Question (via Quora): Why Is Lead (Pb) Ammunition Still Being Manufactured And Used?

It’s Cheap And Easy, But Is It Worth The Cost?

By Rebecca Williams

Reposted by Graphia

Miracle Plant Used in Ancient Greece Rediscovered After 2,000 Years

Written by Giovanni Prete

Reposted by Graphia


The Witches of the Craft staff are in search of a “spinning” Wheel of the Year. One designed in this manner, is  usually comprised of several layers of wooden circles with different aspects of the Pagan way of life (i.e., Sabats, current moon phase, current corresponding flora), and turns freely to change the settings.

   If you happen to have any information that would assist us in finding an item such as the example described above, please reach out to either @highpriestessladybeltane Lady Beltane, or her “Right Hand Witch”, @witchssanctum

Your Witches Rune for November 6th is The Ear of Corn


Your Witches Rune

The Ear of Corn

Meaning: This rune represents abundance, success and happiness. This is considered a lucky rune and if leading, it is very positive about your query, whether the query is about finance, business, friendship, partnership or spirituality. In conjunction with the Rings, it indicates a happy and prosperous marriage. With the Sun, it means success in your career, and with Waves, success abroad.

The Wicca Book of Days for Feb. 7 – Supernatural Seven

Tuesday Pictures, Images, Comments, Graphics
Supernatural Seven

The number seven has long been regarded as an important symbol. It signifies cosmic order, it is the sum total of the number of Earth (four) and heaven (three). There are seven days of the week, seven colors of the rainbow, and, in ancient belief, seven planets. It is also said to denote occult wisdom and psychic ability: any seventh child is born lucky; a seventh son, specifically, is blessed with the gifts of second sight and healing at birth; and the seventh child of a seventh child is a born witch.

“Curing Cramps”

If you suffer from cramps in your calves, enlist the aid of a plant ruled by Aquarius, the sign that governs the lower legs, as well as February 7. Adding a few drops of peppermint essential oil to base oil and then gently rubbing t in should soothe muscular spasms and tension.

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for Jan. 13th is 36: Darkening of the Light

36: Darkening of the Light

Hexagram 36

General Meaning: When light becomes dim, it may be wise to become invisible. The image is of fresh darkness, the period after the sun has gone down or the fire has gone out. There is still much activity left over from the light of day, while movements in the outer world become more dangerous. Even the smallest sound, the faintest glow of light, can attract unwanted attention.

When the darkness of stupidity reigns, it is best that your own brilliance stay ‘hidden under a bushel basket.’ That is, your thoughts and efforts should be quiet and self-contained, and protected, as much as possible, from disruptive influences.

Whatever you do, don’t let yourself be swept along on the current of conventional wisdom when dangerous uncertainties exist. Try not to become too depressed or anxious; this period will pass. Just endure it for now and inwardly preserve your self-confidence, while outwardly remaining cooperative and flexible. The time to assert yourself will come. Avoid looking too far ahead if you have not yet achieved your goals. That only feeds regret and longing, which can eat away at your inner resources.

Be cautious and reserved. Control yourself. Do not needlessly awaken dormant forces of opposition. During dark, unsettled periods, it is best to step gingerly around the sleeping dogs.

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for Jan. 11th is 17: Following

17: Following

Hexagram 17

General Meaning: Following brings supreme success. You may not be able to change the direction of the wind, but by frequently adjusting your sails, you can arrive at your destination.

Those who would acquire a following must speak the language of their followers. Those who would be loved must become the envisioned lover of their beloved. Those who would prosper must bend with natural forces and the pressures of society. In matters of principle, stand firm; in matters of style and taste, swim with the current.

In all human affairs, change is constant. In order to stay fresh, old ideas and patterns must continually be discarded in favor of new ones. Only by being adaptable to the demands of the time can the highest good emerge. Only by adjusting to changing circumstances can you prosper. Remain flexible, and you will gain the confidence of those around you. Bend and you shall not break.

Today’s Runes for January 10th is Raido

Today’s Runes

Ice Runes are most commonly used for questions about struggle, conflict, and achievement. Raido means to ride. In this rune, the image is not so much the riding of a horse as in riding in a cart or as cargo. As such Raido may suggest a journey, but is much more indicative of communication. Alternate interpretations based on the use of Raido as a cognate in other words give it the meaning of council, judgment, and moral correctness. Therefore, this rune is the rune of wise advice and good leadership.

