Samhain (Samain) – The Celtic roots of Halloween

As millions of children and adults participate in the fun of Halloween on the night of October 31st, few will be aware of its ancient Celtic roots in the Samhain (Samain) festival. In Celtic Ireland about 2,000 years ago, Samhain was the division of the year between the lighter half (summer) and the darker half (winter). At Samhain the division between this world and the otherworld was at its thinnest, allowing spirits to pass through.

The family’s ancestors were honoured and invited home whilst harmful spirits were warded off. People wore costumes and masks to disguise themselves as harmful spirits and thus avoid harm. Bonfires and food played a large part in the festivities. The bones of slaughtered livestock were cast into a communal fire, household fires were extinguished and started again from the bonfire. Food was prepared for the living and the dead, food for the ancestors who were in no position it eat it, was ritually shared with the less well off.

Christianity incorporated the honouring of the dead into the Christian calendar with All Saints (All Hallows) on November 1st, followed by All Souls on November 2nd. The wearing of costumes and masks to ward off harmful spirits survived as Halloween customs. The Irish emigrated to America in great numbers during the 19th century especially around the time of famine in Ireland during the 1840’s. The Irish carried their Halloween traditions to America, where today it is one of the major holidays of the year. Through time other traditions have blended into Halloween, for example the American harvest time tradition of carving pumpkins.

Two hills in the Boyne Valley were associated with Samhain in Celtic Ireland, Tlachtga and Tara. Tlachtga was the location of the Great Fire Festival which begun on the eve of Samhain (Halloween). Tara was also associated with Samhain, however it was secondary to Tlachtga in this respect.

The entrance passage to the Mound of the Hostages on the Hill of Tara is aligned with the rising sun around Samhain. The Mound of the Hostages is…

To continue reading the article on Samhain click here

Beltane Activities and Correspondences c. 2016

Beltane Activities and Correspondences

Guest Author – Leslie Ravenwing

Herbs – hawthorn, honeysuckle, St John’s wort, wood ruff, all flowers.

Colors- Green, Yellow, Pink, Blue

Foods – Strawberries, Cherries, Fruits, Salads, Wine

Goddesses – Aphrodite, Asherah, Belili, Brigid, Danu, Freya, Flora, Gwenhwyvar, Hina, Ishtar, Maia, Mary, Oiwyn, Oshun, Ostara, Sappha, Tonantzin, Vesta

Gods – Beltene, Cernunnous, Cupid/Eros, Manawyddan and Pan

Activities and Rituals

Fertilize, nurture and boost existing goals, games, activities of pleasure, leaping bonfires, making garlands, May Pole dance, planting seeds, walking one’s property, feasting
Stones/Gems – Emerald, malachite, amber, orange carnelian, sapphire, rose quartz
Other Names – Cetsamhain (opposite Samhain),May Day, Fairy Day,Sacred Thorn Day, Rood Day, Roodmas (the Christian term for Rood Day, Old Beltane, Beltaine, Beltain, Baltane, Walpurgis Night, Floriala (Roman feast of flowers from April 29 to May 1), Walpurgisnacht (Germanic-feast of St. Walpurga), Thrimilce (Anglo-saxon), Bloumaand (Old Dutch)

-Make paper baskets (use yarn as a handle) and place real or silk flowers in each basket. Hang them on door knobs of neighbors and family members but don’t let them know you did it!

-If you have children, make necklaces out of diasies and place them around their necks for the day to bring protection to them.

-Begin planting for the season.

-Create a MayPole and dance around it with your family or friends.

-Make a dish of fruits, berries, nuts and leave in the wood for the animals and fae folk to enjoy

– This is a night for bonfires, torch-lit processions and the high revelry of witches, preferably in high places. It is prime time for the Great Rite, a night (like Samhain) when the Goddess descends into women. Cailleach Beara (Cally Berry, Brighid’s crone aspect) turns to stone this night and does not to return until Samhain. Beltane Eve also marks the setting of the Pleiades

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondences and More for Beltane


Beltane is a cross-quarter holiday on the Wheel of the Year that honors the return of summer, the return of the fertility of the Earth, and the element of fire. It’s a nature-based holiday that many of our ancestors celebrated for a long time, and now we get to carry that tradition forward.

Like Samhain, Beltane is a time when the veil is thin. This holiday is a particularly beautiful time to connect with nature spirits, as well as any other beings you’re wanting to create a connection with.

At Beltane, we honor the goddess as part of us. We honor the body, pleasure, sensuality, and sexuality. We bask in the fiery energy of the sun and the fertile energy that’s present.

In this blog, I’m sharing three rituals and suggested tools for Beltane that you can work with to honor this sacred holiday. Keep scrolling to watch a video and read more!


Feel free to add any of the symbols and tools outlined below to your Beltane rituals or altar. They each correspond with the energy of Beltane. They are not necessary and should be viewed as optional layered energy in your rituals.

