel Number

Divination Journal

Tarot Card


There is at least one person in your life who needs to be addressed with a little bit of tough love. You have to be fair, of course, and think through the situation carefully to make sure that you understand completely. This person may be somebody you love or need, but criticism must be delivered, however blunt or insensitive you may be perceived by speaking your mind. A heartfelt letter may be in order, even if done at a distance.

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

Source: UniGuide.com


Bobcat symbolism and meanings include self-reliance, perception, moxie, stealth, friskiness, beauty, and affection. Because bobcats are native to North America – ranging from southern Canada all the way to Mexico – they are subjects in the cultural mythology of these regions. In addition, the bobcat spirit animal is a figure who appears in the spiritual belief systems of many Native American tribes. In this post, you’ll learn about commonly shared bobcat symbols as well as the bobcat spirit animal and totem.

Table of Contents

What does the bobcat symbolize?

Detailed Bobcat Symbols and Meanings

Bobcat Symbols and Meanings in Mythology and Folklore

Native America Bobcat Meaning

Hopi Bobcat Symbolism and Meanings

Zuni and Mohave


Bobcat Totem

Bobcat Spirit Animal

Bobcat Power Animal

Bobcat Dream Meaning

Bobcat Tattoo Meanings

How You Can Help Bobcats


Source: TheRuneSite.com


Sound: “n”
Stands for: Necessity (or Need)
Color: Black (Blue)
Casting meaning: This rune represents how our need or want of something can put a restriction on us. It restricts our possibilities but also contains the power we need to break free from those restrictions.

Witches Rune

Source: psychic-revelation.com

The Sun

Keywords: Success, progress.

Meanings: The Sun is a rune of success and positive outcome. For a straightforward yes/no question it can be read as “yes”. It also denotes progress and personal enrichment in life. When it is the leading stone it equates to the outcome card in the Tarot.


Source: LearnReligions.com


Q is for Quert, sometime spelled Ceirt, and is tied to the luscious Apple tree. Long symbolic of love and faithfulness, as well as rebirth, the Apple is often associated with magic. If you cut an apple in half sideways, the seeds form one of nature’s perfect stars. In addition to love, the appearance of Quert reminds us of the eternal cycle of life. After all, once the Apple tree dies, its fruit returns to the ground to birth new trees for coming harvests.

The Apple and its blossoms feature prominently in folklore related to love, prosperity and fertility. The Roman goddess Pomona watched over orchards, and was associated not so much with the harvest, but with the flourishing of the crop. Apples are also connected with divination, particularly for young ladies wondering about their love lives.

Quert Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: No one likes to be faced with choices, because sometimes what we want is not what we need. However, we still must choose. Sometimes, we make decisions because they are the right ones to make, not because they make us happy. Be wise enough to understand the difference.

Magical Aspects: Open your inner soul to new decisions, and allow yourself to harvest the gifts that your spiritual path has to offer. Know that sometimes, things might not make sense, but chances are good that you’ll learn from this later.

I Ching

Source: psychic-revelation.com

Hexagram Thirty-Three/33

Name: Tun.

Keyphrase: Retreat.

Formed By The Trigrams: Heaven over Mountain.

General: It is not an admission of defeat to retreat from an unequal fight.

Love: Take the time to strengthen your position when considering engaging in a fight with your partner.

Business: Rethink your position and strategy before reentering negotiations. Do not compromise just because it is quicker to do so.

Personal: Don’t ignore issues but formulate an effective strategy before attempting to deal with it. Avoid destructive confrontations.

Overview: Tun is all about retreating from destructive confrontations and it tells you that to do so is not an admission of defeat – just that it is the wisest thing to do in the circumstances. It is not however, telling you to forget or ignore the situation. Instead it advises you to formulate an effective strategy before reentering the “conflict” and dealing with it. Tun signals it is time for a temporary retreat not that it is time to run away and hide.


Source: worldnumerology.com



The number 3 is like a gifted teenager who is still under the protection of its parents – a bit spoiled, clearly scattered, and perpetually in need of guidance. However, the 3 excels in the creative field.

An individual with 3s in key points of their numerology chart will have a passionate need to express feelings, ideas, and vision. Coupled with an extroverted personality, they are likely to seek a career in art, especially the verbal arts.

Another unique quality of the 3 is the tendency to be “lucky,” or rather, to be in the right place at the right time. This may be connected to their innate sense of rhythm – the 3 seems to be in tune with the cyclical nature of their surroundings.

Their social skills are also excellent.

Without little focus on deeper aspects, the 3 can succumb to difficulties unless friends and family provide support.

The 3 can have a jealous streak too, causing conflicts when those it has rejected move on in search of more meaningful bonds.

However, this kind of “joie de vivre” can leave those same people unprepared for the more demanding experiences that life inevitably brings.

Angel Number

Source: informationseries.com

Angel number 30 has the vibration of the numbers 3 and 0.

3 is related to communication, self-expression, spontaneity, charisma, dedication, vitality, expansion, rise, inspiration, creativity.

He has also been involved with statements and ascended masters.

The number 0 means eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, a continuous cycle or flow, or a starting point, increasing the energy of the numbers that come together with messages related to the development of your spiritual side.

Angel number 0 signifies the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainty necessarily caused by it.

He says that on his journey to the inner side , listening to intuition, inner wisdom, and higher self will reveal the answer.

In Angel Number 30, it means increasing the power of 3 and having joy, creativity, society, spiritual awakening, and spiritual connection to the source.

Divination Journal

Tarot Cards

Today’s Tarot card reading comes from The Celtic Dragon Tarot by D. J. Conway. With art done by Lisa Hunt. This deck is unique as the cards are never read in reverse. Copyright 2001 Pages 106 and 107

Page of Swords – Court Card

Impulsiveness; troubles.

A young boy holds up a tiny, baby Fire Dragon on one hand, delight and fascination on his face. Behind him on the wall hangs a great Celtic sword and shield. At his feet lies a rolled scroll, symbolic of a spiritual message. However, the boy does not notice the second baby Fire dragon has set fire to the scroll. Because of his inattention, he does not receive the message. The shield not only represents protection, but personal identity. Knights paint identifying marks on their shields so they would know friend from foe. The sword of strength and defense hangs ready for use. By allowing himself to become obsessed with his new discovery, the boy has failed to be aware of what happens around him. Small events (the second little dragon) can cause destruction if one does not remain alert.

Divinatory Meaning: You may have an impulsive desire for new experiences that could cause problems. Be warned of unexpected danger. This card is an advance notice of a troubled period in life.

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

Source: uniguide.com

Lion symbolism and meaning include majesty, courage, strength, protection, family, wisdom, and other admirable traits. Lions once roamed throughout the African continent as well as parts of Asia and Europe. So, the lion is a subject in the mythologies and folklore of many cultures around the world. In addition, the lion spirit animal is a power animal for those who feel a special kinship with these giant cats. Others are simply starstruck by their magnificence. In this post, you’ll learn about lion symbols and meanings, lion mythology, the lion spirit animal, and more.


Source: therunesitew.com


Sound: “l”
Stands for: Water (or Lake)
Color: Black & White (Green)
Casting meaning: Laguz represents the power of water and its easy flowing nature. We must learn to “go with the flow” when this rune shows up in a reading so that we can take full advantage of our powers.

Witches’ Rune

Source: summergoddess.wordpress.com


The Flight Rune stands for a time when you will finally break free and overcome obstacles that have impeded your progress.

You can look forward to a time when all communications; physical, meta-physical and spiritual are of great importance.

Expect to be given news that will alter your direction. Look to gain sudden insights and crucial revelations.

This rune signifies the kind of communication that changes your course of action, so there may be shake-ups or surprises in events you had already planned.


 Source: learnrelgins.com


Ui (sometimes interpreted as Pe) is Uillean, the Honeysuckle. Associated with the manifestation of will, the Honeysuckle starts as a small seed and creeps along, growing and spreading over time. Honeysuckle twists and spirals up and over its surroundings, its soft yellow flowers releasing a sweet scent. It is the flower of unspoken desire, hidden needs, secret wants, but it also represents our goals of finding our true Self.

From a medicinal standpoint, the honeysuckle can be useful as well. Dioscorides says,

“the ripe seed gathered and dried in the shadow and drunk for four days together, doth waste and consume away the hardness of the spleen and removeth wearisomeness, helpeth the shortness and difficulty of breathing, cureth the hicket (hiccough), etc. A syrup made of the flowers is good to be drunk against diseases of the lungs and spleen.”

Uillean Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: When this symbol appears, it means you need to allow yourself the freedom to pursue your desire. If you’ve got hopes or dreams that are unattained, now is your time to start considering whether they’re remain just dreams, or become reality. Denying yourself the chance to enjoy life is unfair.

Magical Aspects: Take the time to experience joy, but make sure you stay true to your values and beliefs as well. In many Wiccan traditions, the Charge of the Goddess is quoted as a reminder of this: All acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. Another aspect of this symbol is that sometimes, mysteries which seem to be hidden may not be as hard to delve into as you think–sometimes, you’ve just been sidetracked by distractions.

I Ching

Source: psychic-revelation.com

Hexagram Thiry-Six/36

Name: Ming I.

Keyphrase: The darkening of the light.

Formed By The Trigrams: Earth over Fire.

General: Concealing your light when danger is around is an effective way of avoiding detection.

Love: Detach yourself from the issue and do not reveal your true feelings.

Business: This is not a good time to start any new ventures.

Personal: Use this time to work on your inner strengths until the current obstructions pass.

Overview: Ming I is very much about caution and the need to keep a low profile. It is harder to travel by night than it is by day. But is also easier to give yourself away if you show your light. Don’t try and make any further progress right now. Now is not the time to issue a challenge or to take anybody on. Keep a low profile and bide your time while strengthening you resources.

Numerology Number

Source: worldnumerology.com



In Numerology, both novices and professionals alike tend to focus on the “money and power” image of the 8. Often when a client requests a name change consultation, it’s because they want to add 8s to their chart with the mistaken belief it will bring them money and power.

It is true that the 8, more than any other number, emphasizes the areas of career, business, finances, and authority.

As with other single-digit numbers, the shape reflects its most important attribute; in the case of the 8 it signifies balance. The 8 is the great Karmic Equalizer, a force that creates just as efficiently as it destroys. When the 8 comes knocking, you can be assured you will reap what you’ve sown.

The 8 creates a balance between the material and spiritual worlds.

At its best, it is as spiritual as it is materialistic. The sacred side of the 8 is practical, rational, and intelligent. It knows the difference between make-believe and genuine realization.

On the material plane, it is focused on results – often in the form of money – yet it doesn’t care about acquiring wealth merely for the sake of being wealthy. It is not greedy; it sees money as a tool not an end-result. It is generous and willing to take risks.


Angel Number

Source: numerologynation.com

Angel number 363 is a divine sign to maintain your focus. Your guardian angels want you to steer clear of any distractions on your path.

You’re gifted with many talents, and they want you to nurture them and expose them to the world.

Work on improving yourself every day. The Ascended Masters promise you a very bright future ahead.

Read on to learn more about the many interesting facts and divine messages of Angel number 363.

Divination Journal


From Tarottx.net

Page of Pentacles – Minor Arcana Court Card

The Page of Pentacles shows a young man, standing alone in the middle of fertile land. There was a lush forest of fruit trees behind him, promising a plentiful harvest. He walked slowly and did not know anything about the surrounding area. He focused on nothing but the gold coin in his hands. The sky is bright and everything is going very well on the path leads to his future success.

In Tarot court cards, The Page is a card of new beginnings, inspiration and early stages of a creative project. Pentacles correspond to the element of Earth in Alchemy. Therefore, the fact that the Page treasures the gold coin shows an awareness, appreciating the value of money not only physically but also about the related needs such as health, food, and clothes.

Menu of Contents

The detailed description of the Page of Pentacles

Detailed meaning of the keywords of the Page of Pentacles

Upright meaning of the Page of Pentacles: demonstration, financial opportunities, new job

Meaning of the Page of Pentacles reversed: lack of progress and lack of planning, focus on short-term goals

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

From UniGuide.com

Sperm Whale Pod

Whale Meanings, Symbolism & The Whale Spirit Animal

Whale meanings and symbolism include magnificence, communication, music, protection, gratitude, wisdom, transformation, and psychic abilities. There are 90 species of whales (who are also called cetaceans) and they live in every ocean. So, they are subjects in the mythology and folklore of seafaring peoples around the world. In addition, some believe that whales have psychic abilities. Thus, the whale spirit animal is an important figure to those who feel a strong kinship with these magnificent sea mammals.