Today’s Runes for January 8th is Perth

Today’s Runes

Stone Runes are most commonly used for questions about the natural world and things beyond human control. Perth is the rune of chance and gambling. Throw the dice, read your fate. Gaming is a fine way to pass the night…as long as one is careful. Games of chance have outcomes that are hidden from us, and as such Perth represents secrets unknown. Perth symbolizes enjoyment and wild abandon, but be watchful, for Perth is also the rune of mystery and the outcomes unexpected. You cannot lose if you do not play, but neither can you win…

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for January 7th is 3: Difficulty at the Beginning

3: Difficulty at the Beginning

Hexagram 3

General Meaning: Difficulty at the beginning. The birth of anything new – including any new venture or relationship — is an entry into the realm of the unknown. Strange new feelings can seem to be rushing upon you, and confusion can easily take over. But even chaos is full of potential if you harness it properly. Don’t rush things. Do not let events overwhelm you. Stay calm and persevering, but do take the first step. And get whatever help you can.

Challenges lie ahead. Now is a time to gather your strength and find courage. Like a newborn fawn, the opportunity for rapid development is real, but only by being determined can the fawn rise to its feet and survive to grow to full stature. Keep going despite difficulties and you will manifest the success you desire. One primary challenge is maintaining personal clarity. Avoid lunging at seemingly perfect solutions; wait until a good practical course of action becomes clear. Do not start a new venture before thinking it through. A careless step in the beginning can easily cause events to spin out of control later. Enlist the aid of experienced people.

Daily Feng Shui Tip for January 5

Let’s look at some fast Feng Shui facts about the lasting blessings that birds can bring on this ‘National Bird Day.’ According to Feng Shui, all birds actually represent the celestial phoenix; a bird that can crash and burn and then transform itself so it can tell the story again. The ability of the phoenix to rise from the ashes makes this bird a universal symbol of hope, optimism, and possibility. Placing images of any bird (especially the phoenix) into the Fame area of your home will open doors of opportunity that helpful people, places and things will fly right through. And if you’re looking for love, using birds in the bedroom will give that effort wings as well. Birds are excellent love energizers since they are believed to be the magical messengers sent from the ‘God of Marriage’ who lives in the moon. In this case, the phoenix is also the best bird image to use for all romantic pursuits. This philosophy maintains that pairing an image of the phoenix with the all-powerful dragon and positioning it in the Romance/Relationship area of your bedroom will activate one of the most powerful marriage symbols in the entire Feng Shui pantheon. Pairs of lovebirds, mandarin ducks, geese and magpies placed inside this same space can make your heart (and a special someone else’s) take flight. So if you’re ready for your love life to soar, feather your love nest with a pair of partridges and the next carol you’ll be singing will have you and your partner sitting in a real ‘pair’ tree!

By Ellen Whitehurst for

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for Jan. 4th is 44: Liaison

44: Liaison

Hexagram 44

General Meaning: The attraction is strong, but the relationship is not destined to last. So, be careful — the magnetism of polarized forces may not be what it seems. An apparently harmless, but potentially dangerous, energy has attracted attention to itself and is pulling on a stronger one. The ancient image is of a bold but immature girl who uses her charms to gain influence with a stable, powerful man. The man dallies with her, thinking that it can do him no harm. Ha, famous last thoughts! When power shifts into the hands of those unprepared for it, harm comes to all parties.

Still, you need not fear meetings with those whose positions are widely different from your own, as long as you can remain free of ulterior motives.

Be especially wary of temptations that arise because of your connections to important people. Generally, it is best to combat such temptations by snipping them in the bud before they can flower. Just as soon as a dangerous liaison presents itself is the time to take note and speak up. On the other hand, there are times when the meeting of the yielding and the strong turn out to be opportunities for truly positive and constructive relationships. The difference between careless connection and a relationship of depth lies in the motives of the heart. How sincere are you?

Today’s Runes for January 4th is Berkana

Today’s Runes

Ice Runes are most commonly used for questions about struggle, conflict, and achievement. Berkana represents the birch tree. The birch is frequently symbolic of renewal, rebirth, birth, growth and fertility. This rune is a joyous one, representing good outcomes from ventures undertaken. It is the rune of the family and of a good household.

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for January 3rd is 28: Excessive Pressure

28: Excessive Pressure

Hexagram 28

General Meaning: Something is out of balance. This hexagram points to some pressure that is threatening stability and needs correcting. But if a dam is about to burst, moving out of the way is the first priority.

When a person in a sagging mine shaft feels the earth begin to tremble, it is time for quick, instinctive action and nimble footwork. At a time like this, only extraordinary measures will work. When the roof is collapsing, run first, choose your destination later.

