The Proper Timing for Magick c. 2017

Author: Taliesin McKnight

Timing is one of the most important things to consider when doing magick. Astrology can be likened to a great cosmic clock. It reflects the cycles and rhythms of nature. The proper alignment of the stars, the sun, the moon, and the planets should all be taken into consideration. Does this sound complex? I assure you it is not as complicated as it may sound. In fact, this may reduced to two things: the days of the week and the cycles of the moon.

The seven planets rule the seven days of the week. The names even derive from the planets in many different languages. In English these come from the names of the Norse planetary deities. Sunday is the day of the Sun; Monday is the day of the moon; Tuesday is the day of Tue (Mars) ; Wednesday is the day of Wodan (Mercury) ; Thursday is the day of Thor (Jupiter) ; Friday is the day of Freya (Venus) ; and Saturday is the day of Saturn. Therefore, for maximum astrological benefit, a love spell should be done on Friday, the day of Venus (planet ruling love) . In the same way, magick involving education may be done on Wednesday, which is ruled by Mercury. The planetary correspondences are as follows:

The Sun rules Sunday and is good for Success, luck, spirituality, knowledge, and healing. The moon rules on Mondays. This is a good time to do spells for intuition, dreams, astral travel, and communication with spirits. Mars rules on Tuesdays. It is a good time for effective magick involving battle, conflicts, protection, strength, overcoming adversity, and binding.

Mercury is the planet presiding over Wednesdays. This is a time for rituals for education, knowledge, divination, communication, and healing. Thursday is the day of Jupiter, and governs success, prosperity, luck, and leadership. Venus dominated on Fridays and can bring love, romance, heal relationships, and grant new friends. Saturday is governed by the baleful influence of Saturn. This planet grants protection, destruction, binding, curses, purification, and overcoming weakness.

In addition to the seven days of the week, the seven planets also rule the hours in the day. There are several different methods to calculating the planetary hours. One of these involves following the hours from sunrise to sunrise; another divides the hours between sunrise and sunset and divides them into 12 sections and the same is done for the period between sunsets. To avoid all the math and difficulty, a very simple and effective system omits this and simply uses the 24 hours from midnight to midnight. This has worked wonderfully for me and I see no reason to list the other methods. If you would like to examine other methods for calculating planetary hours, that information is readily available online or in other books on magick. For simplicity, just know that the planet for the day also rules the hour at 6 am, 1 pm, and 8 pm.

Now, to illustrate this, let us take an example. If you wanted to do a love spell, it would be a good idea to do this on Friday (the day of Venus) at 8 pm (the hour of Venus) . This acts as a magickal doorway in which the proper astrological conditions are right. In this way the magus moves with the cycles and the rhythms of nature. If one were to bind (or restrict) someone from causing harm to others, Saturday at 6 am would be a good time. The days and hours should be at least partially memorized. The easiest way to do this is to simply memorize which planets rule each day and to simply remember that the planet for that day also rules at 6 am, 1 pm, and 8 pm. In this way, it will not be necessary to look this up every time one wishes to do a spell!

The phases of the moon also have an important impact on the effectiveness of magick. The waxing (growing) phase and the full moon are good from creative magick and bringing things into your life; the waning (decreasing) phase and the new moon are used for destructive spells and getting rid of things in your life. This is the most stressed point in ritual timing in the Wiccan tradition.

The concept of moving with the phases of the moon is very ancient and is found in many different cultures. This can be seen as a more important element in timing than anything else. It is much better to go with the phases of the moon on the wrong day than to do it on the right day of the week and the wrong lunar phase. This aspect of magickal timing should not be over-looked. The full and new moons are peaks of the creative and destructive cycles. The mid-way points (the half moons during increase and decrease) are also times of great magickal power.

The last aspect of ritual timing is the moon sign. The moon passes through the 12 signs of the zodiac, remaining in each sign only for a few days. This is not as important a consideration as the other 2 timing concerns. Nonetheless, this can lend power to rituals and spells. When the moon is in an Earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) are good for financial concerns; when the sign is in an Air sign (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) are ideal for education and spells consistent with the characteristics of the element of Air. When the sign is in a Water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) it is a great time for spells that are connected to the Element of water and to emotions, artistry, and relationships; While the moon is in a Fire sign (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) it is a good time to do rituals of a fiery nature.