In this post, you’ll learn about whale meanings and symbols, whale mythology, the whale spirit animal, and more.


From TheRuneSite.com


Sound: “z”, “r”Stands for: Bow made from a Yew TreeCasting meaning: This rune has the same meaning as the Anglo-Saxon rune Yr. It is the entrance to the underworld and in this form is a death rune.

Witches’ Rune

From OtherworldlyOracle.com

The Moon

Intuition, the goddess, dreams, psychic abilities, emotions, love, healing, shadow work

The Moon witch rune pops up in a reading to prompt us to look deeper below the surface. It asks us to use our intuition, look into our dreams, and connect with our emotional side.


From learnreligions.com


Io (sometimes Ph) is Ifin or Iphin, the Pine tree. This evergreen was once known as the “sweetest of wood,” and its needles can be brewed into tea which provides a good source of Vitamin C. Pine is associated with clarity of vision, and alleviation of guilt. When Ifin appears, it may indicate feelings of guilt that need to be put aside, or unresolved conflicts that need closure.

In Scotland, the Pine was a symbol of the warrior, and in some stories it was planted over the graves of those fallen in battle. More often than not, the Pine was used as a building material, and it continues to be used as such today.

Ifin Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: When this symbol appears, it means you need to stop beating yourself up over feelings of guilt. Did you say something hurtful, and damage a relationship? Now’s the time to mend it. Make amends for mistreating others, whether it was deliberate or accidental.

Magical Aspects: Use any residual bits of guilt to bring about change. To do this, you’ll need to focus on the root cause of your feelings. Once you find the source of your discomfort or anxiety, channel that negative energy, turn it around, and use it as a tool of transformation. When this symbol appears, it may also be a hint that you’re not seeing things as clearly as you should be. Put aside emotions and look at things from an intellectual standpoint–in other words, don’t let the heart rule over the brain.

I Ching

From psychic-revelation.com

Hexagram Thirteen/13

Name: T’ung Jen.

Keyphrase: Fellowship.

Formed By The Trigrams: Heaven over Fire.

General: You can achieve strength in numbers by dispelling mistrust.

Love: To achieve a desired objective you should work together.

Business: Communication with your staff is the key to dispelling misunderstandings.

Personal: Develop community spirit by organizing workshops particularly for projects.

Overview: T’ung Jen relates to organization and fellowship. This hexagram will often appear when it is necessary to organize individuals and/or disorganized groups into an effective and cohesive unit. Although most people can see the advantages of co-operation mistrust will often prevent progress. Suspicion and inwardness undermine community spirit so it is important to be open. Appeal to people’s sense of a higher common purpose to overcome minor differences. Once the desired end is achieved the smaller disagreements prevalent in the early stages will be forgotten.


From Kasamba.com


Numerology meaning of 6 

If your life path number is 6, you are someone who thinks, speaks and acts from the heart. You are sincere, loving, warm and affectionate. It would serve you to find a job where you can bring and apply these wonderful qualities, such as a kindergarten teacher, pediatrician, social worker, or a therapist. You are made for long-term relationships and family life. Shallow pursuits and one-night stands aren’t your thing. When you touch someone, it’s real. But because you are too focused on the relational aspects of your life, you may end up bringing those people who don’t care as much as you do, into your life. If the digits of a date add up to number 6, it’s a wonderful time to create love! Work on a universal theme, help poor communities in distant places or the homeless on your block. It’s the best time to be there for other people.

Angel Number

From numerologynation.com

Eight Hundred Thirteen/813

While other people may have lost all hope in you, your guardian angels believe that you have what it takes to change your destiny. The fact that you keep seeing the number 813 is reason enough to let go of your past and look forward to a brighter future.

The meaning and symbolism behind this mysterious number is so profound and encouraging, and 813 has a strong influence over all aspects of your life. In this post, we’re going to explore the positive energies behind angel number 813, along with the significant implications this number has over your career, relationship, spirituality, and personality.

Divination Journal


Today’s Tarot card reading comes from The Green Witch Tarot Companion by Ann Moura. With the art done by Kiri Ostergaard Leonard. Pages 178-179

Six of Wands – Minor Arcana

This is a card of career victory and public acclaim. There may be an award, a certificate, a trophy, or praise for a job well done involved. This card could represent a pay raise, bonus, or promotion for good results in achieving important goal in one’s career or creative project. It can also represent a personal rather than public experience wherein one has sense of ability proven through good financial returns or praise from outside sources, as with artistic endeavors. One’s self-image may be enhanced through winning or placing well in a competition, such as one involving sports, games, art,literature, or media work. There may be a prize involved or some other recognition that is meaningful  to the person receiving it. The indication is of a well-earned victory in which the success is merited and others are aware of this. There may have been difficulties that needed to be surmounted to gain success and public recognition for outstanding performance.

Red poppies, for assertiveness, challenges, and support,  are in the victory wreath. A sparrow, a symbol of dignity, assertiveness, loyalty, and manifestation, flies ahead of the rider.

Meaning: Victory in a career or creative enterprise, public recognition, acclaim, job well done, efforts rewarded, goals achieved after difficulties, acknowledgement, honors, advancement,  successful self-expression, career goals achieved, gains from one’s own efforts.

Prompt Words: Career victory, public acclaim.

Animal Spirit Guide and Helper

From UniGuide.com


Giraffe symbolism and meanings include aspiration, uniqueness, the gift of prophecy, and other distinguished traits. Giraffes are truly unique animals who are native only to sub-Saharan Africa. Therefore, genuine giraffe mythology and folklore originated in the cultures of the African continent. Throughout these cultures, the giraffe is held in high regard, and the giraffe spirit animal is seen as a between who can connect the material world to the heavens.

Table of Contents

What does a giraffe symbolize?

Detailed Giraffe Symbolism and Meanings

Giraffe Meanings in Mythology and Folklore

African Giraffe Symbolism and Legends

Giraffe Spirit Animal

Giraffe Power Animal

Giraffe Totem

Giraffe Dream Meaning

Giraffe Tattoo Meanings

Organizations that Protect Giraffes


From twowander.com

Fehu – “Cattle/Wealth”

The first of the Elder Futhark, Fehu indicates prosperity and material wealth, either won or earned income. It can represent good luck, abundance and financial success in the near future. It can also relate to social success. Not everyone chooses to read a rune as reversed (“merkstave”) if it comes up that way, but if doing so resonates with you- its reversed meaning may indicate the loss of personal possessions or income, a dip in self-esteem or some other kind of struggles. In Tarot, this could be seen as The Tower card.

KEYWORDS: Abundance, luck, hope, prosperity

Witches’ Runes



Trinity: Triple goddess, life/death/rebirth, trinity, love

Some people read this witches rune as a flower – new life, birth, fertility, love. I tend to read it more like the triquetra – life/death/rebirth cycles, triple goddess, etc. It’s completely up to you how YOU interpret these!

I Ching

From psychic-revelation.com

Hexagram Twelve/12

Name: P’i.

Keyphrase: Stagnation.

Formed By The Trigrams: Heaven over Earth.


General: Although this is a time of adversity you should remember that all things change and there is always hope.

Love: A lover or potential lover may not be what they seem. Beware of falling in love.

Business: New business ventures may be too good to be true. Examine them carefully.

Personal: Strengthen your moral and ethical senses. Don’t be led astray.


Overview: P’i relates to a time of stagnation and to the fragility of life. If the foundations are weak or unstable then a building will eventually fall. This analogy should also be applied to people. P’i often indicates a time when arrogant individuals come to power or occupy positions of authority. Their arrogance will eventually be their downfall. Beware of individuals trying to subvert your sense of ethics or the consequences will be far-reaching for you.


From worldnumerology.com


The 6 is considered the most harmonious of all single-digit numbers in numerology.

The Numerology Meaning of the Number 6: THE CARETAKER

The most important attribute of the 6 is its loving, caring nature. Aptly nicknamed the motherhood/fatherhood number, the 6 is all about sacrifice, healing, protecting, and teaching others.

No family or community can function without the attention of the 6 – it is the glue that keeps a family and community together.

Creating an environment of peace and harmony is always at the forefront.

The 6 is graceful, warm, and has a good sense of humor.

On the negative side, the 6 can be jealous and small-minded, often focusing on small details while ignoring the bigger picture (often to their own detriment).

The 6 can be conventional, and must be wary of adopting the opinions of others instead of using their own mind.

They can also be smug and arrogant, especially toward authority figures and institutions. Sometimes annoyingly self-righteous, the 6 can become an intolerant zealot. A disproportional number of people with OCD have the 6 prominent in their charts and can suffer from anxiety and other phobias.

The 6, while loving, caring, and full of sympathy for others, can be self-centered and egotistical if people at the receiving end don’t show the gratitude expected. Typically, however, those fortunate enough to receive the attention of the 6 genuinely appreciate and cherish them in return.

Numerology views no number as without weaknesses and faults; that said, the 6 remains the most harmonious and stable among them. Perhaps for that reason, when the 6 (occasionally) falls into discord, it can become the most destructive and dangerous of all numbers. Beware of a cynical or angry 6, who can become a merciless wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Divination Journal


Today’s Tarot card reading comes from The Green Witch Tarot Deck and The Green Witch Tarot Companion by Ann Moura. With the art done by Kiri Ostergaard Leonard.


Knight of Pentacles – Court Card

Pages 130 – 131

This is the card of new career adventure and an auspicious occasion. There is energy and enthusiasm for the new project or new job. There may be some kind of progression in training involved, as with levels of skilled craftmanship from apprentice to master. The indication is that there is an auspicious change on the horizon, something sought and approached with unbound eagerness. The card could refer to a new job, or even entry to the military service where one may learn a skill or trade.

Here the Knight of Pentacles is a young woman. Leaving the farm and freshly plowed fields behind her, she rides her muscular workhorse and carries her earned pay in a pouch on her belt. She is excited and determined to make her way in the wider world, earning a living through her hard work, for with her draft horse she can hire out to plow fields at different farms. This card indicates a useful person who offers stability and approaches work in a reliable and methodical manner, yet is able to implement new ideas and carry them through to a satisfactory conclusion.

Peonies, flowers for business and opportunities, are carried by the Knight of Pentacles. A flacon, a symbol of loyalty, security, and communication, flies near the knight.

MeaningJob opportunity, auspicious occasion, useful person, responsible, and competent worker, new career advancement, enthusiasm, reliable worker, goal achieved, beginning of a new stage of work or career, diligent service, consistent effort applied to tasks, gentle and methodical, good business sense, self-reliant.

Prompt Words: Job opportunity, new career adventure.

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

From uniguide.com

Spider Symbolism, Meanings & The Spider Spirit Animal

Spider meaning and symbolism include artistry, manifestation, patience, feminine power, ancient wisdom, illusion, balance, and interconnection. A source of fear for some and fascination to others, the spider is an ancient being, having inhabited the Earth for more than 300 million years. (By comparison, our own ancestors date back to just 2.8 million years ago.) In addition to being ancient, spiders live on every continent except Antarctica. So, they appear in the mythologies and folklore of cultures around the world.


From TheRuneSite.com


Sound: “b”, “p”, “v”, “mb”, “mp”
Stands for: Birch Twig
Casting meaning: The birch twig represents rebirth and purification as does the rune Bjarkan. It is also a woman’s rune symbolizing gestation and birth.

Witches’ Rune

From OtherwordlyOracle.com

Scythe: the reaping, death, waning, end of an era, releasing and clearing

The scythe may seem scary to some, like the Death card in a tarot reading. BUT the scythe also means an end to something that needs to be released. It could mean clearing and letting go.



H is for Huath, or Uatha, and is symbolic of the Hawthorn tree. This prickly-thorned tree is associated with cleansing, protection and defense. Tie a thorn with a red ribbon and use it as a protective amulet in your home, or place a bundle of thorns under a baby’s crib to keep bad energy away. Because the Hawthorn typically blooms around Beltane, it is also strongly connected with fertility, masculine energy, and fire.

In folklore, the Hawthorn is associated with the land of the Fae. Thomas the Rhymer met the Faerie Queen under a Hawthorn tree and ended up in the Faerie realm for seven years. Despite its connection with female and goddess-centered pre-Christian belief, it’s considered unlucky to bring Hawthorn into your home. This may stem from the fact that some species of Hawthorn give off a particularly unpleasant –almost corpse-like–scent after they’ve been cut. No one wants their home to smell like death.

In Glastonbury, England, there’s a famous Hawthorn tree known as the Holy Thorn. The tree that stands there today is supposed to be a descendant of one that stood on Glastonbury Tor two thousand years ago, when Joseph of Arimathea brought the Grail to England from the Holy Land. When Joseph thrust his staff into the ground, it turned into a Hawthorn tree.