Crystals: Rose quartz, garnet, pink tourmaline, rhodochrosite, emerald, malachite, and moonstone

Scents and plants: Sandalwood, ylang-ylang, lilac, angelica, jasmine, and rose

Candle colors: Pink, orange, and red

Element: Fire

Tarot: Empress

Rune: Berakno

Goddess: Venus/Freya

Tools and Symbols: Cowry shell, flowers, and anything that represents pleasure and creativity to you


Click here to read the rest of the rituals from

Beltane Correspondences


Also known as: Bealtaine, Beltane, Bhealtainn, Bealtinne, Festival of Tana (Strega), Giamonios, Rudemass, and Walburga (Teutonic), Cetsamhain (opposite Samhain),Fairy Day,Sacred Thorn Day, Rood Day, Roodmas (the Christian term for Rood Day, Old Beltane, Beltain, Baltane, Walpurgis Night, Floriala (Roman feast of flowers from April 29 to May 1), Walpurgisnacht (Germanic-feast of St. Walpurga), Thrimilce (Anglo-saxon), Bloumaand (Old Dutch)

Date: May 1

Animals: Swallow, dove, swan, Cats, lynx, leopard

Deities: Flower Goddesses, Divine Couples, Deities of the Hunt, Aphrodite, artemis, Bast, Diana, Faunus, Flora, Maia, Pan, the Horned God, Venus, and all Gods and Goddesses who preside over fertility.

Tools: broom, May Pole, cauldron

Stones/Gems: emerald, malachite, amber, orange carnelian, sapphire, rose quartz

Colors: green, soft pink, blue, yellow, red, brown

Flowers & herbs: almond tree/shrub, ash, broom, cinquefoil, clover, Dittany of Crete, elder, foxglove, frankincense, honeysuckle, rowan, sorrel, hawthorn, ivy, lily of the valley, marigold, meadowsweet, mint, mugwort, thyme, woodruff may be burned; angelica, bluebells, daisy, hawthorn, ivy, lilac, primrose, and rose may be decorations, st. john’s wort, yarrow, basically all flowers.

Incense: frankincense, lilac, rose

Symbols & decorations: maypole, strings of beads or flowers, ribbons, spring flowers, fires, fertility, growing things, ploughs, cauldrons of flowers, butterchurn, baskets, eggs

Food: dairy, bread, cereals, oatmeal cakes, cherries, strawberries, wine, green salads

Activities & rituals: fertilize, nurture and boost existing goals, games, activities of pleasure, leaping bonfires, making garlands, May Pole dance, planting seeds, walking one’s property, feasting

Wiccan mythology: sexual union and/or marriage of the Goddess and God

It’s association with fire also makes Beltaine a holiday of purification.

Wiccan weddings are frequently held on or around Beltaine.

Beltane Foods to Bring to your Fire Festival


A beautiful, spring sun shines overhead on a beautiful Beltane morning, bringing blessings of warmth, love, and passion to every Witch present at the festival of Beltane. A bright fire burns in the distance, marking the celebration between Ostara and the Summer Solstice. The Green Man and Mother Earth each bless handfastings while dozens of Witches happily maypole dance to celebrate the fertility of this beautiful Sabbat.

45 minutes into the Beltane celebration, you think to yourself, “Is it time for the cakes and ale? I’m so ready for the feast! Oh! Hail and welcome!” We’ve literally all been there. Good news; food is a huge part of Wiccan and Pagan celebrations!

In this article, we’ll share the fruits, vegetables, meats, and foods that are best for a Beltane fire festival.

Beltane Recipes and Food Correspondences




Herbs & Spices


  • Banana Bread
  • Bannock Bread
  • Oatcakes


  • Goat’s Cheese


  • Beef
  • Goat
  • Rabbit
  • Oysters



  • Chocolate Sauce
  • Curry Sauces
  • Honey
  • Hot Sauce
  • Olive Oil

Beltane Correspondences

Spell for Monday – Positive Change Spells


Thursdays are good days for travel and change. It’s the perfect day to re-arrange the furniture of your house and gain a new perspective on something. Even if you are not able to do any traveling on this day, you can still use Thursdays to do spells for travel. You can even do spells for positive change, and re-arrangement of your life. It’s a good idea to exercise on this day, as well. That way, your body can be in-shape by the time Friday comes


Positive Change Spells – Write Change Spells

Things you will need:
1 sheet of paper
1 pen or pencil
1 green candle
1 lighter or match
Light the green candle and think about how you want your life to change. When you are ready, draw a cross symbol on the sheet of paper with the pen or pencil. Label each corner of the cross with the first letter of the four directions on Earth. For example: “N” for North and “E” for East. Above the cross, write the word, “CHANGE.” Now, take your pen or pencil and place it in the center of the cross. Draw a swirl, counter-clockwise, three times. Then, take the pen back to the center of the cross and draw, clockwise, three times. Now, blow out the candle. After doing that fold the paper up and safely burn it or toss it in a body of water. After a few days, you should feel the changes you wanted to start happening.


Re-arrange Spells – Bouquet Re-arrange Spell

3 different kinds of flowers
1 vase
Get three different kinds of flowers and place them in a vase. Take a deep look at them and, then, step back for a few minutes. Walk back up to the flowers and re-arrange them. Then, say this chant three times:


“Flowers to move.
Life to re-arrange.
I need things to be different.
I need things to change.
What was over here,
Now, is over there.
What I need to spin around,
Soon, will have new flare.”


After about a week or so, you will notice a good deal of the re-arrangement you wanted.

A Witch’s Week of Spells and Activities
Helga C. Loueen

Divination Journal



Death – Major Arcana

Instinct Die and be born, grow and die.
Purpose The transformation.
The Light Make room for new things.
The Shadow Fear (fear of death).
Quality Inner understanding, consistency.