The individual characteristics of the sign (rather than just the element) should also be considered. This is not a very important aspect to magickal timing, so don’t stress too much over it. As I said before, though, utilizing this can only help and never hinder!

There are other lesser aspects to astrological timing. These would include the weather and the current Sun sign. The reason Sun signs are rarely considered is not so much that it is a weak influence, but rather that it is not practical to wait months just to do a spell, when it will probably no longer even be needed or be too late. This could also be a great aid if followed.

Weather is an issue as well. Storms are usually great for magick because it is a time of great elemental power. Furthermore, if one is doing a ritual involving the Sun, this should be done during the day and when it is sunny. One would assume this would go without saying. On the contrary, however, many people fail to recognize this simple concept. After all, it is only common sense. Thus, weather and the Sun sign can lend a lot of extra power to spells, if you would only harness that power with the use of correct ritual timing.

Now that this has all been laid down and explained, let us take another example to make sure these concepts are well understood. Let us say that someone is looking for a new job and decides to do some magick to help the job search. The moon should be waxing (this is for bringing things into your life) and the spell may be done on a Thursday (the day of Jupiter) at 1 pm (the hour of Jupiter) on a cloudy day because Jupiter is a sky god. The moon should also be in the sign of Capricorn. This would be an extremely good time for such a spell. The conditions are perfect.

Does timing have to be followed? Of course not! In the preceding example, the job is probably needed immediately. It would be foolish to wait for the right conditions during such an emergency. Do spells whenever they are needed. However, WHEN IT IS CONVENIENT, the astrological conditions should be considered. If a spell can wait for the perfect conditions, then great. If they spell can wait a few days for the right day ruled by the proper planet, that is good too. But if the spell can’t wait that long, then do it now. The spell can be repeated when the stars, sun, and moon are aligned right if needed. The spell will still work. The point is lending extra power to your spells. That’s it.

Following the cycles and rhythms of nature is also another way of aligning oneself with the universe. In the ancient Mystery Traditions, from which magick derives, Man was seen as a reflection of the cosmos. One is moving in accordance with the universe. We are moving with the tides of nature. Can magick be done against these cycles and still be effective? Sure. But it is like swimming against a current. Why not “ride with the tide”? It may even carry you a ways if you would only let go and let the currents of the Great Mother take you. Thus, in magick we try to follow the ways of Nature. Magick is merely using Her ways.

Remember, that which separates the initiate from the vulgar is simply that the occultist is aware of the laws of the universe and uses them to his or her advantage while others do not use this power that lies in their hands.




A charm to banish sickness is make by placing a gold coin in a glass of red wine.
Put this beneath the stars and waning moon for three nights, and each night drink one
third of the wine to shrink your sickness until it’s gone. This originated in rural Welsh regions,
with some similar spells appearing in Scotland and England.

A Thought for Today

Welcome to a new and wonderful week dear Sisters, Brothers, and Friends! May positive blessing come to you and yours today and every day.

OK, so, here’s what’s going on with me and posting… We are in the misted of changing from summer to fall which means a painful time for people with chronic pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis, etc. This along with long days with Big Dawg serving paperwork and than not sleeping enough because of the pain has my body in revolt. It is all I can do to get out of bed or off our couch to do anything. Typing or using the mouse is pure agony because of the nerves in my fingertips being super sensitive to touching anything and everything, including giving pets and scratches to our fur kids 😥

So, I will be only doing horoscopes, moon phase, northern hemisphere planetary positions, daily correspondences, and a spell until this recent acute fibromyalgia flare decides to calm down. The posts I am doing will go up probably on the day of and whatever time of day I can handle sitting at either my desktop or using my laptop to do them.

During a Skype chat with my coven yesterday I found out about some herbs that may help to keep my nervous system better under my control instead of it controlling many of my regular daily activities which includes all WOTC things. Now I have to find out where to either order them online or a store that carries them.