I Ching

Hexagram Sixty-Three/ 63

Name: Chi Chi.

Keyphrase: After completion.

Formed By The Trigrams: Water over Fire.


General: Every triumph brings new challenges.

Love: Your relationship will move into a deeper phase.

Business: Celebrate your achievements but be sure to consolidate your success.

Personal: Celebrate your success and make plans for entering a new phase of your life.


Overview: Chi Chi relates to successful completion and what comes next. It is now a time that you have achieved great success and have every right to celebrate. Chi Chi reminds you though, that all things change and that you need to be alert for anything that will undermine your current success. Avoid becoming complacent, or arrogant. If you want your success to endure you must immediately take steps to consolidate it. It is important for you to realize that this is the conclusion of a chapter in your life. A new chapter awaits.


From Kasamba.com


Number 1 literally suggests being number 1 in the things you’re doing. If it’s business, then number 1 shows your admirable leadership ability, your charisma when showing others the way, and in turn, people’s natural, innate desire to trust your lead. If you decide to own your business or be a manager at a company, you’ll succeed greatly. Just remember, not every other person is a number 1! It will help to have patience and understanding for those who’re born to be followers.

In matters of love, it’s easy for you to be on your own and not feel lonely. You love being in a relationship but you also enjoy being single – sometimes too much! When you’re going for a long-term commitment, make sure your partner doesn’t have co-dependency issues, as it will be a deal-breaker for you.

If a certain date adds up to number 1, that day is a great day to start new projects, to go out on a first date, to get a new haircut, and to plan ahead.                                                                                                                                          

Divination Journal


Today’s Tarot card reading comes from The Celtic Dragon Tarot by D. J. Conway. With art done by Lisa Hunt. This deck is unique as the cards are never read in reverse. 


Nine of Cups – Minor Arcana

Wishes granted.

A majestic Water dragon rises out of a lake with an ornate chalice full of jewels in its claws. A Woman stands with outstretched hands to take the chalice. She has realized she has the right to ask for help in attaining her goals, symbolized by the eight rich-looking chalices that sit around her feet on the shore. Abundance is unlimited, whether the abundance is spiritual growth, emotional contentment, physical health, or material possessions. The wave on the water symbolize the constant movement within the realm of universal possibilities.

Divinatory Meaning: Your wish will be granted. Success, accomplishment, and satisfaction will soon enter your life.

Today’s Animal Spirt Guide card comes from Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

Humpback Whale

“Music is essential to your healing and well-being, whether sing, playing an instrument, or listening”

In order to diagnose their patients, one of the questions, that shamans often asked was when the patient stopped singing. If it had been quite some time, the shaman was certain to recommend sing (among other remedies) as an essential aspect of recovery. All that’s involved when you sing — the fullness and rhythm of your breathing, the opening of your mouth and jaw, and the soulful and creative expressions of your spirit — serves to enhance your health and raise your vibrations.

Similarly, playing an instrument can touch those inner creative depths that yearn to be expressed through song. Simply Listening with your full attention to you favorite tune or melody can also inspire and heal. Make music as essential to your lifestyle as eating and breathing.

You can breach the inhibitions about expressing yourself musically that you’ve acquired over the years in some very simple and easy ways: Sing, chant, or play an instrument! Take a few voice lessons as a means to shore up your confidence. Let the magical child inside help you rediscover the joy of creating music. Dive in and play!

Associations: Singing; Breathwork; Sound Healing; Sensitivity; Alchemy; Ancestral Wisdom; Creativity; Inner Depths; Insight; Healing; Release; Guardianship



Sound: “d”
Stands for: Day
Color: Yellow
Casting meaning: Dagaz represents a stability between opposites, such as light and dark. It can stop harmful energy from getting to you but at the same time allow the good energy to slip through so that you can make good use of it.

Witches’ Rune


This rune means to cut away, to put an end to something, to sever or separate, possible something you have depended on vanishes from your life. You can now move to the next level and begin anew

When the Scythe Rune turns up in a reading this indicates certain changes must occur and time must pass before a coming to terms with something that is hard to accept.

You may experience a passing through of difficulties before reaching a new level.

Walls and blocks may see insurmountable at the current time. But the Scythe implies you have the strength and fortitude to overcome all difficulties that you now encounter.



S is for Saille, pronounced sahl-yeh, and is associated with the Willow tree. The Willow is often found near water, and when nourished it will grow rapidly. This symbol is representative of knowledge and spiritual growth, as well as being connected with the month of April. Willows offer protection and healing, and is closely connected to the cycles of the moon. Likewise, this symbol is tied to women’s mysteries and cycles.

In folk medicine, Willow has long been connected with healing. A tea of willow bark was used to treat fevers, rheumatism, coughs, and other inflammatory conditions. Nineteenth century scientists discovered that the Willow contains salicylic acid, a synthetic version of which is the primary pain-relief ingredient in Aspirin. In addition to its use as a healing herb, Willow was also harvested for wicker work. Baskets, small curricles, and even bee hives were constructed with this bendable, flexible wood.

Saille Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: One cannot evolve without changing. Realize that part of life’s journey includes learning lessons–even unpleasant ones. This is a natural part of the human experience.

Magical Aspects: Give yourself a break periodically, and take time to rest spiritually. Know that change will come when you are ready for it. Allow yourself some flexibility in your spiritual life as well.

I Ching

Hexagram Thirty-Four/34

Name: Ta Chuang.

Keyphrase: The power of the great.

Formed By The Trigrams: Thunder over Heaven.

General: To win an advantage you not only need increase your strength but to accompany it with responsible action.

Love: You will find others have a powerful attraction to you – use this power wisely.

Business: This is a favorable time for business but do not try and go to far. Make sure you protect yourself and those around you.

Personal: Problem issues can be favorably overcome if tackled with honor and compassion.

Overview: Ta Chuang relates to the chance to take advantage of the current situation. Unlike Tun which urges a temporary retreat, Ta Chuang urges you to make the most of it. It carries the warning though, that overconfidence can lead to a downfall. Don’t be rash, plan your strategy wisely and minimize damage wherever possible. Feeling empowered is good, but don’t be narcissistic about it.



In Numerology, both novices and professionals alike tend to focus on the “money and power” image of the 8. Often when a client requests a name change consultation, it’s because they want to add 8s to their chart with the mistaken belief it will bring them money and power

It is true that the 8, more than any other number, emphasizes the areas of career, business, finances, and authority.

As with other single-digit numbers, the shape reflects its most important attribute; in the case of the 8 it signifies balance. The 8 is the great Karmic Equalizer, a force that creates just as efficiently as it destroys. When the 8 comes knocking, you can be assured you will reap what you’ve sown.

The 8 creates a balance between the material and spiritual worlds.

At its best, it is as spiritual as it is materialistic. The sacred side of the 8 is practical, rational, and intelligent. It knows the difference between make-believe and genuine realization.

Divination Journal


From tarotx.net

The Lovers – Major Arcana

Menu of Contents

I. The commentary of The Lovers Osho Zen

II. The meaning of The Lovers Osho Zen Tarot

Animal Spirit Guide and/or Helper


Gothic Rune

From TheRuneSite.com


Sound: “a” as in “car”
Stands for: Human decent from divine beings
Casting meaning: Ansus is a god rune showing us that humans are descendents of the gods. Aza is a rune that calls upon the divine beings and holds the power of creativity.

Witch’s Rune

From GroveandGrotto.com

The Rings (Beltane)

Love, passion, partnership, harmonious union, joy and pleasure. In readings, means “probably”.


From druidogham.wordpress.com


Intention, beginnings, births, pioneer spirit

Birch (Betula spp.)

Letter: B

Well dignified:

An intention with good potential. Bravery. Breaking free. Ending bad habits. Getting unstuck. The start of something good. A new way of thinking. An invention or fresh approach. The ability of getting outside yourself and fossilized modes of thinking. Breaking out of the box. Being the change instead of just talking about it.

Humans learn through mimesis, so it is only because of the brave souls willing to put their necks out for change that anything improves in the world. Beith indicates the willingness to follow through with an intention so you can change yourself and your world for the better. At first, it’s possible nobody will follow you, but Beith says you have the courage to get it done.

Every day is a new opportunity to become a better person than you were yesterday, no matter how tiny the improvement. What can you do, even if it is a tiny action or possibly inaction depending on the circumstance, to be kinder, braver, humbler, more honest with yourself, more generous, and more grateful than you were yesterday, last week, last year, or last decade?

I Ching

From IChingOnline.net

Hexagram 38

K’uei / Estrangement

Fire distances itself from its nemesis, the Lake:
No matter how large or diverse the group, the Superior Person remains uniquely himself.

Small accomplishments are possible.


You are working at cross-purposes with another.
The distance between you is very wide.
The gap can be closed, however, with no compromise of your integrity.
You are not adversaries in this case — just two persons addressing individual needs.
Ask yourself: are these needs mutually exclusive?
Is there common ground here?
Must there be one winner and one loser?
Could you become partners in seeking a solution that would allow for two winners?


From worldnumerology.com


See ” Karmic Debt numbers.” Impulse and a need for change and adventure can get in the way of carefully planned progress. Lack of focus and commitment. This Karmic Debt number can get you in trouble unless discipline is exercised consciously. All 5s need to guard against self-indulgence, but when based on 14, there’s a selfish side that amplifies a lack of self-control.

Divination Journal

Tarot Card

Tarot card reading comes from The Celtic Dragon Tarot by D. J. Conway. With art done by Lisa Hunt. This deck is unique as the cards are never read in reverse. Copyright 2001

Two/2 of Wands – Minor Arcana

Focus will and energy.

A man holds a crystal-topped wand in each hand, his arms stretched upward towards two Air dragons, one hovering on each side of him above. The man stands in a grassy, flower studded meadow with mountains behind him. Near his feat are small sacred stones craved with Celtic spirals. These spiral designs are repeated in a pattern on his vest. The two wands. or scepters, symbolize the man’s ability and willpower to harness both positive and negative energies to make changes in his life. This is essential, as both types of energy are needed for balance and manifestation. The two hovering dragons are another emblem of the male-female, positive-negative energies. The spirals in both the rocks and his clothing represent the constant moving, inexhaustible energies of the Universe. He has found his way through a series of spiritual gateways (the mountains) to the peaceful meadow of creativity (the three stones).

Divinatory Meaning: Focus your will and energy to accomplish your desires. Help with realization of a dream may come from a distance. A new endeavor requires courage and planning for the future.

Today’s Animal Spirt Guide card comes from Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer Copyright 2008

Animal Spirit Guide

Pueo (“P00-ay-OH,’ hawaiian Owl)

“Your ancestral spirit guides are offering you guidance now, so pay close attention to signs and omens from them.”

Associations: Dignity; Omens; Guidance; Protection; Wisdom; Knowledge; Inspiration; Mysteriousness; Silence; Sacredness; Diversify; ‘Aumakua (“OW-ma-KOO-ah,” ancestors showing up as a spirit animal)


From TheRuneSite.com


Sound: “f”
Stands for: Cattle
Color: Green (Brown)
Casting meaning: Fehu is a rune of power and control. It represents new beginnings and “movable” wealth such as money and credit. It is a rune that gives us the power we need to obtain wealth as well as the power we need to hold on to it.

Witches’ Rune

From summergoddess.wordpress.com  



This rune indicates a more difficult path where things are not so easy.

The Crossroads represents not only quarrels and misunderstandings but also discipline and mastery over the self.

It is not necessarily bad luck, but rather slow, substantial gains.

The Crossroads suggest maintaining the status quo, understanding boundaries and limitations, make a sustained practical effort, practical matters and solid achievement.

Relationships may be on shaky ground when one of these elements is sacrificed at the expense of another.

This rune stresses basic concerns and could indicate feeling boxed in. There may even be a feeling of discouragement. But you will soon discover innate strength and resources giving your achievements more meaning.



H is for Huath, or Uatha, and is symbolic of the Hawthorn tree. This prickly-thorned tree is associated with cleansing, protection and defense. Tie a thorn with a red ribbon and use it as a protective amulet in your home, or place a bundle of thorns under a baby’s crib to keep bad energy away. Because the Hawthorn typically blooms around Beltane, it is also strongly connected with fertility, masculine energy, and fire.

In folklore, the Hawthorn is associated with the land of the Fae. Thomas the Rhymer met the Faerie Queen under a Hawthorn tree and ended up in the Faerie realm for seven years. Despite its connection with female and goddess-centered pre-Christian belief, it’s considered unlucky to bring Hawthorn into your home. This may stem from the fact that some species of Hawthorn give off a particularly unpleasant –almost corpse-like–scent after they’ve been cut. No one wants their home to smell like death.