Menu of Contents

I. Background of Thoth Tarot Death card

II. Analyze and describe Thoth Tarot Death

1. Motif (Death)

III. Interpretation of Thoth Tarot Death

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper





This rune represents the need for a change in life, like letting go of the old skin and moving ahead in achieving one’s goal. It can be incorporated into life events, be it a past relationship or move ahead with something new, which is good. Release yourself from the experience you have obtained. Obedience is a necessary virtue people need to have while pulling out this Norse rune.

Besides, it also represents profit and gain. But one must learn to benefit from the provided things and remain obedient and modest.

Witch’s Rune


The Moon

The Moon: Intuition, the goddess, dreams, psychic abilities, emotions, love, healing, shadow work

The Moon witch rune pops up in a reading to prompt us to look deeper below the surface. It asks us to use our intuition, look into our dreams, and connect with our emotional side.




Q is for Quert, sometime spelled Ceirt, and is tied to the luscious Apple tree. Long symbolic of love and faithfulness, as well as rebirth, the Apple is often associated with magic. If you cut an apple in half sideways, the seeds form one of nature’s perfect stars. In addition to love, the appearance of Quert reminds us of the eternal cycle of life. After all, once the Apple tree dies, its fruit returns to the ground to birth new trees for coming harvests.

The Apple and its blossoms feature prominently in folklore related to love, prosperity and fertility. The Roman goddess Pomona watched over orchards, and was associated not so much with the harvest, but with the flourishing of the crop. Apples are also connected with divination, particularly for young ladies wondering about their love lives.

Quert Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: No one likes to be faced with choices, because sometimes what we want is not what we need. However, we still must choose. Sometimes, we make decisions because they are the right ones to make, not because they make us happy. Be wise enough to understand the difference.

Magical Aspects: Open your inner soul to new decisions, and allow yourself to harvest the gifts that your spiritual path has to offer. Know that sometimes, things might not make sense, but chances are good that you’ll learn from this later.

I Ching


Hexagram Sixty – Three/63

Chi Chi / Aftermath

Boiling Water over open Flame, one might extinguish The other:
The Superior Person takes a 360 degree view of the situation and prepares for any contingency.

Success in small matters if you stay on course.
Early good fortune can end in disorder.


Victory at the expense of another is a merciless taskmaster.
The precarious balance here is reflected in the lines of the hexagram: each of the yin lines rests upon a strong yang line — a seemingly perfect arrangement.
But the scales will be tipped with the change of any one line.
And there WILL be change.
Tireless vigilance and an answer to every challenge — that is the uneasy Seat of Power occupied by the conqueror.




From a spiritual perspective, the 1 is the number of creation – the primal force from which all other numbers spring forth. Some say once you truly understand the place and function of this elemental number, enlightenment will be yours.

This statement doesn’t apply to a Numerologist’s perspective alone, but perhaps it’s a good place to start since the personality of the number 1 aligns nicely with its elevated spiritual symbolism.

The 1 is a doer, a powerful force that produces results.

The 1 is aggressive – a necessary trait for creating, and not allowing anything to limit its potential. The 1 is the spearhead, always in the forefront directing and leading others.

The shape of this number reflects its meaning; the 1 walks upright with pride and purpose – strong, determined, and unwavering with a specific goal in mind. The 1 is capable of turning ideas into reality – pushing obstacles aside or simply drilling right through them.

The 1 tends to have a simple, straightforward view of life, heedless of its many complexities.

An individual with the dynamic 1 trusts their ability to separate right from…

Angel Number


Two Hundred Seventy – Six

Angel number 276 says, “I’m not sure yet, but you’re on the right track.”

Number 2 means that answers to wishes and prayers are available, 7 means that we are on the right path, and 6 means that the angel suggests harmony.

The angels are trying to suggest you some help, so let’s work hard.

It’s not clear right now for wishes and prayers, but the prepared and moving directions imply the right thing to do.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Saturday

Correspondences for Saturday

Magickal Intentions: Spirit Communications, Meditation, Psychic Attack or Defense, Locating Lost Things and Missing Persons, Building, Life, Doctrine, Protection, Knowledge, Authority, Limitations, Boundaries, Time and Death

Incense: Black Poppy Seed and Myrrh

Planet: Saturn

Sign: Capricorn and Aquarius

Angel: Cassel

Colors: Black, Grey and Indigo

Herbs/Plants: Myrrh, Moss, Hemlock, Wolfsbane, Coltsfoot, Nightshade and Fir
Stones: Jet, Smokey Quartz, Amethyst, Black Onyx, Snowflake Obsidian, Lava, Pumice

Oil: (Saturn) Cypress, Mimosa, Myrrh, Patchouli

Saturn lends its energies to the last day of the week. Because Saturn is the planet of karma, this day is an excellent time for spellwork involving reincarnation, karmic lessons, the Mysteries, wisdom, and long-term projects.

It is also a good time to being efforts that deal with the elderly, death, or the eradication of pests and disease.