So please bear with me I will get back to full regular daily postings as soon as I can. Thank you once again for your support, caring, and comfort while my body and I aren’t on good speaking terms.

Special information for those who subscribed to Life in The Craft magazine.

Another day of riding in the Jeep for a few hours after I try to get WOTC stuff done. I am catching up on emails as quickly as I can.

For those who subscribe to Life in The Craft magazine via Patreon I am sorry but there will be no more issues I do not have the time for all the research and everything else to do the magazine justice. I am switching the Spell tier on Patreon to $3.00 USD per month so you will be able to get a spell once a week in place of the magazine. This is a $2.00 discount from where the spell tier cost per month is now. All spells that are already on Patreon will be switched to this new tier between today and tomorrow. The name of this special tier will still be “Luxury Witch” only for those who subscribed to Life in The Craft magazine before August 7, 2023.

Spell – 2 Help Finding a Job

Spell for Today – Exercise Spell c. 2018

Exercise Spell

Items needed for this spell:
Your body
Put on your exercise apparel and start your exercise routine. Do whatever warm-ups you need to do, before starting this spell. Once you are warmed-up, Hold up your hands up in the air and move your arms in gesture, as you say this chant eight times:

“I’m a tree, I’m a tree.
Today is two, for Tuesday.
Tomorrow is three.
Tonight the moon will rise.
Everyone tells me it’s good for
the body,
And that I need to exercise.”

Then, put your hands on your waste. Bend to your left side, eight times, while saying this chant:

“I’m a tree, I’m a tree.
I sway and bend.
One, two, three.
Limbering up for wind.”
Repeat this chant for the right side:
“I’m a tree, I’m a tree.
I sway and bend.
One, two, three.
Limbering up for wind.”

Now, bend over and touch your toes for about eight times. Each time you bend over, say this chant:

“I’m a tree, I’m a tree.
Today is two, for Tuesday.
Tomorrow is three.
Tonight the moon will rise.
I know it’s good for my body,
And that I need to exercise.”

Then, stand on one leg for about a fifteen seconds and alternate between both legs, for a total of about 4 minutes, while doing this, say this chant:

“I’m a tree, I’m a tree.
Today is two, for Tuesday.
Tomorrow is three.
Tonight the moon will rise.
If I want to stay healthy,
I need to exercise.”

Finally, run in place for about 10 minutes and say this chant:

“Step, step, step, step.
One after another
And more to go.
I’m running and talking,
Every day, a little further.
Taking breaths and walking.
Every inch grows.
Step, step, step, step.
Keep going.
Water in my cup.
Or bottled not to spill.
Always a test of the mind,
And a test of the will.
Might run tired,
But I never give up.”

Saying these chants while exercising, will, hopefully, ensure your desire to repeat these routines, week after week, and make the time go by quicker.

A Witch’s Week of Spells and Activities
Helga C. Loueen

Spells for Today -Help Me Find Spell


Find Spells – Help Me Find Spell

Items you will need:

1 small white candle
1 small blue candle
1 lighter or match

Set the two candles in front of you, close your eyes and think about what you have lost and how much you want it returned. Light both candles and say this chant three times:

“Blue candle is my love and devotion for ____________.
And how much I need ____________ back,
Safe and sound. _____________ was lost,
But I hope ________________ will be found.
White candle is for _________________’ s safe return,
While heading on my track.”

When you are done, blow out the candles. You may wake-up one morning and be shocked by the return of your lost item.


A Witch’s Week of Spells and Activities
Helga C. Loueen


New Moon Spells and Rituals

The New Moon means that no matter where you’ve been, today you get to start again! Have an auspicious start to this new cycle with a New Moon spell for a fresh beginning. Watch this video to learn about New Moon rituals: see the video for information.

The New Moon is a lunar phase that happens when the Moon is located exactly between the Earth and the Sun. Because its bright side cannot be seen from our planet, some people also call it a “Dark Moon“.