In Glastonbury, England, there’s a famous Hawthorn tree known as the Holy Thorn. The tree that stands there today is supposed to be a descendant of one that stood on Glastonbury Tor two thousand years ago, when Joseph of Arimathea brought the Grail to England from the Holy Land. When Joseph thrust his staff into the ground, it turned into a Hawthorn tree.

I Ching

From psychic-revelation.com

Hexagram Ten/10

Name: Lu.

Keyphrase: Correct conduct.

Formed By The Trigrams: Heaven over Lake.

Imagery: The sky over a lake.

General: A successful journey can be assured if one careful step at a time is taken.

Love: Goodwill is the key to solving any relationship issues.

Business: Achieving success within business is best accomplished treating others with courtesy and respect.

Personal: Focus on ridding yourself of any feelings of envy or jealousy.

Overview: Lu relates to the need to develop your social skills and to make sure that they are sincere and not insincere. It indicates a need to make sure that jealousy or envy are not present within your life and if they are, to take steps to resolve them. Lu is all about inequality and the need to avoid it.


From worldnumerology.com

The 6 is considered the most harmonious of all single-digit numbers in numerology.

The Numerology Meaning of the Number 6: THE CARETAKER
The most important attribute of the 6 is its loving, caring nature. Aptly nicknamed the motherhood/fatherhood number, the 6 is all about sacrifice, healing, protecting, and teaching others.

No family or community can function without the attention of the 6 – it is the glue that keeps a family and community together.

Creating an environment of peace and harmony is always at the forefront.
Home, family, and friends are top priorities. People with a 6 in their core numbers often focus on the young, the old, and those less fortunate.

The 6 is sympathetic, favors the underdog, and has a keen sense of what is fair and just. Perceiving injustice, the 6 will sacrifice immense time and effort to set things straight. Highly responsible, the 6 can be counted on to show up and do more than their fair share of the work. People with a 6 can be demanding, but they will work in the background when needed, without an expectation of reward.

The 6 is graceful, warm, and has a good sense of humor.
They are well respected in the workplace due to their sense of duty and responsibility – but also because they are genuinely well-liked. Many 6’s can be found in teaching, healing, counseling, construction, the legal field, and law enforcement.

On the negative side, the 6 can be jealous and small-minded, often focusing on small details while ignoring the bigger picture (often to their own detriment).
Not always the best judge of character, the 6 has been known to sacrifice for a person or cause not worth the price.

At times, the 6 can become too involved in the lives of those held dear, to the point where concern becomes intrusive and meddling. On the other hand, the 6 – ever sacrificing – can become a doormat to be abused and trampled on. The 6 is idealistic, trusting, and easy to take advantage of.

The 6 can be conventional, and must be wary of adopting the opinions of others instead of using their own mind.
They can also be smug and arrogant, especially toward authority figures and institutions. Sometimes annoyingly self-righteous, the 6 can become an intolerant zealot. A disproportional number of people with OCD have the 6 prominent in their charts and can suffer from anxiety and other phobias.

The 6, while loving, caring, and full of sympathy for others, can be self-centered and egotistical if people at the receiving end don’t show the gratitude expected. Typically, however, those fortunate enough to receive the attention of the 6 genuinely appreciate and cherish them in return.

Numerology views no number as without weaknesses and faults; that said, the 6 remains the most harmonious and stable among them. Perhaps for that reason, when the 6 (occasionally) falls into discord, it can become the most destructive and dangerous of all numbers. Beware of a cynical or angry 6, who can become a merciless wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Divination Journal


Today’s Tarot Card draw come from The English Magic Tarot by Rex Van Ryn, Steve Dooley and Andy Letcher Copyright 2015 (The unfamiliar terms used with this deck is in England’s English)

The Sun – Major Arcana

Pages 58 and 59

Description: A courtier stands in a golden field fringed with sunflowers. The sun rises behind him.

Interpretation: After the ordeals of the Moon, the Sun is our moment of triumph, as we return from the Underworld, laden with treasure. Sol Invictus. Invincible Sun.

The solar man is a dandy and a peacock, an idler and a flaneur. He wears gold ruffles around his neck. His doublet is gold, his cloak is gold, his shoes are gold, the feather in his hat is gold. His is walking on the Field of the Cloth of Gold. Quite possibly, everything he touches turns to gold. He’s probably a courtier like Sir Francis Drake, lazy finishing he game of bowls, before taking on the Spanish Armada; or Sir Walter Raleigh back from the New World and ready to lay down his cloak to prevent his beloved queen’s feet from getting wet.

I know someone like this, to handsome he turns heads when he walks in the room. He'[s a wit and a raconteur, a traveler and adventurer. He’s the kind of person who’s just so talented and brilliant you want to hate him, but within moments you’re charmed and disarmed, in stiches at one of his anecdotes.

We mustn’t let all that glory go to our heads. For every charismatic dandy, there’s a puffed up buffoon, a popinjay, a cock of the rock. Too much sunshine and the ground is scorched, our skin blisters and burns, our tongues swell with thirst. Someone like that needs pushing in the river.

Reading: The Sun indicates a glorious outcome and happy summer days.


From white-magic-help.net


Breakthrough, Transformation, Day

If it is pulled, it shows a greater thrust or breakthrough in the process of self transformation. In every life there is at least one point that –it is detected and accepted- it is going to change this life forever. So you can have absolute trust, even when the moment requires that you jump empty-handed into the void. Sometimes this Rune leads also to a major phase of success and thrive.

Witches Rune

From LondonVerse.com



The rune is an indication of the new phase beginning in a person’s life and the termination of the old one. The rune symbolizes the future changes that are yet to happen in the night. It speaks of ending one part of life and how a man goes out of his childhood frame. This means it must be left behind to attain manhood.


From learnreligions.com


A is for Ailim, or Ailm, the Elm tree. Interestingly, this group also includes the Pine or Fir trees. These giants of the forest are symbols of perspective and height, rising above those that surround us. The Elm has a clear vision of that which surrounds it, as well as that which is approaching.

In Britain and Scotland, Elm trees grew very tall and straight, making them popular for use as a Maypole during Beltane celebrations. In addition to this, they were popular as property markers–you knew you had reached someone else’s land boundary when you crossed a line of Elm trees. Elm is flexible and bendy, so it doesn’t make a very good building material, but it does withstand water very well, so it eventually became popular for use in making flatboats and wheels. In Wales, early bowmen used the Elm in construction of longbows.

I Ching

 From psychic-revelation.com

Hexagram Thirteen/13

Name: T’ung Jen.

Keyphrase: Fellowship.

Formed By The Trigrams: Heaven over Fire.


General: You can achieve strength in numbers by dispelling mistrust.

Love: To achieve a desired objective you should work together.

Business: Communication with your staff is the key to dispelling misunderstandings.

Personal: Develop community spirit by organizing workshops particularly for projects.


Overview: T’ung Jen relates to organization and fellowship. This hexagram will often appear when it is necessary to organize individuals and/or disorganized groups into an effective and cohesive unit. Although most people can see the advantages of co-operation mistrust will often prevent progress. Suspicion and inwardness undermine community spirit so it is important to be open. Appeal to people’s sense of a higher common purpose to overcome minor differences. Once the desired end is achieved the smaller disagreements prevalent in the early stages will be forgotten.


From worldnumerology.com


See “The Karmic Debt numbers.” Hard work and slow progress, this Karmic Debt number is difficult but rewarding when enough effort is applied. Grounded and down-to-earth. Reliable, trustworthy, but sometimes rigid and, while lacking a sense of humor, actually better at expressing ideas and feelings than most 4s.

Angel Number

From angel-numbers.com


Higher powers ask you to keep positive stance and to let go of all your fears and doubts. They will solve them and change them for the better. Some uncomfortable things may happen but remember that it’s all for good. It will eventually bring new possibilities for you. Just keep positive thinking and watch things happening. Number thirteen also means sacred femininity and intuitive point of view. Year has thirteen lunar cycles.

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

From uniguide.com


Gorilla symbolism and meaning includes strength, intelligence, communication, dignity, tranquility, gentleness, and family. Native to the mountains and forests of central and west Africa, the gorilla fascinates those of us who feel a strong kinship with these soulful primates. In this post, you’ll learn about gorilla symbolism and meanings, the gorilla spirit animal, gorilla folklore, and more.

Table of Contents

What does a gorilla symbolize?

Detailed Gorilla Symbols and Meanings

Gorilla Spirit Animal

Gorilla Power Animal

Gorilla Totem

Gorilla Folklore

Gorilla Dream Meaning

Gorilla Tattoo

Organizations that Protect Gorillas

Divination Journal


Today’s Tarot card reading comes from The Green Witch Tarot Deck and The Green Witch Tarot Companion by Ann Moura. With the art done by Kiri Ostergaard Leonard. Copyright 2015 The 4 suits in this deck have an element the each relate to: The pentacle is related to the element of earth. The athame is related to the element of air. The wand is related to the element of fire. The chalice is related to the element of water.


Nature – Major Arcana

Pages 76 to 78

This is the card of wild Nature, where the path chosen may be joyful and unrestricted or fraught with unseen dangers and overgrown vines. Here the trapper is setting a bear trap, unaware that the bear is behind him, watching. The man is equally oblivious to the fauns of the wilderness dancing in a distant clearing, one even beckoning to the bear.

Choices are the highlight of this card, as are possible repercussions. The warning is that short-term goals that require personal sacrifice are not always in one’s best interests. Will the bear join in the revelry of the nature spirits, or will it risk being entrapped by reaching into something unnatural? People also choose the direction they travel in their lives, and sometimes what originally seems like a blessing turns out to be false. Then the choice becomes whether or not to liberate oneself. Staying in the job that pays well but has an unpleasant work environment or staying in an unrewarding relationship because of the experience of other only two examples of how one may take on undesired burdens. The restrictions that are self-imposed may also be self-released, so that one may better savory the joy of life and dance with the fauns. One may choose to act freely, to laugh at the result if necessary, or be tied to a situation, a way of life, or an attitude that is not enjoyed or liked.

Following the natural desire and inclination to find satisfaction in life is a matter of conscious deliberation and decision, whether in areas of attitude, materialism, or spirituality. Yet there is the allure of trying to control the material world or letting desire rule a person. The Divine in nature offers harmony in living a natural life, enjoying the material aspects as well as the spiritual, and regaining control over one’s life and laughing at the tripping vines. This comfortable relationship with nature is part of the path of the Craft, allowing one to be linked with nature and the divine. Comfrey, symbolizing binding, control, and liberation from control, grows close to the trap. The black bear represents endurance, introspection, and decisions.

Meaning: Accept or release self-imposed restrictions, follow inclinations, potential is obstructed or unleashed, allow the natural course to flow, freedom, choose what appeals.

Prompt Words: Choice of restriction or freedom.


Six of Chalices

Pages 208 to 209

This is a card of nostalgia, remembering and making happy memories. A reunion or an unexpected encounter with someone from the past is possible. With thoughts directed to the past, there may be an attempt to bring comfort or ideals of the past to be realized in the present. There may be a desire to relive good memories in the present, as when a parent passes a tradition or hobby interest down to children and grandchildren, or when one attempts to repeat one’s childhood in parenting. This could lead to disappointment when what was meaningful to one is not received with enthusiasm by the beneficiary. The initial disappointment could be liberating opportunity to step beyond the wistfulness of the past and move into the reality of the present, to be able to acknowledge and appreciate the differences of others. There is both longing for the good old days and a desire to bring some of those good memories into the present, but with care an relevance to the current life. Living in the past can create a sense of melancholy, yet there may be connections to the past that can be utilized to manifest past dreams in the present.

Marjoram, an herb of happy memories, comfort, connections, and family, is carried by the girl. A canary, a symbol of companionship, happiness, and harmony, is carried in a cage by the boy.

Meaning: Longings, happy memories, harmony, reminiscence, reunions, expectations manifested, self-analysis, renewal.

Prompt Words: Happy memories, renewal.



From The Rune Site


Sound: “s”
Stands for: Sun
Color: Yellow
Casting meaning: With the help of this rune we tend to be able to see things more clearly. Like the sun sheds light on dark times, with Sowulo we too can find the light during dark times.

Witches’ Rune

From summergoddess.wordpress.com

The Moon

The Flight Rune stands for a time when you will finally break free and overcome obstacles that have impeded your progress.

You can look forward to a time when all communications; physical, meta-physical and spiritual are of great importance.

Expect to be given news that will alter your direction. Look to gain sudden insights and crucial revelations.