Saturday Source:

Divination Journal

Tarot Card


6 of Wands


Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
success, victory, triumph, rewards, recognition, praise, acclaim, pride failure, lack of recognition, no rewards, lack of achievement
Skip to Upright Meaning Skip to Reversed Meaning

The Six of Wands Tarot Card Description

The Six of Wands tarot card depicts a man who is currently wearing a wreath of victory around his head. He is depicted riding a horse through a crowd of people who are cheering. The horse is white, which is a well-known symbol of strength, purity as well as success. The crowd is there to show the public’s recognition for the achievements of the man riding the horse. The wand that the man is carrying also has a wreath which is tied to it in an attempt to further emphasize his success. The man is not afraid, or shy about all of this attention but rather proud with his accomplishments. To this, the crowd around him reacts with cheerfulness and enthusiasm.

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper



Caribou symbolism and meanings have powerful connotations because these mighty animals are blessed with some unusual traits. If the caribou spirit animal resonates with you, read on because you have a powerful spirit guide on your side!




Power, Manhood, Femaleness, A Wild Bull

The rune of the termination and new beginning.  If it is pulled, it means that the life you used to live has grown out of its frame and needs to be left behind now, so that the life-energy can liberate itself, like a rebirth, into a new one. Be prepared for the chance, that hides itself behind the costume of loss.  At the same time modesty is demanded, because in order to rule, you must serve first.

Witch’s Rune


Man Rune

A Rune of victory

When you see this rune it means defending of ones own interest. No slow movement do not sit and reflect on anything. Stand strong with insight and a driving energy.

provider, protector, strength, empowerment




Pronunciation – Hoo-ah

Tree Association – hawthorn

Meaning – barriers, despair, protection, loneliness, strife, or feeling suffocated. Don’t avoid problems or issues in your life. You may be experiencing setbacks or misfortune, but it will eventually pass. Remember good times and difficult times are a natural part of life. Now is not the time for aggressive reactions, be patient. Look for solutions while remaining humble and open to new possibilities without dismissing your original intentions or goals.

I Ching


Hexagram Twenty – 20

Kuan / Contemplation

The gentle Wind roams the Earth:
The Superior Person expands his sphere of influence as he expands his awareness.
Deeply devoted to his pursuit of clarity and wisdom, he is unconscious of the inspiring, positive example he is setting for others to emulate.

You have cleansed yourself; now stand ready to make your humble, devout offering.


The situation marks a rising to new heights.
As you climb for a better view of the panorama, you make yourself more conspicuous to those below.
This hexagram is also known as the Watchtower, because the shape formed by its lines resembles the ancient guardposts manned by Chinese soldiers.
These towers were placed on mountainsides to give a better vantage point.
To those below, the watchtowers served as landmarks to help them find their way.
The quality of your search for clarity in this situation serves as such a guidepost for others along the Way.




Positive qualities


The main strength of the Three is love of life and invincible optimism. It is almost impossible to make you doubt yourself or the importance of your role. Minor mishaps don’t count. You are sure that in the Fifth Act everything will fall into place, and the Ending will be incredible.

This carefree attitude is due to your expressiveness and artistry. Practical advice and comments like, “You can’t live like this!” cause your sincere puzzlement: “What else is life if not this?”

Negative qualities

The weakness of the Three’s character is their tendency to become depressed whenever the Feast of Life stops for even a moment. It usually occurs in cases when the lack of attention and interaction take place.

Your selfishness makes you demand recognition and expressions of interest from anyone who contacts you in any way. As soon as the familiar ritual is broken – say, someone forgot to call you, or was reluctant to respond to your request – you immediately come to the conclusion that the world is falling apart, and your life is over.

Angel Number



Higher powers are listening to your wishes, prayers and affirmations. They are close to you and want to help. Keep your faith, manifestation of your thoughts will come when the time is right.

Divination Journal



Temperance – Major Arcana

Menu of Contents

I. Keyword by Temperance Linestrider

II. Meaning of Temperance Linestrider

III. Temperance Linestrider in a Tarot spread

IV. Message of Temperance Linestrider

V. Corresponding Associations of Temperance Linestrider

Animal Spirit Guide or Animal Spirit Helper



Bobcat symbolism and meanings include self-reliance, perception, moxie, stealth, friskiness, beauty, and affection. Because bobcats are native to North America – ranging from southern Canada all the way to Mexico – they are subjects in the cultural mythology of these regions. In addition, the bobcat spirit animal is a figure who appears in the spiritual belief systems of many Native American tribes. In this post, you’ll learn about commonly shared bobcat symbols as well as the bobcat spirit animal and totem.

Table of Contents

What does the bobcat symbolize?

Detailed Bobcat Symbols and Meanings

Bobcat Symbols and Meanings in Mythology and Folklore

Native America Bobcat Meaning

Hopi Bobcat Symbolism and Meanings

Zuni and Mohave


Bobcat Totem

Bobcat Spirit Animal

Bobcat Power Animal

Bobcat Dream Meaning

Bobcat Tattoo Meanings

Organizations that Protect Bobcats

Anglo-Saxon and Frisian Rune

Source: The Rune Site

The reason I have combined the Frisian and Anglo-Saxon rune sets together are due to their close relation to each other. Originally the Frisian set was created by expanding the Elder Futhark set by four runes (the first four listed below – Ac, Os, Yr and Ior). Then later one new rune, Ear, was added to form the Anglo-Saxon rune set sometimes called the Anglo-Saxon Futhork.

It should also be noted that the Elder Futhark rune Ansuz was renamed Aesc for these sets.


Sound: “a” as in “sat”
Stands for: Oak Tree
Casting meaning: This rune symbolizes great potential power and is a rune of great usefulness. Ac channels the power of strong, continuous growth from small beginnings to a powerful and mighty climax.