Looking for rituals? Visit Tonight’s Moon Spell Generator for a simple ritual AND a guided meditation based on today’s lunar phase, moon transit, and day of the week!

Or keep scrolling down and you’ll find a collection of spells for the new moon, including an easy spell that you can cast right now.

In this article, you’ll find:

New Moon Magic! ✨

Before we begin, make sure you know everything about Lunar Magic and what each moon phase represents.

  • There are 8 lunar phases and we can group them into 4 stages: New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon, and Waning Moon.

Spiritually, the New Moon is associated with rebirth and new beginnings so it’s an ideal time to plant the seeds of what you would like to see grow in your life.

Instead of casting a manifestation spell, set an intention for the cycle that begins: Cleanse yourself and …


Click here for more New Moon Spells and Rituals from

Spell for Today – Candle Spell for Employment – Printable

Spell for Today – A Orange Money Spell

Pierce a large navel orange with a needle, making the pattern of a dollar sign. Insert a clove in each of the piercings. Wrap the orange using green, silver, and gold ribbons in between the rows of cloves. At the top, make a loop of the three ribbons. Decorate the base with a favored crystal. Bless this little token for improved finances, then hang it in a window to release its scented energy with every breeze. When the aroma of the orange fades (the fruit will shrink as it dries), simply anoint it with essential oils for a refreshed fragrance.

General Uses

Financial improvement or stability. Improved cash flow and resources. Prosperity.


The month of April. Full and blue moons. Moon in Taurus, Virgo, Aquarius, or Pisces. Sunday

From the book, “Spinning Spells, Weaving Wonders” by Patricia Telesco

Printable Cleanse Ritual

Items Needed:

3 Aloe leaf

12 Lime Fruit

1 bottle of maple syrup

3 Gallons of Distilled Water

4 cups of Sea Salt

2 Gallons of Whole Milk

1 Quart of Goats Milk

2/3’s bottle of Florida Water

4 White Candle’s

For three days prior to this cleanse you are to fast from solid foods.
Your diet should consist of only Distilled Water infused with maple syrup and lime.
For 1 gallon of distilled water you can mix 1/3 cup of maple syrup and ½ cup of freshly squeezed lime juice. In this mixture put ½ cup of strained aloe juice.
Drink one gallon of this mixture per day.
Save one Aloe Vera leaf.

Day 1:
1. Pour 4 cups of your salt onto a large, preferably white, plate.
2. Clean your 4 candles with Florida water
3. Place the 4 white Candles all around the plate and light them.
4. In the salt use the middle finger of your right hand and write the word “Purity”.
5. Leave these candles lit through the 3 day duration.

[phpzon keywords=”Florida Water” num=”3″ country=”US” searchindex=”All” trackingid=”saduluhouse-20″ templatename=”columns” columns=”3″]

On the third day
1. Take a bath to cleanse yourself of any physical dirt.
2. Blend half an Aloe Leaf in a blender and strain the aloe liquid through a strainer or piece of cotton cloth.
3. Take the other half and cut off one side of it’s green skin exposing it’s inner gel.
4. Cut your Lime into Halves.
5. Squeeze the 6 Limes and leave the juice in a container. Save the lime halves.
6. Pour your Goats Milk into a large Bowl and put it near your purity intention plate of salt surrounded in light.
7. Fill a warm bath.
8. Bring your Candles, Aloe Juice, Florida Water, Lime Juice, Lime halves, and plate of Salt with you into the Bathroom.
9. Get into the bath.
10. Dip your Lime Halves into the plate making sure they have salt on them.
11. Use these halves to cleanse yourself from your crown to the sole’s of your feet.
12. While doing this you’re silent.
13. Just imagine harmful energy running and scattering from your body, presence, and home with every stroke.
14. Once through your 12 lime halves place them in the bathtub with you.
15. Now pour the lime juice into the tub along with you.
16. Using your hand, rub the remainder of the salt all over your body. Cleaning yourself thoroughly…every crevice.