Extraordinary times bring out the best and worst in people. Natural disasters bring with them stories of great heroism — but also looting and rioting. When the pressure is on, powerful moments present opportunities to make positive gains. Everything is in a state of flux. One can either move towards positive change and improvement or towards stagnation.

This may be the moment you’ve been waiting for. Although a current challenge may seem to be more than you can handle, remember that a flood reaches its high-water mark for only a few brief moments, and then begins to subside. Action must be taken now to ensure opportunities for success later on. You will never discover the true extent of your own abilities until you, at least once in your life, dive into a crisis with complete abandon, dedicating every ounce of your energy, every fiber of your being, to the cause at hand.

Dare to win.

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for January 2nd is 50: The Cauldron

50: The Cauldron

Hexagram 50

General Meaning: The cooking pot symbolizes nourishment and rejuvenation. Sooner or later, good comes to those who do good; joy comes to those who bring humor to others; opportunity comes to those who persist in their dreaming. Rejuvenation is a returning to innate desires — and a re-charging of batteries through the fulfillment of these wishes. This reading suggests nourishment and transformation for people of goodwill. Great good fortune and success are indicated for nourishing relationships.

Healthy, regular sustenance is important, as symbolized by the cooking pot, which provides nourishment to all. When a cycle of humanity reaches its peak, each person’s sustenance comes in the form of his or her deepest needs and highest aspirations.

Rejuvenation means that men and women of talent and insight are being properly nourished and valued. When a society or group is functioning properly, these people are supported, and encouraged to contribute to their best abilities. A fresh approach to old habits is indicated in a period of rejuvenation. Look for ways of putting new life in old forms. Only when great vitality is present can breakthroughs be achieved.

Today’s Runes for January 2nd is Gebo

Today’s Runes

Stone Runes are most commonly used for questions about the natural world and things beyond human control. Gebo means gift, and like any gifts, the rune may be understood on many levels. Gifts are generally positive things, for both the giver and the recipient. In many cultures however, gifts and favors carry with them an obligation to respond in kind. It is for this reason that gifts, and hence the rune Gebo, are frequently symbolic of friendships, marriages, alliances, mergers, and other bonds between people or organizations. Gebo is a strong rune and the unions represented are strong as well. Moreover, Gebo is not reversible, as true friendships are not easily undone.

Today’s Runes for January 1 is Berkana

Today’s Runes

Gold Runes are most commonly used for questions about business, career, and property. Berkana represents the birch tree. The birch is frequently symbolic of renewal, rebirth, birth, growth and fertility. This rune is a joyous one, representing good outcomes from ventures undertaken. It is the rune of the family and of a good household.

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for December 31st is 57: Gentle Penetration

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for Everyone:

57: Gentle Penetration

Hexagram 57

General Meaning: The general situation here points to subtle penetration. Reeds bend softly in the wind, symbolizing flexibility and endurance, symbolizing quiet, relaxed effectiveness in action. A gentle influence is at work, but just as the wind is ceaseless in its efforts, so too small forces can persist to produce lasting results.

Gentle penetration bodes well for new relationships of all kinds. Just as a summer breeze slowly penetrates the woods to cool the forest, the brilliant ideas of gifted leaders or the sincere feelings of warm-hearted lovers slowly penetrate the minds and hearts of others. In personal relationships, a gentle beginning is often linked to a long-lasting union.

When employing a force that is weak but persistent, careful aim is necessary, for only when a small force continually moves in the same direction can it have much effect. In human affairs, this kind of influence comes more through strength of character than by direct confrontation or seduction. It’s important to have, and stick to, clearly defined goals. Maintaining a strong vision and following a steady course of least resistance often brings good fortune.

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for December 30th is 48: The Well

48: The Well

Hexagram 48

General Meaning: Throughout various cultures and political systems of the world, the well has served as a universal symbol for that which sustains life and provides a constant, inexhaustible source of life-giving nourishment for mankind.

Like the well, human nature is the same around the world. The passage of time does not change its essential dimensions, nor take anything away. Still, just as a well can be deepened to produce clearer, cleaner water, so can we enrich our lives by delving deeply within — into our natural selves, or souls.

Beware of shallow thinking. Like a little learning, it can be dangerous. The image of the well suggests that along with depth comes clarity. Be patient, and penetrate both your problems and your own nature to the core. If you do not lower your bucket to the depths, you’re very likely to come up empty. When greater depth is desired, a lessening of speed is often required.