This rune signifies the kind of communication that changes your course of action, so there may be shake-ups or surprises in events you had already planned.


From learnreligions.com


This symbol, used for the sound St, is Straith (sometimes seen as Straif), the Blackthorn tree. A symbol of authority and control, the Blackthorn is connected to strength and triumph over adversity. Blackthorn is a tree (although some might argue it’s more of a really big shrub) of winter, and its berries only ripen after the first frost. White flowers appear in the spring, and the bark is black and thorny.

On a medicinal level, Blackthorn berries–sloe berries–are brewed to make a tonic (this is what Sloe Gin is made from). The tonic can be used as a laxative and/or diuretic, as well as a skin astringent. In folklore, the Blackthorn has a fairly unpleasant reputation. An English legend refers to a devastating winter as a “Blackthorn Winter.” It also represents the darker side of magic and witchcraft. Because it’s a plant that becomes hardy when all around it is dying, it is associated with the Dark Mother, the Crone aspect of the Goddess, particularly the Cailleach in some parts of Scotland and Ireland. There is also a strong connection to the Morrighan, because of Blackthorn’s association with the blood and death of warriors. In fact, in early Celtic culture, the Blackthorn was popular for its use in the cudgel shillelagh.

Straith Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: Expect the unexpected, especially when it comes to change. Your plans may be altered, or even destroyed, so plan to deal with it. The appearance of Straith often indicates the influence of external forces.

Magical Aspects: You’re at the beginning of a new journey, and there will be some surprises–possibly unpleasant ones–along the way. Overcoming these obstacles will give you strength. Realize that you–and your life–are changing.

I Ching

From psychic-revelation.com

Hexagram Fifty – Two/52

Name: Ken.

Keyphrase: Keeping still.

Formed By The Trigrams: Mountain over Mountain.

General: Any and all effective action must be born out of stillness.

Love: In order to see things clearly you must let go of any preconceptions.

Business: Clear your mind before making any important business decisions.

Personal: Learn how to meditate to help achieve a still mind.

Overview: Ken reminds you that if your mind is full of clutter it will not be able to hold new thoughts and ideas. Ken appears when you have a need to take a break and withdraw from the world for a moment in order to clear out the old in your mind to make way for the new. Meditation is the key to this process. It is not simply a time for rest. It is not an easy task to free your mind from daily worries, but it is necessary to do so, so that you can see and think more objectively than before. Old thoughts hinder your actions, compelling you to make the same mistakes. Clear them out – don’t let them trap you.


From worldnumerology.com


The 6 is considered the most harmonious of all single-digit numbers in numerology.

The Numerology Meaning of the Number 6: THE CARETAKER

The most important attribute of the 6 is its loving, caring nature. Aptly nicknamed the motherhood/fatherhood number, the 6 is all about sacrifice, healing, protecting, and teaching others.

No family or community can function without the attention of the 6 – it is the glue that keeps a family and community together.

Creating an environment of peace and harmony is always at the forefront.

Home, family, and friends are top priorities. People with a 6 in their core numbers often focus on the young, the old, and those less fortunate.

The 6 is sympathetic, favors the underdog, and has a keen sense of what is fair and just. Perceiving injustice, the 6 will sacrifice immense time and effort to set things straight. Highly responsible, the 6 can be counted on to show up and do more than their fair share of the work. People with a 6 can be demanding, but they will work in the background when needed, without an expectation of reward.

The 6 is graceful, warm, and has a good sense of humor.

They are well respected in the workplace due to their sense of duty and responsibility – but also because they are genuinely well-liked. Many 6’s can be found in teaching, healing, counseling, construction, the legal field, and law enforcement.

On the negative side, the 6 can be jealous and small-minded, often focusing on small details while ignoring the bigger picture (often to their own detriment).

Not always the best judge of character, the 6 has been known to sacrifice for a person or cause not worth the price.

At times, the 6 can become too involved in the lives of those held dear, to the point where concern becomes intrusive and meddling. On the other hand, the 6 – ever sacrificing – can become a doormat to be abused and trampled on. The 6 is idealistic, trusting, and easy to take advantage of.

The 6 can be conventional, and must be wary of adopting the opinions of others instead of using their own mind.

They can also be smug and arrogant, especially toward authority figures and institutions. Sometimes annoyingly self-righteous, the 6 can become an intolerant zealot. A disproportional number of people with OCD have the 6 prominent in their charts and can suffer from anxiety and other phobias.

The 6, while loving, caring, and full of sympathy for others, can be self-centered and egotistical if people at the receiving end don’t show the gratitude expected. Typically, however, those fortunate enough to receive the attention of the 6 genuinely appreciate and cherish them in return.

Numerology views no number as without weaknesses and faults; that said, the 6 remains the most harmonious and stable among them. Perhaps for that reason, when the 6 (occasionally) falls into discord, it can become the most destructive and dangerous of all numbers. Beware of a cynical or angry 6, who can become a merciless wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Angel Number

From angel-numbers.com

Four Hundred and Twenty-Six

Angel number 426 is a reminder to stay focused on your prayer and positive intentions, instead of worrying about your material needs. Worrying only serves to make things worse, so remain positive and trust that angels are guiding and helping you to fulfill your dreams!

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

From uniguide.com

Lion Symbolism, Meaning & The Lion Spirit Animal

Lion symbolism and meaning include majesty, courage, strength, protection, family, wisdom, and other admirable traits. Lions once roamed throughout the African continent as well as parts of Asia and Europe. So, the lion is a subject in the mythologies and folklore of many cultures around the world. In addition, the lion spirit animal is a power animal for those who feel a special kinship with these giant cats. Others are simply starstruck by their magnificence. In this post, you’ll learn about lion symbols and meanings, lion mythology, the lion spirit animal, and more.

Table of Contents

What does a lion symbolize?

Detailed Lion Meanings and Symbolism

Lion Spirit Animal

Lion Power Animal

Lion Totem

Lion Mythology and Folklore

African Lion Folklore

Lion Meaning in Ancient Egypt

The Lion in Greek Mythology

Sumerian Lion Legends

The Winged Lion

Lion Meaning in the Bible

The Lion in Celtic Mythology

Lion Meaning in Hinduism

Lion Symbolism in Buddhism

Lion Dream Meaning

Lion Tattoo

Organizations that Protect Lions



Divination Journal

Tarot Cards

Today’s Tarot card reading comes from The Celtic Dragon Tarot by D. J. Conway. With art done by Lisa Hunt. This deck is unique as the cards are never read in reverse. Copyright 2001


Six of Cups – Minor Arcana

Reunions; unexpect gifts.

A little boy and girl are smiling and hugging two large Water dragons, who rise out of a pond. The children symbolize the natural psychic connection all humans possess before they are taught such a thing is false. They are freely communicating with astral creatures because it is a normal thing to do. On the flower and tree-covered banks stand six chalice. The flowers and trees represent constant renewal of life, fed by the waters of the lake (emotional purity and balance). Tiny dragons flutter happily around the children, symbols of the potential power of even the tiniest pieces of cosmic energy. The six chalice represent the power of building in all its connotations; building of relationships, healing power, and bridges between people and/or species. By acknowledging this power of building, we we acknowledge the interconnectedness of all things, animate and inanimate.

Divinatory Meaning: A reunion with old friends may be near. New opportunities present themselves; be ready to act on them. Unexpected gifts may surprise you.


The Lovers – Major Arcana

Am emotional decision.

A Forest dragon stands on the bank of a lake, its neck outstretched to touch noses with a beautiful Water dragon that rises from the waters. The gaze at each other in love, unconcerned that their attraction  will prove difficult because of their very different lifestyles. For the moment, they are caught up in the power of their emotions. The Forest dragon represents the liner, analytical left brain and the conscious mind, while the Water dragon represents creativity, spiritually connected right mind and the conscious mind. To achieve success and reach goals, both halves of the brain, as well as the conscious and subconscious minds, must live and work together in harmony in order to reach a spiritual balance point. However, because of the vast differences in perceiving life and spirit, this is extremely difficult to maintain on a constant basis.  Thus, we go through life in a kind of dance, approaching, then retreating from the balance point. The heron, representing generation of life, and the butterfly, symbolizing the soul itself, reveal that we must always be aware of the soul and its need to grow, regardless of our emotional side-paths.

Divinatory Meaning

A romantic encounter may come into your life. You may be faced with an attraction or a temptation that may not be good for you. There will be an attraction of opposites that will be difficult to reconcile in the long run. A difficult choice will arise; make your decision on facts, not the emotions




Comfortable Aloneness

A dragon and a man sit along the edge of a forest. It is a sunny day, and many small animals and birds are around the dragon and the man. The man is at one with Nature and his astral teacher, the dragon. The birds are messages from spirit to help him make a decision and find his path in life. The wolves in the background represent the strength, cunning, and wisdom he is learning, while the squirrel of resourcefulness, the rabbit of fertility, and the little mice of self-preservation help him to create a balanced attitude towards life.

DIVINATORY MEANING: You feel comfortable, safe, and at ease with yourself. There will soon be a pleasant period of being alone. A journey


See the source imageKing of Wands – Minor Arcana Court Card

Ambition; leadership.

A regal looking older man sits on a richly craved throne; he wears a crown with small blue stones on the spiky tips. Because the man’s long and dedicated studies, he has earned the title of Master of Air. Chaotic thoughts no longer plague hi,, for he has became disciplined in weeding out, organizing, and bending the power of those thoughts to his concentrated desire and goals. About his shoulders is a white and multiblue mantle (comfort and contentment), with tiny dragon figures as part of the design. On one partially raised hand sits a tiny, dark blue dragon, a small messenger that helps the king to communicate with other realms. The king’s other hand holds a long staff-like wand (willpower) with a crystal tip; its glow shows the purity of his will. A huge dragon peers over the back of the  above the man’s head. This is the kings guardian and advisor, a long-time companion on journeys through other realms of being. Another of his small Guardian dragons lies curled contently at his feet, its sleep revealing the calmness of the atmosphere around this powerful man.

Divinatory Meaning:

A masculine influence, who is powerful in the business world, could guide you in an important decision. Ambition and leadership qualities will get you ahead in your career. Beware that haste and ego do not get you in trouble




Inguz – “Ing-guz” – Literally: “Seed” or “The god, Ing” – Esoteric: Process, space

Rune of isolation or separation in order to create a space or place where the process of transformation into higher states of being can occur. Rune of gestation and internal growth.

Psi: internal growth, personal development, the power of suggestion, the inner-child, wholeness

Energy: earth-god, stored energy, gestation process, male mysteries, subtlety, planned burstsv

Mundane: male sexuality, agriculture

Divinations: Resting, gestation, internal growth, expectation, time for oneself; or impotence, scattering, movement without change, frivolity, immaturity.


  • Storage and transformation of power for ritual use.
  • Stored Energy
  • Passive meditation and centering of energy and thought
  • Sudden release of energy
  • All forms of subtle, creative action

Witches Rune

The Ear Of Corn

Keywords: Good luck, success.
Meanings: This rune represents abundance, success and happiness. This is considered a lucky rune and if leading, it is very positive about your query, whether the query is about finance, business, friendship, partnership or spirituality. In conjunction with the Rings, it indicates a happy and prosperous marriage. With the Sun, it means success in your career, and with Waves, success abroad

I Ching

From psychic-revelation.com

Hexagram Thirty – Six/36

Name: Ming I.

Keyphrase: The darkening of the light.

Formed By The Trigrams: Earth over Fire.


General: Concealing your light when danger is around is an effective way of avoiding detection.

Love: Detach yourself from the issue and do not reveal your true feelings.

Business: This is not a good time to start any new ventures.

Personal: Use this time to work on your inner strengths until the current obstructions pass.


Overview: Ming I is very much about caution and the need to keep a low profile. It is harder to travel by night than it is by day. But is also easier to give yourself away if you show your light. Don’t try and make any further progress right now. Now is not the time to issue a challenge or to take anybody on. Keep a low profile and bide your time while strengthening you resources.


From astrogle.com

Thirty – Six

It is very individualistic, a scholar, a voracious reader, has an excellent imagination, and is often disorganized.

Angel Number

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

Divination Journal

Tarot Card

Today’s Tarot card reading comes from The Green Witch Tarot Deck and The Green Witch Tarot Companion by Ann Moura. With the art done by Kiri Ostergaard Leonard.