[phpzon keywords=”sea salt” num=”3″ country=”US” searchindex=”HealthPersonalCare” trackingid=”saduluhouse-20″ sort=”none” minprice=”$15″ maxprice=”$30″ templatename=”columns” columns=”3″]
17. Now pour the two gallons of milk over your body whilst in the tub after cleansing yourself with the salt.
18. Combine your two thirds of Florida Water with your Goats milk.
19. Pour this over your body from head to toe.
20. Once done with that, take your container of aloe juice and coat your body with it using the half of Aloe as an applicator.
21. Do not rinse this off.
22. Now take a portion of this bath into a large bowl.
23. Step out of the bath
24. Cover your head in a light cloth.
25. Do no dry off but, allow yourself to air dry.
26. Surround the bowl of leftover bath with the 4 candles.
27. When the candles all extinguish, take whatever is left of the bath and throw it outside towards the West.

You’re recharged and spiritual clean!

For more free spells click here

Love The Skin You Are In Spell

For this spell you will need:

The Star tarot card

One white candle

Loose tea or lavender herb

Jasmine or rose oil.

Give yourself some quiet time as you allow yourself to relax and clear your mind. Place the tarot card beside where you are casting on a clean, clear surface. Anoint the candle with the oil and sprinkle the herb around it in a clockwise direction.

Meditate for a while on the Star Tarot card, let your gaze soften as you allow the energy of this beautiful card to merge with your subconscious mind. The Star is an optimistic, balanced, calm and healing card. It indicates success and achievement and invokes a feeling of confidence and increased self-esteem. The figure in the card is naked outside, she is at one with her surroundings, the Universe and herself.

When the candle has safely burned down, sprinkle the herbs outside and place the Star card under your pillow overnight to further connect with its energies.

Blessed Be )O(

Click here for more Monday spells

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence and a Few Spells for Sunday c. 2013


Ruled by the Sun. Power, prosperity, health, banishing evil annd excorcism, Success, healing, and happiness


Day – Sunday

Planet – Sun

Sign – Leo

Angel – Michael

Color – Gold, Yellow, and Orange

Plant – Marigold, Heliotrope, Sunflower, Buttercup, Cedar, Beech, and Oak

Stone – Carnelian, Citrine, Tiger Eye, amber, Quartz Crystal, Red Agate

Intentions – Health, Success, Career, Ambition, Goals, Personal finances.

Element – Fire

More Qualities – Family, Sibling Relationships, Advancement, Drama, fun, authority, figures, law, fairs, crops, totem animals, volunteer services, civic services, promotion, the god, men’s mysteries, children, Buying, selling, speculating.

Finally, it’s Sunday, the official day of rest. Not only do Christians acknowledge this day, but I’m sure many pagans appreciate this day, as well. Everyone needs rest and a lot of people need a good day to worship their creator(whomever or whatever that may be), however they deem fit to do so. With the Sun being the central theme of many ancient rituals, Sunday just seems to fit, in name and theory. Not only is it a good day to worship, it seems good to do more relaxed spells, such as sleep, dream, and rebirth.


A Spell for While you Sleep

You will need the following items for this spell:

Four lengths of appropriately coloured ribbon
which can be easily tied
Four pins
Your bed

Knot magic has a particular effect in ‘binding’ or fixing a spell in place and with the addition of colour it is possible to use ribbons to bring about a desired outcome. By using your own bed as a focus, your magical work can be done while you sleep. This is a very personal way of working and one which can bring particularly positive results.

If your bed has bedposts, simply knot a length of the correct colour ribbon for your purpose around each post.

Each time you do this, say:

With this knot of coloured ribbon

Bring to me the power hidden. Grant me that right Throughout this night.

If your bed has no posts then carefully pin the knotted ribbon to each corner using the same words.
Each night for two further nights touch each ribbon knot in turn and repeat the words above.

Leave the ribbons in place until you no longer feel the need for them. You can expect to have some fairly vivid dreams over the following three nights, which may help you to develop the qualities you seek. This spell allows your unconscious self to work in a protected space without the chatter of day to day matters.