Witch’s Rune


The Crossed Spears

Keywords: Arguments, negativity.

Meanings: The Crossed Spears is a rune that signifies arguments and negative events. Often this can be of an upsetting nature, rather like the Tower card in the tarot. It is not all bad though. If it is near to a positive rune it may indicate the end of a quarrel and healing. Especially if it lies near the Rings. This rune could mean a promotion at work, or a fast recovery if you’re ill.

Druid Ogham

Source: A Druid Ogham


Teaching, education, mastery, virtuosity, legacy

Tree: Beech (Fagus spp.)

Letter: Ph or F

Phagos is a reminder of the mental discipline it takes in the process of acquiring knowledge. When you get to the point of knowing a subject so well, you can teach it effortlessly, then you have mastered the subject on the mental plane, which reverberates through the other planes. Saturated knowledge is knowing a thing inside and out. Those who believe in reincarnation believe this is the kind of knowledge that does not go away when you shed one mortal body for the next one: for instance, a skilled midwife will stand a good chance of coming back as a competent ob/gyn who stumbles upon their talent in a seemingly random way. Or a lute player may be reborn and pick up the guitar at age twelve and learn it faster than any other kid in their class because of knowledge picked up in past lifetimes.

Teaching and inspiring others to master a subject is the physical manifestation of knowledge, or in old terminology, the Word made flesh. Beech tree bark makes a primitive form of paper. Phagos implies the written word and the transmission of knowledge through our uniquely human invention: writing.

Teachers and teaching are often undervalued in the modern West, with denigrations such as “those who can, do; those who can’t, teach,” being thrown about by the arrogant who have never been able to translate their mental skill in a way that consistently inspires others to learn. Bad teachers abound, and they can be bad for any number or reasons: some choose teaching when they have no passion for it, some want the glory of being labeled a teacher. Everybody knows that a good teacher is worth their weight in gold when it comes to the transmission of knowledge, and that a bad teacher is hardly worth the powder to blow them to hell, and often what a teacher is paid has nothing to do with what they’re worth. If you have a good teacher, let them know. Learn all you can while you are able to do so with the best teachers you can find (we live in the age of the internet, and a huge number of great teachers “live” there). Concentrate on a small number of subjects until you gain complete mastery, because you will take that knowledge with you long after your current flesh body dies. If you know a subject well enough to teach it, this Ogham is encouraging you to spread the wealth of your knowledge with other humans in a direct and potentially physical way such as writing.

I Ching


Hexagram Fifty – Nine/59

Huan / Dissolution

Wind carries the Mists aloft:
Sage rulers dedicated their lives to serving a Higher Power and built temples that still endure.

The King approaches his temple.
Success if you stay on course.
You may cross to the far shore.


Walls meant to protect have instead separated and isolated.
Your defenses have kept you apart from those whom you most need to touch.
Whatever the reason for discord between you, it is time to lay down your arms.
Dispel the inflexible demands and fears of the Mind so that you may reunite in the Heart.
If you have begrudged, forgive.
If you have torn down, repair.
If you have injured, heal.
If you have judged, pardon.
If you have grasped, let go.



Fifty – Nine

It is very persuasive and convincing. It is often found in the charts of successful lawyers and fundraisers. It brings an uncanny ability to be comfortable with people of all walks of life and diverse cultures.

Angel Number


Fifty – Nine

Basic meaning of angel number “59”

Your life, receiving this number as an angel number, is heading towards stability.

The future of life will be clear and clear.

Make sure you accept it.

Don’t be afraid, stay positive and get ready to do what you need to keep up with.

The angel says that with the changes that are coming to you, the best time has come to fulfill your mission.

The change that is happening to you is a step that brings you closer to the holy purpose of your life.

Activities born from your spiritual interests and passions will calm your mind, free you from anxiety and lead you to growth.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Wednesday


Wednesday Correspondences

Dedicated to the Teutonic god Woden or Odin, an aspect of the “All-Father” god of knowledge wisdom enlightenment and combat, the parallel of Hermes.

Element : Air

Planet: Mercury

Zodiac Sign : Virgo / Gemini

Angel : Raphael

Metal : Mercury

Incense / Perfumes : Jasmine, Lavender, Sweet Pea

Oil: Benzoin, Clary Sage, Eucalytus, Lavender

Color : Red, Orange, Light Blue

Stones : Bloodstone,Garnet, Aventurine, Hematite, Moss Agate and Sodalite

Plants/Herbs : Almond, Anise, Cherry, Clover, Dandelion, Dill, Fern, Hazel, Hyssop, Lavender, Lemongrass, Lilac, Mace, Peppermint, Rosemary, Vervain

Magick to Work: the conscious mind, study, travel, divination, consulting oracles, wisdom, communication ,cleverness, contracts, creativity, information, intellect, memory, perception, science, wisdom, writing

Wednesday Source:

Wednesday aligns with the planet Mercury. This day is associated with intellectual pursuits, travel, communication, and memory.