Page of Athames – Minor Arcana

This is a card of apprentice who is eager to test the skills learned. There is an adroit use of language talents and desire to be more self-assertive. Here the young girl practices calling the quarters for ritual, using the instructions in her Book of Shadows and gaining self-confidence with her actions. This is the beginning of independent thinking, but one must take care no to let this self-assurance slip into the cockiness of ambition and certitude. The time is right to showcase one’s talents for evaluation, endorsement, recognition, or advancement. Proving oneself can be a personal matter or one related to work, with the implied caution of possible competition with others reaching for the same goal. Vigilance is needed, plus a keen awareness of learning what is required to pursue one’s goals. Competitors may be engaging in spying and gossip, so one must be discreet with words and apply the necessary wisdom to avoid spitefulness. Be wary of taking inappropriate shortcuts, for there is abundant energy to get past obstructions to learning and, through the testing, to prove one’s abilities in pursuit of one’s goals.

Borage, representing an increase of psychic power, protection, and courage, grows in the clearing. An owl, a symbol of Moon magic and intuition, watches from a nearby tree branch.

Meaning: Assertiveness, showcasing talents, demonstrating abilities for advancement, testing skills, pursuing goals, vigilance, language skills, proving abilities, scrupulous preparations, practicing a skill, beginnings of independent thinking, preparing for action.

Prompt Words: Showcasing talents, vigilance.


Two of Pentacles – Minor Arcana

This is a card of security concerns. A person is focused on security of home and finances, saving money yet also having money to spend. This card indicates a cautious approach to friendship and socializing — not antisocial, but just be careful and perhaps a little suspicious of the motives of others. Access to the home is restricted until a person is more familiar with would-be guests. Such a person does not appreciate uninvited or unexpected visitors to the home, nor a presumption of personal familiarity. Reserved and careful, and self-contained, the person is possibly living in comfortable circumstances but has concerns about being taken advantage of and losing what has been gained. Financial security is of paramount importance, and this state is well entrenched. What is earned is kept in reserve, perhaps building up a savings account or being directed into a fund. This is the card of a private person, one who may be influential but also Selective of associates. There may be financial blockage or simply an unwillingness to spend money. This is a thrifty person, so gift-giving is likely limited by price.

Nettle, an herb of security, home protection, increasing finances, is kept by the door of the house. A turtle, a symbol of security, abundance, defense, and relationships, withdraws into his shell.

Meaning: Security of home and finances, careful spending, saving money, budgeting, controlling personal access, feeling insecure, blocked expression, social reluctance, reserved nature, socially shy, suspicious of others’ motives, selective of associates, a small gift, endurance, pay raise, increase in income, income directed to private employment of beauty.

Prompt Words: Financial security, self-contained, withdrawn


Two of Chalices – Minor Arcana

This is a card of good communication and loving companionship. A true lover’s card, it shows a that choice or decision has been made and that a couple is well suited for each other. It may also represent a congenial relationship between two people, and while usually reflecting love, understanding, and possibly marriage, it can also apply simply to a satisfying partnership in a business, friendship, or social setting where there is a strong bond between two people. There may be a happy surprise, a proposal, or a reconciliation implied. As this is a card of joy and happiness, the relationship may be clarified by surrounding cards in a spread. There is a sense of well-being that is shared with another, with mutual respect and enjoyment. Creative ideas may also be indicated, shared, and appreciated by another who is close. Agreement and agreeable relationship bring one comfort and security. There is a strong bond of trust here, as well as dependability and goodwill.

Coriander, a plant of love, fidelity, home, happiness, peace, and security, grows near the couple. A goose, a symbol of fidelity, love, communication, and comfort, watches nearby.

Meaning: Emotional balance, good communication, satisfying partnership, compatibility, proposal, harmony, reconciliation, cooperation, affinity, affection, a happy surprise.

Prompt Words: Good partnership, harmony.


The Horned God – Major Arcana – Reversed

The antlered God of nature stands in the forest clearing surrounded by the wildlife of his domain. He is the ruler of the forest and Lord of Beasts, a robust figure of authority, wisdom, and fertility. His power derives from his personal drive and leadership skills, but is tempered by his acceptance of the responsibilities that come with his position, for he is guardian of nature, the protector and nurturer of the natural cycles of life under his care. He also knows that he is part of of this cycle, and He willingly plays his role through the seasons as he perpetuates the nourishment of earth by his marriage to the Earth Mother at the summer solstice. He impregnates her, surrendering his virile energy to her care as he turns into his Sage aspect. Now, however, he is strong, aware of his partner, yet kind, gentle, and general with his abundance. The Horned God is honored as a benefactor and protector, yet he is also the Wild God of the Hunt, reflecting a time when hunting game was necessity for survival. Indeed, his image as the Hunter can be traced back through time to ancient cave paintings of the antlered and hide-robed shaman working his magic for a successful hunt. The Horned God is master of the woods is the master of the woods, the vegetation of the earth, and animal kingdom. He builds and rules his domain in all the wild places, yet he demonstrates the life cycle within the changing seasons. He is compassionate to the animals that live out their roles as prey and predator, game and vermin, each according to the nature of their kind, for he teaches that Divine Spirit dwells in al things. The Horned God reminds the hunter to offer blessings to the hunted with the understanding of the unity of all things in the ecosystems they inhabit, for what may be vermin to one may be sustenance for another.

Wild bergamot–representing authority, power, fertility, and energy, blooming with red brilliance, the color of blood–grows in profusion around the God. Ravens, symbolizing messages, guardianship, growth, and guidance, circle overhead while on of them whispers news of the world to the Horned God.

Meaning: Accomplishment, leadership, skills, responsibility, authority, personal power, stability, self-confidence, experienced, initiating plans, building projects, protecting what is created, fertility, satisfaction, husbandry.

Reversed: Bureaucratic, inflexible, indecisive, petty.

Prompt Words: Responsibility, builder



What is higher than the self is the Self become Higher.”

Tiwaz – “Tea-waz” – Literally: “The god, Tyr” – Esoteric: Justice, Sacrifice

Rune of the balance and justice ruled from a higher rationality. The rune of sacrifice of the individual (self) for well-being of the whole (society).

Psi: spiritual warrior, honour, righteousness

Energy: sovereign order, sacrifice, right decision making

Mundane: the rule of law, fairness, peace keeping

Divinations: faith, loyalty, justice, rationality, self-sacrifice, analysis, victory, honesty, even-handedness; or mental paralysis, over analysis, over-sacrifice, injustice, imbalance, defeat, tyranny.

Obtaining just victory and success in battle, litigation or legal matters
Building spiritual will and development of sound judgement
Develops the power of positive self-sacrifice
Develops the “force of faith” in magic and religion

Witches’ Rune

The Rings

Keywords: Love, relationships.

Meanings: The Rings is the rune of love and when it is the leading stone, it is a positive answer to your question. It is very much a rune of relationship and can indicate engagement, marriage or a new/renewed relationship. It can also indicate the need for a fresh approach to an existing relationship.



The beauty of heather flowers is one reason it is associated with the Irish Goddess of love, fertility, and new growth. Be happy when you draw this letter because it denotes love, companionship, and passion. Whether it will be a new love or an old love rekindled, Ura is a powerful symbol and one that may bring great luck in your love life.

Fortune – This Ogham deals in matters of Love. Whether it is new love or rekindling of old love, enjoy the peace and love that comes with Ura!

I Ching

Hexagram Forty – Three/43

Kuai / Breakthrough

A Deluge from Heaven:
The Superior Person rains fortune upon those in need, then moves on with no thought of the good he does.

The issue must be raised before an impartial authority.
Be sincere and earnest, despite the danger.
Do not try to force the outcome, but seek support where needed.
Set a clear goal.


Your iron will must come to the forefront now.
It will take great personal determination to resolve the situation in question.
Your adversary would love to force you into an angry display.
That would legitimize his opposition to you.
Such a berserker rage would drag you down to his level.
You must resolutely take a public stand against what he represents, but refuse to engage him.
Without compromise, you show others the way to higher ground


From a purely mathematical perspective, the 9 stands apart.

Here’s why:

When you multiply any number by 9, then add the resulting digits and reduce them to a single digit, it always becomes a 9. For example, 6 x 9 = 54, reduce 54 to a single digit by adding them together: 5 + 4 = 9. Similarly, 8 x 9 = 72, and 7 + 2 = 9. Or 23 x 9 = 207, 2 + 0 + 7 = 9, and so forth.

There is nothing coincidental about this peculiarity.

Try it. Any number, no matter how large, multiplied by 9 reduces to 9. From a numerological perspective, the 9 simply takes over, like the infamous body snatchers. Any number that was initially increased by a factor of 9 loses its own identity and instead takes on the characteristics of the 9.

No other number has that quality.

A different, but no less distinctive attribute of the 9 happens when you add it to any other number, then reduce that number to a single digit. In this case, it always comes back to itself as if nothing was added at all – it doesn’t change anything from the initial single digit value.

For example, 5 + 9 = 14, 1 + 4 = 5. Or 7 + 9 = 16, 1 + 6 = 7. 24 (which reduces to 6) + 9 = 33, 3 + 3 = 6. Again, have some fun, try it on a bunch of numbers.

When multiplying, the 9 takes over, but when adding, the 9 does nothing.

For a math junkie like myself, this is beauty. It symbolically touches the core of the magic that underlies this creation. But enough about math, let’s look at the personality of this unique number.

The highest of the cardinal numbers, the 9 is the most worldly and sophisticated of all.

The 9 has similarities with the 6 – including its shape (turned upside down). However, where the 6 is a symbol of love and compassion directed to people close to them (friends, family, the local community), the 9 offers love and care to the world at large.

The 9, more than any other number, has global consciousness – a reservoir of giving with a generous downward spout.

The 9 lives in the world and understands the connection between all people. Individuals with this number are humanitarians who see no difference between their next-door neighbor and people from different cultures on the other side of the world. The 9 is the least judgmental of all numbers, the most tolerant and the most conscious.

The 9 is overwhelmingly loving and empathetic.

People often regard those with a strong 9 as majestic, graceful, and elevated, but closely connected with the rest of humankind. At the same time, they can be hard to reach, seem aloof, and tend to float above the small-minded issues that can be upsetting to others. People either love or loathe 9 individuals, but find it difficult to deny the respect they demand. 9s have impeccable taste, are talented, creative, and usually quite eloquent when they express themselves.

The 9 is called the “Mother Theresa” number because it doesn’t hesitate to rectify abuse. More importantly, it does not seek credit for giving assistance. Just as the number 9 added to another number does not force its way into the sum (the sum stays the same) – 9 individuals never force themselves upon others when trying to help.

When circumstances require, 9s can be a powerful force, strong enough to take over and bend others to their will (just as the number 9 does when used to multiply any other number, where it takes control). However, the 9 is not a leader in the same way the 1 and the 8 are; its influence comes from the higher realms of philosophy and justice. A 9 does not use force or cunning, they just change your mind!

Although they are generally selfless, a 9 is often prosperous. This contradiction helps illustrate the true nature of the 9. Where an 8 becomes financially successful by focusing on the potential reward from an undertaking, 9s earn financial reward by utterly ignoring the monetary potential of an endeavor, the exact opposite of the 8.

As for matters of the heart, the 9 is not particularly romantic.

The 9 can be a difficult romantic partner, not only because they are demanding, but because you never know to what extent you’ve managed to reach them emotionally. 9s tend to hide their hearts, so even after knowing them for many years, the connection can still seem a bit distant.

They are loyal friends but will not allow themselves to become vulnerable. The most telling attribute of the 9 is the always subtle, difficult to pinpoint feeling there is more to them than meets the eye. They carry depth and intuition, and are at all times aware of their surroundings, like a person with over-developed peripheral vision.

As with any number, the 9 has a dark side.

A 9 can be condescending, arrogant, cold, and apathetic towards the suffering of others. When the 9 shows its dark side, it is egotistic, cruel, immoral, and completely untouchable. Unfortunately, it is easy for a 9 to fall into the dark side. For example, if they perceive themselves to be the victim of an injustice, they can turn vindictive, unforgiving, and malicious.

When the 9 appears as a cycle, it often denotes a finality, the completion of an era.

The 9 as a cycle is frequently seen as an indicator of death. This is simplistic and incorrect. When you are in the 9th period of a cycle (such as the 9th year of a 9-year cycle), it suggests you are in the final stages of that period or endeavor. It’s a time to empty your bucket and prepare for change, let go of the past, wrap up loose ends, and make way for new opportunities.

In Personal Year cycles, the 9 is always followed by the 1; every time you go through that two-year phase (from one year to the next) you go through a transformation of some kind. Look at any period in your life when you went through a 9 Personal Year followed by a 1 Personal Year and you will find this to be true. Then, look at your Essence and Transit cycles to learn what the fundamental nature of that transformation was.

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

Snow Leopard

“Take some time out of your usual life and spend it in solitude.”