To Drive Away Bad Dreams

You will need the following items for this spell:

Bowl of warm water
Your chosen sprigs of herbs

This spell uses herbal magick and correspondences to clear the bedroom of negative influence. It is often a good idea to use material that is easily available, so you might use sprigs of rosemary, sage, Lady’s bedstraw, maize silks or broom-corn. Since you want something taken away you should perform this magical working as the Moon wanes.

Dissolve the salt in the warm water.

Tie the herbs together.

Dip the sprigs in the water and sprinkle the corners of the room with the water.

Use the sprigs to sprinkle the salt water on your bedclothes, and particularly round the head and foot of the bed.

When you have done this, place the herbs under your pillow, or if you prefer, under the middle of the bed.

The next morning, discard the herbs at a crossroads if you can, either by burying them or allowing them to disperse to the four winds. Otherwise ensure that you have carried them well away from your home.
This carries all negativity away from your bedroom and bed. This spell uses rosemary which brings clarity, sage for wisdom, ladies bedstraw which is said to have lined the manger at Christs birth, and broom corn, which is used in worship of the Mexican goddess Chicomecohuatl. All these herbs bring cleansing, not just of the room but also of the occupants aura or subtle energy. On the basis that one should always replace negative with positive, you may like to use the following technique to bring about positive dreams.

Having prepared your environment, this next technique is of most use when there is a strong, deeply felt association with the issue or request being considered in magical terms, ideal conditions for spell working. It is like being able to consult an encyclopedia that contains a wealth of information in fact, the Higher Self.



A Witch’s Week of Spells and Activities
Helga C. Loueen
Spells of Magick


Spell for Today – 6 New Moon Spells

New moon spells are always done during the new moon and are used to drawn in a desired outcome.  New moon love spells will bring in a new love or solidify an existing relationship.  New moon money spells are used to draw in money versus decrease bills.  Focus on bringing in your desires versus pushing away something you don’t want during the new moon phase.  New moon magick can be as simple as a bath ritual to draw in good fortune and new blessings. We wish you many blessings using these spells for tonight’s new moon. We hope you get everything you desire!

New Moon Wicca Protection Spell

Before beginning create a calm environment. Do this by meditating, listening to calm music, taking a bath or something else that helps you to create a safe and calm environment.

Take three deep breaths, imagine a silver light that flows into your body. This is the energy of the Moon Goddess.

Take three deep breaths and imagine a golden light flowing into your body, this is the energy of the Sun God.

Take three deep breaths and imagine a white light flowing into your body, this is the joint energy of the Universal Life Force. Then say the below three times.

“Blessed be my feet that walk the path of mystery. Blessed are my knees bending before the sacred altar.  Blessed be my heart, molded in beauty and love. Blessed be my lips, who pronounce sacred names. Open your arms to welcome protection and love. 

Head over to our Protection Spells page more.

New Moon Wish Spell

Items needed:

  • Piece of paper
  • Candle – chose the color based on your wish
  • Write your wish on a piece of paper.  Then light your candle.
  • While looking at the new moon chant the below three times.

New moon so dark in the night sky.  That cannot be seen with a naked eye.  Grant me your dark energy to see.  The new and good coming to me.  Grant me the power of dreams so true so I can start my life anew.  Grant me strength day by day.  Mistress of darkness, show me the way.  Grant me love in my life.  Take away trouble and strife.  Grant me peace I ask of you.  On bad times help me through.  O’ Goddess of Night so divine.  If you have heard me show me a sign.”

Burn the paper in the flame, imagine your wish and look into the night sky.

New Moon Money Spell

Items Needed:

  • 3 Shiny Silver Coins
  • Piece of Paper or Tissue

Wrap the three coins in the paper.  Make sure they can’t fall out.  Hold the package in your hand, close your eyes and focus on the coins multiplying.  Ask that no harm comes to anyone.  Bury the coins in the earth.  If you cannot bury the coins, you can use a pot filled with soil.  When the money arrives, you can remove the coins if you wish. 