Metal: Mercury
Colors: Orange, Yellow, Periwinkle
Gems and Stones: Aventurine, Moss Agate
Botanicals: Fern, Dill, Sweet Pea, Periwinkle, Eucalyptus, Aspen, Lily, Lavender
Spellwork: Communication, Divination, Luck, Travel, Knowledge, Memory

Divination Journal

Tarot Card


2 of Wands




Sound: “y” as in “yoga”
Stands for: Bow made from a Yew Tree
Casting meaning: Yr symbolizes the perfect combination of skills and knowledge applied to materials taken from nature. This rune lets us know when we are in the “right spot” for a situation, and is good to use when looking for lost objects.

Witch’s Rune



This rune inindicates the realization of a dream that has been extremely meaningful to you.

When picking this stone you can expect the crystallization of long-term dreams or plans and the presence of higher power.

Drawing this rune promises several fortunate developments in your life, possibly shattering your preconceived notions of what your life should be.

Now is a time when you will be dissatisfied with the ordinary.

Druid Ogham

Source: Druid Ogham

Healing, cleaning, cleansing, catharsis, paring down

Tree: Broom (Cytisus spp.)

Letter: Ng

Like when a fever breaks, broom signifies the end of a struggle and the subsequent ability to clear out the junk to make way for a newer, more positive approach. Walking a way from a bad habit or situation can be painful, but not necessarily so. It may also be gradual. Overall, Ngetal is the importance of getting rid of old junk and baggage (this could be actual clutter or psychological baggage, which of course are intimately linked) or it could mean the resolution of action against someone who has wronged you, whether it is forgiveness or cutting and clearing them out of your life. If it is forgiveness, Ngetal suggests it is coming from a genuine place of inner peace. Apologizing does not necessarily make you an apologist.

There is a process of analysis and reflection that eventually distances anger and enables you to feel it without being puppeted by it. Letting go of attachments that aren’t healthy, for instance, an obsession with being liked for the way you look, will help you develop in ways that fulfill your purpose in this life. Ngetal could signify you are beginning to release anxieties about what you have no control over, which will go a long way in healing your spirit.

I Ching


Hexagram Thirty – One / 31

Hsien / Attraction

The joyous Lake is cradled by the tranquil Mountain:
The Superior Person takes great satisfaction in encouraging others along their journey.
He draws them to him with his welcoming nature and genuine interest.
Supreme success.
This course leads to marriage


There is no greater natural law in the Cosmos than Attraction.
From the magnetic pull of an atom’s nucleus to the centrifugal force that spirals a galaxy, the face of the universe is shaped by Attraction.
On a human scale, it is Attraction that fuels procreation and furthers our species.
Yet it is also Attraction that spawns greed and covetousness, threatening our extinction.
Attraction is the underlying force of the situation in question.
You are refined or debased by the objects of your desire.
What gravitational pull are you now under?
Around what sphere of influence do you circle?
Can you use your own ability to attract?



Angel Number


A Thought for Today

Dear Sisters, Brothers, and Honored Guests welcome to WOTC!

If you would to see some information on any tradition of witchcraft please put it in the comment section. I will try to find some information to post about it.

May your life be filled with all things positive!

A Thought for Today

Divination Journal



Seven Of Pentacles – Minor Arcana

LShe stood in a luxuriant grass garden, where she dedicated it to special care. She is the forest guardian, a part of this place, the Garden of Eden that she created herself. The peach trees finally bear fruit, a source of magical energy proliferating all over the world. Peaches are a fruit of summer and of long relaxing days. Their nectar is as sweet as honey. The specific sweetness that comes from their fruit flowed evenly from the tongue into the throat, evoking memories of hot summer days.

Should I pick them or not?” She was confused, the patterned ripples stirred on her body. Placing her hands on sweet fruits, she was ready to pick them at any time. They shrugged vaguely as if she was holding the heart of the tree, weakly trembling along the branches of the tree. Are the peaches still juicy and sweet like honey, once picked from the branches? Or would they become as faint, exhausted as the mediocre fruits in her basket?

The Seven of Pentacles Shadowcapes Tarot challenges you to make a choice: either eat and enjoy the fruit in the basket or let them continue to bear fruit and overripe on the branch. The seed has been sown, the time for work and waiting is over. Now they have grown and born fruit. This is the time to evaluate, to calmly reconsider alternatives and other approaches if possible.

Keywords related to the Seven of Pentacles Shadowscapes Tarot: evaluation, assessment, reflection, thoroughness, reward, change, patience, perseverance, skill, hard work, achievements, advancement, attainment, stability, progress, consideration, replacement, speculation, unbalance, trouble.

Animal Spirit Guide and Helper




Sound: no sound
Stands for: Bellows
Magick/Healing use: Contains the power of motivation.

Witches Rune



Flight ~ Movement, Communications and information. Travel of all kinds. Social media. Networking. News. Word of mouth.




Intention, beginnings, births, pioneer spirit

Birch (Betula spp.)

Letter: B

Well dignified: An intention with good potential. Bravery. Breaking free. Ending bad habits. Getting unstuck. The start of something good. A new way of thinking. An invention or fresh approach. The ability of getting outside yourself and fossilized modes of thinking. Breaking out of the box. Being the change instead of just talking about it.

Humans learn through mimesis, so it is only because of the brave souls willing to put their necks out for change that anything improves in the world. Beith indicates the willingness…




One is the leader. The number one indicates the ability to stand alone, and is a strong vibration. Ruled by the Sun.

Keywords: independent, creative, original, ambitious, determined, self-assured. If expressed negatively: arrogant, stubborn, impatient, self-centered.