It ca be difficult these days to spend time in solitude–to unplug, get off the electronic grid, and find a quite place in or near Nature–yet it’s important to do so at this time. Turn off the phone, computer, and television, if only for a few hours. Although you may feel a little anxious and restless upon your first do so, these feelings will pass. Use the time for contemplation and meditation. It’s not isolation; it’s solitude. Solitude is a conscious and loving choice to be alone for a period of time, while isolation is a habitual and reflexive coping pattern to avoid discomfort and intimacy. If possible, take a full day by yourself, and just do whatever you feel like doing. Whatever length of time you spend in solitude, be sure to write as often as you can in your journal.

If you should feel guilty or anxious about the thought of doing this or even while you are actually doing it, use your breath to help you relax. As much as you possibly can during the period of alone time, remind yourself to breath and relax. Whenever you notice your breathing become shallow, take three or four deep breaths and watch your tensions and anxiety dissipate. Enjoy the feeling of having the sacred space of solitude surrounding you. And remember: You’re never really alone.

Associations: Solitude; Self-reliance; Balance; Silence; Stealth; Confidence; Determination; Perseverance; Containment; Sensitivity; Intuition; Reliability; Mysterious; Integration; Shamanism



Divination Journal

Tarot Card


All aspects of today’s reading come from the Page of Pentacles from tarotx.net

Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles shows a young man, standing alone in the middle of fertile land. There was a lush forest of fruit trees behind him, promising a plentiful harvest. He walked slowly and did not know anything about the surrounding area. He focused on nothing but the gold coin in his hands. The sky is bright and everything is going very well on the path leads to his future success.

In Tarot court cards, The Page is a card of new beginnings, inspiration and early stages of a creative project. Pentacles correspond to the element of Earth in Alchemy. Therefore, the fact that the Page treasures the gold coin shows an awareness, appreciating the value of money not only physically but also about the related needs such as health, food, and clothes.

Menu of Contents



“Log-uhz” – Literally: “Water” or Ocean – Esoteric: Unconscious, Collective Memory

Rune of the unconscious context of becoming or the evolutionary process. Rune of Life’s longing for itself.

Psi: emotion, psychic powers, unconscious mental processes, love, dreaming

Energy: life energy, ocean spirit, origins of life, collective unconscious, the astral plane, love as unity, evolution

Mundane: water, imagination, occultism, dreams

Divinations: Life, passing a test, sea of vitality and of the unconscious growth, memory, dreams; or fear, circular motion, avoidance, withering, depression, manipulations, emotional blackmail, lack of moral fiber, fantasy, poison, toxicity


Transpersonal powers
Mastery of emotion in order to shape wyrd
Guidance through difficult initiatory tests, ie. initiation into life
Increase in vitality and life force
Communication between your conscious mind to another’s unconscious mind
Development of ‘second sight’ or prophetic wisdom
All powers of dreaming (lucid dreams, astral projection)

Witches Runes

The Rings

Keywords: Love, relationships.

Meanings: The Rings is the rune of love and when it is the leading stone, it is a positive answer to your question. It is very much a rune of relationship and can indicate engagement, marriage or a new/renewed relationship. It can also indicate the need for a fresh approach to an existing relationship.



The beauty of heather flowers is one reason it is associated with the Irish Goddess of love, fertility, and new growth. Be happy when you draw this letter because it denotes love, companionship, and passion. Whether it will be a new love or an old love rekindled, Ura is a powerful symbol and one that may bring great luck in your love life.

Fortune – This Ogham deals in matters of Love. Whether it is new love or rekindling of old love, enjoy the peace and love that comes with Ura!

I Ching

From IChing.Online.net

Hexagram Fifty – Nine 59

Huan / Dissolution

Wind carries the Mists aloft:
Sage rulers dedicated their lives to serving a Higher Power and built temples that still endure.

The King approaches his temple.
Success if you stay on course.
You may cross to the far shore.


Walls meant to protect have instead separated and isolated.
Your defenses have kept you apart from those whom you most need to touch.
Whatever the reason for discord between you, it is time to lay down your arms.
Dispel the inflexible demands and fears of the Mind so that you may reunite in the Heart.
If you have begrudged, forgive.
If you have torn down, repair.
If you have injured, heal.
If you have judged, pardon.
If you have grasped, let go.


From worldnumerology.com



The Love Child of Zeus and Hera.

In the previous chapter (on the number 2), I described the unique union between the numbers 1 and 2 as that of the father and mother unit, while revealing the contradictory natures of their personalities. Now, we move on to what could be considered the result of their union: the number 3, an extraordinarily talented child.

The number 3 is like a gifted teenager who is still under the protection of its parents – a bit spoiled, clearly scattered, and perpetually in need of guidance. However, the 3 excels in the creative field.

An individual with 3s in key points of their numerology chart will have a passionate need to express feelings, ideas, and vision. Coupled with an extroverted personality, they are likely to seek a career in art, especially the verbal arts.

Another unique quality of the 3 is the tendency to be “lucky,” or rather, to be in the right place at the right time. This may be connected to their innate sense of rhythm – the 3 seems to be in tune with the cyclical nature of their surroundings.

Their social skills are also excellent.

Charm, wit and a sense of humor help a 3 along their path, and a compelling charisma make them particularly attractive.

Followers are willing to forgive less favorable traits exhibited by 3s, such as their lack of focus and direction, a tendency to procrastinate, an inability to finish projects, and an unwillingness to take responsibility.

There is also a superficial side to the 3 that can be harder to look past – a narcissistic streak, the need to be the center of attention. It’s easy for the optimistic 3 to enjoy day-to-day life as long as all is well, but when challenging issues arise, internal fortitude is often lacking.

Without little focus on deeper aspects, the 3 can succumb to difficulties unless friends and family provide support.

For the 3 to become a balanced, happy person they must learn discipline. Fortunate 3s who exhibit talent early in life (such as gifted dancers and music prodigies) are often placed in environments with just the sort of discipline a 3 needs to protect those talents.

Relationships can be a bit of a challenge for the 3, at least those requiring long-term commitment and loyalty. With plenty of acquaintances (probably more than is healthy), when true depth and intimacy enter the picture, the 3 may turn tail and run.

The 3 can have a jealous streak too, causing conflicts when those it has rejected move on in search of more meaningful bonds.

Jealousy stems from the 3 recognizing it has been skimming the surface of life since birth. As a result, they feel insecure, thinking others know things that have escaped them.

But, once a 3 finds the motivation to delve deeply into the realities of life (something that may only happen when confronted), its happy facade has the potential to be replaced by the serenity true wisdom brings. Such a “transformed” 3 is a thing to behold.

No one is represented by just one number but is a mixture of several if not all the numbers in their chart. Those who are blessed with a heavy dose of 3s in their numerology chart tend to have an easier time being happy, optimistic, and playful.

However, this kind of “joie de vivre” can leave those same people unprepared for the more demanding experiences that life inevitably brings.

While the western mindset focuses on happy moments as the ideal, unhappy experiences are often the ones that bring greater depth and quality to our life.

For the number 3, happiness might be easy to achieve, but is almost always a consequence of something materialistic or fleeting (a new car, a new relationship, a sunny day). A higher happiness, one that is not the consequence of a particular event but the result of a deep appreciation toward life itself, is worth a million times more.

The biggest challenge for the 3 is to recognize the real beauty of life is not found in possessions or frivolity, but in the deepest aspects of being human.

When the 3 defies the odds to achieve this state of being, the fact that it has had to travel far to reach such a height makes this number uniquely qualified to help others reach the same goal.

Angel Number

From Informationseries.com

Eight Hundred and Eight

808] What is the meaning of angel number?

Angel number 808 mainly means “richness” or “believing mind.” If you look closely at the 808 numbers recently, this 808 is the angel number given to you. Each of the three digits is significant, so let’s focus on the numbers that come out.

[808] meaning: God gives richness

808 is an auspicious message: “Everything you need comes from angels and God.” God and angels will support you, even if you are lucky. You should spend your days appreciating such things.

Meaning of [8]: Richness is approaching

Each of the numbers in the angel number has a meaning, and we focus on each of the numbers that come out. First of all, the number 8 that comes out means “you will be richer”. It shows that you will be financially rich and will give you time for money and things to be accomplished.

It suggests the richness of human relations as well as the economics, indicating that the people around you can be supported.

Meaning of [0]: Beginning with reset

0 is a special number whose number does not change even when added. Therefore, it serves to emphasize the meaning of the combined number. This number indicates that you can receive support from the universe and God. In addition, 0 is obviously the first number, so it represents a new beginning and a reset.

Meaning of [7]: Your choice is right

808 can be broken down into 8, 0 and 8 and added up to 16. 16 can be decomposed into 1 and 6, so add it to 7. So at first glance I don’t know, but the angel number 808 also has the meaning of 7. The number 7 means “I’m okay as it is”, and it allows me to make my own decisions and decisions. You should be confident.

Message of Angel Number 808

So, what message is included in the meaning of angel number 808? Know what the message Angel Number 808 is sending you.

Let’s be aware of the richness of the heart

Angel number 808 is mirrored by 8 which means that the heart is rich. It means receiving the support of God and angels when trying to do things. It’s a good idea to recognize such a richness of the mind that can help you accomplish something.

Express your feelings firmly

Angel number 808 is a very good number, indicating that there is support from God and angels. Better things will happen if you are confident and express your feelings. Keeping your feelings in the sky is not a good thing, so be honest with your feelings.

Material changes come

The meaning of angel number 808 also means “I am not afraid of change.” Angel number 808 suggests that material changes are coming, so it’s better to be willing to accept changes when they happen.

Maintain positive thinking

You need to be positive and positive. Positive thinking is on your side when embracing change. Positive thinking can help you do better.

Let’s work for people

Angel number 808 also has the meaning of being a person with a wide heart. In particular, the state of the soul is shining, so it is good to maintain your current state with confidence. If you want to make your soul shine more, you should work not only for yourself but also for others.

Get support from angels

The ability to receive support from God and angels is also a feature of people with angel number 808. By accepting change and achieving goals with a positive attitude, you will be able to follow the path guided by the angels. This is an angel number that helps you get help when you do something.

The end comes and the encounter begins

Angel number 808 shows a new change. For those seeking new encounters, it suggests that they are meeting in good situations. For example, if the car number was angel number 808, the angel number may be a hint to meet, such as when you meet through a car.

Accept the changes that come

The number 8 used in angel number 808 indicates a change. If you accept the changes you come, things will go smoothly with the support of God and angels. You should also be confident and have a successful image.

Use your richness for others

Angel number 808 is a symbol of richness. Use your richness, supported by God and angels, for others, not yourself. If you use the wealth you enjoyed for others, your fortunes will turn around.

Don’t judge it for good or bad

Angel number 808 also means “you think about things for good or bad.” Thinking about whether to lose or gain is a self-oriented approach, not a benefit. If you do so, you will fail, so try to think God-centered and not move on your own account.

Angel number [808] love tendency

People with angel number 808 can receive support from God and angels, so things will go smoothly. Get to know the love tendency of Angel Number 808.

Stability with lover

The number 7 when decomposing angel number 808 indicates stability. Not only that, but also the meaning and richness of believing in the 808 numbers themselves. Therefore, it is thought that lovers will be stable if they believe each other. I am also good at understanding the other person’s feelings, so you will not see any particular upheaval about love.

Meet your ideal partner

It is said that the love of Angel Number 808 actually indicates that unrequited love is best fulfilled. It is said that the situation where you meet your love partner is the best, and you will meet like a movie or drama. The situation when you see an angel number can be linked to love.

Marriage is calm

It is said that the love of Angel Number 808 is calm, but the marriage is the same, suggesting that “you can spend peace and happiness.” There is no quarrel, you can have a peaceful day, and the feelings of the two can communicate with each other, so there is less of a gap between your hearts.


In angel number 808, the meaning of each number indicates that the richness of 8, starting with a reset of 0, and the chosen path of 7 are correct.

The message of angel number 808 signifies the onset of material changes, such as awareness of the richness of the mind and expressive feelings. You can also receive support from angels, so it’s a good idea to maintain positive thinking and embrace the changes that come. Use your prosperity for others, and don’t judge it by profit or loss.

In addition, as for the love tendency of Angel Number 808, the relationship with the lover is stable, the situation of the encounter is ideal, and the marriage is calm.

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

Today’s Animal Spirt Guide card comes from Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer Copyright 2008


Your loyalty and faithfulness is misplaced by serving to many masters.