For more money magical spells, check out our Wiccan Spells

New Moon Bath Ritual for Restoration and Replenishment

Items needed:

  • Bath
  • Salt
  • Candles
  • Herbs: mugwart, rosemary, cardamom, ginger, basil, bay leaf, yarrow
  • Oil: rose, cedarwood, sandalwood
  • Flower petals: lavender, marigold, rose
  • Crystals: rose quartz, black tourmaline, clear quartz, florite

Fill your bath, add salt, surround the tub with candles and crystals. Add the herbs, oils and flower petals of your choice and relax.  Say the below while you melt into relaxation.

“I am renewed with this new moon. I am replenished  I am open to new beginnings.”

“I am restored by sacred cosmic vibration. I am divinely protected. I relinquish the weight of that which no longer serves me. My spirit is awake, My path is revealed, I am open to receive.”

“I welcome transformation, I welcome growth, I welcome abundance, I know what I need.  I am ready.”

Let Go: New Moon Ritual

Items needed:

  • Bath
  • Candle
  • Crystals
  • Incense
  • Sage

Set intensions: Plan, Visualize, Find Focus, Dream, Make a Vision Board

During bath:  LET GO, relax, take deep breaths

Visualize what doesn’t serve you, write it down and destroy it.

Imagine it flies away or burns.

FORGIVE yourself and others

This is a great spell to cast in combination with our Healing Spells

New Moon Love Spell

Items Needed:

  • Pink Cord or Yarn around 12”
  • Pink Candle
  • Salt and Pepper Shaker
  • Jasmine Incense
  • Atraction Oil
  • Dragons Blood Incense

New moon rituals for love are focuses on drawing in the love you desire. New moon love spells free yourself and drawn in what you desire.

Begin by casting a circle at your altar with the help of some salt and mark an outline of the circle. Take the pink candle and rub it with your attraction oil.  Place the candle in the center of the circle.

Place one of the incenses on the left and the other on the right of the circle.  Now light the incense and candle.  Hold the pink cord and bind it to the salt shaker and say the below:

“Goddess be with me, the salt shaker is me.”

Take the pepper shaker and tie it on the other end of the cord and say the below:

“The pepper shaker is the love I seek.”

Tie the shakers together and keep them in front of the candle.  Meditate, wish and pray for pure love to come to you.  Imagine a good life with your partner, imagine doing all the things you want to do with them.  Meditate well and once you feel you have meditated enough, blow out the candle.  The next morning, untie the shakers and light the candle.  Then retie them again.  Do this again for seven days.  By the end of the seventh day your lover will enter your life in some way.

This spell can be done in combination with our Obsession SpellsCharmed Spells and Free Love Spells for a Specific Person.


Spell For Today – Saturday and Binding Spells: A Commonsense Guideline

If you don’t like the idea of using poppets and have decided to work a binding, and you have a handle on your emotions, then here are some commonsense guidelines that I suggest you follow:

* Bindings are best performed on a Saturday.

* Work the binding at sunset and you pull into the spell the closing energies of not only the day, but of the entire week.

* Work with black candles; they coordinate with Saturn’s energies and they are the classic magickal color for this type of witchery.

Finally, to be crystal clear, a binding is the act of psychically restraining a harmful person or criminal so that their actions cannot harm anyone else. The goddess to call on is Hecate, and she is a mighty magickal force. Consider your words and actions carefully when you call on her. How you choose to work a binding is up to you. At this point, I suggest that you take a moment and draft out your binding spell on paper. Go carefully, and remember to harm none.

You may experience some dramatic special effects when working with Hecate. Don’t be taken aback if the wind picks up….if you candles flicker and snap…..or if you begin to notice barking or howling dogs. The animals sense when Hecate is near. Yes, we have gotten very serious all of a sudden. That’s because a binding is a serious matter. Surprised? Don’t be. Just because I tend to look at things from a humorous perspective doesn’t mean I am not serious when the situation calls for it.

This invocation includes some of the correspondences for Hecate. If you choose, you can add these to your spellwork. (This would also be a fine addition to the opening of poppet magick). A general invocation for Hecate follows.