As lovers: Number ones take the lead in love. Love and/or the chase is of utmost importance to these lovers. There can be self-centeredness, however. These lovers are willing to experiment, and they can be quite exciting–they can also require a lot of excitement because they can bore easily.

I Ching


Hexagram Fifty-One/51

Chên / Thunder

Thunder echoes upon Thunder, commanding reverence for its father Heaven:
In awe of Heaven’s majestic power, the Superior Person looks within and sets his life in order.
Thunder mingles with startled screams of terror for a hundred miles around.
As the people nervously laugh at their own fright, the devout presents the sacrificial chalice with nary a drop of wine spilt.


A thunderbolt of Cosmic judgement crashes to earth.
For the common person, it’s just a momentary fright soon forgotten, its warning unfathomed and unheeded.
But to one who understands its significance, this thunder is a signal to awaken.
Centering the Self, seeking balance, the enlightened person will respect and align himself with this Higher Power, while his fellows remain subject to the whims of every passing storm.

Angel Number



Higher powers are guiding you through your thoughts a ideas. You may doubt how they come to you but don’t worry and trust your intuition. Remain positive and accept this guidance, it will lead to good things.

A Thought for Today

The tomorrow posts will be up sometime this afternoon. We took yesterday off because the side road conditions were really bad after sleet than snow than rail than a light covering of snow of all of that. Unfortunately, we cannot work from home for Big Dawgs job but only working during daylight hours because of the very bitter cold that has started between today and Wednesday we are looking at will chill temperatures of -30F or lower and barely any Sun light. Nice cloudy, cold days when we wish we could just stay warm and safe at home with the fur kids, but it is what it is so out we go. Any “prayers” for our safety would be most appreciated. I am not worried about Big Dawgs’ driving it is the other bad drivers out on the roads I am worried about along with black ice and drifting snow. We are staying kind of close to home so we do not have to travel through miles upon miles of open fields with nothing to stop the snow from blowing across the road causing whiteout conditions.

If you live in an area with totally yucky weather, please stay inside as much as possible. If you have to go out, please dress appropriately for the weather by you and above all BE CAREFUL out there!!

Divination Journal

Tarot Card


The Empress – Major Arcana

Menu of Contents

The detailed description of the Empress Tarot card

Detailed meaning of the keywords of the Empress Tarot card

A few opposite cards to the Empress

A few support cards for the Empress

Upright meaning of the Empress: Mother, fertility, luxuriant, healing

Meaning of the Empress reversed: obstruct creativity, depend on others

More The Empress Cards from Famous Tarot Decks

Animal Spirit Guide and/or Helper




Sound: “e” as in “egg”
Stands for: Horse
Casting meaning: Egeis represents the power and status of a horse. It was said that the gods used horses in divination, shamanism and royal pageantries. The rune Eyz signifies the aether, the medium prevading cosmos

Witch’s Rune



Third eye, seeing the truth, clairvoyance, someone’s watching, the evil eye and protection

This rune is my favorite. The all-seeing eye. It represents seeing things unseen, also seeing the beauty in things others don’t. Can also be a warning of the evil eye or someone watching.




Defense, courage, decisiveness, action that must be taken, confrontation

Tree: Holly (Ilex spp.)

Letter: T

Decisive action, victory. Setting hard limits. Rising above petty disputes and thereby overcoming them. Understanding the opposing force and reacting only when the time is right: the art of war. We are always at war with outside forces, whether it is advertisers trying to worm their way inside our heads with television and media or others trying to impose their belief systems on us out of insecurity and the fact misery loves company. Tinne is security without overconfidence. Know yourself an defend your boundaries.

Tinne indicates that you have to take a defensive position or perhaps an entire defense strategy. For those of us who hate confrontation, Tinne presents a familiar dread of being cornered. We are given no choice but to fight. For instance, you may be called upon to defend a defenseless person, perhaps with words or stronger stuff. Perhaps you are trying to attain a situation or a thing you want — a graduation, severance from a toxic individual or group, the completion of a project — and you have to fight against the tide to make it happen. Tinne can pop up in situations where other people act completely indecently and you are forced into either addressing it with them or taking action to avoid them.

Seeing Tinne as all negative is oversimplifying it. Tinne is honest. It tells you that you may have a confrontation and in doing so, you will have to face your own fears of losing, being powerless, or pissing somebody off.

Tinne says drawing limits is important: nobody is entitled to you or your time except maybe the children you chose to be parents to and your companion animals. Everybody else will just have to wait.

Questions to ask when you draw Tinne: …

I Ching


Hexagram Twenty-Nine (29)

K’an / Dangerously Deep

Water follows Water, spilling over any cliff, flowing past all obstacles, no matter the depth or distance, to the Sea.
The Superior Person learns flexibility from the mistakes he has made, and grows strong from the obstacles he has overcome, pressing on to show others the Way.


You are facing a crucial trial along your Journey.
The danger of this challenge is very real.
It is a test of your mettle.
If you can maintain your integrity and stay true to your convictions, you will overcome.
That’s not as easy as it seems when you are faced with the sacrifice of other things you’ve come to depend upon or hold dear.




The Numerology Meaning of the Number 5: A DYNAMIC FORCE

The most vibrant, freedom-loving of all numbers in numerology

The 5 is unpredictable, always in motion, and constantly in search of change.