“Whom do you serve?” is the question at hand here. When you compromise your personal integrity through misguided attempts to placate others out of fear of their disapproval or to avoid up setting them, you deny your own inner authority and give away your power. You become their servant, and they, your masters. You allow this by assuming that another person or organization has greater knowledge, power, or spiritual wisdom than you, and put yourself in “less Than” position. While other may possess some of these attributes to a greater degree than you do, you can honor them as teachers — not masters.

Children may rightly look to their parents for this sort of guidance. However, as they mature, it’s appropriate that the leash to their parents’ authority stretches and is eventually severed. The human error is to continue to project this parental authority onto other people and institutions, and then either subjugate their will or act in opposition to that perceived authority. Over a number of years, you may find yourself attached to the leashes of their masters, leading you to feel fragmented and, to some degree, powerless. Instead, take off those collars, and let Spirit be your one true Master. Then you will experience true freedom.

Divination Journal

Tarot Card

Today’s Tarot card reading comes from The Celtic Dragon Tarot by D. J. Conway. With art done by Lisa Hunt. This deck is unique as the cards are never read in reverse. Copyright 2001


Three of Cups – Minor Arcana

Prosperity; success.

Pages 118 and 119

A Water dragon lies in a cave on a vast pile of treasure. Prominent in front among the treasure are three chalices. Symbolic of the riches of spirit deep within the sacred center of each human, the dragon waits patiently to share this treasure with anyone who seeks his realm. The treasure itself represents the hidden knowledge found within the subconscious and collective unconscious minds of all humans. The lapping water (the constant giving and receiving of emotional wealth) can be seen in the front of the card. Shimmering water reflections shown on cave walls, symbolic of the love and contentment that shine forth from the lives of all who are balanced and at peace.

Divinatory Meaning: A time of prosperity, success, good luck, and happiness is coming. A celebration may brighten your life. This can be a successful creative period.


Knight of Cups – Minor Arcana Court Card

Unexpected pleasant times

Pages 136 and 137

The Knight of CUps, a teenage boy, is riding on a Water dragon across ocean waves. The Knight has not yet come into the fullness of his magickal and spiritual knowledge or experience. He is testing himself by pushing his ride on the Water dragon to the limit. He is wearing a breastplate with a seashell designs on it, symbolic of the ever present life force that allows humans to expose the body and mind to new and sometimes dangerous adventures, but protects the soul which is eternal. The water is full of other Water dragons, mermaids, and sea creatures. These creatures all symbolize the active seed-forms of manifestation that dwell within the sea-womb of the cauldron of creation. The girl’s face, seen behind him, represents his hidden feminine side. All humans possess both masculine and feminine energies within them, energies they must learn to balance for a successful life.

Divinatory Meaning: Be prepared for an unexpected visit from someone you admire. Remember, a dreamer who is balanced between the dreams and reality accomplishes the most. You may have a pleasant outing with someone you care for deeply.


Nine of Pentacles – Minor Arcana

Comfortable aloneness

Pages 158 and 159

A dragon and a man sit along the edge of a forest. It is a sunny day, and many small animals and birds are around the dragon and man. The man is at one with Nature and his astral teacher, the dragon. The birds are messengers from spirit, sent to help him make decisions and find his path in life. The wolves in the background represent the strength,, cunning, and wisdom he is learning, while the squirrel of resourcefulness, the rabbit of fertility, and the little mice of self-preservation help him to create a balanced attitude toward life.

Divinatory Meaning: You feel comfortable. safe, and at ease with yourself. There will soon be a pleasant period of being alone. A journey into Nature can renew your outlook on life and recharge your energies.


Knight of Pentacles – Minor Arcana Court Card

Gains and losses

Pages 164 and 165

A teenage girl, clad in a golden breastplate and helmet, stands beside a large dragon on a rocky hill. They are watching men build a stone house below. The girl has a Celtic sword slung at her belt; beside the sword is a bag with a pentacle on the side. From her vantage point at the gates to the spiritual realm, the girl can clearly see the labor that goes into each life; this labor creates a personal space for the individual, a necessity for the maintenance of the individuality and personal identity. The stones of the hillside symbolize primordial power; this symbolism is repeated in the stones used to build the house. There is an unlimited supply of creative, primordial energy upon which any person may draw to manifest what is needed in life, if they are willing to put forth the effort. The sword and the bag with the pentacle represent the spiritual strength for defense.

Divinatory Meaning: There could be a gain or loss finances. Salary increase is possible. The chance to purchase real estate may come about. A loan is repaid.


From TheRuneSite.com


Sound: “o” as in “old”
Stands for: Home (or Odla – sacred ancestral land)
Color: Copper (Brown)
Casting meaning: Much like Fehu this is a rune of wealth. But unlike Fehu, Othala represents a wealth that cannot be sold. This is wealth like family, friendships or our culture and heritage that is passed down to us. It represents an enclosure and maintains the existing state of things as they presently are.

Witches’ Rune

From summergoddess.wordpress.com

The Eye

This rune means to watch, to be spellbound, to probe deeper and discover that which is hidden from view.

It indicates becoming conscious and aware. This can sometimes mean you will be shocked into some awareness.

The Eye Rune implies the inner eye, to bring something into focus, to awaken or startle.

It suggests the all-knowing or all-seeing consciousness.

This rune has everything to do with examination, inspection, exposure and understanding on the deepest level


From learnreligions.com


E is Eadhadh, or Eadha, which is the Aspen, a symbol of endurance and courage. The Aspen is a durable, hardy tree that grows all over North America and Scotland, so when Eadhadh appears, take it as a sign of strong will and success. Challenges may come your way, but you will eventually conquer your adversaries and obstacles.

In folklore and literature, the Aspen is associated with heroes, and many “crowns of Aspen” have been found in ancient burial sites. The sturdy wood was popular for making shields, and were often imbued with magical protective properties. In the Highlands of Scotland, the Aspen was often rumored to be connected to the realm of the Fae.

Eadhadh Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: Like the Aspen, you can be flexible without snapping. No matter what obstacles come, allow yourself to know that these too will be gone eventually. You will be left stronger for the experience, if you can get over your fears and reservations.

Magical Aspects: Don’t give in to the pressures of the material world. Focus instead on your spiritual journey, even if it seems like it would be a lot easier to give up and let things fall by the wayside. Even in the Tarot, the Fool knows he has a long way to go, but the first step is the hardest. When Eadhadh appears, put aside your distractions, and take that first all-important step on your journey.

I Ching

From psychic-revelation.com

Hexagram Ten/10

Name: Lu.

Keyphrase: Correct conduct.

Formed By The Trigrams: Heaven over Lake.

Imagery: The sky over a lake.

General: A successful journey can be assured if one careful step at a time is taken.

Love: Goodwill is the key to solving any relationship issues.

Business: Achieving success within business is best accomplished treating others with courtesy and respect.

Personal: Focus on ridding yourself of any feelings of envy or jealousy.

Overview: Lu relates to the need to develop your social skills and to make sure that they are sincere and not insincere. It indicates a need to make sure that jealousy or envy are not present within your life and if they are, to take steps to resolve them. Lu is all about inequality and the need to avoid it.



It is involved with business on an international scale, and it is a discordance between idealism and selfishness. There is a lack of conscious spiritual effort. If the 18 is prominent in your chart, reading and travel will be very beneficial.

Angel Number

From numerologynation.com

Every angel number has its own significance, and your guardian angels hand-pick a number for you. Your angels will show it to you everywhere until you stop and pay attention to the symbolic meaning of these number sequences.

These numbers are often shown in situations where you may need to bring about some changes. If you keep seeing angel number 747 often and in odd places, it means your guardian angels are conveying a particular message to you.

Angel number 747 is a message about your divine soul’s mission. It reveals your path to a physical and spiritual life filled with inner wisdom, truth, spirituality, love, and a strong connection to the Universe.

To understand the deeper meaning of angel number 747 and what it means for your life purpose, read on!

Angel Number 747 Meaning and Significance

Angel number 747 unites the high vibrations and energies of the number 7 and the number 4. Since the number 7 appears twice, the influence of 7’s energies is doubled in this angel number.

According to numerology, the number 7 signifies wisdom, knowledge, spirituality, determination, and education.

The spiritual significance of number 7 ranges from spiritual knowledge and involvement to spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

The number 7 can be considered a highly spiritual number with a lot to offer for your spiritual development. It relates to the presence of spiritual teachers, and the true potential one person can reach when they become an enlightened spirit.

What Does Angel Number 747 Mean Spiritually?

The spiritual meaning of 747 resonates with all things divine: spiritual knowledge, involvement, awakening, and enlightenment.

You are born into this life with the true purpose of healing this world through your strong spiritual sense, and you are capable of helping people in need.

However, first, you need to believe in your divine mission and start to view success in a different light.

Success is not about riches, and how much you have earned doesn’t determine how successful you are.

It’s your spiritual growth that defines success and what the future holds for you.

Cosmic secrets are waiting to be unlocked, and several meanings of your existence are waiting to be found.

By surrounding yourself with positive energy and looking into your inner self with the eyes of the spirit, you will be able to stay on your spiritual journey and begin building a new life.

You should know that there is no “right time” to implement these changes – the right time is right now!

You must get started immediately to understand how life can work for you and not against you.

The 747 angel number reminds us how little we know of life and how much infinite wisdom is out there waiting for us.

Building a spiritually-inclined life is not that difficult with a bit of determination, hard work, and perseverance.

You just need to start paying attention to the secret messages your guardian angel is sending you. It’s time to take your first steps and follow wherever angel number 747 takes you in the future!

Why Do I Keep Seeing Number 747?

There could be several reasons your guardian angels show you the same numbers everywhere. Depending on when, where, and how this number is shown, you should be able to understand the secret meaning behind angel number 747.

Here are some reasons why you could be seeing this angel number everywhere.

Unintentional Hurting

Maybe you’ve been acting too emotional for the past few days and unintentionally hurting people around you.

You can change this by stopping yourself from prematurely reacting and instead, start responding to situations or conversations with a clear head.

Mistaken Dishonesty

In an effort to protect yourself or someone from uncomfortable truths, you may have been dishonest for a while now, and your angels have noticed it.

Being dishonest may allow you a moment’s relief, but it will always catch up with you and disrupt your quality of life. It’s important to stop lying to yourself and the people around you if you want to build an honest future.

Your angels want you to adopt integrity and honesty as a lifestyle and stick with your values; they will enrich you as a person.

Learning Opportunities

If you plan to pursue further education, your angels wish you good luck.

They are assuring you that now is the time to put maximum effort into learning and acquiring new knowledge – your hard work will definitely reap rewards!

Call for Help

If you are wondering if you are on the right path and are hoping for guidance from the Universe – your angel has revealed the 747 angel number as an answer to your prayers.


With the information provided in this article, it must be clear that angel number 747 is an example of those highly spiritual numbers that encourage you to be honest.

The meaning of angel number 747 represents one’s abilities to connect with the divine by reaching the higher dimensions of life through honesty, love, and spirituality.

Whenever you find yourself in a situation where you don’t know what to do, seek the help of your angels with an open heart. Trust in the Universe to give you guidance and support when you least expect it.

Though they may not be from our physical realm, angels are a boon to humanity and come bearing gifts and knowledge that we never knew we needed!

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

Today’s Animal Spirt Guide card comes from Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer Copyright 2008


“Let go of your fear and know that you are safe and protected at all times”

Pages 135 to 137

Whenever you venture into unfamiliar territory it’s quite natural to feel some trepidation. Your mind can create all sorts of scenarios as to what can go wrong. Doubts and uncertainties may arise, and the can seem fraught with challenges and sometimes even danger. You may find yourself stuck at times, fearful about moving ahead. Yet much of what we label as fear isn’t actually fear, True fear is a vital, instinctual response to any life-threatening situation and is triggered not only by circumstances or events, but even more so by what you think about those circumstances or events. Stay relaxed yet vigilant, trusting that nothing can truly harm you and that your body will provide sensory information if there is any actual danger. If there truly is a threat, then your instincts will tell you what to do.

Whenever you feel an exaggerated sense of fear triggered mainly by your thoughts, one that has little or no basis in reality, take a few slow, deep breaths. Call upon spirit helpers who have provided their guidance and protection before. Reach out to close friends or family members for reassurance and to help you feel grounded and centered. Recall those times in the past when you did not feel frightened or were endangered and not only survived, but came through intact. You can also re-label fear and instead call it excitement, as the two emotions are very similar in the way they manifest in the body. Most of all, trust your spirit guides, your instincts, and your friends to watch out for you.

Associations: Protection; Guardianship; Alertness; Kindheartedness; Compassion; Individuality; Compromise; Challenge; Analysis; Illusion; Magic; Sure-footedness; Confidence; Changes; Agility