Book of Witchery
Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week

Ellen Dugan

A Thought for Today – The Witch Said What?!c. 2019

A thought to start your week with…

Blessed be dear Sisters, Brothers, and honored Guests!

Spell for Today -Moonstone Travel

When dealing with a weekly spell guide, Mondays are thought to be the logical day for money, love, time and meditation spells. Since Mondays are thought to be the start of the work week, it gives plenty of time for a Monday spell to gain strength throughout the rest of the week.

Moonstone Travel Spell

This spell will call on Meness, the patron moon god of travelers. We met Meness earlier, in the meditation for Monday. I suggest setting up this spell in the evening. Find a spot that faces east or that is illuminated by moonlight. Or try setting this up under the moon, in the garden, or on the porch or your outside deck. Get some atmosphere going! Try using a scented candle, such as jasmine or gardenia, to coordinate the fragrance with the moon’s energies.

Gather the following items:

• A photo of your destination, your travel itinerary, or your airline tickets

• 4 small tumbled moonstones

• A scented white votive candle and holder

• A lighter or matches

Set up this spell on a safe, flat surface. Light the candle and place it in the holder. Place your paperwork/tickets or itinerary to one side of the candle. Arrange the four stones in a circle around the holder. Place your hands on the travel paperwork, and ground and center. Then repeat the following spell three times:

Meness, patron of travelers, watch over me

Whether I travel in the air, on land, or sea

Like a talisman in my pocket a stone will I tuck

Moonstones do encourage a safe journey and bring good luck. Take one of the stones and keep it in your pocket while you travel. You may close the spell by saying:

For the good of all, with harm to none

By the moon and stars, this spell is done.

Gather up your papers and tuck them away for your trip. Allow the candle to burn out on its own. If you performed this outside, then move your candle and the remaining stones indoors to let the candle safely finish burning. Never leave your candle unattended.


Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week
Ellen Dugan

*All of Ms. Dugan’s books used on the WOTC are available for purchase on 

Spell for Today – Simple Health Blessing


The items in this spell are intended to represent health and vitality, NOT act as actual medical cures for anything. For this easy blessings, you just need:

• A glass of apple juice
• A cinnamon stick
• A white candle

As with most spells, natural ingredients are best so try to find some organic apple juice if you can.

Pour the juice into a glass, and stir 4 times with the cinnamon stick. Light the candle and drink a few sips of juice. Repeat the following:

Goddess bless body and soul
Health and wellness is my goal

Finish the rest of the juice and snuff out the candle. Do this spell whenever you feel an illness coming on or even each morning just to stay in tip-top shape

Spell for Today – Sunday Pagan Worship


Finally, it’s Sunday, the official day of rest. Not only do Christians acknowledge this day but I’m sure many pagans appreciate this day, as well. Everyone needs rest and a lot of people need a good day to worship their creator (whomever or whatever that may be), however they deem fit to do so. With the Sun being the central theme of many ancient rituals, Sunday just seems to fit, in name and theory.

Sunday Pagan Worship

What you will need:
Your voice
Your body
1 bell (optional)

Find a quiet, private area, without distraction. Sit down in a comfortable position. Take a few, slow, deep breaths. Allow your body to become very relaxed. When you have done this, if you brought a bell, ring it seven times. Allow the last ring to resonate throughout your body. If you have something you want to say, to God or The Goddess, now would be a good time to do this. When you are finished, say this prayer or chant:

“I know there is a higher
being than me.
I am not alone.
You are with me,
Day and night.
You’ve rode the lows
And watched the heights.
If angels are real,
I’m sure to have a guardian.
I am so thankful
And so grateful for your hand.
You’ve blessed me.
You’ve fed me
You’ve quenched my thirst
And even dressed me.
A ‘man,
A ‘man,
And Blessed Be.”

When you are finished, ring the bell seven more times, to end the ceremony


–The Modern Day Spellbook: A Collection of Spells for the Modern Day Witch
R. Marten

Witchcraft Symbols, Word Terms and Definitions – Printable Celtic Deities Word Search

Yes, my inner child picked this for today. It is a day for having fun and enjoying this lifetime!