Although it is molded from an almost equal mix of freedom-loving and loyal characteristics, the 5 is slightly more daring, and there is nothing submissive about it.


The 5 is extremely independent in mind and soul.

For an adventurer and risk-taker who has a hard time staying in one place, one job, or one relationship, the 5 is surprisingly loyal when the right partner comes along.

The 2 and the 6 are known as the most harmonious…

Angel Number



“2” means “harmony and stability”

The number 2 is the beginning of an even number and is divisible by 2, so the angel number finds the number 2 to mean “harmony and stability.” If you have an instability or get into trouble now, the number 2 will give you harmony and stability.

Spell for Monday – CROSSROADS SPELL


A Crossroads candle spell is used when you cannot choose the left fork in the road or the right. This spell is for MAJOR decisions like moving, career, etc. I would strongly not suggest this spell for a choice between two men or women.


Source: Free Candle Spells

1 white candle
1 black candle
1 red candle
A packet of Cornnuts (original recipe) Toasted Corn
21 caramels
1 small bottle of rum
three cigars (unwrapped)
Three stick matches
21 pennies

Write a letter to the spirit of the Crossroads and tell him the situation that you cannot decide or which road or path to choose. Lay it out in good detail which is which – meaning, what will happen if you choose this road and what will happen if you choose that path.

Go to a 4 way crossroads at 11:30 pm preferably on a Sunday night, but any night will do if you need it NOW. Place letter in center of a 4 way crossroads (must be 4 way) that extends beyond 7 blocks in each direction. Place three candles in a triangle shape on letter, surrounded by the 21 pennies. Lay one cigar each at base of the candle. Place one of each of the stick matches in between each candle. Place caramels and open pack of Cornnuts and pour in center. Take a good draw of the rum into your mouth, swish it around, spit it in a spray-like pattern over all. Set rest of open bottle of rum down on paper. Light candles and walk away.

Do not, do not, DO NOT look back or look into rear view mirror when driving away.

Accept what happens and where this takes you.




A charm to banish sickness is make by placing a gold coin in a glass of red wine.
Put this beneath the stars and waning moon for three nights, and each night drink one
third of the wine to shrink your sickness until it’s gone. This originated in rural Welsh regions,
with some similar spells appearing in Scotland and England.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence and a Spell for Saturday



The following chant is a good all purpose chant that can be used for just about any spell:

Witches power burning bright, tarot, rune and blade,
Charge the spell, enfilled with might, here and now the magic’s made.
Wave and tree, hedge and flame, strength of the elements gather here,
Mystic Moon and Brilliant Sun, send your power here this way,
Gracious Lady, Mighty Lord, bless this charge that I lay.
Powers that are, powers that be, gather round this spell I cast,
empower my working three times three, send it forth to see it last!

So Mote it Be!

Divination Journal

Tarot Card

Source: The Celtic Dragon Tarot by D. J. Conway. With art done by Lisa Hunt. This deck is unique as the cards are never read in reverse. Pages 68 and 69


Six of Wands – Minor Arcana

Success after hard work

A woman with a small dragon on her shoulder stands with a crown on her head. A five-point star is centered on her forehead, directly over the spiritual third eye. This symbolizes the woman’s connection with spiritual guidance and her access to ancient knowledge.  Before her is a table covered with rolled scrolls, quill pens, and other magickal equipment. Prominently to the front is a brass vase holding six crystal topped wands. Other small dragon fly and sit about the room. The star (pentacle of protection and a symbol of the Goddess) and the crown (spiritual enlightenment) reveal that this magician is on a higher path of life. She has gathered her will power (the wands) and placed them in a position to bring about fertility an manifestation (the vase). This fertile energy is repeated in the Celtic scrollwork carved into the table, the magician’s center for working her will.

Divinatory Meaning: You are rewarded with success after hard work. A message of good news brightens your day. There could be advancement in career. Supportive friends give you the courage to follow your dreams.

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper



Dolphin: Harmony, defensive, assistance, resurgence, lively and strength.



Wendhorn – Medieval Rune

Sound: “mm” as in “humming”
Stands for: Phases of the moon
Magick/Healing use: Reminds us that we must experience good and bad alike.

Witches’ Rune



Harvest: abundance, reaping, manifesting, wealth, family security, finances

What happens during the harvest? We collect all we’ve been growing. This rune represents manifestation and reaping the rewards. Finances and security.




T stands for Tinne, or Teine, the Holly tree. This evergreen plant is connected to immortality, unity, courage, and the stability of hearth and home. Pronounced chihnn-uh by the Celts, the wood of the Holly was often used in the construction of weapons, and is known as a plant of warriors and protectors.

In the pre-Christian British Isles, the Holly was often associated with protection–planting a hedge around your home would keep malevolent spirits out, thanks in no small part to the sharp spikes on the leaves. In Celtic myth, the concept of the Holly King and the Oak King symbolizes the changing of the seasons, and the transition of the earth from the growing time to the dying season.

When Christianity moved into the Celtic lands, the new religion associated the Holly plant with the story of Jesus. The poky spikes on the leaves represent the crown of thorns worn by Jesus on the cross, and the bright red berries symbolize his blood.




Few numbers are as responsible and self-sacrificing as the number 69. Political activists and environmentalists often have this number, as do doctors, nurses, and teachers. It is also extremely creative.

Angel Number